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My Life

By Hannah Benincasa

Every year on my birthday my mom drives me and a few of my friends up to Hampton Beach for the day. The beach is one of my favorite places so that’s why I always choses to go there. My friends and I always have a great time playing and tanning on the beach. Later we like to walk on the boardwalk. We always try to find a nice restaurant for dinner. This concludes my birthday but I always have a party too.


I have been cheering since I have been five years old. I do all star cheering which is all year round and not just in the fall like pop-warner cheering. We don’t use pom poms, yell cheers, or support the football teams. We compete all around the world and win trophies. For the last three years I have cheered at a gym called Pro Athletics. I have also cheered at a few others but Pro is my favorite. My team is very close like a family and we all get along so well. I love cheering and I am trying out in high school too!

My dog Max is my baby I love more than anything. We got him for a Christmas present when I was nine. He was a very playful and energetic puppy. He ate everything include parts of the wall. He is very good dog now though. He always has to lay on me when I sit down and sleeps with me every night. He is always excited to see me when I come home and he always cheers me up. Max was the best Christmas present I ever got!

A friend is a person that’s always there for you, wont talk behind your back, and someone you can tell anything too. My friends Shannon, Julia, Jill, Danielle, and Mackenzie are perfect examples. We hangout all the time and have so much fun! Most of my great memories have them in it. I love them so much and don’t know what I would do with out them.

GrandmaI love my grandma so

much! She is the world to me! When I was little she had a stroke and almost died. She is fine now and all my friends and family love her. She lives on a lake so when I was little I used to go over and watch the geese. Now she makes beautiful jewelry and sometimes I go over and help her with it. If there is a special occasion that involves baking she will invite me over to bake at her house. I love my grandma so much and love spending time with her.

Over the summer, my mom, my sister, my friend Jill, and I went on a short vacation to North Conway. We did lots of fun things there but one was going to the Kangamangus river. We all swam and splashed in the water. We all got pulled by a current and started to scream. All four of us held on to rock thinking we were going to die. Everyone was looking at us and we were really embarrassed, but we all laughed about it later. It was a really fun time.

I have lived in Leominster my whole life. All my cousins and other family doesn’t live around here. Every Friday the Leominster football team has a game. All my friends and I always go and support them. We always wear blue and sometimes draw lines on our faces. Usually after the game all my friends would come back to my house and sleepover.

My mom is my role model. I can tell her anything and trust her with everything! She does everything for me and I should probably do more for her. Sometimes we fight but we always make up. I honestly don’t know what I would do with out her. She is my best friend and no one can replace her! She means the world to me and I never want to lose her. I couldn’t ask for a better mom!

Some of my family lives in New Hampshire including my Auntie Anne, Uncle Rob, and my three cousins Sam, Julia, and Steven. We always go up to their house every Christmas. We went up and stayed at a huge house in the mountains in New Hampshire with all the cousins over the summer for vacation. I also went up to North Conway with my mom, sister and Jill for a vacation over the summer. My family goes up to New Hampshire often because I have family there and we like to go up there for short vacations.

My family on the deck of the mountain house!


Ever year on October 30 is Halloween. We always go trick-or-treating even though my friends and I are getting kind of old. I love Halloween because I love candy! Last year my friends and I ran to the houses so we could get double the candy and it was a good way to keep warm. We are a little old to dress up in over the top costumes but we still think we should and not just walk around in our coats. Last year were football players and drew black lines under our eyes.

I have been cheering my whole life. This year cheering got really expensive. We were going to be going on a lot more competitions too. My parents had recently got divorced too. So this year I had to quit all star cheering. I loved cheering as a sport but I really loved the people there too. We were a family. I was really sad but I started dance which is really fun. I am doing cheering in high school and I already have a spot on varsity. The quit was very hard for me but dance is fun and I know I’m cheering next year!

Red, Black, and White

I cheered at a gym called Pro Athletics for over 3 years and their colors are red, black, and white. I really liked cheering there because we were so close like a family. I was on the highest team in the gym and it was very difficult. I was also the youngest on the team but I got along very well with all the older kids. Sadly it got too expensive and I had to quit. My coach has called me and asked to come back a couple times. I wish I could and miss cheering everyday.


My little sister Faith is really important to me. She is almost nine and always full of energy. She always takes my stuff and uses my make up. It gets me mad but she never really learns. We fight a lot over stupid stuff but I love her anyway. We both cheered but I taught her everything she knows. Before she started cheering I had already taught her a back handspring. It was a way of spending time together with out fighting. Its always nice being someone’s role model.

Train to Boston

Every year around Christmas my family takes a train and we spend the day in Boston. My mom, my sister, my brother, and I always go to look at the huge Christmas tree all lit up and decorated downtown. We walk around in our heavy winter coats looking at the shops and hoping to buy something. We usually go to nice restaurant for dinner. At the end of the day we have to get back on the train and head home but its always a fun time I spend with my family every year!

Universal Studios

When I was little we went to a cheering competition in Orlando, Florida. We actually competed in Universal Studios. It was really hot and with a long sleeve uniform on it was really uncomfortable. Before and after competing we could go on rides and explore the park. I had a blast because it was my first time there. My whole family went and we had never even been to Florida. It was such a great vacation and I hope to go there again one day.

When I was in second grade I went to a cheering competition in Virginia Beach. We probably went there about five times but the first time was the best. I went there with just my mom. I hung out with my best friend at the time Juliann. It was a blast! Our hotel pool was closed so we went around to other hotels and used theirs. One pool was on the roof of a hotel and one looked like the grand canyon because it was decorated with rock everywhere and a granite slide! It was my favorite time going there but the others were fun too!

Many years we have went and stayed up in York Maine because my aunt owns houses up there. We stayed in the cabins which were all lined up in a row. We would go to York Zoo which had an amusement park attached. We would also go to the beach and out for ice cream. We would stay up there for a week and hang out with all my cousins. It was such a fun place to go to because there were so much stuff to do. We used to go every year but we don’t go anymore. I hope to go up there again soon.

York Maine


My family loves going to the zoo. Over the summer my dad usually takes us when we don’t have anything to do. I enjoy looking at all the animals and I take pictures of almost all the them! We like to go to a different zoo every time so we can see all different animals. I love animals so I really enjoy going to the zoo with my family!

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