Page 1: Halfway. Design Presentation


Bryan Hockey, Patrick Huang, Mitch Joa

Page 2: Halfway. Design Presentation


● You don’t know a convenient meeting distance for both people.

● You aren’t familiar with the establishments available in the area.

● You need to narrow down good places to meet.

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● Remove the awkward “Where are you? I am here? Is that close? Let me look at a map.”

● Seamlessly request your friend’s location, even if they don’t have the app.

● Leverage the wealth of reviews on Google Maps to suggest locations in the area.

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● No app at all -> inconvenient!● Meet Me Halfway -- Supports the same

functionality, but does not automatically enter in the information. You still have to ask your friend for their current address and type it in!

● Rendezvous -- “ ‘Screenshot’ to take a photo of the map, then you can share it to the people you would meet.”

Who would want to use this?

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