Page 1: Greenhouse gases effect


presented by:A .Sandeep kumarDAM/68


Page 2: Greenhouse gases effect

What is meant by Green house effect?A phenomenon in which the atmosphere of a planet traps radiation emitted by its sun, caused by gases such as carbon dioxide, Water vapor, and methane that allowIncoming sunlight to pass through but retain heat radiated back from the planet's surface

Global warming is when the earth heats up and the temperature increases

More recently, the temperatures have been rising, causing more dangers for people, animals, plants and our environment.

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Greenhouse gas are efficient in absorbing IR light…

The most important greenhouse gases are:

1. H2O – water vapor.2. Co2 – carbon dioxide3. CH4 – methane The most abundant greenhouse gas in earth’s

atmosphere is water vapor. Most of the greenhouse heating of earth’s atmosphere is due to water vapor absorption of IR radiation emitted by earth, and then transferring the energy to the surrounding air molecule

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Melting of polar ice—polar bears and other animals are drowning.

Migrating birds are forced to change their time and place of migration.

Melting of glaciers will lead to higher sea level, which will cause floods and put many low-elevation regions at risk of disappearing under water.

Longer summers can disrupt animal habitation.New and widespread diseases because of warm climate.Damaged crops due to sudden climate change and floods.Average precipitation increase around the world.Droughts, heat waves, extreme winters and storms,

hurricanes, typhoons.


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Large country with diverse climate Two thirds area rain dependent. High monsoon dependency. Diverse seasons, crops and farming ,farming

systems. Close link between climate and water resources. Small holdings, poor coping mechanisms and

low penetration of mechanisms and low penetration of risk management products.

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Weather Impacts on AgricultureRainfall drives water availability and determines Sowing time

(rain fed crops). Temperature drives crop growth ,duration ;influences milk

production in animals and spawning in fish Temperature RH influence pest and diseases incidence on crops

livestock and poultry Radiation influences the photosynthetic productivity Wet & dry spells cause significant impact on standing crops,

physiology ,loss of economic products (e.g .Fruit drop) Extreme events(eg . high rainfall/floods/heatwave/cold

wave/cyclone/hail/frost)cause enormous losses of standing crops, livestock and fisheries.

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Strategic research to address long term climate change

Technology demonstration to help Technology demonstration to help farmers cope with current climate variability.

Capacity building of different stake holders for greater awareness stakeholders for greater awareness and community action.

National Initiative on Climate Resilient AgricultureN I C R A

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Identification of vulnerable districts. Choosing representative village cluster. Characterization of climatic stresses. Need assessment and baseline. Finalization of interventions through a 

participatory process . Implementation and monitoring the unique

feature is the flexibility in interventions depending on the real time weather.


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Natural resources Water harvesting and recycling for supplement a irrigation ,improved

drainage in flood prone areas ,conservation tillage where appropriate, artificial ground water recharge and water saving irrigation methods. Artificial ground water recharge and water saving irrigation methods.

Crop Production Drought/ temperature tolerant varieties ,advancement of planting dates

of rabi crops in are as with terminal heat stress ,water saving paddy cultivation methods (SRI aerobic direct seeding)frost management cultivation methods( sri ,aerobic ,direct seeding), frost management in horticulture through fumigation, community nurseries for delayed monsoon ,custom hiring centres for timely planting ,location specific intercropping systems.

Live stock and FisheriesUse of community lands for fodder production during droughts/floods, improved fodder /feed storage methods ,preventive vaccination ,improved Live stock and fisheries.

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Institutional InterventionsEither by strengthening the existing ones or initiating new ones relating to seed bank, fodder bank ,commodity groups, custom hiring centre ,collective marketing group ,introduction of weather index based insurance and climate literacy through a village weather station will be part of this module.Documentations of indigenous coping mechanisms in all the 100 districts is part of this component (which will be made as a compendium).

Shelters for reducing heat stress in livestock ,management of fish ponds/ tanks during water scarcity and excess water ,etc.

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