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American Government, Fall 2014

GOV 310L (Unique Number XXXXX)

The University of Texas, ustin

Professor John DiPietroEmail:  !"i#ietro$utexas%e"u

Phone: (&1') *+&30

Office Hors: Tues"ay an" Thurs"ay, '-00 ./ to 3-30 ./, atts 3%11

!lass Details:"eetin# $ime: Tues"ays an" Thurs"ays, 11-00 / to 1'-1& ./

%oom: 2ahoun 100

$eachin# Assistant: nny Nimous (anny%nimous$4mai%5om)

$A Office Hors: /6 11-00 / to 1'-30 ./, atts 1%11

!orse Descri&tion:This 5ass is an intro"u5tion to the 5on5e#ts an" #rin5i#es of meri5an 4overnment% 7t fo5uses

on the fun"amenta roes of various #oiti5a institutions, in5u"in4 2on4ress, the 8xe5utive

ran5h, the 9u"i5iary, an" the roes of the "ifferent eves of 4overnment% This 5ourse asoexamines the roes #aye" by #ubi5 in#ut, in5u"in4 ho: #ubi5 o#inion is measure" an" ho:

ee5tions affe5t the nature of 4overnment, as :e as the roes of non+4overnment 4rou#s su5h as

the me"ia an" interest or4ani;ations% <urther, the 5ass :i examine the 5on5e#t of "emo5ra5y

in 4enera, an" 4ive stu"ents the abiity to anay;e #oiti5a events an" ne:s, so as to ma=einforme" "e5isions as 5iti;ens% <inay, there :i be s#e5ifi5 "is5ussion of Texas #oiti5s an"

 #oi5y%This 5ass fufis the first haf of the state e4isative requirement for Government

Pre're(isites1' 5re"it hours of 5oe4e 5ourse :or=, an" a #assin4 s5ore on the rea"in4 se5tion of the T>8Test%

!orse %e(irements7t is ex#e5te" that a stu"ents :i atten" every e5ture, an" #arti5i#ate an" 5ontribute to

"is5ussions "urin4 the 5ass sessions% thou4h atten"an5e :i not be a "ire5t 4ra"e 5om#onent,

faiure to atten" 5ass :i i=ey mean a a5= of ex#osure to ne5essary information that :i be onthe exam%

?is5ussions on #oiti5s :i often 5enter on 5urrent events@ stu"ents are thus ex#e5te" to stay

informe" on su5h events% The sour5es are u# to the stu"ents, but a 4oo" #a5e to start is :ith thema!or Ne: Aor= an" 6ashin4ton, ?2 #a#ers an" their :ebsites, as :e as UB to"ay an" the

6a Btreet 9ourna%

7n a""ition to events "ire5ty reate" to the 5assroom, stu"ents :i be require" to =ee# u# :ith

the rea"in4, as outine" in the s5he"ue% 7t is re5ommen"e" that the rea"in4s for a 4iven :ee= be

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5om#ete" #rior to the be4innin4 of the first 5ass of the :ee=% The materia :i su##ement, but

not ne5essariy "u#i5ate, the materia "is5usse" in 5ass, an" both are essentia to a5hieve

su55ess in 5ass% The require" text for this 5ourse is The American Political System, First Edition (.a#erba5=, <u 8"ition) by Cen Coman% This boo= is avaiabe in the University 2o+


<or "is5ussion about Texas #oiti5s, #ease visit htt#-DDtexas#oiti5s%aits%utexas%e"uD%<or ea5h exam, the stu"ents :i be ex#e5te" to brin4 a bue boo= an" a number t:o #en5i%

B5antrons :i be #rovi"e" for the muti#e 5hoi5e se5tion% Bhort ans:er res#onses not :ritten in

a bue boo= )ill not *e #ra+e+%

Atten+ance Polictten"an5e :i not be ta=en in 5ass% 7t is the stu"entEs res#onsibiity to "etermine :hether ornot they :i 5ome to 5ass on a 4iven "ay% >o:ever, it is both the instru5torEs #ersona o#inion

an" a s5ientifi5ay su##orte" hy#othesis that frequent atten"an5e to a 5ass 4reaty benefits the

stu"ent% s materia :i be #resente" in 5ass that :i not be #resente" in the rea"in4s, this :i be es#e5iay i=ey in this 5ass% <aiure to atten" any 5ass :i not be 5onsi"ere" as an ex5use

for a"!ustment of 4ra"es%.ease sho: u# for 5ass on time% FBho: u#, in this sense, means to be seate", :ith ne5essary

materias out, an" a other 5onversations hate" by the time the #rofessor starts the session% 7fyou are unabe to ma=e it to 5ass on time, #ease "o so quiety an" :ith a minimum amount of

"isru#tion% Do not come into class after the start tal-in# on or cell &hone.

/se of lac-*oar+ an+ EmailThis 5ourse uses a5=boar", a 6eb+base" 5ourse mana4ement system in :hi5h a #ass:or"+

 #rote5te" site is 5reate" for ea5h 5ourse% 7f any su##ementa rea"in4 is assi4ne" beyon" thes5he"ue" rea"in4s, emai :i be use" to notify you, but the rea"in4s :i be #a5e" on

a5=boar"% 7t is the stu"entEs res#onsibiity to =ee# u#+to+"ate :ith su5h assi4nments%

s emai :i be the #rimary metho" of 5ommuni5atin4 from #rofessor to stu"ent outsi"e of5ass, it is stron4y re5ommen"e" that the stu"ent "oube 5he5= their re4istere" emai a""resses,

an" to 5han4e it to a re4uary 5he5=e" one if the re4istere" a""ress is not a55esse" on a re4uar

 basis% <aiure to rea" an emai :i not be 5onsi"ere" an ex5use for the #ur#oses of aterin44ra"es or requestin4 ma=e+u# exams%

!ontactin# the ProfessorBtu"entsE first #oint of 5onta5t is the Tea5hin4 ssistant "urin4 the TEs s5he"ue" offi5e hours%

oth the T an" the .rofessor ony 4uarantee bein4 avaiabe "urin4 offi5e hours, an" :i ma=e

5han4es to them =no:n onine by emai, as :e as by announ5ements in 5ass% Neither the T

nor .rofessor #romise to be avaiabe outsi"e of the s5he"ue" offi5e hours, an" any requests foroutsi"e a##ointments must be ma"e by emai%

8mais :i be res#on"e" to :ithin ' hours uness unforeseeabe 5ir5umstan5es #revent su5h

res#onse% The ex5e#tion is that :ee=en" emais may not be ans:ere" unti the foo:in4/on"ay% <urther, emais re5eive" after 10 ./ may not be ans:ere" unti the foo:in4 mornin4,

re4ar"ess of ur4en5y%

.ease note that a emais must be :ritten some:hat #rofessionay% Neither the #rofessor northe T is res#onsibe for emais that are ie4ibe "ue to miss#ein4s, #oor 4rammar, or a a5= of

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5arity% 8mais that are too "iffi5ut to rea" "ue to su5h ie4ibiity :i be re#ie" to :ith a

res#onse requestin4 further 5arifi5ation@ questions :i not be ans:ere" unti they are

suffi5ienty un"erstan"abe% so, emais :hi5h are 5onfrontationa or vu4ar :i not betoerate"% Cee# it #rofessiona an" #oite%

Eti(ette in !lass6hen the #rofessor has be4un 5ass, it is ex#e5te" an" require" that a other 5onversations :i

5ease% thou4h the #rofessor :i ao: time for questions, an" may en4a4e the 5ass in

"is5ussions reate" to the materia, other 5onversations :i not be #ermitte" :hie 5ass is insession% This is "isres#e5tfu to the instru5tor an" the other stu"ents, an" those en4a4e" in

ex5essivey "isru#tive a5tivity :i be instru5te" to eave the room%

?urin4 these "is5ussions, emotionay sensitive to#i5s may 5ome u#% 7t is ex#e5te" that astu"ents :i refrain from #ersona atta5=s, obs5ene an4ua4e, or other behavior that #revents an

intei4ent an" res#e5tfu 5onversation%

2om#uters are ao:e" for note ta=in4 #ur#oses@ ho:ever, if their use be5omes "isru#tive, the #rofessor :i instru5t the stu"ent to #ut it a:ay or eave the 5ass% This in5u"es, but is not

imite" to, observin4 materia unreate" to 5ass ex5essivey, istenin4 to au"io materia :ith or:ithout hea"#hones, an" 5on"u5tin4 unne5essary 5ommuni5ation or transa5tions "urin4 5ass%

Gra+in# an+ EamsGra"in4 :i be base" on four exams% 8a5h exam :i be '& #er5ent of the 4ra"e for the 5ass,an" :i not be 5umuative :ith re4ar"s to the materia@ they :i ea5h 5onsist of the materia,

from both the boo= an" 5ass e5tures, assi4ne" sin5e the #revious exam% tten"an5e for exams

is require", barrin4 ex5e#tiona 5ir5umstan5es (see the ma=e+u# #oi5y beo:)% No exam :i be

4iven "urin4 the University <inas .erio"% Gra"es :i not be #ut on a 5urve, an" are non+ne4otiabe% The 4ra"in4 s5ae is as foo:-

etter Gra+e Percenta#e etter Gra+e Percenta#e

3 an" above 2 *3+*

+ 0+' 2+ *0+*'

H *+ ?H *+

3+ ? 3+

+ 0+' ?+ 0+'

2H **+* < & an" beo:

The exams :i 5onstitute a set of muti#e 5hoi5e questions from a "atabase #rovi"e" by thetextboo= 5om#any, an" :hi5h :i ma=e u# 0I of the 4ra"e, an" short ans:er questions :hi5h

:i tota to 0I of the exam, an" :hi5h :i be base" on in+5ass "is5ussions%.ease note that short ans:er exams :i not be 4ra"e" if they a5= a name or 87? (#referaby,

 both :i be in5u"e")% Bimiary, faiure to #ro#ery i"entify yoursef on the B5antron may resutin a faiure by the ma5hine to 4ra"e the exam@ if su5h i"entifi5ation #roves im#ossibe base" on

the information on the B5antron, that #ortion of the exam :i remain un4ra"e"%

"a-e /& Eam Polic

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There :i be a sin4e ma=e+u# exam at the en" of the semester, :hi5h :i be 5om#rehensive for 

the entire semester% Btu"ents :i ony be ao:e" to ta=e the ma=e+u# exam "ue to the most

extreme 5ir5umstan5es #reventin4 stu"ents from atten"in4 a s5he"ue" exam% Bu5h absen5esmust be a##rove" #rior to the "ate of the exam uness the nature of the 5ir5umstan5e #revents

su5h a##rova, su5h as an iness% 8ven then, the stu"ent must 5onta5t the #rofessor on the "ay of 

the exam, an" must #rovi"e "o5umentation :ithin one :ee= of the exam "ate@ a a5= of su5h"o5umentation :i mean an inabiity to atten" the ma=e+u#% 3t+ents ma onl ma-e'& one

misse+ eam re#eate" absen5es from exam :i resut in ;eroes for the exam in question% 7n

a""ition, faiin4 to sho: u# for a ma=e+u# exam :i aso mean that the stu"ent :i re5eive a;ero for the exam in question%

 No stu"ent may use the exam to re#a5e a 4ra"e on an exam the stu"ent atten"e"%

%eli#ios Holi+asJei4ious hoy "ays sometimes 5onfi5t :ith 5ass an" examination s5he"ues% 7f you miss a

:or= assi4nment or other #ro!e5t "ue to the observan5e of a rei4ious hoy "ay you :i be 4ivenan o##ortunity to 5om#ete the :or= misse" :ithin a reasonabe time after the absen5e% 7t is the

 #oi5y of the University of Texas at ustin that you must notify ea5h of your instru5tors at eastfourteen "ays #rior to the 5asses s5he"ue" on "ates you :i be absent to observe a rei4ious

hoy "ay%

$he /niversit of $eas Honor !o+eThe 5ore vaues of The University of Texas at ustin are earnin4, "is5overy, free"om,

ea"ershi#, in"ivi"ua o##ortunity, an" res#onsibiity% 8a5h member of the University is ex#e5te"

to u#ho" these vaues throu4h inte4rity, honesty, trust, fairness, an" res#e5t to:ar" #eers an"


3cholastic DishonestThe University "efines a5a"emi5 "ishonesty as 5heatin4, #a4iarism, unauthori;e" 5oaboration,fasifyin4 a5a"emi5 re5or"s, an" any a5t "esi4ne" to avoi" #arti5i#atin4 honesty in the earnin4

 #ro5ess% B5hoasti5 "ishonesty aso in5u"es, but is not imite" to, #rovi"in4 fase or misea"in4

information to re5eive a #ost#onement or an extension on a test, qui;, or other assi4nment, an"submission of essentiay the same :ritten assi4nment for t:o 5ourses :ithout the #rior

 #ermission of the instru5tor% y a55e#tin4 this syabus, you have a4ree" to these 4ui"eines an"

must a"here to them% B5hoasti5 "ishonest "ama4es both the stu"entEs earnin4 ex#erien5e an"rea"iness for the future "eman"s of a :or=+5areer% Btu"ents :ho vioate University rues on

s5hoasti5 "ishonesty are sub!e5t to "is5i#inary #enaties, in5u"in4 the #ossibiity of faiure in

the 5ourse an"Dor "ismissa from the University% <or more information on s5hoasti5 "ishonesty,

 #ease visit the Btu"ent 9u"i5ia servi5es 6eb site at htt#-DD"eanofstu"ents%utexas%e"uDs!s2heatin4 on exams 5an in5u"e, but is not imite" to- 5o#yin4 materia from another stu"entEs

exam, ao:in4 another stu"ent to 5o#y your exam, usin4 hi""en notes in :ritten or ee5troni5

format, an" eavin4 5ass "urin4 the exam, then 5omin4 ba5= to ater ans:ers% .ease note thatyou :i not be ao:e" to eave 5ass for any reason save emer4en5ies :ithout turnin4 in your

exam to be 4ra"e"% so note that the use of any ee5troni5 "evi5e "urin4 an exam :i be seen

as 5heatin4, an" any "evi5es that are ta=en out or seen out "urin4 an exam :i be assume" to be

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use" as a 5heatin4 "evi5e@ if su5h "evi5es are s#otte", your exam :i be 5onfis5ate", an" you

:i be sub!e5t to "is5i#inary a5tion%

3ervices For 3t+ents 5ith Disa*ilitiesThe University of Texas at ustin #rovi"es u#on request a##ro#riate a5a"emi5 a55ommo"ations

for quaifie" stu"ents :ith "isabiities% <or more information, 5onta5t the Offi5e of the ?ean ofBtu"ents at *1+'&, *1+1 TTA%

.ease note that it is the student’s res#onsibiity to 5onta5t BB?? to arran4e for ne5essary

a55ommo"ations, as :e as to #rovi"e noti5e for any ne5essary a55ommo"ations to the #rofessor% <aiure to arran4e ne5essary testin4 arran4ements :i not 5onstitute an ex5use to miss

the exam "urin4 its re4uary s5he"ue" #erio"% Bimiary, faiure to notify the #rofessor of any

in+5ass a55ommo"ations :i not be 5onsi"ere" vai" reasons to re+evauate stu"ent #erforman5e%

!lassroom Evacation Proce+res

O55u#ants of bui"in4s on The University of Texas at ustin 5am#us are require" to eva5uate bui"in4s :hen a fire aarm is a5tivate"% arm a5tivation or announ5ement requires exitin4 an"

assembin4 outsi"e%<amiiari;e yoursef :ith a exit "oors of ea5h 5assroom an" bui"in4 you may o55u#y%

 Jemember that the nearest exit "oor may not be the one you use" :hen enterin4 the bui"in4%

Btu"ents requirin4 assistan5e in eva5uation sha inform their instru5tor in :ritin4 "urin4 the first:ee= of 5ass%

7n the event of an eva5uation, foo: the instru5tion of fa5uty or 5ass instru5tors%

?o not re+enter a bui"in4 uness 4iven instru5tions by the foo:in4- ustin <ire ?e#artment,

The University of Texas at ustin .oi5e ?e#artment, or <ire .revention Bervi5es offi5e%

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!orse 3che+le Please note that the professor reserves the right to alter this schedule at any time due to theneeds and progress of the class.

Date $o&ic %ea+in#s

D' 7ntro"u5tion, Overvie:, an" Byabus ByabusD' <un"amentas an" Btru5ture of meri5an Government Coman 1, ', 3

D 2ivi Ji4hts an" Liberties Coman

D 7ntro"u5tion to 7nstitutions

D11 2on4ress K Btru5tures an" 7nstitutions Coman &

D1 2on4ress K >o: They /a=e ?e5isions@ 8xam Jevie:

D1 First Eam ue oo=, .en5i

D'3 The .o:ers of the .resi"ent Coman

D'& 8xe5utive /ana4ement, .art 1 K the 6hite >ouse

D30 8xe5utive /ana4ement, .art ' K the ureau5ra5y Coman *

10D' The 2ourts Coman 10D* The asi5s of .oi5y@ Jevie:

10D 3econ+ Eam ue oo=, .en5i

10D1 u"4et .oiti5s Coman , *

10D1 Ty#es of .oi5ies

10D'1 .oi5y .ro5esses

10D'3 Or4ani;e" 7nterests Coman 11

10D'* The /e"ia@ Jevie: Coman 1

10D' $hir+ Eam ue oo=, .en5i

11D .oiti5a .arties Coman 1'

11D .ubi5 O#inion, .art 1 K 6hat 7t 7s Coman

11D11 .ubi5 O#inion, .art ' K 8e5tions Coman 1011D13 .ubi5 O#inion, .art 3 K Votin4 Coman 13

11D1 Lo5a an" Btate .oiti5s, Overvie:

11D'0 Texas .oiti5s 7n+"e#th Texas .oiti5s Bite

11D'& Jevie: for Last 8xam

1'D' Forth Eam ue oo=, .en5i

1'D "a-e /& Eam (Ony if you misse" an exam an" re5eive"

 #rior a##rova@ other:ise, 1'D' is the ast "ay of 5ass)

ue oo=, .en5i

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