Page 1: Highways & Byways...Christmas Event The Band, Town Crier and Hall have all been booked for the Christmas Festival event. The Christmas lights at the Cross and the Village Hall decorations


& Byways

The News and Views from Mickle Trafford and District

September 2018

Harvest Bounty

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Page 3: Highways & Byways...Christmas Event The Band, Town Crier and Hall have all been booked for the Christmas Festival event. The Christmas lights at the Cross and the Village Hall decorations

The views expressed in Highways and Byways are not necessarily the views

of the Parish Council. The inclusion of any products and services within the

newsletter does not imply endorsement by the editorial team.

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Highways and Byways

What a wonderful late Spring and early Summer we had. I hope your holidays

were really special and you were able to get out and about with friends and

family. September has been pleasant too, not an ‘Indian summer’ but with some

sunshine and warm enough temperatures. Schools and colleges are back with

students ready for the new challenges. Did your son or daughter join a school

community this September? We wish you all well for this new chapter.

If you have been growing fruit and vegetables then, like us, you

have probably had a bumper harvest (see cover picture).

Currently our pumpkins are growing apace.

Roll on Halloween. Now I’m in process of storing, freezing,

pie and jam making. It will be lovely to have our own produce

during the winter.

Our next newsletter will come out at the end of November and will tell you

what is happening around the villages in December and January. If you want to

promote an event we are very happy to do this for you.

Please send anything you wish to be included by Friday 9th November to Jenny

by email at [email protected]. If you want to chat about anything for the

next edition contact Roger on 01244 301860.

Every Macmillan coffee morning helps make a huge

difference to 2.5 million patients living with cancer

in the UK and their families and friends .

Where: Mickle Trafford Methodist Church,

Station Lane, Mickle Trafford

When: Saturday 29th September 2018

10.30am to 1.30pm

Why: So Macmillan can reach more & more people, & everyone

affected by cancer feels supported in many ways

So why don’t you bake a cake or buy something yummy on 29th and support us.

Ring Gill on 01244 301123 for more information

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WHAT’S ON — at a glance

Saturday 29th September Macmillan Coffee 10.30—1.30 Methodist Church Hall Wednesdays October St Peter’s Toddler group 10.30—12.00 Village Hall Wednesday 3rd October Village Club Fun Quiz, 8.30pm Village Hall Monday 8th October Parish Council Meeting 6.30pm Village Hall Sunday 14th October Harvest Thanksgiving 11am St Peters Plemstall Wednesday 17th October Village Club Fun Quiz, 8.30pm Village Hall Wednesday 31st October Village Club Fun Quiz, 8.30pm Village Hall Wednesdays November St Peter’s Toddler group 10.30—12.00 Village Hall Sunday 11th November Remembrance Sunday 10.55am St Peters Plemstall Sunday 11th November Wedding Fayre 12pm—3pm Trafford Hall Monday 12th November Parish Council Meeting 6.30pm Village Hall Friday 7th December Christmas Tree Lights Switch On and service Saturday 8th December Village Hall Christmas Fayre Sunday 16th December Christmas Fayre 12pm—4pm Trafford Hall If you want to make sure your special event is highlighted in this section

contact Jenny 01244 301860


The Grange, Warrington Road, Mickle Trafford CH2 4EB. Email [email protected]

Tel. 01244 300655 / 07950 963526

Open Friday afternoons & Saturday mornings, and any other time by arrangement. Orders welcome, large or small.

All our beef is home reared, totally traceable, farm assured & grass

fed, from our own herd of rare breed Red Poll cattle.



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MICKLE TRAFFORD & DISTRICT PARISH COUNCIL NEWS Based on the Parish Council Meetings held on 13th August and 10th Sept.

The Chairman welcomed and congratulated Mrs Anouska Youds to the Parish Council following her success in the recent election.

Open Forum August 13th meeting. The cost of the recent election. In response to a question from Mr Bailey, the Clerk advised that so far the Parish Council had agreed to pay £931.00 towards the cost of the Polling Cards and Postage, but were awaiting further costs from CWaC relating to Hall Hire and Officer time which could take the final cost to nearer £5000. September 10th meeting Uncontrolled dogs using the Gowy Woodland Park. Mrs Tess Parkin advised that dogs were being allowed to run loose and out of control. Particular concern is in regard to the number of “Dog Walkers” using the area. Many vehicles have been observed at the site and the walkers often have 6 or more dogs. Whilst some of the businesses act in a responsible manner, many don’t, resulting in an unpleasant experience for all park users. Mrs Parkin has spoken to the Dog Warden at CWaC but no help has been forthcoming. What can the Parish Council do to assist on this matter? Cllr Parker advised that the subject of dog control is under consideration by CWaC. It is probable that the subject will go to public (on-line) consultation enabling anyone to record their thoughts. The Parish Council will make its comments via the consultation process. Extension of the 20mph limit in Hoole Village. Mrs Cilla Mann made the Parish Council aware that while she supported the new 20mph limit that was to be introduced on Mannings Lane to its junction with Oak Bank Lane, she and other residents, felt that the 20mph limit should be extended to the end of the terraced properties on The Street. Mrs Mann was advised that this matter was on the agenda and would be discussed later in the meeting.

Parish Council Minutes Mr David Allen asked the meeting for public documents relating to a “security camera” issue. The clerk said that copies of the public documents would be sent immediately. Police Update No Police in attendance The Chairman then closed the Open Forum.

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Names of Councillors present, apologies for absence, and Declarations of Interest were recorded. Parish Council Minutes. Minutes of meetings held on 9th July and 13th August 2018 were approved.

Planning/Finance Committee The minutes of the 6th August and 3rd September 2018 were noted.

Neighbourhood Plan (from Planning Committee) A Vision Statement has been produced by Cllr Rowlands in relation to the Neighbourhood Plan, see page 11. It is hoped that residents will comment on the document. Queen’s Jubilee Park (from Finance Committee)

Cllr Harrison asked the meeting to note the expenditure that had been approved

for work on the swing seats, re-siting the metal seat, re-lining the Multi-Sport area, and new signage. The costs are covered by a grant from the Ward Councillor’s budget.

Christmas Event

The Band, Town Crier and Hall have all been booked for the Christmas Festival event. The Christmas lights at the Cross and the Village Hall decorations are estimated to cost £4175. Part of this cost will be met by the Ward Councillor Grant and a contribution from the Village Hall Trust. The Christmas Festival will comprise the lighting of the tree on Friday 7

th December

and the Christmas Fayre on Saturday 8th December. The format will be similar to

that used in previous years. Fuller details will be given in the November edition of Highways and Byways. Volunteers will be needed. Arrangements for the Fayre will be co-ordinated by Cllr Barbara Harrison.

Defibrillator The Council approved a maximum cost of £2000 to cover the purchase of a new unit and the installation at the Village Hall. Cllr Gardiner felt it important that training should be offered and also promotion of the new site though social media methods. See article on page 12 by Cllr Taylor giving more information.

Speeding on Mannings Lane The Parish Council supports the residents’ concerns that the 20mph limit be increased to include the properties between Oak Bank Lane and the last of the terraced houses. Website Cllr Taylor stated that updating of the website would be discussed with the web designer very soon and asked all Parish Councillors to forward their ideas of changes to be considered.

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Briefing on a dispute over a security camera in the Village Hall. Cllr Rowlands circulated a briefing paper in order that the basic facts could be noted by Parish Councillors, who, at the last meeting were unaware of the problem. Cllr Rowlands felt that the matter should be closed. Cllr Taylor hoped that better relationships could be built with all user groups. Cllr Spence felt that the Parish Council must learn from its errors and ensure in future that everybody is kept aware of actions being taken. Matters raised at the discretion of the Chairman (Not for resolution) Cllr Parker advised that she still had some money left in her CWaC budget and asked if the Parish Councillors know of any projects that might qualify.

Cllr Parker expressed her disappointment that nothing was being done to remember the cessation of hostilities at the end of WW1.

Date and time of next Parish Council Meeting

8th October 2018 at the Village Hall @ 6.30pm

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A friendly church with a warm welcome for all ages

Space to be still and know the love of God

Worship every Sunday

A beautiful setting for weddings and baptisms

For full details of our services see the website or newsletter. Monthly pattern:

1st Sunday 9.30am Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer)


Sunday 11am Family Service


Sunday 9.30am Holy Communion (Common Worship)

4th Sunday 11am Holy Communion (Common Worship)

5th Sunday 11am Holy Communion (Common Worship)

St Peter’s Toddler Group & Community Coffee Bar Open on Wednesday Mornings, 10.30am –12noon, in Mickle Trafford Village Hall. The main hall will be open for babies/toddlers & parents/carers, with many toys available. The lounge will be open for anyone to drop in for tea or coffee. Everyone is most welcome.

Harvest Celebration.

The Harvest Thanksgiving Service will be held at 11am on Sunday 14th October.

This is a family service, so please do come along!


Remembrance Sunday falls on the 11th November this year. This is a special day

for the nation to remember and honour those who have sacrificed themselves to

secure and protect our freedom. A service of Remembrance will be held in St

Peter’s at 10.55am to mark the occasion.

Check the church website,, for details of all services

and activities. ‘Like’ our Facebook page to keep up to date:

stpetersplemstall. Contact us if you wish to receive our quarterly newsletter

(£2 p.a.). We welcome any enquiries about weddings, baptisms or other matters.

Contact: Revd Heather Carty, tel. 07484 515812, email:

[email protected]

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Nature Notes September What a summer, but the gardens and countryside survived, and now that temperatures and rainfall are more like the norm for this country the grass has grown, the trees are looking better than they did a month ago and the hedgerows are full of blackberries and hawthorn berries. You will also find sloes, the fruit of the blackthorn in hedgerows around the village which you can use to make sloe gin. Here’s the recipe: 1lb sloes 4 oz sugar 1 x 75cl bottle gin Wash sloes and discard any bruised or rotten fruit. Prick fruit with a fork and place in a kilner or wide necked jar with lid. Add a layer of sugar and repeat until you have used it all then pour the whole bottle of gin in. Shake the jar every day for a week or until sugar is dissolved, then put in a cool dark place. It should be ready for Christmas, but the longer you can leave it the better. You can add more sugar if you like your liquor sweeter. Strain the mixture and bottle. If you don’t want to drink it neat it’s delicious with prosecco. You could also use damsons. The less said about my veg garden the better, apart from a bumper crop of tomatoes. The peas soon gave up, the onions were small and carrots half hearted. I was so intent on keeping the sweet peas and pots watered I think I neglected the vegetables. But the apple tree is laden with big apples, let’s hope the wasps keep away. I have a pretend wasps nest on the tree which does seem to help. Signs of Autumn are appearing, the robin is singing his autumn song and the

geese are flying over the house again.

The Pink Lady


Thank you to all friends, family and neighbours who supported

Barbara Harrison at the Strawberry Tea she held in July in aid of

Alzheimers UK. It was lovely to be enjoying cones and strawberries whilst

catching up with friends. Just over £700 was raised. Thank you.

For more information and support go to

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News from Mickle Trafford Village Club

The club committee would like to inform members that due to falling numbers that

use the club facilities on Sundays, the club will no longer be open on Sunday

evenings. The last Sunday opening will be Sunday 30th September.

On a more positive note, the club will continue all the regular nights:

Monday night bowls, Tuesday Bingo, alternative Wednesday’s Fun Quiz and bar

open on Friday and Saturday evenings.

The Quiz dates for October are Wednesday 3rd, 17th and 31st (Halloween theme).

Please come as a team or join one on the night. New faces are always welcome!

We are again planning to put on a Charity Quiz at Christmas (date to be

confirmed) and if any member has a specific charity they would like us to donate

the money raised to, please see Steve G.

Please come and support your local Village Club!

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Vision for Mickle Trafford & District Neighbourhood Plan – as at September 2018. For those of you who are not familiar with ‘The Neighbourhood Plan’ it is a look into the future as to how the Parish may change and adapt accordingly. If we are able to visualise and forecast how our community will face those changes we can plan ahead, rather than deal with them as they arise. Please feel free to respond to this Parish Council initiative by contacting The Parish Clerk at Email: [email protected]. 1. The distinctive character of the villages will be maintained and enhanced. The villages will evolve and expand only in a way which respects and reflects the views of the community. 2. Mickle Trafford & District is a rural parish separated from adjacent urban areas by Green Belt. It is characterised by trees, hedgerows, some woodland and water courses flowing to the river Gowy and thence to the Mersey Basin. There are open spaces within the more densely developed housing estates as well as the Jubilee Park and a network of public rights of way, which provide opportunities for recreation and leisure and valued by the community. 3. Local residents value the distinctive quality of the area and are keen to preserve and protect it for future generations. They wish to enhance the available community facilities. They wish to encourage local businesses and attract new businesses that are in keeping with the area. 4. The Neighbourhood Plan will therefore aim to sustain and promote local businesses and the wide range of community facilities including the primary school; churches, pubs, and village shop & Post Office. 5. People recognise the need for small scale housing development over the Plan period. It should be in keeping with the character of the villages, and carefully controlled. Any development will maintain and enhance the form of the villages, retaining the vital open spaces and open views and vistas as well as preserving existing trees and hedgerows and not encroaching on open countryside. 6. Any new housing should meet the needs of people living in the area or with good cause to move into it. It should be affordable for the young or provide for older people wishing to downsize without leaving the villages. 7 This L.N.P. aims to deliver this vision, looking forward to 2030 and beyond, to reflect the views set out above, and other issues raised by the community. We believe that the developing Plan will be in general conformity with the principles and policies in the C.W.a.C. Local Plan and will allow our residents to have a legal status in the planning process as indicated in the Localism Act 2011. Author: David Rowlands: Local Parish Councillor.

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News of a new Defibrillator

The old unit was kept on the Police House wall and was removed when the house was put up for sale. After several tests of that unit I recommended the Parish Council invest in another unit and an external heated wall cabinet. I expect that to be operational by the last few days of this month. It will be located on the outside wall, alongside the Village Hall main entrance. It will require you to dial 999 to get the code to open the cabinet and an alarm will sound. If you do use it, contact me to have the pads replaced so it is ready to save a life. When you switch it on it will tell you what to do. It must not be used on a patient who is breathing with a pulse. However, If the patient has had a cardiac arrest then CPR must be administered until the Defibrillator is made available. Do not be frightened. You cannot make a mistake as the machine will not let you and is fully automatic. If the defibrillator does not work then take off the pads and continue with CPR until the Ambulance team arrives. Demonstration? If there is interest from village groups I will show you how it works and how to administer CPU (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation). Call me on 01244 300759. John Taylor, Parish Councillor. 2 Dee Road.

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Soft fruit growing

Are you interested in knowing how to grow soft fruits?

In conjunction with Grange Farm, I am able to offer workshops which may

be of interest to soft fruit growers, or those who wish to be:

1. How to prune soft fruit bushes.

2. Preparing and starting off soft fruit cuttings.

Dates for the sessions will be arranged to suit those who are interested.

A contribution of £10 per person will be sought from participants in 1 and 2.

I also have established cuttings of blackcurrant and jostaberry bushes for sale.

If you are interested, please contact Steve Yandell, email [email protected].


Bulletproof vests, the circular and bandsaw, fire escapes, windscreen wipers

and laser printers were all invented by women.

Read this and other fascinating facts in ‘The Secret History of Everyday Stuff’

by Benedict Le Vay (2015).

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Hoole Lawn Tennis Club at Mickle Trafford After months of construction work (battling a wet winter and an unusually hot summer) the new tennis club ‘Hoole LTC at Mickle Trafford’ is now up and running in School Lane. As well as being the modern new base for the 100-year-old club, it is also the new home for Cheshire LTA who have an office within the clubhouse. Since May the club has had 8 tennis courts in use and the new clubhouse is now fully furnished and operational for tennis players and club members of all ages and abilities to enjoy. The 5 artificial clay and 3 hard courts have been busy all summer and will soon be joined by 2 more courts, positioned between School Lane and the club house. Some of the club’s summer highlights include: The new club facility was officially opened by the Lord Mayor of Chester

(9th June)

Over 300 visitors attended the free Family Fun Day and enjoyed the tennis coaching, glorious weather, burgers and cupcakes as well as the England v Panama football match (24

th June)

Mickle Trafford Primary School’s Years 2-6 had ‘a fabulous time’ trying out a tennis taster session (18

th June)

The club played host to one of the LTA’s national ‘Great British Tennis Weekends’ and gave scores of children and adults the opportunity to play fun tennis challenges and try out their skills on the courts with professional coaches (21

st July)

Well done to our Under 8’s team who won their county division, beating off teams from all over Cheshire to take the top spot, winning the final at Bramhall Lane (15

th July)

The weekly ‘Junior Club Nights’ and ‘Club Nights’ have seen record numbers playing and many Monday Club Nighters staying to enjoy the ‘Drinks and Nibbles’ social evenings

Many new members have joined the club over the summer especially residents of Mickle Trafford – welcome! There are many types of memberships available, for details please see ship/Join

Following a break for the summer holidays the Mini (4-11), Junior (12-18) and Adult Tennis Programmes are back – for details and to sign up please see the website The club is active in local tennis leagues and has a full match schedule covering all ages and standards.

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The adult teams had a good summer in the Chester & District League, with the Mixed team finishing 3

rd in division 1. The Men’s A were 4

th in division 1 and

Men’s B were 5th in division 2. The Ladies team struggled in the top division, but

are looking forward to some high quality tennis in division 2 next year! The club also has 5 adult teams in the Wirral Sunday morning winter league, with matches due to start at the end of September. It has been great to see how involved the vibrant Mickle Trafford community has become in the sporting and social sides of the club over recent months and we look forward to welcoming new visitors and members to the club. Please come and check out the great facilities and get involved in whatever suits you – playing, practising, learning, competing or socialising. If you would like to know more about the tennis club, please contact [email protected]

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Page 16

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REV DAVID SPEED 01244 682735 3 Selkirk Road, Curzon Park CH4 8AH [email protected] JENN SIMMONDS 07718664348 for Bookings and Questions Services at 10am: The Church at the Crossroads.

Oct 7th Mike HALLIDAY Preaching the Word 1 Oct 14th Gill TAGGART Informal Family Service HARVEST Donations to Foodbank Oct 21st Jenn SIMMONDS Reflective Discussion: The community and me Oct 28th Rev. David SPEED Preaching the Word 2 with Communion Nov 4th Bob SWETENHAM Preaching The Word 3 Nov 11th 10.55am at Plemstall Joint Remembrance Service Nov 18th Rev. George EVANS Preaching the Word 4 with Communion Nov 25th Malcolm PEARSON GIFT Service. Donations to Foodbank Dec 2nd Jenn SIMMONS Advent 1 Own choice readings, sharings, hymns Dec 9th Ken JACKSON Advent 2 Reflective Discussion Images of Christmas We cordially invite you to join in fellowship with us at one or more of the services above – different styles for different tastes. Please come and explore your faith through learning conversations or reflection. Join us for communion, we have an open table. Participate in our Harvest Festival Family Celebration with all goods donated to the Foodbank in Ellesmere Port, or be part of a traditional preaching the word service with hymns and readings. Please email either David or Jenn for further detail. We can always promise a warm welcome whatever the weather. An additional thank you is in order at this time, as our gravedigger Rob Gresty has

kindly resurfaced the entrance to our graveyard in School Lane, as well as clearing

back the overgrown areas to provide parking for visitors. Another benefactor has also

kindly donated two large recycling bins to encourage visitors to graves to dispose of

floral remains and packaging responsibly. We are a very small fellowship and are

extremely grateful for the Gresty family’s support and that of other benefactors.

Those of you who are interested in Mickle Trafford family genealogy will be pleased to

know that the graveyard has now finally been fully archived with additional information

(BMD and Census of additional family members) lodged at with the

name: Mickle Trafford Methodist Graveyard. If you are a member of Ancestry you

can access this tree easily, though you will need to put in your name of interest into

the search facility in order to access information. If you are not a member then either

take advantage of the free fortnight membership or email the icloud address below

with your named query. An Excel Spreadsheet is also available with basic burial

information which includes all female nee names as well as married names, where


Please by all means send any additional information to [email protected]

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Crops and Land Use at The Grange Farm

The Grange Farm is included in the Countryside Stewardship Scheme which is administered by Natural England and currently funded by the European Union, with a guarantee that this environmental programme will continue until 2022 despite the uncertainties caused by Brexit. Stewardship involves farming in an environmentally sensitive manner, without exploiting the land and the soil, and endeavouring to leave the ground and the wider environment in good heart. This can lead to fields looking unkempt, with a variety of plants often thought of as weeds growing in them and around their margins, and the misapprehension that such fields are fallow. They are far from it, and provide havens and habitats for a wide variety of insects, birds and small mammals which thrive without human and canine interference. Hence the growing of crops such as wild bird seed mix, which are left through the winter to provide food and habitat for birds, and wild flower mix containing species including ox-eye daisy and wild carrot. The recent excavation of three new ponds, including one at Plemstall and one at Picton, adds to the biodiversity of the locality. The ponds have been dug out in fields with underlying clay which forms a naturally impermeable barrier and allows them to hold water. They are to be allowed to develop naturally over time and without interference, gradually being colonised by indigenous species. Barley is grown for its grain, and for the straw which provides feed and bedding for cattle in winter. These arable fields may look bare once harvested, but the stubble is left through the winter and the gleanings provide vital bird food during this period, with large numbers of endangered yellowhammers benefitting from this food source.

The success of this approach led to the designation of much of the land

adjoining the River Gowy as a Local Nature Reserve, formerly known as a Site of Biological Importance. This is because rare plants grow there and it is also home to ground nesting birds, none of which are helped by dog walkers straying from the public footpath which crosses it and playing ball games with their pets. The Red Poll cattle are important in managing this site and creating and maintaining habitat for wildlife across the farm. Huw Rowlands

Red Poll calves

Straw Bales At Picton

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Hello from all at MTMT! We hope you have enjoyed the summer and are looking forward to the Indian summer which apparently, is coming….Well, I have been picking apples and pears in the rain so I definitely have my fingers crossed!! Trafford Mill Brewing Co is embracing the next season of using windfall apples and pears to produce cider, and we would like to take this moment to say a huge thank you to all those who have donated so far and spread the word to increase our intake of unwanted produce. A lot of you will have donated before – please donate again. We offer a free collection service and can help you to keep on top of apples by hand picking them from your garden. In return for your donation you will receive free cider to say thank you. Local schools and community organisations often get a lot of fruit trees donated by local initiatives but are then unable to cope with the fruit overload. If you know a school or area where this happens, then please help us to network locally by supporting each other to reduce waste in our community. Elderly people who love their gardens often struggle to maintain the bigger things like fruit trees. If you know an elderly person who could benefit from our free fruit collection service, then please get in touch. It’s often these small things that can make the difference between having to have a tree removed or not. We are currently sold out of all cider stock from last season! Our next focus is on getting the fruit donations in so this is a Big Appeal (come on there must be an apple joke in there somewhere…) to everyone to help us to keep this project going. You will know when your trees start to produce so get your name down as a donator. We will be spending the autumn months organising this because our cider project due to its popularity is growing….. And we need to grow with it…. And on my final note, which is always the same…Tours, yes still available. Cider, yes I think I mentioned that. Interest in industrial and heritage conservation, buildings of interest, historical restoration, yes we want you! For all or any of the above please get in touch with me Ceris, on 07587 189 776 or [email protected] Don’t forget we are on Instagram Mickle Trafford Mill Trust and Facebook Mickle Trafford Mill Trust so please follow, like and share.

Code Your Keys

Do you have similar keys on your key ring? Try using different coloured

twist ties to help you tell which one is which.

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Plemstall Plants @ Jean' s Garden

Hopefully now that we can all get a spade in the ground again you will be thinking about replacing some of the plants that you lost in the best summer in years. Now is also the start of the best time to plant shrubs. I have lots of very healthy young shrubs and lots of perennials ...plant once rather than putting in lots of annual plants that have to be replaced. Yes I know some perennials can get a bit above themselves and spread and try to take over...but not all of them. I have concentrated this year on trying to propagate plants that will stand the heat and have lots of unusual succulents and sedums. I never offer a plant for sale until I have seen how it behaves over a 12 month period and am happy that it should thrive. Come and see what is looking good in my garden at the moment ... I also have some of the good old standbys that will thrive anywhere and fill a corner, a difficult spot under trees or in a damp corner ...and also some that love it dry and arid. You will also see a lot of what some call weeds and some very untidy areas. Mine is not a show garden ...but a working garden with some plants on trial to see if they are worth growing to sell or not, some just because they are unusual plants that I need as subjects for my botanical paintings ... some because they just keep growing without lots of attention and will just do their own thing and save me some time and effort - a truly wild garden with somewhere for the hedgehogs to hibernate and a pond for the frogs. Just ring me if you wish to come around and have a wander about and see what is available and we can arrange a mutually convenient time. Some time ago someone asked if I had a Cotinus, (Smoke Bush) like the one outside my front window. I do have one now ready to be sold on but I cannot remember who requested it. If it was you ...or if you are interested anyway, please get in touch. I have a good sized Fatsia Japonica (False Castor Oil Plant) and some hardy fuchsia, and lots of smaller shrubs to grow on ... even a couple of clematis in pots ...

You know about Japanese Anemone and white ...but have you ever seen a really deep magenta pink one? I shall encourage that one to spread and make a brilliant splash of colour at this time of the year. So before the really bad weather sets in call and see me.

I need the room in my garden and the Hospice of the Good Shepherd needs your money. Jean ...01244 300967


I hope you don’t suffer from Panaphobia. Why not? Answer overleaf

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Mickle Trafford Photoclub At meetings in August and September members

worked on practical tasks to gain additional skills to improve close up

photography and flash techniques. Members’ images which are displayed in

the Village Hall cabinets have been changed. Why don’t you take a look next

time you are in the Village Hall? You might find you want to do more with

your camera, phone or scanner and decide to join the Photoclub for ideas and


The Photoclub meets monthly on the 3rd Monday, 7.30pm at the Village Hall.

Contact Roger Brace on 01244 301860 to find out more about the Photoclub

and its activities.

Brush Strokes Art Club

Now it’s the end of the school holidays so we are hoping to again see some of the people who have been busy looking after the grand children .... Come and have a quiet session painting and relaxing with us at Mickle Trafford Village Hall. We meet once a month, drop in anytime between 10 am and 3 pm. ...spend as much or as little time as you like. Now is the time to try things you have often thought of ‘having a go at’, and just not got around to. Experience not required ..except in tea and coffee making! Materials supplied if you don’t have any, and lots of help and advice on tap ... Why not give it a go? Cost is £7 per visit ... includes as many cuppas and biscuits that you want . We still have paintings on exhibition at Helsby Library. We will be changing them around soon. There is also a selection of our paintings and information about the group in one of the glass fronted cupboards in the Lounge at the Village Hall. Or you could ring me if you what to chat about Brush Strokes. Meetings are the second Tuesday of every month ... 10am - 3pm. If the door is closed this is for security reasons ...just ring the bell. We will happily let you in. Jean Harley 01244 300967

PANAPHOBIA ...... the fear of everything!

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1st Mickle Trafford Rainbows Hello from 1

st Mickle Trafford Rainbows!

Rainbows are the first tier of the Girl Guiding system for girls aged 5-7years. We run term time only from 4.30-5.30pm on Tuesdays in the Methodist Church on Station Lane in Mickle Trafford. We look forward to starting again this month and welcoming our new Rainbows! We are kicking off the term with our The World badge and have lots of activities to take part in and enjoy. Our old Rainbows had a wonderful Pot of Gold Party at Hayrack Church Farm in Thornton Lane. The day was absolutely fantastic and Jack gave us a brilliant session with a range of animals that we could look at and touch, from ducklings to lizards! The goat even helped Ariel when she was giving instructions to the Rainbows, maybe she was hoping for some food…..A huge thank you to all the staff at the farm for providing a fun and different day out. We wish our old Rainbows all the best in becoming new Brownies. Our next intake of new Rainbows will be in January 2019. The cost is £31 per full school term and you can register your daughter on . We receive a notification that allows us to contact you to offer her a place should there be any available. We are very popular and do have a waiting list but getting your daughter registered is the first step to ensuring her place on the girl guiding system. If you have any queries then please email [email protected] or call Ceris Timms on 07587 189 776 and we will be happy to help.

For all new Rainbows, 1

st Mickle Trafford Rainbows are:

Miss Ceris Timms – Ariel – Unit Leader Miss Kim Wilday – Rapunzel – Leader

Miss Hannah Davies – Aurora – Young Leader

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Mickle Trafford & District WI

Hello from all at 1st Mickle Trafford & District Women’s Institute!

Oh the rain is back, but the ladies at the WI are singing in it…. So what do we have to sing about? Well lots actually, despite things slowing down over the leisurely summer. It all started with our Afternoon Tea, courtesy of Geoff Phoenix and his wonderful mini bus tours. Geoff is very supportive of local community groups, and works hard to ensure that whatever trip you book with him, he will give you the single most wonderful afternoon ever. Geoff can accommodate a wide range of differing needs and can plan your trip to suit you at a very reasonable price. So because of this wonderful, personal touch and Geoff’s extensive knowledge of the local area, we ended up at Mrs Harvey’s for her family’s famous Afternoon Tea. I felt exceptionally stupid because I assumed that it was a coffee house but it turns out that we had the privilege of being welcomed into the family home that was open to just us! We had the most luxurious food, all hand baked, and which had considered everyone’s dietary needs. It truly was a special moment. Afterwards, we talked about the history of the family and how they came to buy the school and the school house, sharing stories and looking at old photographs. This teamed with being chauffeured across the beautiful Cheshire scenery really made for a fantastic day out. This month was our Triple Show!!! How great it is to see our members putting in hard work to enter the competition, some of whom entered for the first time. All the entries were lovely and different, making it tough for judges Jenny & Heather to decide. However, this is our moment to say big congratulations to Margaret Reade for coming 1

st in many of her individual entries but also for coming first overall.

Margaret has entered the Triple Show for the last time, and wow, well she went out with a bang didn’t she?!!! And, she let me take the 1

st Prize quiche which she

made, home with me for my tea….

Our Triple Show could not have happened without the hard work of Ruth Hughes and Jan Smith. It may not sound much, but a lot of behind the scenes effort goes into organising the show to make sure it runs smoothly. So big thank you ladies, for an excellent fun filled night which included a lot of Swiss roll! Yummy….. If you would like to attend as a visitor it is only £2 entry and you will be warmly welcomed by the women of this village. If you would like any information about us and the work we do, you can contact me Ceris on 07587189776 or email [email protected] We meet he first Wednesday of the month at the village hall at 7.30pm. Please visit our Facebook page Mickle Trafford & District WI and like and share with your friends. Thank you for your support.

From left – Jenny, Jean, Irene, Jan,

Margaret (Winner of Silver Plate),

Pam, Ruth, Celia, Barbara &


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Councillor Contact Details

Parish Clerk: Derek Bowker 8, Dixon Drive, Helsby, Frodsham. WA6 0FS Telephone: 07711321455 Email: [email protected]

Cllr T L Bartley 300274 Cllr J G Nicholas 344311 Cllr P Blackman Cllr M P Parker 300250 Cllr C Charlton 303115 Cllr D K Rowlands 300655 Cllr A Gardiner 301454 Cllr J Spence 07973874835 Cllr B A Harrison 300822 Cllr J Taylor 300759 Cllr I Jones 300300 Cllr J Woods 301334 Cllr A. Munday 300437 Cllr A Youds 07855833896

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DIARY DATES Ballet (Village Hall) Keep Fit (Village Hall) Monday 3.45pm— 4.30pm Monday 6.30pm -7.30pm. Tuesday 4pm—6pm Thursday 3.45pm—5.45pm Pilates for Men (Village Hall) Monday 7.30pm —8.30pm Bridge Club (Village Hall) Pilates (Village Hall) Monday 2pm—4:30pm Tuesday 2pm – 3pm. Wednesday 6pm – 7p.m. Child Minders (Village Hall) Yoga (Village Hall) Tuesday 10am—12pm Thursday 6pm—7.30pm MT Photoclub (Village Hall) Brush Strokes Art (Village Hall) 3rd Monday monthly 7.30pm 2nd Tuesday 10am - 3pm Retirement Club (Village Hall) M.T. Rainbows (Methodist Hall) Monday 2pm (fortnightly) Tues 4.30pm—5.30pm (Term time) Women’s Institute (Village Hall) Mini Maestros (Village Hall) 1st Wednesday monthly 7.30pm Wednesday 4pm—7.30pm

Plemstall Fellowship (Village Hall) Yoga (Pre-school Community Room) 2nd Wednesday monthly 2.30pm Thursday 7pm—8.30pm St Peters Toddler Group and Community Coffee Bar Sweaty Mammas (Village Hall) Wednesday weekly 10.30—12pm (Village Hall) Thursday 9.30am—10.30am Mickle Trafford Brownies (MT Village School) French for Adults (Village Hall) Thursday 12.45 pm—2.30pm Thursday 6 -7.30pm Mickle Trafford Village Club in the Hall LaughterTots (Village Hall) Monday: short mat bowling. Monday 10am—11am Tuesday : bingo, starting 8.15pm for 8.30pm Friday 10am– 12pm Wednesday: fun quiz on alternate weeks. Friday 12.30pm—13,30 Bingo and quiz nights raise funds for local groups N Gauge Railways (Village Hall) Crossroads Cafe Church (Methodist Church) Last Fri. monthly 7.30pm—10.30 3rd Sunday monthly10am Mickle Trafford Preschool (Preschool & Community Room next to Village School) Mickle Trafford Preschool offers a professional and caring environment for children from 2

years until school age. Older children are able to visit the Village School twice per week. We

provide care from 8am until 4pm Monday to Friday (term time only) and shorter sessions

(9-3pm, mornings and afternoons) are also available. We endeavour to be as flexible as

possible. We claim EYFS funding for 3 and 4 year olds up to 30 hours per week (subject to

eligibility) and also accept workplace childcare vouchers.

Visit for more information or call Caitlin Phillips or Sarah

Robson on 01244 301711 to arrange an appointment to look around.

The Village Hall is open every night of the week (except Thursday) for socializing –

good company, bar, and no need to drive! Opening time is 8.30pm . Page 26

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