Page 1: GOVERNMENT OF TRIPURA ~ .. ,» '~:;;'iJ:;;';';':7';;F

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Department to send re

preferably, twice in a ye

these Departments. The..merit Iistthrough Tripura

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i'. ' '~,;:,1The und signed is directed to state that the proposal of the Tripura Public Service .,. ;i .

Commissiontowards ho~ng of Combined EngineeringServices Examinationhas been considered ",:.A}fors~me. time past. GJ ernmen.t of Ind~a als~ recruits ~II. its Engineers through a 'i' :).:;"1, .•,.Exammatlon conducted,~ the Union Public Service Commission. .. i . '. ./:.

2. Present! the Junior Engi~eers' of the PWD, Agriculture, A.R.D.D., EdU~tion :::: <Ii :': '(School), Food & Civil pplies, R.D., SCience & Technology, Police (Home)'and S.T. WJlf~ ': .~ ..

Department of State Go ernment, are being recruited separately by the Department cOric~med' ,: ::;.1':'::::~e::::::on co ucled by ~e TPSC, TPSe has 10 undertake separate examinati°r ~rTlyj'i;1

3. been decided by the State Government that the PWD will work as Aodal";::/;;:'W. . 1:. • : l ":_.! .' ;.:<::! I ',:!;: :~:: : .... :~

isition to the IPSC on behalf of the Departments mentioned aboye::;:)1:(:,;

in ~e month of January and June afler receipt of~. reqUiremenl:frOm''" ,':i"'1 '''':WD will allocate the candidates to these departments from the combined .,;':i'·

I :;:;. >,'/:ublic Service Commission. ! ... ' : >i::"i""Ji

ke wi~ immediale effecl. /(1 ,J,j I~Ur.•' '.',·,.1; jr~~( IL ~'~;~'-.5rp~~':'I!. . "'1·· ..·Commissioner & Secretary ....• ';\.:,'"",,)

Government of Tripuraj ,j l;f .,i,:.'.

· ' '",j



. ."~ "1.'

Dated, Agartala, theS December,i008.

.. ,»" GENERAL A'~:;;'iJ:;;';';':7';;F~

NOF 35(11)-GA(P&T)/7 I)

r i0"; . i


. Combin Engineering Service Examination for recruitment of Engineers indifferent epartments.

,/I~ ,,'

~ .

.AlI Departments/Head or epartments.

Copy to:-Secretary, Trip

Page 2: GOVERNMENT OF TRIPURA ~ .. ,» '~:;;'iJ:;;';';':7';;F


Nl1. F. 20( 4) -G A(Pll.,T) j 2005



Sub:- Rev±s-.i::rrg-ofEn-ginee!hlg sf:TviceRulesj Recntitment Rules.

The undersign-ed is di,IeJ...!·f".-d to state that th-~ Tripura Engineering'

Services Rules has been ame-tJded- with effect from 31.08.2006. Copy of

Notification dated 31.08.200Qi:s=errclosed.

·2. Departnlents/Heads I of Departments who ar~ having enginee-ri:rlg

officers! staff oul: sicle of the pITJ:vls1~n of the said rules, are, requested to, .

examine the position 'fi th relev~ t~ the amended ru Lesand take ne(~es·sary

the existing. Serv-ice Rules/Rec.l:'uiLJuent Ruies 0n siInt-lar

ny order elc.,


. { 1\. Debn . ~'::uoU11der Secretary to theGovernment'of Tri-pura

ToAll Qepartmentsj Heads ofDepartri.l~'l~S, Government oJ Tripura .

. .·opy lo:-1. Secretary to Chief Minisle.r, Triphra.2. Chief Secretary, .Tripura. .~1. All Principal Secretaries, Cuwernrncnt of TripurH.4. AI-IComrnissioner tv, Secretaries/ Secrelat-ies, Gov(~rnmenl: ofTripura.

njib J-qJ (J/,. (A.~~l~)l

Under Sectetary to the9qve r.IJrll~.!l_L~!LTr.lilldrc~:

Page 3: GOVERNMENT OF TRIPURA ~ .. ,» '~:;;'iJ:;;';';':7';;F

b) If the lXiSt if tempordl'} ho\v long it is expected toList:

IV. a) Whether the post (s) is / are to be Permanent Temporarytreated as un-reserved.

iii) Any other cdtegof}' (to bespt:·( ifi;.::ally Ine..ntiuf!'c:'d here) {General)

i_" TOi:a!~ L _'V. VViH:'thel the post (s) is / dre to be treated as UH-

resen'E'd if no such suitable an'" aViliJabJp as

VVhether Recruitment Rules for the post (5) hilvebeen approved bv the TPSC.

VI. b) No.& Date of the letter under \vhich the1~e(T!iitnh'nt Rllk's hdS he'''l1 ~('nt to th(' C(Hnmission(a copy ot the Recruitment Rules to enclosed if it\vas not sent to the Com n~iss!on earlier)

c) if not / the stage <It \'V111C1: the preparation of theRecndhHf'nt RUles stands at pn-'sent aDd the reasonsfor which the Recruittnent Rules have not beenframed earlier.(d) Fle':t5;;:~si-ide

(i)lVhether present vacancy OJ' vacancies fall inthe direct R(>cmitment (luota

(ii) ~,1:1.llvacandes tiiilingin the direct recruitmentquota have bet>fj indmLed in the requisition.

Page 4: GOVERNMENT OF TRIPURA ~ .. ,» '~:;;'iJ:;;';';':7';;F

n.(iii) If tIlt::, ans\ver to (il) abo\· ....? if in. theneg~1.ti'Jf), r~!eas~). statt~ ci,~·?arjv· th!?nurnber of vacancies not beingrO~)('w,t"''''1 ::.nd I ~'IO"-1""''':0-1''''' n·I,,-,[o(O['O'L. r- r.lL ••..J. ••..' •. f:. i......, r.J... '1.....••. ~._~,i!. .. jI 1'::..;1L.Ii .•..... \...... '-..-

'/II ,to If anv ,.'i,d-Hoc inie,ini cUTiU1gemenb

\\:,(?re (jf h~~~veIJe~:.n.rna~ie tf) fit! theVi)(an('il-'s mentioned CoUU (a) abo\/p,pending selection by thelJ.PSC /'-1" 1) c' ..., .. l':Y -<> '..,:, t' .•• . 0.1.... •• P cd.S", sth t.

(<1) The name 01' the persons sodppoii~t02d the •.:L:ttt::~;clilcl dLd'dtlClll oftl'1eir ..:;n')oi"tn1C>!'!--; ?-l ..••.j t·~)Dj.r ,OJ,.•.•....•

L .•. .1. ••.•..t.o.I.- LAl .•.• ;..\.... (.... ~I L\.! I'..i~\.....,~ C~b""""

~1'l·:>lifl"""·I'{·II'I~.r·),T,;wri2lV·'" e"-\.(~n.\.ot_ ~~!;""!.'\.. _. '-.i:" .. t_>

(b) ~.yhether the ComrnisslOn \Nert"

cO!l5uite..:l m. ri"/c'tking the Ad-ho(arrangements mentioned in (a)a bovE'r if so, the nurn ber &- date of theCommission' 5 letter.

(c) II' the ansv.!er to (b) above' is in the!1egati\t?/ pihtSe state reasons foi',,,hieh a reference to the Commission's",vas not HliH:le.

•• Note (it ne...-essan- I this information lildy be given in the form abovet or inan enclosure,duly ~iglH:,dby the ,Jfficet vvito sign.ed the requisition.

IX. (a) Duties(b) Pian' or places vvhert.>the officer (s) \'\fill

be required to serve

(c) If the qualification (a) & (b) above ornot in accordance with those prescribedi.n -the R2t.fu·;tr(f·eHt F~U~~~l t,f2aSe st(tt~the reasons for the deviation.

Page 5: GOVERNMENT OF TRIPURA ~ .. ,» '~:;;'iJ:;;';';':7';;F

(a) A.r"i:' limn (s) jf diY·

{-[h~.;\·\·jii i-.~f~~:.tTi(tj'~:ri(1herp(1 to save in caSt:?sot e:\ceptiondlty qUd.iified candidate \lvhere'th? ArT.:> !in/it ma.'-,' h::- reia>:ed 'y., not morE'- b~ J LJ

il,) /i. I"" 't'l")"" '''(.H:> !l'l~~!'t I":>!':> ,,-::.1.,":> ';:"l'\ .. ~~_..... ..'- ;'.it."-)'-' 1 •. '_ "'- .• ,,<1 .•.•.•• ,1 .•• ~'- •.••... :&

\!) ~;~.~!ct~u~e't.iC,t~~t:'~·/' .i~!~:7e~

(d) Are the limits & the. rela.xatioll under (a) to (c)dL10ve !!'! d.t.·LvCt.!{"1~!L2 yvith. tite preS(fH)e~t

Recruitment Rules? If not, please state reasons forUk' dp'0'!il !ion.

1)1-:> ,-,,:>- - -"~gO) ,+-,;,1.- Cl,-cw .........."".t. - ",.(,,_.::1

Ddte: -

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