
HHS CEA Executive Briefing

Enterprise Performance Life Cycle (EPLC) Overview

February 6, 2009



•What is the EPLC?

•Why is the EPLC important?

•Using the EPLC

•EPLC Progress & Future

What is the EPLC?

HHS Enterprise Performance Life Cycle (EPLC) is an investment management framework developed by representatives from all HHS Optics through the EPLC Workgroup

Incorporates best government and commercial practices for planning, managing and overseeing IT investments throughout the investment life cycle

Identifies the elements of various programs, such as enterprise architecture, security, records management, IT capital planning, etc., that must be addressed, and the various points in the investment life cycle at which they should be addressed.

A guide for investment managers


EPLC Framework Overview



Why is the EPLC Important?

Implements best government and commercial practices in IT investment management by applying consistent and repeatable processes across HHS

Changes the IT investment management culture at HHS to be more proactive and transparent, moving the rigors of effective planning to the front of the investment management process

Increases the ability to move IT investments to production more rapidly, with reduced risk, by improving HHS IT investment planning and the resulting performance

Enables effective IT investment management within which a selected System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) can be practiced

Why is the EPLC Important?

Incoming administration has set the expectation of a high level of performance, transparency and accountability

Requires IT investment management that consistently achieves successful outcomes with optimized alignment with business goals and which meet key cost, schedule and performance objectives


Using the EPLC

What to Expect:

More time and resources may need to be shifted to the early planning phases for IT investments

Increased planning and oversight at the front of the IT investment management process is expected to be offset by reduced resources spent in potentially duplicative efforts and elimination of avoidable errors

Increased value of IT governance processes as stage gate reviews provide enhanced transparency into actual IT investment progress

Additional business stakeholder involvement may be required


Using the EPLC

Flexible application:

Tailor EPLC to meet your specific circumstances (i.e., fast tracked projects)

Applying EPLC to your IT investment, regardless of the system development methodology used


EPLC Progress

EPLC Framework Overview Document and EPLC Policy released

Artifact templates from the Initiation Phase through Requirements Analysis Phase have been released

Federal Acquisition Certification for Program and Project Managers (FAC-P/PM) and EPLC Training plans and curriculum are being developed

EPLC Outreach is in-process

Individual OPDIV EPLC Implementation Plans have been developed

Optics are in various stages of implementing EPLC for their IT investments


Future Next Steps

Complete the development of training for Project Managers, Critical Partners, IT Governance Boards, and other IT investment stakeholders as needed

Training provides an opportunity for professional development and an opportunity to expand your Investment/Project Management knowledge

Training is needed to improve and harmonize the methodology that is used across HHS

Complete and deliver FAC P/PM training being developed by the HHS Office of Acquisition Management & Policy (OAMP)


Future Next Steps

Develop remaining artifacts (Design through Disposition Phases) and corresponding updates to the EPLC Framework

EPLC Presentations are being developed and will be made available to all Optics– Tailoring EPLC– EPLC and iterative development methodologies– Critical Partner integration with EPLC

Continue HHS-wide collaboration through the EPLC Workgroup, including sharing lessons learned during Implementation and providing a forum for dialog and discussion of issues



CDC EPLC Contact :

Sandra McGill

CDC IT Capital Planning Officer


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