Page 1: Hardy weinberg lab  predation effect presentation


Sean Reilly Period 5th - 6th

Page 2: Hardy weinberg lab  predation effect presentation

Predation Effect

Does the chance of traits changing which leads to evolution increase if a group of Sugar Gliders move into a new area of a forest, and eat half of the fruits with the Homozygous AA because those fruits are a brighter red then the Heterozygous AB or Homozygous recessive BB because the Sugar Gliders are more attracted to those brighter fruits?

Page 3: Hardy weinberg lab  predation effect presentation


1. I put a predation frequency on the first generation.

2. Then made this equation (=SUM(H5:H20)*D) on the total AA Homozygous of the population at the end of Generation 1.

3. I then just copy and pasted the 1st Generation down for the next four Generations.

Page 4: Hardy weinberg lab  predation effect presentation


● I chose that alteration to put a predation effect on the Homozygous AA because I needed a natural selection effect which would lead to a change in traits which would lead to evolution. Thats why I put it on the AA homozygous so the dominant would decrease leading to a rise in the recessive of heterozygous. This in time would change the fruits.

● I considered using the altercation to have predation on the heterozygous AB so that once that went extinct the Sugar Gliders would have to choose the dominant or recessive which we be very bright of a not bright fruit, this which eventually lead to the evolution of the fruit.

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● My model addresses my question because in the 4th Generation the Homozygous Dominant AA goes extinct or close to it which means the Sugar Gliders would have to choose either the Heterozygous AB or Homozygous recessive BB, which would lead to a change in traits and evolution of the fruits.

● Limitations I had when addressing my question was that I didn't have a predation effect on the Sugar Gliders so we don't know other factors that could have led to a different outcomes, such as a predation effect on the Sugar Glider population.

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