  • 8/6/2019 Guha's Solar Sojourn v.2_Sample Chapter



    P.S. Raakhee

    Chapter 1 (Sample Chapter)


    Guha Shivkumar was the only 10-year-old who wasnt celebrating that Holy Day the start of

    the two-month long summer vacation. What did he have to look forward to? No trip to the rabbit-

    warren like ancestral home in Tirunelveli that was a pilgrimage centre for the whole nation

    because Shakti pati who was a powerful miracle worker (although he had heard his parents

    berate her as a witch and charlatan) was no more. No MENSA summer camp because Rajani

    aunty had told his parents he needed time to grieve and most irritating no time with his parents

    because they were extra busy in their private medical practice in the summer months and only

    the Tamil-soap loving Ganga ayah for company. What had he done to offend his Shakti patisfavourite Gods for this hat trick of woes that had befallen him! What kind of a miracle worker

    was she if she couldnt prevent her own death? While his van mates shouted Happy Holidays

    at random strangers from the windows to celebrate the start of the summer vacations Guha

    moped in the corner till it was his turn to get off. He barely responded to the cries of Happy

    Holidays from the others as he trudged out, for a change unburdened by the ubiquitous heavy

    backpack. No books to carry on the last day of school!


    The busy medical practitioners Drs. Gauri and Shiv Kumar were out of the house at seven-thirty

    the first day of the summer holidays despite it being a Sunday. There was a CME programme

    they just couldnt miss. But they had woken up their son and broke fast with him. Not that it was

    a favour Guha appreciated. Whoever would be up, bathed, dressed and breakfasted early on a

    Sunday morning that too on the first official day of the summer vacation. His woes seemed


    Ganga ayah was already glued to the TV set. There was a Rajnikanth movie that she wanted to

    see for what seemed to be the 100th time. Glumly Guha climbed up to the terrace. With his

    cheeks in his hands he sat on the terrace parapet going over the many misfortunes that has

    befallen him since Shakti patis death after a lingering cold that turned out to be pneumonia had

    snatched her away six months ago on Halloween.

    Suddenly he heard a voice calling his name. He had thought he was alone. Turning around he

    saw that indeed he was alonewho had called? Just then he felt it get extra hot. Thinking that a

    cloud had moved off the Sun, Guha looked up and lo behold! What did he see? It looked to be a

    comet heading straight for him. But it wasnt, within seconds he realized the unbelievable had

  • 8/6/2019 Guha's Solar Sojourn v.2_Sample Chapter


  • 8/6/2019 Guha's Solar Sojourn v.2_Sample Chapter


    Surya continued his tale, I may have a dysfunctional relationship with my sons Yama the god

    of death and Shani the god of reaction to action but I would have reacted the same way. Vayu

    sucked in all the air. He insisted that Hanuman be healed and as restitution that he be blessed

    with unique boons from the gods before Vayud allow another grass to be swayed by a breeze

    not to mention oxygen for creation. Thats how Lord Hanuman became Chiranjeevi the

    immortal and undefeated.

    Its high noon son, come have some food of the gods. My wife the beautiful Sanjana prepared it

    herself. You wont get this chance again. This is another favour to your devout pati. She was a

    great lady and youll achieve all that you were destined for if you but remember he sayings and


    After an ambrosial lunch, Lord Surya dropped Guha back on the terrace at sunset. The moon

    god will drop by early tomorrow morning to continue your celestial journey. Good bye Guha,

    so saying the Sun god vanished.

    Ganga glued to an improbable shootout scene was clueless about Guhas sojourn across the

    skies. And what an adventure it was!

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