



Volume 13 Issue 2











Darren Wilkins


Kevin Emmerson


Ashley Peterson


Alix HarrisAshley PetersonDarren WilkinsGary Jorgenson

Kevin Emmerson


Alix HarrisAshley Peterson

Dan FiorelloGarry & Lora Jorgenson

James Stuart Katrina ArafilesMeranie Vercio

Printed at Mount Ellis Academy in black and white

to save money.

If you would like to see a color version, please visit:

4_Principally Speaking 6_1960s Reunion 8_MEA Thanksgiving 10_Digital History 11_Alumni Cruise

12_Alumni: Where Are They Now? 14_Alumni Weekend 2012 15_AEF Report 16_Calendar

Follow MEA Online

This past fall MEA took the freshman, sophomores, and

juniors to Glacier National Park where they had the opportunity to hike nearly 40 miles. In this photo the students are braving the 12 mile trek up to Grenell Glacier.

Photo By: James Stuart, MEA Science Teacher

Featuring students: Wyatt Hansen (junior), Joni Harris (junior), Khristian Jones (junior), and Kiri Fischer (sophomore).

Omission: In the previous issue of Heirborne News we neglected to give credit where credit was due. Anita Strawn de Ojeda took the outstanding cover shot of the Class of 2011. Thank you Anita!







Welcome to the new look of Heirborne News! Thanks to Ashley Peterson, our new director of marketing and a wonder-wiz at graphic design

and layout, this new format is fresh and more user-friendly. How? By maximizing space for more photos and substantive content! All that extra space brings with it a commitment to include more content of interest to alumni. In this issue you’ll find a summary of the 1960’s reunion over July 4th and a peek at the 2012 Alumni weekend April 20-22. Page 15 has a report on the Adventist Education Foundation’s accomplishments and goals. I’ve written an article on

thankfulness you’ll find on page 8 and we wrap this issue up with a rather large list of alumni we have lost track of. If any of you can help us find even half of them, I’ll be VERY grateful! In short, I hope you’ll find the information in this issue useful. If you have suggestions for future issues, please contact my office anytime. In the meanwhile, have a blessed holiday season!

PS – There’s one more change with Heirborne News! This is the first new issue that’s being published online. If you’d like to see it in full color, visit and search for Mount Ellis Academy or Heirborne News. You’ll find this and other MEA publications available there.

This year we are focus-ing on get-

ting our school name out into the community

as much as possible. First on our agenda was a booth at the Gallatin County Fair where we handed out free water to those coming by. While there we had the op-portunity to educate visitors on who we are as a school and what our purpose is. Locally we have also been featured in Montana Parent which is a free magazine found in many local stores. In the spring we will have a feature story in the Outside Bozeman showcasing 3 articles written by students and photos of outdoor activities, mission trips and snow adventures.

We’ve also ventured into cyberspace, which is no small task! Joni Harris, a junior this year, is writing weekly blogs for Blog-ger. Our day to day goings on are posted on Facebook and Twitter so people can stay up to date no matter where they are. Videos from our Student Week of Prayer and other events are posted to YouTube and Facebook and our publications are now available in full color on Issuu – including this issue of Heirborne News. So be sure to check us out online! Another goal of my department is to give MEA a design identity that is cohesive and identifiable. This helps give MEA immedi-ate recognition when someone comes in contact with our mailings and publications.




The current crop of foreign students gather together before their journey up Mt. Ellis.


Good morning fellow alums, I suppose it may be afternoon or evening when you read

this but I am putting fingers to keys during the first period of the day while students’ eyes are still bleary with sleep and the fall air carries a hint of winter and the promise of ski runs blanketed in white. Year number 110 is well underway at Mt. Ellis. Here are a few news items to keep you in the loop.

Sixties Reunion It was so much fun to have the six-ties crowd back on campus over the July 4th weekend. I never tire of hearing testimonies of the life-changing impact of this school all through the decades. There was a whole lot of that kind of sharing to go along with a lot of laughter and fun. I’ve often wondered if I will ever feel completely grown up. Hanging out with the 60’s gang made me realize I probably never will.

Mount Ellis Climb Something truly historic happened this fall. For the very first time a girl finished 1st overall in the race to the peak. Sarah Ojeda sum-mited in one hour and two minutes. I was standing at the top with a stopwatch when she crested the

peak. She wasn’t even breathing hard. Sarah has been closing the gap with the boys for that past few year and finally blew by them in her senior year.

Foreign Students Kevin Emmerson and I recently re-turned from a trip to Brazil. No, we were not there to take in Carnival or to lie on the beach. We visited a number of Adventist Academies to promote a study abroad program at Mount Ellis. We met some awe-some kids who will be joining us at MEA over the next few semesters. We’ve established some wonder-ful sister school relationships and anticipate getting a steady stream of Brazilian students in the com-ing years. This will augment and


Anxious students wait for the signal to begin their trek up our namesake peak.


Gallons of paint wait their turn to be rolled onto the walls.

diversify our existing foreign student program that has drawn students from many countries in Europe, the Middle East, and Eastern Asia.

Campus Improvements Thanks to funding from the Ad-ventist Education Foundation and additional donations from individu-als, the Administration and Indus-trial Arts Buildings got a major face lift this summer. Freshly textured/painted walls are looking great with the brand new carpet. This came on the heels of remodeling the gym bathrooms. We are now just putting the finishing touches on a complete remodel of the rec. room in King Resident Hall. Next spring we will upgrade the campus exterior by repaving Academy drive and re-placing large sections of disintegrat-ing sidewalks. We strive for con-stant improvement in the product

we offer to students and parents. A huge thanks to those who’ve provided funding for us to make visible the pride we feel in this place.

More Kohl’s This fall Kohl’s opened a store in Bozeman. The manager of the new branch asked us to play a role in the grand open-ing ceremonies. We got some podium time to express our gratitude to Kohl’s for the grant and to our local community for

the support. MEA students got to hold the giant ribbon for the cutting. Incidentally, we will be digging on the new sewer system next spring.

Due to some re-engineering we will be able to accomplish more with the $500,000 than we ini-tially anticipated. Thanks again to all of you who played a role in the Kohl’s Miracle.

On a personal note, I’m feeling par-ticularly blessed to be entering my tenth year as principal of MEA. The years go by but the students always stay the same age. This allows me to nurture the delusion that I stay the same age as well. I so much ap-preciate the gift of remaining young by working every day with kids. Most of all it’s great to work in a place where God’s guiding hand and great blessings are so evident from day to day and year to year. I thank you, on behalf of a lot of young people, for your participation n the blessings God showers on us.

The entire student body rallied together for the grand opening of benefactor Kohl’s new store in Bozeman.



Over the July 4th weekend about 160 alumni from the 1960's era gathered at Mt.

Ellis for a weekend of fun and memo-ries. The 60's Reunions have been taking place every five years since 1996. It was first organized by a 1966 alumnus Linda Christensen Kroshus and took place at Bucks T-4 Lodge in Big Sky, Montana. This past 4th of July was the first time it was held on the MEA campus. Mt. Ellis Academy provided dorm rooms on a donation basis for those who wished to stay at the academy. For those who pre-ferred less rustic accommodations, a block of rooms was reserved at the C'mon Inn in Bozeman. Meals were

provided by Mt. Ellis Academy in the new Al-laway Dining Hall. The dining hall was rarely empty. It seemed to be a popular central meeting place where groups would linger for hours and reflect on old times. The rafters of the ski lodge rang with laughter Saturday night during the memory sharing time. Some told of secret past activi-ties hidden from faculty and students


Above: A delightful visit to the Allaway Dinning Hall

Below:60’s Reunion Group in front of the Administration Building


“ “

for 40 years, while many others reflected on how the years at MEA had impacted their lives. There were many options of activities to choose from, some of which included Lewis & Clark Caverns, Bozeman Hot Springs, a golf tournament and the Arts and Crafts Festival in Livingston.

One cannot help but form lifelong bonds with other students when you live, study, work and play in such close proximity with others. It was truly a memorable weekend and it was great to pick up with fellow alumni where we left off some 40 years ago. Everyone there had a full stomach, a smile on their face and a heart full of laughter. Any alumni group that would like to start a similar get together would find it most rewarding. was great to pick up with fellow alumni where we left off some 40 years ago.

Arriving at the ski lodge on Saturday night. Having a great time laughing.

Waiting in the grass for another bus to come rescue us! (Katherine Harris Becker and her cousin)

1960s classmates gaze in wonder at Lewis & Clark Cavern rock formations that predate the 1960’s!


Jason & Leisel Rogers meet the new dorm students on registration day.

Mount Ellis students take a rare break for a group shot.

As I write this we are enter-ing one of the most beauti-ful seasons of the year.

The color palette of our hillsides is shifting to the earth tones of fall with shades of amber and vermil-lion. Even the air has taken on a crisper bite reminding us that winter is once again preparing to blanket our world in white. But for today, the sun is extending its warmth, holding off the inevitable cold for one more day.

Thinking of winter, I’m reminded of more than snow and skiing. For many, myself included, winter brings some of the most hectic and stressful times of any year. The holidays are fraught with expecta-tions; most of which are dashed and some of which are realized. Thanksgiving in particular brings an annual opportunity for reflec-tion and gratitude, yet frequently I find myself simply looking forward to the hoped-for feast rather than contemplating my blessings. So this year I’m starting early. Since this will be the last Heirborne News of 2011, I’m taking a few

minutes to list my thankfulness for everything related to Mount Ellis – or at least the aspects that spring to mind today!

I’m grateful for a dedicated staff with increasing tenure. This seems obvious and perhaps even trite. But in reality, the fact that the majority of our staff have been with us for more than five years is something I’m guessing doesn’t happen often. Setting new records for commitment,

Darren Wilkins is in the midst of his tenth year as principal of Mount Ellis. That is the

longest tenure of any principal in our storied history. It is safe to say that through his guiding efforts and those of our staff, this campus has experienced a prolonged period of cohesiveness and continuity and we are better and stronger for it. I for one can’t imagine life here without him, so I’m thankful for his continued commitment to MEA.

Nancy Lee, our vice principal for finance, has been with us 22 years through thick and thin. Thanks to her frugal methodology, Mount Ellis has been in the black for the last seven years. I’m grateful for her steady hand at the wheel of our funds.

Our teaching faculty on campus have been with us for a combined total of 101 years and that makes a difference for our students. A



Nancy Lee, vice president for finance faces the new year with a smile.

consistency in faculty creates a stable environment for students who might not have the same stability at home. And it al-lows our teaching staff to better understand the students and best meet their needs.

Maintaining our campus is no small task and Ray Wheeling has made it his chief concern for 13 years. In addition to ensuring everything on campus functions properly, he keeps our roads clear of snow, a typically thankless task that lasts for months in this part of the country. I, for one, am grateful for his efforts.

I’m thankful for our students. It may be easy to take them for granted or simply dismiss them as an obvious aspect of acad-emy life, but without students there would be no need for MEA. Without students, I wouldn’t have the same energy boost each day. Simply put, without students, life

would be boring, so I’m grateful for our young people.

Each of you reading this, our alumni and friends, hold a spe-cial place in my thoughts. Every year you remember Mount Ellis in big ways and small. Whether through gifts of financial aid or words of support or acts of collaboration, you each have an impact on the lifeblood of Mount Ellis. Your past on this campus is still making an impact on our present – and I’m grateful.

Most of all, I’m grateful for a lov-ing God that continues to bless us in so many ways. I’m thankful for the countless times He has sustained us and for the numerous times He has protected us from evils we’re not even aware of. I’m thankful for the blessings He has wrought in the lives of so many who have come through our doors and I’m appreciative of the op-portunity we still have to continue

serving Him here at MEA.

Looking back on these thoughts of thankfulness, I feel my list is woe-fully small. Mount Ellis is imprinted on my DNA in profound ways – and for that I’m incredibly grate-ful. I’ve frequently said the three years I was blessed to be a student at MEA

were the best three years of my life. The faculty who were here made such an impact on who I am today that I can’t begin to thank them enough. So to those of you faculty who were here from fall of ’85 through the spring of‘88: THANK YOU!

Perhaps that’s the biggest joy of this season – thanking those who matter to us the most. So I pass along a challenge to each of you today. Why not take a moment to thank the people in your life for what they mean to you? And, since this is coming from my desk in the alumni office, why not think about who made a difference in your life here at MEA and thank them? Perhaps it’s a staff member from years gone by or someone who is making the difference in the life of your son or daughter now. Take the time to tell them two of the most important words we can ever say: Thank you.

Your past on this campus is still making an impact on our present - and I’m grateful!


All senior class photos have been captured digitally, safeguarding their longevity.


This summer, during the re-texturing, re-painting, and re-carpeting process the

senior class photos were taken down from where they have hung in the Ad building since it was built. This seemed to be the perfect opportunity to capture the storied photos digitally. So I and my trusty camera spent hours in the empty ad building and quiet campus, taking pictures of each individual senior photo and storing a digital copy. But the project did not end there. I then began (and am still in the process of) editing each and every picture to remove any imperfections that were added to the photo when I “took the picture’s picture.” With the new digital copy stored away, if anything ever happens to the original class photos, we will have a back up

and hopefully be able to recreate the history. We may even, in the future, have a digital database of MEA alumni with a short biography of what has happened in their life since high school.

It was an interesting experience, spending all that time looking at you, the many alumni who spent their high school experience at MEA. It made me wonder about the differences between MEA then and MEA now. For instance, hairstyles have differed drastically through the 110 years MEA has been around and for that matter clothing styles too! But it also made me wonder, what things have stayed the same throughout time? I tried to imagine what life at MEA would have been like, 10, 20, or 50 years ago.

Despite the difference in appearance of the students, and the presence of ipods and cell phones (not to mention smart phones), the basics of life at MEA must have been the same. Students still went to classes, worked at campus jobs, ate in the cafeteria

(though it may be in a new location now) slept in the dormitory (although there were two separate dorms back then) and had vespers on Friday night. Some things about MEA have changed through the years as society has changed, but what makes Mount Ellis, Mount Ellis is still the same. MEA is still a family, and from those who graduated in 1902 to the new generation of Mount Ellis students who are currently attending, everyone is included in that family.


I tried to imagine what life at MEA would have been like 10, 20, 50 years ago.


If you haven’t heard, your Alumni family is planning a CRUISE! Our destination is Alaska and we’re leav-

ing June 1, 2012. Come join us as we sail from beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia for seven nights through the inside passage. We’ll visit Ketchikan, Icy Strait Point, Skagway, Juneau and view the majestic Hubbard glacier before finally ending our time together in Seward/Anchorage, AK. Prices start

at just $899 for an inside cabin, so this is a great value too!

In addition to all the natural beauty and excitement from a trip like this, there’s even more options. Our cruise coincides with the fourth Camp Meet-ing at Sea featuring fabulous music and outstanding speakers like Dwight Nelson and Derek Morris. You don’t want to miss out.

So consider bringing the family, calling your friends and gathering your class-mates to travel together on this great vacation and spiritual retreat. You’re sure to have a great time and if you want even more to do, once we disem-bark in Alaska there is no shortage of options! For more information, please contact the Alumni Relations office at (406) 587-5178 ext. 105.


Fun facts About Alaska

Juneau is the only state capital in the US that cannot be accessed by road

Alaska became 49th US state in 1959

Heaviest snowfall on record: 81 feet at Thompson Pass near Valdez in 1952-1953

Alaska has 33,904 miles of shoreline

Fairbanks, Alaska has largest temperature spread of any city on earth: -66F to 99F

State motto: North to the Future


The alumni office is continually working to keep our records up to date. Despite the popularity of social networking sites, our largest information base remains the alums we already have contact with. The following list of names reflects MEA alums we have lost track of through the years. Either mail has been returned as undeliverable, or we’ve never known where someone was. We are kindly requesting your help. Even if you don’t know a current address, a last known address would help us in our efforts to locate these lost alums. We realize some people on this list have passed away and unfortunately we were not notified, so we appreciate you taking the time to update us in these instances as well.

If you have information for any of these people and would like to help us update our records, please contact our office. You may reach us online at [email protected] or call (406) 587-5178 ext 105. You may also write to us at: MEA Alumni Office, 3641 Bozeman Trail Rd., Bozeman, MT 59715. Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide.

1936Ellen (Ogren) Vance

1939Genece KruseBetty Macavley

1941Ruth A. (Van der Ende) EdwardsHerbert EslingerRichard Necker

1942Joyce (Schroeder) Hanges

1943Helen (Watts) HavstadRuth (Surface) Lawhon

1944Elamae (Watts) Skahen

1945Evelyn (McClusky) HuckleberryRuth (Hanson) LankenorHazel (Rook) Regedohl

1946Otis FleetwoodNeva (Sherman) HowellRay Sumner

1947Ben BaileyAlice BerubeDaisy DickeyErma (Finkbiner) EversLorraine FleetwoodJean (Berube) GibsonShirley Ann GillmanEugene LullWallace OsborneMaxine PrestonJune Reynolds

Reba ReynoldsBetty RigbyGene StarrJeanette SteeleTommie ThompsonVelma TrautmanJack Van Der EndeGrace Yoshida

1948Elwin BarclayJ. EutslerMary GreetGeorge HellieRolland JacobsFrances MartinDelores (Whitmore) McDowellMayne MuirG. MurphyJeannette PendletonLucille PughF. ReevesS. ReevesI. Van der Ende

1949Pat AdamsBud BoucherAlice CampanelloSue ChubbBob DetwilerWalter EmmersonDale FolkesDavid HarveyDonna MartinThomas MartinWilliam MillerDon PaulsenDolores PendletonRichard ReedBetty Lou ReinkeJohn SurdalKeith Whitmore

1950Mary (Strickland) PierattRoger BierwagonPhyllis ChristensenDonna Lee EmmersonBirdie HarveyCharles HerrigMarie JacobsAngie KesslerMarcella LangeKeith McDowellDonna (Wold) MendeDonna MorrowLavonne OwenAnna Van der EndeDale WattMargaret WheelerAdria Wohlfeil

1951Joanne AlcornBetty CouchVelda DeselmsViolet DeselmsEvelyn FergusonKeith GarnerLee JenkinsJoy KingWilma LansrudJoan SchelhornGene White

1952Patricia BoucherLorraine BrownCharles FisherOlive LandollMarjorie LangeVirginia LangeOrville StobelBecky Van der EndeArlene WagnerLenora Young

1953Dorothy BenbrooksEleanore BlairPat BoucherStanley ChristophersonLillian ClarkHelen FrenchHugh GiftRussel GinterGeorge HoftmanSanford HustwaiteDouglas JohnKarl KingDelores LullBob NelsonJacqy NelsonNewlin ReedDonald ShoederFred SumnerJimmy Welch

1954Marvin AbbottArley AdamsJack AltimusDwight BorahDean BusbyBarbara CollierHelen DavisWayne FinkeTed HansenLois HoffmanDonald HolmanCharles JensenRoy KinseyJune LinrudPhillip MorrowDoris PaulsenGlen PrewittIra ReiswigJoan StewartBernice TaggertLeonard TaylorShirley ThomasRobert Walen

1955Willard DeviinRon HagertyJohnetta HutzelLois InoueBen KleinDon KriegerDennis McCarthyTom McDonaldKermit PetrockDon RouseGlenn SchmidtLuella (Farnsworth) WilberJack Witzel

1956Ann (Hedlund) ParmiterDonna JonesDonna KephartJoAnn Pickett



Larry MaxwellShirley EvansTed Hurley

1957Ann InoueBill StarrBonita M. (Greet) DrakeCarcl ChandlerClifford SmallDavid JohnsonDon MartinDonna SchaffDorothy EvansElizabeth HolmanEverett MartinJosephine KesslerLuella GranvoldSharon (Hagerty) HottmanVaughnie HowieVicki YinglingVirginia Beldon

1958Alvin LeeDaryl WilsonDon KinseyEmily HalvorsonHarriet PalmerHelen LindbackJackie SchaffJimmy GotfredsonLenard GordanierLeroy PierceMarjorie JonesMark SandvigMelva BriggsMelvin BreedingNed LontPhyllis (Hoffman) HoldShirley (Toston) RochotVada HayesWanda South

1959Allison EveyCyrilla PowellDick ReinkeDon JulsonDon StanleyGary YounkerGayle HosslerGeri HalvorsonJim LachenmeierJohn JeffersJohn WoldKaren ThompsonLeroy ChristensenLynne KingMary HamiltonMary Louise KirkpatrickRachel JonesRay StarrRoberta BurnettRose Ann MarionSharon SarveShirley TostonSonya Van AllenVernon Holmes

1960Barbara Wiegand

Carolyn MerrilDick BrownDwayne HarveyFloyd SchrammeckJayne BethelJudy MontgomeryLeonard HardingNaomi LombardRobert HoytVickie Voyles

1961Bobi HamiltonCarolyn BiggsCharlene WeiandDan HilerDavid PrayeDavid StewartDea Ann ChristensenErrol WilsonGeorge KellnerHarold PhelpsJamie BloodJerry SetteraKathy MarcoeLauretta KannenbergLila WhisennandLloyd WallaceMargaret VaughnMyrna (Hayes) WilsonPhil HolmanPhil VendenRobert FallangRonald SoudersRosella NystromSandra SerightSharon (Ruble) Struthers

1962Alferd EggertArthur WrightChuck RiterConnie ShotwellDavid HaysDianna MeeksEd EdmonsonFred HolderGeorge EnglebrechtJack JusticeJoy AdlerJoyce (Sloop) WasylyshenJudy SouthwickLarry AbbottLarry SerlesLarry Van CampLavilla RobbinsLyne AdamsMaralen BrothersMargaret GravesMarilyn (Crawford) FalkerMavis RayeRonnie HusslerRoy LarsonSherry OlmstedSue (Davis) BarberSuzanne CraikTerry WolfgramWesley Wallace1963Amund MombBob MillerBob ReinaverCarol Lefferts

Carol (Trunk) WallenClarence HummellDaryl AnderstDaryl VansickelDiane (Nichelin) HookDon CannonDoreen BeenDorita ButendieckEileen (Carter) ModdrellEleanor WigginsErna (Kast) JanusGlen ZumwaltKathy GriffinLarry ReidMari GreggMary Ann NathemMichael BushOkalin BevinaRichard StorySandee ScottSharon JohnsonStan SetteraStephen KellisonSue Ann JohnsonSusan (Porter) KellisonTerry WrightTeryl PoynerTom SwickWesley Smith

1964Barry CraftBen LoomisCharlie WhiteDarla KeeneyDawna ChristiansenDennis DonaldDennis HorobDiane (Poyner) RobertsDonnie BlakelyDoris WendtGloria CrawfordHarold EmeryHarold RogersJack RainwaterJames WickJani McDuffieJohn BurtonJohn KanzackKen ChristophersonLinda (Davis) BoderLois FettigLynn LaMareMorletta DuttMary DeLaceyNeil KincaidPete LattimareTery HansenTim CloughTom Scollick

1965Delva FrickleDick UnrueDon DawsonForrest OwensGary MarangGayland BlakeJenny (Griffin) SmithKay SmithLarry WayMarilyn Davis

Peggy BeenRobert BeenRuth (Triebwasser) KilmerSandra CollinsSylvia ShockleyVirginia BieberVirginia Young

1966Arlee JohnsonBob HamblenCarole (Miller) SidmoreDennis MortonDuane Van AllenGene StuberHarold CochranJane SandvigJim EggertJim LloydJulie DawsonJulie LawsonKathryn (Gildersleeve) PesterfeildLindy KennyLyman FritzMickie MonroNonie Gray Robert UnrueRon EmeryRosalie (Crookes) MoruityStan Briggs Tom Cook

1967Ann SandvigBob DanielsChuck LafountainDan ScheelDiane BaileyDorothy CawthraElaine WentlandGarland BlakeGayle GarverGene BrownGlenn GreenwaltHugh BlairJanet WiseKathy JohnsonKathy MinerLaurel (Heickson) KirchmeierLeanna PiersonLois (Larson) KelleyMelvin WickPhyllis MortonRex DavisRichard OsbornRoger WadeRuth DurhamTerry CurtisTerry PierceWarren PendletonWilliam Warmer

1968Dennis DickDiana LewisDoreen NixonDuane GilliandEdwin ErlandHoward MolesJudy RossKay SchelhornLarry Ashworth


Nikki GentryPat GlowaskiPat PhillipsPat (Cheadle) RogersRichard SukowSheri FlugstadTerry KinamonYvonne Shaw

1969Alan SnnereBill MorrisCharlene LazottChris AbbotDale HudsonDale LehmanDavid IrwinDavid MorganDennis DelmarterDon PopplewellDonna VixieFerlyn HansonGreg BurnsJames TrappJoanie Cook

Laurie SmithLavonne HolmesLevi MeyersLinda (Bilbro) GibsonLorraine (Slack) AndrewsMargaret MustowMike HookerMike LazottRay WyattSteve BartlettTeriz Chuljian

1970 Anna ChythlookCathy HixsonChris NordlowConnie GlowarskiCrystal PurvisDan PascoeDiane RoemerDick CarlsonDwight ShawEd BisgardEthyl JenkinsGale Anderson

Gary AlexanderJames SammasJim CunninghamJim GrayJohn HasperLinda KessingerLonnie LimbockerMarlene RothgebMarsha ScanlanPat MortonPatsy BerethRandy HinshawRay KraftRhonda BusbySallie RossSandi JellisonSue EckleyVearne IversonViola Knox

1971Bill BuckendahlCindy HowardDavid JonesDebbie (Jensen) Smith

Don SeissDonna TownsendEdna FoxgloveGary CheadleHelene GruelJim NowlinJohn EversJohn HaysJordan LongwellJudy James Kathy BoucherLinda BushMarilea HixonMyron McCumberPam Cooper Ray MorganRenee NichelinRussell HasseeSharon ScanlanSusan KemphTom AlexenkoTom Warner

1972Alean Brassey

Bill Dasher Bill RoseChris Jones Danny SennerDenny RothgebGoldie BeckJudy ReevesKaren BanksKathy LayerKevin GowerKim BarstadKirk ThompsonOrlin JonesRandall SnoopRod AbbottSherri WinslowShirley RedmanSteve AyersTeresa ArnoldTerry BurnsVicky (Kenner) Locke

While every effort has been made to list names accurately, we apologize for misspellings or names listed in incorrect class years. Please contact the Alumni office with any information on these missing Alums. We appreciate your help in locating our lost family members. You may write us at: MEA Alumni Office, 3641 Bozeman Trail Rd., Bozeman, MT 59715 or reach us online at [email protected].


Do you miss the incredible scenery of the Gallatin Val-ley? Has it been too many

years since you were here on campus? Are you anxious to see classmates and friends from back in the day? Then make plans now to attend our 2012 MEA Alumni Homecoming Weekend, April 20-22. This year our honor classes are 2002, 1992, 1987, 1982, 1972, 1962, 1952, and 1942. But you don’t need to be an honor class member to join us! With a vari-ety of speakers and activities on tap, it’s sure to be a great time for everyone, and we want to see as many of you here as possible.


FRIDAY, APRIL 20 3:00pm | Registration 7:30pm | Vespers

SATURDAY, APRIL 21 9:00 – 10:00am | Breakfast 9:30 – 10:30am | Sabbath School 10:45am | Church After Church | Lunch – Potluck 2:00pm | Unveiling of King Tribute 2:30 – 5:30pm | Honor Class Reunions 5:30 – 6:45pm | Supper 7:30pm | Vespers 8:30pm | Special Concert/Alumni Basketball games

SUNDAY, APRIL 22 8:30 – 9:30am | Senior Class Fundraiser Breakfast 10:00 | Kohl’s Sewer groundbreaking


Sidewalk repairs have grown more urgent through the years.


The next time you visit Mount Ellis you won’t find any trace of vintage 1970’s orange

carpet. You also won’t find the poorly patched hole you kicked in that Ad Building wall while having a good-natured tussle with your buddies. But don’t worry; we likely still have the old desktop where you professed your eternal love for your short-term girlfriend.

Yes, it can be hard to let these relics go but it’s a sacrifice we’re willing to make to provide a clean, well-maintained, modern learning and living space for the students who walk the halls of MEA today. Beginning last spring and continu-ing to this moment, your old school has been a beehive of remodeling activity. We now have beautiful new gym bathrooms, new carpet and newly textured and painted walls in the Administration and industrial Arts Buildings, and a completely remodeled recreation room in King Residence Hall. And more projects are in the planning stages for next spring.

How are many of these wor-thy projects being funded? The

campus is being upgraded largely through contributions from the Adventist Education Foundation (AEF) and a little help from you. AEF was established by the Larry Shideler family for the purpose of funding the ongoing maintenance of the MEA campus facility. This year the foundation committed $35,000 toward $50,000 worth of projects. To receive the money we needed to raise the residual $15,000. While we did not raise the entire goal amount, we raised

more than enough to pay for the new carpet and paint using AEF’s match. The residual funds are being re-served for the biggest project yet - repaving Academy drive and replacing our crum-bling sidewalks.

Thanks to the generosity of AEF, our students are reaping the benefit of upgraded facilities that reflect the pride we have in our school and the excellence that happens here. Would you like to be a part of this exciting project? When you contribute to Adventist Education Foundation projects, you will often be tripling your money and making a huge difference to your old school.


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MOUNT ELLIS ACADEMY DEVELOPMENT OFFICE3641 Bozeman Trail Road - Bozeman, MT 59715Tel: 406.587.5178 Ext. 105 - Fax: 406.587.5170Email: [email protected]




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CALENDAR 2011 - 2012 ALUMNI WEEKENDDECEMBER 3 | Music Tour 4 | Christmas banquet 10 | Christmas Cantata 11 | Sunday School 15 | Christmas Concert 16 | Christmas break begins 25 | Christmas

JANUARY 1 | New Years 2 | Christmas break ends 8 | MEA Operating Board 14 | Junior Benefit 17 | First semester ends 25 - 28 | WWU Choral Festival

FEBRUARY 5 | Sunday School 8 - 12 | Home Leave 9 - 11 |WWU Friendship Tournament 13 - 14 | The One Project conference 19 - 21 | Ski the Summit

APRIL 20-22

CALLING ALL ALUMNI and the members of honor classes 2002, 1992, 1987, 1982, 1972, 1962, 1952, and 1942 for Alumni Weekend 2012, April 20-22.

Please join us and visit with your friends and classmates. We hope to see you there!

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