Page 1: Has Internet of Things really happened?

Speaker: Opher Etzion

Did the Internet of Things really happened?

What the inhibitors are?

Page 2: Has Internet of Things really happened?

“There is no Internet of Things yet”


Sarah Rotman EppsOct 17, 2013

The Forrester report entitled “There is no Internet of Things Yet” asserts that while much of the sensor technology exists, each sensor lives in isolation, while multi sensor system is difficult to construct

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Differences between the traditional Internet to the Internet of Things

Topic Traditional Internet Internet of Everything

Who creates content? Human Machine

How is the content


By request By pushing information

and triggering actions

How content is


Using explicitly defined


Through explicitly

defined operators

What is the value? Answer questions Action and timely


What was done so far? Both content creation

(HTML…) and content

consumption (search


Mainly content creation

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A major difference between traditional Internet and the IoT – usability

The success of the Internet is attributed to its relative simplicity:

to connect to create contentto search

Imagine that any search in the Internet would have been done using SQL queries… How pervasive do you think the

Internet would have been?

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For situational awareness….Languages are actually more complex than SQL


// Large cash deposit

insert into LargeCashDeposit

select * from Cash deposit where amount > 100,000

// Frequent (At least three) large cash deposits

create context AccountID partition by accountId on Cash deposit;

Context AccountID

Insert into FrequentLargeCashDeposits select count(*) from LargeCashDeposit

having count(*)>3;

// Frequent cash deposits followed by transfer abroad

Context AccountID

insert into SuspiciousAccount select * from pattern [

every f=FrequentCashDeposit -> t=TransferAbroad where timer.within(10 days)]

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Internet of things – what’s holding us back

Chris Murphy, InformationWeek, May 5, 2014

1.The data is not good enough

2.Networks aren't ubiquitous

3.Integration is tougher than analysis

4.More sensor innovation needed

5.Status quo security doesn't cut it

We’ll concentrate on these topics – with special

emphasis on the democratization of use

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Data is not good enough…

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State-of-the-art systems assume that data satisfies the “closed world assumption”, being

complete and precise as a result of a cleansing process before the data is utilized.

Processing data is deterministic

In real applications events may be uncertain or have imprecise content for various reasons (missing data, inaccurate/noisy input; e.g. data from sensors or social media)

Often, in real time applications cleansing the data is not feasible due to time constraints

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Where does the uncertainty come from?

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Security considerations of IoT

Murder by the Internet

“With so many devices being Internet connected, it makes murdering people remotely relatively simple, at least from a technical perspective. That’s horrifying,” said IID president and CTO Rod Rasmussen. “Killings can be carried out with a significantly lower chance of getting caught, much less convicted, and if human history shows us anything, if you can find a new way to kill, it will be eventually be used.”

EXAMPLES: Turn off pacemakers, Shutdown car systems while driving, stop IV drip from functioning

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Privacy considerations of IoT The traditional Internet and social networks are already compromising privacy in the virtual world

The Internet of Everything increases the challenge since it can track the physical world

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Democratization of use in Internet of Things


Integration of sensors and actuators Personalization of situation detection Pervasive use

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Standards were crucial to the success of the traditional web

The “Joint Coordinated Activities on IoT” published

in February 2014 standards roadmap:


With aspects on architecture, format, identification,

sensor network management and more…

AT&T, Cisco, GE, IBM and Intel form Industrial

Internet Consortium for IoT standards in March




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Much has been done on IoT

There are still challenges ahead in order to make the use of IoT as pervasive as the traditional Internet.

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