Hamal CDD 11/7/18 Meeting AgendaAGENDA
NOVEMBER 7, 2018
Hamal Community Development District 2300 Glades Road, Suite 410WBoca Raton, Florida 33431
Phone: (561) 571-0010Fax: (561) 571-0013Toll-Free: (877) 276-0889
October 31, 2018 ATTENDEES: Please identify yourself each time you speak to facilitate accurate transcription of
Board of Supervisors meeting minutes.
Hamal Community Development District
Dear Board Members:
The Board of Supervisors of the Hamal Community Development District will hold a Public Hearing and Regular Meeting on Wednesday, November 7, 2018 at 8:30 A.M., at the Briar Bay Clubhouse, 3400 Celebration Blvd., West Palm Beach, Florida 33411. The agenda is as follows:
1. Call to Order/Roll Call
2. Public Comments
3. Public Hearing to Hear Public Comment and Objections to the Adoption of Rules and Rates Regarding the Installation of Irrigation Lines on District Property
A. Affidavits of Publication
B. Consideration of Resolution 2019-01, Adopting Rules and Rates Regarding Irrigation Line Installation; Providing a Severability Clause; and Providing an Effective Date
4. Consideration of Allstate Resource Management, Inc., Stormwater System - Maintenance Proposal
5. Approval of Unaudited Financial Statements as of September 30, 2018
6. Approval of September 5, 2018 Public Hearing and Regular Meeting Minutes
7. Action Items
8. Staff Reports
B. District Engineer: Giangrande Engineering and Planning, LLC
C. District Manager: Wrathell, Hunt and Associates, LLC
i. NEXT MEETING DATE: March 13, 2019 at 8:30 A.M.
9. Supervisors’ Requests
Board of Supervisors Hamal Community Development District November 7, 2018, Public Hearing and Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2
10. Public Comments
11. Adjournment
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at (904) 386-0186.
Call-in number: 1-888-354-0094 Conference ID: 7491428
Howard McGaffney District Manager
The Palm Beach Post Palm Beach Daily News I id;abar
PUBLIC NOTICE Before the undersigned authority, personally appeared Suzanne Casey, who on oath, says that he/she is a Legal Advertising Representative of The Palm Beach Post, a daily and Sunday newspaper, published in West Palm Beach and distributed in Palm Beach County, Martin County, and St. Lucie County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertising for a Legal - PublicNotice was published in said newspaper on: first date of Publication 10/04/2018 and last date of Publication 10/04/2018. Affiant further says that the said The Palm Beach Post is a newspaper published in West Palm Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Palm Beach County, Florida, daily and Sunday and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in West Palm Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he/she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in said newspaper.
Invoice/Order Number: 0000426809
Ad Cost: $92.88
Sworn or affirmed to, and subscribed before me, this 4th day of October, 2018 in Testimony,whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, the day and year aforesaid.
Signed ~{f~(Notary) --~~::.;;:i;:,,, APRILJ. CONWAY
f:'?Jt\:1 Commission# GG 100712Please see Ad on following page(s). '-:.); "f5~W Expires May 2, 20211'•,,:::-,!,'.\,•' Bondod Thru Troy Fain Insurance 800-385-7019
Page 1 of 2
In accord vvith Chapters 120 and 190, Florida Statutes, the Hamal Community Development District (the "District") hereby gives notice of its intention to develop rules and rates regarding in­ stallation of irrigation lines on District property. The purpose and effect of these rules is to provide for efficient and effective District operations by set­ ting rates and fees to implement the provisions of Section 190.035, Florida Statutes (2018). Specific legal authority for the rules includes Sections 190.035(2), 190.011(5), 120.54 and 120.81, Florida Statutes (2018). A copy of the proposed rules and rates may be obtained by contacting the District Manager at 2300 Glades Road, Suite 410W, Boca Raton, Florida 334314 or by calling (561) 571-0010.
Hovvard McGaffney, District Manager 10-4/2018
Invoice/Order Number: 0000426809
Ad Cost: $92.88
Page 2 of 2
The Palm Beach Post Palm Beach Daily News I fd;~bar
PUBLIC NOTICE Before the undersigned authority, personally appeared Suzanne Casey, who on oath, says that he/she is a Legal Advertising Representative of The Palm Beach Post, a daily and Sunday newspaper, published in West Palm Beach and distributed in Palm Beach County, Martin County, and St. Lucie County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertising for a Legal - Public Hearing was published in said newspaper on: first date of Publication 10/05/2018 and last date of Publication 10/05/2018. Affiant further says that the said The Palm Beach Post is a newspaper published in West Palm Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Palm Beach County, Florida, daily and Sunday and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in West Palm Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he/she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in said newspaper.
Invoice/Order Number: 0000426803
Ad Cost: $299.28
Balance Due: $299.28
Signed ----··· tfising Agent)
Sworn or affirmed to,, and subscribed before me, this 5th day of October, 2018 in Testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, the day and year aforesaid.
Signed (Notary)
Page 1 of 2
A public hearing will be conducted by the Board of Supervisors of the Hamal Community Development District on Wednesday, November 7, 2018 at 8:30 a.m., at the Briar Bay Clubhouse, 3400 Celebration Boulevard, West Palm Beach, Florida 33411.
In accord with Chapters 120 and 190, Florida Statutes, the Hamal Community Development District (the "District") hereby gives the public notice of its in­ tent to adopt its proposed rules and rates regarding installation of irriga-
~i~p~!~esan0dn e~4~~cto/'~'t,f;,er;;ropo!t~ rules and rates is to provide for effi­ cient and effective District operations~ Prior notice of rule development vvas published in the Palm Beach Post on October 4, 2018. The proposed rules and rates may address such things as the process. minimum requirements. and application review fee for applica­ "tions to install irrigation lines for the purpose of dravving irrigation reuse water from District property and gen­ eral operation of the District. The pro­ posed irrigation installation applica­ tion review fee is $500.00.
Specific legal authority for the adop­ tion of the proposed rules and rates in­ cludes Sections 190.011 (5), 190.011 (15) and 190.035, Florida Statutes (2018). A copy of the proposed rules and rates may be obtained by contacting the Dis­ trict Manager at 2300 Glades Road, Suite 410W, Boca Raton, Florida 33431 or by calling (561) 571-0010.
Any person who wishes to provide the District with a proposal for a lower cost regulatory alternative as provided by Section 120.541 (1), Florida Statutes, must do so in vvriting within twenty one (21) days after publication of this notice to the District Manager, 2300 Glades Road, Suite 410W, Boca Raton, Florida 33431.
This public hearing may be continued to a date, time, and place to be speci­ fied on the record at the hearing. If anyone chooses to appeal any decision of the Board with respect to any mat­ ter considered at a public hearing. such person will need a record of the pro­ ceedings and should accordingly en­ sure that a verbatim record of the pro­ ceedings is made vvhich includes the testimony and evidence upon which such appeal is to be based. At the hear­ ing~ staff or Supervisors may partici­ pate in the public hearing by speaker telephone.
Any person requiring special accommo­ dations at this meeting because of a disability or physical impairment should contact the District Office at (561) 571-0010 at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting. If you are hearing or speech impaired, please contact the Florida Relay Service at 1- 800-955-8771 for aid in contacting the District Office.
Hamal Community Development District Howard McGaffney, District Manager 10-5/2018
Invoice/Order Number: 0000426803
Ad Cost: $299.28
WHEREAS, the Hamal Community Development District (“District”) is a local unit of special purpose government created and existing pursuant to Chapter 190, Florida Statutes, being situated in Palm Beach County, Florida; and
WHEREAS, Chapters 120 and 190, Florida Statutes, authorizes the District to adopt rules, rates, charges and fees to govern the administration of the District and defray costs of operation and to adopt resolutions as may be necessary for the conduct of District business; and
WHEREAS, the Board desires to adopt the rules and rates set forth in Exhibit A governing the installation of irrigation lines and ongoing operation and maintenance thereof; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors has complied with applicable Florida law concerning rule development and adoption.
SECTION 1. The recitals as stated are true and correct and incorporated herein.
SECTION 2. The rules and rates regarding installation of irrigation lines set forth in Exhibit A, are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed.
SECTION 3. If any provision of this resolution is held to be illegal or invalid, the other provisions shall remain in full force and effect.
SECTION 4. This resolution shall become effective upon its passage and shall remain in effect unless rescinded or repealed.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of November, 2018.
Secretary/Assistant Secretary Chair/Vice Chair, Board of Supervisors
Exhibit A: Irrigation Rules and Rates
Exhibit A
Hamal Community Development District 2300 Glades Road, Suite 410W, Boca Raton, Florida 33431, Ph. (561) 571-0010
To whom it may concern:
The undersigned (“Petitioner(s)”) represent that they are the title holders of record for the property described herein below (“Residential Property”). Said Residential Property is adjacent to or abuts property owned by the Hamal Community Development District (“District”) which property contains a stormwater retention pond (“Stormwater Pond”) that is part of the District’s stormwater management system (“District Property”). Petitioner seeks a license from the District to utilize the District Property for the purposes of installing and maintaining an Irrigation Line for purposes of drawing water from the Stormwater Pond to irrigate Petitioner’s Residential Property. Installation must be properly permitted and performed by a licensed General Contractor.
Petitioner Name(s)
Street Address
Phone Number
Tax Folio Number ________________________________________________________
All information contained in the attached Checklist of Submittal Requirements must be submitted with this License Request Form for review and approval by the District Engineer.
Contractor Name and GC or CC License Number (if applicable)
Expected Start Date: Expected Completion Date:
This application is to be signed by all parties named as Grantee in the Warranty Deed or Special Warranty Deed recorded in the public records of the county for this property.
Petitioner Name: Date:
Co-Petitioner Name: Date:
1. One (1) copy of Executed License Request Form
2. One (1) Copy of Executed License Agreement
3. Check for Application Fee in amount of $500.00 made payable to the Hamal Community Development District.
4. Copy of Construction Permit from City of Palm Beach.
5. Two (2) copies of Boundary Survey for the Residential Property. This will be attached to the License Agreement as Exhibit A.
6. Two (2) copies of Contractor’s Irrigation Plan. This will be attached to the License Agreement as Exhibit B. The Irrigation Plan shall include the following information for review by the District Engineer:
a. Plan drawing of irrigation pipe into lake:
i. Pump location
ii. Pipe intake distance from top of bank (15’ minimum)
iii. Irrigation pipe cover depth (18” minimum)
iv. Intake pipe diameter and material
b. Pump model information.
c. Details of screened irrigation pipe intake.
Applicants are encouraged to provide the Irrigation Plan drawing on a copy of the boundary survey.
Submit License Request Form and Required Documents To: Hamal Community Development District Attention: District Manager 2300 Glades Road, Suite 410W Boca Raton, Florida 33431
THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT (“License Agreement”) is made and entered into this __ day of ______, 20__, by and between:
HAMAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT, a local unit of special-purpose government established pursuant to Chapter 190, Florida Statutes, and located in Palm Beach County, Florida, whose mailing address is 2300 Glades Road, Suite 410W, Boca Raton, Florida 33431 (the “District” ), and
______________________________________, the fee simple owner of the real property located at _________________________________, ____________, Florida _______, (the “Licensee”).
WHEREAS, the District was established by ordinance of the Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County, Florida, for the purpose of planning, financing, constructing, operating and/or maintaining certain infrastructure, including stormwater management improvements and other infrastructure; and
WHEREAS, the Licensee desires to install, utilize, and maintain an irrigation suction line for the purpose of withdrawing water from the District’s stormwater retention pond(s) (“Stormwater Pond”) and irrigating Licensee’s residential property as described above (the “Irrigation Line”) on property which is owned and maintained by the District and depicted on Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (the “Property”); and
WHEREAS, the District agrees to grant the Licensee a non-exclusive license for the access and use of the Property for the purpose of installing and maintaining the Irrigation Line and withdrawing water from the Stormwater Pond for purposes of irrigating Licensee’s residential property; and
WHEREAS, the District and the Licensee desire to set forth the terms of their mutual agreement regarding the access and use of the Property.
NOW, THEREFORE, based upon good and valuable consideration and the mutual covenants of the parties, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the District and the Licensee agree as follows:
1. INCORPORATION OF RECITALS. The Recitals stated above are true and correct and are incorporated herein as a material part of this License Agreement.
2. GRANT OF LICENSE. The District hereby grants to the Licensee, and Licensee’s heirs, successors, assigns, and permittees, the non-exclusive right, privilege and permission to install and maintain an Irrigation Line which will be constructed in strict compliance with the installation details in Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, and to utilize the Irrigation Line for purposes of withdrawing water from the District’s Stormwater Pond to irrigate Licensee’s residential property (the “License”). Installation and maintenance must be properly permitted and performed by a licensed general contractor. This License shall be effective as of the date first written above and continue in effect until suspended or terminated in accordance with Paragraph 5 hereof.
3. CONDITIONS OF THE LICENSE. The License granted in Paragraph 2, above, is subject to the following terms and conditions:
A. Licensee shall be fully responsible for the installation of the Irrigation Line and any maintenance, damage, removal, or other incidentals associated with the installation, maintenance, ongoing use, and removal of the Irrigation Line. Licensee shall assume responsibility for any and all damage to any real or personal property of the District or any third parties as a result of the Licensee’s use of the Property under this License Agreement, including any damage caused by the installation, maintenance, or removal of the Irrigation Line. The Licensee shall be responsible for returning the Property to its original conditions upon the removal of the Irrigation Line. Any such repairs shall be at the Licensee’s sole expense, unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the District in advance of such repairs. All installation, maintenance, repair, or removal shall be in full compliance with this License Agreement, and all other applicable laws, regulations and code.
B. The Licensee shall be responsible for payment of all costs of the District including the review and approval of this License by the District’s Manager and Engineer, the costs of any permits, fees, or other charges by any governmental agencies, including any fees, charges, fines or other penalties arising out of Licensee’s use of the Irrigation Line.
C. The Licensee agrees to abide by all laws, rules, regulations, and standards of any nature whatsoever governing the use of the District’s surface water management system, including but not limited to, any consumptive use permits, water quality standards, water discharge, and/or water usage restrictions. Licensee shall be solely liable for any fees or fines imposed upon the District which result from any such violation by Licensee.
D. Licensee acknowledges the legal interest of the Licensor in the Easement described above and agrees never to deny such interest or to interfere in any way with Licensor’s reasonable use. Licensee will exercise the privilege granted herein at Licensee’s own risk, and agrees that Licensee will never claim any
damages against Lessor for any injuries or damages suffered on account of the exercise of such privilege, regardless of the fault or negligence of the Licensor. Licensee agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Licensor against all liability for damages and expenses resulting from, arising out of, or in any way connected with, the exercise of the privilege by Licensee, and Licensee’s assignees, permitees, or other persons entering the License at the invitation of Licensee.
E. The provisions of this Paragraph 3 shall survive termination of the License Agreement.
4. COMPENSATION; LICENSING FEE. Licensee agrees to pay the District a License application and review fee of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), (the “Application Fee”). The Application Fee shall include the cost of any administrative processing fee(s), engineering review and inspection costs.
5. SUSPENSION AND TERMINATION. The District and the Licensee acknowledge and agree that the License granted herein is a mere privilege and may be suspended or revoked, with or without cause, at the sole discretion of the District. In the event the District exercises its right to suspend, or terminate the License, the District shall provide thirty (30) days prior written notice to the Licensee of the suspension or termination. The Licensee shall remove the Irrigation Line or otherwise abandon the Irrigation Line to the satisfaction of the District, at Licensee’s sole cost, within ten (10) days of the effective date of any revocation, unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the District, or shall immediately suspend use of the Irrigation Line in the event of a suspension. The Licensee may terminate this License Agreement upon written notice to the District. The Licensee shall not be entitled to any compensation, off sets, incidental costs or any other payment under this Agreement.
6. SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY. Nothing herein shall be construed as a waiver of the District's sovereign immunity or limits of liability beyond any statutory limited waiver of immunity or limits of liability which may have been adopted by the Florida Legislature in Section 768.28, Florida Statutes or other statute, and nothing in this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of any third party for the purpose of allowing any claim which would otherwise be barred under the Doctrine of Sovereign Immunity or by operation of law.
7. NOTICES. All notices, requests, consents, and other communications hereunder (“Notices”) shall be in writing and shall be delivered, mailed by overnight courier or First Class Mail, postage prepaid, to the parties as follows:
A. If to the District: Hamal Community Development District c/o Wrathell, Hunt & Associates 2300 Glades Road, Suite 410W Boca Raton, Florida 33431 Attn: District Manager
With a copy to: Hopping, Green & Sams, P.A. 119 South Monroe Street, Suite 300 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Attn: Sarah S. Warren
B. If to the Licensee: ________________________
Palm Beach Gardens, FL _____
Except as otherwise provided in this License Agreement, any Notice shall be deemed received only upon actual delivery at the address set forth above. Notices delivered after 5:00 p.m. (at the place of delivery) or on a non-business day, shall be deemed received on the next business day. If any time for giving Notice contained in this License Agreement would otherwise expire on a non-business day, the Notice period shall be extended to the next succeeding business day. Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays recognized by the United States government shall not be regarded as business days.
8. PUBLIC RECORDS. The Licensee acknowledges and agrees that all documents of any kind relating to this License Agreement may be public records and shall be treated as such in accordance with Florida law.
9. CONTROLLING LAW AND VENUE. This License Agreement and the provisions contained herein shall be construed, interpreted, and controlled according to the laws of the State of Florida. The parties agree that venue for any action arising hereunder shall be in a court of appropriate jurisdiction in Palm Beach County, Florida.
10. ARM’S LENGTH NEGOTIATION. This License Agreement has been negotiated fully among the parties as an arm’s length transaction. The parties participated fully in the preparation of this License Agreement and received, or had the opportunity to receive, the advice of counsel. In the case of a dispute concerning the interpretation of any provision of this License Agreement, the parties are deemed to have drafted, chosen and selected the language and any doubtful language will not be interpreted or construed against any party. This License Agreement is solely for the benefit of the parties hereto and no right or cause of action shall accrue upon or by reason of, to or for the benefit of any third party not a formal party to this License Agreement.
11. SEVERABILITY. The invalidity or unenforceability of any one or more provisions of this License Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining portions of this License Agreement, or any part of this License Agreement not held to be invalid or unenforceable.
12. HEADINGS FOR CONVENIENCE ONLY. The descriptive headings in this License Agreement are for convenience only and shall not control nor affect the meaning or construction of any of the provisions of this License Agreement.
_____________________________ _________________________________________
13. COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which when executed and delivered shall be an original; however, all such counterparts together shall constitute but one and the same instrument.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties execute this License Agreement the day and year first written above.
Secretary Chairperson, Board of Supervisors
_____________________________ Licensee
Title: __________________________________
Phone: 954.382.9766 • Fax: 954.382.9770
Wrathell, Hunt and Associates, LLC
Phone: 954.382.9766 · Fax: 954.382.9770
Mr. Brian Dowling / Chairman / Field Manager Hamal Community Development District c/o Wrathell, Hunt and Associates, LLC 2300 Glades Road, Suite 41 OW Boca Raton, Florida 33431
Dear Mr. Dowling,
As you requested, attached is an Agreement for Service covering maintenance of the stormwater system at Hamal Community Development District.
Annual cleaning of the catch basins will keep the system in proper running order. The reports generated from this service should be kept in a file of maintenance records. Please call if you have any questions.
Looking forward to working with you on this important project.
Respectfully yours,
Phone: 954.382.9766 • Fax: 954.382.9770
This agreement dated 09/11/2018 is made between ALLSTATE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, INC. (ARMI) and CUSTOMER:
Hamal Community Development District c/o Wrathell, Hunt and Associates, LLC (561) 571-0010 2300 Glades Road, Suite 410W (561) 571-0013 FAX Boca Raton, Florida 33431 [email protected]
Both Customer and ARMI agree to the following terms and conditions:
1. ARMI will provide the following services on behalf of the customer in accordance with the terms and conditions of this agreement at the following stormwater site:
Maintenance of the stormwater facilities located at Hamal Community Development District in Palm Beach County, Florida
2. Customer agrees to pay ARMI the following amount during the term of this agreement for these specific stormwater services:
Jet and clean one hundred ninety five (195) drainage structures (see attached spreadsheet for breakdown)
Management Reporting Included
Total Investment: $26,475.00
3. Schedule of payment: 50% Deposit shall be due and payable upon execution of this agreement. Balance due and payable upon completion of work.
4. The offer contained in this agreement is valid for thirty (30) days only and must be returned to our offices for acceptance within that period.
5. Addendums:
This contract is for maintenance of the stormwater system structures and does not include any additional services or parts. Extra services and parts will be priced based on time and materials, if required and approved by the CUSTOMER.
6. Proof of insurance included.
7. This agreement constitutes the entire agreement of ARMI and the CUSTOMER. No oral or written alterations of the terms contained herein shall be deemed valid unless made in writing and accepted by an authorized agent of both ARMI and CUSTOMER.
ALLSTATE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, INC. CUSTOMER ACCEPTANCE - The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted and the signer acknowledges that they are authorized to execute this document.
Wendy Shaw CUSTOMER (Signature)
N:\WordPerf Master\03 Palm Beach\Hamal SWS\2018\
Inspection Date: 8/13/2018 Allstate Resource Management Hamal - Grassy Waters Elementary
Inspector: Tim Palm Beach County
Allstate Structure# Comments/ Address
0 number of manholes
L • l;ll1!Jl'l'"••r;1j~
21 Total Structures
Optionally Clean (<3", but not O")
Locate and Expose and Clean
Mudwork~- -:1r.l i••~~
Replace Broken Grate
from Plans Comments/ Address Recommendations Sediment Pipe Asphalt Baffle Mud
Amount Footage Repair Repair OK
cb-1 c-240 sheet 4 - ----------·---·-·- - -- -··-··-- -··--··------------ -----------------
------1--------------·--------------------·--···--·-------------·---·-----·---------- ···----·
cb-6 p-241A sheet 10 8 . --·-·-·- --------- ----·---·----------- ·------·-··---·------------·-
cb-7 p-242A sheet 10 1------C'---··-·- ---+---·····--···-----·- ------------------
4 - -- - -~-- ---'----'----··-·--- -------------l-·········-·· ---------- ·----------------·
of-8 p-242A sheet 10 I••··············-·-···-····_,.c.. 0 cb-9 c-189 sheet 9 4 >------·-----'-· - - - -- ----+------····----------·--·---····-----··-------·-- -- ···----··------· ----------------·----·•-----l••·------+------+-----f-····---+------1----··-·
cb-10 c-187 sheet 9 5 ---·---·---- -----·--·----·-·----1·····················•----I---•---~-----·-------------- ·····-·····-----4--•···-------- ------- -·-······-+-----1---·--1------ ···-----·-----
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4 -·-----+--··- -········-··· ··········-·•--1-----
of-19 c-194 OF sheet 10 0 --- --- - -- ---·------ •. _________J __________________ .... ---- ·····-······ ···-······---····~·····-·-··-·-··---+------1---· ·-·---+---··-·· -····----··
cb-20 c-195 sheet 11 4
cb-21 c-196 sheet 11 5 1--------·- ·-------- - - -----·- -·---------------··-- -· --··---- -----·---·-·--·---- ---+--···· ------- ..··--·-·--·----··--- -·-----" -------------·-· ·--------------..----------·-+-········----+-- ····+-----+-------+---·
of-22 p-196 OF sheet 11 2 1-----·-- ·---- -----------·-- --- --- ------- --·-··--··------------·-··-··---·- --············· ··········-·· ........... ·············--+--- -··------ ------"·-----···------- -·--·-·--------•-·-·--------- -1---------·--- •··----<
cb-23 p-200 . ·····-··· ~.~.E:!:!.!~-·--· -·-··· ····-··· ······-······ ···-···· ··-· ··-········- ...·---··-····?· -··-········-· -·-········-··-· ···-·······- -·················---'----···-····1
cb-24 sheet 11 0.... p-19_9___.._ ·---·-------··---~----- ---------···--+-----····
cb-25 c-197 sheet 11 4 ··········--··-·· ·-·-······-···········-······ ···········-···-··-·-·-····-· ·-·---
cb-26 c-198 sheet 11 4
cb-27 c-245 sheet 9 0 -----'-----·"-- ----------------1'·········-······1·······-··-···········1···-················
cb-28 c-244 sheet 9 2 -- ----------------- ···---····-···-·-t······-·····--·· ..... ····- ......... ·········-l-••··············----+--··
cb-29 p-187 sheet 9 0 -----------"·------------- ---------·--- ---- ~---------------------- ··-····--··-···-···· ·······-·······-··· .. . ······- -·-·-····--····--f-----+----· ----+---····-·-- ······--
cb-30 c-182 cb-31 c-181
sheet 9 sheet 9
Inspector: Tim Palm Beach County
cb-32 p-184 sheet 9 0 ·-----··------·-------·--------t-------·-----+----f------+----r----~ -+-----1
cb-33 p-185 sheet 9 1 --·---------~-~-------- ----·-------·----- ---- +---+--------------!--·····--+-------+-----l
cb-34 p-186 sheet 9 2 -·--- -----------·-------------- ----------
of-35 p-186OF sheet 9 1 -+----·--····--+---- ----------+------+--·······-····-·····--,-·- - -·-·----·--
cb-36 c-180 sheet 9 4 , ------·-····------------·--·-··-I··-···· ·-· ·-············ -·--····-i-·········--··-··-·-············ ·-····-·-·········· ·····-···· -·--+--·--------- -·--·--······-·-··-·-r-------- -----···-··------1--·-···-·····-·---+-·-----· ------t-----·-
of-39 p-177 OF sheet 8 0 -~-----··-··-----------·-- ------~--·-·--------------1······-·-·-----····--····-··········--···-······-f-- -·····-··-········-···--- -··-·---+------ ---- -----··------~---··--·-··-t----·+------+---
cb-41 p-176 sheets 4 . ···--·--··-·I-···-···----·-·--···· ··--····--···--··-······-················--···--··----l-----· ----------··--.. -·-· ---- -------- -------------- ------------- -·---·-···----~
cb-42 p-175 sheet 8 7 ----·--------- ---·-------------------··---
of-43 p-175 OF sheet 8 0 -----·--t---+-·---··--···- --------------- ---------------
of-50 c-169 OF sheet 7 0
cb-51 c-173 sheet 8 2 ---------------------------- -----------· --·------ -- ----·-·-------------------·-··-·----------- ---f-·---·- ----·-- --- -------- --------·---·-----·-·--+---·-·---··--l-···-··--··---+----·-----·-f--·--·-··---··f--··--·--····---·--·i'-··-·-·········-·-1
of-53 p-174 OF sheet 8 0 0--------t---------+ ---- ------+- ---------------+-----·-----1---·- -·--t----1--------l----------------- --·---------
cb-54 c-203 sheet 4 4 --------+-------··------------·-·-·+-----------· --------------··---------------------··--------------+---· ------···--l----··--·--·-1·-·---···------ - -----··------ ------··-----+---
cb-55 c-204 sheet 4 4 I··------··----··-··-····--···-··---·-······- ····-····--·········--··· -·--···-··-----·····-·--····-----···-···-· ·--······-··--··-·--·-···-··-·--···--11-------+---t----l- -·---1-···---··-
c-205 sheet 4 2cb-56
cb-59 p-215 sheet 4 4 I
··-·--+--------··---~·-------------------- -----·--------------·-------------·--·-·~~·-·----------+-----·---+----- ·+----·
2~~--~_l_____.__ ._l_c..-_2...1...4______. sheet 4 -1 ---~-------·-----·-------- --- ~----------·---·- ·-------- -···----------- ---------------------------- ---···--·-----+-- ---+··-·-···--+--------i-
cb-62 p-212 sheet 4 4 ---------- -·-·------------·----+------·- -···-------•· ----------··---------------------·--+---------··-··----- ---------------·-·f------j
of-63 c-202 OF sheet 4 O ---- --------+--··---···------- --------- ·---------···------ -------------------··-··---·-----·---1----------+------+--
cb-64 c-201 sheet 4 5 1-··----·-·······-·-·-···---··---,f---- -----------· ----·-----~·- -----+·--------------·--------·-·------· -·-----+--- ----·+--·------,.--·--1-----
cb-65 c-202 Sheet 4 4
2 of 3
Inspector: Tim Palm Beach County
Totals: Maintenance Summary:
Optionally Clean (<3", but not O")
Locate and Expose and Clean
25 19
Amount Mud
Repair OK
101yd-27 _______________________,_________ --------- --------------------- ---------------------------------------------------f-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ ----------------------- -----------l---------------
Inspector: Tim Palm Beach County
yd-36 ------·---·~ .. -- -----
yd-37 ---------------
yd-38 ---------------
Inspector: Tim Palm Beach County
Totals: Maintenance Summary:
34 number of yard drains Needs to be Cleaned (>= 4") 16 cs, -,,::.. ~ - -I~•· Optionally Clean (<3", but not O") 21
12 number of manholes Locate and Expose and Clean 0
0 number of control structurE Mudwork 0
II -~ - --· 111nn1t,"'lfl.1Jn•,. ,~r.ui;.1,
r- ,IIIA..I~IU!Jilil=ill . • . m 57 Replace Broken Grate 0
Site Address: Jeaga Middle School I
Inspection Date: August 20, 2018 Allstate Resource Management Inspector: Tim
Sediment Sheet#/ Sub Name Allstate Structure # Structure# from Plans Asphalt Repair
Amount --····- --------·------------------------
Sheet 6 CB p-155 5
1 of 9
Inspection Date: August 20, 2018 Allstate Resource Management Hamal - Mallory Square Inspector: Tim Palm Beach County
Sheet#/ Sub Name Allstate Structure # Structure # from Plans Sediment
Amount Asphalt Repair Baffle Mudwork
Sheet 6
Sheet 6
Sheet 7
Sheet 7
Sheet 7
OF outfall 0 ·········-··-···-··-····-·-····-·-·-·---·-·······-·1 -----·--·-····-··-···-··--·-·····----------·----··--·-"····..··-···-· -------·----·----------.. ·-------·····--'---
Sheet 9 CB 3 ·····--------····--·-·-·····-------··-····-·····-··-·-·····-···-·---···-·---·l--·--·--··---·--··----------------·---1--··--·--··---·--·------··--···----·---· ---- --·-····--··--·-·----- ---------+------1
Inspection Date: August 20, 2018 Allstate Resource Management Hamal - Mallory Square Inspector: Tim Palm Beach County
Sediment Sheet#/ Sub Name Allstate Structure # Structure# from Plans Asphalt Repair Baffle Mudwork
sheet 11 - Walton Street/ Suga CB -- --- ----------•-------
sheet 11 - United Street CB
sheet 11 - United Street
Inspection Date: August 20, 2018 Allstate Resource Management Hamal - Mallory Square
Inspector: Tim Palm Beach County
Sediment Sheet#/ Sub Name Allstate Structure # Structure # from Plans Asphalt Repair Baffle Mudwork
Inspection Date: August 20, 2018 Allstate Resource Management Hamal - Mallory Square
Inspector: Tim Palm Beach County
Sediment Sheet#/ Sub Name Allstate Structure # Structure# from Plans Asphalt Repair
c-73 --· -· ---·-· ·-····-- -· -···--··-·· ·------- ·-·-'-· ·-- -·-------·-----··
~47 0 sheet 14 - Paradise Cove
sheet 14 - Paradise Cove
·----- __o+----···--·-··---·-·-·-·--··------· ·-····-·-·-···---·--····---··--·-----·-·- ····--··--·----·-·-·---- --+P_-_49 --- -·-··--·-··-··-··-·-------·-----·--·--·--
Inspector: Tim
Allstate Structure #
Palm Beach County
··-··········----······-·······--··--·-·-·-·--··----··········--······--···············-··· ···-·--·····-······--··-··--···········----·--···-··-····· --------l-----···--·-···-····-1---- ---+----··---------···---+---- 1sheet 17 - Hannah Ct CB p-125
- ····-··----···--···-···-·--~-···-···········--·-·----+-----·----····---·-·--·· ·-·--·-·------·--·--·----····---·"-""'"-""'"'"'"""""""""""""'-······--·--·--····-·-·····--·····-· - ··-------·-··---·----··-···-·- . --------···-··- ---·---··-------··-·····-·-----------··.. ··..-·-······-----····..-·----·"· -- -----··-----------------·-··--·--·------·---·--------·---·--·---
sheet 16 - Coral Court/ Com pa CB p-128 I 7
6 of 9
Inspection Date: August 20, 2018 Allstate Resource Management Hamal - Mallory Square Inspector: Tim Palm Beach County
Sheet#/ Sub Name Allstate Structure # Structure # from Plans Sediment
Amount Asphalt Repair Baffle Mudwork
sheet 16 - Bayview/ Bollard
sheet 18 - Duval Street 2 --·--··------·--····-·-+-·-·----·-··-·····-·-·-··-··-·---·-····---------··--------+'··-----··--·---··--·--·-----·--···-···---·-----·-··-·------·-----t-·-·-···-··--·-----·-·-·-·----·-·---·-----·· -------··-··------·--··-·--·---------·-·-····----·-t--------·-··-·---------·t-------l
0 ------+---------+----------------·--·--··--·-------l
4 outfall
7 of 9
Inspection Date: August 20, 2018 Allstate Resource Management Hamal - Mallory Square
Inspector: Tim Palm Beach County
Sediment Sheet#/ Sub Name Allstate Structure # Structure# from Plans Asphalt Repair Baffle Mudwork
Amount ~----­
sheet 19 - Pelican Path/ Comm:CB ·------------------- ------------------·-···----- -------· -------t------ --
sheet 19 - Pelican Path/ Comm. CB
Inspection Date: August 20, 2018 Allstate Resource Management Hamal - Mallory Square
Inspector: Tim Palm Beach County
Sheet#/ Sub Name Allstate Structure #
Sheet 15 - Turtle Cove CB
Sheet 15 - Turtle Cove CB
Sheet 15 - Turtle Cove CB
sheet 21 OF
rn!:: ~ - -RI~ t T-~~· •
t . 1!1J'! I••
228 Total Structures
Inspector: Tim Palm Beach County
cb-29 4 No No
···-···················-········· ······-················-···············-·······-···········-····-····-··-··········· ········-···---·-·····-····-------···-··-····--·- ·-·-·········---·-·· ·········-··---···-· ····-·-····-·-········i-----
1 of 3N:\WordPerf Master\03 Palm Beach\Hamal SWS\2018\
Inspection Date: 8/13/2018 Allstate Resource Management Hamal - Sandler
Inspector: Tim Palm Beach County
Structure# Comments/ Address Recommendations
Totals: Maintenance Summary:
6 number of yard drains Needs to be Cleaned (>= 4") 10
fSI ••••II - - -I~I.EA!JI' l.!l:ll!UJ I • Optionally Clean (<3", but not 0") 10
1 number of manholes Locate and Expose and Clean 0 0 number of control structures
·- Mudwork 0
Site Address: Sandler @ Alto Lago - 3130 N. Jog Road
2 of 3N:\WordPerf Master\03 Palm Beach\Hamal SWS\2018\
Hamal Community Development District
Hamilton Bay 25
7Grassy Waters Elementary
16Jeaga Middle School
Centennial 253,280 - 253,280 FineMark MMA 249,071 - 249,071 FineMark ICS 280,358 - 280,358 Iberia - MMA 25,057 - 25,057 Bank United 273,464 - 273,464
Revenue - 226,224 226,224 Reserve - 234,330 234,330 Interest - 461 461 Sinking - 78 78 Deposits 135 - 135
Total assets 1,419,902$ 461,093$ 1,880,995$
LIABILITIES Accounts payable 29,488$ -$ 29,488$
Total liabilities 29,488 - 29,488
Debt service - 461,093 461,093 Assigned
3 months working capital 133,566 - 133,566 Sound barriers 50,000 - 50,000 Stormwater pump station 100,000 - 100,000 Culvert repair/replacement 50,000 - 50,000 Disaster recovery 200,000 - 200,000
Unassigned 856,713 - 856,713 Total fund balance 1,390,414 461,093 1,851,507
Total liabilities and fund balances 1,419,902$ 461,093$ 1,880,995$
REVENUES Maintenance assessments -$ 489,006$ 486,461$ 101% Fair share agreement - 51,259 46,302 111% Interest & misc. income 205 2,403 1,500 160%
Total revenues 205 542,668 534,263 102% EXPENDITURES Administrative Supervisors 1,076 5,382 7,536 71% Management 3,528 42,337 42,337 100% Trustee - 4,327 4,350 99% Legal 5,436 13,461 15,000 90% Engineering 3,842 4,797 5,000 96% Audit - 6,984 6,984 100% Arbitrage rebate calculation - - 1,250 0% Dissemination agent 83 1,000 1,000 100% Website - 610 600 102% Postage 14 215 750 29% Legal advertising 489 1,369 2,500 55% Office supplies - - 250 0% Other current charges 5 165 750 22% Dues, licenses & subscriptions - 175 175 100% ADA website compliance - 199 - N/A Insurance - 5,880 6,400 92% FASD annual dues - - 1,125 0% Pump station/equipment insurance - 2,691 2,900 93%
Total administrative expenses 14,473 89,592 98,907 91% Maintenance Telephone 500 2,627 2,040 129% Landscape maintenance
Mowing, edging, pruning & weed control 7,389 89,204 85,731 104% Turf replacement - - 2,000 0% Mulch - 10,440 14,250 73% Insect, weed, fertilization 3,695 44,150 43,605 101% Annuals removal, replacement, installation - - 11,000 0% Tree pruning 26,335 26,335 25,750 102%
Irrigation system maintenance 834 9,886 7,260 136% Irrigation repairs 2,084 10,739 10,000 107% Capital outlay - 18,199 47,500 38% Landscape replacement - 3,303 20,000 17% Preventative maintenance: pump station 1,050 4,700 11,100 42% Catchbasin cleanout - - 15,000 0% Repair/maintenance: pump station - 4,726 4,000 118%
Maintenance (continued) Lake maintenance 1,800 21,600 22,032 98% Fountain maintenance 2,026 8,865 18,020 49% Holiday landscape lighting - 2,300 9,000 26% Contingency - - 16,830 0% Utilities 4,904 58,946 62,000 95% Hurricane clean-up - 1,975 - N/A
Total maintenance expenses 50,617 317,995 427,118 74%
Other fees and charges Property appraiser - 150 1,141 13% Information system services - 2,030 2,030 100% Tax collector - 4,790 5,067 95%
Total other fees and charges - 6,970 8,238 85% Total expenditures 65,090 414,557 534,263 78%
Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures (64,885) 128,111 -
Fund balance - beginning 1,455,299 1,262,303 1,095,339 Fund balance - ending
Nonspendable Prepaid expenditures and deposits 135 135 -
Assigned 3 months working capital 133,566 133,566 133,566 Sound barriers 50,000 50,000 50,000 Stormwater pump station 100,000 100,000 100,000 Culvert repair/replacement 50,000 50,000 50,000 Disaster recovery 200,000 200,000 200,000
Unassigned 856,713 856,713 561,773 Total fund balance - ending 1,390,414$ 1,390,414$ 1,095,339$
REVENUES Assessment levy -$ 785,109$ 781,032$ 101% Interest 577 6,003 - N/A
Total revenues 577 791,112 781,032 101%
EXPENDITURES Principal 5/1 - 491,000 491,000 100% Principal prepayment - 5,000 - N/A Interest 11/1 - 144,544 144,586 100% Interest 5/1 - 144,544 144,586 100%
Total expenditures - 785,088 780,172 101%
Other fees and charges Tax collector - 7,689 8,136 95%
Total expenditures - 792,777 788,308 101%
Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures 577 (1,665) (7,276)
Fund balances - beginning 460,516 462,758 388,809 Fund balances - ending 461,093$ 461,093$ 381,533$
The Board of Supervisors of the Hamal Community Development District held a Public
6 Hearing and a Regular Meeting on Wednesday, September 5, 2018 at 8:30 a.m., at the Briar Bay
7 Clubhouse, 3400 Celebration Blvd., West Palm Beach, Florida 33411.
8 Present and constituting a quorum were: 9
Brian Dowling Chair 11 Steven Pincus Vice Chair 12 Benjamin Cuningham Assistant Secretary 13 Joseph Petrick Assistant Secretary 14 Ione Senior (via telephone) Assistant Secretary
16 Also present were: 17 18 Howard McGaffney District Manager 19 Sarah Warren (via telephone) District Counsel
Leo Giangrande (via telephone) District Engineer 21 22 23 FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order/Roll Call 24
Mr. McGaffney called the meeting to order at 8:40 a.m. Supervisors Dowling, Pincus,
26 Cunningham and Petrick were present, in person. Supervisor Senior was not present at roll call.
There being no public comments, the next item followed.
36 Irrigation Permit Fee
38 Business.
Resetting a Public Hearing Date to Adopt the User Rates and Fees to October 3, 2018 at 8:30 a.m. at this Location
presented in unison with the Third Order of
Mr. McGaffney distributed a Revocable Non-Exclusive License Agreement, prepared by
Ms. Warren, in unison with Mr. Giangrande. Based on historical data, performing inspections,
HAMAL CDD DRAFT September 5, 2018
41 re-inspections, etc., Mr. Giangrande calculated $500 as the cost to issue a permit. Mr.
42 McGaffney asked if the Board was agreeable to the amount, one Board Member already
43 expressed opposition of the process. A question arose regarding what additional Engineering
44 charges were necessary, since the City approves the permit and performs a final inspection. Mr.
McGaffney stated it was a way to ensure that all work performed on District property is
46 documented, as certain standards must be followed so that the District’s infrastructure is not
47 affected. He felt that the $500 amount was conservative and appropriate.
48 Mr. Petrick stated the added fee would prevent him from moving forward with his
49 original plan to perform the work himself. Discussion ensued regarding whether to lower the
fee, provided the District is not affected, and how often Mr. Giangrande would need to inspect
51 the site from conception to completion.
52 Mr. Giangrande rejoined the meeting at 8:47 a.m., via telephone.
53 In response to a question, Mr. Giangrande stated he, not the City, would notify the
54 Board and contact the homeowner directly if he found discrepancies or if the work was being
performed improperly, since it is the District’s right and responsibility to protect its
56 infrastructure, whether it is because of safety concerns due to excavation in the area or water
57 levels being low, and to comply with the City’s permit.
59 On MOTION by Mr. Pincus and seconded by Mr. Cuningham, with all in favor, Setting a Public Hearing to Adopt the User Rates and Fees, for November 7,
61 2018 at 8:30 a.m., at Briar Bay Clubhouse, 3400 Celebration Blvd., West Palm 62 Beach, Florida 33411, was approved.
63 64
FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Hearing to Hear Comments and 66 Objections on Adoption of Fiscal Year 67 2018/2019 Budget 68 69 A. Affidavit/Proof of Publication
Mr. McGaffney presented the affidavit of publication.
71 B. Consideration of Resolution 2018-05, Relating to the Annual Appropriations and
72 Adopting the Budget for the Fiscal Year Beginning October 1, 2018, and Ending
73 September 30, 2019; Authorizing Budget Amendments; and Providing an Effective
74 Date
HAMAL CDD DRAFT September 5, 2018
Mr. McGaffney stated the proposed Fiscal Year 2019 budget and assessments were
76 identical to Fiscal Year 2018.
78 On MOTION by Mr. Pincus and seconded by Mr. Petrick, with all in favor, the 79 Public Hearing was opened at 8:55 a.m.
81 82 No members of the public spoke.
83 Mr. McGaffney closed the Public Hearing at 8:56 a.m.
84 Mr. McGaffney presented Resolution 2018-05.
86 On MOTION by Mr. Petrick and seconded by Mr. Cuningham, with all in favor, 87 Resolution 2018-05, Relating to the Annual Appropriations and Adopting the 88 Budget for the Fiscal Year Beginning October 1, 2018, and Ending September 89 30, 2019; Authorizing Budget Amendments; and Providing an Effective Date,
was adopted.
91 92 93 FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Resolution 2018-06, 94 Making a Determination of Benefit and
Imposing Special Assessments for Fiscal 96 Year 2018/2019; Providing for the 97 Collection and Enforcement of Special 98 Assessments; Certifying an Assessment 99 Roll; Providing for Amendments to the
Assessment Roll; Providing a Severability 101 Clause; and Providing an Effective Date 102 103 Mr. McGaffney presented Resolution 2018-06.
On MOTION by Mr. Cuningham and seconded by Mr. Pincus, with all in favor, 106 Resolution 2018-06, Making a Determination of Benefit and Imposing Special 107 Assessments for Fiscal Year 2018/2019; Providing for the Collection and 108 Enforcement of Special Assessments; Certifying an Assessment Roll; Providing 109 for Amendments to the Assessment Roll; Providing a Severability Clause; and
Providing an Effective Date, was adopted.
111 112
HAMAL CDD DRAFT September 5, 2018
113 SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Resolution 2018-07, 114 Adopting the Annual Meeting Schedule for
Fiscal Year 2019 116 117 Mr. McGaffney presented Resolution 2018-07. The following change was made:
118 November 7, 2018 Meeting date: Add “and Public Hearing” after “Regular Meeting”
On MOTION by Mr. Pincus and seconded by Mr. Petrick, with all in favor, 121 Resolution 2018-07, Adopting the Annual Meeting Schedule for Fiscal Year 122 2019, as amended, was adopted.
123 124
SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Discussion/Consideration: Lighting by 126 Design 2018 Holiday Lighting Proposal and 127 Contract 128 129 Mr. Dowling presented the Lighting by Design (LBD) proposal and contract. This was the
same firm selected last year to install the holiday lights and, since there were no stylistic
131 changes, the cost was within budget. Regarding why the decision was made not to enter into
132 Option B, a three-year contract, so the District could save $345 annually, Mr. Dowling stated his
133 preference is not to lock in rates, as it typically causes the quality and performance to suffer; he
134 felt that vendors should earn the right to return. A revised contract would be submitted to
LBD, since they agreed to the following contract change:
136 Page 3, First Line: Change “due upon completion of installation” to “due upon removal
137 of the holiday lighting designs”
139 On MOTION by Mr. Petrick and seconded by Mr. Cuningham, with all in favor, the Lighting By Design 2018 Holiday Lighting Proposal, and Contract, Option A,
141 as amended, was approved.
142 143 144 EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Discussion: District’s Policy Regarding
Fishing in Ponds 146 147 Mr. McGaffney recalled discussions about creating a Fishing Policy and provided a
148 sample Fishing Policy, including terminology used and in effect in other communities.
HAMAL CDD DRAFT September 5, 2018
149 Ms. Senior stated she requested this when she noticed boaters fishing in the lake and
also because the District Management is not physically on site to address the issue and the
151 Homeowner’s Association (HOA) cannot enforce CDD Rules, since it is not their responsibility.
152 The following topics were discussed:
153 The ability to enforce this in protecting the District.
154 What entity is authorized to enforce no trespassing rules. Ms. Warren noted that, if a
No Fishing Policy is adopted, the District must adopt and file a No Trespassing Policy with the
156 Sheriff.
157 Whether a no fishing policy was included in the deed restrictions.
158 Whether no fishing meant from within the lake or from the shore or both.
159 Allowing non-motorized watercraft in the lake. Ms. Senior stated her policy concerns
were about allowing boats in the lake, not the act of fishing.
161 Creating specific rules permitting fishing but specifying that the District is not liable,
162 similar to the alligator warning signs the District placed around the lakes, and creating a policy
163 to enforce it.
164 Placing signs, such as “boating at your own risk” and liability.
Ms. Warren stated signage was useful but also recommended adopting a Fishing Policy
166 and a Trespassing Policy. Mr. McGaffney stated the Board did not want to address fishing, per
167 se, only the use of personal watercraft, etc.
168 The Board consensus was to continue monitoring the issue and readdress this matter, if
169 necessary. Ms. Warren stated it was fine to wait and address it if it becomes more of an issue
and, regarding liability, there is never a guarantee that the District will not be sued.
172 NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Unaudited Financial 173 Statements as of July 31, 2018 174
Mr. McGaffney presented the Unaudited Financial Statements as of July 31, 2018.
176 Assessment revenue collections were at 101% and expenditures were at 60%. Since
177 expenditures were below budget, neither a budget amendment nor an October meeting was
178 needed.
HAMAL CDD DRAFT September 5, 2018
On MOTION by Mr. Pincus and seconded by Mr. Cuningham, with all in favor, 181 the Unaudited Financial Statements as of July 31, 2018, were approved.
182 183 184 TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Minutes
186 A. July 11, 2018 Regular Meeting
187 Mr. McGaffney presented the July 11, 2018 Regular Meeting Minutes and asked for any
188 additions, deletions or corrections. Mr. Petrick noted several typographical errors during his
189 review; he will forward them to Management.
B. August 13, 2018 Special Meeting
191 Mr. McGaffney presented the August 13, 2018 Special Meeting Minutes and asked for
192 any additions, deletions or corrections. The following changes were made:
193 Line 37: Change “McGaffney” to “Wrathell”
194 Line 43: Insert “Mr. McGaffney left the meeting at 8:45 a.m.”
Line 57: Insert “Mr. McGaffney rejoined the meeting at 9:40 a.m., via telephone.
197 On MOTION by Mr. Pincus and seconded by Mr. Petrick, with all in favor, the 198 July 11, 2018 Regular Meeting Minutes, in substantial form, subject to Mr. 199 Petrick submitting typographical errors to Management, and the August 13,
2018 Special Meeting Minutes, as amended, were approved.
201 202 203 ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Action Items 204
There were no Action Items to address.
207 TWELFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports 208 209 A. District Counsel: Hopping Green & Sams, P.A.
There being no report, the next item followed.
211 B. District Engineer: Giangrande Engineering and Planning, LLC
212 i. Ponding of Water at Front Entrance
213 Regarding repairs necessary to prevent the constant puddling at the handicap ramp and
214 sidewalk at Jog Road, at the CDD right-of-way (ROW), Mr. Giangrande stated he was
unsuccessful discussing this with the County’s Project Manager regarding the County including
HAMAL CDD DRAFT September 5, 2018
216 this on its current project list. Discussion ensued regarding the correct plan of action to resolve
217 this matter. The Board consensus was for Ms. Senior, as a concerned citizen, to send a formal
218 public records request to the County Engineering Department and copy the County Commission
219 and request that the County make the repairs. This item will be deleted from future agendas.
ii. Irrigation Permit Fee
221 This item was presented during the Third Order of Business.
222 C. District Manager: Wrathell, Hunt and Associates, LLC
223 i. NEXT MEETING DATE: October 3, 2018 at 8:30 A.M.
224 A Regular Meeting and Public Hearing will be held on November 7, 2018 at 8:30 a.m.,
instead of October 3, 2018.
227 THIRTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisors’ Requests
228 229 Mr. Petrick stated he received several resident complaints about the aesthetics of the
bike lock used to hold up the access gate to the utility road behind Liberty Bay, and asked about
231 installing a proper lock and signage that provides contact information regarding accessing the
232 area. It was noted that the gate was repaired and the gate and lock were to prevent trespassers
233 from entering an area typically used by landscapers and for which the utility company granted
234 easement rights. Discussion ensued regarding the reason for the type of lock chosen, which
was not noticeable from the road, and whether residents provided other suggestions.
236 Residents should officially submit complaints directly to Management. Mr. Petrick was directed
237 to submit proposals for a more acceptable option to the District Manager.
241 There being no public comments, the next item followed.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned.
247 On MOTION by Mr. Petrick and seconded by Mr. Pincus, with all in favor, the 248 meeting adjourned at 9:39 a.m.
____________________________ ____________________________
Secretary/Assistant Secretary Chair/Vice Chair
The Board of Supervisors (“Board”) of the Hamal Community Development District (“District”) will hold Regular Meetings for Fiscal Year 2019 at 8:30 a.m., at the Briar Bay Clubhouse, 3400 Celebration Blvd., West Palm Beach, Florida 33411, on the following dates:
November 7, 2018 March 13, 2019 May 15, 2019 September 11, 2019
The purpose of the meetings is for the Board to consider any business which may properly come before it. The meetings are open to the public and will be conducted in accordance with the provision of Florida Law for Community Development Districts. The meetings may be continued to a date, time, and place to be specified on the record at the meeting. A copy of the agenda for these meetings may be obtained from Wrathell, Hunt & Associates, LLC, 2300 Glades Road, Suite 410W, Boca Raton, Florida 33431 or by calling (561) 571-0010.
There may be occasions when one or more Supervisors or staff will participate by telephone. Pursuant to provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, any person requiring special accommodations at this meeting because of a disability or physical impairment should contact the District Office at (561) 571-0010 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. If you are hearing or speech impaired, please contact the Florida Relay Service by dialing 7-1-1, or 1-800-955-8771 (TTY) / 1-800-955-8770 (Voice), for aid in contacting the District Office.
A person who decides to appeal any decision made at the meeting with respect to any matter considered at the meeting is advised that person will need a record of the proceedings and that accordingly, the person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including the testimony and evidence upon which such appeal is to be based.
District Manager Hamal Community Development District
2019-01 Adopting_Irrigation_Policies_-_Hamal.pdf
Review of Irrigation Line License Request
1. One (1) copy of Executed License Request Form
2. One (1) Copy of Executed License Agreement
3. Check for Application Fee in amount of $500.00 made payable to the Hamal Community Development District.
4. Copy of Construction Permit from City of Palm Beach.
5. Two (2) copies of Boundary Survey for the Residential Property. This will be attached to the License Agreement as Exhibit A.
6. Two (2) copies of Contractor’s Irrigation Plan. This will be attached to the License Agreement as Exhibit B. The Irrigation Plan shall include the following information for review by the District Engineer:
a. Plan drawing of irrigation pipe into lake:
i. Pump location
ii. Pipe intake distance from top of bank (15’ minimum)
iii. Irrigation pipe cover depth (18” minimum)
iv. Intake pipe diameter and material
b. Pump model information.
c. Details of screened irrigation pipe intake.
Applicants are encouraged to provide the Irrigation Plan drawing on a copy of the boundary survey.
Submit License Request Form and Required Documents To:
Hamal Community Development District
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
hamal - 2018 maint pro
hamal - jeaga - 2018 inspect report
hamal - mallory -2018 inspect report
hamal - sandler -2018 inspect report
hamal - storm drain cleaning counts
HCDD Unaudited Financial Statements 09.30.18.pdf

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