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The Revival on the Gun-Control Discussion

It can be difficult to think about anybody feeling something but empathy for Richard Martinez, the

anguished father whose statement following the murder of his 20-year-old son Friday evening must

have been the embodiment of every parent's fear.

I feel for him, I actually do, just as I do for everyone who loses a loved one particular to random

violence. And that is definitely what Friday's killings were - random. I have seen no proof that Elliot

Rodger shot at any person he knew. Apparently, he did stab 3 men and women to death, and he knew a

minimum of two of them because he lived with them, however the rest of his victims look to have been

strangers to him.

Just just like the youngsters in New Town were strangers to their murderer.

Just just like the victims in the Colorado theater had been unknown to their killer.

Just like a lot of the victims at Virginia Tech.

Find out additional here on gun control facts.

That appears to become a frequent hyperlink in these kinds of stories. The attacker is seething with rage

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over a thing, but rarely is that murderous rage aimed in the particular person(s) who committed the

perceived slight. Nicely, it ought to be apparent that if someone is irrational, he/she will take an

irrational course of action.

Yet another frequent hyperlink in between those situations and also the a single in Isla Vista, Calif., final

Friday is this - mental illness. The perpetrators are practically always mentally unbalanced.

In the event the mentally ill are intent upon attacking other people, they may use a gun if they can, but

they will use a thing else if they will have to.

Rodger clearly demonstrated this. He stabbed his very first 3 victims. He proceeded to shoot most of the

other folks, but he also made use of his car as a weapon.

He was clearly mentally ill. Could there be any doubt? Have you read his manifesto?

Or have you seen his "retribution" video, the 1 he apparently produced about 24 hours before he went

on his rampage? He was eagerly anticipating what he was about to accomplish.

I suspect he would have utilized something that was available to him to achieve what he wanted. If

you're willing to stab three folks to death - which can be about as up close and personal as a killing can

get - you wouldn't hesitate to choke someone or pummel that individual to death with something that

may very well be utilized as a club.

Within the aftermath of some thing like this, you will find often a couple of knee-jerk reactions with

which I locate myself losing patience.

I suppose it is actually only human to appear for motives why one thing like this happened, but among

the usual scapegoats are violent movies and video games. Rodger apparently played video games as a

form of escape, and he lived in the land of make-believe, the film culture of southern California. Both his

parents were connected towards the entertainment business.

Effectively, millions of people today play video games, and millions of people today watch

action/adventure motion pictures, but pretty, really handful of of them turn out to be a number of


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When a thing like this occurs, a cry goes out across the land to ban automatic weapons. That demand

regularly ignores the information that (a) none of these crimes in recent years has been committed with

an automatic weapon and (b) it can be attainable to obtain an automatic weapon, but current law

already forces such a gun buyer to jump by means of all sorts of bureaucratic hoops.

Any gun legislation that will be proposed because of this would be feel-good legislation that would have

no influence.

What would have an effect? Well, I assume a single issue that demands to become accomplished is

always to evaluate the state of mental wellness within the United states of america - and commence

providing people the treatment they need.

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