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Handout 3EgyptEarly Dynastic Period

1Palette of King Narmer- Early Dynastic 3000-2920 BC (2 !00 BC"

This is a monumental make-up palette. It is very large. Depicts King Narmer. Mostfamous interpretation says that he has defeated the pharaoh of lo er !gypt. He issmiting a Nu"ian #odyguard.

2#asta$a Early Dynastic period 2 !00 BC

Masta"as ere the earlier form of pyramids. They ere used to "ury pharaohs.!arliest masta"as ere made of mud "rick. There are t o parts of a masta"a$a"ove ground$ and "elo ground. There ere usually a "unch of these around eachother. The area here these ere found as called Necropolis %city of the dead&.Necropolis is found in the red land.

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%ld Kingdom

3 &tepped Pyramid- D'oser - %ld Kingdom Period 2 30-2 11 BC (2 !00 BC"

This is the 'rst kno n pyramid. It as "uilt "y )m*otep for D'oser+ Imhotep asthe 'rst recorded architect and also the 'rst recorded physician. D(oser as theking at this time this pyramid is "uilt on top of a huge underground funeral comple).

, reat Pyramids of i.e* - %ld Kingdom Period 2!!1-2!2/ BC (2 !00 BC"

#uilt for Khufu%father&$ Khafre%son&$ and Menkaure%grandson&. Khufu is the one in

the "ackground and also the "iggest. Khafre is the one in the middle. Menkaure isthe closest one and the smallest.

! reat &p*in - %ld Kingdom 2!20- 2,9, BC(2 !00 BC"

The *phin) is "uilt and connected to Khafre+s pyramid. *ome "elieve the face isthat of Khafre himself. There are cham"ers "elo the sphin). The cham"ers arepart of a large funerary comple). *phin) is "uilt on the side of a large rock structure

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&tat e of K*afre - %ld Kingdom 2!20-2,9, BC (2!00 BC"

#uilt outside of the temple facing the kingdom. He is facing the kingdom "ecausehe ants to make sure his people are still orshipping him. It is an e)ample ofrelief sculpture.

#enKa re and ife - %ld Kingdom Period 2,90-2, 2 BC (2!00 BC"

This is one of the rare cases here the pharaoh is sho n ith his ife. This isusually not done. ,ife is sho ing support "y holding arm around Menkaure.Menkaure is the dominant 'gure.. He is depicted in his youthful form. The ife ismost likely his sister as ell. oyal families ere very im"read.

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Ne4 Kingdom //0- 010 #2

/ #ort ary 5emple of 6ats*eps t - Ne4 Kingdom period 1, 2-1,!/ BC ( 1!00 BC"

This temple is an e)ample of a rock cut tom". Is thought to "e "uilt "y &enm tho is descri"ed as royal architect. He is thought to "e hatshepsut+s lover as ell.

*enmut also has his o n tom". Hatshepsut as the daughter of a haraoh andmarried to her "rother. The pharaoh died and left his kingdom to his son ho astoo young to rule the kingdom. Hatshepsut as left in charge until he "ecame oldenough to rule. ,hen that time came she did not give up her post. *he ruledinstead. The son eventually "ecame king hen she died. He defaced statues thatshe had constructed hen he came to po er.

9 6ats*eps t 4it* o7ering 'ars - Ne4 Kingdom 1, 3-1,!/ BC (1!00 BC"

Hatshepsut is sho n here kneeling ith o4ering (ars.

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8marna Period 5 % 3/3- 33/ #2& This still the Ne Kingdom eriod. #ut it isimportant "ecause it is the period in hich 6khenaton as ruler from Tell el-6marna.He also changed religion to monotheism.

10 8 *enaton - Ne4 Kingdom 13!3-133! BC (13!0 BC"

This is a statue of 6khenaton. He is an interesting ruler. He changes the o7cialreligion of !gypt to monotheism. He is the 'rst ruler to do this. He also moved thecapital to Tell el-6marna. He also 'red all the priests. They ere really mad a"outthat. ,hen he died he as la"eled a heretic.

11 Nefertiti 5* tmose(sc lptor" - Ne4 Kingdom 13!3-133! BC (1300 BC"

This is a sculpture of Nefertiti. *he as ife of 6khenaton. This as sculpted "y Thutmose. *he is one of the 'rst e)amples of the ife having as much authority asthe pharaoh.

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12 8 *enaton Nefertiti and t*ree da g*ters from 5ell el-8marna - Ne4 Kingdom 13!3-133! BC (1300 BC"

The art in this is di4erent from earlier !gyptian art. ,hen he changed everything upart as one of things that changed as ell. They have long necks. He is also afeminine 'gure. *ome "elieve he is a hermaphrodite. This picture is of the king and8ueen ith three daughters orshipping their sun god. *ome "elieve that thedaughters ere not his children. 6s his rulership ent on the people "ecame veryunhappy. Nefertiti eventually convinced him to go "ack to the old capital andreinstate the old vie s.

13 Deat* #as of 5 tan *amen from t*e innermost co:n - Ne4 Kingdom 1323 BC (1300BC"

This is a picture of the death mask of Tutankhamen. He is the son of 6khenaton andNefertiti that "ecame ruler after his father. He "rought "ack the old ays. Ho ard2arter as the one that discovered his tom". The tom" as the only tom" to "efound fully intact. 6ll these treasures ere found there. He as not a ma(or kingand therefore asn+t one of the richest. He actually died early at a"out the age of

9. The death mask as placed over carco'gus. 2onopic co7nettes ere used to

hold his organs.

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