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• Chimpanzee sized brain, Upright

Sahelanthropus tchadensis: West africa 6-7 million BCE

Ardiphitecus Ramidus: East africa 4.4 million BCE

Australophitecus afarensis:East africa 3.85-2.89 million BCE

Homo Habilis East and South Africa 2.4-1.4 million BCE

Homo Erectus Africa 1.89-700k million BCE

• Wide face, big eyebrows, big nose, clothing, language, bury dead, simbolic,

Homo Neanderthalis 200k-28k Europe and Middle east

Homo Sapiens world 200k

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Single cell life








Why did Neanderthals become extinct?They didnt have enough food and Homo Sapiens killed them.History: The study of humans and events in the past.Pre History: The study of humans and events in the past before writing was invented.Archeology: The study of human remains.Evolution: How living things to adapt to their enviroment.Agriculture: Population increased after agriculture because they saw more people could eat, could help and have more time. Before people didn’t have many food so they had to go and search/hunt.

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• Clay figures, sumerian pots, melt copper to make it structure, Wheel, bronze, sail boat, mathematics, writing, schools

Goverment• Each city was run by a council of

elders (city states)

Religion and


• Polytheistic. Ziggurats were like egyptians pyramids except they were temples


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Hammurabi• was the sixth king of Babylon during the first

period. he's known for the hammurabi's code.

Numbers• The Babylonian numeration system was

developed between 3k-2k BC

Nebuchadnezzar and the Hanging


• Nebuchadnezzar made hanging gardens for his wife, but they were destroyed bu and earthquake he enemy of the jewish he burned Jerusalem


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Military • They were the first governors

Aqueducts • They were canals

Library of Nineveh

• It was the first library, they stored many books about Mesopotamia that is why we have a lot of information about Mesopotamia


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• Their religion was Judaism and Christianism. They started believen in Jesus when he started doing miracles and proclaming

Abraham • was the first jew. Father of Isaac.

Moses• He freed the jew town from egyptian


David • He killed the biggest flestnic.

Jesus• He was the founder of Christianism

religion. Mesiah.


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The Alphabet

• They developed a 22 symbol alphabet which was later improved by the greeks.


• They had many trade routes their main harbour was Carthage and other cities as Sidan, Tyre and Byblos traded very good. They trade purple cloth, glass and cedar wood.

Hannibal Barca

• He was a military of Carthage and he was a soldier and almost became king


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Cyrus I• The king of Anshan, founder of

Achaemenid, he is remembered as the liberator.

Darius the Great

• In 520 BC he took the throne of Persia. He made persepolis, the ceremonial capital of Achaemenid Empire

Inventions• Persian carpets, Ice cream,

guitar, postals


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• It is the religions that believes in Brahma. The believe in reencarnation and they thought cows were gods.

Siddharta Gautama

• He was a prince named Siddharta. He was priviliged but at 29 he became a monk to find enlightenment,


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Inventions • Silk, gun powder, porceline, tea

Quin Shi Huang Di

• First emperor. Built great wall of China to protect from Mongoles.

The Great Wall

• Was constructed by Quin Shi Huang Di. To Protect from Mongoles


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Iron• They were the ones who

discovered Irons. Used to do pretty things.

Battle of


• With egyptians they had a spy that told the egyptians they were far away when they were just arriving.


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EgyptMummification steps:1.Wash body with water from Nile2.Organs and brain removed3.Body and organs covered in salt4.Body cleaned covered in oil and bandages5. Body and organs in Sarcophagus

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Pyramids:Started as mastabas. 1 leves tombs. 1st step for Pyramid built for a pharaoh. Great pyramid of Gizah built for cheops.Book of dead:Was a collection of maps spells and tips to help the dead people.

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