  • In Dedication:

    This work is dedicated to all those through the ages who struggle with conscience in order to

    understand the truth and learn to do what is right. But let us never forget - it is love that makes

    the world go round.

    Special thanks and appreciation to my daughter and her boyfriend whose dedication to excellence

    with unique insight made this book possible; even though we have some disagreements about

    some of the issues; still the patience to investigate and rethink concepts and ideas were a

    product of our correspondence. Also gratitude towards her mothers family is in order as well.

    This book is also in memorial for my mother and father whose help and inspiration is within every

    page be still and know that I am god; the GOD who heals you was my mothers wisdom and my

    father hatred can destroy the vessel that contains it. Much of their wisdom and logic are

    contained within these pages. Add this Father Time can heal our memories and renew HOPE.

    Also in special remembrance of a friend David; whos unfinished work The Way of Living;

    inspired the writing of this book. May he and many other friends and relatives who have passed on

    from the land of the living find their place in the world to come as it is written.

    In spite of our failures and shortcomings (mine are many) dedication continues so it is very

    important to remember that as this millennial period is fulfilled that the truth of Gods word is

    ever more apparent globallyif we cannot resist progress; then at least it is possible to tell

    the truth about what it is all about. Behold the lamb; is one joy of this fellowship.

    To take a page from theatrical art We have not come here to praise Caesar; but to bury him.

    Spoken by Marc Anthony in Shakespeares play - Julius Caesar.

    Discernment of Conscience Insight into the Millennia presents ideas that are often contrary to

    public opinion. Unlike the Prefatory of mark twains Rouging It; historic pretension is a given

    and philosophical dissertation for the sake of reconciliation of soul and intellect is promoted. This

    work will afflict the reader with both metaphysics and science but according to facts and

    resolute judgments based upon information fairly gained and analyzed.

    As the millennial jubilee period wanes and a new global government is becoming established a

    glimpse of a future which dedication to excellence can provide is gained. These photos are for

    those who dedicate themselves to push the envelope to set the bar a little higher.

    In memory of Steve Fossett Circumaviator and Designer Chicago board of Trade Millennium Bean

    The Lion and the Lamb Virgin Galactic mothership debuts at AirVenture space travel for everyone

  • Intuition: Discernment Of Conscience Insight for the Millennia

    An Inquiry into the Nature of Soul and Spirit

    Part One How can insight into the Millennia become focused?

    How can God given wisdom help man to overcome their irrational nature?

    Quantum replaces the Scholastic - Respect for Others

    A 10 dimensional Universe in 26 part harmony

    Solution Looking for a Problem

    Psychology as Philosophy

    A Question of Breeding - Nature

    Either/Or of Consciousness

    the Upward Path

    melodrama of Abnormal Psychology

    We shall Overcome

    photos of some interest

    Encounters of the 4th Kind

    The Soul and Psychology - another look at Freud

    Reassurance of Meaning and Purpose

    The worried Mind

    Convergence - an Ecologic Insight

    Flowing Reality - Streams of Consciousness

    Ideals - autonomous communities

    Question of Balance

    metaphysical Moment - as a means of comparison

    The "bad conscience" of Art

    Receiving Grace - the messianic vision

    The Phenomenology of Conscience - as a moment of Moral Virtue

    Consciousness of Conscience

    Part Two The Millennial Moment......Insight our Historic Times

    Index and Credits

  • How can God given Wisdom help mans irrational nature? By author anonymous

    Philosophy, in the information age will be expected to bridge the widening gap between reason and morality. Often it

    is perceived as an academic discipline practiced only by the educated elite or colloquially as folklore. A few even

    consider it a useful tool for policy and decision making; yet somehow impractical for most people. Tradition has it

    inhabiting the airy realms of intellect and logic; at odds with the intuitive senses. Historically, it is a field that causes

    great controversy, in theology, mathematics and even medicine; stimulating ethical debate concerning law; truth;

    good and evil .......creating a moral dichotomy between the transcendental and empirical. As the millenials1 take

    the stage of history; a great promise in the face of impending calamity is sensed where the light within can shine

    upon a new theory of almost everything (presented honorably) and its appreciation of the MIND.

    In the "so-called" Modern Era; the incorporation of quasi - philosophies such as deism, nihilism, dialectic materialism

    and even logical positivism; into political dogmas; socio - economic theories: even legal systems: has done great

    damage to the ideal of objective free thought and consequently of political and social action. As a subject that

    espouses wisdom" all need be concerned. When considering the Bible, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Lao Tse, Siddhartha

    Gautama, Spinoza, Descartes and Hume; Kierkegaard and even Jung (to name a few ) within what we now consider

    "Classical Philosophers" - whose ideas have contributed to science and art in vital and profound ways. Especially

    considering how ideas shape visualization. This is true throughout the world, and that is why philosophy itself has

    needed to expand its horizons - for spiritually and culturally discerning the development of people in their special

    predicaments. The need to be conscious of the great variety of human experience, yet remaining true to that unique

    purpose - that enigmatic ideal - which a love of wisdom must strive for especially discernment of TRUTH. Reason

    must compel those in the "global village" to understand one another and interrelate in meaningful ways, on all levels

    of endeavor. This meeting of the minds has produced great good already. Man as a moral agent; to count ethics and

    metaphysics as meaningful; must be able first to comprehend; values; laws; and transcendent motives in order to

    weight correctly all alternatives in the "politics of experience" as R.D. Laing has put it. Seekers of truth must

    distinguish between metaphysics and the supernatural as nature itself is studied and observed spiritually.

    To define empirically (through experience) a hierarchy of moral standards; our ancestors lived in oral societies where

    sacred tradition and ritual ruled; in what is now considered literate - we find codified statuettes and ordinances

    derived from them; such that - all who belong must obey. This requires sanity in the face of all adversity; in our

    conscious mind; that is - our own innate sense of awareness must evaluate culture and learning. Human

    consanguinity though is indeed an intangible being - it is written that "man is evil - from his youth onwards - who can

    know it." Yet later in this unusual biblical passage from Isaiah "I am" says - come; let us reason together, though

    your sins are as scarlet yet will they be as white as snow." This is rational and compelling ethos which causes us to

    think deeply about the circumstances of our life and our conscious actions, Likewise, the ancients - in the fragments

    of pre - Hellenic Greek "philosophers" have related - "two things are too wonderful to understand - The harmony of

    the spheres and the leap of faith ( to believe )" .

    Here we find no duality; the duality is deception. A classic example of this occurs in Plato's apology.....Periclean

    Athens where the oral tradition produced men (and women) who sought wisdom. Socrates professes the inner man -

    learning love, virtue and justice (daemonion); his trial and execution by the apocryphal court on charges of neglecting

    their stone gods; did in fact establish the first principal - self examination; soul searching! (Which is harmonious;

    especially in the eastern mystical traditions and the Hebrew bible) They circle all the various schools of western

    philosophy in these compelling debates. Yet also we learn from the scriptures; the fear of God is the beginning of

    knowledge; the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom. Mercy is the first principal of wisdom. The choice of

    Socrates could well become the long journey of Solon. In Socrates - as well as other men - conscience discerns ........It

    is man's perdition to remain safe - when for the Truth he ought to die. Eastern Mysticism reflects this countenance as

    well; the ancient sages and prophets....namely Lao-Tzu and Siddhartha Gautama did teach "the upward path" they

    1 as presented on the McNeil Lehrer report PBS on February 26, 2010 defined and surveyed

  • showed in their own lives - spiritual dedication and "enlightenment" are founded upon "inner peace" and did prove

    that holiness to God - (that is to be interpreted) separation from the way of this world) is the only way to true

    wisdom and understanding. Gathered in this circle we find no alienation or nausea; because we comprehend our own

    experience (no matter how terrible or good) as one with the living world; within the conscious mind. Even if we

    cannot use our senses (if blind or dumb); awareness of their presence remains; awaiting fulfillment....which ability

    can hold. In the modern discourse "theories" have a sense of the irrational; some of them are occult in origin.

    Many of these so-called doctrines rely upon an ethics of the situation by which almost any action can be justified.

    One root of this problem is the philosophy of science; which purports that Faith and observation cannot be reconciled

    in the pursuit of physical law. The dogma of Lucretius a roman; (who died of consumption B.C.E. 60 O); resulted in

    scholasticism; based upon the Metaphysics of Aristotle. Earth, Wind, Fire and Water - the four elements are

    properties....the result of causality - gases; minerals; physics and thermodynamics. Systematically defining a

    Philosophic moment - in which it does not seem pretentious to grasp; essential laws of physical reality; producing

    effective insights into scientific issues - which is teleological (serves a purpose). The Ancients (long before the

    "Athenian" Dialogic) of Miletus did however profess a "fifth" Element and that is the Quintessential - what the ages

    termed ethereal - the aether (much more of this later). The millennial jubilee of AD 2000 witnesses the astronomic

    observation (and measurement) of DEEP SPACE where a scientific understanding known as Astrophysics discerns an

    Essential Mystery. The Universe is indeed ethereal.....less than 10 percent of its Mass (as we comprehend this) is

    actually visible (baryonic). The essential momentum and vast dimensionality of the highly distributed systems of

    galaxies (quantity unknown) accounts - 90 percent as being of so-called "dark matter" which - though not undetected

    has properties which are not well understood. Yet as "science" attempts to "explain" this imbalance......they stumble

    at the one ethereal perception......the "fiery" aether of the ancients has become - the transparent and radiant one of

    immanent transcendental metaphysics maintains.

    Dont forget; It was Greek aesthetics disguised as roman emperor worship that caused the Western world to plunge

    into dark ages. Yet, profoundly, the Hebrew Scriptures were recounting creations character - conscientiously

    motivating and influencing "aesthetic" discourse in a transitional age. Here we can perceive the root of a very great

    paradox - in the Hebrew language faith and truth (among other profound ideals and ideas) are rooted and grounded

    in the universal idiom - amen - which means essentially; so be it (especially in context) in prayer to GOD; who is all

    but invisible - but not inaudible!"; I think therefore I am - the tenet of Descartes; Lord guard us from the evil

    impulse; the prayer of a Jew. We intuitively discern the rightness of many philosophies as agreement

    proverbially.with good conscience - where conscience is the understanding of what ought to be.

    In the case of Education; we find the outcast - Aristotle and his beloved Pythias; founding a tradition of discourse; the

    "lost" parchments of becomes obvious that his return to Athens and the founding of the Lyceum there

    (perhaps the world's first institution of "higher" education) was contingent upon the emotional stability of married

    life. This is quite obvious much later as Jung (the student of Freud) ascribes wisdom as the "unknown Name" of God's

    (as presented within the Hebrew Scriptures) WIFE (the beloved - Sophia) as he presents a psycho-analytic view of the

    ancient Book - JOB. Our Bible (as ancient) directs reason in the same manner "...line upon line precept upon a little ...there a little". Eastern Cosmology likewise teaches the Intuitive "moment" of wisdom...being

    detached and unemotional....yet often bringing great joy! A holistic perception of the sentient world - Intuitive

    wisdom provided a framework. As the interconnected world views; the lotused Sojourner bouncing like some childs

    ball unto the surface of Mars; the immeasurable universe seems a little friendlier due to the leap of quantum physics

    and information science. This amazing event shines through the optical networks and all who have access can

    experience this wondrous event - the Martian landscape although barren was shaped ( in many places ) by liquid

    water. Systems Biology Research becomes a new field of inquiry - Astrobiology.

    Even at that - these amazing accomplishments have come at such an enormous cost; as the deviant mind steals them

    or uses them to attack their so - called enemies. We must remain conscious of the negative effects of our actions;

    even in how we present these important discoveries. When we think it so important to publish our news; then we

    must conscientiously shoulder the responsibility for what will inevitably come of it. The Nineteenth century - sadly -

  • produced a panacea of "unconscious counsel; whether Hegelian or existential. What we accept as wisdom and truth

    cannot be based upon precepts which we cannot in fact understand. Natural rights, the dichotomy of mind and spirit;

    our psychological malaise; and especially any metaphysical notions of time and space must begin with the classical

    Observer - ones conscious faculties. Science has (in the guise of truth) been used to play god - With many tragic

    consequences; not the least of which are annihilating Weapons which prevent the community of nations from

    attaining true UNITY.

    Whether we indulge ourselves in the divine comedy or immerse our intellect in logical discourse; or base our life upon

    binding laws and their precepts still we ourselves are in fact conscious of choices - whether imposed or freely made.

    Our unconscious mind ; correctly called mentality, remains - no matter what the state of our body - even when the

    spirit leaves the body; even in death; it is well understood - that souls journey has yet begun. When we experience

    the information age of net and web, the explosive growth of computer science and the entertainment industry, it is

    imperative that we come to grips with this unconscious as well. The so-called Turing Test is an example of attempting

    to define man-made machines - as - intelligent." The narrow way that courses through human experience is often on

    the precipice of such dilemmas. Whether in our sleep or in our upright existence - it must be clear within our

    understanding - what is the difference between consciousness and conscience? A contemporary example is the

    search for aliens and the belief in terrestrial visitors from other worlds investigation has proven as entirely without

    merit. Neurologic psychology has been coerced into the idea that many of these so-called encounters have originated

    within the deep recesses of the mind; what psychology calls the unconscious and are in fact - delusions. Although we

    cannot truly understand this hiddeness still, we comprehend the vast difference.

    Whether we perceive "reality" empirically or transcendentally - still the consciousness of ethical and moral standards

    deeply affects our lives, the question is...How do we honor this AWARENESS as responsibility? This is fundamental to

    all of humanity! The unconscious" confronts us with notions of a savage territoriality, instincts and guilt. The

    grandfather of many modern space dramas -The Forbidden Planet - termed this "monsters from the id." - Yet, even

    though unexplained hot objects at speeds incomprehensible have appeared on star wars radar screens - the only

    evidence of aliens" is the unholy relationship between Hollywood and the lunatic fringe. Our development of

    rockets and space craft - sending the Voyagers to the envelope of our solar system and beyond has yielded no

    evidence of other terrestrial life forms, only the signature of a great creator and his amazing handiwork. Voyager's

    "message to the universe" - which supposedly it will deliver to these co - inhabitors of the cosmos is presented by a

    person of deception (Curt Waldheim) - one who participated in the tragic Axis failure to enslave the world they speak

    for. Light is accurately estimated to travel 5.83 TRILLION miles in an Earth Year; the Voyager's launched in 1977 have

    reached the heliopause of our Sun - perhaps 5.8 billion miles in 23 years.....if the Universe (as perceived) is coming

    to is a good thing because apparently we could never reach it.!

    Have we retained the sense of awe and wonder innate to the innocent child; and as "grownups" - accept a

    responsible duty - being entrusted with the care and upbringing of the next generation; dedicated to protecting them

    from the confusion of truth and fantasy. It is obvious that . . . the Aryan concept of hero and super heroes (as in other

    cultures) has produced a sad legacy of disillusionment and brokenness. We must provide our heritage with a

    consciousness of limitations, morality and encouragement so that they can continue to live upright meaningful lives.

    We shall overcome is an anthem of the struggle for freedom and civil rights; it is also part of our calling as people -

    integrating the complex discoveries of our educational experience into systems that enhance and solve the problems

    of our human habitations and their relationship to the physical world, the resplendent environment that sustains us

    all. Ecologic concepts are well considered in any systems analysis.

    Perhaps the most important thing about so - called information science better termed General Systems Theory - is

    the hierarchical nature of systems. Even the most complex cybernetic inventions of research consortiums cannot be

    compared in complexity to living systems; where purpose is found this includes both robotics and nanotechnology.

    Purpose produces ideals - one such Bioethics Principle is the Endangered Species Act that strives not only to protect

    rare creatures and their communities but also the ecosystems in which they have developed (Commensally)........that

    is: mutual interdependence striving to add more than is taken. The need of living systems to grow and develop

  • harmoniously in their symbiotic relations (synergistic) within.....a given environment - can be called the wonder of

    nature. Here - as physiologic - what Quantum Theory calls the organism - we understand that living systems

    (creatures) are capable of not only adaptation, regeneration and propagation but dramatic speciation to survive in

    changing environments. The dogma of evolution is used in much discourse regarding natural history - yet; the

    foundational concepts of both geology and biology are based on Genesis; the Hebrew scriptures - particularly the

    ages of the earth and the Linnaean classification system. Humankind itself; the only upright order - we understand

    according to transcendent thought; can create their own environment and go into places depths, voids and heights

    that our bodies could never survive in.

    And in the same way we see human beings living in viable communities; adapting themselves to the harshest

    extremes of hot and cold; altitude, aridity and wetness enjoying the lives that mother earth provides. Is it not

    paradoxical that in adapting to life itself our conscious mind is in creation - of tools and ways of living (the very root

    of culture) which enhance this enjoyment? Even when people experience injury; even serious birth defect or other

    pathologic syndrome; Causality? Optometric medical therapies can design a way to retrain their mind to overcome

    the disability: Will Power?! In considering such a doctrine of consciousness we must consider a great impasse. That

    impasse is the unconscious. Religions are considered as systematic; but more imposing; they rigorously define the

    dances of our spirits in the cultures of our birth. Yet religion occupies an extremely grey area in consciousness.

    The experience of the Judean - Christian tradition presents the very discrete ideas of Christ and Messiah; which

    although functionally they mean the same thing; have their roots in completely different cultures and ways of

    thought! Meshiach; to pour out - the messiah - anointed one; appears to be rooted mystically in the idea of casting

    upon someone responsibility, leadership, and supernatural power. Though they anoint Queens and Kings........ it is in

    a different sense; because the Jewish faith only admits to Hevenu Malkhenu - a heavenly father as king. Christ in

    juxtaposition comes from a relation that means to anile - or to harden - as one does with glass, metal or pottery. In

    harmony (anointed and anointing) these ideas can work well....... at enmity they could produce confusion,

    misunderstanding and tyranny. Jewish tradition appears divided (or is it a higher wisdom than people are unable to

    receive). That this same Adonai (Lord) would return glorified in a time of great trouble (as savior) to receive all those

    who have prepared their hearts for him....Also to those who believe on his name. Yeshua Adonai is holy to the

    Jewish faith as one of the seven spirits of almighty god. The Judean doctrines of the Christian faith historically have

    differed quite dramatically and tragically at times from that which the Shaliacheem (Apostles) were sent to

    communicate; many gave their lives to establish the covenant with all of humanity.

    Two points are most obvious; Yeshua forbad his fellow citizens from trying (see the footnote at end of chapter) to

    make him their king..... he also rebuked the very thought of seeking revenge against those who rejected him. The

    Christian church has both slaughtered people in the name of the god of Israel and they also have set up clergy such as

    the pope to rule over them. The terrible consequences of these misconceptions are all too vivid in the European

    colonization of the world and the rising up of many so-called anti Christs who reject the religion that produced

    them while seeking to receive gods' glory as their own. The third enigma - highly pressurized Tele - evangelism....

    defying the spirit that spoke as they (the heavenly HOST) rejoiced in Yeshua........Risen from his crucifixion......

    appearing to more than 500 people - then physically ascending into heaven (ancient languages consider sky and

    heaven as one word) in the presence of many witnesses.

    The angel (that enigmatic presence) said - do not stand around gawking into heaven, this Yeshua they take up from

    among you will also return in this way." Yeshua himself did remind us of the day and hour of my coming knows no

    man; no - not even the angels of heaven." He also said with God; a day is as a thousand years and a thousand years

    as one day." .........Evangelism is justified.....extortion tactics are not. Can the intellect explain this? ; That God "would

    make his tabernacle with man"? "Not by Might; nor by Power but only through my spirit says the Lord of Host."

    (Zechariah) As the ancients have reminded - religion seems far beyond the realm of human council - many try to unite

    (often tragically) these separate.....yet intrinsically interrelated traditions. These cults are not only a problem in

    western tradition but in the Orient as well. One might take this opportunity to digress, to present other religious

    traditions as well.

  • They divide Buddhism itself into two schools of thought; one Buddha - Siddhartha as a young man did humble

    himself to become a godly teacher, while Gautama became, a godly teacher and holy sage who some say mistakenly

    allowed himself to be worshiped and is often viewed as an idol within sacred temples. Siddhartha Gautama - the

    Buddha himself caused this division. Zen Buddhist tradition mourns the death of the just Jesus ". A graphic

    difference is present today in the cultures of eastern Nepal and Tibet. Kalachakra, or Wheel of Time is a celebration

    of Buddhist tradition that takes place in the Bodhgaya, the site of the Mahabodhi Temple where Siddhartha Gautama

    sat under the Bodhi tree and became The Enlightened One.2 The pilgrimage at Mount Kailash is a sacred Event.

    The Hindu tradition is characterized as polytheistic - yet they comprehend this as a kind of divine veil through which

    the almost Trinitarian godhead is leading disciples in the path of life. ). Is it Polytheistic - or the revelation that man is

    separated from divinity?) The Aryan concepts of class and chaste would appear derived from this quasi ascendant

    path. However, the estimated (4 - 14 million Indian persons of Israelis descent) have never experienced physical

    persecution unlike the other cultures of the world. Native peoples of the western hemisphere (Turtle Islands)

    however; worship the great spirit singularly in ecologic harmony, as their creator provider. The surprising relationship

    between their culture's spirituality and what some would call, but true Christianity is a convergent one. This positive

    relationship is in spite of the enmity that empire seeking invaders and rightly offended natives did inflict upon one

    another. The scales of justice tip in favor of the American Indians - as their perseverance, reverence and patience will

    attest to. Whether they conceive the great spirit as a great benefactor or a heavenly father; the grandfather is spoken

    of as an honored guide to the happy home beyond the setting sun: (Six nations) the relationship is the same. One can

    consider it like the so-called aborigines; who exhibit extrasensory perception; saying there is a dream dreaming us!

    Yet this dream is not surreal but supernatural and spiritual.....defining a relationship between Creator (spirit) and

    each person. Receiving of "gods" spirit (as holiness); to people of Faith is most sacred - this spirit is a person as the

    new covenant tells us - Adon ha Rooach. Many Indians speak of grandfather (in the spirit of their ancestors) and the

    circle of the people; the great mystery leaves no doubt about the worlds to come.

    Another dilemma, as those of a corrupt and materialistic culture attempt to take on the mantel of the very people

    whom their culture has rejected; like the new age movement (and its new world order) - as bad conscience of

    deceit.....when considered within historic debate - is considered neither rational or intuitive; but a false mystical way.

    Man as a conscious and moral agent is confronted with a bizarre mixture of the occult mysticism and Holistic medical

    practices gathered from various cultures and spiritual backgrounds. In the extreme sense then - this new age religious

    experience tends to an existential field - phenomenology - where conscious awareness - it seems - does not admit to

    intuitive conscience - obligating seekers to censure injustice and overcome wickedness. Discernment of spirit is

    considered one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit thankfully; a great advantage is found in properly understanding the

    relationship between metaphysics and the supernatural as the spirit (of revelation) is discerned.

    Duality itself is a fundamental tenet - would be proof - of many post rationalist thinkers......what is this duality? One

    intuitively could question the tenets of existential phenomenology or reliance upon a Kantian universe which defies

    conceptuality; in which a great clockmaker has wound up the universe..... Or a Zen that does not include Taos; yin

    without yang - Although many aspects of these kinds of wisdom... are quite important; yet their lack of recognition of

    dangerous ideas presage regret and profound doubt; Niche's Aryan nihilism; Schopenhauers loaded pistols; the

    alienation of the peasantry felt within Confucius's philosophy of family, honor and duty; social Darwinism itself -

    would be; questioning the integral truth of such wisdom uncovers the kernel of truth within them. Because - if they

    confine their counsel to an arbitrary historical perspective - based upon cultural prejudice - their understanding of

    human affairs (as a quality of living) could become biased.

    Because Middle Eastern politics are so pivotal - especially in considering cultural expression; consider that Islam, one

    of the largest religions of this world, is in many ways an invention. We could well consider the Grape vine, the Olive

    tree, and the Fig Tree; as allegories - knowing from historical accounts that Mohammed, the prophet (and author) of

    the Koran, did present himself to the Jews of Medina - the crescent of the great Arabian desert - as one who would

    2 Kalachakra Mantra -

  • be a prophet. The Jews did in fact examine Mohammed but found him wanting - although congenial; their faith -

    would not allow them to declare him so; unlike Yeshua though he did seek revenge against Medina and the Jews a

    few were lucky to escape with their lives; The Sephardic Jews (modern Hebrew dialect) did suffer from this poor

    relationship within " Arabia " even until Israel became a nation again in 1948 A.D.

    In 1850 B.C. (4 millennia ago) - the biblical prophet Abram the Hebrew was born in Ur of Chaldea; Yet according to

    Genesis - Shem (the son of Noah and his ancestor 9 generations removed) outlived him by nearly ten years! Abram

    became Abraham (known to many people) and was the father of many nations; including the Israelites. The so-called

    protagonists......Isaac and his brother Ishmael....were reconciled on the occasion of their Father Abraham's funeral....

    nearly 3680 years ago! It is nearly insane to imagine that people still argue about their relationship as brothers.

    We can see today - even as it is written in the bible; the very origins of the symbolic languages of Phoenician and

    Hebrew are rooted in those times, long ago....... when covenants and birthright ruled the affairs of men. These

    traditions in great wonder; also obviously were born of men - with great contentiousness; as jealous kinsmen vied for

    the upper hand. We are conscious of these things still in the world today - Yet the chosen-ness of the Jews has

    remained as well as the contentiousness of their kinsmen. Yet, thankfully this argument is only the beginning of

    returning; notwithstanding - because to effectively address these issues; more arguments and explanations - will

    need to be considered.

    This is especially true as we enter the information age.... artificial intelligence and robots take the stage of human

    development. Also, moral and ethical problems of euthanasia, abortion, genetic engineering and cloning become

    realities. Is consciousness merely gods' gift of life - a fleeting whimsy, or a foundation that all people can relate to?

    Astrobiology considers a more Herodotus Map of the Hellenic World 400 B.C.E.

    holistic viewpoint for its evolutionary thinking! Noted - Migrations of Tribal Groups

    Planet Saturns Moon Titan An Oriental worldview Tribes and Empires 400 A.D.

    First photos NASA Huygens Mission A dramatic portrait of the Gog Magog (brothers or twins?) Scenario

  • Quantum Theory replaces the scholastic

    Underneath what looks like a strenuous modesty, if not actual debility - is to be discerned an energetic secular blasphemy; the wish

    to attain the unfettered and unselective total consciousness of God." Susan Sontag - The Aesthetics of Silence

    In the United States today; much consists of the roots of common law; that is; tolerance. This intuitive foundation

    provided the just cause upon which liberty and human rights stand. They rooted *grounded+ the constitution that

    gives functional reality to its doctrines - in the societies of the endemic people - which those Quakers; Buck skinned

    mountain men; missionaries and settlers......did encounter and interrelate with when they came to turtle islands of

    the western hemisphere. The Indians; although of different lineages linguistically and culturally where in

    development..... a great people..... in fact the use of wampum; to communicate and make covenants; is today seen as

    a fundamental element of symbolic (written) language. The Leni Lenapes; their Wallam Olum - the red record - stands

    as proof of an immense journey and intercultural relations; whose law of hospitality (they compel one to share with

    those in need) made their society much more amenable to the matriarchal cultures that they met on their long

    journey East. As a generalization - the people they encountered as friends or enemies followed laws of the creator - in

    prayer and ceremony - such as peacemaking; vision seeking; community worship and confession.... always honoring

    the Great Spirit; which brought harmony and serenity..... in the midst of strife.

    When the monarchies of the medieval western Europeans encountered their great kingdoms.....Hauntenzooyu (Inca);

    Mayan; Aztec (Toltec); Taligwa; Pueblo; Hawaiian; Mississippian Suns and matriarchy of the Haudenosaunees (Six

    Nations).... so called "Savages"; a terrible conflict ensued. In many cases the over wrought newcomers worked deceit

    in overthrowing the upright and hospitable "Indians" - to satisfy their Unholy hunger for gold. Because this was done

    to edify the Vatican *using the spiritual authority of the Catholic Church] attempts to justify the wanton destruction

    of many cultures bears remembrance.

    Even though precious few of them did protest; a great movement was already underway - the protestant

    reformation - and another one with it; The Spiritual Rebirth known as the Church of the Brethren (Catholic thereby

    being rightly interpreted as Universal and neither ethnic nor cultural stands pat ......... ultimately bringing sanity to

    those troubled waters. The price of these changes was great for all the people. They formed precarious peace - the

    oral tradition of the "Indians" met with enlightened sufferers of Catholic and Royal persecution......if one cares to

    discern the idiomatic English of America. You will see this integration (the meeting of the minds).

    As presented, the Pythagoreans; the Buddhists and the Hebrews were well established.....when Aristotle (student of

    the Peripatetic (Walking) school) became the tutor of Alexander. This tradition of Logical Philosophy (discernment

    based upon what we call Principles of Reason - Analytic Logic) was well established before the heresy of Evolution

    (that higher are developed from lower forms) - (this ontologic confusion (cellular genetics and the development of

    Phylums - and their entropic habitats). Not many years later..... Paul of Tarsus preached his sermon on Mars Hill.

    What is this foundation? In western philosophy concepts are implicit and deducible (from sound precepts) and the

    process of reason becomes operational. (Upon the human situation). Eastern Philosophy however views the apparent

    and considers that it is intuitive - for meditation. Historically - the Septuagint (70 elders invited - to translate the

    complete Tenach - the Old Testament was completed at the great library (which Caesar destroyed) of Alexandria in

    Egypt... Here East met west and.....remarkably - Magi came to Bethlehem of Judea.

    As this tradition continues, and we find Christian philosophers...... such as Augustine and Thomas Aquinas;

    developing what Western theosophy calls scholasticism based upon the assumptions (sound precepts were

    developed) of Aristotle and the teachings of the early church....are established as Christian Theology is perfected.

    Greek Philosophy survives - in spite of a violent cultural environment; people such as the "first" lady of philosophy -

    Hypatia of Alexandria and a generation later Boethius (The Consolation of Philosophy) suffer death as the Socratic

    Dialogue continues......leading to a tradition of Scholarship and Learning. Its greatest accomplishment is not the elitist

    Monastic tradition and its Latin tutelage but the Lyceum of Aristotle and his beloved Pythias. Papal Bulls (edicts which

    many Christians are bound to reject because they are not founded upon the scriptures) were promulgated as truth -

    the whole error of idolatry and emperor worship unfortunately influenced the church being applied as liturgy. As

    they overcame scholastic tradition during the enlightenment and so - called "Age of Reason" ... great enmity had to

  • be dealt with - intellectually - often becoming bloody Insurrection. Yet in due time Rome usurped the pagan

    traditions for the sake of Valentines remembrance.

    Then as we see with the development of the Quantum Theory (during the "Golden Age" of Physics 1880 - 1935) - that

    intellect is conceptual (not material) - symbolic logic as a simplified form of integration [also known as recursion] is

    developed ... (IE - Boolean algebra - is one example). Yet simply using mathematics to define logical argument is not

    that remarkable nor is discernment of the organism as the foundational concept which defines animate and

    inanimate - in Reality; yes these are important developments but the essential Leap of quantum theory is that

    relativity as Albert Einstein formulated is applicable in reality - that the photo - electric effect; discrete quanta of

    energy and matter define observation and a new field overtakes classical field theory, electro - magnetism, which

    itself is ordinate to elemental particle and nuclear physics. Here we find the fundamental TRICHOTOMY the highly

    discrete harmony of wave / particle wrapped with unbreakable entropy and its uncertainty principle.

    The discrete quanta of atomic adsorption and emission which are the spectral signatures" of the elements....did

    however open up a perplexing realm of new discoveries......particle physics. Because these interacting "quantum"

    entities - exhibit such a perfect degree of symmetry......They proposed a new quantum equation...This fundamental

    principle is known today as CPT Transformation Invariance (charge conjugation (C), parity (P), and time reversal

    (T))....the zero point spin has few known violations when detected (as extremely elusive violations).

    If the elemental (material) universe is visualized as interacting strings (in harmonic resonance); understanding will

    benefit. General systems' Theory (also called Information Science) has become the practical application of

    this ....incredible quantum development! Reality as Organism was the Conceptual Philosophy of Alfred North

    Whitehead and his student Bertrand Russell under which Classical Logic becomes stagnant and reason becomes

    rationality (as perceived ability). The question becomes - when does Judgment require a standard or is it implicit (or

    exponential)? Can the Thomistic - Aristotelian system of ethical virtue claim an ability to judge or is it hypocritical

    (when weighed against the Law of Tolerance - and Free will dichotomies). If A = Union and B = Confederate which

    ideals can this so - called logic produce.

    If a Political Entity such as the United States of American is any indication - the 2000 elections like the 1824 and 1876

    before it - depict general equality under-girded by Adamant election (2000) in which 100 million

    votes are cast (symbolic of the estimated population of the entire world for much of this time period); yet the

    "popular" vote is nearly equal; law requires the election be resolved....a Constitution of General Operational

    Proportions requires that for a candidate to be elected.....they must submit to the decision of an "electoral college" in

    which each state entity votes (hopefully) as the popular vote cast in that state. In order for a candidate to be elected

    therefore - his delegation must win this second election..... Logic and Ethics.....the government cannot easily be

    gained nor can plurality be assumed as decisive (strategy is needed). Yet the Party that declares itself winner is

    found by impartial analysis to have cheated; leaving the wronged Party aghast. Political Stability as with Ecologic

    Stability require the "system" to be uncorrupted (meaning of course....a viable environment for ecologic communities

    and obedience of generalized laws in the political). A checks and balance system (like the USA) is rare and unique of

    planet Earth....the ambitious are generally impatient for their so-called "volition". The millennium election is the case

    where the loser; then Vice President Al Gore of Tennessee (as President Pro Tiem of the Senate) - will be honored

    not only as a noble laureate; who wrote a book and starred in a movie about global warming entitled An

    inconvenient Truth but also as a public servant who failed to act upon a motion to throw out his political opponents

    election (on grounds of Civil Rights violations) as seen in another movie Fahrenheit 911. Peculiar indeed; that

    power at this level of hierarchical government would flow so smoothly.

    The discreteness of culture and spirituality require that laws and ordinances avoid stereotyping humanities shared

    experiences; neither anthological; nor as complex hierarchies (organization). To digress a bit; consciously; this is why

    materialist determinations fail - because they cannot explain the utter complexity of the world or the life within it....

    as men actually perceive and live it.

    Yet; we still can comprehend.....a prophetic reality unfolding within the high abstractions of scientific discoveries.

    Why not more intuitive discourse? Is it Either - Or, as Kierkegaard has stated; existentially.....the ethics of a divine

    emanation that Spinoza beautifully outlined.......the imponderable mechanics of the Mind as the Rationalists have

    thought.....or the oneness of divine meditation as the Orientals practice? The Transcendent - as categorical

  • imperative - aims at what we admit as faithful and true (to ourselves and others). This kind of question defies

    complete analysis; because Purpose being consciously discerned is not necessarily tautological.........Virtue; Courage;

    Determination; Patience.....defined as Godly principals and are not necessarily the coin of the realm.... so to speak.

    Essentially.... structure and functions are organismic; we may intuitively appreciate aesthetic experiences but may

    not define them as a totality or they will become abstractions; knowledge produces clarity; reality is a process of

    relatedness. A few of these mechanics deny the soul - even though its quite small yet discernable weight has been

    recorded - (when a person dies immediately their essence physically leave the body) in hospitals - Human beings are

    not merely obviously rational - view psychology; nor are they highly subjective - think.....of the cognizant abilities that

    allow us to interrelate globally - but they are sentient and all men exhibit the nobility of a soaring intellect - which as

    some would pray is hopefully within a Quiet Mind.

    Here we reach another impasse - the immortality of the Soul! Most cultures as evidenced by their words.... consider

    that Soul and Spirit are intrinsic -nevertheless - intangible. So - Called primitive religions believe the immortality of

    the soul is the union between the great Spirit and the Earth Mother; yet all tell of the battles and even wars between

    the Great Spirit and that Evil outcast one; spirituality is the blessing of that great and holy spirit to maintain the way

    of grandfather and grandmother in the counsel of the living. Even though the one who speaks with in the Hebrew

    Scripture is Jealous - yet he is longsuffering. Dividing righteously between soul and spirit and even the New

    Testaments warns us - the soul that sins (does evil) - will die.

    Is this a dichotomy; yes; not just a premonition of judgment that some deny. It is not man judging man; but rather the

    gate of eternal life - guarded as all mythological students know by mighty angels. What is the relevance? One could

    only conjecture. We have a literary history - example - the Devil and Daniel Webster. Here the case of a New

    Hampshire farmer - whose rocky acres will yield only poor crops. He signs away his soul to the devil receiving great

    prosperity; when the devil comes to claim his soul, the great Barrister Webster comes to argue his case. There is a like

    tale of a Delaware (Lenape) prophet; in whose vision; "the great spirit" tells him that if the Indians make war against

    the colonials they will drive them - into the sea! Also that the Indians (consciously) - as ones in need of sobriety -

    (Conscientiously).....should limit themselves to two glasses of spirits only! In reality most of the Indians were for

    honorable peace and their Chiefs (especially the Leni Lenape) argued strenuously with the colonial regimes to stop

    selling and trading hard liquor to their people. In due time this outward expansion and spiritual division co - produced

    the tragedy we remember as manifest destiny." Our conscience can transcend the Psychological defenses that will

    countenance self justification - all human societies (or nations) are beholding to truth.

    If Quantum equations indeed - denote harmony; the stretched string of frequency and amplitude; perhaps - we can

    also assume that ideas connote ideals. All such conceptual reasoning requires the Opus of a grand logic......... which

    human competence can hold onto. An example from history is - the Response of the English to the onslaught of

    Teutonic Nazism - where the insane usurped......the moment of history to turn the power of Quantum Physics into

    weapons of annihilation; the Allies fell back (retreated) from Dunkirk........their equipment left on the beaches and

    the streets; the unarmed citizenry (all the people) - their spirit as one - rose to make the ultimate effort (the

    potentials already present) defeat a foe which logic will determine was impossible to resist. And those whom

    they destroyed as its evil intention threatened (globally) all who love freedom....even the holy (biblically) people

    themselves - do they not belong to a higher realm which all our history can hardly reach for. Because the soul, as it is

    written, is given honor by the Great Spirit... neither by our own volition; nor through any action of our own - it is; one

    could discern; his grace. (Love)

    What of this information science that through fiber optics and satellite communications (a ubiquitous cloud?) has

    encircling the world. As with the special theory of relativity the old appears as a special case of the new. Hierarchical

    information is (supposedly) related in cross - level formal identities (Bertalanffy) which define the systems quality of

    transmitting information to white light ( fiber optics uses mono-chromatic (optimum efficiency) modalities. Just as

    "science" pursues a complete knowledge of the nature of matter; indeed it still eludes theoretical definition - physics

    (as theory) cannot be confined to formalization; if this is so of causality; then how much greater its creator.

    Quantum theory has changed the mechanical view of the universe so much now that Logic is organic and Ecology

    Vital if we sense any practical application of the "space age". In contemporary international scientific circles - science

    itself is not truly rational; note its vicious attacks upon interdisciplinary thinkers - Immanuel Velikovsky and the

  • Creation Scientists whose ideas in many cases are quite worthy of consideration. If their organizations identify

    systems then they need teleological definition as well especially when they advise the council of government.

    If we deny spirit - will man become an abstraction - just another animal (they too are intelligent and deeply

    emotional). Is it quantifiable that we are alive?! Totalitarian ideals on a metaphysical level are absurd - because

    understanding reality (with its discontinuity) relies upon the occasion of experience. Responsibility, Accountability,

    Meaning.......... are these questions for a cybernetic machine or replaced by selfishness? Not selflessness either; as

    Hillel has aptly noted; or we could never openly confront Greed, Pride and Chaos. The golden rule ... as an intuitive

    foundation of morals (do unto others as you would have them do unto you) such that by using it we can arrive

    meditatively and intuitively at ethical convictions. During the years of the Behaviorist School of Psychology's reign in

    cold war universities - we were bombarded with.... conceptions - that Our Planet is a Spaceship (Buckminster Fuller ) -

    insights.....that Medium is message (Marshall McLuhan); that process is purpose - as it is in itself - existential. We saw

    headlines announcing that GOD IS DEAD - that IT is here and now; the totally concrete with esoteric overtones....

    become an abstract creature of animism - one's soul can only be metaphysical...........Transcendental - in incense filled

    meditation (ala eastern mysticism). Our dialogs became like charades; on the 15 levels of categorical imperatives; we

    had psychotherapy of the gestalt; the theater of the absurd (science fiction of today) and the flower children....a

    psychedelic generation - which brought the police and the psycho tropic drugs for those suffering angst. If the

    medium is the message - indeed we are misled; no doubt - because mind control by Paranoid governments is not

    new in the world. If led to believe that Western Schools of thought are rational and intellectual - Logic; Reason:

    Metaphysics.then will Eastern philosophy be considered meditative and intuitive?

    The accelerated growth of Oriental Economies into the "American marketplace was hardly passive nor intuitive; but

    highly strategic and quite effective. The differences are much more cultural and linguistic - cuneiform characters

    being conceptually different from symbolic (phonetic) ones. Their high degree of order and greater range of intuitive

    elements - provides for a more interpretative expression of the real world. Wisdom teaches us.....that we need to

    understand these relationships in a more than superficial way. The question of mind and intellect - our cognitive

    abilities - consciously motivates us to understand complexity. While scholasticism does not always weigh facts

    properly (arbitrary judgment) it does however keep soul and intellect together. The search for meaning is not

    semantics just as the striving for purpose is not necessarily idealism; these belong to an even higher degree of rigor.

    Symbolic logical Positivists - proponents of organism or organization - need to be accounted for because as the

    evidence - is presented - the high priests of Nazism were - the pseudo scientist and intellectual elite; which differed

    only in degree of arrogance ; the scope of their ambition.

    Even today they teach young people that cognition is no more than mathematical equations......Artificial intelligence

    is the path to the future. Yet Bill Gates (founder of Microsoft) did state emphatically when asked in a recent TV

    interview by Barbara Walters - "there is no such thing as artificial intelligence; the computer is a machine created by

    the human mind" - when asked (as the richest man in the world today) to what did he attribute his amazing success;

    he said - "to hard work and dedication ; my parents raised me to believe in God." Symbolic logic is positive, negative

    and useful.....but - we cannot pretend conscientiously to create life. We are reminded however that merely saying

    that our good fortune comes from "God"...if charity is not part of our lifestyle.

    Children pretend in play; will the responsible not become SANE. Undoubtedly the well-being of the conscious mind -

    awareness of others as they truly are... and the ability to judge whether one's actions are fitting or not (not merely

    socially correct but morally straight as well) require "clean" living. If modern philosophy is bent upon proving -

    according to a recent article in the Atlantic Monthly - that ethical principles and moral standards are biologically

    based; definitions of sanity. Then the transcendental empiricist may look to the wisdom of faith - the adamancy of

    ethical principles and moral standards - for guidance.

    The person Yeshua Ben David - whom the gentiles call Jesus Christ - (HaMashiach by his Jewish followers); in that part

    of the "Bible" called the bishorah (or good news - GOSPEL) relates that his mother named him Yeshua - because he

    would save his people from their sins.......according to prophetic tradition.... he did this when he obediently laid

    down his life in the general enmity of Roman Idumea - his sacrifice as a type of holy sacrifice - the lamb of God. We

    understand today that the account of his virgin birth is historically accurate ( the one begotten of the seed of the

    woman - as God promised Eve in the Garden); the ovum of a human female is unique in all of nature; according to

  • cellular biologists; in that theoretically because it is more like a seed and less like an egg - it could grow into an

    embryo without the sperm - mitosis (this is physically impossible though) - the son of God - as it is written.

    Astronomical Clock the Garden Tomb Commemoration

    Found in Mediterranean Sea outside Damascus Gate also Pray for the peace of Jerusalem

  • Respect for others

    Give me a place to stand, and I will move the world." - Archimedes

    Because we know that the earth was not pre - existent - it is necessary to examine closely assumptions of unity within

    its domain - we have stated it, "there is no spirit of unity but Unity of the spirit"; is our respect for others balanced?;

    harmonious? We need to be keenly aware of this when we are developing educational objectives. Outcome based

    education is one area (if our fragmented society is any indication) in which the propaganda machine of government

    has foisted upon our schools... all encompassing ideals; without regard to their acceptability.

    Intercultural Relations is a relatively new field - designed to help solve the problems of an integrated society within a

    shrinking world. One aspect of this is interfaith counseling - where believing communities reach common (yet

    discrete) understanding. Respect for others must include recognition of their unique identities as educational

    objectives; this would include a significant step towards recognition of ethnic diversity. The struggle for many people

    is to walk uprightly in this world according to their inimical sense of purpose. Regarding an individual's

    discernment of truth; oftentimes enmity (hostility) exists where historic references to superiority/inferiority exist or

    has existed in previous generations - this is the source of much social unrest; protest and lawlessness. Yet the law

    itself cannot be set aside for this reason. In honoring this mystery of origins - the paradox of existence....societys

    enigmatic circumstances will interpret how to overcome this enmity. We can participate in respect for others way of

    living; if we perceive them as being good for them; in productive ways; not allowing past generations to cloud our

    judgment. If ones reasoning process becomes crazy or self - fall back upon the well-being of family

    and the need for self respect, will yield self preservation. Koyaanisqati is a Hopi Indian word which translates as

    Life out of Balance; a movie from 1983 by Francis Ford Coppola of the same Title presents an apocalyptic vision of

    modern man. Giving credence to the saying if you arent part of the solution your part of the problem.

    Why do we perceive this - strictly speaking - is it because intelligence is much more than the art of manipulating

    numbers? When abstract relational symbolism - must be verified - for security purposes this means that machines

    cannot determine purpose nor discern motivation. Robots are operated by machine codes which interface with digital

    logic circuits even the discreteness of nanotechnology and quantum information processing cannot reason for itself.

    Psychologically - consciousness becomes greatly impaired. We would do better to teach our children how to defend

    themselves.... Schooling them to spot all types of deception - pragmatically. Metaphysics discerns First Order Logic.

    Relational symbolic logic is compatible with cognitive thought processes (reason)... the prayer of a righteous man

    avails much.......we do not need to get hung up on the paradoxical assertions of mathematical symbolic Logic (like

    beadwork). Example.....Love is blind; God is Love; Ray Charles is blind; Ray Charles is God: meaning in truth is more

    than syntax. But we also understand that before the android builders - no obstacle would appear too great. For this

    they have created "fuzzy logic" - (viz a viz - the early existentialists and their symbolic logic antagonists).

    The power of logical constructs cannot be underestimated; but the scope of their applicability can. What is the source

    of advancement in civilizations?; communities; individuals - according to many accounts - change. Respect for those

    who are different from us is the essential ground for growth as individuals and as societies.....a humble approach is

    warranted. If our conscious mind is troubled with cursory expectations - precluding freedom of conscience - the

    cultivation of effective reason and its ability to solve complicated problems; intuitively.....could become diminished.

    Our mathematics and arts; being rigorous, intuitive and quite analytic provide powerful and discrete antagonists for

    cybernetics (man a thinking machine) - Yet these advancements actually belong to all people (at least those who can

    afford them). It can be hoped that one point is obvious to the reader (at this juncture) - whenever we encounter

    abstract formal properties of mind; intellect; reason and responsibility - that understanding will not be limited to the

    materialism of a mechanical universe or the dictates of another's limited expectations or deceptive world view.

    Merely overcoming "con men" is not nearly as important as understanding the difference between ethics with its

    protocols for moral and diplomatic relationships with others; and knowing what is required of us (duty) - sufficiency.

  • In Hebrew; the synonymy of ethics is Madoot and Moosar where the important difference is meditation and

    communication (deliver/transmit). The wisdom (understanding) of measurement (observation and meditation)

    becomes the discipline of geometry and the concepts of why and what is sufficient (in terms of measures of

    effectiveness). Virtue is the most important quality of Ethical Morality for without Virtue - Justice can become

    impossible! The traditions of the ancient world countenanced this convergence; especially the development of

    science and mathematics as companion schools of learning. Moosar however is more definitive because as we

    consider the difference between what we long for (desire) and what is fitting or right [VIRTUE].......we also

    understand there are ways to communicate with others our dilemma which build community; and are in harmony

    with culture and tradition. Respect for others sustains and nurtures the circle of community.....people are

    characterized by their governance of the way of life which sustains them [STEWARDSHIP].

  • The ten dimensional Universe - in (26) part Harmony

    Beware; lest any man spoil you through Philosophies...Colossians - Ch 2 v 8

    One precept of Spiritual consciousness is that we need to think - with God - instead of against all reasonable

    Theology. Superstring Theory (Super symmetry) is an important example of this. Is effective intuition the evidence of

    a healthy mind? When reading the precepts of the great unifying concepts and their theoretical proofs in

    contemporary nuclear physics - One must think so! Intuition provides for the understanding - complex ideas as

    mental pictures - such as the speed of light in relation to all other physical phenomenon - as a conscious individual

    experience it. Others confess that even with all of the scientific discoveries of the millennial moment the biblical

    saying: Gods ways are far past finding out seems very appropriate.

    Along with the observation of our immense Universe some think that C is too slow to account for its uniformity and

    flatness (there is no intergalactic curvature perceptible from our vantage point - but if we look at the map of our

    Galaxy made by the IRIS (infrared imaging satellite) project then it is not flat at all). These insights motivate scientists

    to look again at the astronomic dimensions of space. These theories are elegant and megalithic (based upon the

    quality of work invested into their discovery and formalization) and even account for a Universe which existed before

    this "Big Bang". Primary in this reasoning is the huge amount of "dark matter" present in the heretofore expanding

    Universe and the realization that there may be a Zero Energy State in the vast void of perpetuity. Quantum Theory's

    development into a Grand Unifying Theory became bogged down in the seemingly endless discovery of new and

    different particles - especially in the atomic "nuclei" - being so diverse as to defy explanations. (Kaku; 1993)

    Yet; the symmetry of the invisible was dramatically preserved under all forms of investigation - in such a way as to

    defy traditional mathematics. This grand set super symmetry - as Chews has related (1990) - could in fact be the long -

    hoped for explanation.....the nature of the physical world which we observe.. with all of the instruments of the

    imponderable quanta included; insight into the creation of Our Universe (more of this in Part 2). They theorized it by

    working backwards dimensionally - via Super - Strings; that the Original Universe was multi - dimensional - Super

    symmetry defines 10 and 26 and 8 by 8; These are hyper kinetic dimensions (unlike our traditional and ontological

    three and 1); that in fact - seem to define a type of totality - Past / Present / Future; beyond the potentialities of

    Energy. If a Zero energy state is the fundamental modality then the Almighty is the creator or its existence could

    never be comprehended at all. This is simpler to understand than it sounds - because the Classical Laws of

    Thermodynamics - including the New or Revised Second Law; (in general; things mix) - Conservation becomes

    entropy. Even the highly discrete "entropic limitations" have a resolute origin in a higher realm. This is good news

    indeed! In fact no energy is theoretically capable of being produced on this earth which could even escape the nuclear

    realm, the utter sublimity of these unreachable Superstrings assure this integrity. Ongoing neutrino" research (at the

    infamous Deadwood Gold Mine - at 4,852 ft below the surface of the Black Hills) is proving that indeed they pass

    directly through the earth; it takes months to capture enough of these unbelievably minuscule sub-sub nuclear

    particles for testing (even though the capturing medium utilizes the largest subterranean tank system ever devised).

    The neutrino (with no charge and no mass) is generated constantly in the fusion process of the solar engine we call

    the sun - it is theorized (now virtually proven). Indeed the generation of mega quantities of these wave like particles

    would confirm the proposed dimensions of these imponderable strings (as harmonic resonance) and along with the

    other worldwide testing sites; point to a discrete astrophysical understanding. {Source - A&E Explorer}

    There is theoretical evidence of a "creation moment" - a great expansion on the order of 10 to the fiftieth power

    before the two Universes separated - this explains the orderliness of the cosmos - especially elementally (no other

    proportions could have produced life as we know it).

    These developments according to the vision of the Einstein School of a grand unifying principal as theory.......are

    relevant (if Zero Energy is equated - it was not by Force). To the Biblical scholar this compelling Universal Principal

    would account for the strange cosmology which Yeshua himself did predict........A third of the stars......... falling out of

    heaven (how can a stellar object "fall") - will the Universe itself take on a new dimensional quality? In this same

    passage - he did also say - recounting - that the devil "Satan" fell out of heaven - "like a lightning bolt". One of the

  • many problems which Superstrings has thus far been unable to integrate - the Fourth Principal Force - is gravitation!

    New developments from Oxford University in the investigation of the phenomenon of "Black Holes"- (Stephan

    Hawkings) Predict that these terrifying perceived threats to the fabric of Time and Space do in fact leak energy from

    the collapse of stellar nuclei into these mega dense spinning holes and mini - black holes are predicted. This is where

    the concept of pathways into a parallel universe originates. Thus, if we are actually in a ten dimensional

    universe......... this "false vacuum" (the original Universe) obeys our Law of Conservation of Energy in its sudden

    Quantum leap to a Lower Vacuum State. If there is a celestial aberration (the devil) present in this world - that would

    account for Yeshua exhorting us to fear this "enemy the devil". The phenomenological difference between being

    struck by lightening or being sucked into a black hole is that our anatomically designed insularity makes lightening

    deadly but not necessarily fatal; but a black hole one could never return well and whole from, not even theoretically.

    One rebuke for the big bangers - in light of the failure of these Super Conducting Super Colliders - SSC's which they

    built ; human societies are not the toys of physicists. Many conventional scientists would consider the "Big Bang" as

    outlandish - the principals of physics; themselves forbidding (yet neutrinos do mix)........this type of speculation (Are

    there "tachyons"?). If scientists obeyed their own "Laws" instead of continually writing new ones - then their own

    understanding and believability might become more comprehensive. The quantum corrections to General Relativity

    that SUPERSTRINGS represents should keep those who are dismantling weapons - formed by their predecessors

    malevolence - busy for a long time. Since the stars are radiant objects - primarily fusing hydrogen into helium atoms

    then the integrity of the universe is assured. The proposal that the Universe is broken and disorderly - magnifies our

    misconceptions and misunderstanding of it, the arrogance of a classical Observer appears to be naught! But the

    ignorance of a power mad is written - "they shall beat their swords into plowshares - their spears into

    pruning hooks - nation shall no more lift up sword against nation - neither shall man learn to make war anymore."

    Earthrise Apollo Fourteen Mission Mt. Ararat Armenian Aspect

  • Inter-Galactic Objects [Deep Space] Hubble Space Telescope NASA

    A Solution Looking for a Problem!

    Superstring Theory is dependent upon proving that it contains a finite Quantum Theory of Gravity

    Michiko Kaku

    The discovery of the pi Meson reminds us not to seek problems for the hubris of cynicism. The Soviet Union collapsed

    (due to many factors) and the economy of deficit spending with it (the U.S. Government is working towards a

    balanced budget format yet somehow never realizes it). The dream of international atom smashers is for the near

    future confined to Geneva Switzerland - the birthplace of Limnology. (The study of freshwater rivers, lakes and ponds)

    The assumption of pretentious character; atomic physicists carried out a scenario where they had built the shell of a

    machine which could generate 10 to the nineteenth power Electron Volts - why not study Lightening Bolts instead?

    The utter mathematical perfection of topology - thankfully - presents another means of investigation which is far less

    destructive. Because of the computer revolution interfacing an instrument like the scanning tunnel microscope with

    virtual reality makes possible graphically to visualize atoms - the "size of basketballs" and tactical manipulation

    (virtual HD} is perfected. Computer enhancement of the senses.....especially something invisible - like reading a

    25-Angstrom unit (with a "nano-manipulator") presents electrostatic maps of molecular dimensionality, These

    developments will transform analytic chemistry and are beyond.... everyone's "science fiction". These technologies

    are more than theoretical and presently are creating real solutions to some of the worlds most difficult problems.

    One reason for this is the perfection of redundant prototyping - this "quantum" technology allows model building as

  • the critical stage of design and engineering to become virtually immediate. 3 4

    Balloons are only faithful to strings.... the insanity of omnipotent Man - Ragnarok - "The Gods" belies the

    conceptuality that predicted a value of 5 degrees Kelvin for background radiation as.....not very different than the

    actual value of 3 degrees. We must trust human beings to investigate things which in fact are difficult to know

    expecting science to separate itself from an unholy relationship with the manufacturers of annihilating weapons;

    Science needs held to the highest degree of accountability. Unification in a world immersed in accumulating

    weapons systems at virtually any cost is futile; especially in consideration of the potentials which these outlays are

    precluding; yet......a United Nations committed to seeking solutions for many problems grows in esteem (Why?). The

    humor of talking about the first three minutes of the Big Bang as if we could possibly comprehend what is actually

    going on is enormously absurd, all we really need do is fine tune our observation of what is present to this faint echo

    and surely we will see (and hear) it's energy and harmony. Balloons are only faithful to strings - when inflated the

    spots appear to be moving away from each other. (On the surface at least - earth is near the edge of the Milky Way

    Galaxy) - (after Kaku, 1993) The enigma of Quantum Mechanics in its relationship to General Relativity has been

    puzzling theorists since Ernst Von Planck discerned light as a quantum phenomenon.5 Later - Copenhagen

    meetings led to very exciting and unbelievable results on quantum mechanics.6 The resolution of quantum

    entanglement became known as Bells inequality 7 - The problem was finally cleared by John S Bell who derived

    some inequalities by assuming that particles were unentangled if kept far apart (called the principle of locality). He

    showed that if quantum laws were true, then these inequalities would be violated. Now, entanglement is being used

    extensively for quantum computing and teleportation..8 The paradox of Quantum Field Theory and General

    Relativity originated with Copenhagen as Niels Bohr and Albert Einstein debated this division.

    The exponentially of galaxies (which are considered as enveloped) could account for the gravitational component of

    the Super symmetrical hyper-kinetics of string theory - is it not more practical - to study the forces of nature present

    on this restless planet we inhabit. Not to appear contradictory; but......hearing all the nuances of cosmology.....some

    think the earth was pre - existent (as a mega star - because of its solid core of iron and nickel; i.e. cloud enclosure/

    vapor canopy theory). In 1982 and again in 1998 the planets of our solar system have "lined up"....All planets within

    90 - 120 degrees of one another; with precessional shifts of ocean currents (El Nino La Ninya : as one example)

    phenomenon) massive earthquakes and increased volcanic activity (even though the effect has been destructive; still

    its nowhere near the hysteria which think tanks predict)..........if there is a gravitational component which hasnt

    already been quantified (g - the acceleration due to gravity) wouldn't the dynamics of the sun itself (if gravity is the

    moment of angular momentum) yield the "data" (however discrete) sought. **Others see this as TORSION!

    Hypothetically even Albert Einstein could not believe his results - an expanding Universe (young). In fact; the ionic

    interaction between the powerful electric dipole (as Immanuel Velikovsky predicted - extends past the moon) and the

    dense (molten) core of our planet should prove quantum gravitation is a product of a higher state of energy QFT

    Superstrings. Is this why - proverbially - these metaphysics of our dynamic Solar System (measured by Kepler's Law)

    from Copernicus)) denote the harmony of the spheres (as the ancient's predicted - is not quite symmetrical). The

    immense power of the electro - weak gravitational dynamic is the unproven part of SUPERSTRINGS - is it because of

    the huge gas giants - Saturn and Jupiter - which spin with such enormous velocity yet orbit in perfect harmony). Could

    it be they may have to revise their time equations from Billions to Millions to Thousands (an Exponential shift -

    logistically) equating that this celestial yoyo could well be within the control of its propeller.

    3 The problem is to put together general relativity and quantum mechanics into one self consistent theory from Quantum Gravity 4 see page 211 of this book insight from physicist Richard Feynman about the integral nature of gravity

    5 Planck realized that there should be a natural set of units in which the laws of physics take a simpler form from Quantum Gravity 6 THE CURSE OF LIGHT BEAM RIDER -

    7 ibid Bells Inequalities

    8 ibid see next chapter

  • If science is finding that functional perfections......can be seen within nature itself (our living world); the microcosm

    resides in many higher dimensions of symmetry - conforming itself to every imaginable shape, altitude, microclimate

    and depth of oceanic abyss. The n-dimensional diversity of planetary life - its intricate brokenness; would be by

    design; even as water - its prime domain - becomes less dense when frozen and it flows always to its lowest energy

    state; the sea. Within the echelons of the Correspondence Principle representation theory provides a means for

    reconciling classical physics with quantum mechanics; Grand Set Supersymmetry rules!

    Even Quarks come in six flavors and three primary colors. After Nambu - we understand; that - elusive Beta Function

    defines the strings interactions and here is the functional trichotomy - Bosons and Fermions and tensors; which

    rotate and interrelate in very diverse ways. Gravitons have no wave like properties detectable. (Experimentation has

    yielded no evidence of them) - It is conceptually possible that gravity waves are the strings themselves (well beyond

    the ten to the 12th power of uncertainty).9 The fallacy could be - taking the isolated "strands" of physics; and then

    weaving them into a tapestry of infinite proportions. The original Quantum theory did not define these properties.

    Yet as they rigorously examined the theories; innovations occurred; it would appear (as noted) that angular

    momentum (spin) is what caused the incongruities. Incommensurability or Correspondence this is the question.

    Fermions - Electrons; Neutrino; Proton; Neutron; Quarks ( spin is always N/2) q.

    Bosons - (0,1,2,3) g W particles; pi Meson; graviton; photon (see appendage 2)

    As these are one and two dimensional only.....Super symmetries as such...... exist only on paper and the Unified Field

    Theory ...... as such, exists only as pure mathematics. It even requires a new mathematics, which involve Grassman

    numbers and real numbers b + a = - b + a; and the like. Alpha and Beta are quantum wave forms - look out for the

    gamma and antimatter. Quaternions and Octoroons provide representation for this correspondence.

    Creations Lambda Presence VISIBLE AND INVISIBLE the Eagle Nebula near space

    An international team of astronomers using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has created a three-dimensional map that

    provides the first direct look at the large-scale distribution of dark matter in the universe.

    This quintessential state rests upon what physicists have discerned as the Bose Einstein state. The quest for

    Absolute Zero what the 19th

    century considered as ground state; provided the classical observer with the

    realization that zero degrees Kelvin 0 K is actually another Energy State. Quantum Computing is another aspect

    of these developments along with condensed matter physics and its nanotechnology the path to sustainability and

    living in a clean and healthy environment will be shortened through the judicious application of these technologies.

    But the question of gravity and the quintessential is still throwing curve balls10

    one aspect of the universe recently

    9 The search for gravitational waves has yielded a big surprise holographic projections! c/o GEO600 10

    ibid - According to Craig Hogan, a physicist at the Fermilab particle physics lab in Batavia, Illinois, GEO600 has stumbled upon the fundamental limit of space-time - the point where space-time stops behaving like the smooth continuum Einstein described and instead

  • discovered is its likeness to a holographic projection. This quality is interpreted as being similar to a hologram that

    appears 3 dimensional. Information seems to grow only at a 2 dimensional rate.11

    Apollo Astronaut theoretical Fusion dynamo Bose-Einstein State BCE 2005

    Walking on Moon developed by European Agency Laser in interstitial superfluid

    This state represents profound incommensurability; K theory itself recognizes this infinitesimal integral as a first

    order paradigm for scientific understanding. The Josephson Junction provided Quantum Mechanics with a practical

    application the SQUID; diagramed below where superconductors and Ultrafilters can be engineered with spectral

    interferometry and nanomaterials with great precision due to the demonstrated ability of this zero energy state to

    slow down the speed of light.

    SQUID Magnetometer Josephson junction - Tunneling Helium 2 - Superfluid

    Condensed matter physics Medical Nanotechnology MAPK/ERK pathway

    dissolves into "grains", just as a newspaper photograph dissolves into dots as you zoom in. "It looks like GEO600 is being buffeted by the microscopic quantum convulsions of space-time," says Hogan. from Our world may be a giant hologram 15 January 2009 by Marcus Chown 11

    ibid - For a better rundown on the holographic theory, here's a video lecture from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory summer lecture series. It is nearly an hour long.

  • When Murray Gel - Mann; an Israelis, discovered that the discreteness of entropy had a Zero spin state - he called this

    zero spin component - strangeness......which like superconductivity is a phenomenon of the greatest practical

    interest. Whereas the TOE (theory of everything) posits a primordial super force with its dark matter and steady did not allow for these hyper dimensional kinetic strings - spin up/spin down - within the atom itself; but

    the strangeness of zero allowed - conflicting data ....hundreds of elementary particles; which like the grandfathers'

    controversy (Einstein and Niels Bohr)........confirmed that Quantum Mechanics was not in its final form. The grand set

    theory of symmetry provided the mathematics needed - interacting strings. Which like the phenomenon of a

    stationary moon; is the dynamic equilibrium of atomic structure the moons rotation; in perfect harmony with the

    Earths path around the sun as Copernicus calculated.

    In this dimensional string theory time travel could only occur to another universe. The legendary positron is almost

    non - existent. Once again regression and progression; are mathematical topologies....symmetrical to a greater

    harmony. Q.E.D. - one copy only of ourselves; QCD the ability to combine ourselves with another and produce a third.

    (Such a promise - grounded potential) If charge parity - is balanced - as it should be: this mystery of conjunction and

    reversal; account for Grand Set Symmetry and we understand that centripetal (Kinetic Energy) is gravitational.

    Lightening discharges using High speed photography {A&E Networks - Explorer Program} has determined discharges

    during pulse (in a branching affect). Energy actually flows (at rare moments) from the earth

    (ground) into the negatively ionized cloud (releasing the positive ions from the minerals themselves) although

    generally 90% of the electricity discharged is atmospheric - generally the immense discharges from cloud to earth

    (negative to positive) balance the larger equation; Wheels within wheels; circles conforming in circuitries. An

    important analogy in Iron and Magnesium ionization within living systems. Mg is the inorganic

    energizer of chlorophyll - the complex organic compound which allows plants to absorb photons; in the daylight -

    being stored as Adenosine Tri - Phosphate; while at night in the dark reaction - They synthesize the ATP into

    carbohydrates as they absorb C02, and then release Oxygen. Because of this fundamental process - animals such as

    people can breathe the oxygen and stay alive - the Iron - Fe++; in hemoglobin allows oxygen molecules to be

    absorbed into cells which catalyzes the mitochondrion to produce ATP from sugar; which we get from eating seeds

    and fruit of various plants; some animals can even digest grass - another ecology associated with this symmetry.

    Animals of course exhale carbon dioxide into the atmosphere which plants require for their metabolism. Living

    systems receive photons directly - yet require darkness to grow in. Is time a problem - a causal - weird - strange.....or

    is the problem times cyclic origination in consciousness - as it is said - Those who forget history may be repeating it!

    We might consider the problem of right handedness and left handedness - chemical bonding; not universes.

    Essentially Conscientious then - this dynamic symmetry of Purpose and Meaning allows our highly charged senses to

    release energy messengers in balance and Harmony known to Biology of Living Systems as homeostasis.

    The interaction between organisms and their environment; this ecology is perfect symmetry - its unity is far greater

    than our understanding of it. We can only visualize living systems - biologicall

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