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By: Suzanne Collins

Heidi Prebys

Reading- Miss Roche

Class Period: 8


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Suzanne Collins is an amazing author and writer. Not very much is known about her life as a child. She first started working in television. Her first TV series was Clarissa Explains it All and The Mystery Files of Shelby Woo. She also wrote Little Bear and Oswald. She co-write the famous Christmas song, Santa, Baby! She more recently wrote Clifford’s Puppy Days and Wow! Wow! Wabzy! She wrote a five-part fantasy series called The Underland Chronicles. Finally, she wrote The Hunger Games series. She currently lives in Connecticut with her family and a pair of kittens.


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The Hunger Games is a fantastic book about a sixteen year old girl named Katniss Everdeen and her feeling and thoughts when she is participating in the hunger games. The Hunger Games is an annual event when two tributes, a boy and a girl, from each district out of the twelve districts compete to the death in a unknown arena while everyone watches the tributes. The Games is also a test of endurance and strength because you always have to be on the lookout and you have to find your own food. The other tribute along with Katniss is Peeta Mellark. They have wild adventures in the arena such as when Peeta teams up with the Career tributes which are people who train to be in the Hunger Games. Katniss teams up with Rue, and Peeta and Katniss form an alliance.

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Main Characters

Katniss Everdeen - a fearless, clever sixteen year old girl who is amazing at hunting and great with a bow and arrow. She has dark brown hair that is almost always in a one braid. She volunteers for her sister who is called to be a tribute but Katniss takes her place. She ends up co-winning the entire Hunger Games. She is street smart and tough but definitely not mean. She is friends with Gale. Katniss is the fake girlfriend of Peeta and the “girl on fire” for Cinna while still being the representative of District Twelve.

Peeta Mellark - a strong yet sensitive teenage boy who is good at keeping himself alive and helping Katniss in her time of need. He is very sweet to Katniss, knowledgeable when it comes to bread, and clever when it comes to surviving. He has some bad cuts and bruises throughout the book but manages to co-win the Hunger Games with Katniss. He gave bread to Katniss when they were really little, teamed up with the Career tributes, and saved Katniss’s life many times. Peeta is Katniss’s fake boyfriend and the son of a baker.

Supporting Characters

Primrose Everdeen – a young, sweet, innocent little sister of Katniss. She gets called first to be in the Games but her sister takes over. She has blonde hair and fair skin.

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Gale - a strong teenager who hunts with Katniss. He has a crush on Katniss and wants to run away with her. Gale lives in District Twelve also known as the Seam.

Haymitch – a wise winner of the Hunger Games back a while ago and now is a mentor for Peeta and Katniss. He is usually drunk but is clever at times. He is responsible for getting people to sponsor Peeta and Katniss and he needs to send them gifts while they are in the arena.

Effie Trinket - another helper along with Haymitch to encourage the tributes and teach them proper manners. She wears big wigs, big dresses, and lots of makeup. Effie is very upbeat and enthusiastic.

Cinna – a bright, colorful stylist of Katniss. He has very grand fashion designs such as a flaming cape and bright orange, red, and yellow colors. He is one of the closest people to Katniss.

Rue – a smart little tribute from District Eleven. She has dark brown hair and is around the age of Primrose. She has an alliance with Katniss and unfortunately dies.

Cato – a strong, athletic Career tribute which means he is trained to be in the Hunger Games. He is the runner-up of the Games.

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• Meet Katniss and Primrose Everdeen

• Learn that Katniss is a good hunter and hunts with Gale

Rising Action

• Primrose Everdeen gets called to be a tribute and Katniss takes her place

• Peeta Mellark becomes the second tribute

• They travel to the Capitol and meet with Haymitch and Effie Trinket, their mentors

• Katniss meets Cinna, her stylist

• They have an official introduction of all the tributes

• They have an evaluation to see how good the tributes will do in the games

• Katniss gets an eleven out of twelve and Peeta gets an eight out of twelve

• The tributes have an interview and Peeta admits he has a crush on Katniss


• The Hunger Games begin

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Falling Action

• Katniss gets an orange backpack filled with necessities

• Almost gets killed by a girl throwing knives at her

• Katniss finds a tree an sleeps their while a girl near her gets killed

• Realizes Peeta is with the Career tributes

• Wall of fire descends and giant flaming balls fall around Katniss

• Meets Rue and she points out the tracker jacker hive

• Katniss drops the nest on the Career tributes camp

• Peeta saves her life by signaling for Katniss to move

• Katniss makes an alliance with Rue

• Rue dies

• Gamemakers change rules that two people from the same district can win

• Peeta and Katniss make an alliance


• Thresh saves Katniss’s life and gets killed

• Peeta accidently kills Foxface

• Wolf-like dogs come and Cato dies

• Gamemakers change back the rules that only one can win and Katniss and Peeta attempt to commit suicide but do not and they both win!

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Devising- v. to plan or arrange in our mind, Pg. 159 I’m beginning to think we– meaning the person whose death I am devising and I– we might have actually gone unnoticed.

Materializes- v. to cause to become real or actual, Pg. 163 High above the dying campfire a hovercraft materializes.

Circuitous- adj. being or taking a roundabout course, Pg. 174 I’ve just decided to try and loop back around, although it will require miles of travel away from the inferno and then a very circuitous route back, when the first fireball blasts into a rock about two feet from my head.

Honing- v. to sharpen on or as if as a hone, Pg. 190 A stabbing pain shoots through my knee and I know one has found me and the others will be honing in.

Wholeheartedly- adv. without reservation, Pg. 208 Rue has decided to trust me wholeheartedly.

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Luke Benward as Peeta Mallark

Jake Gyllenhaal as Gale

Emma Roberts as Katniss Everdeen

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Willow Smith as Rue

Taylor Lautner as Cato

Anna Sophia Robb as Prim Everdeen

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Stephanie Courtney as Effie Trinket

Hugh Laurie as Haymitch

Dree Seely as Cinna

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"Home"Another summer day,

Has come and gone away,In Paris and Rome,I want to go home,

MmmmmmMaybe surrounded by,

A million people I,Still feel all alone,

I just want to go home,Oh I miss you, You know,

And I've been keeping all the letters,That I wrote to you,

Each one a line or two,I'm fine baby how are you,

Well I would send them but,I know it's that it's just not enough,

The words were cold and flat,And you deserve more, Than that,

Another aeroplane,Another sunny place,

I'm lucky, I know,But I want to go home,

I've got to go home,Let me go home

I'm just to far,From where you are,

I've got to come home,Let me come home,

I've had my run,Baby I'm done,

I want to come home,

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And I feel just like,I'm living,Someone else's life,It's like i just stepped outside,When everything was going right,And I no just why you could not come along with me,'Cause this was not your dream,But you always believed in me,

another winter day,Has come and gone away,In either Paris and Rome,And I Want To Go Home,I miss you, You know,Let me go home,I've had my run,Baby I'm done,I want to go home,Let me go home,It'll all be alright,I'll be home tonight,I'm coming back home.

I think this would be a good song for when Katniss is thinking at night about her family, longing to go home and wishing she was not in the Games. She wants to go home and be with Prim and her mom.

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I give this book an amazing five out of five stars. It was very well written and had a lot of suspense. I could not put it down. The plot was the best. It had so much action. I thought it would be too much blood and guts, but I was moderate. The whole fact of kids killing other kids was strange to me but I loved the book.

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