Download - Greece


GreeceCasey Davison

5/20/11Mr. Scott

Desert Oasis

The Population of Greece is eleven million, two hundred eighty-three thousand, two hundred ninety-three , The language spoken in Greece is Ninety nine percent Greek and one percent English and French. The average life span of Greeks are eighty point two.

AthensMajor oceans, lakes, and riversThe climate in Greece is just like the United

States hot in the Summer and cold in the winter.

They are religious ninety-eight percent Greek Orthodox, one point three Muslims, point seven is other.

January 1 - New Year's Day & St. Vasileios Day

March 25 - Independence Day (Otoman Empire 1820's)

May 1 - Flower Festival & Labor Day

October 28 - Ohi Day (Greeks said NO! to Mousolini's request for surrender)

December 25 - Christmas

Greeks were fashionable stuff! They mostly were designer clothes.

Greeks eat a lot of crazy stuff like Pork Souvlaki, The Traditional Fat Gyro Pita, Grilled Lamb, Pork, and Chicken.

The government has one hundred fourteen point five billion in revenues and one hundred and forty two point nine billion in Expenditures.

Machinery, Equipment Goods And Boat Fuels, Chemicals, Hydrocarbons are some major imports.

Food And Beverages, Manufactured Goods, Petroleum Products, Chemicals, Textiles are some major exports.

Government: Unitary parliamentary republic President: Karolos Papoulias Prime Minister: Giorgos Papandreou MP

The Parthenon, it is located on the on top of the Acropolis Athens, Greece

The Parthenon is important to them because it was dedicated to one goddess Athena.

I Am interested in Greek mythology. As you can tell by a helmet that I ride with. Greece is the home of Mythology and The Greece Gods like Athena and Zeus. And as I was growing up my mother was reading the stories and never really new what they were but now since I studied Greece now I have figured it all out.













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