Page 1: Grasmere Parish Magazine - October 2017 · 2018. 8. 30. · We’re now over five months into the project and the building site is a hive of ... St. Oswald's Church Choir will start
Page 2: Grasmere Parish Magazine - October 2017 · 2018. 8. 30. · We’re now over five months into the project and the building site is a hive of ... St. Oswald's Church Choir will start


Editorial PolicyGrasmere Parish Magazine is produced monthly by St. Oswald's PCC and is

edited by Paul and Kay Adkins. The name of the author appears below each

item. The views expressed are those of the author alone and any issues

covered reflect that person’s views. Having said this, the magazine is

produced by the PCC on behalf of the community and therefore the Editors

and PCC reserve the right to operate discretion in what is acceptable to be

included each month.

Copy DateCopy date for the November magazine is 18th October 2017.

Please email your copy to the Editors at: [email protected] or

send it to Willow Bank, Town End, Grasmere LA22 9QY . You can also

upload it via the website.

Grasmere Parish Magazine onlineRecent editions of the magazine are available online at:

You can also use the website to contact the editors or to upload copy.

Advertising in the MagazineYearly rates for 1" single column or 2" single column in the small ads, also

rates for whole page b/w or colour in individual issues. Contact the Editors on

07010 724095 or email to: [email protected]

Front cover image © CGA 2017

Page 3: Grasmere Parish Magazine - October 2017 · 2018. 8. 30. · We’re now over five months into the project and the building site is a hive of ... St. Oswald's Church Choir will start


Our Sunday morning Holy Communion service follows the contemporary

Church of England ‘Common Worship’ prayer book and seasonal

supplements. Many churches throughout the English-speaking world are

converging in liturgy, rediscovering ancient early church prayers and

incorporating well-loved new material as well. Sharing ‘common’ prayer and

‘common’ worship means we are all enabled to deepen our relationships, with

God and with our neighbours near and far. Our visitors from around the world

are able to feel at home with a familiar service pattern, even if their first

language is different. We invite everyone to pray the Lord’s Prayer in their

own language, reflecting the world-wide family of God united in Jesus’s

prayer for the coming of God’s reign of love and peace for all.

Join us this month for worship, prayer, song or quiet contemplation in our

beautiful parish church of St Oswald, as we await the ‘unwrapping of the


May God be with you and bless you this October, Gill

Harvest Festival at St Oswald’s, Grasmere

Sunday 1st October

Harvest Family Communion 11am

Thanksgiving for everyone.

Harvest Evensong 4pm

with St Oswald’s Church ChoirBook of Common Prayer 1662 service

Harvest gifts are invited for Windermere Food Bank

(non-perishable please), at both services.

All welcome!


Page 4: Grasmere Parish Magazine - October 2017 · 2018. 8. 30. · We’re now over five months into the project and the building site is a hive of ... St. Oswald's Church Choir will start

Harvest HomeSt Oswald’s Church Choir is ‘warming up’ with a Harvest Evensong on

Sunday 1st October at 4pm. This is a new venture for the choir and we hope to

offer 1662 Evensong from time to time, aware that many love the Prayer Book

services and its beautiful English language. It is also a connection in our

worship with our illustrious former parishioners, renowned worldwide, who

have prayed and sung and pondered in St Oswald’s. Worship and prayer links

us with God, our forebears throughout time and place, and with one another


In the morning our Harvest Family Communion at 11am on 1st will welcome

everyone, with traditional harvest thanksgiving hymns. Harvest gifts for

Windermere Food Bank will be most welcome.



Progress ReportWe’re now over five months into the project and the building site is a hive of

activity. With the frustratingly slow process of render removal finished some

time ago, re-rendering is moving ahead rapidly. Galleting (filling gaps with

wedge-shaped pieces of stone) and repointing have both been completed and

the first coat of roughcast render applied. Surprisingly, recent bad weather

hasn’t slowed down the drying process, aeration having been provided by the

opening some of the protective outer sheeting.

Meanwhile, the tower roof has been leaded out and reslated and its timbers

repaired. Parapets and castellations are looking as good as new. The cracked

stone window lintels have been reinforced and a host of other repairs carried

out. The installation of a new lightning conductor system is scheduled in and

the re-gilded clock faces are waiting to be put back in place.

Fingers crossed, all seems to be going well, that is apart from one unexpected

problem. Jackdaws, of which Grasmere seems to have a large number, have

created an unsavoury mess, the scaffolding having provided them with an

alternative evening meeting place and appealing roost.

Much to the relief of everyone, the contractor has caught up on lost time, and

hopefully the work will finish on schedule in early November.

Sonia Rickman Churchwarden


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TOWER NEWS - continued

Celebration Service with the Bishop of Penrith

Historic renovations and exciting times are happening ‘under wraps’ as St

Oswald’s Tower Project moves towards unveiling in November. Our architects

and contractors have been working with St Oswald’s Building Committee and

PCC to restore the tower, in close consultation with heritage bodies and the

Diocese of Carlisle. The tower is going to look stunning when the wrapping

and scaffolding comes down, and our expectations are beginning to build as

we hear that completion is due in early November.

The PCC is planning a service to celebrate the completion of the tower

restoration, to which everyone is invited. St Oswald’s Church Choir will lead

the singing of Evensong, the Book of Common Prayer 1662 service our

forebears have sung for centuries in our church. The Bishop of Penrith will

preach and the Archdeacon of Westmorland and Furness will be joining us to

celebrate this historic occasion in Grasmere’s community life. We hope that

all who have contributed to the Tower Appeal in any way, with financial or

practical support, will come as well as parishioners and friends of St


Come on Advent Sunday, 3rd December, at 4pm for Evensong to celebrate the

Tower Restoration, followed by mulled wine and Grasmere gingerbread for all

after the service. Gill

Evensong to Celebrate St Oswald’s

Tower Restoration

Advent Sunday

3rd December at 4pmWith St Oswald’s Church Choir

Preacher: The Bishop of Penrith,

the Rt Revd Robert Freeman

Mulled wine and Grasmere Gingerbread


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Music Notes

St. Oswald's Church Choir will start the month with a Harvest Festival

Evensong on Sunday 1st October at 4.00 p.m., to which all are invited. This

will be a good opportunity to celebrate the growth and development of the

choir over the past year.

Some choir members may take part in the Royal School of Church Music

Area Festival in Carlisle Cathedral on Saturday 7th October at 5.30 p.m.

On Saturday 21st October from 2.00-4.00 p.m. there will be a rehearsal in

church for the Come and Sing: Fauré Requiem, which will take place on

Saturday 4th November 5.15 p.m.

On Saturday 28th October at 4.00 p.m., there will be a concert in church given

by the Middleton Music Society, with a programme of music for wind and

stringed instruments.

Ian Hare Director of MusicIan Hare, Director of Music

Harvest Festival

The produce from the Harvest Festival will be donated to the Windermere

Food Bank. A typical food parcel includes Breakfast cereals, UHT Milk,

Soup, Pasta, Rice, Pasta sauce, Tinned beans, Tinned meat, Tinned Fish,

Tinned vegetables, Tinned fruit, Tinned Rice Pudding, Tea, Coffee, Sugar,

Biscuits, Snacks, Toiletries etc. Thankyou for your help.

I would like to thank the Glee Club for their singing, Kay Adkins for her key

rings, Sue Hearn for collections at the Antique Weekends and Ian Hare for

his concerts all in aid of the Church Tower Fund and Tonia Wainwright for

her hard work in keeping the Book Stall and making money for church.

Sonia Rickman Churchwarden


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Advance notice - December/January Parish Magazine

Your editors will be away in November when the December/January

magazine would normally be prepared. Could anyone who is willing to

take this on please contact the editors or the vicar. All that is required is

a reasonable familiarity with a Word processor. We would help you with

the basic template of the magazine. Editors


September's speaker Heather Slater gave a most interesting and entertaining

talk about her life working as a nanny in Saudi Arabia.

Thank you to Lin Allen and Pat Taylor for the floral displays in church during

September, in memory of deceased WI members.

Unfortunately, due to the ongoing work disrupting access to the church and

Tithe Barn, the WI felt unable to host a Macmillan Coffee Morning this year.

Hopefully everyone will have found another venue elsewherewhere to

participate in "The World's Biggest Coffee Morning" and contribute to this

excellent event.

Two members have been invited to join Kentmere's meeting on12th October

to hear Julia Hoggard's talk about "The beekeeping year".

The Lakes Group meeting is at the Marchesi Centre, Windermere, at 6.30 for

7pm on Tuesday 17th October. Grasmere WI will be well represented, as our

village Glee Singers - including several WI members - are providing the

musical entertainment.

President Jennifer Hardisty will attend the Cumbria Westmorland Federation

AGM at the Villa on Saturday 21st October.

Please note a change to the speaker listed on the programme for our meeting

on Thursday 12th October. Judith Shingler and Allison Peak of Ambleside

Oral History Group will give an audiovisual presentation on "Ambleside in

the Great War" using personal accounts of local people who lived through this

traumatic period of our history. Visitors and non-members are always

welcome, £3 including tea and raffle. We look forward to seeing you in the

Tithe Barn at 2pm on 12th October.

Myra Mccraith


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Knit and Nat

In October we will meet on Friday 6th and Tuesday 24th in the Reading

Room from 2pm until 4pm. As usual, we welcome anyone, any age, to join us

for the afternoon, or any part of it. If you would like to come along, just bring

some crafting or simply come to chat and have a cup of tea or coffee.

We have collected together a large bag of baby items following the request

for knitting for the baby unit at Barrow. If anyone has further items please

could you get them to us before the end of the month or we would be happy

to collect them from you. We would be most grateful for any donations of

wool; we have almost knitted up all our stash.

In September, we were delighted to welcome our youngest ever member,

Matilda Mai, along with her mummy, for the afternoon. She was seven weeks

old and seemed to enjoy the sound of clicking needles and crochet hooks, we

hope she becomes a regular attender.

One of our group recently visited Thirsk and brought back a leaflet about the

Thirsk Yarnbombers; a group of knitters who joined together in 2015 to knit

items to decorate parts of their town when the Tour de Yorkshire was passing

through. Last year 35,000 poppies were knitted and crocheted then fixed

onto army camouflage netting before being draped on the church. A

photograph of the poppies along with more of their escapades can be seen


Christine Batey

Grasmere FellowshipAnother season gets underway. All meetings as usual at 2.30.

We begin as usual with a short service in St Oswald's on October 5th taken by

Gill. After the service Gill will talk about her research work into people's

attitudes to same-sex marriages.

On October 19th John Cambell will give a talk on Bowness - history through

landscape. John has written and self-published an impressive history of

Bowness and this talk will give a hint of some of the contents.

Tea will be served after the talks. Visitors are extremely welcome but

membership remains the best buy.

David Dodgson


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Grasmere Book Group

September’s meeting discussed Kirsty Logan’s debut novel The Gracekeepers

(2015). Logan’s novel is set in a drowned world, a far-future version of our

own, where a divide has set in between those who live on the land and those

who are forced to dwell on water. It features a floating circus with a dancing

bear and acrobats, and a host of folk customs that have adapted to the very

wet conditions. These are just some of the reasons why the book is an apt

Lake District read.

The group broadly enjoyed the book but had some reservations about the

logistics of the world Logan creates. Some found gaps in explanation, which

they couldn’t quite swim over. Discussions touched on the dimensions of

circus boats, the politics of fluid characters and the necessity of a barter

economy. Others questioned why there was no mention of scurvy. Aside from

these valid queries, the book proved compelling even if not to everyone’s

usual taste in reading.

Our next meeting is at 8pm on Thursday October 12th, hosted at the

Wordsworth Trust’s Foyle Room. This time we’ll be discussing comic books

and graphic novels. We are all reading something different and reporting back,

using the Lakes International Comic Art Festival (LICAF), on in Kendal

between 13th and 15th October, as license to explore a different form of

reading. All are welcome. If you’d like suggestions for possible books, please

send us an email at: [email protected]

Will and Polly

October events at The Wordsworth Trust

It’s the start of a new season and a brand new events programme this month

and we are really excited about all the great things to come in the next few

weeks. There are a number of regular groups starting that will meet

throughout the winter and brighten the dark evenings.

On Tuesday 3rd at 7.30 pm at the Jerwood Centre Grasmere History Group

welcomes Keith Coates to talk about life in the valley when he was a lad.

Discover Poetry is a brand new reading group led by Polly Atkin starting on

Thursday 5th at 7.30pm, meeting monthly in Dove Cottage to read and talk


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about seasonal poetry. Whether you love poetry or you’ve never read a word,

all are very welcome to come and explore over a cup of tea by the fire.

Wednesday 11th offers an opportunity to Meet the Curator, many of you will

know Jeff Cowton already but why not come and hear more about his work

and love of books. 7.30pm at the Jerwood Centre.

Pamela Woof’s always popular literature classes return on Wednesday 4th at

2.15pm in the Jerwood Centre, continuing with The Prelude 1805. She will

be starting at Book IV this time but there is no need to have come to last

year’s sessions or to have read anything in advance.

Saturday 14th sees the final Mindfulness in Wordsworth’s Landscape

session of the year, this time thinking about the changes the autumn season

brings to the natural world and to our own lives. 10.00am in the Jerwood


The second Grasmere Book Fair is taking place in the Village Hall on Friday

13th and Saturday 14th, we are delighted to be partnering with the Antiquarian

Booksellers’ Association to present An Introduction to Collecting Books at

3.00pm in the Jerwood Centre on Saturday 14th. If you’ve ever wanted to

know where to start with sourcing rare books this will be your chance to ask

an expert.

The last week of the month is half term and we have some lovely activities for

families with children on Thursday 26th: Rucksack of Rhymes at 11.00am

for the little ones and Twilight Tales at 4.00pm for those who love spooky


Finally, on Saturday 28th is a great event for adults and children alike –

Walking with Wordsworth’s Trees. Local landscape gardener Gary Primrose

will be leading a guided walk through the woodland around Town End and

thinking about the importance of trees in Wordsworth’s life and poetry. Meet

at 11.00 at the Jerwood Centre.

As always, please visit our website or contact us on 015394 35544 for more

information about any events or activities. We look forward to seeing you


Alice Carthy Events Officer The Wordsworth Trust


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Grasmere School News

Screen Time!

How education has changed... and is changing! In the olden days (when I was

sounding out the words from my tobacco tin, in Edinburgh) if I wanted to

know something I asked an adult, who looked it up in a book or took me to a

museum. Now when we’re ‘teaching’ a topic, half the class are more ‘expert’

than the adults, because they’ve watched a lot of videos on youtube or played

‘educational games’ or watched CBBC. Even the littlest children have

accessed a vast amount of ‘knowledge’ about the world through images they

have seen, before they’ve reached school. Thousands of pictures and videos...

Their image of the world includes other places and other times in a way that

my generation had no access to. As children we were home and locality

based, largely. Even holidays were reasonably local for most people.

So are our children now incredibly knowledgeable and wise? The

opportunities for knowledge are there. Is it knowledge that helps them to

understand themselves and the world? Or is it a collection of random

sensational facts, many exaggerated? Or is it somewhere in between...?

Poor parents! And grandparents... There are endless games which market

themselves as educational. Which to choose? What is ‘educational’? There

is also the real world, out there to be explored. Mud, water, conkers and all.

As a school we pay for various online licenses each year. One of these,

Doodlemaths, is designed to be dipped into daily – for 10 to 20 minutes.

Those children who are accessing it regularly are making rapid progress in

their maths. It seems to give them confidence in working independently, and

it is responsive to the child’s abilities and needs. It is a very useful tool which

supports teachers and parents helping children to learn. It uses some of the

tricks of online gaming; rewards, a social group identity and added extras

which you can play around with. But its aim is to teach maths, not to make

children addicted to a game in order to make a profit for a company. Here are

a couple of observations from school: anyone who spends a long time

interacting with a screen gets a bit ‘stressy’. Children who do a little of

everything, in a reasonably structured way, are positive and confident. Using

your hands and imagination creatively (ie not in response to a screen) makes

most children happy. The internet is a wonder and a marvel. Knowledge isn’t



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Here’s a book review from the summer for your enjoyment, as a

counterbalance, written by one of our Year 6 pupils:

Jo Goode Head Teacher

Time Cat by Lloyd Alexander

The book I chose is called Time Cat. I found it to be a mixture of mystery,

wonder, action and much more. At first I must admit that I wasn’t enjoying the

book, but as the saying goes “never judge a book by its cover”, and as I

continued to read, it felt more and more like I was in the story.

The book is about a cat named Gareth who has the power to go back in time,

and a boy named Jason who wants to go back in time to see what it’s like.

They have epic adventures in the past and travel through many different times.

They meet many people good and bad along the way. I particularly enjoyed a

character called Fjiwara in Japan who thinks of cats the same way he thinks of

humans, giving them scrambled eggs, toast and many other trays of human

food much to the surprise of Jason.

I really enjoyed how the writer (Lloyd Alexander) never makes the story dull.

This is mainly due to the fact that as so many places in time are visited, you

could never guess what was going to happen next. This also gave me an

interest in finding out more about the places in space and time Jason and

Gareth ended up, which I think is a brilliant effect this book has had on me.

Ambleside and District Art Society

The Ambleside and District Art Society will be holding their annual exhibition

from Wednesday 18th October until Sunday 29th October in Ambleside Parish

Centre. The exhibition will be open to the public daily.

We will be featuring the work of Ron Ward, Jean Grazier, and Mike Labrum

as well as emerging Lakeland artists. The show demonstrates the diversity of

talented Cumbrian artists who belong to the society.

Donations will be taken throughout the exhibition for local Macmillan

services, and the exhibition will be opened by Sue Goodman, Fund-Raising

Manager for Macmillan Cumbria.

Patsy Derry Publicity Officer Ambleside and District Art Society


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Grasmere Village Society

Improvements to the Broadgate activity areas

On 12th September a number of us had a very fruitful meeting at the

Garden Centre with Polly Straker, one of the SLDC officers responsible for

Parks and Open Spaces. She had supplied us with quotations from two

different firms for equipment suitable for adults and children above the age

of 12.

It was exciting to see the range available and to know that once we’d made

our choice it would be possible for the equipment to be installed in

October this year. A number of the committee had already seen similar

equipment in use outdoors elsewhere and were able to advise those of us

who have yet to experience this pleasure. Luckily we were all agreed on

which the best range to suit different abilities was and needs.

We also decided that there will be a special area for these five items,

behind the car park, rather than having them spread out along a Trim Trail

around the Park. As we raise more money and learn from our experience

in Grasmere there will be further decisions to be made. Work will be done

on the infrastructure and the existing provision for younger children. Polly

is as enthusiastic as we are about this Locally Important Project and has

promised to help with suggestions for more funding.

As I wrote last month we’d welcome any suggestions which you have for

ways to make the best use of our wonderful park. You can contact Nick

McCraith, Mary Bass, Liz Harrisons or myself with ideas or offers of help

or funding.

Road Signs and village signageGVS has been having discussions with Victoria Upton about both the

excess of signs in some areas and also the need for signs to direct visitors

to places like the Lake and the Village Hall. We hope to have more news

by our next meeting on 17th October.

Cygnet Notice BoardIt’s difficult to believe, but the new board put up by Peter Coward to

replace the stolen one was also removed. This time Don Elliott has

stepped in to produce one with stronger, engineer’s fittings. Ann Fawthrop


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has also kindly donated a green baize cover. Thank goodness there are still

such helpful people around.

Public SeatsThe committee has decided that rather than repairing the broken old seat at

the bottom of Easedale road it is more sensible to acquire a new one for the

area. This will be similar to the ones outside Broadgate meadow. It is a

popular spot for people to sit and chat and looks very attractive with the

plantings there.

Indeed the village has been looking good with the planting done by Lakes

Parish opposite the entrance to Broadgate meadow. The Hall trustees have

also begun a scheme to tidy up the greenery in front of the Hall and Helen

and Trevor Eastes have crowned their sterling efforts over the Hall

bookings by completely renovating the Hall sign. It shines out now


Grasmere Village HallThis will remain closed to the public until 12th October when the

Antiquarian Booksellers exhibition and sale opens. Meanwhile the

refurbishment of the Hall and its heating system continues. Already there

has been a mammoth amount of activity. I was astonished when I went in

to help on Thursday to see how much has already been done and how

much larger the Hall is going to look when the heaters are tucked away in

the walls.

I was asked to remind people that, for the moment, much of the car park is

cut off. A large trench has been built for the gas pipes which will be

running to the new boiler being installed at the back of the Hall. There is

still enough room for those people who have bought Hall parking permits

but the usual permission for locals to park for a short while in order to go

to a shop or the doctor or pharmacist may have to be withheld until there is

more space. It’s important for those who are working in the Hall to have

easy access.

It is also important to remember that the permission for short stays is for

locals only, particularly for those who live a distance from the shops. The

trustees try to keep the price of the parking permits low, but it is a valuable

source of income for the upkeep of the Hall. The demand for parking


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places shows how useful they are for people who have no parking facilities

for their business or house so please do respect the rules.

The Roundabout theatre I have heard good reports from people who visited their fantastic enormous

pop up theatre and myself marvelled at the energy and enthusiasm of the 3

actors who played a myriad of parts. Don’t forget to let us know if there

are problems or compliments about anything affecting the village

especially when it is something which the organisers are hoping to repeat

in the future

Lake District National Park Parish Forum This is being held in Ambleside on 10th October. If you have any

concerns or compliments about LDNPA matters don’t forget to pass them

on to GVS or your Parish councillors: Ella Footit, Vivienne Rees or Paul


Next meeting of GVS committee is on 17th OctoberDon’t forget that GVS is here to help you and, where you have issues you

feel should be brought to the attention of the authorities, to act as a channel

for you. Mary Bass, our energetic secretary, is constantly writing letters

for us to various authorities. Her latest concern has been about the

overgrown trees which are obscuring the views over the lake.

You can bring any concerns or issues to myself or Mary or any member of

the committee and where appropriate we will take action. Any suggestions

or comments are always gratefully received.

Vivienne Rees

Grasmere Sports 2017

Grasmere Sports started with a rather dull and drizzly morning and ended with

a bright and sunny afternoon. There was a good turn out of locals and visitors

alike with more than 4,000 attending. Competitors came from many

countries, including Iceland and France to compete in the traditional events.

Records were broken, including the Ladies Senior Guide Race record by

Victoria Wilkinson with a time of 15.05. This meant a bonus £500 prize


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money from local Solicitors Thompson Hayton Winkley. The Mens Senior

Guide Race record remains unbeaten since being won by Fred Reeves with a

time of 12.21 thirty nine years ago. He was a special guest at the Sports this

year and was there to congratulate Fraser Sproul the Under 14’s Fell race

winner and new record holder.

New for this year was the Long Leap which has been absent from the Sports

for 20 years. This proved so popular that it will be happening again next year.

Thank you for attending and don’t forget to make a date in your diary for the

Grasmere Lakeland Sports and Show 2018 on Sunday 26th August.

Christine Shaw Grasmere Sports Committee.

Celebrating Together

On Saturday 7 October, Churches Together in Cumbria will be holding their

annual Celebrating Together event at St Mary’s Church and Ambleside Parish

Centre. This year the title is Made in God’s Image: exploring gender and

discipleship. Our keynote speaker is Rev Terrie Robinson, Director for

Women in Church and Society for the Anglican Communion. Her talk will be

followed by a series of workshops on a variety of themes. Each delegate will

be able to attend two out of the five workshops. In the afternoon four of the

Cumbria Church Leaders will take part in a ‘Be My Guest’ session and

interview those with a story to tell relating to the theme.

More information at or email

[email protected]

Lucinda Kirby Administrator Churches Together in Cumbria

Silver Sunday Afternoon Tea

8th October 2.30 to 4.00pm at the Kelsick Centre, Ambleside.

The Rotary Club of Ambleside Kirkstone is again hosting a free Silver

Sunday afternoon tea for older people who live alone. It’s an opportunity to

enjoy a free afternoon tea in good company with some entertainment.

Everyone who came last year will be invited, others please contact Ambleside

Rotary to book a place.

Margaret Burford


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October 2017

1 Sun 11:00 St. Oswald's Harvest Festival

1 Sun 16:00 St. Oswald's Harvest Evensong

1 Sun 19:00 St. Mary's, Rydal Taizé Service

3 Tue 19:30 Jerwood Centre History Group

4 Wed 14:15 Jerwood Centre The Prelude 1805 with Pamela Woof

5 Thu 14:30 St. Oswald's Fellowship Opening Service

5 Thu 19:30 Dove Cottage Discover Poetry

6 Fri 14:00 Reading Rooms Knit & Nat

7 Sat 10:00 Ambleside Parish CCelebrating Together

7 Sat 11:00 St. Oswald's Wedding

7 Sat 14:00 Wordsworth Artists on Art

8 Sun 11:00 St. Oswald's HC & Baptism - Trinity 17

8 Sun 13:00 Rydal Hall Harvest Lunch - with St. Mary's Rydal

8 Sun 14:30 Kelsick Centre AmbSilver Sunday Afternoon Tea

11 Wed 19:30 Jerwood Centre Meet the Curator

12 Thu Village Hall Antiquarian Booksellers - 14th

12 Thu 14:00 Tithe Barn WI

12 Thu 20:00 Foyle Room Book Group

14 Sat 10:00 Jerwood Centre Mindfulness in Wordsworth's Landscape

14 Sat 15:00 Jerwood Centre Introduction to Collecting Books

15 Sun Village Hall Cumbria Sculptors & prints -> 17th

15 Sun 11:00 St. Oswald's Parish Eucharist - Trinity 18

17 Tue GVS Committee

18 Wed Ambleside Parish CArt Soc Exhib -> 29th

19 Thu 14:30 Tithe Barn Grasmere Fellowship

21 Sat 14:00 St. Oswald's Come and Sing Fauré Rehearsal

Page 18: Grasmere Parish Magazine - October 2017 · 2018. 8. 30. · We’re now over five months into the project and the building site is a hive of ... St. Oswald's Church Choir will start


Sidesmen / women Coffee

Oct 1st John Rickman

Trevor Eastes

Pat Taylor

June Maddison

Oct 8th Rosalind de Wesselow

Kay Adkins

Tonia Wainwright

Oct 15th Ann Fawthrop

Pat Taylor

Kay Adkins

Oct 22nd June Maddison

Bob Allen

Shirley Hill

Oct 29th John Rickman

Trevor Eastes

Rosalind de Wesselow

Nov 5th Rosalind de Wesselow

Kay Adkins


22 Sun 11:00 St. Oswald's Parish Eucharist - Trinity 19

24 Tue 14:00 Reading Rooms Knit & Nat

26 Thu 10:00 Tithe Barn Lakes Collectibles - to Sat 28th

26 Thu 11:00 Wordsworth Rucksack of Rhymes

26 Thu 16:00 Dove Cottage Twilight Tales

28 Sat 11:00 Jerwood Centre Walking with Wordsworth's Trees

28 Sat 16:00 St. Oswald's Concert

28 Sat 16:00 St. Oswald's Middleton Music Soc. concert

29 Sun 11:00 St. Oswald's Parish Eucharist - Last after Trinity

November 2017

4 Sat 17:15 St. Oswald's Come and Sing - Fauré Requiem

5 Sun 11:00 St. Oswald's Festival Eucharist - All Saints Sunday

5 Sun 19:00 St. Mary's, Rydal Taizé Service

12 Sun 10:55 St. Oswald's Remembrance Sunday (note time)

Page 19: Grasmere Parish Magazine - October 2017 · 2018. 8. 30. · We’re now over five months into the project and the building site is a hive of ... St. Oswald's Church Choir will start


St Oswald’s Parish ChurchPriest-in-charge: Revd Gill Henwood MA

Rydal Hall, Rydal, Ambleside, Cumbria LA22 9LXTel: 07712 270933

Wardens: Mrs Sonia Rickman, 015394 35603Mrs Helen Bunfield

Secretary: VacancyTreasurer: Mr John RickmanOrganist: Mr Ian C. Hare MA MusB 017684 83886

Other church contacts

Methodist Minister: Deacon Maggie Patchett, 1 Applerigg, Patterdale Road, Windermere LA23 1EW Tel: 015394 42971 Email: [email protected]

Roman Catholic Priest: Father Kevan Dorgan, Our Lady’s Church, Lake Road, Windermere, LA23 2EQ. Tel: 015394 43402Mass 9. 30am every Sunday at Mater Amabilis, Ambleside

Quaker - Friend In Residence: Terry Winterton. Glenthorne Quaker Centre & Guest House, Easedale Rd, LA22 9QH Tel: 015394 35389 email; [email protected]

URC Minister:The Revd. Martyn Coe , Carver Church, Windermere, LA23 2BY Tel: 01539 533223

Home Visiting and Communions

For requests for visits to residents in short or long term need please telephone 015394 35326

Please contact the appropriate Church and member of the clergy or minister in case of need and at times of sickness for Home Communion. Any of the churches would be happy to pray for any individual, please simply let any of us know the name of the person to be prayed for and that they are agreeable to being prayed for in public.

Page 20: Grasmere Parish Magazine - October 2017 · 2018. 8. 30. · We’re now over five months into the project and the building site is a hive of ... St. Oswald's Church Choir will start

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