Page 1: HMNA Special Edition

PO Box 38437 Dallas, TX

HMNA LAuNcHes New website

2012 Special Edition

Get ready for an exciting neighborhood adventure as you navigate through the pages and features!

butterfLy DAy

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2nd Annual

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sunday, May 6, 2012, 2:00 - 5:00 pm11007 cactus Lane Home of tony Delia, our butterfly Guy

Join us for this fun, family event!

walk through the butterfly house and see butterflies up close and personal.Hear tony's butterfly presentation between 3:00 and 4:00 pm.Purchase butterfly plants.enjoy refreshments, including Honey flavored straws. see the big red fire engine from station #48.Meet sparky, the fire house dog.Meet station #48's personnel.sign up for free smoke detectors for your on hand for our fireman's quilt raffle.Meet neighborhood children's author, Jean Morrison.Meet neighbor Megan skully's therapy dogs.

Continued on page 3

Announcing the

Turn the page for details!

Page 2: HMNA Special Edition

Highland Meadows Neighborhood Association 2012 Special Edition


Jeannie Morrison

In her new book, The King’s Nose, An Ecological Fairy Tale, this story-telling neighbor, retired teacher, and grand-mother, tells the story of a fairy tale King whose “bulbous nose” was stung by a bee as he walked through his beautiful gar-den. Author Jeannie Morrison explains the result of what can happen when harsh chemicals are used to kill all the flying things, especially those “awful bees,” as the King decreed. Using her 12-year-old

grandson Alexander as a model for the youngest and smallest “man-at-arms,” she weaves this appealing story for kids. To set things right, Alexander begins his quest to re-balance and restore the destroyed ecosystem which, of course, he accom-plishes in the end—much to the satisfaction of the King, who had finally come to realize the error of his ways. The

book ends with an explanation of the parts of flowers and the “importance of bees and other pollinators to the ecosys-tem.”

Jean moved here to Highland Meadows, on Hayfield, in 2000. She taught science for six years at our HMES and has also taught at Kiest and Hotchkiss schools. She designed science lessons using White Rock Lake and our creeks to teach the Texas TEKS. Her students learned about the flora,

fauna, and the water cycle of our area using these lessons. “Every spring I did a science/art lesson and taught the students about Texas wildflowers. They had to diagram the stems, pet-als and leaves of each different variety.” Jean also showed them her back copies of Wild-flowers from the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center

where she is a charter member.

Meet Our HAyfieLD NeiGHbOr, JeANNie MOrrisONJeannie will be signing and selling her new children’s book!1 book = $152 books = $14 each3 books = $13 each

Jeannie Morrison and grandson Alexander

Our neighborhood “adopted” Station 48 several years ago. Our residents have provided new furniture, a television, microwave, grill, and other items—even including a new office area with lumber donated by Lowe’s. This event will finalize our current project of collecting funds for outdoor furniture and a permanent shade covering for Station 48’s patio area. Most meals at the station are prepared outdoors on the grill, and these items will allow our fire-rescue personnel to spend some time outdoors in comfort during our hot summers. Be sure to join us for the following:

• Station #48’s Big Red Engine and personnel will be on site for everyone to see and examine. This is an opportunity for the kids to check out a big engine “up close and personal!” Chat with fire-rescue personnel and get to know the people who take care of us in crisis situations.

• Sparky, the Fire-Rescue Dog will be a special visitor! (human in costume) The kids will love Sparky!

• Fire-Rescue Education Booth will provide free home fire safety pamphlets, coloring books, stickers, and give-a-ways!

• Dallas Fire-Rescue will install smoke alarms in hallways and bedrooms of your home on every level. Sign up for free smoke alarms!

stAtiON #48 wiLL JOiN us fOr butterfLy DAy!

QuiLt rAffLe fOr stAtiON #48!Neighborhood resident Janelle McDaniel has made a "fireman's quilt," and every $10 amount donated to the station will equal one raffle ticket (see our last newsletter).

Bring your donations to our Butterfly Day or mail them to us. Note on your check: Station 48. If mailed, make sure your donation reaches us before May 6th in order to be included in our raffle drawing on Butterfly Day! One of our fire-rescue personnel will perform the drawing.

butterfly Day continued

Page 3: HMNA Special Edition

Highland Meadows Neighborhood Association 2012 Special Edition


New website PAGes AND feAtures cONtiNueD

Make a Personal Profile for your Pet on the New HMNA website

butterfly Day continued

Petwatch volunteers will be on hand for our Butterfly Day event. Drop by their table and learn what's new with Pet-watch. Nancy and Connie, our HMNA Co-Chairpersons, will share information about our new website: our new Pet Directory, Lost and Found postings, and Pet of the Month.

DON't Miss tHe PetwAtcH tAbLe

Highland Meadows is a "happenin' neighborhood!" Our ongoing tree planting projects, creek restoration, Adopt-a-Station program, butterflies, and more, keep our board members and volunteers busy as bees.

DALLAs MOrNiNG News' NeiGHbOrsGO tO AtteND butterfLy DAy

chat with a real beekeeper and hear a Bee Presentation! Receive a plant list that attracts bees to your garden. A honey bee visits 50 - 100 flowers during a collection trip, and the average worker bee pro-duces about 1/12th tsp. of honey in her lifetime. The value of bees to the eco-system is obvious. They are not only pollinating much of the food that we eat, they are also ensuring future generations of all kind of plants that in turn support other species. (At this newsletter printing, we are in the process of scheduling a beekeeper to be with us on Butterfly Day! For the latest details, visit our new HMNA website and click on Upcoming Events!)

fLOAt Like A butterfLy, stiNG Like A bee –Mohammad Ali–

The group is also working on social media functions. You can meet 7-year-old Deakin and 3-year-old Kopper, Coon Hound therapy assistant dogs, and their owner, Megan Scully. She has taken them to nursing homes and hospitals for the past three years. They also work with hospice patients.

The Richardson/Lake Highlands Neighborsgo Dallas Morn-ing News supplement Editor, Ann Marie Shambaugh and staff, will be on hand to take photos and visit with neighbors. She'll run a story about our active, involved neighborhood the follow-ing Friday, May 11th, in the supplement.

• Post items for sale and services offered in Classifieds.• Find local businesses in the Business Directory.• Contact Us directly from the website.• Chat with neighbors on the Message Board.• Participate in Surveys. • Translate text of public pages into a variety of languages.

1. Go to 2. Click on Register.3. Fill in the form. Note: The only information necessary is your name, email address, street address, and telephone number(s). No personal information will appear on this website.4. Scroll to the bottom of page and insert the Verification Code.5. Click Submit. 6. After an administrator approves you, you will be sent a username and password. 7. Use this username and password to log into the website. 8. Click on Update Your Profile and change your password to something you will remember. Your username is your email address. 9. Enjoy navigating your way through all the pages and features!

New website iNstructiONs

Questions? Send email to [email protected].

Page 4: HMNA Special Edition

Highland Meadows Neighborhood Association 2012 Special Edition

Thanks to our neighbors who came out on March 31st to hear Matt Grubisich from the Texas Trees Foundation ( Matt gave a terrific presentation about our neighborhood trees, our existing tree

canopy, and how we can protect our neighborhood from harsh summers like the last one by planting trees. Texas Trees Foundation provided NASA maps which showed areas throughout our neighborhood that are cooled by trees and conversely, areas where there are not enough trees. This provided a fascinating visual which showed how we are negatively impacted by the concrete jungle surrounding our neighborhood. The Texas Trees Foundation also presented our neighborhood with a comprehensive plan for planting the marginal divider (grassy area between the highway and service road) along Northwest Highway between Capri and Grenadier. The plan proposed by the experts at the Foundation identifies planting locations for over thirty native species of trees along this corridor. Recommended trees include American Elm, Afghan Pine, Red Oak, and Pin Oak, among others. These would provide a beautiful landscape and sound barrier between Northwest Highway and our neighborhood. The trees for this project would be secured through the City of Dallas Mowmentum Program and would be planted by Texas


HiGHLAND MeADOws tree PrOJect

Are you planting a tree on your own property? Check out this Texas Trees Foundation link for factors to consider: moisture, light, pests, temperature, and soil. Determine the purpose of the tree: shade, size, color, windbreak/screen, or to form a boundary.

texAs trees fOuNDAtiON: riGHt tree riGHt PLAce

Michael Thomas, President

Trees Foundation experts. They would manage the project through the planning and planting phase, at which time our neighborhood would be responsible for watering. We have already enlisted a volunteer to do the watering.

While this is only one small area where more trees would be of great benefit, our neighborhood association is working toward the long-range goal of placing trees on the medians around our entire neighborhood.

The total cost for this project is $2,500. To date, we have raised a $1000 through the generosity of our neighbors and through our association’s annual commitment to additional trees for our neighborhood. However, we still need to raise an additional $1,500 before the trees can be planted in October.

If you would like to help reach this financial goal, please mail your donation to HMNA, PO Box 38437, using the enclosed addressed envelope, or go to our new website and use our new PayPal feature.

Check out the progress of our donations on our new website. Monthly totals will be displayed as we progress toward our goal of $2500 by October 1st.

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