
Help people find your clients’ websites.Once your audience arrives, help them find

what they seek on your site.Encourage return visits to your site.

Each project will require evaluation to determine the best plan and approach to doing these and the order of importance.

Since each project’s scale, goals and audience are different you strategy will need to adapt accordingly.

You will find there are a few Findability techniques that serve the needs of every project.

Good idea to define a multi-tiered priority list of techniques to develop an overarching strategy to reach your target audience.

Create well-written, original content that fills a niche and is relevant to your audience.

Research target keywords and place them in strategic locations within your markup (keyword density should not exceed 7%).

Use semantic, standards compliant code.Meet accessibility guidelines to ensure content

is legible to search engines and legal issues.Create predictable, search engine friendly URLs.Create inbound links where possible and

promote your site on other sites.

Publish robots.txt and sitemap.xml. Then notify major search engines of your sitemap file.

Create custom 404 pages to get users back on track

Create an HTML sitemap page to help users and search engines navigate your site.

Ensure JavaScript, and Flash content do not present roadblocks to search engine indexing.

Diligently analyze your traffic for successes and failures.

Add a local search engine to your siteUse microformat6s to make content such as

events and contact info portable.Create a blog that notifies major ping

services of new content.Syndicate content with RSS feeds where

possible.Promote viral exchanges of your content.

Build and utilize a mailing list.Consider creating a Google AdWords

campaign to create immediate traffic.Promote your site offline with print, TV, and

radio ads.

Tools that help the testing processSitening SEO Tools - Detector – Extractor –

Evaluates your markup to show you how well you’re communicating the information hierarchy of your page.

Keyword Priority and Density Evaluation –


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