



Groundwork North Wales has been providing high qualityeducational programmes for schools in North Wales since the openingof The Legacy Environmental Education Centre in 1995. In 2006 theCentre moved from Legacy to a new home at Plas Power in Tanyfron,Wrexham, where we have continued to provide inspiring educationprogrammes for children and young people across North Wales.

We have over 20 years experience of working with schools, children and young people,offering a broad range of programmes and activities for 3 – 19 year olds, all designed to berelevant, exciting and challenging. Every year we welcome schools and groups from Northand Mid Wales to our Education Centre and visit schools through our outreach programmes.However, we offer much more than just a range of learning programmes, we also trainteachers, help schools to develop their school grounds and work with students and teachersto help them get the most out of their outdoor space.



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A525 Ruthin Rd




Southsea Rd A525

Mold Rd






Plas Power, 3-4 Plas Power RoadTanyfron, Wrexham. LL11 5SZ

Tel: 01978 [email protected]

GROUNDWORKEDUCATIONCENTREOur Education Centre is located atthe historic Plas Power Colliery site,now transformed into a naturereserve, where children and youngpeople can experience the naturalenvironment for themselves.

Our 9 hectare site features woodlands,meadows, forest school areas, storytellingcircle, fire pit, Celtic Roundhouse, pondarea, indoor classrooms and more, allcreating an interesting and stimulatingoutdoor space.

We also have indoor and outdoor lunchfacilities and a shop stocked with manystationery items and toys at pocket moneyprices.

The site is suitable for all abilities, withdisabled toilet facilities, hard surfaced pathsto the roundhouse and ramped accessto classrooms.

DirectionsFrom A483 exit junction 4 towardsRuthin A525, turn 2nd right for Brymboand Southsea on B5101, travel 1 milethen turn left and sharp left againdownhill for 250 metres, turn rightthrough gates of Groundwork NorthWales continue to top.


Exploring the Great Outdoors

Explore the diverse range of flora and fauna at Plas Power through a variety ofoutdoor activities in our nature reserve.

Duration ½ Day Suitable for Foundation Phase Price £100 ( up to 30 pupils)Curriculum Links• Creative Development – Art, Craft & Design; Music• Knowledge and Understanding of the World – Myself and other living things• Personal and Social Development, Well-Being and Cultural Diversity – Well-being;

Personal DevelopmentActivities• Environmental art & nature games • Nature trails • Making music• Discovery and exploration

Healthy Living & Eating

Learn all about healthy lifestyles through discovering our vegetable patch. Learnabout what plants need to grow and plant your own seeds to take back to school.

Duration ½ Day Suitable for Foundation Phase Price £100 ( up to 30 pupils)Curriculum Links• Personal and Social Development, Well-Being and Cultural Diversity

– Physical Well-Being, Personal Development• Knowledge and Understanding of the World – Myself and other living things• Physical Development – Healthy living; Healthy eatingActivities• Healthy eating themed games • Investigating exercise and its benefits• Exploring food groups and how they help us grow • Seed planting

Healthy Living &Exploring the GreatOutdoors can runtogether to make a

great full daycourse



Celtic Craft and Culture

Discover what everyday life was like for a Celt through a hands on day of activitieswhich explore the rich culture and heritage of the ancient Celts.

‘‘TThhee CCeellttiicc eexxppeerriieenncceewwaass iinnssppiirriinngg ,, eennggaaggiinngg aannddffuunn ffoorr aallll tthhee cchhiillddrreenn iinnvvoollvveedd.. TThhee ddaayy rraann ssmmooootthhllyy mmaakkiinngg iitt aassttrreessss ffrreeee ttrriipp ffoorr ssttaaffff aanndd ppuuppiillss’’St Giles School, Wrexham

Duration 1 Day Suitable for KS2 Price £195 ( < 30 pupils ) £390 ( < 60 pupils )Curriculum Links

History Skills: Historical knowledge and understanding 1,3 Range: Study (Daily life ofIron Age Celts); Ask and answer questions. Also elements of Art & Design andMathematicsActivities• Celtic costume • Story-telling and artefacts • Wattle and daub • Spinning yarn • Weaving• Designing a shield & making clay pots


Homes & Habitat Discovery

Exploring our woodland site, the children gain first-hand experience of differenthabitats, how creatures have adapted to their environment and what they need tosurvive. An exciting day of interaction and investigation.

‘‘AAllll cchhiillddrreenn tthhoorroouugghhllyy eennjjooyyeedd tthheettrriipp aanndd lleeaarrnniinngg aabboouutt mmiinniibbeeaassttss;;tthhee pprrooggrraammmmeess lliinnkkeedd cclloosseellyy ttoooouurr sscchheemmee ooff wwoorrkk aanndd tthheeFFoouunnddaattiioonn PPhhaassee DDooccuummeenntt..’’Teacher. Ysgol Estyn, Hope


Duration 1 Day Suitable for Foundation Phase & KS2 Price £195 ( < 30 pupils ) £390 ( < 60 pupils )Curriculum Links

Science: Skills: Enquiry – Planning 2, 6, 7; Developing 1, 4, 7; Reflecting 1, 3Range: Interdependence 4, 5, 6. Also elements of GeographyActivities• Pond dipping • Mini beast hunting • Food chains • Skills based activities• Habitat discovery


Forest School

Duration Varied – regular weekly sessions typically over a 6 week period Suitable for Foundation Phase & KS2 Price POA Curriculum Links This depends on any needs of the school. We can developprogrammes based around numeracy, literacy, science, art & design, music or otherareas of focus.Activities• Outdoor activities, skills & tasks • Woodland skills • Music & art• Whole child based ethos • All tailored to individual school needs

Forest School is an inspirational process that offers children and young peopleopportunities to develop confidence and self-esteem, through hands on learningexperiences in a local woodland environment. Our Forest School programme can bebased at our site at Plas Power or on your school premises. We can tailor aprogramme to meet your needs, covering a variety of areas of the curriculum,allowing the children to explore the outdoors and learn new skills.


Forest School Taster Day

Schools can get a feel for our Forest School programme with this taster day andexperience a variety of activities which form part of our longer programme.

Duration ½ day or 1 day Suitable for Foundation Phase & KS2 Price POA Curriculum Links This depends on any needs of the school. We can developprogrammes based around numeracy, literacy, science, art & design, music or otherareas of focus. Activities• Hands on day experiencing many Forest School activities within a woodland


Coming SoonLook out for our newRiver School & BeachSchool programmescoming soon, pleaseenquire for details


End of Term Celebration

Come and celebrate the end of term with a variety of fun, outdoor, environmentalthemed activities at our Education Centre.

Duration ½ Day , 1 Day Suitable for Foundation Phase & KS2 Price POA Curriculum Links These sessions are not curriculum linked, however provide a fun,outdoor educational experience in a woodland environment.Activities• Campfire celebration • Woodland activities and fun games• Environmental art and music • Bespoke planning available

Local History Programme: Plas Power: When Coal was King

Find out about the history of the former Plas Power Colliery site, placing it both incontext of the development of the coal and steel industry in the area and in the localcontext of the miners and their families who were linked to it.

Duration ½ Day, 1 Day Suitable for Foundation Phase & KS2

Price £100/£195 ( < 30 pupils )

Curriculum Links

• Chronological Awareness • Interpretation of History • Historical knowledge and understanding

Activities• A variety of activities to discover the site of the former Plas Power colliery• Guided trail around the site of a Victorian coal mine • Investigations into the life of

children in the mines • Investigating forgotten railways


Climate Chaos

Learn about the causes, consequences and solutions to climate change. Find outabout the effect of climate change on the environment, people and wildlife andinvestigate solutions such as renewable energies and encourage the development ofnew ways to tackle the issues.

Duration 1 day Suitable for Foundation Phase & KS2 Price £195 ( up to 2 classes ) Curriculum Links

Geography Skills: Locating places, environments and patterns 1, 4Understanding places, environments and processes 1, 2, 3 Investigating 1Communicating 2 Range: Study 1, 2 Carry Out 1, 2. Ask and answer questions 1, 2, 3,4, 5 with elements of ScienceActivities• Identify causes of climate change • Demonstrate the effects of ocean level rise• What are the consequences of climate change • Solutions. How can we help? • Demonstration of renewable energies


Pupil Power

Includes a whole school assembly, a school energy audit conducted by the ecocouncil and four workshops targeted at year five to introduce the causesconsequences and solutions to climate change. At the end of the 4 day programmepupils and teachers will have a greater understanding of climate change and whatwe can do to combat it. Additionally an action plan will assist the school to reduceits energy bills and impact on the environment.

Duration 4 days Suitable for Whole school Price £780 ( whole school )Curriculum Links

Geography Skills: Understanding places, environments and processes 1, 3Investigating 1 Communicating 1, 2 Range: Study 1, 2 Carry Out 1, 2Ask and answer questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 with elements of Maths and Geography.Activities• Understand the causes, consequences and solutions to climate change.• Workshop / assembly with the whole school • Energy audit of the school• Encourage whole school to make connection between energy and climate change.• Reduce energy bills


Get a Buzz from Bees

Explore why bees are important to our eco systems and the challenges that beesface. The session helps pupils develop an understanding of bees in ourenvironment.

Duration 1 day Suitable for Foundation Phase & KS2 Price £195 ( up to 2 classes )Curriculum Links

Geography Skills: Understanding Places, Environment and Processes 3,Investigating:1, Communicating: 1,2,3 Range: Study 1, 2. Ask and answer questions1, 2, 3, 4, 5.Activities• Help children find out about bees and their importance • Explore British wildlife • Make your school more bee-friendly

Waste Warriors

Introduces the link between rubbish and our environment and develops pupil’sthoughts on reducing, reuse and recycling waste. Pupils will get the opportunity toaudit and identify waste from around the school and will be encouraged to developideas on tackling specific waste issues. A paper making workshop brings togetherthe idea of energy involved in producing a product and how recycling and reuseproduces a more sustainable product.

Duration 1 Day Suitable for Foundation Phase & KS2 Price £195 ( 1 class )Curriculum Links

Geography Skills: Understanding places, environments and processes 1, 3. Investigating 1Communicating 1, 2 Range: Study 1, 2 Carry Out 1, 2Ask and answer questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. with elements of Maths and Science.Activities• What is rubbish and where does it go • The solutions. Reduce reuse and recycle.• The problems of waste • Waste audit of the school • Papermaking workshop to understand recycling and energy use


‘‘TThhoorroouugghhllyy eennjjooyyeedd oouurreedduuccaattiioonnaall vviissiitt.. TThhee ssttaaffffwweerree ffrriieennddllyy aanndd vveerryy ggoooodd

wwiitthh tthhee cchhiillddrreenn..

TThhee cchhiillddrreenn eennjjooyyeedd tthheepprrooggrraammmmee ((eessppeecciiaallllyy tthhee

ppaappeerr mmaakkiinngg))..

TThhaannkk yyoouu..’’ Teacher. Ysgol Gwenffrwd

Energy Investigators

Explores what energy is and where it comes from. It encourages the children to thinkindependently about why and how we can save energy. The session is a sustainabletool that the children can use in school and at home to monitor energy consumptionand promote a smarter way of using energy. The activity encourages children tothink independently and take responsibility for their effect on their environment.

Duration 1 Day Suitable for KS2 Price £195 ( 1 class )Curriculum Links

Geography Skills: Understanding places, environments and processes 1, 3Investigating 1 Communicating 1, 2 Range: Study 1, 2 Carry Out 1, 2Ask and answer questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. With elements of Maths and Science.Activities• How to do an energy audit in school • What is energy & where does it come from• What do we use energy for • What are the consequences of high energy use• How to reduce energy consumption • Demonstration of renewable energy solutions


Helping Save Lives and Emergency Action

Children will learn how to help save lives and what to do in an emergency. The session will enable children to learn how to keep themselves safe, giveappropriate first aid in different situations, what to do in an emergency, how to call999 and what to do next, and about keeping calm and helping the person whoneeds first aid.

Duration ½ day Suitable for KS2 Price £150 ( 1 class )Curriculum LinksPersonal and Social Development, Well-being and Cultural Diversity/PSESkills Developing thinking 3, 4. Developing communication 1, 2, 3. Working withothers 1, 4, 6. Improving own learning 3, 4. Range Health and emotional well-being1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9.Science Range Interdependence of Organisms 1ActivitiesBasic First Aid including:• How to deal with burns • Wounds and bleeding • Choking• Unconscious casualties • Allergic reaction • Asthma • Shock



Forest School for Youth

Forest School is an inspirational process, that offers young people opportunities todevelop confidence and self-esteem, through hands on learning experiences in alocal woodland environment. Tailored to your individual needs, our Forest Schoolprogramme can be based either at our Plas Power site or on your own premises.Forest School can cover areas of the curriculum or allows young people to exploreand connect to the outdoors and learn new skills.

Duration Varied – regular weekly sessions typically over a 6 week period Suitable for KS3 & KS4 Price POACurriculum LinksThis depends on your needs. We can develop programmes based aroundnumeracy, literacy, science, art & design, music or other areas of focus.Activities• Young people achieve a greater sense of self-awareness, empathy and

self-esteem • An excellent programme for excluded groups or those disengagedfrom the main curriculum • Tailored to individual school needs

• John Muir Award can be delivered through Forest School sessions



John Muir Award

Our John Muir Award programme involves and encourages learners of allbackgrounds to connect, enjoy and care for wild places. This recognisedenvironmental award is not competitive but challenges each participant to developan understanding of wild places, a responsibility towards them and knowledge ofwho John Muir was.

Duration Varied Suitable for KS3, KS4, Extra curricular Price POACurriculum LinksThis is dependent on the specific programme and will be discussed as part of theplanning process and tailored to individual need.ActivitiesWe can help participants to achieve all 3 levels of the Award: Discovery, Explorer orConserver through a wide variety of environmental and community activities.

Developing Life Skills for Young People through Mountain Biking

This programme engages young people in mountain bike related activities. Courses are led by British Cycling qualified Mountain bike leaders and a certificateof achievement is issued on completion of the programme.

Duration 3 Days Suitable for KS3 & KS4 - up to 8 people per group Price POACurriculum Links• Improve young people’s health, fitness and wellbeing. • Acquire new and enhanced practical skills related to involvement in sport. • Develop wider skills including team building, communication, problem solving and

decision making.• Enhance emotional competence. Increase levels of confidence,

self-motivation, empathy and consideration of others.Activities• Health and wellbeing • Social responsibility and positive attitudes toward others• Dynamic risk management • Dealing with emergencies • Environmental responsibility • Leadership skills• Motivating themselves and others • Navigation skills• Basic mountain bike skills • Basic trailside repairs

This coursecan be tailored toachieve formal

QCF accreditation(previously OCN) level 2in Mountain Bike Skills.

Enquire to find outmore


Emergency Response First Aid

This is an approved Basic First Aid Course with the aim of enabling all learners to beable to deal with an unresponsive casualty who is breathing and how to deal with anunresponsive casualty who is not breathing normally.

Duration 3 hours Suitable for KS3 & KS4 – 11yrs+ Price £150 ( 1 class )Curriculum Links• Personal and Social Education • Developing thinking • Working with others • Developing communication • Active citizenship • Health and emotional well-being • Improving own learningActivities• How to deal with an emergency situation including arriving at the scene, keepingsafe, and casualty assessment, top to toe surveys, recovery position, resuscitationand hygiene control. • Additional sessions can added to this to cover minorinjuries, dealing with wounds and bleeding, burns, choking, epilepsy and shock.

Duration 6 hours over a maximum number of 3 sessions within 4 weeks Suitable for KS 3 & KS4 – 14yrs+ Price POACurriculum Links• Personal and Social Education • Developing thinking • Active citizenship • Developing communication • Health and emotional well-being• Working with others • Improving own learningActivities• Responsibilities of a First Aider • Assessment of a situation • Resuscitation• Dealing with unresponsive casualties • Hygiene control • Minor injuries• Dealing with wounds and bleeding, burns, choking, epilepsy and shock.

‘‘II nnooww kknnooww aabboouutt FFiirrsstt AAiidd,, ssoo iiff aannyytthhiinngghhaappppeennss II ccaann ssttaayy ccaallmm aanndd kknnooww wwhhaatt ttoo ddoo..’’

‘‘II hhaavvee lleeaarrnneedd hhooww ttoo pprrooppeerrllyy ppeerrffoorrmm CCPPRR,,tthhee rreeccoovveerryy ppoossiittiioonn aanndd hhooww ttoo bbaannddaaggee aannooppeenn wwoouunndd.. AA vveerryy ggoooodd iinnssttrruuccttoorr..’’

This is a QCF Level 2 Award in Emergency First Aid. This accredited qualificationenables learners to have skills and knowledge to provide first aid in a prompt, safeand effective way. The course is practical, allowing learners to have a go atadministering first aid in a number of scenarios, and includes practical assessmentand a multiple choice question paper. The qualification is valid for 3 years. A maximum of 12 learners at any one time can be accommodated on the course.

Emergency First Aid

First Aid Training

Our fully accredited courses are delivered by a highly experienced trainer and canbe delivered flexibly to meet your needs.

• Emergency First Aid at Work Duration 1 day Price £55 per person ( min 6 people )• Paediatric First Aid Duration 2 days Price £100 per person ( min 6 people ). Estyn Requirement • First Aid at Work Duration 3 days Price £120 per person ( min 6 people )


Making the most of your School Grounds

Make sure your school grounds achieve their full potential for learning outside theclassroom by attending our school grounds development workshop. Equip yourteachers to lead your school through all stages of school grounds development fromidentifying needs, creating a vision, involving pupils in the planning and designprocess, developing innovative and exciting solutions, raising funds, implementingthe project and how to maintain it.

Workshops can be delivered in your school for a minimum of 6 teachers or at ourEducation Centre. They run for 3 hours and can be delivered after school and betailored to meet individual school requirements. Contact us for a quote.





Raised beds for fruit and vegetables: We can help schoolsdevelop their own edible garden and involve the pupils in thegrowing schedule. Raised beds can be built on hard surfacesmaking them ideal for schools grounds.

Forest school areas: A Forest School area can be created inschool grounds to enable schools to deliver the curriculumoutside.

Story circles: Create an outdoor classroom and a specialplace for learning and listening.

Willow weaving and natural sculptures: Environmental artcan enhance any outdoor space and building a sculpture is agreat way of involving the pupils and then watching nature doall the work, the results really enhance any play area.

Timber structures such as fencing, seating and benches:We can design and install seating and bench options to makethe most of the available outside space.

SCHOOLGROUNDSGroundwork North Wales helpschools to make the most of theiroutside space to enhance learningand playing.

We help schools develop their grounds for things like fruit andvegetable growing, sculptures and special areas for learning. Wetake care of the process from start to finish including, generatingideas for design, cost estimates, project management, managingcontractors and practical implementation. We can involve thewhole school in the process and engage with the children byrunning practical sessions to encourage them to take care of theirnew facilities.

We can help you create …….

This list is not exhaustive – please contact us for a quote and todiscuss your individual requirements.



for 5 - 13 years olds





Wizardsand Woodland



for 8 - 13 years olds


Healthy Living& Eating

Explore the GreatOutdoors

Celtic Craft& Culture

Homes & HabitatDiscovery

Forest schoolPrimary

Forest schoolTaster Day

End of TermCelebration

Local historyProgramme - Plas Power When Coal Was King

Climate Chaos

Get a buzz fromBees

Pupil Power

Waste Warriors

Energy Investigators

Helping Save Lives &Emergency Action

Forest School forYouth

John Muir Award

Developing Life Skillsfor Young Peoplethrough Cycling

EmergencyResponse First Aid

EmergencyFirst Aid

ProgrammeOn schoolpremises /outreach

GroundworkEducationCentre based













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* Subject to suitable facilities

for 5 - 13 years olds





Wizardsand Woodland



for 8 - 13 years olds


We offer a unique and unforgettable birthday partyexperience at our woodland site! Children can enjoy 3 themed outdoor woodland party experiences, SAS Woodland Skills, Woodland Adventurers or Fairies & Wizards.


During the school holidays childrencan enjoy lots of fun and adventure

with our all-weather woodlandthemed Holiday Club. Located at ourwoodland site, the club is open every

school holiday giving the childrenlots of opportunities to explore the

great outdoors and have fun.

Wrexham OfficePlas Power3-4 Plas Power RoadTanyfron, WrexhamLL11 5SZTel: 01978 757524

Caernarfon OfficeUnit A7Cibyn Industrial EstateCaernarfon, GwyneddLL55 2BDTel: 01286 674803

Groundwork North Wales/ GogleddCymru is a company limited byguarantee and registered in EnglandCharity Registration Number1004132 / Company RegistrationNumber 2614714

[email protected]


Wrexham Office / Swyddfa Wrecsam 01978 757524Caernarfon Office / Swyddfa Caernarfon 01286 674803

Groundwork North Wales


Wrexham Office / Swyddfa Wrecsam 01978 757524Caernarfon Office / Swyddfa Caernarfon 01286 674803


Wrexham Office / Swyddfa Wrecsam 01978 757524Caernarfon Office / Swyddfa Caernarfon 01286 674803

We offer a wide range of opportunities for volunteering. Whether you're looking to gainwork experience and broaden your horizons, fulfil a passion for environmental issuesor simply want to give a few hours a week to a cause that benefits your community.Our Trust regularly works with volunteers, and we can help schools engage with theirlocal community and meet the requirements for programmes such as WelshBaccalaureate, Duke of Edinburgh or Asdan.

Contact Groundwork North Wales Education Centre, Plas Power 3-4 Plas Power Road, Tanyfron, Wrexham, LL11 5SZ. 01978 757524



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