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Instant messaging, teleconferencing, podcasts, and other such internet-based

innovations have all revolutionized the process of communication. They have

collectively made sending, receiving, and conversing with others easier, clearer,

and more efficient, even from as far as a continent away.

All of these innovations have their own specific benefits and advantages for

using them, just as they also have drawbacks. Some only come with an audio

component and some only text. Some have both audio and video components,

but only come as recordings. Those who choose one particular mode over

another do so obviously because it serves their needs. However, it’s no secret

that many wish their chosen mode of communication could do much more.

Google, being the largest search engine, with the widest reach on the planet,

has taken upon itself to provide a viable, comprehensive solution that

addresses most of these concerns in one cost-effective, efficient, and

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innovative solution. It’s called Google + Hangouts. With Hangouts, Google

literally allows anyone anywhere in the entire world to chat, to collaborate, to

share, to learn, and do business.

It is no wonder, then, that such a versatile solution can be maneuvered to make

a profit for those savvy enough to understand how and where it is best used.

Considering the massive potential for such a solution, it’s to be expected that

there could be a multitude of other ways to profit that may not be present on

this list. However, those included here are fast becoming popular, and may

already have some exposure.

Google + Hangouts is an excellent venue

for any and all types of promotion. You’re

afforded a number of tools and a virtual

presence that makes the presentation of

your promotion effective, highly engaging,

and informative.

Statistically, the best promotions are

those that maximize on audio and visual

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engagement. Promoting on Hangouts is decidedly better because of the added

appeal of a live person doing the actual pitch, instead of an impersonal pre-

recorded message that pitches the same call to action repeatedly throughout

the presentation. Coming with a number of very useful tools from Google,

a promotion done on Hangouts is dynamic and entertaining, and is sure to

drive the message home. Recall is a sure thing, especially when memorable

elements are added. Those who promote on Google + Hangouts craft their

presentations in such a way that the promotion itself is seamlessly integrated

with information delivery.

Although a Google + Hangout is typically limited to a connection with 10

other people, there’s the feature of Google + Hangouts On Air that actually

saves the session and uploads it to YouTube, allowing it to be seen by any

number of people on the internet. YouTube, already a phenomenal tool used

by marketers, is the perfect venue to share any sessions done on Google +

Hangouts because it can also be effortlessly shared with other social media

sites, (Facebook and Twitter), further enhancing the exposure. But don’t let

that limitation of the 10 other people being “personally” on a Hangout with

you intimidate you one little bit, because the viewing of your “actual” LIVE

session can be by 1,000’s, 1,000,000’s of people.

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The best part about a Hangout session also being on YouTube is that the

sharing that happens there is highly organic, done by real people, with very

little need to push or further promote, all for free. Anything deemed interesting

or of use is almost sure to get a multitude of shares. This exposure creates

forward motion for whatever message, promotion, or information is already in

the Hangout session, propelling it everywhere, even into highly relevant groups

or areas that would otherwise require much greater effort and expense. In

many cases, other types of promotions or information sharing, such as posts

or articles, typically need the added help of paid pushes to allow it to reach

further and farther. Not so with a Google + Hangout sessions that happens to

be on YouTube. It allows you to capitalize on the incomparable reach of the

video sharing network without having to spend a phenomenal amount of


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During the bleaker days of Search Engine Marketing and Search Engine

Optimization, getting any kind of lead or traffic required either paid research

or a survey to source them out, and then another payment for certain parties to

funnel them to you or your site. In many cases, they were only general leads,

with a disappointing number turning out to be anything of actual quality.

This is not the case with a session done on Google

+ Hangouts. To begin with, one would not bother

to sign up and join a Hangout session if one was

not already interested in the discussion featured

in that session. The people who join have either

received an invitation they were interested in

or may have actually searched for the session

themselves by looking for promotions. Whichever

the case, these attendees are already interested,

which covers step one of getting quality leads that

later turn into real conversions.

On top of it all, these are leads that the Host of the Hangout session can

actually engage in real time conversation with, further improving chances of

turning someone who is simply interested into someone who wants to spend

their money.

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The great thing about the internet is that you can market to just about everyone

on the face of the Earth. The bad thing about it is that, because of the relative

anonymity, trust does not come

easily. Don't expect people to

immediately buy from you if they

don't know who you are, how

reliable your product or service

is, or where you come from. Even

face-to-face sales people have this

problem. The most effective way

to get over the issue of trust is by

conversing with people at length

and engaging with them.

Google + Hangouts is an excellent platform for this, because you can present

yourself in a "no frills, no hidden agenda, here-I-am-right-in-front-of-you"

manner. You get to talk to the people attending your Hangout session directly,

giving it a personal touch. Nothing allows us to connect to others more than

putting humanity into our communication. You get to encourage them to

ask any questions they may have about you or your business, which goes a

long way to showing (1) transparency, which is always a good thing, and (2)

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authority on your subject, which gives them confidence in you. These two

things are the best ways to earn the trust of consumers, which you can further

bolster by creating open communication via the Hangout session. One of the

most common complaints people have with businesses and services is that

their customer care is difficult to talk to and even harder to connect with. A

well conducted Hangout session creates the impression that you are already

providing them with valuable customer care, even before they actually make

a purchase or a commitment to you, which further increases the chances of a


A fantastic feature of Google + Hangouts On Air is

that you immediately get a recording on your YouTube

channel. This is an excellent way to cross promote

your session, and allows anyone not present during the

session to see it. This is, by far, a much better option

than having to pay for recordings of a video conference

or seminar, or to set up a recording of it yourself.

Even better is the fact that, because it is on YouTube, views and shares are

almost guaranteed. Since YouTube is inextricably connected to social media

giants Facebook and Twitter, shares across social media platforms are not just

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a possibility, but a certainty. These recordings may also be given out as tokens

to entice people to sign up, or teaser videos for marketing so that more people

seek out your video sessions.

Unless they’re the kind found on YouTube that were previously recorded,

Google + Hangouts are essentially done live, in real time. This means

everything done, seen, and heard during the session appears natural and

unrehearsed, unlike a pre-recorded video. This gives the host the golden

opportunity to "smuggle" in some marketing in the form of a short clip, an

image, or even a verbal cue, such as when you make an example of a brand or


Because of the fact that these sessions

are active and dynamic, there is greater

retention of all things seen, heard, and

discussed. Meaning, any amount of

promotion, marketing, or advertising

done here, however small, has a much

greater chance of being retained by

the participants. This is far better than

the traditional marketing attempts

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at retention done through repetitive exposure and plugging, hoping to bank on

rote memory. Because the participants are active and engaged in the

discussion, brand association with whatever they learned and experienced is

exponentially greater. This means that if you talk about a brand, participants at

the session may be able to enumerate the features or benefits you discussed by

heart, making them living, breathing vehicles of marketing who can spread the

message with conviction instead of as a paid spokesperson.

Networking is one of the most essential ways to create a presence in the

business industry. Apart from allowing you to find like-minded individuals

and similar businesses, it also allows you to create a working relationship with

potential partners or even other companies. Quality networking, however,

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requires that you first work your way into certain groups before you win the

confidence of your would-be network partners.

Google + Hangouts, apart from just helping you seek out potential business or

sales leads and eventual conversions, also allows you to create a viable venue

to meet and greet other business people.

Not only does this save time, money, and

effort as compared to actually going out and

meeting people who may or may not agree to

network with you, but it also shows potential

partners how savvy you are when it comes

to online communications and business. A

Hangout session to make introductions to

one another is a tactful move, as it provides

just enough of a presence to allow everyone appropriate introductions and

preliminary communications. It also affords everyone the luxury of getting

a "feel" for each other without it being overtly seen. This paves the way for

smoother talks later on.

For people who like to hear others talk to get a better understanding of their

character, a Hangout session is ideal. It allows the next best thing to a face-to-

face without having to be in the same room with someone you may or may not

agree to network with.

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When you give instructional talks, mini-seminars, or training at your Google

+ Hangout sessions, they can be made into the best premium takeaways you

can ever give out to your subscribers. The recording feature found in Google

+ Hangouts On Air can be used to record the entire event, which you can later

edit, cut, or re-purpose into whatever you

may need, such as teaser clips to show

prospective participants what they stand

to gain if they sign up with you, step-by-

step lessons for attendees who would like

to go over the session once more to fully

digest all that you talked about, or simply

compile all the sessions you made into a

comprehensive library for future use.

Instead of creating a separate video for these purposes, the recording of the

actual Hangout session could prove to be much better, since there is already

an active dialogue going on where participants may have asked pertinent

questions that other viewers may also want to know. This is, without a doubt,

the most cost-efficient takeaway you can offer your subscribers, as you have a

ready-to-view, customizable video recording.

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Video is the undisputed preference for media that is

most effective in delivering any kind of message to

participants. This is because video engages multiple

senses simultaneously, creating a better chance that

you have a captive audience, as compared to plain audio

recordings or reading materials that your prospective

audience could just set aside. Google + Hangouts is an

excellent opportunity to capitalize on the power of video

to sustain the attention of the viewers.

The beneficial effects of video for business or monetary purposes are quite

simple, but very effective: watching videos = sustained attention, sustained

attention = excellent retention, excellent retention = conversion/sales/realized

marketing. Google + Hangouts not only let you maximize on the influential

power of video, but it is, perhaps, the most effective engagement tool to date,

because all the participants of a Hangout session are, as the name implies,

participating in it in one way or another, not just idle viewers.

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Google + Hangouts is an excellent tool for training or seminars. Apart from

being an effective venue because of the audio and video components, Google +

Hangouts can save a company quite a hefty sum. To ensure employees get the

best training possible, many companies seek out and hire professional trainers

and speakers. In cases where there are several satellite offices, some even

being abroad, the total expense to facilitate such training can be astronomical.

Using Google + Hangouts saves the company a great amount by not having to

fly the resource person to the employees to be trained. In trainings where it is

imperative that the ones being trained receive clear instruction and they really

learn what is being taught, the Hangout session is the next best thing to being

physically in a classroom, as direct conversation is easy.

Conversely, for those who make a business out of training and seminars, using

Google + Hangouts for training purposes allows them a much greater reach

and scope than when they have to conduct the session in a conference room or

auditorium, where the sheer number of attendees doesn't always provide the

best atmosphere for an effective learning experience. Even better, the Google

+ Hangouts On Air version allows recordings, which can also be later used as

training material in instances where a Hangout session is not viable.

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The choice here is very clear. We all make decision, especially nowadays,

based on costs of products we use in our business. Most of the time, we

think that cost is not a big issue because of the money we earn from our

business activities. However, we are all looking for ways to cut costs because

this results in savings to us month after month, year after year.

When comparing the costs of Google + Hangouts to GoToWebinar, it

becomes obviously clear the CLEAR WINNER is Google + Hangouts. Not only

in cost, but also in functionality and what this can do for our business day

after day, month after month and year after year.

Let’s consider a breakdown of the facts in an illustration. Only then will you

see everything more clearly and know what is best for YOU and your

BUSINESS. After all, we are in this business world to make money for our

hard work as business entrepreneurs. True?

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Get Google + Hangouts knowledge today. All the knowledge you will ever

need to run your Hangouts like a Pro is right here, professionally created

videos taking you by the hand, step-by-step. You can start running your very

first Hangout the very first day.

Get it today for only $17.00, COMPLETE. There is a BONUS waiting for you

when you order today! Click the link below and get started:

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