Page 1: Here Comes the Showboat — Silver Anniversary Lowell Ledger/1957/07_July/07-25-1957.pdf · Here Comes the Showboat — Silver Anniversary Year T

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Here Comes the Showboat — Silver Anniversary Year


Estab iihed June, 1693 LOWELL. MICH.. THURSDAY. JULY 25. 1957 Number 14

"I hope you are all well and enjoying the Showboat excite-ment" , wri te Berenice 5mlth f rom Florida, Mm. Smith h u always been an ardent Showboat fan, and was always a member of the chor-us during her residence here.

Hewever, for Ibe post ih lee years the b a r lived a great share of the year M Florida, aad Wis as UuU she swlnt" al-DMM daily la the Gull, aad that some days the t emf i faNre ef the water la "almost too w a r r - ,

Mrs, Smith, a former teacher in Lowell schools, la the widow of "Big" Smith who w a s alM a teacher in the local school sys-

cto:* -

4 # -anu c

tern for many years. She wroie as t toci 'r** to change her subacrtptioo ad-dress to Lowell as she was leav-ing Florida July 22, for Michigan imd didn't want to mis# the paper-By the time this i s published the may be alt her King it. h o n e .

Walcomd horn# "Becky",

WW! « • y w m * or 001- MM trash .oofctaiftersTrfix pi these nice wMtt i M p t a r k ^ were placed on Mate fttrtet last weekend,; a a d PresWeflt Peter Speenjtra states he hopes that our Lowell follta as v m as our Showboat rtittors put t h e n tp good tyte to help Keep our sidewalks and streets nice and clean Of trash. ,

Mf ta « the reeeptaetee wOl be erdavei If the fim v e r t s nacc^rnUj . hu^<i Mr. Bpeer-ntra. The a l e e thing Is that they arrhred in time for ihawbeat Ba^'tho p b a woa't werh y/i: ntahe It viNk.

Housewives — Don' t W a s h Tuesday!

toeaulay, Jaly M. early la the morning, the mea fcfom the sas-nielpal utUtttos plaat wU he oat ftaihli^ all water malaa fas the vifiage syateei. Be, Mrs. Bamn-wife, doa*) plan to d« any wtah-tag on Taeeday. "

H i s work la doae twtee a year by the departescat, says Ernie Feaa, lo hslp U e p the water mains clear ef aay f M -meata which may bare lodged ia •

Main Street Has Fire Scare

Lowell's West Main street store owners had a scare Sunday just afternoon when acrid smoke was sighted coming f rom the top of the buildings in the center df the south side of the first block west of the bridge.

Police Chief Frank Stephens was in the cruiser driving . near the Ford garage when h e saw the smoke, and rushed to the scene.

At first it was believed the f i f e might be in the building Nvhere Ralph's Furni ture is located, but the old adage "where there's smoke there 's fire" did not run true in this instance.

It was finally discovered, upon reaching the roof of the buildings, that the ampce teas coming from a cWmney in the Hill Shoe Store buUdlhg. Investigation revealed that the. pro*t1*or of ' t he shfle proprietor

cleaning 01 dut the chimnev which serves his building,

comes up between the two structores

Hill was on the roof, watching the chimney to see that no trouble occurred. He stated he was woo-

xeadlng this hem about beraeU (U nn.T where the fire was when he beard the whistle, and safprteed to t e e "oooapany" a r r i v

en the roof of Falph^ bulld-tef

Ahother fire alarm, T W s d a y afternoon at 3:30, sent the volun-teers to 12W6 Vergcnnes id., the Florence Sweets residence, lirst house on the south side of the road east of Foxes Corners.

Mrs. Sweets was burning ruebish, and the ffre goc away from her and headed for a small forest of young pines. The blaze was quenched by the Lowell f iremen.

•f yea ever cut year finger, or had a accident of some type while working for Root-LoteeU Manufac-turing company in the 1810-51 per-iod you * will remember a very chhrmlng n m aid lady, named Margaret—and she has certainly h w n in tto«news'latelv.

Margaret Treaaper (Mrt. Dr. Lawrence V. Tremper> has many friends here who r e m a n b e r her, and wiah h r a very speedy re-covery f rom her harrowing ex-perience in Russia. Mrs. T t t m * waa one of 5 Grand Rapids folks aboard a Polish plane which crash-ed some weeks ago nrnr Moscow.

She arrived heme teat week, enoaaed In a caat froth above her wals* to her left aakle aad aaeth-er eatotdlag her right leg.

* * * The Christmaa 8eal X-ray bus

of the Kent County Tuberculosis Society will be located at Chris-tiansen's Drug Store, 103 W. Main Street on Wednesday, July 31, from 9:30 A.M. to 4.-00 IJ.M. Anybody in Kent County may come for this service but must first register with the nurse inside the store and have a tuberculin skin test before going into the bus. '«

Boateaae# Trill be Mtu. J a m e s Cook aad Mra. Karl Noih. R. K.


Blodgett hospital records list Luman Cogswell. Oberiy drive. In fair condition, a s of Wednesday morning.

Mr. Cogswell was taken to the hospital July U , suffering from a gunshot wound in his mouth aad t h r e a t

f o M l o p M i CMMran As* Guests of YFW

Fdrty-five "children, residents of the Veterans of Foreign Wars home at EatOn Rapids, and their house-mothers ana other attendants were guests of the local VFW for lunch Monday evening, a f t e r attending the opening performance of the l » t Showboat.

The children a r e all f rom fam-ilies of veterans, some who gave their lives on our country's ware, and others who a re physically un-able to support their children be-cause of war-time injuries.

Ladlea Serve

The ladies of the Veteran of Foreign Wars post in Lowell a r e serving lunches and dinners all this week when our town is crowd-ed with Showboat visitors.

Sandwiches, salads and desserts are on the menu a t noon, and in the evening ham and swias steak dinner will be served.

After the shew ccffcc and light lunches a re also available, and this seems to be a nice place to meet some of the members of the Showboat professional talent.

Heminpefl CMd Dks Tuesday Night at Home; r v n e r a i n c n : r n o a y

Little Miss Patr icia Ann Heming-sen, four-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hemingsen, 832 Jefferson St., died at her home Tuesday evening, a f te r an Illness of about a year.

Besides her parents. Pat ty la sur-vived by a brother Donald, age 7; and her maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Christiansen and paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hemingsen, all of Lowell.

Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Roth Chapel, with Rev. J . Marion DeVinney officiating; In-terment will be in Oak wood ceme-te ry .

TraHerite Found Dead Sunday

Robert Brown, who lived In a trai ler parked on the Horace L. Weeks farm, 1232$ McPherson rd., waa found dead Sunday afternoon about 12:30. Kent County Medical examiner Dr. G. E . Barofsky es-timated Mr. Brown's age a t ap-proximately 48 to 50 yeare. 1

The ^ceased had requested Mr. Wedk to bring him some frooar-ies when he went in to town, and Mr. Weeks stopped over to his trailer to check with him before leaving for Lowell. That was about 12:30.

Weeks discovered Brown sitting under a tree by the trailer, and when he could oof arouse him be called Lowell Police Chief Frank S t^hens .

Mr. Brown was employed by Arnold FairchOd. He has a sister, Mrs. Harold Morgan, erf Sparta; where funeral arrangements are being made by the Hefcsell Funetal home.

Mr Brown ia also survived by a daughter, Mrs . Frank (Nellie) Monick of Ypallanti; one step-daughter, Mrs. Patr icia Jacobs of Muskegon: two sisters, Mrs. Bert Yates of San Diego, California and Mrs. Morgan; and two grandchil-dren.

.Funeral services were held on Wednesday afternoon a t the fun-eral home, Alonzo Mohr officiat-ing: interment Is in Greenwood cemetery. v


. Rev. Philip Glotfelty, jr . , former pas. or of the Lowell Methodist churcX and now at the Lawrence Avenue Methodist church of Char-lotte, left Detroit Monday by plane for the Bible land.

Mr. Glotfelty |wlll be overseas about a month, as a member of the American School of Oriental Research in Jerusa lem. He will be joined In Jerusa lem by Mrs. Glot-felty who h« ! vinltlng in Ger-many and other European coun-tries since May, and will return to Charlotte in October. Mr. Glot-felty will be back home August 23.

Ceo. Kleinhekspl Funeral Services Friday at Cascade

Funeral services will be held a the Cascade Christian Reformed church Fr iday afternoon at 2 o ' clock for George Kleinheksei, o McCords, who passed away unex-pectedly Tuesday afternoon at But terworth hospital a f te r a short ill ness.

Mr. Kleinheksei returned from a t r ip to Georgia just two weeks ago, and as he was not feeling well, was checked by doctors and submitted to a gall bladder o p e r a - , tlon a few days ago. He s e e m e d * to be recuperating very well, ac^ cording to his son John, who states the death Waa apparently a coro-nary. ....

Rev. J acob Boonstra will officiate at the funeral riles; interment will be id Cascade cemetery.

Active In Store Mfi Kleinheksei moved to Mc-

Cbrds from Manton about 10 years1

ago to assist his son in the opera-tion of a f a rm service store. The elder Mr. Kleinhekael was a f a rm-e r for many years ne^r Manton-

He was bom at Fillmore in Alle-gan county, and at the age of two moved with his parents to nOrth-

Xloiwa—returning to Michigan he waa 1".

The deceased was a char ter member of the Cascade Chrtetian Reformed church.

Other than his son John Mr. Kleinheksei leaves a daughter, Juella Steenstra of Grand Rapids; 10 grandchildren; and a sister, Mis. Minnie Poll of Grand Rapids, Mrs. Kleinheksei passed away two years ago. • The body Is at the Zaagman Me-morial chapel. Eastern av., in Grand Rapids.

Two Women Injured in Hoyln^ Accidents

Two separate accidents while area farmers were bringing in the hay have hospitalized two women —Mrs. Roland Depew of Morse Lake, and Muss Bonnie Cole of Snow ave.

Mrs. Depew was taken to Blod-gett hospital Friday af ter suffer-ing a bad fall while helping to un-load hay. X-^lys indicate she has a bajUy splintered bone in her l ighrshoulder . which will necessi-tate her staying on the inactive list for some time. She is now recuperating at home.

: Just for the Rldo

Bonhle, IS-year-oid daughter of the C. Lawton Coles, had been helping her dad with the haying for two weeks but last Wednesday she was "just riding around on the wagon for fun", as sufficient workmen were available and her help wasn't necessary.

But Bonnie might better have been working—she fell f rom a load of hay and crushed a vertebra in her back.

She is at Butterworth hospital where they expect to put iier in a cast, a f te r whiih she will be able to come home—probably later (his week.

Bonnie will not be "riding on \iay wagons" for some tkne.

Tennis Tournament August 2 Thni 4 The Lowell Lions (Huh will spon-

sor the annual Lowell tennis tourn-ament again this year . It was an-nounced this week by Bob Perry , local high school teacher and •ports enthusiast.

Rve GeneratfcMis Have Marr t' l ,r ,L» i_ u n

n r o u g n r in n o y

Seven year old Robert Seese, son of Mr. and Mrs. Orton Seese, helped his grandad this year with the haying. Grandfather—Floyd Foster states that Robert is the fifth generation to help with the haying cn this family farm.

Mr. Foster, who owns a portion of the original 80 which his grand-father, Wesley Johnson, took from the government, states that he, arid his dad, Walter Foster, worked In the haying, and now his young grandson is helping with the big summer chore.

The Foster f a r m is located on 52nd st., just a mile north and half mile west of Alto In Merrknan Diatriet, LeweU TOWMMP.

Bob states that boys and girls of the immediate area , who at-tend Lowell high school, a re ellg-ible, and medals will be awarded to the winners and runners-up.

Groupings will be by age, 12 and under, under 15, and up to 18; sepArate cootesti will be held for boyi and girls—tlx groups in all.

A new attraction to the annual event thii yea r will be the mixed doubles (open) for netters 18 years of age and under.

At Reoraatfaa Part

The contests will be played a t Recreation Park , and entry blanks may be obtained at Christiansen's Drug store, and also turned in there. The d r u g store win also display the schedule of events. Deadline to register is Saturday, July 27 at 10:00 p. m., says P e n y .


Good variety of men's dress and casual shoes, regularly $8.95 and * . » ; aaw U K at

Alto 4-Year-0kl Loses Life in Coidwater River

Four-Yoas-Old Regan Eugene Reynolds, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rowlanu Reynolds, drowned Sun-day afternoon In Coidwater river, about 100 feet behind his home at 10474 One hundredth av.. S. E., Alto.

The youngster was playing in the backyard with his twin broth-er, Randy, according to deputies, and it is suspected that the acci-dent occurred while the young-sters were trying to retrieve a ball which had fallen in the r iver .

Neighban Help The twin's father , hearing

sc reams of the youngsters, rushed to the spot and pulled Randy to tafety, but failed to find Regan. A group of neighbors assembled quickly and helped-in the search for the body; at tempts to revive the yo ings te r with artificial res-piration failed.

Funeral serviccj were held at •he Roth funeral home In Lowell Wednesday afternoon. Rev. Clif-ford Edwards of Bowne Center officiating; interment is in Bowne Center cemetery.

Besides his brother and parents, the youngster leaves his maternal grandparents , Mrs. Frances Sis-lock of Gn>nd Rapids and Kenneth Jahnke of Bay City, and maternal great-grandmother, Mrs. Ward Boulard of Alto; his par temal grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Reynolds of Caledonia and great-grandparents , Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nlemeyer also of Caledonia and Mr. and Mrs. F red Reynolds of Hastings.

Thieves Enter Bom— Take Farm Equipment

C. Oren Balcom of 205 Pleasant st. reported to Lowell Police Mon-day that a cultivator and other f ann equipment was stolen some time last week from Ihe bam at the old Jay Car ter farm, which Balcom has purchased.

A one-horse cultivator is miss-ing, and one section of a drag, wheels off of a garden tractor, and other metal and wheels arc missing, says Balcom.,

He told police ho had been out of town for about a week, and noticed the theft upon his return.

Police- a re investigating.


Mrs. Robert Ward of McCabe road. Ada, left Tuesday, July 16. for Birmingham, England, where she will spend the next 2 months visiting relatives and friends.

Prior to leaving Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Fairchild, Bailey dr.. gave a farewell party for her where her friends and relatives gathered and presented her with beautiful going-away gifts.

T o H i i s h i p A d d s

A m r n d m r n t s t o

B u i l d i n g C o d e

The Lowell Township board pas-sed two new articles for the build-ing ordinance at their monthly meeting July 8th.

The articles cover the operation of junk yards in the township and also animals and Jheir housing.

In relation to the latter, pigs, goats, stock or cattle may not be housed in or adjacent to any platted area or settled territory, unless kept in a fenced area of not less than 2 acres, and cannot be closer than 100 feet from dwellings.

Concerning junk yards, they must be confined by a 7 ft. fence with-in 6 months af ter securing per-mits for sarrie. Regulations con-cerning fires at junk yards, and license permits and fees, are also covered in detail by the article.

Both amendments to the building code may be read, in full, on another page of this week's pa-per.

Fred Pinckney. 72, Dies Suddenly Sunday

Fred Pinckney. 410 N. J a m e s st., passed away unexpectedly Sunday at Butterworth hospital, where he was taken late Saturday evening, a f te r suffering a heart attack at his home. He had been in ill health about 10 days:

Mr. Pinckney. who was 72, was bom in Keene township and lived most of his life in this area. Ht1

was a retired machinist. Up until four years ago ho worked for the R. C. Allen company in Grand Rapids. Prior to that t ime he worked in Muskegon as a ma-chinist.

Funeral services were held at the Roth Chapel Tuesday afternoon with Rev. Lon Hunt officiating; in-torment is in Oakwood cemetery.

• Besides his widow. Elva, Mr. Pinckney is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Phoebe Bauch-man, Lowell; and Mrs. Elaine Hursfall and Mrs. Rena I^ane botlr of Grand Rapids; two sons. Fred, jr., of Grand Rapids, and Tildon of Lowell; a brother Dewey of California and Fay of Grand Ledge and a sister Mrs. Anna Fairchild of Alto; also 14 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren.


. . . are still at the old low, low price. Buy them today from Rit-tenger Insurance Service. c-14

W e W e r e W o r r i e d

Bank Sales Up 220% Savings Bonds Sales Soar as Lowell Goes Chain-Letter Happy

pitch: You buy a . le t te r for $37.50.

Dismal, Damp, Dreary Monday Fails To Stop Silver Anniversary Showboat

Heavy downpours of rain deluged | issippi", and Charlie Doyle does Lowell Sunday and Monday, and j "Rock-A-Bye Your Baby with a


M|ss Helen Kennech. who hns served for nearly six years as a missionary in Japan, will speak in the Congregational Church Sun-day morning. August 4th, at the 11 o'clock service.

Miss Kennech leaves in the Fall for additional duty overseas as « mlsskmary.



Lowell businessmen have been neglecting their offices for the past three weeks, and using their best »alra techniques to promote the biggest chain deal to hit this town since the craze of the early thir-ties.

The "bond cha in" is the main subject of conversation in this town nowadays. If two or mora folks get together for a few minutes the topic soon gets around to "Have you got in on the big bond deal yet?"

Bank Reportn

The Lowell State Savings bank reports their savings bond sales are up over 220 per cent from last month. For the flrsl twenty days of July they have sold $5.-622.50 worth of bonds. For the same period in June sales were only Sl.724.90.

How many bonds have been pur-chased elsewhere by Lowell par-ticipants in (he b\g plan cannot be determined.

R e c e i v e SS.IIOO One Lowell man says he has

already received $3,800 in govern-ment bonds from the plan which he entered only a few weeks apo.

The chain plan promoters claim you can receive a total of $38,400 worth of bonds, that is the actual cash value of the paper; if hi;!d to maturi ty they would be worth $51.200..

The salesmen selling bond chain letters will give you the following

It contains a list of 10 names. You type two more letters, a f te r buy-ing a fifty dollar bond for the first name on the list leaving that fellow's name off your two new-letters. You add your name as the 10th on the list, and go out and sell your two letters for $37.50 a-plece. You are right back where you started moneywiie you've spent $75.(X) and you have taken in $75.00, Noyv. all you have to do Is sit back and wait for your bonds lo start coming in.

Same Old " ( I m l n " However, it must be remember-

ed that this is the s ame old chain letter deal if someone doesn't "pay out" you don't "ge t" . Unless Utopia Is really here, someone will got stuck.

In this particular plan, however, they have avoided breaking exist-ing laws by personally selling the letters, and not sending them through the government mails. And. the fact that in order to receive a letter you must pay out some cold hard cash will urge, you to. keep the chain goinj;. and not just drop the le t ter in a con-venient waste basket.

The only way to break the chain is to fail to sell the letters.

The government is going to be pretty pleased with this . sudden burst in bond s a l e s -bu t what will happen about sixty-days from now when these happy folks start cash-ing in their riches?

threatened the opening of the Sil-ver anniversary year of the Lo-well Showboat. July 22 right up len-til showtime, but for some reason the old faithfuls who love outdoor entertainmpnt were undaunted and the 'arsest opening-night throng in the history of the show were in the stands to enjoy the 109th per-formance.

The show went off beautifully for a first-nighter, despite the lack of time to get the mikes and lights in proper shape because of the rain. These problems were success-fully solved by Tuesday night when the show went off at a highly pol-ished pace.

In Time?

A very bad sign if you're super-s t i t ious-s tar ted off the show Mon-day. however, to horrify any old-timers; The band on the dock and the school band on the boat came in together on exactly the same key when the Robert E. Lee XXV pulled up to dock, and the pro-fessional musicians took over the theme of "Here Comes the Show-boat". „ ,

Usually there is a little first-night faltering here, and a slight change in key. Such perfection as occurred Monday w a s aknost enough to scare a sign-watching follower of Showboat. But the "sign" must have been h good one; we shouldn't worry so much!

U'n u Thrill

" I never g(jt over the thrill of seeing the boat come to the dock and hearing the cast singing 'Here Comes the Showboat* ", said one steady customer of opening night —ard it appears that this is not only one person's opinion.

The sight of the boat pulling in to the dock, and the beautiful decorations coming in to view us the Robert E. l^?e turns her glit-tering side to the audience, is something not to be forgotten.

Perhaps if you have never seen the boat close up during the dismal nOn-Showlx)at months, when she is nothing but a few pieces of wood on some oil drums, you may not be able to appreciate the wonder of It all. But we didn't notice any-one in the crowd who wasn't at-tentively watching the spectacle with avid interest.

The Show

Enough of (he boat—let's talk about (he show. It was by fa r one of the cleanest cut programs we have seen -no t an act seems to be out of line. There is a great variety of entertainment for the youngsters as well as the adults.

As usual. Admiral Carlton H. Runclman, Inteflocutor for the past 25 years, and his six endmen. Forrest Buck, Charles Doyle, Ber-nard Kropf, carroi i Hurch. Wai-ter Gumser and William Jones, have mitdone themselves In try-ing to keep (he show moving on a hilarious no(e.

Runcl presides with his genial ability to put everyone at ease, and keep the pace moving. And the endmen start out tile program with their rendition of "My Indi-ana Home", which few will rec-ognize as.(ho original number (hey once (bought (hey knew. This is not meant disrespectfully, it's jus( »hn( (he boys have "aKered" It a bit.

Veterans all. the black boys pre-sent their songs, backed by a 100-voles chorus, with ureat ability. Forrest Buck sings "On the Mlss-

Tax Rill is Over Half Paid

The I/nvell village tax bills, to-taling $38,374.53. a re over h a l f paid, eccording to village treasurer Esther M. Fahmi.

Payment of the summer taxes have been coming in good, accord-inc to Mrs. Fahmi . and most everyone will be in before the July deadlin®. when the 3 per cent penalty will go on.

It pays to read the Ledger want ads.

Dixie Melody", which Jer ry Lewis recently revived on a nadonal scale. Bernard Kropf sings and plays his saxophone to the tune of "Bir th of the Blues", and Chris Burch does a fine Job on 'And They Called it Dixieland".

Bill Jones had some of us old-timers worded during his number when he brought out a full-sized trumpet to complete his number "Seven. Come Eleven", but when (he boys came along dragging his Utile cornet (which he picked up d u r i n g the war in Germany) we settled back and enjoyed this fine number.

By request. Walter Gumaer is again bringing "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" to the show, and (he audience as always. Is happy (o join In for an extra chorus. .

Pro's a re Good!

All (he professionals a re fine a d s , but it appears by the end of (he week Johnny Bachemln—pro-bably unknown to most 'of us in this area—will be (he top act. Mon-day night he was encored with great enthusiasm. He dances with ail (he rhythm of the Step Broth-ers. who were with ti'V Showboat last year, but he haa a style of Ms own, and plays a mean piano also.

Unscheduled Bit A bit of unscheduled comedy was

added to the Monday show when the first chimpanzee to appear in the Marquis family act took x dis-like to the soot-black endmen, and was so disturbed the boys had to leave tho stage. One endman tried (o peak from the boat and view (he chimp In his performance, but the little fellow caught him in the act, and his attention just would not remain on Mr. Marquis, or the peanut tidbits he was offer-ing him (o do a good job.

OreiU Fandly Act

Everyone from sonny to great-grandpa will enjoy (he VemOn and Bumpy act. The family of father, two daughters, (one age 3) and fours sons are artls(s in balanc-ing tricks. Dad literally throws caution to the wind, but it doesn't bother (he youngsters. As the sec-ond professional act they really pep up the show.

The first pros are the Lenore Sutton dancers, who have return-ed to Showboat af ter having visit-ed us several times before. Their rhythm routines, and their later acrobatic number, a re dene with fine precision and skill.

Another professional apt is "Deb-hie and the Diplomats", a quartet of three men and one girl—sing-ing rock and roll, and some light classics.

The Hanuoalcats

The Harmonlcats, who appeared in Ionia last year, have improveo (heir act we (hlnk for the 1957 Lowell Showboat. No one can tire of the artistry of these (hree men on (he harmonice^ which a r e now elec(ronlcaily reproduced to make an entire new sound. Yes, they offer "Peg O' My Hear t" a s one of (heir numbers—it was scheduled, but before It came on the audience was calling for it.

Ail in all. frolh "Are You From Dixie" (o "The Robert E. Lee", the Silver Anniversary of the Low-ell Showboat is a fine show. Don't miss it.

' Water Show

And. don't forget to be in your seat by 7:30 to see the Macatawa Beach Water Ski Club give their spectacular water show right up to boat time. They have some fine new stunts, and Charles Sligh him-self will be here Friday and Sat-urday nights.

Free Ride, Kids

•And. another 'don ' t forget" is (he re tum boat ride at 4:30 each afternoon, when the kids and their baby-sitters (mums tqp) can ride up Flat river to the loading dock —This is all par t of showboat.

You ought to spend at least one night watching the boat load on Riverside dr., and take its trip down river too. That is always a

thrill I

Page 2: Here Comes the Showboat — Silver Anniversary Lowell Ledger/1957/07_July/07-25-1957.pdf · Here Comes the Showboat — Silver Anniversary Year T


T H E LOWELL L E D G E R , LOWELL, MICH., J U L T tt, l l r t

T h e L o w t l U d q c r and ALTO SOLO


Mwnbtr Michigan Pr«n AuocltHon

RublliHad tvify Thuridic ""oniina a» 112 erMdwty. Lowtlf, Michigan. Entared at Poit Ofllca at Lowtll, Michigan, ai Stcond Clau M altar.

fh« Lowell ledger, ttiabiihed June IWJ: fh« Alto Solo, eitabliihed .lanuary, 1904, Comolideted with the Ledger June 1917. The Lo*ell Journal eatabliihed IBM. Con

* IS. loliJated with the Ledaer December 1934.

Mrs. Arle L e e m a n and Mr. and

Mrs. George Boyenga at tended the funera l of the f o r m e r ' s aunt , Mrs. Bert Bennett In Allegan, Tuesday.

Mr . and Mrs. F r a n c i s H i l l of S w a r d Creek and Mr. ant*. Mrs. Joe Marsh of Hudson wek*e week end guests of Mr. and Mrs . Ray Rogers the la t te r couple dttcrtd-ing .Showboat, Monday night.

Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Rbth wlU enter ta in all of t h e employees of the i r Lowell and Hast ings stores for a dinner at Lone Pine Inn and the Showboat in the evening on Thursday.

The Book Review Club held their annual picnic a t Townsend P a r k , Wednesday and went to Bost-wlck Lake for swimming In the af ternoon.

Lowell Happenings MIM AGNC8 PERRT—PHOltE t f ( I TlTf




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LET US HELP YOU! AT NO COST TO YOU ... We will make an up-to-date appraisal of your prop-erty and advise you regarding safe, sound property damage coverage due fa torna-does, cyclones and windstorms.

OUR joffifcirs and ogeri^s, located t h r o L ^ H J * Michi-

gan, a r e well qiioHfied to advise you. appra i se your

proper ty a n d provide you with safe , economical

Winds to rm Insurance which ' a d e q u a t e l y ccver

your h o m e and other bu i ld ings . '

See your local fefot ft Write t t «



Mr. and Mrs . Bert Morgan of Indianapolis, Indiana a re visiting the Rev. and Msp. H. S. Mar t in a ftw days of this week.

Mrs. Dora P le tcher accompanied Mr. and Mnf. William Roth and son Billy to the Upper Peninsula to spend Sunday and Monday.

Mrs Jess i e ( i r a h a m of Grand Rapids spent the week end with the Ear l S ta rbarda and a t tended the Eustls picnic. Sunday at Fal-lasburg P a r k .

The Misses Dorothy Lather . Florence Taylor and Evelyn Kale-sky of T r a v e r s e City Wert guesVa of Mrs. N. E. Borgerson for Show-boat Tuesday night.

Mrs . E a r l S ta rbard and daugh-ter , Mrs. William Schreur called on Miss L a u r a Nlcklln and other* at Clark Memorial hospital, Wed-nesday.

Miss Agnes Pe r ry called on Mrs. Ella Taylor and Mrs. Lula Lewis kt Clark Memorial hospital, Thurs-day.

Mr . and M r s Glenn Miller and Sharon, Mr . ahd Mre. Eugene Mor-ris and g l r l s t ^ d Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Miller of Lowell and Mr. and Mrs . De lma RldhardS of Co-mins h t tended the Richards re-union Sunday, ai Olivet'.

Mrs . S. R . On jbb and Mrs. Al-bert Daell * * r e Sa turday supper guests of Mr . and Mrs. Elr t ier Liskey of Grand Rapids. La te r In the evening they all attenflfcd the wedding v t MIM Linda Snyder and Robert Duell in Grandvlllo. The groom Is t h e ion' of Mr . artd Mrs . Lyndell Duel l of Wyomfng P a r k and the gran(Sson of the la te Al-ber t Duell of Alto.

Mrs. Alice G r a h a m Mnd Roy Myers re tu rned Monday to the home of the i r sister, Mrs. H a r r y N. Br iggs a f t e r visiting did f r iends in Bltely, Mbriey, Willoorf Lake, and Pe toskey . I V e m F r e e m a n of Lansing a t -tended the HaJght reunion at Fa!-lasburg P a r k , Sunday and remaln-6d over to fcttend Showbdat Mon-day nlghl \Wth his b r o t h e r , ' Jdhh, and Mfe . ' t • ' • " **-p M r r ahh Mri . joc " f t U r t f 'am! falfiily t)f •G^etriVlll^ a#iil '• P a t s y Wsfcly bf PhnYf, ' T^xits' akfcnded ShowboAt'MonAay night. ' • <

M r -and 'JCfHof1 Padddfck and- daughter , Sharori of Cofdwhter are- VlsUlhi their • dunt, ' Mrt . ' Will Stone And'atteWWd Showboat; day Alght, • ^ c l : -

M b s Mfcry HbTn •oM MVs. Rofei e r t Wahn at tended M 4 M a t i n g wl '•The1 'Ttfnr ' G u r t m a n d j f r f n t t ' V Grand Rapids , Wedr t r t f l iy . i

Mrs . -R •&. /Uaftn. Afttr. wFrAik Bat t la td l a,• Mrs.- Lee L a m p k t e And MTs. L a r i Anderson > a M « s l e # nhe Antique Sl»w,fai Saiigaluck; Mon-day. - r i •! of Tt'i ~

Mr . and Mrs . Weddle M)d daugh ' ters, Mar lene and J o E t t a - M V # returned to their" homrf in Greens-burg, . Indiana a l t e r , having spent two wceka -wlth Mrs. Weddle's par-e t U y - U r Beui -and Mar t in . , ;

Mr. and Mrs. Be r t MeNeiUy of Elkton cal led on Lowell relatives Monday, and a t tended Showboat In the evening. * '

Mrs. Dora P le tcher and M p Wm. Roth called o h ^ t b e fo rmer ' s sister, Mrs. Wlll|a*Ti Por t e r lh Grand Rapids . T h u r s d a y ; also called on Mrs. J a m e s McOoWhlck of Ada a t St. Ma^y ' l hoipltol .

Miss Audle Post of G r a n d Rapids and Mrs. J . D. Aellok of Beld ing were oVer night guests , M o n -day at the Crabb-Dud i nbnie and enjoyed the opening pe r fo rmance of the Showboat.

Mr and Mrs. ' V I m a Richards of Comlns a re visit ing this week a t i h o Glenn Mifter homo.

Mrs. Blanche B r a d e n of Jack-son is visit ing h e r alster , Mrs. John Roth this w e e k , ancV Will lake In the Showboat.

Mr. and Mrt . E a r l Kr tchum were a t Fremrtnt f o r "Tha Old Fi.shioncd D a y s " F r i d a y and flat* urday.

Gerald H m r y of G r a n d RapKls was a Sunday guest of his partnt l ' , Mr. and Mrs . Norton Henry,

Mr. and Mrs. J e r r y Radd of LaMyaHe, 111 visited Mr . and MVs. Earl S t a A a r d , SUndny.

Mr. and Mrs, DUahe R a y m o r Were cal led to Augler, Nor th Caro-llnn, Monday evening by lllrtess of her g randmothe r , Mrs . Barbaur .

Mr. and Mrs. H a r v e y Whitney of Belmont were Sunday cal lers of Mr. and Mrs. El lsworth Ray-mor.

Mrs. Harold O t z m a n of Detroit vJas a week end guest W fhd Adel-bert Odell home.

E. C. F o r e m a n . H a r r y Day, W. A. Roth, and John A r e h a r t at tended the basebal l g a m e In Detroit , Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. G e r a l d P r ^ t t ADd son of La Marque , Texas , J Mrs. L. E . P ra t t of Nash< Saturday guests of Miss •e f ^ . . . 1

Mr. and Mrs. tended t h e

ncn» iruiu r i u n u n ing friends' and i

a u f c

s is ter .

Kfti. Sue Housainan n.Humpani-ed Mrs. Howard thurteU and boys to Buffato to spend from Wednes-day to Sunday with Mr. Thurtell.

Miss Eleanor McGirry of Flint and Miss Ruth Grieves of Ionia were week end and Tueeday night Showboat guests of Marion fttsh-IHD.

The Rev. and Mrs. Keith M. Molver and children ar t leaving this week to spend • month'* va-cation with relatives In Canada.

A Daily Vacatlcr Bible School was condveted Inst week at the Baptist d u r c h , with a closing at-tendanre o f 143. T h t Church School held their annual picnic at FaDasburg Park on Saturday.

Mrt. Rosslle F l tu lmons and son, Morris Maxson who are visiting here from Florida, have been vlslt-

and relatives in Lan-Cedar Sprtnts,

and Alto.

Mr. a n d Mrs. Orren Sterken visited the Vaughn Ardls family uf St. Louis, Sunday.

The Rev. and Mrs. Roger Rol-iint at Grand Rapids Ahd the Bill V f c k m family of Sprfhg U k e w e r t Sunday dlnnef guests of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Weeks.

Mr. and Mrs . Claude T h o m e taut w w k fn i (MftUH eh

L i k e h e a r Hohor. Ethel LaBrecque of Grwid

Rapids spent Sunday a f te rnoon with her mother . Mrs . Anna Tard ley ,

Mr . and Mrs . T im Willwerth fend T^rn of Detml t "pen t t h i week end with Mr. and Mrs H a r r y Day.

MTs. Clytie Sfcfencer of Grand Rapids la visit ing Ml^s Ina Alfeer several days of this <wek.

Mr . and Mrs . Lewis C r t w t o r d of Kalamazoo w e r e Showboat and over night gues ts ot the Rev. and Mrs. J . M. DeVinney on Monday.

Mr . and M r s . Harold Dolloway and fcmnyf of Muskegon spent " with his mother , Mrs .

Miller, t h e two oldest chil-dren, MoU^^flJid Kelly, a r e s tay-

, . . . . . J o f ' t h e MocWrfg Bird Tra i l -

nlc w & S i J ^ d in t h r t K honor, 9un-d a y ' af j i j a i i f^ t jurg Park ;

ac Is on with "lynn.

c on lothel ; , £\nd- w^lS Mr

i of • tbefr - v a d a t i o n 1 NVltrf'1 Mte

i^n Kiel and wi fe to Ann Arbor, t u rday (or Mn. Kiel 's , final c l^ck-i, wftlcn -'v/as ve^y* s a f i ^ a ^ t ^ y .

a f ld lMss^ iKJel a r a - ^



s p e m

"tin L Mrs .

John F a h r p l called s. Erwln Hea te r of

Mr. and Mrs on Mr. and Mrs. Ionia, Sunday.

Mrs. Joe Oosta and Mrs . Nick Waljer of Grand Rapids w e r e din-ner guests of Mr. and Mrs . Orr in Sterken, Tuesday. Mr. a n d Mrs. Thornton Oosta and children, al-so of Grand Rapids, spent the eve-ning with them.

Chri l t lne Slble of Ionia spent several d a y s of last week with the Herbert Davis family .

Mr. and Mrs. F . M. Newell a r e spending this week a t Mackinac Island.

T l» Richard Q w r t fami ly w e i e gUests Sunday of Dr. a n d Mrs. Maurice Court a t Gravel Lake near Paw P a w .

Judy Schneider a n d Rober t Conn of Grand Rapids spent Sa turday afternoon nnd evening with Mrs. Arthur Schneider.

Marion Peacock of Saginaw ft In the hospital t he re t ak ing t rea t -ment for a gland Infection.

Donna J ean D r e h e r of SyfacujC, Indiana c a m e Sunday to Bpehd Showboat Week with he r coutina, the Howard Clacks. I J jey ati Spent Sunday afternoon in Muskegon.

Tbe Richard Cur t i s fami ly spent last week a t the D e l m a r Hotel In Gran? nsven.

Mr. and Mrs. J a m e s Collins, Mr. and Mrs . Ernes t Collint a n d chil-dren i n d the Wm. and Harold ColHnS famil ies a t tended the But-tvwnore reunion In Ionia. Sunday.

Mrs, Ruth Byleuga and Mrs. Ear l Wheeler ancl daugh te r of Grand Rapids, and Mrs . Melvln Court at tended t h e wedding of •Hiofnas Green, son of the la te By-ron Green, and Carol Ann Thurs ton at Ahn Arbor, Sa tu rday af ternoon.

Art Carson of Ambler , P a . Is visiting his brother-ln-law and sis-ter, Mr. and Mrs . J . R . Bergin for two weeks.

Mrc. Gus Wingeier *nd grandson. Roger of Moseley called on Marg-uerite Blaser , F r i d a y , . Mr. and Mrs. George Boyenga visited Sunday a t t h e home of the Rev. and Mrs. A. (C. B a u m a n in CaWdonla. <

MTs. Jules E r i e r ahd daughte rs rtere guests of Mrs . Kay Erdley, Thursday at Bar low L a k e .


• f

Better Dresses r w r M M M l * * * l U f t f e r C i i m m A r w u r v#oiTipiCTC o e i i w r • t i i i m n v r

M a v | fcill R e d u c e d t e S o v e Y o u M o n t y .

IOH I Misses and Half S i m art Includtd

ttftssts O r i g i n a l l y

P r i c t d a t $ 1 0 . 9 5

O r ^ t l l t f f y I l l f S

. O r i g i m H l y $ 1 4 . 9 5


! M * h


a v e A i A i i F Di.rino M & T I 0 N A 1 VEGFTAB'l W F E K ! I)tilr»»i

P [r, lis week with1 the Allen B e W e f i of I ake Odessa. T r * Thy mnM m.'rvi. u^t—

j f t e rnoon . Mr. end'

on th old daugh te r of their nephew and niece, Mr. iand Mrs. Richard

Detroit and the Char les House-mans a r ^ s p i m d l u g $ few d ^ i a t





s u m M O N T , SMALL, H A M — 4 ^ - U . AVLTAOT

a n d W r ^ D&cfcV SmeOtt Mr. and Mrtf.* Dex te r Smelker and soac of- - G r a n d Rapids- w e r e Wednesday night gues t s of the An-

4 n Rest Home spent Sunday with ne r daughter , Mrs. E the l JesSUp.

Mr. and M r s , D r a p e r Smith of

of the low prieed HgM-My ttutht

gives you all these:

T h e s a m e e n g i n e p o w e r a i a 5 - t o n t r u c l c ^

Fast-ratio cruising axle for an ovei drive'd high gas mileage and road pace—

Hydra-matic Drive* - f a m o u s f o r saving W o r k ,

time, gasoline and repair costs—

Road Shock Damper** for smooth riding and positive control even on "washboard" roads

Fr iday evening with Mrs. F r a n k Marsh . . .

Mr. a n d Mrs. OrvaJ JeBfup ter ta ined Fr iday wi th a P'enls ner for tl»e iollowing r e l a t i v e a fr iends, Mrs. RosaKe , .F^tssimons and son, .Morris f rorauSt . ^Peters-burg Florida. M r s . Helena • ^ t aman and two grandcbl ldreh Floyd Fos te r Mar t in and daugh te r f rom

P I U S -Boulevard styling, two-toae upholstery,

foam-rubber cushions, luxurious cab, recirculating ball-bearing steering.

ntyHT now of inu^futnvsT wuiuus

in CMC history I



^ ms!&

r -


Smoked Picnics y SUkTANA


LB. 37 »•»

J A N E P A K K E R , R t f t U L A R 5 5 c


P i n s i , I K # , . N E W HANDY PACK #


A A P , O U I R N I S T QUALITY ** 2 4 C U P S — 4


Daily Dog Food Sdiod Dressing

Appiesouce DiHies jiBKjjJ* HWIHO V R s s n r s - o o - W - t o U M a i " s K t t c m i ( J 5 « ) AN D n c t i c m J ( * • « ) M O W O N M U I

Dictionaries T T A I M U T s i t e — r t s i u i f TMS W O K , S U O M I S M U T BUTTM X N M

I m p e r i a l t a b l e w a r e

Wesson (HI a

C T N . O P 1 2 / 1 6 - 0 1 . C A N S

16-01. C A N S






$ ) . o b VALUI f .

1 B O W rot

SAVE 16c

9 7 c

3 9 c

2 9 c

8 9 c

1 9 c

1 . 1 9

S H O m N l t o

Sirf « 12c GIANT 7Sc

I r e t z e G tANULA^W






W d U f o DETERCftlr f t


»# r * 9 7 o



Hi i k

Igry •

Lux Sesp 2

Pitmolive 2

fabst fitwenges *

# I








19c 29c 29c

Prices hi Thh Ad MocHv Through Smtvnfay/ My 17

o *. ; >


To Pay Hospital Expenses? Come In For Quick, Friendly

Help in Time of Need N

Lowell Loan C o m p a n y 15 W. Mail Phone TW 7-9907

whistle toots

Riding on tho Showboat Monday evening, up in the wheel house with Admiral Runciman, were two young new.-,boys. Alan I r a n f r o m the Beldlng Banner and David Houseman of Cannonsburg, who car r ies papers for the Grand Rap-Ids Press. Newsboys, 1,600 in all. were invited f rom Belding. Rock-ford. Lansing. Kalamazoo and Grand Rapids.

• • • A dinner was held at the Runcl-

man E lemen ta ry building Monday evening for m e m b e r s of the press who were among the special guests at the opening show. Beldlng was well represented by sixteen m e m -bers of the i r staff a n d , families, and were very easily recognized (the male ones that Is) by their magnificent b e a r d s advertising their Centennial celebrat ion sched-uled for August 30. 31. and Sep-t ember 1 nnd 2. Edi tor Art Elliott 's waxed And beautiful ly curled mus-tache was t h e stel lar at t ract ion of the Beldlng group. Be sure to at-tend our neighbor 's Centennial celebration.

• • • The Lions and Rotary clubs heldj

a special combined meet ing Wed-nesday with the Showboat ac«s a s special guests . This was the regu-lar weekly meet ing of Rotary, but an annual event dur ing Showboat

week, of enjoying luncheon lo-ge iher . with an ex l r a - speda l show brought by the m e m b e r s of the professional acts on 1937 show.

* * *

Didn ' t It wa rm your heart to see the s t re tcher cases and the wheel cha i r patients who were brought out to the show Monday night? Special guests Mondny a t the open-ing pe r fo rmance of the 1957 show w e r e patients f r o m Mary Free Bed, Grand Rapids Handicapped Association, res idents of the Vet e r a n ' s facility, kids f rom C a m p O'Malley. newsboys, and residents of t h e V. F. W. home at Eaton Rapids.

* * *

Char les Sllgh, one-time world champion wa te r skller, will be a m e m b e r of the w a t e r skiing ex-hibition cast on F r iday and SatUP day nights of Showboat. Previous commitments will not allow him to t ake part In t t je show except for the last two nights. But he assures the commi t t ee that the youngsters he Is sending to per-form a r e the best, and will keep the audience 's at tention with their d a r i n g feats.

* * * Miss Judy Wotell of Ada, a m e m -

ber of the chorus, was officially crowed as queen of the silver an-n ive r sa ry Showboat a t the Wednes-day night pe r fo imance . -

Judy has a l ready assumed molk of h e r duties a s queen, visiting dignitaries and asking them to at-tend Shouboat , and appear ing on radio and television.

But to make It official President P e t e r Speers t ra placed a* beauti-

ful crown m a d e by Mrs. Spoer-a t ra on J u d y ' s very pre t ty head before the l a r g e throngs at the third 1957 pe r fo rmance Wednes-day night, G r a n d Rapids night.

• • • Veterans night Tuesday found

a great many distinguished guests aboard the Rober t E. Lee XXV. Local V. F . W. commander J ack f rawford introduced Max Mc-C a i m , immedia t e past s ta te com-mande r of the V. F. W., f rom Mason, a s well as other distin-guished dis t r ic t officers, and Law-rence Chesebro, commander of the local Amer ican Legion post Introduced Giles A. Reeve of Ecorse, the s ta te commander of the Legion, elected last week in Grand Rapids.

ALTO NEWS Mrs. Merle Meyer of Alaska

spent F r iday forenoon with her mother , Mrs , F red Patt lson.

Mrs. F red Patt lson Is expecting Mrs. May Thomdlke of Flint, for-mer ly of Alto, to spend all day

Mr. and Mrs . Denton Wilcox en-ter tained about 15 of Jeanne ' s fel-low employees of the Dlckerson Printing Co. of Grand Rapids with a picnic on the i r lawn Saturday evening. Additional guests were Mr. and Mrs . R . D, Bancrof t and B a r b a r a a n d Mr. and Mrs. Dick Bancroft .

Mr . and Mrs . Lloyd Hess en-ter ta ined t h e f o r m e r ' s cousin, Eifc gene Rloketta, wife and four chil-dren of Big Rapids over tne week end. The P.lckett 's son, Michael remained to spend the week with the Hess boys.

Sat., July 27 it last day to tum In Christiaisftfi Green Stamps or 9 t t your prtfliiumt at Hit start


U ! 39c


S w t t n m " Grade ^

Here Comes the Sbowboot . . . her peddles lezily churning . . . a bi^ Michigan moon rid-ing in her wake . . . music and laugl fer and heerfy good fun echoing f r o m her festfve

* decks. . . ••

Eberhard's salutes the eify of LoVell and is ] proud tp be located in-such an enterprising

end progressive commJuIfy.

rnrr AWesteniStraw r K C t Made in Mexico

A 49c Yahia . . . P t E E . W i t k E a d k Food Purchase of 1 )0 .00 ar More

Michigan CuWyated Fresh

Blueberries PINT


1 2 iox c w $ 3 . 4 0

Hurry - Hurry Last Week's Drawiig

Grand Prizes 1 — y .M HI n Pfcouograpb (Vefet $155.95)

2 — Big Boy Bar-B-Q G r i s (Value $39.95)

Nothing to write!

Nothing to Buy!

Just Register Today I


• M No.



Hie SHOWBOAT! ChicVeno^heSea

Chunk W a

• RS, LaweU 4. P. Parker

1SSS 1 . Mala Bt

We Give 4 W

403 E. Main Street

Open 8 A. M. • 9 P. M. Monday thru Saturday

• t . r-


Leonard I long Weds Waylwul Bride Saturday

Miss Phyllis P a u l a Keller be-c a m e the bride of Leonard Dale Hoag Saturday morning in SS. Cyril and Methodius Church of Wayland. The bride Is the daugh-t e r of Mr. and Mrs . Joseph T. Keller, Gunnison SW. The brlde-3room is the son of Mrs . Hattle Hoag of Alto and Ra lph Hjag , LIK ton SE.

Rev. P r . John A. Najodowskl pe r fo rmed the m a r r i a g e ceremony before an a l t a r decora ted with bouquets of whi te gladioli and chysan themums .

F o r he r wedding. Miss Keller selected a waltz length gown of Chantllly lace and nylon tulle. The fit ted lace bodice had a point ed collar and long, t ape red sleeves and the bouffant sk i r t fell over a t le fed nylon tulle underskir t .

H e r veil of Engl ish bridal illu-sion was held in p lace by a coro-net of rhinestones and xeed pearls, and she car r ied a Colonial bouquet of white carnat ions centered with red sweethear t roses. • Mrs. John A. Suchowolec, the br ide ' s s is ter , a t t ended as matron of honor and Miss Eve lyn Keller.

Advertisement For Bids

Sealed proposals (or the con-struct ion of san i t a ry sewers and w a t e r mains for t h e VUlagc of IxAvell, Mlclilgan, wlU be received at the Village Hall until 2:00 p. m. ( E a s t e r n S t anda rd T i m e ) August 1, 1957, at which t i m e the bids will be publicly opened and r ead aloud.

The project consists of construc-tion of approx imate ly 630 feet of 6" wa te r ma in and 1600 feet of 8" san i ta ry sewer , together with appur tenant work as shown on the plans p r epa red by WILLIAMS AND WORKS.

Plans , specif icat ions and form of cont rac t m a y be examined at tht* Village Hall . Copies thereof irtay be obtained f r o m the office of Wllllama and Works, 238 Ottawa Avenue, N. W., G r a n d Rapids 2, Michigan, upon deposit of S30.00 for each se t of p lans . •

The fuil amount of the deposit for on# set o( documents and one-half the deposit for | n y additional sets of documents Will b e refunded to any bidder who submits a bona Qde bid apd who also returns the plans and spedfleations In food condi-tion within ten days after his bid fecurity has t e e n returnwl to hliq.

Subcontractors, equipment manu-facturers aad others who do not submit bids to the Village and who tetum the plans and spe^flcatkavi within ten days after the opening of bids, will be refunded one-half of their deposit.

A etittfted cheek or bid bond In the snm of not leas than 5% of the amouet of the proposal, will b e required with each bid.

The right to accept or reject any or all proposals is reaervad by the Village.

VILLAGE O r LOWELL M i l . Laura E. Shapard,

e l4 ; .* > V m a g e d e r t c

THE LOWF-LT. I .EDr .ER. LOWELL, M U f f . , J I LT ?.•», 1M7

sister of the bride, and Miss Edith McCracken were the bridesmaids. Their gowns and headdresses were identical with those of the matron of honor, and they carr ied cas-cade bouquets of white and aqua carnations.

Mary J o Suchowolec, the bride 's niece, was the flower girl and Da-•.id Wagar, the br ide 's nephew was •he r ing bea re r .

John A. Suchowolec, the br ide 's irother-ln-law, assisted as best

man. Howard Hbbbs was honorary l)€st m a n . G a r r y McWhlnney was the groomofnan and Edward Kel-ler and George G r a h a m , Jr . , seat-ed the guests.

A wedding b reakfas t and eve-ning reception w e r e held In Kos-ciusko Hall. Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Wagar served as m a s t e r and mis-tress of cerctnonies. Assisting about the rooms w e r e Miss Mar-

ga re t McCracken, Miss Gloria Blgham. Miss Marc ia Sutton, and Miss Patr ic ia Miliszewski.

Following a wedd ing tr ip to Northern Michigan. Mr . and Mrs. Hoag will live at 340 Gunnison SW, a f t e r July 25.

Out of town gues t s included Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Schregardus of Cey West, Fla., Mrs . W. W. of Mlnnetonka Beach, Minn., and Mr. and Mrs . J a m e s Doll of Chicago. Saturday with her . Fr iends would be welcome.

Mr . and Mrs. Seth Lemmon of Northvllle, Michigan were gues ts a couple of days with her sister , Mrs . Leonard Johnson last week.

Mrs. Nell Hof fman and children of Hudsonvllle spent several days a t the Leonard Johnson home.

Patronize Ledger Advertisers

Shoe Clearance

There's a good variety of styles and sizes in this group of men ' s dress and

shoes. Cool mesh. weaves, pigskins, saddle

crepe aad leather . . . N o t all SIM* in style.

Regular prices: a few at 18.95,

Most Styles—49.M

Reduced To $ 6 9 5 PRICES IKINE TAX

to... stop traffic

# * % .

Be lovely, yet natural In Perma'hft's molding, uplifting new cotton bra

A U . N t o w i • • » * « «

mHmmoe. T.nw.MiV*

• o l H f f c a M W bra p v h y o « ki b e o v t M

M a 0 c ftneit d e c i j i D r f fc e e d i c u p ,

• M y , e o e f c r t o U y Ml y o v — m o l d y o u s o

• o f c r o f l y — a n d to fan s u p p o r t c a n ' t b e

m b k e d o r n r v b b e d e n v o y — • v e r i

to w o f t d M f d M p a r a B o * a n o o f t * f e

tmd dhphngm mini, oik far S t y l . 1 3 1 In cool , f


nHassnHt s J



219 WOT MAll ST.. LOWELL PIOME TW 7-7177

o!\t ml

Page 3: Here Comes the Showboat — Silver Anniversary Lowell Ledger/1957/07_July/07-25-1957.pdf · Here Comes the Showboat — Silver Anniversary Year T

t u f c LOWELL LfcD<le t i . L o w e i i , M u l t . , J l I.Y it, 195?

Rickert Electric Your Gontrd Btcffrie

D t d t r WMhert B e f r i g e n t o n Dryer* BangM

Water B e a t e n We Barrio# OUR IiutaDatteM!

Dlsotav at 208 So. Hudson Sfrtof

Paul Rkktrf M B. RadiMMi, LoweO


For Solo — General

REVIVIT — Concen t r a t ed s ewage enzymes, thp mode rn scientif ic discovery fo r t r ea t ing cesspools, septic tanks , g r e a s e t r aps . Re-vlvlt enzymes help the bac te r i a to l iquefy o r g a n i c was tes . Con-tact Hahn H a r d w a r e , 207 "E. Main St., T W 7-7501. c l4

Showboat Specials




• 'The Home of Dependable

UMd Cm"


M o r r l i Minor Sports C a r ,

3,001 mi lM

1 f t *

Dodge—4-dr. Lance r Hard top

Chevrolet—O-PaM. Wagon

F o r d — F a i r l ane 4-df. Vlcwr la

Mercury—8-dr. , IS,000 mi les


Plyraoatb—Belvedere 2-dr., V8

Chevrolet—Station Wagon

Plymoatb—V«i Club Sedan


Bolck—Super 4 d r .

Bulck—Special 2 dr .

Plymouth—2 dr . t Club Sedan

Ford—Custom 8 4-dr.

Chrys ler—New Yorker Delux 4-door

Bulck Super 4-Door

Dodge—Diplomat. Ha rd top

P lymouth Belvedere Hard top

Plymouth—Stat ion Wagon

H 8 1

Chevrolet—O-PaM. Wagon

Buy With Confidence


Dodge—Plyniotith Dodgp T r u c l *

930 W. Mala, LeweU P h o n e TW i-tiil

F A R M E R S KNOW the place t o sell surp lus l ivestock and m a -chinery is the L e d g e r Classif ied section. You too should t ry t h e m for fas t a c t i o n ! Phone TW 7-9261. p l4

LOWELL LEDGER WANT A D $ . . . t l t l N 6 RESULTS \

ELECTROLUX C L E A N E R S Sales and Service. Bags , fil ter?, hoses, cords . We r e p a i r all m a k e s . Wri te or call a f i e r 5:00 p. m . John VerDonk, 1901 Darwin, SW, G r a n d Rapids . G L 2-3M4.

p M c9t f

WELDING—Also good supply of s t r uc tu r a l s teel . John Polllce, 3516 Qulggle Ave., Ada R-l . Ph. OR 6-4051. cl4 tf

New GMC t rucks fo r 1m med ia t e del ivery. Eve ry -

1 thing f r o m H Ton to 35 Ton. See Doyle-Schneider

Pont lao—GMC Sales & Service. c47 tf

R E F R I G E R A T I O N SERVICE. Re-f r ige ra to rs , f reezers , mi lk cool-ers . Clark F l e t c h e r . P h o n e TW 7-9310. c9 tf

HARNESS SHOP N E W S - C o m U n e c a n v a s r epa i r ing , 4-H white and russe t show ha l te rs , s tab le sheets in c lub colors. Ke rekes Ha rnes s & Shoe Repa i r , 1 mi le eas t of Lowell on M-SL pl3-19

AUCTION SALES. Phone George anderMeulen , Auct ioneer , Dut-ton MY 8-8571. Let m e help you plan your sa le , p r e p a r e a n d place publici ty. I know values, will t ry ' o r mos t prof i table re -sults. p l4

WANT TO S E L L YOUR C A R ? -Bring It t o Coopersville Auto Auction w h e r e buye r and se l ler m e e t eve ry Tuesday night, 7 00 p. m . Coopersvil le on US-16. P h . 23. ' c l l -14

HALLMARK G R E E T I N G CARDS for eve ry m e m o r a b l e occasion on your c a l e n d a r ond eve ry per-son you w a n t to r e m e m b e r ! Ha l lmark c a r d s a r e a lways In good taste . . . a l w a y s we lcome! Available a t Chr is t iansen D r u g Store, Lowell . c l4

D R Y E R — F r i g i d a i r e e lec t r ic , used 18 months . M a k e an of fer . Ph . TW 7-7227. pl4


1966 PlytnooUi Savoy i -Door 19M Ford Deluxe V8 2 Door 1954 Olds Super 88 —4-Door 1954 Chevrolet Deluxe 4-Door 1953 Ford Custom V 8 - 4 O f . 19&8 Chevrolet Deluxe 4-Door

Choice of two 1961 P lymouth Cranbrook 4-Dr. 1952 Chrys le r Windsor Dlx. 4 Dr . 1952 P lymouth Belvedere 2-Dr. 1951 P lymou th 2-Dr. Choice of 2 1960 Bulck Special 4-Dr.

• 1980 P t y n o u t h Deluxe 2-Dr. 1049 Chevrole t Convert ible

Royoe WM


Ph. TW 7-9881 O p e n E v e n i n g s

Wer t M-21 Lowell , Mich.


u n - P r o o f H O U S E P A I N T

• Fume-Reii$tant! • S#lf-CJeanln^ Contains V i to l i z tdOi lO

GEES W.MoUi. Lowtl Mi. T W7-9219

Free Foriung at Roar of Store

NAPKINS, pr inted fo r weddings, ann iversa r ies , a n d cocktail par -ties, in a good m a n y types and colors, priced f r o m $2.40 a hun-d red . Also book m a t c h e s print-ed wi th n a m e or initials. Lowell Ledge r , phone TW7-9261, Lowell.

p l8 tf

Lowell Ledger WANT AD PAGE CASH RATE: 20 words 50c, additional words 2o each. If not

paid on or before 10 days a f ter Insertion, a charge of IDo for bookkeeping will be made.

BOX N U M B E R : If box number In care of thia o f f i c e la desired, add 50c to above.

ALL ERRORS In te lephonsd advert isements at sendar'a risk.

RATES are based strictly cn uni form Want Adv. Btyle.

OUT-OF-TOWN advert isements must be accompanied by re-mittance.

TW 7-9261 Ad'on Thit pj,B# Mutt v* • w? g # w • 0 f f f e t B e y o r t N o o n W e d n e « d a y t

L U M B E R FOR SALE. But ternut and oak. Phone TW 7-9774 pl4

FOR SALE—20-IN. BOY'S Bi-cycle , good condition $15. UN 8-4324. Robert Clark . % p l4



It's a wonderful feeling to take the wheel of your car, after repain, end drive dff with full confidenee that everything has beeittAken care of expertly, thoroughly. Our skill and "fenow how" give you this satisfying assurance. TVy us, next time!

Helm's Texaco Serv. t. Rifo tl, Lowell Pfc. TW7-9225

S10,000 PROTECTION can be pur-chased with ou r M a j o r Medical E x p e n s e Policy. In or out of the hospital . Reasonab le ra tes . R l t t enge r In su rance Service. c l4

USED TELEVISION SETS 139.50 to $89.50 recondit ioned and guar -an teed . Williams Radio & TV, 126 N. HUDSON. c39 tf

LAWN MOWER SHARPENING— saw filing, hand les pu t in tools, m o w e r and chopper knives and tools sha rpened . Dennle ' s Mower A Saw Service. 1 mile west of Lowell on M-21. Phone TW 7-7674. c7 tf

F O R SALE—1950—4-DR. Mercury Sedan. Call TW 7-7468 between 6:00 and 8:00 p. m . pl4-15

ALL KINDS of F lower ing Shrubs a n d t rees , pot ted and ready to p lan t . Also o r n a m e n t a l ever-g reen , birch t r ees and perennia ls P e e t moss by the bushel. Birch-wood Gardens , Godfrey St. TW 7-7737. c52 tf

FOR S A L E - L I K E NEW Inner spr ing m a t t r e s s and box springs. Can be seen F r i d a y or Sa turday morning a t 125 S. Division, I-ow-ell. pl4

H O U S E ' F O R SALE. T h r e e bed-rooms, uUllty room and g a r a g e . 721 North Washington . Call TW 7-9387 a f t e r 4 p. m . pl3-14

CORDWOOD—Only J3 a t ya rd . Ad-ditional c h a r g e fo r delivery. Cor-nell L u m b e r Co., Lowell . ' c26 tf

MOTOROLA TV AND RADIO. Fo r t h e f inest cal l Williama Radio A TV. 12b N. HUDSON. 048 tf

W E D D I N G INVITATIONS p r i n t i 24-hour se rv ice . F r e e Thank You notes and E t ique t t e book., Bring this ad with o rde r . Lindy P r e s s , 551 E a s t e r n , a t S h e r m a n S. E . G r a n d Rap ids . P h o n e G L 9-6613

c7 tf

BALL MASON q u a r t Jars 50c doz; covers 2c ea . ; gal . g lass can-ning j a r s 10c; covers 3c; also hea t proof Ice box j a n fo r pre-serving. R u t h e r f o r d Canning Fac-tory. c7 tf

FOR S A L E - 1 9 5 1 C H E V R O L E T % ton pickup. In good shape. C laude Booth, TW 7-7503. pl4

C U L U G A N SOFT Water Service. Comple te Wate r Condlt lorlng on a se rv ice bas i s or home-owned equipment . F r e e consultaUon se rv ice . Phone Ionia 1378 Col-lect o r wri te 4204 N. Dexter , Ion ia . eSl tf

S E E Amer ica ' s No. 1 Road Car . T h e new 1957 Pont lac a t Doyle-Schnelder Pon t lac . P r ices s t a r t below 30 models of the low pr ice c lass . c47 tf

3 ~ H O L S T E I N H E I F E R S due to f r e shen . Ai Olin. TW 7-7277. e l l

D R A P E R Y H A R D W A R E - E v e r y -th ing you need , cur ta in rods, d r a w d rape ry h a r d w a r e , o the r s ty les of window accessor ies . Window shades m a d e to order . R o t h Furn i tu re . Phone TW 7-7391. Lowell. c6 tf

FTBERGLAS, the l i fe t ime coat fo r your boa t . Do it yourself , com-plete supplies ih s tock including instruct ions. Wil l iams Radio, 126 N. HUDSON. c50 tf

WELL DRILLING AND R E P A I R , new p u m p s and service, F r a n k Averil l j r . , P h o n e OR H U 1 . If no a n s w e r call OR &-1108. o49tf

B O T T L E D GAS—Safe, clean, de-pendab le gas service . F R E E Equ ipmen t . Call us first! Phone CH 3-1482 Wolverine Sheliane S e n d e e , 716 So. Division, Grar f 1

Rapids . cl9 tf

BEAR C R E E K R E S T H O M E -Room, board and nurs ing care . Ph. Rockford VO &-?vi0- 5583 Cannonsburg rd. . pl3-16

LIVESTOCK—Wanted to buy! Al-so, Beef, P o r k and Veal for sale, by pound, q u a r t e r , half , or whole. E a s t P a r i s P a c k i n g Co., 4200 E a s t Pa r i s rd . , S. E. (2 miles south of 28th St.) Call Dutton MY 8-8407, o r a f t e r 5:00, caD R I 2-8283. R icha rd Havenga . c l 6 t f

SHOE C L E A R A N C E - G o o d var i -e t y of m e n ' s d ress and casua l shoes , r egu la r ly $8.95 and $9.95 —Now $6.95 a t Coons.

HAIL. HAIL GO AWAY. IS an old saying; however Hall In-s u r a n c e Is the best protect ion. B u y today, tomorrow* m a y be too late. R l t t enge r In su rance Service. c l4

SADDLE HORSE for sale. 4-year-old gelding. Phone OX 1-8414.

p l4

ALUMINUM AWNINGS, y a t l o covers , wrought iron, Venetian blinds, d r ape r i e s , porch shades , cus tom d r a p e f t e s , upholstering, s j lp covers . Buy d i r e c t ' f r o rp m a n u f a c t u r e r . P h o n e 4 2 i ionla , A m e r i c a n VeneUan Bliml Mfg. Co., or Decora t ing Center , Ionia.

pS-lO cll-19

Hastings Livestock Sales Ju ly 19, 1957

F e e d e r P i g s $ 9.W)-$t2.00 Top Ca lves $26.(jR-i3l.50

Seconds $18.00-$26.QO Common and C u l l s . . . . $ 8.Q0-$I8.00 Young Beet $14.0Q-$22.25 Beef Cows $10.00-$16 » Bulls $14.00-$19.80 Top Hogs $21.00-522.40 Ruf f s $14.50-$19.80 Boar s $12.00-$14.25

Top Calf $31.50 Ralph Brown Has t ings R-5

Top Hoga . , , . . . $22 .40 Herbe r t Tr ick M a m e , Mich.

REAL ESTATE SERVICE In any type of property. Wm. A. Arm-strong, 30 years experience. Ph. Rockford VO 6-1203 or write Ada R-2. c22 tf

2 New Ranch Homes One Bowes Road (West

2 Miles) $11,000

One M-21 (West 2 Miles) $13,500

Both of these homes a r e comple te with-f ine f ea tu res — h a v e ga rages . T H E S E A R E P R I C E D TO SELL


Paul Strecker, Realtor 1320 28th St., SE, G r a n d Rapids

CHer ry 1-0882 pl2-15

WANTED TO U S T - H a v e buyer fo r 3-bedroom h o m e in Lowell, $1000 to $1500 down on land cont rac t . E v e n i n g s cal l Pau l Ol-son a t L E 2T5289. Pau l S t recker , Rea l to r , 1320 28th St., SE, Ph .

• CH 1-0682. C13-14

Farm Loans

5 PER CENT INTEREST—Long Term Nat'l F a r m Loan Ast'n, 1043 Leonard St., Grand Rapids, Mich. Phone RI 3-2563. cH tf


RELIABLE PARTY, MALE o r female—To service a route of c igare t te mach ines . No selling or soliciting. Routo Established fo r opera tor . Full o r pa r t t ime. U p to $260.00 pe r m o n t h to s t a r t . $2,490.00 cash requ i red , which Is secured . P l e a s e don ' t w a f t e o u r Ume unless y o u can secu re necessary capi ta l a n d a r e sin-cerely in teres ted t o eventual ly opera te $20,000 annua l ne t busi-ness . Give full pa r t i cu l a r s and phone n u m b e r . Wri te B o x 8374, Minneapolis 16, Minn., for In-format ion and Interview. ^12-14

i^ood TWwgs to Eot

MONTMORENCY Cherr ies a r e a t thei r best . Pick your own or we will p ick for you on o rde f . Donald MoPheraon, 1276 P a m e l l Road. TW 7-7110. cl4-15

NEW POTATOES. Phone TW t -'7803. Roy Truax . c l4

MONTMORENCY C H E R R I E S -Pick your own. Leonard R. K e r r 10038 Bailey dr . . N E . TW 7-7457.

e l l

C H E R R I E S T-i. MONTMORENCY T a r t s 8 cents per ^pound; weD sprayed. Br ing con ta ine r s a n d pick your own. No chi ldren. Kenne th . Fox , 8959-36th St. SE . Phbne TW 7-972$. No Sundays .

' ' i c l4

R E D TART C H E R R I E S pick your own. South of Greenv ide 4 mi les on M-91'. George Bird, P h o n e 930J1 Beldlng. c l4

MONTMORENCY C H E R R I E S Bring conta iners and pick y o u r own. John Pot te r , 1st house nor th of US-16 on, west s ide of M-91 Phone TW 7-7813. cU.14

R E D . R A S P B E R R I E S and cui^ rants . P i c k your own. No chil-dren Or will pick and de l iver on order . E d w a r d s . Ph . TW 'i-9683, . o l4

For Rent

FOR .RENT—Upsta j ,^ f u r t l s h e d I apa r tmKr i , m o d e m . 1 mile e a s t

TW. 7-76)8. p l4

D E A D STOCK WANTED—We p«y for horses and cows alive. Ooc<j> er Tankage Co., Phone Rockterd VO 6-4551. o-yr. 44-43

HOUSJTRAILKRJ ' to se l l on

W A N T E D : boats , e to . ment. Display on Main Bud S c o t t 924 W. Main 9874.

D E P E N D A B L E N I G H T H E L P w a n t e d for n u r s i n g home. Good w a g e s fo r r i g h t , responsible pa r ty . Phone T W 7-7555. cI4

P A I R O F G A R A G E DOORS wi th g lass approx imate ly T 3 " x 3' 10". Cheap. Mrs . F red Pat t l son

U N 8-3231. c l4

1947 C H E V R O L E T for sale. Good motor and t i res , radio and hea t -e r . For quick sa le $125. Lowell T W 7-7696. c l4

CRAWLERS for sale. 80 cents a hundred. Ph . TW 7-9885. pl4

TRUSSES—Trained f i t ter , surgica l appl iances , e tc . Koss Rexal l Drugs, Sa ranac , Mich. c39t f


G R A V E L Fill and Black Dirt

Block Sarid L O A D E R AND TRUCK



I ' / j mi les Went of LoweU on M i l o47tf

LYLE COVERT Complete Plumbing & Heating Service

Every th ing In P lumbing and HeaUftg

Ph. TW 7-7948 A

PRE-CAST S E P T I C TANKJjL drain fields, c leaned, repa i red , dry wells built, custom digging. AI and Lew Bigelow Septlo Tank Sen-Ice. 2040 DcHoop St., SW. G r a n d Rapids . GL 2-2066; resi-dence 1665 P a m e l l rd-, Ada, Ph . TW 7-7614. cl2-15

TRUCKING E V E R Y T H U M D A Y to L a k e OdessS stock safe. Call George F r a n c i s c o TW 7- r?18 .

c46 tf

F o r GOODWILL u^ed ca r s and t rucks see o r call D O Y L E - S C H t f E D E R

PONTIAC. We t rade , f inance and g u a r a n t e e . . ; c47U

VOSBURG BLOCK & G R A ^ f t , CO Concre te hlrirks 7(\c. and cinder blocks 23c at ya rd . 2c p(?r block del ivery . Ada phone OR 6-3397.

c2 t f

G I L B E R T ' S SERVICE—Residence a t Leo Ki tchen 's , one mile south of LoweU on M-91. Lawn mow-e r sha rpen ing , eaw filing, any kind. Handles put in any tools. No cal ls any day until noon

p4-6 c rf

FOR SALE—Eight Holstein hei fers s o m e f resh , others due soon. P h o n e TW 7-7427, Winton Wilcox Bai ley Drive, Lowell. pl3-14

Real Estate For Sale

GAS STATION A N D GROCERY s to re and bait shop on main high-way, north side of road nea r good fishing site. Write Will Let-sen, Lake Odessa or phone Wood-land 3404. p!3-14

WE REMOVE Deod or Disabled

Horses and Cattit And O t h e r F a r m

A n i m a l s


F O R F U L E 8 E B

WANTED TO RENT—Resfxws lb le f ami ly would l ike to r en t 2 o r 3 bedroom house or lower by Sept. 1. Owner sh ip ca re . R g M t ences .^TW 7-9967.

WANTED T O R E N T - U n f u r n i s h -ed a p a r t m e n t o r s m a l l house In o r n e a r Lowell by youhg couple. No chi ldren. Cal l TW 7-9393..

p l4

FOR R E N T If? LOWELL, 5 r o o m s upsta i rs , unfurn i shed a p a r t m e n t - a l s o hc*fc#tratter. Glare Brown, OR 6-3781. ' •"nv. ' c l4

Serv ice ^ 6 OiW BUSINESS . - - % > 1 - i. ' * r

O Te lev i s ion \ ft Radio

# P h o n e ,

Phono 1132 Colect OAY A N D NIGHT t C n V I O I

M c C O R D TV W r i n

Ionia, Michigan 168 Rlvtraltfft Drive


M c Q U E E N M # T O R CO.

Phone TW 7-7711 B t Weet Mala S t L911

Evenings Call: Clare Wlagele- UN 8 2824, Marcel Kropf TW 7

HcMARMUrS RON t ICTA TW /-7(ft» S334 Uf*M At*. , IE, Lewd

Buyers od All Kinds of Iron dncf Mstcrf

WE HAVI FOR SALE Cor Ports, Angle ond Chonnol Iron, and Plpo

Re-enforcing Rod Servite carl J. McDiarmid Pick Up Servifce

Man Or Woman Wanted To tcdiO over BoH Point Pen Distributorship and

Service Stores In Spare Time We a r e looking for a reliable pernon In your area who U c a p able uf Itaudiliig our RctractaMe Ball Point Fen Distr ibutor-ship and WUI give s torea prompt service. The m a n or w o m a n selected will f ind thl* a highly profitable operat ion which can be h a n d e d in your S P A R E T I M E . (No selltfif or vol ic l t l ig) . We es tabUsh your accounts for yon. L a r g e r t e r r i t o ry in a r a i l -able for p rospe rous ful l - t ime business . Expe r i ence not ne^-essarj- . T h i s IH a Hteady, y e a r round repeat boslnww that Is nonseasonal . If you a r e •slaeerely' in terested In handl ing this t e r r i tory and running a busidoss of your own we w a n t to h e a r f rom you.

TOT p e r s o m n i i iT^^TWWf w o i w


J t t ' x i t fBWB ' I yourself and give phone a a i a h e & l o b IKO

A P A R T M E N T Per R e n t - G r o u n d floor, 2 rooms and ba th . TW 7-9383. . c l4

UPSTAIRS APARTMENT for ren t Contact J a c k Crawfo rd TW 7-9201, or Dick B e i m e r s , TW 7-5 1 ^ . c l4

UPPER FIVE-ROOM Apa r tmen t with bath for ren t . L igh ts f u m -ished. Will decora te . $45 p e r month. C o m e r Hudson St. and Bowes rd . cl4

Mr. and Mrs. L a w r e n c e Arm-st rong and sons visited he r fa ther , J a c o b Glovack of Ada, Sunday. Mr. Glovack left Monday to spend the Hay fever season at his cot-t age In Mackinac City.

i i i n V r n r ^ " 1

Sand-Gravel Fin ond Btotfc Dirt

Drlvewuy f r f f i l n n / t r m i • ! ORAAING V R A V E I


Ph. OR 6-3874

M. L COGER tSH Butt rick Rd. , Ada

e9 tf —

DR, ft. c. BACKER Veterinarian

406 N. Monroe St. Lowell Ph. TW 7«7

If no answer , ca l l UN 8-2S91 or O L 1-1807



AutomaUc Water Systems — Sales and Service


410 N. Jackson LoweU

C L A R K Plumbing ond


TW 7-7S34

309 East Main St. LoweU (D, Clark, Prop.) Mich.



Insure Today Be Sure Tomorrow, Whether i t ' i

Fire Automobile

Tomodo Motor Boot



Give u« a c a l l . You will be giad you did.

Peter Speerstra Agency

" 7 W. Mala LoweU, Mich.]

PH. TWlnoaka 7 9250


Used Cars }9f/ i Olds Supef 4k0r. Sedan: Hyd. dK, Ra-

dio, Heater, White Wall tires, Tutone paint, Low mileage

1911 Olds Super HoiIdoy Sedan: Hyd. drive, Power steering and brakes. Loaded with accessories, 14,000 cctuai miles

ItSS Otih 98—4-Dr. Sodon: Full power, Tu-fctone paint. Deluxe accessories, White walls

1954 Olds W4)o^kftr Coupe: Power steer-ing and brakes, tutone, White walls

1fS4 Bulck Century 4-Doo-: Dynaflo, Radio. Heater

1983 Bukk 4-Door: Dynaflo, Radio, Heater,

1953 Plymouth 4-Door: Radio, Heater

1953 Mercury 2 . D o o r Hardtop: Overdrive, Ridio, Heater

1952 Studeboker 4-Door

1451 Olds 88—-2»D o o r: Hyd. drive, Radio, Heater

Phone TW 7-9207 — Evenings TW 7-9849

W I T T E N B A C H SALES & SERVICE COMPANY 7*9 W, Main St. TW 7-9207

DemoRstrator SALE!

BK DISCOUNTS—on the fglowing Cars:

1957 Bi/ICR M i f i i i 4.DR. HARDTOP Fully Equipped

1957 BUICK SPECIAL 4-OR. HARDTOP Fully Cquipped

1987 CHEVROLET 210 DLX. 4-DR. SEDAN Fully Equipped


19 S 7 Chevrolet "ISO" t-CYL. 2-DR, SEDAN

. . . w i t h heat ci and defros ter . . . turn glgnalM, ' . . two-tone p a l f t t . , « windshield w a s h e r s . . . Hales tax . . . Uceaae and Utle.

Only $1,866.14

Good Stockof New Buicks and Chevrolet^ for Iinmcdiatc Delivery


Stop in and See Our Fine Selection of Used Cars and Trucks

Open I Very Evening Except Soturdoy Until 9 O'clock

H&H Chevrolet & Bulck '"-TW 7*9294 -'"oqd 508 w . Main St., U>wtl

Logoti News Mrs. Harold Toder

Mrs. Roger Curlln f rom Tampa ,

F lor ida spent Wednesday af ter-

noon a t the W m . Porr l t t home.

MOHY h e l p s 0 • 0

you to get the greatsat value from your Social Security, your pention righta and your present life insuranca. Let me show you how!


P O R o x M Ph. TW 7-7117

M r r u i On N f » Y o « k TW MMmI Uf* I s tMm Ca al Nrv fmk

Hn* rerfi, N< T.


Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ganzel had supper at the Ovid Miller h o m e F r iday evening.

Elden and Deu&ne Miller a long with seve ra l o ther young people f r o m the Ca lvary Bre thren church a re a t tending c a m p In the Upper Peninsula. Lloyd Miller took a load of young people to c a m p Sa turday and r e tu rned home, Sun-day morning .

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Yoder had supper wi th Mr. and Mrs. Huber t Kemer l ing In Kalamazoo, Sa tu rday night then at tended a L a n d r a c e meet ing a t t he Loren Rodocker home a t Nlles Michigan.

Mr. a n d Mrs. Milton Mishler visited t h e J a k e K a u f f m a n h o m e T h u r s d a y evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Loren G r a y and T o m m y and Mr . a n d Mre^ David Hof fman and famUy enjoyed- a Hamburg f r y at Holland, Thur sday .

Mrs, Wm, Johnson and J e r r y were Sunday dinner guests of the David Hof fman ' s . Rev . Wm. John-son Is a t c a m p In the Upper Pen-insula.



LoweU Area Youth RaNy Presents

"Wiretapper" Full Length Dramatic Film


A Magnlflcen* Display of Ood 's Power to l i f t A Man F r o m Sin and Crime

Romance — Suspense — Danger Thrills & Excitment

Also Music by Loula Pau l L e h m a n and F a m i l y


Lowell 4-H Fuir^roundt— iuMMHon Bid?.

Mrs. Edna Taylor

Don't Wait! Harvest Your Own Grain When

It fs Ready...

Ready-to-Go Combine CASE P»15-FT. CUT — PTO, with Tank

ALUi CHAiMCRS MODEL 60 ; PTO, with tank

MtCORMICK NO. 41"4-fT. CUT — wWttW*

THne art airrKMr iraftMM or buy o new

Model 76 McCormick Horvestar Thresher

W I T T E N B A C H S A L E S & S E R V I C E W. Main Pb. TW 7 0007

Stanley Blerl w a s a Sunday dln-npr gues t to Mr. and Mrs . John Huzar.

Mr. and Mrs. Phil l ip Althen and children of Oibsonla, Penn. , a r e house gues t s of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Fo reman for a few days.

Mr. and Mrs. Har r i son Wilcox of Bra den ton, Flor ida, a r e nouse guests of Mr. and Mrs. F r e d Roth for a few days .

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sover and children of Chicago, Illinois a r e visiting he r pa ren t s Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hsmlngaen for a few days .

Mrs. J enn ie Heer ing is visit ing relat ives In Grand Rapids fo r a week.

Ronald Butler of Grand Rapids spent the week end with Les te r Bailey and mother .

M h and Mrs. Mike Myckowlak at tended a picnic at the home of Roy Shlels n e a r Cascade Sa turday evening.

Mr. and Mrs . Howard LaCourse and Sklppy of White Cloud called on his g r andpa ren t s , Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Taylor , Sunday a f te r -noon.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis B a k e r and children and Mrs. Ber t B a k e r spent Sunday with the Pau l B a k e r family in Greenvi l le .

Mrs . F lo rence Bailey spent Fr i -day with Mrs . Her r inga in Grand Rapids.



LoweR City Ho i (Sunday Bcfceol)

Classes fat All Ages


. V a a M r f c , V. W.

Phono RI S-U74

Everybody Welcome. .ssi -M-

Mr. and Mrs. ftalph Roth and family a r e spending their 2 weeks vacat ion with Mr . and Mrs, Wal-t e r Klapper lch a t Ontonagon, in the Upper Peninsula.

Don F le tcher of Mentor on the Lake Ohio and T o m m i e Duncan of Royal Oak spent a few days with their uncle Archie Duncan and family .

Alfred Hemingsen went to Min-nesota last week w h e r e he has employment ,

Mr. and Mrs. Chuck F o r e m a n and son, J e s se of G r a n d Rapids w e r e Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. E, C. Fo reman ,

Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Koewers and children of Lowell, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hemingsen and baby of Vergennes spent Sunday with their pa ren t s , Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hemingsen and the Richard Severs fami ly of Chicago.

Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Taylor spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. F . Klnsey, n e a r Sidney.

Mrs. Elizabeth Phillip of Lowell and Mrs, Fred Roth called on Mrs. Nellie McPherson .

Sogwm Community Mrs . J e s s i e Rathbun

Snow Communitv win ill Moll • w Mrs. S. P . Reynolds




The Cole reunion was held Sun-day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Co)e. About f i f ty were present to en joy the delicious carry- in dinner. They c a m e f r o m Ann Arbor , Grand Rapids , Kent City, Kalamazoo, Hast ings, Ada. E a s t Lans ing and St. Pau l , Min-nesota . v

Mr, and Mrs. Clark Hoxle have moved into their new home which they have just built and Mr . and Mrs. Ed. Douse of Grand Rapids have moved into the house vacated b y the HoxH*.

Mr . and Mrs. Dave Collins of Muskegon were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. F r a n k Lewis

Mrs . Richard Smith and son, D w g l a s a r t ill with the m u m p s .

Mr. and Mrs. Rober t Stowell and chi ldren of Hastings, cal !»d on M r a h d Mrs . Leo Pfailet- Sunday.

Mr , and MTs. John Blandlng and children spent Sunday a f t e r -noon and evening with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hof fman of Hudson-vitle.

Mr. a n d M r t . Ralph BroWn of Caledonia were supper gues ts of Mr. and Mrs. She rman Reynolds, Thur sday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. John Blandlng enter ta ined a group of f r iends and relat ives, Tuesday evening In hon-o r of their d a u g H e f Chr is t ie ' s b i r thday and on Sa tu rday evening they enter ta ined a group of re-lat ives in honor of their son, Da-vld'u bir thday. • J a y Chaplin of lOdtand i s spend-ing this week with Ms g randpa ren t s Mr . and Mrs. Seymour Da l s t ra

By drinking milk regularly, yoa'U find yon feel better aO the time. Acquire this pleasant, health protecting habit.


— as

Lucky Days Wimers

C e r y ' t

13.00 In Trade Elaine Peterson

Coons Clothing & Shoes 010.00 In Tr%de

U. Godfrey

Meim T e x a c o

1 0 . * ^ T r a d e

9 & O-IGA Grocery lfl.00 In Traa*

Al Kaufman

R o t h ' o C o m p i e + e - H e m e

F u r n i s h i n g s .

011.00 In Trade X. / . f f i fhan

H e h r f H e r d w i r e

M.fc In Trade Clartaee Nelson

G e t ' ! K h r d W A r A

. |» .W In T r a d e Roland Depew


V t e ' o A u t o S e r v i c e

15.00 In Trade Lyle Weeks

Lowell Cfianen * . 0 0 l a Trade

Jim BeVler

F r d n h ' i 9 c t o f I

10.00 ffl Trade Hattle Whitby

G a m f c l e S t o r e

IA.00 In Trade Frank Shores

Wlttenbach Sales A Serv. 110,10 la Trade

Woprrtun's Clothing | 4 j O In I r a d e

D a r r e n Paddock

Watson's Drug Store 16)00" laiXrade Je i f f Simon

LoWell Academy of Music u &dnoe

Month F r e e Lease n s J o y c e Dar t

H - N" G h e v r o f c t 1 IKi f e k

16.00 In Trade BUf CoUlna

Jackson Motor Sales We.oO ih t h r f e Ix)fs RoWasaw

Avery's Jewelers & Gifts 110.00 In T r a d e Donald Dawson

R O J T ! i S h e l l S e r v i o e

I f .00 In Trade R o y Callahan.

Chrfotionsen's Drug Store 06.00 In Trade Roth Sloeum

Lowell Lumber A Coal Co. Ia Trade

Pete Mulder

LoWell Fruit Market 16.00 In Trade likmEi

Gove Lake M n . Leon 3eeley

R e m e m b e r the Snow school re-union Saturday, J u l y 27, a t . Snow Communi ty Hall . Pot Luck dinner at 1 o'clock.

Mrs . Rofus Gregory spent a few days last weelc wilh he r s is ter , Mrs , Els ie Cardinal , of Reed City.

The J a m e s H a r k e r fami ly of Muskegon w e r e Sunday cal lers at the Ruftis Gregory home.

Wally Buttr ick is progress ing sat isfactor i ly a t S t , M a r y ' s hospi-tal where he Is a patient, i l e w o t ' ' ' enjoy hear ing f r o m his f r iends .

Mrs . Sam Qulggle and Mrs. Ivah PhlUlps visited Mrs . Merle Coger at G r a n d Rapids Osteopathic hos-pi tal where she is convalescing f r o m a hear t a t t a c k .

Mr . and Mfs . John Bursley, sr. , of Har t we re Sunday cal lers at the J o h n Pollico home.

Mrs. F r a n k Gulliford re turned home Sunday evening f r o m an Has tem tr ip. She visited Mr. and Mrs. Car l Kohn and children In Hartford. Conn. Mr. Kohn Is a min-ister of the Methodist church In Hartford. Mrs . Gulliford also visited In Providence, R. I.

Sunday overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ketchum were Mr. and Mrs. Anton Hanan of Monore. Other Sunday guests were Mr. and Mrs. N o r m a n Ke tchum of St. Johns and Mr. and Mrs. John Hall f r o m Sidney.

Mr. and Mrs . E u g e n r Morris and family and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mil-ler a t tended the Richard reunion at Pine Lake , Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs . Gordon Johnson were Sunday evening cal lers of Mr. and Mrs. Eml l Nelson.

Thursday ca l le rs of Mr. and Mrs. •John Jones w e r e Mr. and Mrs. Leo Batz and children. Sunday af t -ernoon ca l le rs w e r e Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woodcock and Mrs. G r a c e Maloney of Lansing, also Mr. and Mrs. John Husar .

Mrs. Bea t r i ce Gilbert and Mrs. Carl Mollltor of Cascade at tended the Doehler -Jarv is picnic at John Ball p a r k .

Last Sunday Mrs. Bea t r ice Gil-bert with o ther re la t ives a t tended a f ami ly get- together at Bat t le Creek, honoring the Donald Curt lss family f r o m Flor ida .

Sunday, Mr . and Mrs. Gilbert Snleder with Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Roudabush had an outdoor chicken fry at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Fenn .

Mr. and Mrs. Elmond Strong and sons E rnes t and Richard of Way-land were Sunday afternoon cal lers of Jess ie Ra thbun .

Mr. and Mrs . Anton Tusken spent ten d a y s o r m o r e at Inter lochen.

Mr. and Mrs, Gilbert Snieder-called on Mr. and Mrs. R icha rd Dortch F r i d a y evening In Ionia.

Mrs. Emi ly Boyd is leaving this week for a visit with her sister , Mrs. M. J . Horton, in Detroit . ids,

Mrs. Rose Lowes, daughters and son of G r a n d Rapids Were Sunday afternoon and evening callers of Mrs. Minnie Hawk.

Ha r ry Knoop's cousin, Robert King, f r o m Wate rbury , Conn., is visiting h im.

Mr. and M r s . Morr i s Osborne took a t r ip ac ross the Stra i ts and down through Wisconsin the past week end.

N. McCordt-L Cascade Mrs . Ef f le Cox


Mrs. George VanderStlope of Grand Rapids were gues t s Wednesday of Mrs. J . Cox.

Mrs . John Cox had d inner with Mrs M a r y Wilson and Phil ip, Mon-day.

Mrs, Nett le Quiggle is visiting at the Char l ie Qulggle home for several d a y s .

Mrs. Bessie Bake r of I^jwell was a guest of Mrs . J . Cox Fri-

jday . Also Sa tu rday visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Henry K a u f m a n of Grand Rapids ,

Mrs. Mary Wilson and son wore guests at the h o m e of Mr. and Mrs. Hank F lnkbe lner , Sunday of Caledonia.

Mrs. Cora VanderSt lope a n d !

Dr. Herbert R. Mueller OPTOMETRIST

• Complete Vision Care — Optical Repairs

Children's Vision A Specialty

• 207 W. Main St. (Old Bank), Lowell

Ph. TW 7-7780 Collect For

Examina t ion Appointment

Hours : 9-12 - 2-5 Dal ly

Except Thu r sdays

Honey Creek News M r s . Leona Hhnt

Pedro Club met at the home of Margie Jiveodas. Prizes were wen by MarganJ i t e Gould, Margl and Edythe Andrews. Float ing prize won by Hazel Knoop and Bet ty Lou Provonche .

The J a k e Knoop's at tended the King f a m i l y reunion a t Ideal P a r k last Tuesday evening.

A n u m b e r of ou r pre-school children have been very 111 with m e a s l e s and chicken pox the last 2 weeks .

Bud Nowack Is home f r o m For t Carson, Colo., where he took hi? basic t raining. He will be statioried a t For t Leonard Wood, Mo., a f t e r his r e t u m on Aug. Zty',.

The Car l N e w t e k ' s held open house in Bud ' s honor on Sa tu rday evening. A l a rge number of f r iends and neighbors w e r e present .

Young J o e Brown of Grand Rap -ids took our 4-H members , who have horses to the Horse Show at Allegan this pas t week. J a c k and J u d y Nowack. Maynard Baer , D a v e H a m m e r , Les l ie and Loyd Nor-wood, Susan. Mary and Rus ty J e r -vls were m e m b e r s at tending.

E l m o Bently f r o m Bell ingham, Washington, Is visiting at his sis-t e r ' s M f s . Carl Andrews and broth-e r ' s F r e d Bent ley 's on Cramton rd.

Mrs . Edy the Andrews held a shower fo r he r s is ter Sharon Ben-tley and Peggy Johnston on Fr i -day evening.

Tired of High Prices Meats That Are Packaged?

Try Sanitary for Better Meats at Lower Prices.

Our Meats Are Always Fresh


Round or Swiss Steak 79 C



Sirloin Steak 89 IC



Ice Cream ' / a gillon

With $5.00 Meat Purchase 39c | COUPON — SAVE 25c' — COUPON


Off Stewing Chicken 25c | COUPON — SAVE 25c — COUPON J

We Give L&M &reen Stomps with Eoch Purchase — FREE Deffvery on AB Orders of $t0 or tylore


P h o n . : T W I i » o a k s 7 - 7 9 9 7 2 0 5 E . ftMn S t . , L o w t l

Come in and "TRAFFIC TEST" a new

Golden Anniversary

Tickets Will Be Given Again for Lucky Days anil 10

.M 6 t k S p o n s o r # d i h y J l w i o w e l l ( | o a r d o f T r e d e

Try a Led s e t

n« frudiUru SWTTH wlti • cut of 100 profonloul acton tod mojieUa.


•f»rof!h» "Lofty Cril|" Doimtn" In tht •'Ann!. O.H.,-

TV urltl —

It* (hit bold iptcudt in tU iu thrilling rolor md Milan On lh» Frtt Ftir'o ntw nigt. Crandiltnd ihowt t | tlx nightt of tht hit niih two on Kidt/ it 7:J0 ind Iff p.m.

Hirnns Races TUESDAY





•nd Wild AB IB»1

MMW Hondij tfltr Jafltrnooni oalyj AJIA Teltviiion tnd

Icircui Xfi.-.r

Alio T«I«T|. lion and Cir*

cat All).

0 °

[Hnmid Seal Prices ^ • A P T E R NOONS EFRYH i .1.7 J , .BVEN1NOI

Mondty only 11.00 TUM. lo 8tt 12.00

M(U ordtn •Itk ckttk It 1051* m i run, Itrnli, Mick, ot Pkoat

M u't Iwt kttn btlttt tick •Mltmait

AVt.Vgon'l Ovfdoor f y i a f

Now Goldon Annivoriary INTERNATIONALS rongo from Pickupi to 33,000 lb». GVW tl---rh»oWru Olhof INTERNATIONALS, lo 96,000 Ibi. GVW, round out world'i moM coMpUto lln«w

uilt into

J H - j

There 's e x t r a " g e t u p a n d g o " and handling ease built into every n e w G o l d e n A n n i v e r s a r y INTEENATIGNAL.

Prove it to yourself by taking our '"IVafflc Tfest"

S i m p l y t a k e a new G o l d e n A n n i v e r s a r y INTEHNATIONAL TVnck

out in traffic. Notice how quickly you get away from the lights - how well even the biggest INTEHNATIONAL keeps up with traffic. Note how you can jockey in and out of tight spots with ease. And above all, noticc how downright comfortable you era in that new wide, wide cab!

Remember, too, as you drive, that over the years, T v m u NATIONAL 'IVucks cost least to own- cost recorda prove i t l

Come in any time for our "TVaffic Tfesf* •

I N T E R N A T I O N A L T R U C K S cost le^st to ownl

Wlttenbach Sales & Service 7 4 9 W . M a i n S f , L . TV 74217

Page 4: Here Comes the Showboat — Silver Anniversary Lowell Ledger/1957/07_July/07-25-1957.pdf · Here Comes the Showboat — Silver Anniversary Year T

« TIIF T.OHTT.1. T . r n r . r n . T I ) W N J ^ M i r n , . JTI .Y IMT

^ C W G A N B £ t f

S. Keene - N. Boston Mrs. Mary Potter

Public Notice

VACATION BOUND? Before you go, you may

[ save yoursel f a lot of ' trouble by phoning ahead to be sure of your reserva-tions. And if you're de-layed on the way, call ahead from a handy Pub-lic Telephone and let them

'know. If if» friends or

relatives you're planning to visit, phone and tell them when you'll arrive. They'll appreciate your thoughtful-ness. Long Distance rates are low. You can call places a day's drive away for about a dollar. So don't let anything upset your vacation. Plan by Long Distance.

A N A D D I T I O N A L P H O N E is an awful ly handy th ing ,

especially if it's a bedside phone. Think of all the times

the phone rings while you're in the bedroom—and you

have to run lo another pari of the house lo answer i t v

You'd certainly save a lot of liring steps if you had a

phone in your bedroom. It 's a nice quiet place to make

those personal calls, too. And if you're ever ill, a bed-

ftide telephone is mighty convenient and comforting.

Why nol order one now? You can select from eight

modem decorator colors.


CALL A N Y T I M E - t h i i .

person's phone will be an-

swered and messages taken

whenever he's out. Many

professional and business

people are giving custom-

ers the convenience of

Michigan Bell's telephoi:*

answering set. Soon you

may make a cr.Il and hear:

' 'This is a recording. There's no one in the office. After

you hear the two beep-tones, you'll have half a minute to

leave a message, your name and phone number. . . ." When he returns, your message will be played back and your

instructions followed. Quite a service, isn't it?

Jolly Community club met last week Wednesday afternoon at Fal-lasburg Park. Not many were pre-sent hut a Rood time was had by all there. Next meeting will be August 21. in the afternoon again, at Fallasburg Park, at the same place. Bring own beverage, and pot lurk supper.

Bunco club will be held August 1 at the home of Deil Smit on her lawn. She will supply the refresh-ments. Bring your tables and other supplies.

Mrs. Roy Kimball was a Sunday dinner guest at the Elmer Hale home,

Roanne Gage was a week end guest of Nancy Collins in LoweU.

Mrs. Duras Olin returned from a week's stay at their farm at Kalkaska.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Thompson spent Sunday at Fcnwick with Mr. and Mr*. Clarence Brooks,

Mr. and Mrs. Roger Scheid of Williamston were Saturday and Sunday guests at the Jake Hoover home.

Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Hendricks and family spent Sunday In Lake Odessa with the Earl Hendricks and A. J . Young families.

The Eugene King family of M21. the Paul Potters and Art Stiles of Belding and Ralph Wheatons of Greenville, enjoyed a picnic din-ner and some fishing Sunday at Wabasis Lake.

Mrs. John Smith, with the Lyle Jackson family had a picnic din-ner Sunday at Long Lake.

Mrs. l^orraine Tran and children of Grand Rapids were Sunday guests at the Robert Anderson home.

The L. J . Hansons. Duange Han-son family, and Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hanson, all of Greenville, ind Mrs. Ruby Hanson, had potluck

supper Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith.

Mrs. Gladys Dieterman was a Monday afternoon guest' of Mrs. Ma;;ine Potter.

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hoddlnott and son of Cleveland, Otdo. came Wednesday afternoon to the Ed Potter, sr., home and stayed un-til Sunday afternoon. They called on all the Potter relatives and on Friday they, with the Ed Potter, seniors, had dinner with the Ralph Wheaton family i n Greenville. Guests Friday evening al the sen-ior Potter 's home were Byron and Susie Pot ter of South Lowell.


M l Michiq«n NaNoMl R * * Gr.nd RJDIA. t Mick.


Stat# of Michlqait—Th« Probata Covrt lor the County of Kant.

Af • tattion of M id court, k«ld i t th« probate office, in the Cify of C n n d Rapich. •n la id County, on th«

IOth day of July. A. D. I9S7. Preunt: HON. JOHN DALTON. Jydqe of

Probate. In tha Matter of Hta Ettata of

JOHN D. YEITER, Deceawd. Dan A. Winqeier havinq f i led in taid court

hit final administration account, and hit petition prayinq for the allowance thereof and tor the aii iqnment and distribution of the rejidue of la id eitate. for the allowance of fee». and for the allowance of all things therein contained.

It it Ordered, That the 14* day of Auqwt A. 0. 1*57.

af ten o'clock in the forenoon, at Mid pro-bate office, be and n hereby appointed for e«amm„i<3 and allowing M id account and hearing taid petit ion;

It it Further Ordered, That public notice thereof be given by publication of a copy of thit order, for three (wcceuive weekt previout to M id day of heering, in the Lowell Ledger, a newtpaper printed and cir-culated in said county.

JOHN DALTON. Judge of Probate

A true copy. . C. R. LAWTON

Register of probate.


1 to your finiily... M i l k is e s s e n t i a l t o t h e h e a l t h

o f y o u r f a m i l y . I t h e l p s t o bu i ld

s t r o n g y o u n g bod ie s . H e l p s

o l d e r b o d i e s m a i n t a i n n a t u r a l

v igo r a n d v i t a l i t y l o n g e r . A b i g

s t e p t o w a r d k e e p i n g y o u r s e l f

a n d y o u r f a m i l y fit i s t o d r i n k

p l e n t y of w h o l e f r e s h m i l k .

How important is milk? i toyouroonnnunity. M i l k is e s s e n t i a l t o t h e e c o n o m y

of y o u r c o m m u n i t y . M u c h

f a r m i n c o m e , f o r e x a m p l e , i s

d e p e n d e n t u p o n m i l k . Loca l

bus ines s , in t u r n , is l a rge ly d e -

p e n d e n t u p o n f a r m b u y i n g

p o w e r . S o u n d mi lk m a r k e t i n g ,

t h e r e f o r e , is c r i t i ca l ly i m p o r -

t a n t . T h a t i s w h y t h e policies

of t h e M i c h i g a n M i l k P r o d u c e r s

Assoc i a t i on a r e based on g u a r -

a n t e e d m a r k e t a n d g u a r a n t e e d

p a y m e n t , g u i d e d b y long ex-

pe r i ence , supported b y f a c t a .

I T l l c l i l g a n m i l k P R e O U C C R S A S S O C I A T I O N

O W N E D A N D O P E R A T E D B Y 1 f t , 5 0 0 D A I R Y F A R M E R S

i J S l — f j j y

AmendmentH to Township Build ing CrdLuuiee of Lowell Township. Kent County Michigan:

The following new articles have been incorporated in the Lowell Township Building Ordinance.

Article 10. Animals and their Housing;

Mo accessory or other buPdlng. nor open space, shall be used for the housing or keeping of such animals as pigs, goats, stock or cattle within any platted a rea or settled terr i tory or adjacent to the s ame unless the owner o r keeper shall keep the same on a fenced area of not less than two acres and house them not closer than one hundred (100' feet f rom the dwelling, o r dwellings of other persons, such animals and the places in which they are kept shall in all c i rcumstancn; be kept in a clean sanitary condition in such manner as not to be offensive to the community and tl)ey shall not be fed on collected or drawn-in garbage or refuse.

Article I I . Junk Yards : (1) Junk yards shall be fenced

in with 7 ft fence within 6 months a f te r securing permit for s a m e ,

( t ) Burning old mater ial . Before burning old mater ia l f ,

f rom wrecked cars and o ther de-bris the owner shall first contact Fire Chief of either Village of Lo-well or Alto.

(3) License Permit and F e e s : A fee of $25.00 shall be charged

for permit for one year to opera te a junk yard of any description and operate according to rcgulationa and conditions so stated. These reg-ulations and conditions enacted thereunder shall within 5 days

after their adoption and before It shall luke effect and be published by posting the s ame in 3 conspic-uous place* in Township. Any per-son, firm, association or corpora-tion which shall operate auch an establishment wHthout a license or shall violate any regulation shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not ex-ceeding 5100 00 or by imprison-ment In the County Jail not to exceed 90 days or by both such fines and imprisonment in the dis-cretion of the Court. (CL 29 Sec. 97681.

Esther M. Fahmi . c-14 Township Clerk.

C m a a t L I * DOUTn r . o w e i i Mrs. Nancy Nordhof

The Sweet School reunion will be held August 4th this year.

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stahl were Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wieland.

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wells spent the week end visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Oliver and Mr. nnd Mrs. Elmer Jenks of Or-tonville and Detroit.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard -Bartlett of Lake Ccmo. Fla. . are visiting in the neighborhood and a re stay-ing with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wieland.

Sunday evening the Er ic Strand. Waiter Wieland and Geo. Wieland families enjoyed a wiener roast • t Jordan Lake In Lake Odessa.

A n o t h e r neighborhood visitor. Mrs. Kate Wlssman of Fowlervllle is staying with Mr. and Mrs. Mer-ritt Wlssman and will also spend a few days with the Elizabeth Wlssman family.

Henry Hall Is spending the week with her daughter, Mrs. Robert Barnes and family.

David Barnes celebrated his 8th birthday, Tuesday, with a family party.

Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Preston at-tended a school reunion at Fre-mont. last Sunday.

Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J e rome Zerfas enjoyed swimming and sup-pc with the Vernon Preston fam-ily.

To make the picture complete Mr. and Mrs. Thayer Denney. Shir-ley Preston and Ruth Preston were home for the week end. So tho ent i re Preston family was In the community last week end. '

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Beyer and

Mr. and Mrs. Justin Palmbos call-ed on ihe Robert Barnes family last week Wednesday.

John Aussicker, 84. D M S at Ionia

John Aussicker. 84. passed away at Ionia Memorial hospital July 19. Mr. Aussicker was a former Lowell area resident, having own-ed a farm west of LoweU for many years . Recently, however, he has made his home with the Hubert Fryover 's In Portland.

Mr. Aussicker operated a saw mill years ago and also owned a threshing rig which traveled this a rea .

The f a rm where the deceased

formerly lived Is now owned by Mr. Fryover and is rented by Mr. and Mrs. Elven Baird.

Funeral services were held Mon-day afternoon at the Dykstra Fu-neral home, in Holland; interment in Ventura cemetery.

Recent callers on Robert L. C.

Jones v h o is recovering from a

recent Illness where his aunt, Mrs.

Llbbie Gieggs and Mr and Mrs. John Gowdgwaard of Cannons-burg. A. D. Smith of Beldlng, the Leonard Jury family of Greenville, and Chris Jensen from Crystal.

Mrs. Otha Frack of Ann Arbor was the gueit of M n . Cella Wil-liams several days of last week.

Rnandal Report for School District No. 2 River School Ada, Michigan


Cash on Hand July 1. 1956 Current Tax Collected Delinquent Tax Collected Interest on Delinquent Taxes State Primary Fund State Aid 1956-1957


.1 363.08

. 1.132.87 33.88

1.35 . 1.324,06 . 3.241.32

Salaries Board o^ Education . . . . . . . . . Administration Supplies and Expense Census Expense Salaries of Teachers Tuition Expense ; Text Books for School Other Instnftt ion ExfJense Fuel and Utilities Operation Supplies and Expense Maintenance of Bldg., Grounds . • Insurance Expense Transports t o o Expense Auxiliary Expense

Cash on Hand July 1, 1967


89.00 26 44 10.00

3.770.00 1.200.00

36.57 2.56

193.41 7165 27.48 S2.S7

385.00 13.62

15,808.30 .1 287.25




Now! Pick the Mercury that suits your purse and personality


MONTEREY 2-D00R SEOAN-widest, lowest, roomiest car for the price, mi) * 2 5 8 7 — * When you step into this Meicury yen step out of the crdinary. . UUM* oar. ADU this is a step ycu car. afford. The P I Mercury's exclusive Dream-Car Design is shared with no shown is just one money-saving feature of Mercury,

•-»- -r . .

Most advanced car you can buy at any price _THE TURNPIKE CRUISER Most dramatic expression of Mercury's Dream-Car Design, light DuaJ-Corve Windshield, retractable - t , — i

Has all the new BIG M fea tu res . . . plus seven exdusives: Monitor Control Panel, Tachometer, and Average-Speed styling shared by no other car, roof-level air intakes. Sky- Computer Clock.

1 T,


MONTEREY COHVERTIBLEiwitt til ma d a sedaCenly ' 3 0 1 6 — ' T h r e e is n o crowi front or W V TWA'S plenty of leff room, knee r o o m ,

room, headroom. New features include this biggest back window you've evt in a Mercury-almost 6H feet wida.

COMMUTER STATION WAGON-oiiMf six bit linurlouslnodels, only $ 291412 * Here is a combination Sunday-sedan and Satur-day-worker that does everything well. It has the first true hardtop design in station wagons . . .

t'.ve 6rpt tnui psssenger-cs? ride (with exdusivs air e jshion rear suspension).;. plus the widest, longest cargo area in the industry.

• P

S E E V O U R L Q C A l M E R C U R Y * D M U B


i > > u 7 7 \ \ u i ' v v v a - r u o f ?


The choir of the AHo Methodist church will present a special con-cert of religious music at 8 o'clock in the evening Sunday. August 25.


The Bowne Center 4-H f o o d preparation and food preservation class met with their leader. Mrs. Gordon Stahl. at the home of Julie Chapel, Tuesday afternoon. July 18.

A demonstration on making a chocolate layer cake was given by Beverly Aldrich and Julie.

A business meeting following the demonstration, and refreshments were prepared and served by the third-year members of the group.

The next meeting will be next Tuesday afternoon, July 30, at the Linton cottage, at Gun Lake— Joan will be the hostess.


An ice cream social win be held

at the Hope Church of the Breth-

ren. located on M50, Friday eve-ning. July 27. starting at 6 o'clock. Home made ice cream and cake will be served. c-14

GARDEN CLUBBERS PICNIC Twenty-two members and guests

were In attendance at the Annual A)to Garden Club Picnic at Rheus Park, Alaska Wednesday. After a sumptuous dinner at one o'clock Vice-President Freda Russell call-ed the meeting to order for a short business session. Plans for the Flower Show In August were dis-cussed and other necessary busi-ness disposed of. Mrs. Floyd Thompson then introduced several lively games and stunts which pro-vided a delightful afternoon.

Mrs. Ekner Yeiter entered Blod-gett Hospital last week to re-ceive treatment for exti-emely high blood pressure.

Alto Community N e w s CLAUD


Former Bowne township supe?1-

visor Henry A. Johnson has writ-ten a 12-verse poem entitled " N a ^ ure 's Lessons", which depicts some beautiful and well-worded thoughts on the wooden of our wr.-ld.

Now retired from his township duties and those of Kent CbUn'.y Road Commissioner, Mr. Johnson is not only content to write poetry, but Is also spending most of hit spare time cccnplling on authorita-tive history of Bowne Township.

Mrs. Lucy Huntington entertain-ed h»r grandchildren, the Huver children, of Kalamazoo last week



The W t a H e r sisters of Wlnf r t e r Ave. opened tneir beautifully re-modeled home Tuesflay evening to pf.tertam the Star r a m R i r eau

Twenty-seven members and f tm-Uiaa ware in attendance. Chairman Dave Wingeier conducted the busi-ness meeting after which Enoch Carlson led a lively discussion on "Arab land and our farming fu-ture" . The entertainment was pro-vided by Alfred Wlegele who play-ed several numbers on his accor dion and accompan'ed for com-luunl!? singing.

Delicious refreshments served by the three Wingeier sisters were greatly relished by th t guests. The next meeting will be the annual picnic at Dutton Park, probably on August 20.

Ihelr daughter and sister. Mrs. Joseph Lee and family over the

^ WTTR Prill. Mr. and M n . CJaud Silcox at-

tended a picnic dinner at the Cha-terdon Snow Lake cottage Sunday honoring the Chaterdon's wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Rich-a rd Blerl and two little daughters of Lowell were a l jo present.


Perfomiance I • j P

wmtWW ^ H l g f w o o l a w l H 4 « h a r p b w w r l A g f c * t > l l n « t h a t M b p a

o u t t h a b a e t I n S o d e y ' * m o r a p o w a r f u l a u R i n i u M i R . '

• - . • » j " * ' •• *>•' 4M^ "

pfcillipa 8*

Mrs Merle Rosenberg rrturncd from Blodgett hospital Saturday and is feelmg quite well. On Sun-day the R. D. Bancrofts and Den-j for a few days ton Wflcox's todk » complete din- spent last week

Mrs, E. Wickstead, Mrs. Law-

rence Scott and Mrs Kenneth Sinclair took twelve 4-H girls in the Child Care Class to the Metho-dist Community House in Grand Rapids Monday afternoon. They went to observe the methods used in the Day Nursery and spent a very profitable and interesting t ime there.

Mr. and Mrs l^eslie Graham en-tertained the latters daughter. Mrs. Cleo Briggs and children of Quincy

Tommy BrUgs with his grand-


The Alto Fire Department got a call Monday noon to a fire in Ray Glover's houtetrailer which is parked on the rear of the Bergy Bros Ware House lot. The fire was* in the TV set which was des-troyed and the interior of the trail-er was partly burned.

Mrs. G a i r Flynn attended a breakfast for World Book repre-

sentatives at the Holly House Res-taurant Tuesday morning.

oer to the Rosenberg home and]mother , he will return home with Marguerite was able to er joy it with them,

Mr. and Mrs. Cleud Silcox and Mr. and Mrs. Csrl Keiser spent Wednesday with the Lee Vandawa-

hls mother and brother. Dickie will remain to visit the Graham's this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Richardsbn and new little son, Jeffrey Paul


ter family who were vacationing 1 ^ Hatch Hallow were Monday

^5ur car m o f t l i poww long milasga. Fill up with

new FUTE-FUEL at your Phillips fS DesRr'S and dtocovfer

irm kigh in performanee! j > >. pHtLLipaPsraoLsuliCfll iriW*.. .

TbtCmts! ? n t L A. 1-- ^ a—> I a i f i m f l w i ^ tl%S r n m t p s o o p r o c i u c n o r e a r a n i u i i i c a vn a - o w e n u m i v i w i i m y u y •

Ada 6 i l Company ADA. M 'CHIGAN

Ahe Boptht Church

The Congregation was delight-fully i surprised Sunday to find lovely 6rgan Installed In the chur th for a demonstration. It added tt) much to the beauty and enjoyment of the sendees. The church has had ah organ fund for less than S year and aporoxlmatdy one-, third of the cost of the organ has already been given

Sunday morning Pastor Mar-quardt will speak on "The Royalty of Meekness", continuing his sei of messages on the Beatitudes trio composed of Mary Jeanne Van-den Heuvel, Rev. and Mrs. Mai^ quardt, will sing "Following Je-sus" .

In t l » evening sen-ice music wfU be provMed by Rev. and Hrs K. W. Marquardt f r e m fltcambont Rock. Iowa, who wffh their fam-Uy will be visttt^ig in Alto. The R^v. ,Kurt Marquhrt is the brother of the locfl ps i tdf . ™

On Thursday evening the ladle* missionary society of the Baptist Chiirch wiD b? <he , W t h t U d t e s ^ t h e U ^ D O ! at a Mhi tona ty Meeting, Tliey hea t" Miss Carolyn Hbvlhgh has returned from Africa.

Prayer Meeting

'Slam wap the ptorv given al

Swards f v e n to

Mr. and Mrs. Einer Mosbeck of Chicago and MiSs Audie Y4ltcr of Mlshawaka, Ind. Were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Av Watson. Their mother; M r s . Jen-hie Yeiter hds been placed on the critical l ist At the LeweU Rest Home where she ia a pa t i en t

Mrs. E. L, Tim^son accompani-ed her daug^to t M f s . d y d c Kiraohenraan of Portland t e Col-umbus. Ohio where they visited

at Wolt Lake north of Baldwin. Kelvin Potter celebrated his 10th

birthday Friday by having a party. 16 boys and girls were his guests and all had a happy afternoon with games and "yummy" eals. He was the recipient of a num-ber of nice gifts.

Mr. and Mrs, James Wheeler and children spent the week end 9lth Mrs. Wheeler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ldcer of Rodney. On Sunday, M n . Wheeler attend-ed a picnic and reunion of her class In High School which was held at School Section Lake County Park. ' Ralph Wheeler who hau s^em the week with his grand-patehts returned home with the Wheelen. James Wheeler's brother Jeri'y Is working at the Alto Gar-age.

evening visitors of their u n c l e and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Richardson.

Mr. and Mrs. William Flarchild and mother, M n . Anna Fairchild were Sunday afternoon chllers of Mr. and M n . Fay Pinckney of Grand Ledge.

Among those from this locality who attended the wedding of Lct>-nard Hoag and Miss Phyllis Kel-ler of Wayland which was solem-nized In the St. Cyril Methodius Church in Wayland Saturday morn-ing were Mr. and M n . Robert McWhhi.iey, Carol and Patty nnd M n . Anna Fairchild, who were also guests to a lovely dinner serv-ed by M n . Boyd McWhlnney in Wayland. Other who also attended were Mr. and M n . Garry Mc-Whlnney and the Paul Dintamans.

n i i r n T j r t f Earl V. Colby — Alto

Office Phone: UN 8-3961

Chorits I. Colby Office: Clarksville OW3-3231 Mich

Due to the death of


We will be closed all day Friday,

July 26



T h e Happies t Life is (be life thai has found the Frieodthip of God. Jesu» Christ revealed God's lore for you by laying down His life oo the cross, that you might have a happy Uf* "Greater lore bath no man than thii, thai s mam Uj down bit BJe /or hit fritmJu"

loho 19.19

FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OP ALTO Sunday School 10:00. Worship 11 and 8:00

E. F. Marquardt, Factor

ChemAeVs C W s T y ' s t i r e o m l y l e a a i a f l o w -

p H b e d c i r w i t h any d f t h e s e a d -

v a n t a g e s . . . t h e o n l y c a r a t a n y

p r i c e w i t h all o f ' e m !

S H O f T r t e r sTHOfcK V8. I t s a d v a n c e d is t h e k e y t o C h e v y ' s a i tve ,

f o r m a n c e .

D O N t BOY AKY CXI K f O l t YOU M1V£ A CHEVf . . . .

BALL-BEARING STEERING, STAND-ARD. I t ' s a b ig rfeawn f o r C h e v y ' s s u t e con t ro l a n d h a n d l i n g ease .

r o s i T R A C r i O N AXLE.* M e a n s b e t t e r WTitrol af td s u r e r t r a c t i o n on a n y road su r face .

T R r P L E - T U R H I N E T U R B O C L I D E . * N o lags o r j a r s ; s m o o t h f r o m s t a r t t h r o u g h cruis ing.

1 1 u c i i u i . . w -

Smu" »nSR«pN°JtfSS1 —— s h i p a n d sol id c o n s t r u c t i o n .

t hese a lot more s d v a n t a g t s a n y ' t ime you say! 'Optional al txtra caL


Cfcly frtacfcK^ C b f e v r o l e ! t i e a l e r t d l s p l s y t h i s f a m o u s t r a d e m a r k v .

See Your Local Authorized Ckevrdlti Dealer



Sliced Bacon b 6 5 / DUBUQUE


Spare R|ks

Franks jafiLS!" CANNED 3-!b can

Cantaloupe C D U M M r > M F r : B n w N I B ICEBERG PRlSH HOMEGROWN


Cake Mixes

H e a d L e t t u c e 1 ^ 2 9 ? KRAFT

O r a n g e J u i c e 3 ^ ^ 7 9 ^ KROGER




Witk This Coupon

Coupon g o o d in you i

lavor i le W e s t Mich Kroger s to re thru Sol. J u l / 2 7


CRACKERS With T h i s C o u p o n

Coupon g o o d in yout

l avor i l e Wes t Mich Kroger s to re ihru Sal. July 2 7 .



C o u p o n

lavori le

M O R E P E O l ' L E D R I V E



Yew frtatttiv Lowtl Kroner —»on the Comer of Main and Vergennes. Cpcn 9 to 6 Mon. thru H m r l < - - 1 t o 9 M . a n d S a t . S A f € t t W T W ANO f A V W PAtMCfNe FOR O V E R 5 6 C A R S

Page 5: Here Comes the Showboat — Silver Anniversary Lowell Ledger/1957/07_July/07-25-1957.pdf · Here Comes the Showboat — Silver Anniversary Year T


Mr. and Mrs. Will Laux were guests of her son-in-law and daugh-ter. Mr, and Mrs. T a n Uammage of Grand Rapids. Thursday, to at-


July 21 -27


—4b prevMittag trftffle •eel-deoU, the main arcldrntal killer of farm people. Cour-tMMM, camful, iui(l nJw waU'MtU dHvlag |« Uir m awer. Share the road, khare the reaaonablr righta, and ahare the m a i l u In i»afrr, bet-ter living.

4 The ROLLINS Agency

W N . U i TW7-I12S


Mrs. Darrel Hesche and Mrs. Grant Higgins were co-hostosses at a bridal shower, July 16 at the .'ormer's home. Route 3 Lowell, honoring Miss Glenna Higgins.

Assisting were Mrs. Art Hessler and Mrs. Paul Jones of Belding.

jMrs. Ray Hesche. jr.. of Lowell ' v u l Mrs. Roberta Richardson ol Ionia.

There were 28 guests attending enjoying games and refreshments.

Miss Higgins who was the r e ' clplent of many lovely gifts will become the bride of Raymond Byrne of Belding, July 27 at Green Comer's Baptist Church.

!t pays to read the Ledger want


If You Are Infertsfed

W000-TV HOME Contact


TW 7-9383 c\i

11 •

No _ w o t r i e f t r *

a b o u t

the home you left behind Before you take off on your vacat ion. . . make sure your heme a adequately protected. Our new •ne-policy home protection ^lan insures yon araimt a long list of hatards indudinc fire , . . t h e f t . . . liability . . . windstorm . . . falling objects . . . aircraft damage. . . vandal i sm. . . explosion. Call us for deUils.


t U W. Main, L e w d TW 1 4 t »

Jfopreeenfin^fTte H a r t f o r d F i re Insurance Company 9

SUMMER Specials!

C M 2 4 x ft-8 Cf lwahoHi i Dow $10.00 Serecn IiMert Not So Hot

O m 2-1 x 4 4 CowbiEortoe Door - $ « J 0 Somebody Uiat the Glass Insert Cheaper Than n Screen Door

O m t hmOmq J I M M Good Bui Short Length

War Sorpln W M o w t $2.00 t o . Haoect, We Forgot T h e *

M MweW Floor — $10.00 Cwt. Odds and Ends at a Bargain

C i r t B o r i Lofehet, wort 75c Now 25c We Like Them, But Can't Eat 'em

Oot $7 JO Modtl Chris Craft Cnfctr —Now $5.00

4 Dt i t tr Tkunlotchtf. wm $0^5 Now $44)0 Guaranteed (or Life

Oot p i tc t Formica, was 75c ft . Now 35c ft . Yellow But Not Became of Age

0 * 1 S o * ood Windows $1.00 op


* T W 7 4 2 t 1

Heal Claims Two In (Jiimp Acl

| Two chimpanzees in the Mani l la and Faimly act of the l»well Showboat died Monday, apparently from heat exhaustion.

The act arrived in I/nvcll Fri-day evening, having driven f m n Las Vegas. Nevada, where they last appeared. The chimps are housed In an air-conditioned trail-er. parked by the home-ec house near the grandstand, on Lafayette «t.

One of the little fellows became sick Saturday and a lowell doctor was called. Then another one fell 111. It it believed the two may have taken some water which was not pure, or disagreed with them, during their trip to Lowell from Nevada.

Perhaps the comforts of o u r modem age have spoiled the little fellows. At any rate, post mortems were to be taken fo ascertain the cause of their death.

Net in Art

One of the deceased chimps was newly-purchased and In the pro-cess of being trained for the act, according to Mr. Marquis. The oth-er held only a minor par t . There a re eight remaining members of the "fc tnl ly" , and some of them have b e e n under Mr. Marquis ' care for over 13 years.

The act originated In England, and has enjoyed great success. Last summer the Showboat tried to obtain them for the 1956 show, but they were booked for three months at Radio City Music Hall in New York City.

Mr. and Mrs, Ronald R. Stevens


The Annual Eustls, Florida, pic-nic was beld Sunday at Fallasburg Pa rk with about fifty-eight at-tending from Port Huron, Portland, Remus, Hudson, Swartz Creek, Hickory Comers, Grand Rapids, and Lcnvell.-

An interesting letter f rom Mrs. C. M. Hanebaugh who is visiting her son in Guatemala was read to the group. The following officers were elected few the ensuing yea r : President. Ray Rogers; Vlce-Presi-dent, Ralph Story; SecreUry and Treasurer . Bertha Mersum o f South Haven.

BIRTHS " 1 "'M M 1

I Mr. and M n . Lyle Bartlett (nee Louise Hods) of Dexter. Mich., announce the arrival of a daugh-ter. Cathy Lou, July S. weight 7 pounds.'6 ounces. Mra Bartlett is a former vocal Inattuctor at Low-ell public schools:

Ana Marie and Lola Lee Alex-ander returned Sunday f r o m W. M. U. in Kalamazoo. '

Fee adjwttmeot ar repa-'rt, oall on your TV experta ta pu t y a o r aet in


If you cot tt het t . I f • gotta be

Radio Service w c n i p a n y


- m m I '•*


Ground Beef StHof Eod




SAVINGS! Butt End Ham fcttc Beef Pot Roast b. 39c Frankfurts 3 fcs. $1.10 No. 1

h 89c Pwi Sausage b. 37c



BEET SUGAR StWCoffee ConMHooor

Pet Milk

b. 97c Catsup Scott County

4 cans 58c Poit & Beans



can 33c

Tomato Juke 3 cans 89c Tomatoes 2-303 cans 31c


414 Nortfc St. v wi I A N , 0 , L T W ^-7704 Open Evenings 'hi 10 w , M K O T

Mr. nnd Mr*. Ronald R. Steveac are pictured above follow-big thHr marriage June ,14. al Ihe Flr*| Church of the Narnrene. Huntington, Imlinnu. The couple will make their home in Kankakee, Illinois. The bride, the former Dorette Jnauene Merrta, IH Ihe daughter of Mr. and Mm. Kohert T. Morri» of llunlinitton. Mr. and Mr*. Fmeraon H. Htevena of Lowell are the parent« of the bridegroom.

Newt Representetive Needed in Ade

The Luwell Ledger and Hubur-baa l i f e are in need of an alert B2Wa representaUve for the Ada arm—perhaps there In nomronc In Ada who haa always wanted to get thHr thoaghU in print

We need someone who la will big to make contacts locally and get the aewit—nomeone who feel* that the community service they are rendering by doing thl* work b partial pay, la addition to the nominal fee theae papers can offer.

Pleaae contact Harold Jeffer-lea. TW 7-tMi. If yon are inter-ested.


The annual meeting of the Alton Cemetery Association will be held Tuesday evening. Aug. 6, a t 8 o'clock at the Alton church.

Cora E. Ford, Sec.

Snow WSCS bake sale at Gee's Hardware, Fr iday, July 26, from 10:30 to 3:30. Orders wlU be tak-en. TW 7-7686 <* TW 7-9725. cl4

Vergennes Cooperative club will meet Thursday. Aug. L Hostess Mary Bennett. Roll Call—favorite lecreation.

The annual meeting of the Al-ton Church Society will be held at the Alton church on Tuesday. Aug. 6. a t S p. m . •

The Lowell W S. C. \ will have their picnic dinner one o'clock Friday, July 26. at the home of Mrs. William Kerekes. Bring own table service and a dish to pass. Beverage will be furnished.

The Lowell Loyalites oldrtime picnic will be held a t the shelter house at Fal lasburg park Aug. 7, 6:30 p . m.

The annual picnic erf the CJ*er-ful Doers will be held i n , the church dining room at 6:30 Mon-day, Aug. 5, followed by the Reg-ular meruug . Fieaae btiiig Ovvii service and a dish to pass. The committee will furnish rolls and tea .

The Li la Group will meet Thurs-day, Aug. 1, 2 p . m . at the par-ish house.


I wish to thank everyone for the kind deeds they did. for the flowers, cards, those who called on m e during m y stay at the hospital and since my return home, the employees of the Kent County Road CommissiOD garage a t Ada for the beautiful roses. Many thanks. Fl4 Mrs. Tildon Pinckney, sr .

* * * * * * * * News of ServktmtR

* * * * * * * * Pvt. Vc Gerald M. Gibbs. son

of Mr. and Mrs. George Glbbs,

908 E. Main, has been in Honolu-lu about a month. His mailing ad-dress is RAI6536142, C Battery, 2nd FA Bn, RKT—HOW. Jls t Ai^ tillery, APO 25. San* Francisco, Calif.

Pvt. Lewis O. Todd, son of Mr. and Mrs. Homer R. Todd. Route 3., Lowell, recently was assigned to the 56th Quar termaster Bat-talion in Germany.

Todd is a supply handler in the battalion's 565th Cordpany. He en-tered the Army in July 1956 and received basic training a t For t Leonard Wood, Mo.

Dale Johnson of Alto who is stationed in Germany has a new-address. It i s : SP3 Dale L. Johnson. US55555490, H-S Co , 1st A. R. B., 41st Inf., APO 28, New-York, New York.


A family get-together and out-door picnic was enjoyed Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vaughn in honor W Mr. Vaughn's seventieth birthday.

All of their family were present. Those from out of town were Mr, and Mrs. Ellsworth Vaughn and family of Clauson, Mr. and Mrs. George Emelander and two sons from Hjdsonville, and Mr. and Mrs. William Vaughn and daughter of Ionia.


Mr. and Mrs. Myron Henry will be in Glendale, California, fo r an indefinite period, called the re by the illness of their uncle, Paul Mc-ca r ty .

Mr. McCarty is a native of Lo-well, and a former vaudeville en-tertainer. He has lived in Califpmia for the past 25 years .

Mrs. Gerald Henry of Grand Rapids, returned last Wed-nesday af ter helping ca re f o r M r . McCarty; he is now in a Glen-dale hospital.


In loving memory of our dear husband, fa ther and grandfather, Emmet t Needham, who passed away one y e # ago, July 23, 1H56.

Mrs. E m m e t t Needham Miss B a r b a r a Needham Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stuart Christine and Carol

' cl4


I wish to thank my friends and reintives iut tvaxcmuKt lup D'<c while I was in the hospital, and convalescing a t home. pl4 Jeanme Schneider


We wish to thank our neighbors, friends and relatives for all their kindness shown to us during our recent sorrow. Also the pall bear-ers and Rev. Steinkamp for their services. PH Mrs. Earl I


We wish to express our deep appreciation to all our friends and neighbors for their kind expres-sions of sympathy, cards, and flowers sent during the illness and death of our beloved Mother and grandmother, Mrs . Pearl Bieri. Also to Rev. DeVinney Cor l i s many calls and words of comfort in our hour of sorrow.

Stanley Bieri Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Bieri

and Fami ly Mr. and Mrs. Otto Bieri

and Fmuly Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Biggs

and Fami ly Mr. and Mrs. John" Husar

c l4

Mr. and Mrs. J . E. Barman were dinner guests of the Bill Bannans of Jackson on Sunday.






All Day Judging: Rveaiag, Cavaiende of Canadian HcU



Morning, ligbtwt^gfat Horae Pulling: Afternoon, Tractor

Pulling; Evening, Movtolnad


Morning, Heavyweight Horse Pulling: Afternoon, Harneaa

Racing: Evening, WLS National Bam Dance Show


Afternoon, Hnrnesc Racing; Kvening, Variety Show


Afternoon, Talent Show with IH Clnb Yooth, Martin Strong

Dancers and TV Cowboy Buck Barry: Evening,

Stock Gar


Miss Shirley Brulnckool was hon-or gue.rt at a bridal shower Tues-day evening. July 23, held at the Ada Reformed church.

Mrs. Carl Duthler, Mrs. I 'arold Knpi-n nnd Mrs. Klliot Brulnekool were hostesses. The bride-elect will be married August 16 to Benjamin Yorelmek, jr., of Benton Harbor.

After several amusing games Miss Bminekool opened her many beautlfully-w r a p p e d packages which were placed on a table dec-orated in green and white.

About 35 guests were present to admire the lovely gifts and enjoy the refreshments which were serv-ed by the hostesses.




FREE I! I Register Now ot tKt

Lowtl Boktry No Obligation

Drawing, Saturday, Aug. 10


Lowell Bakery 114 E. Main Ph. TW!


BYE BYE LOVE Everly Brothers



I LTTER Billy WUliams

TOMMY - Debbie Reyaelda

SHORT FAT FANNIE U f r y WUliams '



Open Saturday Night

Radio Service Company R. G. CHROUCH

If you got it here, it's gotta be jwd!

m E. Mnln SC I V TW 7

Freezers treeZetS FreCZOrS ALL OVER THE PLACE! w


REFRIGERATORS AND AIR CONDITIONERS Special Prices, tool Up to 24 Mwiriis to fwf

We Have Complete Selection Of Freezer Supplies

Poptr — Boxts — Eoqs — Tope In Foct A l Pocfccqlng Supplies


74fW. Main S t . L e w * T W i e W T


^ ^ j Prices for July 22. 1053 Heed I W of Stock. 58 Ceses Poultry end

0 \ Rebbits

Ved . . . . I up to $32.00 cwt. Botf St t t fs ond Heifers up to $25.70 cwt. i t t f Cows t p to $16.25 cwt. Bttf Buls ____.___np to $18.50 cwt. Feeder Cottie from $12.50 to $21.40 cwt. Ho^s op to $21.90 cwt. Sows up to I l l t S cwt. Boon — up to $13.00 cwt. Feeder Pigs . . . . from $7.71 to $15.00 toch Horses from $51.00 to $100.00 toch

SALE STARTS A T I * P . M. The sale baa the inrgeni a n w k n af bayars paying We M g *

eat atttfcet prices far year MviataeA. .1 • 1- • VihMbk Free GUI gtvaa anray a l f 4B e'deek every Maa-

day alght Maat be f f eaaat la v i a . ' Yea are always wrta^wt te a t tMl Ihe aalaa every Maa -

day area thoogh yon da net have aaythlag to aelL

Big Bapida Bala aa Wedneaday nad the Firmiiai Sale an Friday. Far praopt nad eaaHaaas trwUng aarvtea —eaM K. Gaek,

Tavt:nna u v r s t o c k ' s a i ^ e s Art Steward RAVENNA, MICHIGAN J . P t n l

t r m f i n g a k t m n w t s Htrry a B k m ,

Who could seN iof cubes to m tskimo,

But he feH for a i s t slickei ttut bis,

From 1 new car M l e n n n - w o v i w M a e t i z i

The car hid s t y t e - y m n M l tf M i

The features Rare see -LBDI 0 W

Harry's s t i smilint the t M n h a r j y A a ^

But how be wishes he could g i l back Ml fcqfU

Moral: Don't get "bargain-talked" into yesterday's styling and features!

L i k e s l o t of peop le , H a r r y was looking fo r s "food buy" in s new c e r . But no c a r is a b a r g a i n rf i t ' s o u t m o d e d before you drive it a mile. F o r the Mine money, H a / r y couni h a v e s t e p p e d u p t o a d a s h i n g Swept-Wing Dodje-ao new it a c t u a l l y n t r i l iWi o t h e r c a r s in i u field. Obeo le t e s their high, b o x y design with t h e low, low look of t o m o r r o w . Obso le tes t h e i r o l d - f a s h ' o n e d f e a t u r e s with such a d v a n c e s a s T o r s i o n - A i r e Ride , P u s h - B u t t o n T o r q u e F l i t e and Total-Contact B r a k e s . So d o n ' t d o w h a t H a r r y d i d — p l e a s e . See y o u r Dodge de&kr today.

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