Download - Hazim-Lab 2

  • 8/9/2019 Hazim-Lab 2






    STUDENT NO. : 2004624588



    : JANUARY 2006



    : Bachelor of Engineering (Hons.) in ChemicalEngineering/ EH220


    Checked by: Rechecked by:Cik Siti Ida Farida bte Abd Razak


    No. Title Allocated marks % Marks %1 Abstract/Summary 5

    2 Introduction 53 Aims/Objectives 54 Theory 55 Procedures 36 Apparatus 57 Results 208 Calculations 109 Discussions 20

    10 Conclusions 1011 Recommendations 512 References 513 Appendices 2

    TOTAL 100


  • 8/9/2019 Hazim-Lab 2


    This particular experiment is about separating solid particle from suspension

    in liquid. The experiments were conduction using the deep bed filtration apparatus.

    This equipment allows particles penetrated into the interstices of the filter bed where

    then they are trapped following impingement on the surfaces of the material of the


    The very fine particles of solids are removed by mechanical action but the

    particles finally adhere as a result of surface electrostatic forces or adsorption. The

    objective of this experiment is to determine the pressure drop across the bed, the

    nature of flow in filter bed and to determine the performance of the bed.

    Three theory is used to calculate the result, Darcy-Weisbach formulation,

    friction factor estimation and pressure drop in porous bed. The result from the

    experiment is calculated and graph is plotted.


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    Filtration is a physical operation that used largely in industry to separate solid

    particle from suspensions in liquid. In a filtration system, porous layer is used where

    only liquid is allowed to follow through them.

    There are many reasons on why filtration systems are used in industries. They


    i. To separate solid particles that has commercial value from liquid or gas.

    ii. To separate solid waste from valuable liquid, such as solid suspension from


    iii. To separate both solid and liquid when both have commercial value.

    iv. To separate both solid and liquid even if both does not have any commercial

    value such as if both is harmful material and has to be disposed accordingly.

    Deep bed filter allows particles penetrated into the interstices of the filter bed where

    then they are trapped following impingement on the surfaces of the material of the

    bed. The very fine particles of solids are removed by mechanical action but the

    particles finally adhere as a result of surface electrostatic forces or adsorption.


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    To determine the pressure drop across the bed

    To determine the nature of flow in filter bed

    To determine the performance of the bed

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    Darcy Weisbach Formulation

    The formula involves the study of straight pipe in which an incompressible

    fluid flows in it. Consider the following functional relationship:

    P = f (v, , D, , L, )


    P Pressure drop between two points

    v Velocity of fluid

    Density of fluid

    D Pipe diameter

    Viscosity of fluid

    L length of pipe

    Roughness of pipe wall

    From above, seven magnitudes are expressed as a function of three basic

    dimensions i.e L, M and T, which then form 4 dimensional parameters. By repeating

    v, , D and with the addition of other magnitudes, the parameters are:

    1 = P 2 = v D 3 = 4 = L

    v 2 D D

    Thus, we can also express the relationship as dimensional function:

    P / v 2 = f (vD / , / D, L /D)

    Consider P = gh f , where h f is the loss of total load between two sections of the pipe,


    hf = (L / D) (v 2 / 2g)

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    where is the friction factor from Moody diagram

    Friction Factor, Estimation.

    Nikuradse and Moody determined the friction factor, experimentally where

    Nikuradse used pipes with artificial roughness whilst Moody used commercial pipes

    with roughness is the characteristic of the pipe. The results obtained by Moody are

    shown in Figure 2 .

    From the diagram, following are the parameters that can be considered:

    a. For Re < 2000, in the fluid flow, friction factor only dependence on Reynolds

    number but not wall roughness, where = 64 / Re

    b. The transition region of Reynolds number gives the friction factor,

    depending simultaneously on the viscous effects and on the roughness of the

    pipe and hence = f (Re, / D)

    c. For sufficiently high Re number, the viscous effect do not cause effect and the

    friction factor, only depend on the roughness of the wall, where = f ( / D)

    Pressure Drop in Porous Beds.

    The pressure drop caused by the contact between particles and the media

    accompanying the flow of fluid can be calculated using the following general


    a. Reynolds number of the fluid flow in the packed bed, Re based on the

    diameter of the particles, d p and the approach velocity of the fluid to the bed,

    va is affected by the correction coefficient, F Re (Figure 3 ) where:

    Re = (v ad p / ) F Re

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    Where F Re = f (, ) porosity / voidage of the bed

    sphericity of particles

    b. The friction factor, ( Figure 4 ) depends on Reynolds number, Re, so

    = f (Re)

    c. The pressure drop in the porous drop gives similar expression to the pressure

    drop in pipes but however, it is affected by a correction coefficient, F f (Figure


    H f = (L / d p) (v a2 / 2g) (F f )

    Where F f = f (, )

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    Preliminary Experiment

    Tank D1 and D2 was filled with clean water. Pump switched on. Valve V 2 and

    V2, V 5 and V 7 opened, and valve V 4 and V 6 closed. Valve V 3 was adjusted to

    establish flow and the water allowed circulating in 2 to 3 minutes. If there was bubble

    trapped in the water manometer column, purging method was applied by increasing

    water height in the manometer column until the bubbles disappeared. Total height of

    bed measured.

    Experiment 1: Lost of Load of a Porous Bed

    Valve V 3 adjusted, and if necessary, valve V 2 closed to obtain the difference of

    pressure of 1000 mm between tube 1 and 30. The readings from tube 1 to tube 30

    were noted. The experiment repeated to get the 10 different flows covering the range

    of flowmeter. Before stopping the pump, valve V 2 fully opened and valve V 3 fully

    closed to avoid entrance of air to the circuit.

    Experiment 2: Loss of Load h f in Function of Depth and Time

    Solid-suspension liquid was prepared in tank D2 (about 100 g of flour). The

    clarity of the liquid was test using turbidimeter. Valve V 1 and V 2 opened, and valve

    V3 closed and pump started. Valve V 3 opened until flow rate, Q = 60 L / hr reached.

    When the cloudy suspension reached the packed bed, the timing started and the time

    registered. Verify that the flow remains constant and if necessary, the flow adjusted

    using valve V 3. The reading repeated in every 30 minutes. The samples were collected

    at the 1 st, 2 nd, 6 th, 10 th, 15 th, 20 th, 25 th and 30 th tubes. The turbidity of each samples

    measured using turbidimeter. The results recorded. Besides that, the reading of the

    tubes also recorded. The length of the column from the base to the respective tappings

    measured. The pump stopped when the experiment finished.

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    Deep bed filter

    Turbidimeter Stopped watch

    Beaker for making the solution of flour

    Spatula for stirring the solution of flour

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    Experiment 1: Lost of Load of a Porous Bed

    Flow Rate, Q (L / hr) h 1 h30 hf = h 1 - h 30 10 572 520 52

    20 592 504 8830 612 490 12240 642 468 17450 662 438 22460 682 408 27470 708 380 32880 738 346 39290 764 304 460

    100 802 268 534

    Table 1: Data for experiment lost of load in a porous bed

    Flow Rate, Q (L /hr) Q (m 3 / s) v a (m / s) Re' ' H f (m)10 2.778E-06 3.537E-04 17.684 4.0 0.065720 5.556E-06 7.074E-04 35.368 1.7 0.111630 8.333E-06 1.061E-03 53.052 1.2 0.177340 1.111E-05 1.415E-03 70.735 0.8 0.210150 1.389E-05 1.768E-03 88.419 0.7 0.287360 1.667E-05 2.122E-03 106.103 0.6 0.3546

    70 1.944E-05 2.476E-03 123.787 0.5 0.402280 2.222E-05 2.829E-03 141.471 0.4 0.420390 2.500E-05 3.183E-03 159.155 0.4 0.5319

    100 2.778E-05 3.537E-03 176.838 0.3 0.5582

    Table 2: Table of calculation for theoretical head loss

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    Graph of Head Loss versus Flowrate







    2 . 7

    7 8 E

    - 0 6

    5 . 5

    5 6 E

    - 0 6

    8 . 3

    3 3 E

    - 0 6

    1 . 1

    1 1 E

    - 0 5

    1 . 3

    8 9 E

    - 0 5

    1 . 6

    6 7 E

    - 0 5

    1 . 9

    4 4 E

    - 0 5

    2 . 2

    2 2 E

    - 0 5

    2 . 5

    0 0 E

    - 0 5

    2 . 7

    7 8 E

    - 0 5


    H e a

    d L o s s

    experimental value

    theoretical value

    Experiment 2: Loss of Load h f in Function of Depth and Time

    number of L (mm) Lapsed time (minutes)

    tube 30 60 90

    hf ' turbidity h f ' turbidity h f ' turbidity1 90 670 42.8 690 50.5 694 38.12 120 656 45.6 680 47.1 682 37.36 220 636 48.1 648 40.7 650 32.7

    10 320 608 47.6 620 34.8 622 30.115 440 570 45.1 580 34.6 574 33.820 570 542 39.6 540 33.1 538 29.125 690 506 33.3 498 31.2 500 28.230 1020 420 32.4 394 30.5 408 25.5

  • 8/9/2019 Hazim-Lab 2


    Table 3: Table of loss of load and turbidity in function of depth and time

    Graph Length of column vs Pressure drop








    0.00 2000.00 4000.00 6000. 00 8000.00

    pressure drop

    l e n g

    t h o

    f c o

    l u m n

    30 min

    60 min

    90 min

    Graph Turbidity versus Length of Column








    0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

    Length of Column

    T u r b

    i d i t y 30 min

    60 min

    90 min

  • 8/9/2019 Hazim-Lab 2




    Internal diameter of the column, D: 100 mm

    Density of sand, p = 2650 kg / m 3

    Sphericity of sand, = 0.8

    Diameter of sand, d p = 1 mm

    Density of water, f = 1000 kg / m 3

    Viscosity of water, f = 0.001 kg / ms

    Length, L = 1030 mm

    Mass of bulk, m = 8.7 kg

    Voidage of bed = 0.4

    Voidage of the bed, bed = 1 ( b / p)

    0.4 = 1 __ b kg / m 3

    2650 kg / m 3

    b = 1590 kg/m 3

    From the figure 3 , the value of F Re = 50

    From the figure 5 , the value of F f = 2500

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    Sample of Calculation

    Consider the first reading in experiment 1

    Q = A . v a

    va = Q / A

    = 10 L 1 hr 1E-3 m 3 1_______

    hr 3600 s 1 L 7.854 x 10 -3 m 2

    = 3.537 x 10 -4 m / s

    Re = (v ad p / ) F Re

    = 1000 kg m -3 x 3.537 x 10 -4 m s -1 x 1E-3 m x 50

    0.001 kg m -1 s-1

    = 17.684

    From figure 4 , for first reading = 4.0

    From figure 5 , F f = 2500

    H f = (L / d p) (v a2 / 2g) (F f )

    = 9 x 1030E-3 m (3.537 x 10 -4 m s -1)2 (2500)

    1E-3 (2) (9.81 m s -2)

    = 0.0657 m

    P = gh f

    =1000 kg/m 3 x 9.81 m s -2 x 0.67 m

  • 8/9/2019 Hazim-Lab 2



    The separation of solids from a suspension in a liquid by means of a porous

    medium or screen which retains the solid and allows the liquid to pass is termed

    filtration. In general, the pores of the medium will be larger than the particles which

    are to be removed, and the filter will work efficiently only after an initial deposit has

    been trapped in the medium. The most important factors on which the rate of filtration

    depends be are the pressure drop from the feed to the far side of the filter medium, the

    area of the filtering surface, the viscosity of the filtrate, the resistance of the filter

    cake, and the resistance of the filter medium and initial layers of cake.

    For first experiment the graph that been plot from the experiment result and

    theoretical result shows the similarity in the graph pattern. Its show that the particular

    theory is suite for that particular experiment condition. For second experiment the

    pressure drop is decreasing when the column height increase. However the pressure

    drop value is similar for different time taken 30 minute, 60 minute and 90 minute.

    This condition happen because the changes in concentration of solid suspend in liquid

    is not affecting the pressure drop.

    The value of turbidity that determine from the turbid meter is non consistent.

    This is because the sand particle that used in the filter bed is not equal. However the

    turbidity value is still decreasing at the maximum height of the column.

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    1. The bed voidage is 0.4 and the bulk density is 1590 kg/m 3

    2. The theoretical head loss h f of the porous bed is

    Flow Rate, Q (L / hr) Hf (m)10 0.065720 0.111630 0.177340 0.210150 0.287360 0.354670 0.4022

    80 0.420390 0.5319

    100 0.5582

    3. The data that gained from the experiment is similar to the data that obtained

    from theoretical calculation using the formulation. Its show that the

    experimental value is valid.

    4. The nature of the flow is analyzed based on the Reynolds number

    Q (m 3 / s) Re' Nature of flow

    2.778E-06 17.684 laminar

    5.556E-06 35.368 laminar

    8.333E-06 53.052 laminar

    1.111E-05 70.735 laminar

    1.389E-05 88.419 laminar

    1.667E-05 106.103 laminar

    1.944E-05 123.787 laminar

    2.222E-05 141.471laminar

    2.500E-05 159.155 laminar

    2.778E-05 176.838 laminar


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    1. Mix the liquid with colored dye in order to differentiate the liquid in the

    manometer tube with the wall scale. This is important in order to get the

    accurate reading

    2. All bubble must be vanish from the manometer tube by increasing water level

    in manometer to the maximum value.

    3. Take the average reading because the water level in the manometer tube is not

    stable in order to prevent from parallax error.


  • 8/9/2019 Hazim-Lab 2


    Rhodes, M; Introduction to Particle Technology ; John Wiley

    Coulson J. M and Richardson J. F; Chemical Engineering Volume 2 ;Butterworth Heinemann

    McCabe, Smith, Harriott; Unit Operation of Chemical Engineering ; McGraw



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  • 8/9/2019 Hazim-Lab 2


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