Download - Her Man It A

  • 8/14/2019 Her Man It A



    IigJLrlli \iIr! l lIiIl ji Ft-,.lrl:-t-t1| (-lrSIi 5rt sKl Sr

    CnfleS Fitnessweisht anasemenrtan

    1/z c

    1/z ci - - - " - , , ' . - . '; Garbanzoeans* l4s i.

    Hummus ip*

    iBarley(cooked) , l /sc I tS , 2 : 1 O , 64I BulgurWheat(cooked) , ,/rc I tZ 4 3 : O I 76 :i !!t1!9gl-eee9a{:_____, I'ri:: I zo i I i _-T*-l--.=l:*-l--io ii-,i;;;j; ---

    . i - - - 'Tortilla, orn 6nch) _2Tortilla,WhoteWheat8 nch) t/z t3 I - - 2 I 70* - - - _ T -WholeWheatBread : tstce 14 Z Z I 75. - tiwl9lt{!,.{__c_oy:!or:lg19o),-:Jzs=l e : 2 : s i o i es lWholeWheat ita 2oz) t/z t4 3 2 1 70WholeWheat paghetti(cooked) t/zc 19 -- l- i - O eB __,_-, ,,! - _-::,,: li wildRcecooked)* . t/zc i..- -:---2 _--:- t -.-+ o .----- B3-_--i

    Vac3 T 4

    1_Potatoregularrsweet, ashedX 1/t-c . 10i SweetPotato medium6 oz)* ' t/z I lg 3f ' '. - . : .---* , *- - -_-- -_ ' -I Winter quash*

    RiceCake plain)


    I i

    Curves hewy ranola ar

    *glu en free starch exch nge

  • 8/14/2019 Her Man It A


    dairY cheese


    Probioticogurt rink' Yogurt moothiel ight)

    BrieCream heeselight)

    i Ricottapart kim)BleuFeta reducedat)Mozzarel lapart km)Provolone

    t6 0z n Q : n R n

    B o z i3.3oz




    Cheddarlo w at ,shredded)


  • 8/14/2019 Her Man It A


    Cnne6 Fitnessweisht anasemenrtan

    , .^aats highProtenairY



    3 o zl-* :--| 3 O Z: 2 o z

    3 o z) 4 0 2

    3 o zLeanDeliHa mPork ho pleanenterut )PorkLoin lean nly)ChickenreastChickennjitarcgsttlpjDeli urkeyreastTurkey reast

    Rainbow rout

    3 o z I


    i 4 o z

    3 o z

    Scallops 6 oz Isnrlmp 4 ozTilapia i 4 oz

    Salmonsmoked) 4 oz

    Tuna packedn water)CottageCheese1% at)CottageCheese20loat )

    2 scoopsEgg whole,arge)

    i lg!!g-tt'!.Note: all weghtsare after cooking

    nuNAl*"tl, F la, - - ' *Mat ^i -i Hea, Pei P'l

    PiL ^I 50l--' "- -, Sufu10,0146

  • 8/14/2019 Her Man It A


    veqet4,ll? :t:i i :i ii | l*l,iitlil:'X :$,Osf , 0 { J&oK-o#,ir+io )t d"r (D': Un1,,\,,r,,,,,,, ,j



    Black eanscooked) t/z c

    1/:,1/zc or3 oz cooked

    t/z oz

    Edamame(soy eans, dible ortion)Kidneyeanscooked) 3./+cLentilscooked) VzcLima eansPinto eanscooked)

    VeggieChik'n"Patty 1patty\ /d l-. lnt Dnnc! v Y Y ' v ' v ! e v Y v 11/zVeggieausageinks i 3 inks

    Almondsabout 2) 1/zozr F laxSeed(ground) 2T i 5 : 4 ) 3 5 tuMacadamiaNuts(5-6small)' / roz I z i I I 1 i 11 i 1o2 |l._. , .-,- -PeanutButter(natural) ' 1T 3 1 4 : 8 : 94 |_--_1--_I peanuts(aboutZo) 't ,/.oz i z i I 1 4 t 7 i 81 l1 Peanuts(aboutZo) 't 1/zoz 1 z I I 1 4_ L. ! | "-l lPecans(lOlargehalves) 1/zoz : 2 i 1 1 . 10 , 98 ,i pistacfrios(about20kernels), 1/zoz t 4 : 2 . 3 | 6 ', (9 .i__ ___ _'."_,,*t_,,_._4__ ,_ ^-T . I ,--r------I SovNu ts (3T ) I 3 /4oz i 7 i 4 1 9 i 3 i 90 |

    SunfowerSeeds 2f 4 2 --3- I 93t--- . '---.-. --*-- ----,I walnuts(4nutsorThalves) ' /ro, i 2 i I 1 2 I 9 1 92 l) - )'"--. ' ...------


  • 8/14/2019 Her Man It A


    Crule6 Fitnessweisht anasementtan


  • 8/14/2019 Her Man It A


    -, t* . & fr j tgSTNIIONNOATEXCHANGE :

    i CreamorHalf&Hatf( fat f ree) , . /o, i S ] O I zi :9 j f1 . . , " , 2r I I I o j Ii !e"q_s' eit_ --- r,--_,[-_i_ ]__I, 1 - ) 5 7





    Brussels proutsa - h - ^ ^u o u u o g g

    FREE OODS:everagesCelery





    Romaine ettuceScallionsSpinach

    Summer quashTomato


    HorseradishLemon uiceLime uice




    CarbonatedWater UnsweetenedeaFREE OODS:ondiments


    6 500 0 5 400cSrrviqlg0

    0I- rber 0 5Protein Fat Calories0

  • 8/14/2019 Her Man It A


    . ,^^ rnach\nesCurves trengthlatnt i iv

    squatsrf {GLr 05tT ' \ iThismachine orks he hipsand egs,inc lud inguadr iceps ,amst r ings ,lu teafsand l iopsoas usc ies .S tand n he eCge f the p la t form

    , L i f tpads bsve he shoulders h i les tand ing i ia iqh l nder he par lsFlace eetshr:rulcjeridthapartGrasp andies a lms ownSlowlyquat h i le xtendnqui tocksacklxtencJneesorward,utnotpast oesLower ourse l fln t i lh ighs repara i le lo he loor

    Review he basicguidelinesof eachmachine o achievemaximur results.

    1 ..,r* .

    * . P ow er pand epea l



    abfbackNOUBLE O S IT IV EThismachine orks he orso,nc lud ingheabdomina lsnderec tor p inaemusc les .l , 5 i t i r m l y n h em a c h i n eJ K e e p p i n e l i g n e dn n e u t r a l o s i t i o n3. Armsshouid e ig idw i thout ock ingthee lbows4. f xha le syouqu ick ly ur l o rward.5"Cur lback ndpul l he barunt i l ourback ouchesheseat*. Hesi iateor two seconds nd epeat

  • 8/14/2019 Her Man It A


    Cnne5 Fitness,weiqht anagementtanhip bductrladductorDOUBLEOSITIVEThismachine orkshe nner ndouterthighs,ncf ding ensor asciaatae ndadductormuscles.1. Enterrom he rontwith egs part2. Lay egs etweenads3. Pointoes p4. Startwith egsogether ndextendegs othesides s arascomfortable5. Always aintainupport f he ower ack

    chestlbackDOUBLEOSITIVEThismachine orks he chest ndback,includinghe pectoral,homboidsndlatissimusorsimuscles.1. Sit irmly n hemachine,l lowingourentire acko rest gainstheseat2. Positinands venwith hemidl ineof your hest3. Keep ourelbows l igned ithyour hestduring ach epetit ion4. Quicklyush andsorward5. Bring andlesacko starting osition

  • 8/14/2019 Her Man It A


    leq xtension{le url IDOUBLTOSITIVTThismachine orksheuppereg,includinguadricepndhamstring uscles.I . Enterrom heside' 2 . P lace nk lesetweenaos3. tx tendegs lmosi t ra ight ,utavo id i t t ingat e i ther nd4. Briskly r ing egs own o startposition5. Alfoweet o relax ndavoidlexingoes6. Kneeshouldl ign i thh inge

    1. Si t i rmlyn hemachine,l lowingour nt i rebacko rest gainstheseat2. A l low eado remain por ean ackif more omfortable3. Al low our eet o hang reely r rest n

    the loor4. Star t t shouldere ight nd i f tunt i lyour rms re lmost t ra ight5 . Returno shouldere ight

    shoulderresslla tpul lDOUBLEOSITIVEThismachine orks he shoulders.rmsandback, ncludingrapezius, el toids ndlat issimus orsimuscles.

  • 8/14/2019 Her Man It A


    &ftle6 FitnessweishtManaqementlanlegpressSINGLEPOST IVEThismachine orkshehips ndupperegs,includinguadri ieps,amstrings,lutealsand l iopsoas uscles.1. Enterromside f machine2. Al low acko rest gainstack upport3. Placeeeton hepedals ith oesabout ne nch ver he opof he ootpad4. Powerorward5. Back low

    aJbicepltricepDOUBLEOSITIVEThismachine orks heupper rms,ncludingthe bicep nd ricepmuscles.1. Sit irmlyn hemachine2. Keep ack nd houldersl igned3. Placeourwristbetweenhepads hilemaking ist4. Rest our eet laton he loor5. Alternaterms syouPull Pandpush own

  • 8/14/2019 Her Man It A


    Thismachine orkshehips nd egs,includinguadriceps,amstrings,lutealsand l io'soas uscles' o.$h-*

    gluteS IN G L E O S IT IV E

    n. Step n to he mach ine ndbend om hewais t o brace ourse l f ga ins thechest ad 1 , . . . P lace ne ooton hepedal , i th he oot nneut ra l os i t lon ak ing ontac t i ih he pedal3 . S tand n res t ingegwhi le eep ing sof tknee

    lir;::,i:l.,::;t ,,,,.r]r:i,a?.,ii:',:1,.rt'i.*- ,'a

    iic;1:''t' ai :aiar,,:l.O': -t' f ,' o' v -


    4" Fu l l y x tendegback u ick ly5- Bring nee orward lowlyS. Avo id l low inghework ing nee o swingin ronto f thes tab le nee


    laterali f tS IN G L E O S IT IV EThismachine orkscoremuscles f thetorso,nc ludnghe ob l iques ndquadratusumborummuscles.l . S tand n he mach ine2. Keep hou lderse laxed ndal ignedthroughouthe movement3 . Grasp and les4 . P laceee tshou lder id th par t ,keep ing sof tknee5. Keeping rms t ra ight ,ont rac tthe musc les f he orso nd i f t heoppos ingar

  • 8/14/2019 Her Man It A


    dip hrug

    CnneS Fitnessweishr anasementtanpec ecDOUBLE OSITIVEThismachine orks he chestandback,including ectoral,homboids,rapeziusand atissimus orsimuscles.1 . S i t i r rn lyn hemachine,l low ingourentireback o restagainsthe seat2. Place lbows etweenhe pads3. Ho ld and les ent fy4 . S tar tw i tharms n back os i t ion ndbr ingelbowsogether n f ront5 . Pushwi th orearms ndavo id u l l ing i thhands

    DOUBLEOSITIVEThismachine orksheshouldersndback,ncludingeltoids,rapeziusndlatissimusorsimuscles.1. Stand n heplatform ith eetc loseo heend2. Keepeet houlderid th par twi ih neesl igh i lyent3 . Posi t ionands loseogether4. Pu l l andlesp o mid hest ,

    a l lowingheelbowso extendut5. Push own nt i l our rms realmost t ra ight6. Avoid rchingheback rswayingwithmovement22

  • 8/14/2019 Her Man It A


    obl ique$tr, ,tf l *$lTlvnThismachine orks he coremuscie fthe orso,nc lud inghe obl iques .

    f i l f i r n l y r i l r * m *c h i n *l-e ln urwn'd,l rn: inq a bcxwllhfrr**rrn:, i lpper f i t" lsnclsh*ulder:f ro :s *nk les nd sq: : *e ;e nees ga ins tr r l l * r pad * r io ' * rbody uPPrr iRc;i* ieror* : ide tt sici* vi t l re1-lc '2 rnq* t f nr*t *rK**p p ln* r i iqn tc l i ihs* t back


    i. .it-

    .t Dc)-]rDaofou\i:

    5 t e n 1 1p r i g h t n h e : t *P sKeep pper odyupr iqht ndcenteree lver he egsKeep ack t ra ightr*sp ranc i !esi rmlyKeepeet i rmlyp lan led n l re tepsAvo i r . lt ; y lnony i i f ce rc i ean ing n he ach in*w l lh / l ; r rm:

    recoverytepperThismachines usedas a recovery tat ion n hecircuitand s not ntendedo overloadhe muscles.


  • 8/14/2019 Her Man It A



    Cnne6 Fitnessweisht anagemenrtan

    l" Stand ithone eg orward,knee ent, nd heother egbe-hind nd traight. eep eel ndfootof hebackeq latagainstthe loorduring tretching.4r Ln,ryuql li i t ii i \i l i :i t:l# &

    4. Wth ou r eetaboutshoulder idth nd nees ent,extend nearmoverheadndmaintainkeletall ignment.

    R,Extend ne egwithknee lightlybentan d he oepointing pward.Slowlyowerhebody, arefullymaintainingalance.

    5. Grasp ands ehind ourbackandhold.Slowly i f tarmsup o acomfortableightness.

    ;i,i.i'..i1:.:'":'''':' :: :':,'t i.':,:1:,,,;,;,,,Hold each stretch for7 seconds,and then extend farther fora minimum of 15seconds.

    3.Stand none eg, raspfootand ently ul l pandback owardhebuttocks.Keep elvis traight ndtorso pright.

    6. Grasp ou relbowwith theopposi te andandgent ly u l l .


    7. ntyourupw

    10. itkneeband hLean foutwa

  • 8/14/2019 Her Man It A


    7. nterlockingers boveyour ead, ush almsuowardndhold.

    10.Si ton th e floorwith on ekneebent oward he chestand he other egstra ight .Lean orward, eachingoutward owardYour oes.

    8.With ourarms Pandout,gently ul l hearms ack nti lyo u ee la tightnessn hechest,shouldersnd rmmuscles.9.Si twithone eg n ront,crossingheother egover.Place ourelbow n heknee nd entlY ush.

    11 .na sittingPosition,hileholdingou r eet,Placehesolesofyour hoesogether.etYourthighs elaxowardhe loor.Forextra ressure,lace ourelbowsn he nside fYourthighs nd ently ush own.

    12 .WhileholdingYourbackflat,grasp our highsbelowth e knees nd Pull n towardth e chest.


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