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Balkumari, Lalitpur




Submitted ByDinesh subedi (74864)

Nawaraj katiwada(74874)Prasis poudel(74876)

Prawesh pathak (74883)

Lalitpur, Nepal

January, 2011

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Balkumari, Lalitpur




Submitted ByDinesh subedi(74864)

Nawaraj katiwada(74874)Prasis poudel(74876)

Prawesh pathak (74883)

Lalitpur, Nepal

Project work submitted to the department in the partial fulfillment of the requirementFor the Bachelor of Electronics and Communication Engineering

January, 2011


The undersigned certify that they have read, and recommended to the Institute of engineering for acceptance, a project entitled “GPS DATA LOGGER” by Mr. LokNath Regmi, Mr. Rastra Kr. Subedi, Mr.Saroj Sharma , and Mr. Subash Dangal in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree “Bachelor of Electronics and Communication Engineering”.

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…………………………………. ………………………………..Supervisor, Er.Basanta Aryal Er. Yagya Murti PokharelSenior Engineer Head of the DepartmentCivil Aviation Of Nepal Kathford Int’l College

………………………………….. …………………………………..Project Coordinator, Prof. Dr. Department of Electronics External Examinerand Computer Engineering, Director of BIACFKathford Int’l College Deputy Head, Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering,

Pulchowk Campus

DATE OF APPROVAL: 11th January, 2011


The author has agreed that the Library, Department of Electronics and Computerengineering, Kathford International College of Engineering and Management may makethis report freely available for inspection. Moreover the author has agreed that permissionfor extensive copying of this project report for scholarly purpose may be granted by thesupervisors who supervised the project work recorded herein, or in their absence, by theHead of Department wherein the project report was done. It is understood that therecognition will be given to the author of this report and to the Department of Electronicsand Computer engineering, Kathford International College of Engineering andManagement in any use of the material of this project report. Copying or publication or the

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other use of this report for the financial gain without approval of to the Department ofElectronics and Computer engineering, Kathford International College of Engineering andManagement and author’s written permission is prohibited.

Request for permission to copy or to make any other use of the material in this report inwhole or in part should be addressed to:

HeadDepartment of Electronics and Computer Engineering,Kathford International College of Engineering and Management,Lalitpur, Nepal


First of all we would like to thank Department of Electronics and Computer Engineeringfor accepting our project proposal on “GPS DATA LOGGER” and granting us the opportunity of the work undertaken. We express our earnest gratitude for providing us with all essential cooperation, valuable suggestion and the necessary resources during all the quarters of the completion of the project.We are extremely grateful to our supervisor Er. Basanta Aryal and our HOD Er. Yangya Murti Pokharel and Project Coordinator Er. Deepak Parajulifor their valuable support and genuine guidance in all happenings regarding the project.We are deeply grateful to our teachers Dr. Surendra Shrestha, Er. Santosh Shrestha,Er. Bikash Bahadur Shrestha, Er.Ashok Giri, Er Suneel Chaudhary for providing ussuggestions and encouragement about the project. Our sincere appreciation is extended toall the staffs of the department for genuine cooperation. We would also like to offer ourgratitude to all our teachers whose lectures and ideas were the basis for our projectresearch and appreciate the support rendered by Department of Electronics andComputer Engineering, IOE.

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Lastly we are also indebted to our friends for their helpful suggestions.

Thank You.

Dinesh Subedi

Nawaraj Katiwada

Prasis Poudel

Prawesh Pathak


In this project we present the “Gps Data Logger” that has been one of the most significant considerations in the establishment in micro hydro project.The main objective of this paper is to present a review of the literature andavailable technology, as well as general background research into Electronic LoadControllers (ELCs) for off-grid micro-hydro systems in the developing world. The financialand technical issues surrounding the control of typical micro-hydro system components undervariable loading conditions shall be discussed.In this project we purpose to design and build a Electronic micro hydropower controller which can control the load of the micro hydropower and also transmit data of load and generated power to a control room.The project is divided into four parts: Hardware, Software, Communication and Control system. Two different digital meter measures the generated power from the induction motor of generator and power consumed by the load.The ELC controls the load as the required power.The remaining power is sinked into the dummy load.The generated and load power is transmitted and received by the antenna with the help of RF communication.The ELC use the controller which controls the load with the help of the software.This report discusses the design of a microcontroller based Electronic Load Controller for standalone applications in Pico/Micro-hydro power generating stations. The main goal of the project was to design a cheap control system which would facilitate the installation of the large number of proposed Pico-Hydro Power Stations across India which has not been possible until now due to the lack of a cheap and robust control system.

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LETTER OF APPROVAL......................................................................... ..........................II

COPYRIGHT..................................................... .................................................................III



TABLE OF CONTENTS...................................................................................................VI

LIST OF FIGURES..........................................................................................................VIII

LIST OF TABLES........................................................................................................ ......XI

LIST OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS................................................................X

1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................. ..........1

1.1 Motivation……………………………………………………………………...1

1.2 Background…………………………………………………………………….3

1.2.1 Paper Based Voting System………………………………………….3

1.2.2 Direct Recording Electronic (DRE) Voting System…………………4

1.2.3 Public Network DRE Voting System………………………………..5

1.3 Objectives……………………………………………………………………...6

1.4 Overview of Project……………………………………………………………7

2. THERORETICAL FOUNDATIONS...................................................................................9

2.1 Microcontroller……………………………………………………………….10

2.2 GSM Modem…………………………………………………………………20

2.3 Serial Communication………………………………………………………..21

2.4 AT Commands………………………………………………………………..25

2.5 Software Used………………………………………………………………...26

2.5.1 Kiel µVision 3………………………………………………………26

2.5.2 Proteus 6 Professional………………………………………………27

2.5.3 Database Software and Interface Software…………………………30

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3. SYSTEM DESIGN……............................................................... ..................................31

3.1 Block Diagram………………………………………………………………..31

3.2 Methodology………………………………………………………………….32

3.3 Hardware Implementation……………………………………………………33

3.3.1 Interfacing Keyboard with Microcontroller………………………..33

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3.3.2 Interfacing Microchip with Control Keys………………………….36

3.3.3 Interfacing 16x2 LCD Display to Microcontroller…………………37

3.3.4 Interfacing LEDs with Microchip…………………………………..42

3.3.5 Interfacing Microchip with GSM modem using MAX232………...43

3.4 Languages Used………………………………………………………………43

3.5 PCB Design…………………………………………………………………..44

4. RESULTS......……………………………....................................................................46

5. EPILOGUE...…………………………………..............................................................49

5.1 Cost Estimation……………………………………………………………….49

5.2 Problems Faced……………………………………………………………….50

5.3 Future Enhancements…………………………………………………………51

5.4 Conclusions…………………………………………………………………...52

REFERENCES ................................................................................................................53


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Figure 1.1 GPS system 1

Figure 2.1 GPS module 4

Figure 2.2 16*2 LCD display 5

Figure 2.3 Pin description of LCD 6

Figure 2.4 Atmel AT89S52 microcontroller 7

Figure 2.5 Block diagram of microcontroller

Figure 2.6

Figure 2.7

Figure 2.8

Figure 2.9

Figure 2.10

Figure 2.11

Figure 2.12

Figure 2.13

Figure 2.14

Figure 2.15 Regulator IC 7812

Figure 2.16 Regulator IC 7805

Figure 2.17 RF transmitting side

Figure 2.18 RF receiveing side

Figure 2.19 RF 433 module

Figure 3.1 Block diagram of the project

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Table1.1.1 Communication specification of GPS module……......................................1

Table1.1.2 Pin description of GPS module………………………………………………5

Table 2.1.1 Pin description of Port 3 of AT89S52...........................................................13

Table 2.2.1Pin description of GPS module.....................................................................20

Table 3.3.1: Pin description of the LCD.........................................................................38

Table 3.3.2: Code description of the LCD......................................................................40

Table 3.3.3

Table 5.1: Cost Estimation...............................................................................................49

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GPS Global positioning system

DC Direct Current

E Enable

EMHC Electronic Micro Hydro Controller

GND Ground

Hz Hertz

INT Interrupt

LED Light Emitting Diode

LC Liquid Crystal

LCD Liquid Crystal Display

PCB Printed Circuit Board

RAM Random Access Memory

ROM Read Only Memory

EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory

R/W Read Write

SDA Serial data

SCL Serial clock input

W/P Write protect

RS Register Select

RXD Receiver data

TTL Transistor Transistor Logic

TXD Transmitter data

GND Ground

Vcc Power Supply

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i. Background

The Global Positioning System, usually called GPS, is the only fully-functionalsatellite navigation system. A constellation of more than two dozen GPS satellitesBroadcasts precise timing signals by radio to GPS receivers, allowing them to accuratelyDetermine their location (longitude, latitude, and altitude) in any weather, day or night,Anywhere on Earth. GPS has become a vital global utility, indispensable for modernnavigation on land, sea, and air around the world, as well as an important tool for mapmakingand land surveying. GPS also provides an extremely precise time reference,required for telecommunications and some scientific research, including the study ofearthquakes.

1.1.1 Basic concept of GPS operation:

A GPS receiver calculates its position by carefully timing the signals sent by theconstellation of GPS satellites high above the Earth. Each satellite continually transmitsmessages containing the time the message was sent, a precise orbit for the satellitesending the message (the ephemeris), and the general system health and rough orbits of

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all GPS satellites (the almanac). These signals travel at the speed of light through outerspace, and slightly slower through the atmosphere. The receiver uses the arrival time ofeach message to measure the distance to each satellite, from which it determines theposition of the receiver (conceptually the intersection of spheres ) The resultingcoordinates are converted to more user-friendly forms such as latitude and longitude, orlocation on a map, then displayed to the user.It might seem that three satellites would be enough to solve for a position, since space hasthree dimensions. However, a three satellite solution requires the time be known to ananosecond or so, far better than any non-laboratory clock can provide. Using four ormore satellites allows the receiver to solve for time as well as geographical position,eliminating the need for a very accurate clock. In other words, the receiver uses fourmeasurements to solve for four variables: x, y, z, and t.Although four satellites are required for normal operation, fewer may be needed in somespecial cases. If one variable is already known (for example, a ship or plane may alreadyknow its altitude), a receiver can determine its position using only three satellites. Also,in practice, receivers use additional clues (Doppler shift of satellite signals, last knownposition, dead reckoning, inertial navigation, and so on) to give degraded answers whenfewer than four satellites are visible.

Fig. 1.1- satellite positioning

Actually GPS is:-a space based positioning system used for navigation, tracking andmapping-it is designed and maintained by the US Military-truly global in scope-available every hour of every day all year long, and is cheap to use!

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Fig: 1.2: Showing how GPS Works

ii. Objectives

2.1.1 Course objectives

This project work is included in the course with the following objectives:

For the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Bachelor of Electronics and communication Engineering.

To bring theoretical knowledge into practice and explore beyond the books.

To develop professionalism, teamwork, management and organizational skills.

To promote latest technology.

3.1.1 Specific objectives

This project is proposed for the possibility of more reliable , economical and portable GPS tracking

System with the following major objectives:

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To Create a portable GPS logger that continuously records GPS position information at time interval automatically.

To transmit the GPS recorded data through RF transmission and display in LCD which can be used by the user at home


–Approach and Methodology

The project is mainly adopted in the explorative and experiment based approach .Itincludes both the hardware and software sections and moreover its interfacing. The projectteam designed a circuit with hardware comprising ADC0808 ,microcontroller , liquid crystal display(LCD ),Power meter,Thyristor etc while the software section consists Keil,ISP Flash programmer .

1.1 Application Micro Hydropower Controller(EMHC) has wide applications .This project is mainly targeted for the micro hydro power . This system can also be implemented in protecting the high cost machines from being damaged due to high voltage with a simple modification.


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2.1 GPS MODULE The GPS module is a device which is a compact all-in-one GPS receiver that continuously tracks all satellites in view and provides accurate satellite positioning data. Its 65 parallel channels and 20000+ correlators provide fast satellite signal acquisition and short start-up time. Acquisition sensitivity of -155dBm and tracking sensitivity of -158 dBm offer good performance even under difficult environments.The GPS MODULE is optimized for applications requiring good performance and low cost; it is suitable for a wide range of handhelds, asset tracking, Notebook, PDA-centric personal navigation system, and vehicle navigation products. The GPS module used in this project is GT-3721 which is featured by

16 channels to acquire and track satellites simultaneously Industry-leading TTFF speed Signal detection better than -155 dBm SBAS (WAAS/EGNOS) capable Cold start < 60sec Hot start < 5sec Accuracy 5m CEP RS232 signal output via 6 6-pin PS2 connector. 49.8 mm x 43.7 mm x 17.6 mm RoHS compliance

Fig 1.2 :GPS module


The GT-3721R provides GPS status indicator. On board LED shows fix or non-fix. In fix mode the LED will light for 1 second and turn-off for 1 second. In another mode, the pin will light for 2 seconds and turn off for 2 seconds

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2.2 Liquid Crystal Display

A liquid crystal display (LCD) is a flat panel display, electronic visual display, video display that uses the light modulating properties of liquid crystals (LCs). LCs do not emit light directly.

They are used in a wide range of applications, including computer monitors, television, instrument panels, aircraft cockpit displays, signage, etc. They are common in consumer devices such as video players, gaming devices, clocks, watches, calculators, and telephones. LCDs have displaced cathode ray tube (CRT) displays in most applications. They are available in a wider range of screen sizes than CRT and plasma displays, and since they do not use phosphors, they cannot suffer image burn-in.

LCD comes in different shapes,sizes and features.The most common type of type of LCD module is the character(alpha-numeric) type LCD kmodule.In general all the readily available LCD modules make up of Hitachi HD44780(or compatible) controller chip,and have the ability to display 16,32 or 40 characters in one or two lines versions.

Figure2.1 16*2 LCD Display

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2.2.1 Pin Description

Figure 2.2 2*16 LCD

PIN NO. NAME FUNCTIONS1 Vss Ground2 Vcc +ve Supply3 Vee Contrast4 RS Register Select5 RW Read/Write6 E Enable7 D0 Data bit 08 D1 Data bit 19 D2 Data bit 210 D3 Data bit 311 D4 Data bit 412 D5 Data bit 513 D6 Data bit 614 D7 Data bit 715 LED + +ve Supply for backlight16 LED - Ground for backlight

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Pins 1 and 2 ie.ground(Vss) and Vcc are the power supply lines.The positive supply is connected to the Vcc and Vss is connected to the ground.Normally DC supply of 5 V is supplied to the LCD.But LCDs work well in thr range of 4-6V.

Pin 3, Vee is a control pin which is used to alter the contrast of the display. Ideally, this pinshould be connected to a variable voltage supply. A preset potentiometer is connectedbetween the power supply lines with its wiper connected to the contrast pin is suitable inmany cases. For simplicity, this pin can be connected to the ground.

Pin 4 RS (Register Select) is used to differentiate the data and the command bytes. Whenthis line is low data bytes transferred to the display are treated as commands, and databytes reads from the display indicates its status. When set, character data can be transferredto and from the module.

Pin 5 is the RW (Read/Write line). This line is pulled low in order to writes commands orcharacter data to the module and should be pulled low to read character data or statusinformation from its registers.

Pin 6 is the E (Enable) line. This input is used to initiate the actual transfer of commands orcharacter data between the module and data lines. When writing to the display, data istransferred only on high to low transition of this signal. However, when reading from themodule, data will become available shortly after the low to high transition and remainavailable until the signal falls low again.

Pin 7 to 14 are the 8 bit data bus lines (D0 to D7). Data can be transferred to and from thedisplay either or a single 8 bit byte or as to 4 bit “nibbles”. In the latter case, only upperfour data lines (D4 to D7) lines are used.

Pin 15 and 16 are used as the supply for the backlight led. The backlight is immenselyuseful when the external light is insufficient for the visibility of the LCD.

2.3.2 LCD Commands

Configuration and control of the LCD module is done by sending the command words tothe LCD. There are many control words supported. Some of the basic control words thatare frequently used are described below in brief:

• Clear Display

D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D00 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

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The command word 01 clears display by writing ‘20H’ (space codes) to all the DDRAMaddress, sets DDRAM address “00H”, into AC (Address counter) and returns the cursor tothe original status i.e. home position. • Return HomeD7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D00 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

The command sets DDRAM address to “00H” into the address counter, return cursor to theoriginal site and return display to its original status if shifted. The contents of DDRAM donot change. • Set Entry Mode

D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D00 0 0 0 0 1 I/D SH

The command sets the moving direction of the cursor and display.

I/D: Increment / Decrement of DDRAM address (Cursor or blink)

When I/D = “High”, cursor blinks moves to right and DDRAM address is increased by 1.

When I/D = “low”, cursor blinks moves to left DDRAM address is decreased by 1.

SH: Shift of Entire Display

If SH = “high”, and DDRAM write operation, shift of entire display is performed according to I/D value i.e. if I/D = “high”, shift left else shift right.

When SH = “Low”, no shift is performed.

• Display ON/OFF Control

D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D00 0 0 0 1 D C B

D: Display on/off control bit When D = “High”, entire display is turned on.

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When D = “Low”, display is turned off, but display data remains in DDRAM.

C: Cursor on/off control bit When C = “High”, cursor is turned on. When C = “Low”, cursor is disappeared in current display, but I/D register preserves its data.14B: Cursor blink on/off control bit

When B = “High”, cursor blinking is on. When B = “High”, cursor blinking is off.• Cursor or Display Shift

D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D00 0 0 1 D/C R/L - -

D/C: Display or Cursor shift When D/C = “High”, the display is shifted and cursor moves accordingly.

When D/C = “Low”, the cursor is shifted.

R/L: Shift Direction

When R/L: “High”, shifting is done to the right else shifting is done to the left.

• Function Set

D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D00 0 1 DL N F - -

DL: Interface data length control bit.

When DL: = “High”, it means 8-bit bus mode with MPU. When DL: = “Low”, it means 4-bit bus mode with MPU.

N: Display Line Number control bit

N: =”High”, for double line mode. N: =”Low”, for single line mode.

F: Display font type control bit

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When F = “High”, 5*11 Dot format display mode is set. When F = “Low”, 5*8 Dot format display mode.

• Set DDRAM Address

D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D01 AC6 AC5 AC4 AC3 AC2 AC1 AC0

When 1- line display mode (N=low), DDRAM address is from “00H” to “4FH”.

In 2-line display mode (N=high), DDRAM address is the 1st line is from”00H” to “27H”,and DDRAM address is the 2nd line is from”40H” to “67H”.

2.3.3 Algorithms

• Initializing the LCD module

- Write “Clear Display” command - Write “Entry Mode” command(can be left default by skipping it) - Write “Display On/Off” command(can be left default by skipping it) - Write “Functions” command • Write command/data to the LCD - Clear R/W line - Set clear RS line - Set E(Enable ) line - Put command data on data line - Clear E(enable) line

• Read Status/Address from the LCD

- Set R/W line - Clear RS line - Set E line - Read data from data line - Clear E line

D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0BF AC6 AC5 AC4 AC3 AC2 AC1 AC0

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2.3 Microcontroller

A microcontroller is a general purpose device, but one of that is meant to read data,performs calculation on the data, and control its environment based on those calculations.The prime use of microcontroller is to control the operation of a machine using fixedprogram that is stored in ROM and that does not change over a lifetime of the system. It isa true computer on a chip with a ROM, RAM, memory decoders, an oscillator and a

number of input/output devices such as parallel and serial data ports.

Figure 2. Atmel AT89S52 Microcontroller

The AT89S52 is a low-power, high-performance CMOS 8-bit microcontroller with 8Kbytes of in-system programmable Flash memory. The device is manufactured usingAtmel’s high density nonvolatile memory technology and is compatible with the industrystandard80C51 instruction set and pin out. The on-chip Flash allows the program memoryto be reprogrammed in-system or by a conventional nonvolatile memory programmer. Bycombining a versatile 8 bit CPU with in-system programmable Flash on a monolithic chip,the Atmel AT89S52 is a powerful microcontroller which provides a highly-flexible andcost-effective solution to many embedded control applications.

The AT89S52 provides the following standard features:

a) 8K bytes of in system programmable (ISP) Flash memory. b) Endurance: 1000 Write/Erase cycles. c) Voltage level: 4.0 V to 5.5 V DC d) Fully static operation: 0 Hz to 33 MHz e) 256 bytes of internal RAM32 programmable I/O lines. f) Eight interrupts/ Fast programming time (Six sources). g) A full duplex serial port, on-chip oscillator, and clock circuitry. h) Fully static logic for operation down to zero frequency and supports two software

selectable power saving modes. i) Idle Mode stops the CPU while allowing the RAM, timer/counters, serial port, and interrupt system to continue functioning. j) The Power-down mode saves the RAM contents but freezes the oscillator, disabling

all other chip functions until the next interrupt or hardware reset.

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2.3.1 Pin out Diagram

Figure 2.5 AT89S52 Pin out

2.3.2 Block Diagram of AT89S52

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Figure 2.6 Block Diagram of AT89S52 Microcontroller

2.4.3 Pin Description

VCC: Supply voltage.

GND: Ground.

Port 0

Port 0 is an 8-bit open drain bidirectional I/O port. As an output port, each pin can sinkeight TTL inputs. When 1s are written to port 0 pins, the pins can be used as highimpedanceinputs. Port 0 can also be configured to be the multiplexed low-order

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address/data bus during accesses to external program and data memory. In this mode, P0has internal pull-ups. Port 0 also receives the code bytes during Flash programming andoutputs the code bytes during program verification. External pull-ups are required duringprogram verification.

Port 1

Port 1 is an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port with internal pull-ups. The Port 1 output buffers can sink/source four TTL inputs. When 1s are written to Port 1 pins, they are pulled high by the internal pull-ups and can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 1 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IIL) because of the internal pull-ups. In addition, P1.0 and P1.1 can be configured to be the timer/counter 2 external count input (P1.0/T2) and the timer/counter 2 trigger input (P1.1/T2EX), respectively, as shown in the following table. Port 1 also receives the low-order address bytes during Flash programming and verification.

Port Pin Alternate Functions

P1.0 T2 (external count input to Timer/Counter 2), clock-outP1.1 T2EX (Timer/Counter 2 capture/reload trigger and direction control)P1.5 MOSI (used for In-System Programming)P1.6 MISO (used for In-System Programming)P1.7 SCK (used for In-System Programming)21

Port 2

Port 2 is an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port with internal pull-ups. The Port 2 output buffers cansink/source four TTL inputs. When 1s are written to Port 2 pins, they are pulled high bythe internal pull-ups and can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 2 pins that are externallybeing pulled low will source current (IIL) because of the internal pull-ups.Port 2 emits the high-order address byte during fetches from external program memory andduring accesses to external data memory that uses 16-bit addresses (MOVX @ DPTR). Inthis application, Port 2 uses strong internal pull-ups when emitting 1s. During accesses toexternal data memory that uses 8-bit addresses (MOVX @ RI); Port 2 emits the contents ofthe P2 Special Function Register. Port 2 also receives the high-order address bits and somecontrol signals during Flash programming and verification.

Port 3

Port 3 is an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port with internal pull-ups. The Port 3 output buffers cansink/source four TTL inputs. When 1s are written to Port 3 pins, they are pulled high bythe internal pull-ups and can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 3 pins that are externally

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being pulled low will source current (IIL) because of the pull-ups. Port 3 receives somecontrol signals for Flash programming and verification. Port 3 also serves the functions ofvarious special features of the AT89S52, as shown in the following table.

Port Pin Alternate Functions

P3.0 RXD (serial input port)P3.1 TXD (serial output port)P3.2 INT0 (external interrupt 0)P3.3 INT1 (external interrupt 1)P3.4 T0 (timer 0 external input)P3.5 T1 (timer 1 external input)P3.6 WR (external data memory write strobe)P3.7 RD (external data memory read strobe)



Reset input. A high on this pin for two machine cycles while the oscillator is running resetsthe device. This pin drives high for 98 oscillator periods after the Watchdog times out. TheDISRTO bit in SFR AUXR (address 8EH) can be used to disable this feature. In thedefault state of bit DISRTO, the RESET HIGH out feature is enabled.


Address Latch Enable (ALE) is an output pulse for latching the low byte of the addressduring accesses to external memory. This pin is also the program pulse input (PROG)during Flash programming. In normal operation, ALE is emitted at a constant rate of 1/6the oscillator frequency and may be used for external timing or clocking purposes. Note,however, that one ALE pulse is skipped during each access to external data memory. Ifdesired, ALE operation can be disabled by setting bit 0 of SFR location 8EH. With the bitset, ALE is active only during a MOVX or MOVC instruction. Otherwise, the pin isweakly pulled high. Setting the ALE-disable bit has no effect if the micro controller is inexternal execution mode.


Program Store Enable (PSEN) is the read strobe to external program memory. When theAT89S52 is executing code from external program memory, PSEN is activated twice eachmachine cycle, except that two PSEN activations are skipped during each access to

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external data memory.


External Access Enable, EA must be strapped to GND in order to enable the device tofetch code from external program memory locations starting at 0000H up to FFFFH. Note,however, that if lock bit 1 is programmed, EA will be internally latched on reset. EAshould be strapped to VCC for internal program executions. This pin also receives the 12-volt programming enable voltage (VPP) during Flash programming.

Quartz Crystal

A crystal oscillator is an electronic oscillator circuit that uses the mechanical resonance ofa vibrating crystal of piezoelectric material to create an electrical signal with a very precisefrequency. This frequency is commonly used to keep track of time (as in quartzwristwatches), to provide a stable clock signal for digital integrated circuits, and to23stabilize frequencies for radio transmitters and receivers. The most common type ofpiezoelectric resonator used is the quartz crystal, so oscillator circuits designed aroundthem became known as "crystal oscillators”.Quartz crystals are manufactured for frequencies from a few tens of kilohertz to tens ofmegahertz. It is used mostly in small devices for consumer devices such as wristwatches,clocks, radios, computers, and cell phones. It is also found inside test and measurementequipment, such as counters, signal generator, and oscilloscopes.

The crystal used is quartz crystal used to generate 11.0592 MHz to generate frequency forthe microcontroller.


Input to the inverting oscillator amplifier and input to the internal clock operating circuit.


It is the output from the inverting oscillator amplifier.

2.4.4 Memory Organization

MCS-51 devices have a separate address space for Program and Data Memory. Up to 64Kbytes each of external Program and Data Memory can be addressed.

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Program Memory

If the EA pin is connected to GND, all program fetches are directed to external memory.On the AT89S52, if EA is connected to VCC, program fetches to addresses 0000H through1FFFH are directed to internal memory and fetches to addresses 2000H through FFFFHare to external memory.Data Memory

The AT89S52 implements 256 bytes of on-chip RAM. The upper 128 bytes occupy aparallel address space to the Special Function Registers. This means that the upper 128bytes have the same addresses as the SFR space but are physically separate from SFRspace. When an instruction accesses an internal location above address 7FH, the addressmode used in the instruction specifies whether the CPU accesses the upper 128 bytes ofRAM or the SFR space. Instructions which use direct addressing access the SFR space. Forexample, the following direct addressing instruction accesses the SFR at location 0A0H(which is P2).

2.4.5 Timer/Counters:

Atmel’s 89s52 consists of three 16- bit timer/counters, that can operate as either timers oran event counters.

Timer 0/Timer 1

Timer 0 and Timer 1 have similar operations (except for that Timer 1 can be used for thebaud rate generator) and function essentially the same way. Configurations regarding thesetimers are done by setting the SFRs- TCON and TMOD. These timers may operate in anyone of four modes that are determined by the mode bits, M1 and M0, in the TMODregister.

Timer Mode 0

Setting timer X mode to 00b in the TMOD register in using the THX register as an 8 bitcounter and TLX as a 5-bit counter; the pulse input is divided by 32d in the TL so that THcounts the original oscillator frequency reduced by a total 384d.

Timer Mode 1

Mode 1 is similar to mode 0 except TLX is configured as a full 8-bit counter when themode bits are set to 01b in TMOD. The timer flag would be set in .1311 seconds using 6MHz crystal.

Timer Mode 2

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Setting the mode bits 10b in TMOD configures the timer to use the TLX counter as an 8-bit counter. THX is used to hold a value that is loaded into TLX every time TLX overflowsfrom FFh to 00h.The timer flag is also set when TLX overflows.This mode exhibits an auto-reload feature; TLX will count up from the number in THX,overflow, and be initialized again with the contents of THX.

Timer Mode 3

Timers 0 and 1 may be programmed to be in mode 0, 1, or 2 independently of a similarmode for other timer. The timers do not operate independently if the mode3 is chosen fortimer 0.Placing timer 1 in mode 3 causes it to stop counting; the control bit TR! And thetimer 1 flag TF1 are then used by timer 0.

Timer 0 in mode 3 becomes two completely separate 8-bit counter.TL0 is controlled by thegate arrangement and sets timer flag TF0 whenever it overflows from FFh to 00h. TH0receives the timer clock (the oscillator divided by 12) under the control of TR1 only andsets the flag when it overflows.

Timer 1 may still be used in modes 0, 1, and 2, while timer 0 is in mode 3 with oneimportant exception: No interrupts will be generated by timer while timer 1 while timer 0is using the TF! Overflow flag. Switching timer 1 to mode 3 will stop it (and hold whatevercount is in timer 1). Timer 1 can use for baud rate generation for the serial port, or anyother mode 0, 1, and 2, functions that does not depend on an interrupt (or any other use ofthe TF1flag) for proper operation.


The only difference between counting and timing is the source of the clock pulses to thecounter. When used as a timer, the clock pulses are sourced from the oscillator through thedivide- by- 12d circuit. When used as a counter, pin T0 supplies to counter 0, and pin T1 tocounter 1.The C/T bit in TMOD must be sent to 1 to enable pulses from the TX pin toreach the control circuit.

The input pulse on TX is sampled during P2 of the state 5 every machine cycle. A changeon the Input from high to low between samples will increment the counter. Each high tolow state of the input pulse must thus be held constant for at least one machine cycle toensure reliable counting. Since this takes 24 pulses, the maximum input frequency that canbe accurately counted is the oscillator frequency divided by 24.

Timer 2

The operations of Timer 2 are controlled by the T2CON SFR. Timer 2 has three operationmodes: capture, auto-reload (up or down counting), and baud rate generator.

Capture Mode

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In capture mode, two options are selected by bit EXEN2 in T2CON. If EXEN2 = 0, timer2 is a 16-bit timer or counter which upon overflow sets bit TF2 in TCON. This bit can thenused to generate an interrupt. If EXEN2 = 1, Timer 2 performs the same operation, but a 1-to-0 transition at input T2EX also causes the current value in TH2 and TL2 to be capturedinto RCAP2L, respectively. In addition, the transition at T2EX causes bit EXF2 inTR2CON to set. The EXF2 bit, like TF2, can generate an interrupt.

Auto-Reload (Up or Down Counter)

Timer 1 can be programmed to count up or down when configured in its 16-bit auto-reloadmode. This feature is invoked by the DCEN (Down Enable Counter) bit located in the SFRT2MOD. Upon reset, the DCEN bit is set to 0 so that the timer 2 will default to count up.When DCEN is set, timer 2 can count up or down, depending on the value of the T2EXpin. In this mode, two options are selected by bit EXEN 2 in T2CON. If EXEN2 = 0, timer2 counts up to 0FFFFh and then sets the TF2 bit upon overflow. The overflow also causestimer register to be reloaded with the 16-bit value in RCAP2 and RCAP2L.The values intimer in capture mode RCAP2H and RCAP2L are preset by software. If EXEN2 = 1a 16-bit reload can be triggered either by an overflow or by a 1 to 0 transition at external inputT2EX.This transition also sets the EXF2 bit. Both the TF2 and EXF2 bit can generate aninterrupt if enabled.

Baud Rate Generator

The baud rate generator mode is similar to the auto–reload mode, in that a rollover in TH2causes the timer 2 registers to reload with the 16-bit value in registers RCAP2H andRCAP2L, which are preset by software. The timer operation is different for timer 2 when itis used as a baud rate generator. Normally, as the timer, it increments every machine cyclethat is at 1/12 the oscillator frequency, but as a baud rate generator, however, it incrementsevery state time (at 1/12 the oscillator frequency).Baud Rate= (oscillator frequency)/[32*(65536-RCAP2H, RCAP2L)]

(RCAP2H, RCAP2L) is the content of RCAP2H and RCAP2L taken as a 16 bit unsignedinteger.

For 11.0592 MHz Crystal Oscillator:

XTAL= 11.0592 MHz

Machine cycle frequency= 11.0592 MHz/12 = 921.6 KHz

Frequency provided by UART to Timer 1 to set baud rate= 921.6 KHZ/ 32

= 28800 Hz

Thus for 9600 baud rate;

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Baud rate in HEX= 256-28800/9600= 256-3=253 d=FD h


EEPROM stands for Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory and is a type of

non-volatile memory used in computers and other electronic devices to store small amounts of

data that must be saved when power is removed, e.g., calibration tables or device configuration.

EEPROM is user-modifiable read-only memory (ROM) that can be erased and reprogrammed

(written to) repeatedly through the application of higher than normal electrical voltage generated

externally or internally in the case of modern EEPROMs. EPROM usually must be removed

from the device for erasing and programming, whereas EEPROMs can be programmed and

erased in circuit. Originally, EEPROMs were limited to single byte operations which made them

slower, but modern EEPROMs allow multi-byte page operations. It also has a limited life - that

is, the number of times it could be reprogrammed was limited to tens or hundreds of thousands of

times. That limitation has been extended to a million write operations in modern EEPROMs. In

an EEPROM that is frequently reprogrammed while the computer is in use, the life of the

EEPROM can be an important design consideration. It is for this reason that EEPROMs were

used for configuration information, rather than random access memory. [8]

Figure 5.18 EEPROM


• Low-voltage and Standard-voltage Operation

– 2.7 (VCC = 2.7V to 5.5V)

– 1.8 (VCC = 1.8V to 5.5V)

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• Internally Organized 128 x 8 (1K), 256 x 8 (2K), 512 x 8 (4K),

1024 x 8 (8K) or 2048 x 8 (16K)

• Two-wire Serial Interface

• Schmitt Trigger, Filtered Inputs for Noise Suppression

• Bidirectional Data Transfer Protocol

• 100 kHz (1.8V) and 400 kHz (2.7V, 5V) Compatibility

• Write Protect Pin for Hardware Data Protection

• 8-byte Page (1K, 2K), 16-byte Page (4K, 8K, 16K) Write Modes

• Partial Page Writes Allowed

• Self-timed Write Cycle (5 ms max)

• High-reliability

– Endurance: 1 Million Write Cycles

– Data Retention: 100 Years

• Automotive Devices Available

• 8-lead JEDEC PDIP, 8-lead JEDEC SOIC, 8-lead Ultra Thin Mini-MAP (MLP 2x3), 5-lead

SOT23, 8-lead TSSOP and 8-ball dBGA2 Packages

• Die Sales: Wafer Form, Waffle Pack and Bumped Wafers

Table 5.4: Pin Description of EEPROM (ATC02A)

Pin Name Function

A0 – A2 Address Inputs

SDA Serial Data

SCL Serial Clock Input

WP Write Protect

NC Not Connected

GND Ground

VCC Power Supply

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Pin Description

Serial Clock (SCL): The SCL input is used to positive edge clock data into each EEPROM

device and negative edge clock data out of each device.

Serial Data (SDA): The SDA pin is bidirectional for serial data transfer. This pin is open-drain

driven and may be wire-ORed with any number of other open-drain or open collector devices.

Device/Page Address (A2, A1, A0): The A2, A1 and A0 pins are device address inputs that are

hard wired for the AT24C01A and the AT24C02. As many as eight 1K/2K devices may be

addressed on a single bus system (device addressing is discussed in detail under the Device

addressing section).

The AT24C04 uses the A2 and A1 inputs for hard wire addressing and a total of four 4K devices

may be addressed on a single bus system. The A0 pin is a no connect and can be connected to


The AT24C08A only uses the A2 input for hardwire addressing and a total of two 8K devices

may be addressed on a single bus system. The A0 and A1 pins are no connects and can be

connected to ground.

The AT24C16A does not use the device address pins, which limits the number of devices on a

single bus to one. The A0, A1 and A2 pins are no connects and can be connected to ground.

Write Protect (WP): The AT24C01A/02/04/08A/16A has a Write Protect pin that provides

hardware data protection. The Write Protect pin allows normal Read/Write operations when

connected to ground (GND). When the Write Protect pin is connected to VCC, the write

protection feature is enabled and operates as shown.

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Device Operation

Clock and Data Transition: The SDA pin is normally pulled high with an external device.

Data on the SDA pin may change only during SCL low time period data changes during SCL

high periods will indicate a start or stop condition as defined below


Start Condition: A high-to-low transition of SDA with SCL high is a start condition which must

precede any other command.

Stop Condition: A low-to-high transition of SDA with SCL high is a stop condition. After a

read sequence, the stop command will place the EEPROM in a standby power mode.

Acknowledge: All addresses and data words are serially transmitted to and from the EEPROM

in 8-bit words. The EEPROM sends a zero to acknowledge that it has received each word. This

happens during the ninth clock cycle.

Standby Mode: The AT24C01A/02/04/08A/16A features a low-power standby mode which is

enabled: (a) upon power-up and (b) after the receipt of the STOP bit and the completion of any

internal operations.

Memory Reset: After an interruption in protocol, power loss or system reset, any 2-wire part

can be reset by following these steps:

1. Clock up to 9 cycles.

2. Look for SDA high in each cycle while SCL is high.

3. Create a start condition.

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vi. Preset (10K)

It is a three terminal electronic device that has a facility to vary the resister value. The

resistivity between terminal 1 and 2 is the full range of Preset value. We can get variable

value of resistivity by re-setting the Preset value at required level. It is an adjustable


Figure5.8 Image of Preset Figure5.9 Circuit Symbol of Preset

vii. Resistor

It is an electronic device that possesses resistance. Their resisting characteristic is known as

resistivity and is measured in Ohm (Ω) unit.

Figure5.10 Image of Different Resistor Figure5.11 Circuit symbol of resister

Color Code of Resistor

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Figure5.12 Color code of resistor

viii. Light Emitting Diodes

LED Stands for "Light-Emitting Diode." An LED is an electronic device that emits light when an electrical current is passed through it. Early LEDs produced only red light, but modern LEDs can produce several different colors, including red, green, and blue (RGB) light. Recent advances in LED technology have made it possible for LEDs to produce white light as well.LEDs are commonly used for indicator lights (such as power on/off lights) on electronic devices. They also have several other applications, including electronic signs, clock displays, and flashlights.When a light-emitting diode is forward biased (switched on), electrons are able to recombine with electron holes within the device, releasing energy in the form of photons. This effect is called electroluminescence and the color of the light (corresponding to the energy of the photon) is determined by the energy gap of the semiconductor. LEDs are often small in area (less than 1 mm2), and integrated optical components may be used to shape its radiation pattern. LEDs

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present many advantages over incandescent light sources including lower energy consumption, longer lifetime, improved robustness, smaller size, and faster switching. LEDs powerful enough for room lighting are relatively expensive and require more precise current and heat management than compact fluorescent lamp sources of comparable output.

Light-emitting diodes are used in applications as diverse as replacements for aviation lighting, automotive lighting (particularly brake lamps, turn signals and indicators) as well as in traffic signals. LEDs have allowed new text, video displays, and sensors to be developed, while their high switching rates are also useful in advanced communications technology. Infrared LEDs are also used in the remote control units of many commercial products including televisions, DVD players, and other domestic appliances.

Figure 2. Light Emitting Diode(LED)

2.9 Voltage Regulator ;LM7805/7812

Voltage stabilizers are semiconductor devices that output a constant and stable DC voltage at a specified level despite fluctuations in its input voltage or variations in its load. There are several types of voltage regulatorsThe LM78XX series of three terminal positive regulators are available in the TO-220 package and with several fixed output voltages, making them useful in a wide range of applications. Each type employs internal current limiting, thermal shut down and safe operating area protection, making it essentially indestructible. If adequate heat sinking is provided, they can deliver over 1A output current. Although designed primarily as fixed voltage regulators, these devices can be used with external components to obtain adjustable voltages and currents.

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Figure: 7805IC

Features Output Current up to 1A Output Voltages of 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 15, 18, 24 Thermal Overload Protection Short Circuit Protection Output Transistor Safe Operating Area Protection

XX defines 5V, 9V, 12V, 15V etc.

2.5 RF Communication

RF transmitters are an essential part of modern communications. Designed and assembled from core RF components, RF transmitters have many different forms and applications. We often think of RF transmitters in wireless communications, but the concept applies equally to wired applications such as cable television. Cellular phones, radar, military communications, avionics, wireless LAN, modems, and signal generators are just a few examples of systems that employ one or more RF transmitters.

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Fig: RF transmitting side

Fig: RF receiver side

Some Features:

High sensitive & low power consumption FSK technology, suitable for replacing ASK modules. Less interference, longer working distance. No tuning required during production. Can be used to replace ASK module W/O the need of software change.

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ix. Design Approach

x. System methodology

After the selection of project the first task of a system designer undertakes is the requirement analysis of the project. Requirement analysis of the project enables us to specify system function and performance indicate interface of various system elements and establish design constraints that system must meet. For a successful design, a throughout interaction with the user is necessary at this stage. The process equipment is designed considering needs of the user, the variables identified and availability of resources. Since the project “GPS Data Logger” contains the large number of devices, information of GPS module record continuously at a certain interval of time ,we have divided our project in three parts . The first works as a basic GPS logger, which displays GPS position information at timed intervals in an LCD (I). The second mode only records the position information data in an EEPROM. At last the geographical co-ordinates are transmitted through RF and displayed in LCD(ii) through receiver side via a RF transmission. The whole project was accomplished by using following methods:

Design: Firstly block diagram and layout of the proposed GPS Data Logger system is designed and finalized.

Selection of components and software : Different components like LED, GPS module ,LCD, crystal etc. as peripherals to the microcontroller is chosen and programming software like Keil, ISP flash etc. used.

Coding and simulation: The logic flow of the whole system is decided and accordingly flow charts are created. Then according to the flow charts drawn , code/program of the proposed system is developed using the C programming language.

Circuit Testing in Breadboard: Since the simulation gives output in the ideal situation, testing the hardware needs to be done .The circuit tested in the breadboard with wired connections.

Burning :With the desired output, the hex code of the program being created by the software platform is burnt in memory of the microcontroller IC with the help of the programmer.

PCB Design: All the hardware components are soldered on the printed circuit boards with the help of soldering iron, lead and flux according to the hardware schematic.

Testing and Debugging : Testing and debugging is done at various levels finalize the appropriate program for the most proper working system.

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xi. System Block diagram

Fig : Block diagram of GPS Data Logger

xii. Block diagram description

Here there are 2 units:Car unitPc unitCar / vehicle unit:This unit is placed on the car .here we are tracking the vehicle in the off-line mode. Forthis we are using a RTC(real time clock).as soon as a stipulated time passes say 5 minutes

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the μc then receives the co-ordinates of that place and stores them in the on –boardEEPROM.EEPROM + RTC:Here since we are tracking the vehicle in the offline mode we are making use of an onboard RTC. The EEPROM stores these co-ordinates in the pre-determined memorylocations.PC unit:After the car returns to the destination .the kit is joined to the pc. A Software like: keil,orcad (ckt diagram), protel (pcb designing), is used to download all the locations stored inthe memory.Micro-controller: We’ll be using 89S52 series micro-controller. The 89S52 is also InapplicationProgrammable (IAP), allowing the Flash program memory to be reconfiguredeven while the application is running. The Flash program memory supports both parallelprogramming and in serialIn-System Programming (ISP) Parallel programming mode offers gang-programming athigh speed, reducing programming costs and time to market. ISP allows a device to bereprogrammed in the end product under software control.EEPROM: We’ll use AT24C128/256 as the storage device. The AT24C128/256provides 131,072/262,144 bits of serial electrically erasable and programmable read onlymemory (EEPROM) organized as 16,384/32,768 words of 8 bits each.RS 232 Protocol: Is used for serial communication in between μc to pc. In our projectthe master is connected to the pc via RS-232.GPS: We’ll be using the GPS902A board by which will be having the GPS module FLSGPSMD90by Flaircomm.GPS Protocols: The various protocol that are available from this GPS module are :Table 3.1Out of these have short listed two protocols which we will be using in this project. Theyarei) RMC protocolii) VTG protocolThese

2. Software Implementation

xiii. Software

Software is pervasive in electronic product. It is the software that control the overall functioning of GPS module. We have stored program in a microcontroller. Software, being a crucial part of our project, is going to discussed in detail in this section.

Software Language

The program used for the operation of the GPS module is written in C language.The language was carwfully selected the choice was made on the basis of the following decisive factors.

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I. Memory available

II. Required execution speed

III. Accurate control of peripheral devices

IV. Programming experience of team member

V. Time available

Other used tool for programming are:

Notepad, Notepad++ ISP flash programmer: For Programming Microcontroller.

4.2 Software Tools

4.2.1Kiel µVision 3

For programming the microcontroller in C language and compiling, converting it to hex

file, we used Kiel µVision 3. We used this platform due to its ease and efficient processing

in issue of time and cost.

Figure 2.5.1 Snapshot of Kiel µVision 3

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Some of the features of Kiel µVision include:

Extensive MCU specific language extensions, allowing effective u se of

the underlying hardware.

MCU specific optimizations, including a global register allocator.

Adaptable MCU specific backend that should be well suited for other 8 bit MCUs

A full range of data types: char (8 bits, 1 byte), short (16 bits, 2 bytes), int (16 bits,

2 bytes), long (32 bits, 4 bytes) and float (4 byte IEEE).

The ability to add inline assembler code anywhere in a function.

The ability to report on the complexity of a function to help decide what should be re-written in assembler. A good selection of automated regression tests



4.2.2 Live wire

Livewire is a CAD product developed by New Wave Concepts. It allows the user to create and

simulate electronic circuits using an extensive gallery of circuit components. The finished circuit

can be exported into sister-program PCB Wizard in order to route it for a Printed circuit board.

Livewire is a powerful software package for designing, simulating and analyzing electronic

circuits. Switches, transistors, diodes, integrated circuits and hundreds of other components can

all be connected together to investigate the behaviour of a circuit. There are no limits to what can

be designed and no loose connections or faulty components to worry about.

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It has the following features:

Real time interactive circuit simulation

Large database of component devices

Schematic design and capture

Realistic simulation of maximum component ratings and component destruction

Standard edition includes voltmeter, ammeter and oscilloscope

Pro edition includes a comprehensive suite of virtual instruments including voltmeter,

ammeter, oscilloscope, logic analyzer, signal generator and word generator

Control Studio 2, Circuit Wizard and PCB Wizard 3 file support

Integrated publishing with text, graphics and spell-checking support

3. ISP Flash Programmer

ISP Flash Programmer is software, which Is used to burn the program (i.e. in hex file format)In the microcontroller

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4.2 Hardware Tools

Self designed parallel ISP Programmer Kit (Burner) to burn the program in microcontroller.

Test Kit; to test the program in the respective hardware circuit.

16*2 LCD Display

Power supply

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