  • 8/14/2019 Hamzah Jan, Bilal El Zein


    Done By: Hamzah Ahmad Jan, Bilal-El-

    ZeinTo: Mr. Rodolph

  • 8/14/2019 Hamzah Jan, Bilal El Zein


    Market in g i s a group o f costumer s whoshare th eir common want s and needs, andmarket in g i s a creati ve industry, whichinc lude s adve rtis ing, d istr ib uti on andselli ng.

    Our market ing is a new di ffer ent productabout HOT ICE TEA by Pepsi. The ma incharacter is tics o f this product w ill be th ehot and cool natu re of th e p roduct i .e . itcan be ser ved a s a hot dr in k as well as acold drink i n bo th way it wil l give the samesatis facti on to the c us tomer and there wil lbe no weather restr ic ti ons fo r th is productand it can be used throu h out th e ea r.

  • 8/14/2019 Hamzah Jan, Bilal El Zein


    Pepsi Co is a worl d le ader in sui tab le food san d beve rages, with revenues of about $2 7bil lion and ov er 143, 000 emp loyee s. Pepsi Co br an ds are av ail abl e in nearly 200coun tr ies. Pepsi Co' s brand na mes are ov er 100 -years- old, but the corporation is rel ative lyyoun g. Pepsi Co was foun ded in 19 65 by th ecom bin ing of Pepsi-Co la. Li pton is th e biggest selling re ady-to-drin k tea br and in th e United States.

  • 8/14/2019 Hamzah Jan, Bilal El Zein


    In Asia, they sel ected Lah ore to make theirregion al off ice. Th is was done in 1970 . Thisregion al off ice is monitorin g al l th eoperation s carrie d out in South West Asia. Th e plan t op eratin g here is Ri az Bot tl er s(Pv t) LTD. Thi s plant was esta blish ed atLah ore in 197 4. The tota l cap acit y of th eplant is 30, 000 cas es per day. Th ey have four fil ling lin es in th e pl antoperatin g on th e three sh if t bas es. Eachsh if t is of eigh t hou rs. They hav eperman ent work for ce of 750 peop le and

    th e emp loyee app roxim atel y 1000 peop le

  • 8/14/2019 Hamzah Jan, Bilal El Zein


    Th e last coup le of years, the heal th be nefitsof tea have gain ed wid e cove rage in th emedia. Studies cont inue to show the beneficial

    prop erties of teas, with heal th benef itsrangin g from lowe r ch ol ester ol le ve ls toimp rov e ar terial heal th an d de creasin gch anc e of canc er. Th e soft dr in k in dustry s val ue hasinc reased, the vol ume sal es of carb on atedsof t drinks has de creased due to a largeprop or tion of consum er s who ar e making a

    ch oice for th e tre nd tow ards heal thieral ternati ves in the functi onal dr ink se m ent

  • 8/14/2019 Hamzah Jan, Bilal El Zein


    Pepsi 's top comp etitors for th e sof t drinksindust ry ar e coca cola (43. 6%) an dCadbur y-Sc hwe ppes (15 .8% of marke t),which com bined, re pre sent abo ut 58% of th etotal mark et. Pepsi 's sh are is 42.7% of th e total sof tdrin ks mark et

    Coc a- Cola Co is second with 32.8%. Hot Ice Tea wil l launc h in to a cu rre ntly notprese nt subset of tha t mark et (RTDRead y-To-Dr ink Hot Ice Tea). th ey comp ete br an ds wit h each oth er, like

    th ey comp ete Coke with Pepsi and Sprite

  • 8/14/2019 Hamzah Jan, Bilal El Zein


    CO CA CO LA is the direct competi tor ofPEPSI and al l ot her soft dr ink s in th emarket. Coc a-Col a Comp any s was excited in1886, th ey wer e th e worl d leadingma nufactures, marke ter, and distributorof non-al coholic beverage concentrat es

    an d syr up s, wh ich ar e used to producenearl y 400 bev er age br an ds tha t makeup for our wide portf olio. Our cor por ate headqua rter s are

    establ is hed in At lan ta, an d we arehol din loc al o eration s in over 200

  • 8/14/2019 Hamzah Jan, Bilal El Zein


    There are two major target marke ts forre ady-to-dr ink Hot Ice tea. These are the emp loyee s, stude nts, andoth er con sum ers who lead a busy

    lifestyl e. Th e restl ess Pakista ni lif estyledemands for be st use of producti vity withlesser time-consu mp tion . Thu s, th er e is aneed for prod uc ts th at are reach abl e andre adily av ai labl e. The other group is made up of healthcon sciou s consu mer s, sp eci fica lly th eyou nge r who demand an yth ing healthy.The posi tiv e re views as wel l as thestu dies on th e benefits of te a drin kin g

    have an intere st in tea dr in king.

  • 8/14/2019 Hamzah Jan, Bilal El Zein


    Pepsi has a broade r product line andouts tanding reput ation . Record rev enues and increasing mark et

    sh are . Lac k of cap ital co nstrain ts (avail abilityof large free ca sh fl ow ). Great br ands, st rong dis tr ibuti on,in nov ativ e cap abil it ie s Num ber one make r of sn ack s, suc h ascorn ch ip s an d potato chip s Pepsi Co sel ls th re e products throughth e same dis trib ution chan nel .

  • 8/14/2019 Hamzah Jan, Bilal El Zein


    Pepsi hard to insp ire visi on an ddirection for large glob al comp an y. Not all Pepsi Co products bear thecom pan y nam e. Pepsi Co is far away from leade r Coca -col a in th e internati onal mark et dema nd is highly elastic .

  • 8/14/2019 Hamzah Jan, Bilal El Zein


    Food div is ion sh oul d expan din te rna tiona lly Nonc arbon ated dr ink s ar e th e fastest-growing part of the industry

    There ar e inc reasi ng tre nd towardheal thy foods

    Focus on most impo rtant cu stomer trend"Conve nie nce" .

  • 8/14/2019 Hamzah Jan, Bilal El Zein


    Pepsi is bl amed for pesti cid e r es idues in thei rproducts in one of their most promi sin gemerging mar ket e. g. in I nd ia Over 50 percen t of t he company 's sale s comefrom Fr it o-Lay; th is is a th rea t i f t he ma rkettakes a downturn PepsiCo now competes with Cadbu rySchweppes , Coca-Cola, and Kraft foods

    (bec ause of b roade r produ ct li ne ) whic h arewell- run and f in ancial ly s ound compet it ors. Siz e o f company wi ll demand a v ariedmarket in g p rogram; Socia l, cultural, economic ,polit ic al and gove rnmen tal constrains .

  • 8/14/2019 Hamzah Jan, Bilal El Zein


    To sta rt aware strongl y abou t the launchof Hot Ice Tea th rou ghout Gener ation(1 0-29 years ol d) con sumer s as we ll asth eir par ent s.

    Th e mess age for promotion of th e HotIce Tea is a health y drink for sp or ty andyoun g peop le who simp ly enjo y takingcare of th eir bod y and lif e.

  • 8/14/2019 Hamzah Jan, Bilal El Zein


    Tel ev ision Rad io Mag azin es Internet Outd oor s: bil lb oards Per son al sel ling: direct contac t Publ ic rel ation s: mall s, sportsevents and specia l display Publ ici ty: confe rence

  • 8/14/2019 Hamzah Jan, Bilal El Zein


    Con venienc e sto res Inde pendent foodstores Dis count store s Multip le grocers Direct sale s

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