
Himalayan Children’s Fund P.O. Box 15644, Beverly Hills, CA 90209 USA 310.395.6616

June 28, 2017

Himalayan Children’s Fund NewsDear Friends,In the midst of the Nepali monsoon, repairs continue at the monastery in Boudha, SMD school, Tara Abbey and also at Sher Gompa ~ the three year retreat center for nuns in Manang. Next month will bring the beginning of Yarne, the long summer retreat. Monks and nuns alike will enter into group retreat in the various monasteries for up to 45 days. It is traditional for people to make offerings of food during this time so, in lieu of delivering a home cooked meal or basket of fruit yourself, a donation can always be made through HCF.Your support is always greatly appreciated.

~ Debra Ann

SPONSORSHIP RATES Boarding Student $890.00 Day Student $420.00 School Monk $480.00


SMDBS or SMD Monk $480.00 Shedra Monk $600.00Nun (base sponsorship) $240.00Additional for school nun $240.00Monk (base sponsorship) $240.00

Sponsorship helps to provide food, clothing, basic medical care and school fees but does not cover all costs, so it is necessary to seek general donations and funding for specific needs.Any amount will always be gratefully accepted toward sponsorship!

Rainbows over the monastery in Tibet last week, courtesy of Khenpo Thinley.

TARA ABBEYThe 15th Sakyadhita International Conference has just concluded in Hong Kong, and thanks to donor support 2 Tara Abbey nuns were in attendance. A conference on Buddhist women, Sakyadhita focuses on themes such as Compassion and Social Justice (2015), and Contemporary Buddhist Women: Contemplation, Cultural Exchange & Social Action (2017). Typically, more than 1,000 people attend from around the world and various lineages.Ani Wangchuk Lhamo (wearing badge) and Ani Karma Chonzom (holding book) are Tara Abbey Shedra teachers.

WE NEED MORE REVIEWS!Non-profits benefit greatly from reviews written by sponsors, donors, volunteers and recipients. Personal testimonies and a good rating are what encourages new donors. Please, help us raise visibility and increase beneficial activity. Visit Great Nonprofits, write a review of your experience with HCF, and help us get a top 100 rating for 2017.

OTHER WAYS TO HELPAMAZONSMILEAmazon shoppers, please go to AmazonSmile and select HCF as your non-profit to support. When you shop through AmazonSmile, they will automatically donate a portion of the purchase price to HCF ~ no cost to you!

eBAY We are set up as a receiving non-profit through the PayPal Giving Fund on ebay. Paypal Giving Fund enables eBay sellers and buyers to give proceeds from their sales to a favorite nonprofit. They also accept direct donations.


When you order books from Shambhala Publications through the link on our website you get a discount and HCF will receive a donation.

Himalayan Children’s Fund P.O. Box 15644, Beverly Hills, CA 90209 USA 310.395.6616


On June 5th, lay students, monks and nuns participated in lectures, workshops and activities for the environment.

HCF Page 2


Urgently needed repairs have delayed the next group of 8 nuns from entering 3 year retreat. The 2015 earthquake caused some cracks in the building, but it was the enormous amount of rain and snow subsequently that created the greater damage.As reconstruction began, more damage was revealed, thus making repairs more extensive than previously planned. Pillars are being replaced and reinforced, and the foundation repaired. The nuns are not unfamiliar with construction work, having helped to build Tara Abbey, and now that the local workers have left to harvest in the hills, the nuns are easily continuing. We are very grateful to the Pema Chodron Foundation for their kind support of this project.


The long anticipated backboards and baskets have just been installed at the branch school. Although in the middle of a construction zone, it is a delight that even the principal cannot resist!

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