
April 2021 Phone Number:


Welcome back! I hope that your family

was able to enjoy some time together

during Spring Break. Although travel

plans were put on hold again this year, I

hope you enjoyed a change of routine

as it feels good to catch one's

breath! As April falls upon us, so does

spring rain! I am eager to see the

children move away from snow shovels

and forts to exploring water and

puddles at recess. Please send in an

extra pair of clothes for your child in

case they get wet. Thank you!

I wanted to share with you the

incredible new bike racks that the

students at RB Russell have made for

us! As part of a Heathy Schools

Initiative through Winnipeg School

Division, I wrote a grant asking for

money to purchase bike racks to house

the growing number of students riding

their bikes to school. We were

awarded $1000.00 and the money

went back into the welding

department at RB Vocational School. I

am not sure when they will be

delivered… the work order is in and we

can anticipate them coming soon.

I have received word that Mr. Kehler

will be on leave for the remainder of

the school year. As you know, Ms.

Madill is expecting in May and a Grade

5 TERM position will be posted at that

time. Ms. Haw will have graduated by

then, and it is my hope that we can

hire her to finish the school year. She

has been the constant all year and I’d

really like to keep that continuity for the

kids. As time gets closer, I will keep you

in the loop.

It is at this time of year that the staffing

process begins. Our enrollment has

dropped from 185 to 157 this year. We

are projecting about the same amount

of students for next year. We are

seeing a noticeable drop in Nursery

and Kindergarten then in previous

years. This could be pandemic related

as some parents are choosing to keep

their children home.

In the month of April, I will receive our

staffing complement for the 2021-2022

school year and from there, we will

map out staffing positions and

classrooms configurations, based on

our current/anticipated student

numbers. Please stay tuned, as soon as

further information is available, you will

be notified.

On behalf of the Grosvenor Staff I want

to hank you again for spoiling us rotten!

A special “thank you” to Ashleigh for

all her hard work organizing. We felt

VERY appreciated!

We look forward to a wonderful month

of learning!

Warm regards,


Administrative Message

GSA News 2-4

WSD News 8

School News 5-7

April Calendar 9

Inside this issue:


Upcoming No Class


• April 16th, 2021

• May 3rd, 2021

• May 24th, 2021


News from the GSA Welcome back! We hope you found Spring Break to be restful respite as we enter the home stretch for the school year and,

comparing this year to last year which had our break in March lasting through to June, we are most certainly grateful to see

classes remain in session. In this spirit, we must offer much heartfelt thanks to Ashleigh Mitchell who spearheaded Staff

Appreciation Week this year, March 22 to 26, with daily gifts of gratitude to our wonderful administrators, teachers, and

support and custodial staff. Thank you to Ashleigh for taking care of that from all of us in the Grosvenor School community.

(She has provided photos to accompany the standalone feature on this as well.) And, of course, thanks must go to you, the

parents, for your generosity in donating to the fund which made it all possible.

As we anxiously await news from Winnipeg School Division on developments around before- and after-school-age

programming, Stephanie and Maureen opted to divide and conquer. Maureen continued efforts to recruit suitable

candidates operating licensed school-age programs (as a licensed program is required by WSD for September) by

contacting every facility offering school-age programming in the city to indicate the division issued a Request for Proposals to

replace our ABC program at Grosvenor while Stephanie absolved herself from that campaign in order to stay clear of any

perceived conflict of interest and therefore remains eligible to sit on the school division panel to pick a replacement for our

parent-run program for the start of 2021-2022.

At the information session held mid-March by Winnipeg School Division, we were told the process of picking a replacement

for ABC would fall to a panel which included, but was not limited to, a chair from the Grosvenor School Association as well as

our principal and a parent at Grosvenor School. If you are interested in serving as that parent representative and can declare

yourself free of conflict of interest (i.e. strongly-held opinions, association in the past or present with existing licensed facilities

who may be submitting a tender) and can vouch you will act in accordance with helping to decide what is best for the

school community at large as opposed to what might be better for your family or families close to you, please let us know

TODAY (April 5) as we must submit a name to administrators at the division tomorrow, Tuesday, April 6.

We want what is best for the school community today and into the future. The assurance of available before- and after-

school care is an important factor in selecting an elementary school for many families. And, as our longest-serving GSA staff

person will tell you, when she came to Grosvenor School as a parent herself more than 30 years ago, the school had no

before and after school care programming in place and enrolment sat 89 children as opposed to last year (pre-pandemic)

when enrolment hit a high of almost one hundred students more than that, 185 students if memory serves. Healthy enrolment

is key to a healthy school community and school-age care outside school hours is a critical component in that. We are doing

everything within our powers to ensure that continuum of before- and after- school-age care is met despite no longer being

allowed by Winnipeg School Division to offer it ourselves.

2020-2021 GSA Officers

Co-Chairs: Maureen W.L. and Stephanie E.

Vice-Chairs: Lorna T. and Kara M.

Secretary: Shauna W.

Treasurers: Jeff S. and Jocelyne L.

Members-At-Large: John M., Ashleigh M., Dianna R., Alex

V., and Tallula W.

Contact GSA: [email protected]

Principal: [email protected]

GSA meetings will be held:

April 7 *will be a Zoom meeting

Contact GSA for an invitation at:

[email protected]

May 4 and June 2

News from the GSA Page 3

With a healthy break from school routine now behind us, it seems prudent to offer a reminder of behavioural expectations

for students enrolled in our programming. As of late, there have been issues within select groups. When your child enrolled

in one of our programs, taking Lunch for example, they agreed to maintain a standard of behaviour of which we ask you to

remind them.

Expectations of Students:

▪ Show respect and courtesy to all staff and students;

▪ Eat at their assigned tables/classrooms and stay seated;

▪ Use an inside voice whilst eating;

▪ Be respectful with their food and eat appropriately;

▪ Be respectful of other people’s personal space, belongings and lunch;

▪ Clean up garbage and eating area before going outside;

▪ Return recess equipment, games, supplies to storage areas;

▪ Ask to use the washroom. Only one child in the washroom at a time;

▪ Remain in the designated area and school grounds at all times. Parents must sign their children out in the

office if they will not be at lunch that day;

▪ Dress appropriately for the weather, and

▪ Follow the school playground rules and encourage safe play for all.

When these behavioural expectations are not being met, Lunch program staff will try to redirect a child’s behaviour by

using the following protocol:

▪ First Reminder: Verbal reminder of expectations by lunch staff.

▪ Second Reminder: Time out or loss of lunch hour privilege with phone call or note home to parents

▪ Third or Subsequent Reminder: Student and/or parent/guardian meets with principal understanding the

potential for suspension from the lunch program.

Let’s all continue to work together to ensure lunchtime is a time when students and staff alike feel safe, respected and


Finally, our next monthly Grosvenor School Association meeting will be held this week, on Wednesday, April 7 at 6:30 pm via

Zoom. With only a handful of monthly meetings remaining in this school year, your current co-chairs wish to make it known

they will not be seeking a second term when this one ends at the AGM in June. Both Stephanie and Maureen remain

grateful for the experience the role has afforded during this uniquely challenging pandemic school year but neither can

take further time away from their responsibilities at work and home. (Stephanie is a nurse and Maureen requires a

sabbatical from volunteer work to get her business affairs back in order. Maureen would be pleased to return to these

volunteer duties after a break of a year or so and will attempt to convince Stephanie to join her again when that time

comes but neither can manage a second consecutive year at it.) Everyone involved seems to feel that co-chairing is a

system of volunteer board governance that works here at Grosvenor School for its parent association so now is the time to

start thinking about who you might ask to be your co-pilot should you decide to answer the call to volunteer. Our school

community depends on its parent association for lunchtime supervision as well as fundraising initiatives that support the

efforts of the school and its staff so they are able to offer the best to our children, their students. If you have questions

around volunteering your time to the Grosvenor School Association and what it may involve, please don’t hesitate to ask us

at [email protected].

See you at school and (hopefully) the meeting on Wednesday evening.

Maureen and Stephanie


News from the GSA Staff Appreciation Week!

Much heartfelt thanks must go to Ashleigh Mitchell who spearheaded Staff Appreciation Week this year, March 22 to 26, with daily gifts of gratitude to our wonderful administrators, teachers,

support and custodial staff. Thanks to the generous contributions from families within our school

community, we decorated the staff room, stocked it with fresh fruit, chocolates, tea and drinks,

gave individual roses, brought in fresh coffee daily from The Canteen and baking from Lilac

Bakery, Tall Grass Prairie and Oh Doughnuts and hosted a pizza party on Friday! Staff were

presented with the group gift of a gratitude jar, filled with loving messages expressing how

much their endless efforts to educate, support and guide our children through this ever-so-

challenging year have been appreciated!! So very lovely. Thank you to Ashleigh for taking

care of that from all of us in the Grosvenor School community and, of course, to all the families

who gave so generously to see it happen.

Kindergarten students finished learning about friendship in the month of March. Kindergarten stu-

dents were randomly placed in pairs to take turns drawing their friend’s self-portrait focusing on the details they noticed. Next we brainstormed ideas of what we appreciate about our friends in Kinder-garten. Then students choose three things to write on a strip of paper. These will be displayed on the

bulletin board outside the Kindergarten classroom.

In grades 1-4 students wrapped up their friendship drama skits. They were in various random group-ings from pairs to groups of four. They were invited to write a skit following a beginning, middle and

end. Students collaborated together around a friendship conflict of their choice where the middle of the skit the problem started and at the end of the skit the problem was solved. Each of their skits

were performed for the class and recorded on video.

In grades 5 and 6 students finished their mindfulness mini-inquiry projects. Students had a choice on how to share their learning with their classmates, some choose to present their findings with a slide presentation or write a guided breathing exercise for the class to participate in. Then some students

choose to display their learning verses present by typing up a writing piece, make a poster, design

an interactive poster or build an animation model of the brain.

News from the School Page 5

Mindfulness by Ms. McMurtry

News from the Music Room by Ms. Hanton

Looking forward to music classes during April at Grosvenor, we will be trying to get outside as our

schedule and the weather permit to kick up our heels and dance! Younger grades will learn about circle formation and basic movement in place. The older grades will also be dancing outside in

traditional and not-so-traditional dance formations. We will also be re-visiting bucket drumming, tone chimes, and ukulele lessons to create small ensembles and music together. Over the coming months

Grade 6 will be focusing on traditional music notation in preparation for Grade 7 band and choir.

News from the Gym by Ms. Squair

Students are enjoying being outside and feeling the warmth of the sun and higher

temperatures. Grades 2-6 have been excited to walk to Community parks to explore different equipment, and either race, climb, swing, throw a football, kick a soccer ball or toss a frisbee. Grade

ones have learning new tag games and enjoying kicking and throwing activities (number soccer,

volcano dodgeball).

During April, the focus for classes will be badminton, volleyball, basketball, soccer baseball, relay-

type activities, skipping, Community walks, scootering and biking around the track. Grades 1- 3 will be exposed to frisbee and beanbag golf, balloon badminton and invasion games. Grades 4, 5 and

6’s will have the opportunity to try golfing in our field with the Divisional equipment.

All of these activities will support and enhance the Fundamental Movement Skills, utilizing all areas of

the School ground.

Spirit Week at Grosvenor School! Page 6

News from the School Page 7

Learning About the World

Hello! This is Kate, Margaret and Savair. We will be talking about some of the country research projects that the Grade 2/3 students in Room 8

have been working on throughout the year. We have been learning about many different countries and the continents of Antarctica and Australia

as well. Here are some of them!

The first one was Jeremy’s project on Norway. He taught us the Norwegian expression UFF DA (oof-duh) which can show bafflement, surprise,

relief or exhaustion. Next was Halina’s project on Canada. One cool fact we thought was interesting was that in Canada, you can find some of the

oldest rocks in the world! Violet was up next. She studied the U.S.A. and she put a song from the musical “Hamilton” called “My Shot” in her

slideshow. Alexander Hamilton was one of the founders of the U.S.A. when they fought for independence from the British. Anik did a project on

Australia and taught us that it is both a country and (a huge part of) a continent! Next was Brennen who taught us about Mexico, which is famous

for its Mayan temples. After him was Charlie’s project on Japan. She built her own version of the Tokyo Skytree, which was completed on Febru-

ary 29th, 2012, the day she was born!

The next presentation was Isaac’s project on Greece! We learned that the official name of Greece is Hellenic Republic. Next, Bb did a project on

the continent of Antarctica! She taught us that blue whales live in Antarctica and they are the biggest animal to live on planet Earth. They blow

water out of their blowholes up to 10 metres high! Savair then did a project on France. She taught us that the Eiffel tower is covered in names of

scientists! Izzy did a project on England. Her presentation taught us that that the saying “cheerio” means goodbye and “yo” means hello! Coy

taught us about the country of Chile. We learned that the oldest mummy in the world can be found in Chile!

We then learned about Thailand from Kate. She taught us about monks and how they cannot speak or laugh loudly in public and that they must

shave their heads and eyebrows! Next, Emily taught us about China. In China, they celebrate “Children’s Day” every year as well as Chinese New

Year! Lastly, Mabel did a presentation on Spain. We learned that Spain has a food fight festival every year and that they use 150 000 over-ripe

tomatoes in the fight! Sterling studied the country of Italy. He built a model of the Colosseum, which is located in Rome, Italy. Margaret taught us

about Egypt. She was surprised to learn that Egypt has hyenas.

Mr. Mont’s class also did country research projects and we had a mini in-school field trip to check them out! Similar to our class, Mr. Mont’s stu-

dents built awesome famous structures. Their class even researched some of the same countries that we did!

We have learned so much about different countries and continents all around the world, but we still have more to learn! We are looking forward to

Lennox’s project on Germany and finally, Cole’s project on Barbados!

Be sure to come upstairs and check out Room 8’s country research project displayed in the hallway!

Thank you ,

Kate, Margaret and Savair

News from the WSD Page 8

April 2021

Spring Break

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri

1 2

5 6
















28 29 30


GSA Meeting 6:30pm

Parent Virtual Workshop

with Tanya Hoover


*More Information

to follow

Spring Break

Day 4 Day 3 Day 2 Day 5

*Grade 6

Immunization is


Day 6 Day 5 Day 4 Day 3 Day 1

Day 2 Day 3 Day 1 Day 5 Day 4

Pink Shirt Day!


Inservice Day

Day 6

Day 3 Day 2 Day 1 Day 6 Day 4

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