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“You are only as young as the last time you change your

mind”- Timothy Learny

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Hemp: The Solution

Alternative Voices & Issues in Mass Communication

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Hemp Hemp a.k.a Cannabis Sativa sp. is not to be confused with Marijuana/Ganja.

All Hemp Species = 10% Marijuana/Ganja. 90% are hemp.

Hemp is low on Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a psycho active substance. But hemp is rich in Cannabidiol (CBD).

CBD suppresses THC effects. Hemp can be consider Anti-Marijuana.

Hemp fiber is known to be the strongest, in comparison to any other plant species and are able to be process into countless products.

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Hemp Products Food

Soil & Water Purifier



Construction Materials


Weed Control

Biomass Fuel


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Hemp as Food Hemp seed oil contains 80% Essential Fatty Acids (EFA) e.g

Omega 3 - 6

1 tablespoon per day = Daily EFA requirement

Hemp protein contains all 21 known amino acids, including 9 that an adult body cannot naturally produce.

Hemp protein is a complete protein, and easily absorbable by human digestive system.

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Hemp as Soil & Water Purifier

Hemp has a natural and unique ability to detoxify the land it is planted on.

It can absorb leftover phosphorous on farm land, after the use of poultry fertilizers.

It can also absorb other harmful substances.

Currently hemp is being planted in Chernobyl, Russia. Where the was a nuclear reactor meltdown in 1986.

The Japan government should consider the same move for the Fukushima incident last year.

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Hemp as Clothing Cotton Fibers = 1 - 2 mm VS Hemp Fibers = 4 - 5


Stronger than cotton and was the original material for Levis Strauss jeans.

Softer, warmer, and more water resistant than cotton.

High insulation factor. Keeps you cool on warm days, and keeps you warm on cold nights.

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Hemp as Paper Hemp paper found 200 years before Cai Lun (the inventor of

paper), started standardizing paper making process. Which was 2000 years ago.

Hemp paper lasts longer and was more durable than conventional wood pulp papers.

The Declaration of Independence of America, signed on the 4th of July 1776, is written on hemp paper.

Wood trees for paper takes 50-100 years to mature. Hemp takes 4 months to mature.

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Hemp as Construction Material

Hemp fibers mixed with some bonding agent, will create Hempcrete.

Hemcrete is a building bricks, lighter than normal building bricks.

Hemcrete is fire retardant.

1 cubic meter of Hemcrete wall, will absorb 165kg of Co2 overtime.

Hemp fibers can also be turned into wall insulations.

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Hemp as Plastic Conventional plastics are petroleum based product which is not a

sustainable source.

Hemp plastics are plant based and are sustainable.

Conventional plastics take more than 100 years to barely decompose. Releasing harmful gasses while it does.

Hemp plastics are bio-degradable, and does not release any harmful substance.

Currently Audi, BMW, Ford, Chrysler, Honda, GM, Iveco, Lotus, Mercedes, Mitsubishi, Saturn, Volkswagen, Porsche, and Volvo are using hemp based plastics components in their car.

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Hemp as Weed Control Hemp is fast growing, tall with crowded foliage. This blocks the sun to

the ground. Deterring weed growth.

Hemp can grow in high density, leaving no chance for weed to root in.

Gives advantage to the farmers who does not need to use herbicide to control weed growth and benefit the land use for crop rotation.

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Hemp as Biomass Fuel Hemp can be the answer, liberating man kind from the use of fossil fuels.

Hemp can be the answer for sustainable energy.

The amount of Co2 released by the burning process of hemp fuel and the amount of Co2 absorb by the hemp growing process keeps the global Co2 level at equilibrium.

Hemp fuel burns cleans. Means it will not cause acid rains.

Hemp has 4 times the bio mass and 8 times the methanol potential, compared to the current main bio mass fuel, corn.

If hemp was planted on just 6% of the continental America, it can sustainably supply the demand for gas and fuel, for the whole country.

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Hemp Compared Wheat and corn can produce around 8.5 tons of material per hectare, per

year. Hemp produces 25 tons.

Oil palm takes 5 years before it fruits. Wood tree takes 50 – 100 years to mature. Hemp matures in 4 months, so it can be harvested 3 times a year.

Usable fibers from 1 acre of hemp = usable fibers from 4 acres of wood and 2 acres of cotton.

Hemp is naturally a hardy plant. Pest resistance means it needs less or no pesticide to cultivate.

Hemp is draught resistant

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Hemp History

8000 B.CHemp fabric provides 80% of sustainable textiles.

4800 B.CA vase decorated with hemp cords prints, proved that hemp has culture influence.

1000 B.CHemp is the world's largest agricultural crop, providing materials to support civilization's most important industries, including fiber for fabric and rope, lamp oil for lighting, paper, medicine and food for both humans and domesticated animals.

100 A.D Chinese discover how to make paper from hemp.

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Hemp History

1619America's first hemp law is enacted at Jamestown Colony, Virginia, ordering all farmers to grow hemp.

1776First and second drafts of the Declaration of Independence are written on hemp paper.

1790'sGeorge Washington and Thomas Jefferson grow hemp on their plantations

1837 – 1901Queen Victoria uses cannabis resins to treat menstrual cramps, sparking enormous interest in the uses of cannabis as a medicine in the English-speaking world.

First Law!

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Hemp History1916U.S.D.A. publishes Bulletin No. 404, "Hemp Hurds As Paper-Making Material," extolling and demonstrating the outstanding qualities of paper manufactured from hemp-pulp, a new process. The document was printed on hemp-pulp paper and explained the new technology. Previously most all paper was made with the hemp fiber content of 'rag' (worn out clothing).

1929Henry Ford begins extensive research into the production of methanol (as a fuel) and the manufacture of plastics from renewable vegetable crops, including hemp.

1935116 million pounds of hemp seed are used commercially in America to manufacture paint and varnish.

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Hemp History

1937The Marihuana Tax Act HR 6385 was enacted; this required a $1 tax stamp on the cultivation of marihuana and hemp.  If somebody wanted to plant hemp, they would have to buy a tax stamp from the government. The issue for those in opposition of this tax related to the underhanded manner in which this tax was enacted.  Which means the government is not giving out any tax stamps. So begins the prohibition of hemp and marijuana.

1938The February issue of Popular Mechanics runs a story, (prepared before the 1937 legislation was enacted) titled: "New Billion Dollar Crop."


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Hemp History1941December issue of Popular Mechanics features a story on Henry Ford, showing a picture of the car he "grew from the soil." The automobile's "plastic panels with impact strength 10 times greater than steel were made from flax, wheat, hemp, and spruce pulp." The auto weighed 1/3 less than its 100% steel contemporaries.

1942U.S. government overrides its own ban on hemp and distributes 400,000 pounds of hemp seed to U.S farmers who produce 42,000 tons of hemp fiber annually to support the war effort until 1946. U.S. farmers, are inundated by "Uncle Sam" with incentives to grow hemp. The U.S.D.A. makes it mandatory for farmers to attend showings of the "Hemp For Victory" film. Farmers and their sons who agree to grow hemp are exempt from military service, even though America is at war.



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Hemp History

1955Both hemp and Marijuana are once again banned and declared illegal. This time the government concluded that smoking Marijuana would make you a big lazy pacifist. The alleged point was, enemy would use it against the US fighting troops to supposedly drop their fighting morale. The government now is illegalizing hemp for the opposite reasons why they banned it first in 1937.

1975Researchers at the Medical College of Virginia discover that cannabis is incredibly successful for reducing the size of many types of tumors, both benign and cancerous.

1993England eases restriction on hemp farming. News media declare hemp clothes and cannabis leaf logo hottest new fashion.

Banned Again!

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Hemp History1994Under the CNCA, one license was granted to a Canadian company, Hempline Inc., to grow hemp experimentally in Canada under the strict supervision of the authorities.

1996The Canadian federal government passed Bill C8 stating that mature hemp stalks are exempted from the list of controlled substances.

1998The Canadian government legalizes the commercial growth of industrial hemp. To infinity, and beyond…

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Hemp & The Future Global warming has already shown its effects. Polar caps are melting and sea level

are rising

Earth’s fossil fuel supply is nearing depletion.

Landfills are filled to the brim.

Pollution rates are rising. Pollution causing up-trends are not going to stop.

Hemp has always been the answer, but facts was swindled by greedy corporations.

Scientist concluded, after an extensive research on global warming, as of 2011, human only have a decade to reverse the damages, or it will be a one way ticket to a guaranteed Armageddon.

Educate ourselves & apply changes in our life.

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Blog The Hemperor’s New Clothes

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"When people fear their government,

there is tyranny; when the government

fears the people, there is liberty"

- Thomas Jefferson


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