

Jan 2010

Branding & Image Promotion for Hong Kong

HKTDC Hong Kong Pavilion @ PRC Design Trilogy: 2012 ~ 2014

& New Design Chapter: 2015

Apr 2015By Karl Du Zhe Ru

Background & Design Requirement

For more than ten years, through a “Hong Kong Pavilion” in various exhibition fairs in China, The Hong Kong Trade Development Council systematically promotes the image and branding of HKSAR and its unique competencies to the Mainland. The Pavilion serves as a platform to feature and high-light products and services from various industries and professional practices of Hong Kong.

“One Design, Multiple Locations”: Typically The Pavilion will be set up in multiple fairs in different cities of China. Sometimes up to eight cities in total. The area of each sites varying in size from less than 150sqm to over 500sqm. Thus the design of the Pavilion has to accommodate the size changes yet keeping the same appearance, projecting the same ambience and retaining different functions and facilities for the operation of the Pavilion.

Logistically, the design also has to be easy for replication, transportation, setup, and dismantling as the fair schedules may overlap each other in terms of preparation periods. Often more than one pavilion’s materials are produced for the annual traveling of The Pavilion in the Country.

Hong Kong Pavilion is typically located amongst Pavilions from Macau, Taiwan, and other Asian Countries as well as different Provinces and cities of China. Direct comparison of appearance and unofficial competition of popularity from show-goers and the press are unavoidable. So far Hong Kong Pavilion has been the leader in the pack in terms of design.

Since 2012, for four consecutive years, Karl Du was responsible of the theme, design concepts, form study and the design development of key structural components and look-&-feel of the Hong Kong Pavilion in Mainland China.

2012: “Wind Beneath My Wings”

“展翅迎風 與您躍飛”The Design Concept of Hong Kong Pavilion 2012 is “Wind”. It represents Hong Kong, as a society, a proven platform for different industries to eventually “take to the air and reach a higher level”. To express “Wind” via physical form and expression, we adopted the form of a pair of “Wings”. The wing being a complementary element of flying and unmistakably expresses the feeling of flying and wind.

2012: “Wind Beneath My Wings”

“展翅迎風 與您躍飛”

2013: “Windows of Infinite Opportunities”

“無 垠 視 野 無 限 機 遇”維多利亞港兩岸商廈勾勒的天際綫聞名遐邇,「香港館」的設計將華廈林立的繁榮景致重新闡述。鏡面的運用寓意既無視野限制, 同時融入於大環境之中。俯視「香港館」,建築呈現象徵「無限」的符號。寄願香港繼續為企業領航,迎來無限商機

2013: “Windows of Infinite Opportunities”

“無垠視野 無限機遇”

2014: “insight of trend leading”

“先機洞悉 潮流引領”“Wind” represents Hong Kong, as a society, a proven platform for industries to eventually “take to the air and reach a higher level”. To express “Wind” physically, I applied “Wings”, a complementary element to the design of the Hong Kong Pavilion.

2014: “insight of trend leading”

“先機洞悉 潮流引領”Third part of the Design Trilogy theme that began in 2012 with “Wind Beneath my Wings”, which encouraged mainland enterprises to utilize Hong Kong’s outstanding services while exploring new business opportunities, and to continue to do so under the title of 2013’s “Windows of Infinite Opportunities.

The theme of this year aims at escalating these beliefs as well as helping the enterprises through upgrading and developing their businesses while forging new partnerships.

The pavilion’s cutting-edge triangular form is inspired by a spearhead to symbolize strength, speed and stability. The three-sided shape also represents the relationship between mainland enterprises, new business partners and Hong Kong’s reliable service providers.

2014: “insight of trend leading”

“先機洞悉 潮流引領”

A New Design Chapter for 2015:“Celebration of Hong Kong’s Core Values”

2015: “Hong Kong –Turning Energy into Opportunity”

“創意匯聚 商機無限”不少成功的典範, 往往出於能轉危為機的人身上. 香港作為一個開放的國際城市, 一直孕育著不同的創意, 就成功的商機. 香港館今年的設計以表達” 創意与商機” 之間的流動与交匯. 通過鮮明, 穿梭不同高度的缐條, 構建出象徵香港的”動感地貌

Some of the greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a challenge, being inspired and turned it into an opportunity. Hong Kong has always been and continue to be the city where great ideas formed and flourished into business successes. The design of this year’s Hong Kong Pavilion expresses the dynamism of “Flow & Intersections” amongst Inspiration & Opportunity. Using vivid lines that run on the floor and on the erecting towers, to form clear leads and heading directions and creating the ‘landscape’ of Pavilion that collectively represents Hong Kong.”

2015: “Hong Kong –Turning Energy into Opportunity”

“創意匯聚 商機無限”

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