Page 2: Hold Your Head Up High Fei Xiajing From Chunxiao Middle School

你想知道自己有几分自信吗 ? 只要完成下面的小测验,即能知晓。 选择“不是”的请在题后写上 A ,“是”的写上 B 。    1 .我不在乎同学评论我的成绩。   2 .谈自己缺点和不理想的成绩时,我没有困窘。   3 .当我考试成绩退步时,很少从主观上找原因。   4 .我喜欢与好友讨论少男少女成长的烦恼。   5 .我经常为做错事向同学道歉。 6 .我常回忆过去的学生生活。   7 .我对生活中曾做过的每件事情都无怨无悔。 8 .当老师批评我学习不认真时, 很难引起我的重视。    9 .我从不向同学提要求。   10 .与同学逛街,我喜欢让他决定该去哪儿。 11 .如果我再刻苦一点,我在学习中会获得更多更大的成功。   12 .我发现自己很难对朋友说“不!”   13 .如果取消了与一个朋友的约会,我会感到愧疚。   14 .当同学批评我时,我会长时间都放不下这件事。   15 .在生活中与同学发生分歧时,我总坚持己见。

Page 3: Hold Your Head Up High Fei Xiajing From Chunxiao Middle School

 结果分析:   如果你选择 A 项达 10 次或更多: You are not confident at all! 你真的存在严重的自视过低问题,必须想办法克服。要提醒自己,你是属于最好的 --没有人会取代你在自己心目中的位置。   如果你选择 A 项为 5-10 次之间: Sometimes you are confident! 你有时较积极乐观,但有时较悲观。这时,你不妨试试多与他人交流一下内心的想法。    如果你选择 A 顶不超过 5 次:You’re confident! 值得庆贺!你已学会自我平衡,你知道要首先考虑自己的要求,明白自己像他人一样重要。

Page 4: Hold Your Head Up High Fei Xiajing From Chunxiao Middle School

A scarA scarred face

Page 5: Hold Your Head Up High Fei Xiajing From Chunxiao Middle School

What’s the main idea of this passage?

A. You should be careful or you will fall down and knock into something.

B. Mom’s love and encouragement are very important.

C. We should learn to appreciate ourselves.

D. Don’t play jokes on ugly people.

Page 6: Hold Your Head Up High Fei Xiajing From Chunxiao Middle School

P1 I was cute, active, happy…until that day when I was 15 months old. I had a bad fall. I 1 on a  stone and it cut my eye badly enough to blind it. The doctor said that if the eye was taken out, my face would become out of 2 ,so my scarred (有疤痕的 ), blind and grey eye lived on with me.

( ) 1.A.moved            B. tried            C. appeared            D. landed( )             B. order            C. style               D. question



Fell down on


exclusive method 排除法

Page 7: Hold Your Head Up High Fei Xiajing From Chunxiao Middle School

1. He fell off his bike yesterday and badly hurt.

2. Fall is the best season in Ningbo, I think. The leaves fall down like butterflies.

3. Niagara Falls are thrilling.

Guess the meaning of the words

A. 跌倒 B. 下降 C. 瀑布 D. 打击

A.春天 , 跌倒 B. 秋天,掉落 C. 秋天,下降 D. 冬天,打击

A. 跌倒 B. 下降 C. 瀑布 D. 秋天

Page 8: Hold Your Head Up High Fei Xiajing From Chunxiao Middle School

1.He made a blind guess

2.Love is blind sometimes.

3. The tears( 眼泪 ) began to blind her eyes

A. 胡乱的 B. 瞎的 C. 错误的

A. 瞎的 B. 盲目的 C. 模糊的

A.使…变瞎 B. 使…盲目 C. 使… 模糊




Guess the meaning of the words

Page 9: Hold Your Head Up High Fei Xiajing From Chunxiao Middle School

P2 People often asked uncomfortable questions about my eye or 3 played jokes on me. When the kids played games, I was always the " 4 guy. " I always

imagined that everyone 5 on me.

( ) 3.A.still             B. even            C. almost            D. hardly(   ) 4.A.bad             B. good            C. kind                D. rude( ) 5.A. looked down  B. looked up   C. looked through  D. looked over



laughed at

exclusive method 排除法

Page 10: Hold Your Head Up High Fei Xiajing From Chunxiao Middle School

1. You can _________ this word in the dictionary.

2. Never ___________ the disabled person.

3.Two people are ______________ books in the bookstore.

4. The doctor __________ the boy carefully and told him there was nothing serious.

Fill in the blanks

looked down on looked over looked up   looked through 

look up

look down on

looking through

looked over

Page 11: Hold Your Head Up High Fei Xiajing From Chunxiao Middle School

P3 Yet every time Mom noticed I was unhappy, she would say to me, "Hold your head up high and face the world. "It helped me move on in life. P4 As a child, I thought Mom meant, "Be careful or you will fall down or knock into something 6 you are not looking. " As a teenager, I always looked down to hide my shame (自卑) ,but I found that people 7 me when sometimes I held my head up high.

( ) 6.A.though            B. but             C. because         D. so( ) 7. A. helped          B. liked             C. enjoyed      D. hated



go on walking

Page 12: Hold Your Head Up High Fei Xiajing From Chunxiao Middle School

P5 In high school I was even made monitor, but 8 I still felt like a freak (怪物 ), All I really wanted was to look like 9 .When things got really bad, I would cry to my mom and she 10 look at me with loving eyes and say, "Hold your head up high and face the world .Let them see the 11 that is inside." That is 12 Mom taught me pride.

( ) 8.indoors           B. outdoors       C. inside             D. outside( ) 9.A.someone     B. everyone    C. someone else   D. everyone else( ) 10.A.would        B. should         C. could              D. might( )        B. heart            C. mind                D. love( )12.A.what            B. who          C. why               D. how







Men cannot be judged by their looks 人不可貌相

Page 13: Hold Your Head Up High Fei Xiajing From Chunxiao Middle School

P6 Mom’ s love and encouragement gave me the confidence to remove( 消除 ) my own doubt. 13 I was able to look people in the eye. I learned not only to appreciate (欣赏) myself but to have deep love for others. P7 "Hold your head up high" has been 14 many times in my home. Each of my children has felt its 15 The gift she gave me lives on in my children.

( ) 13.A. Lately   B. Unluckily    C. Finally      D. Suddenly( ) 14.A.shouted        B. heard            C. reported    D. discussed( ) 15.A.power            B. interest      C. love        D. secret




encourage +ment =encouragement V+ment =n

confident confidence

adj n

exclusive method

Page 14: Hold Your Head Up High Fei Xiajing From Chunxiao Middle School

I don’t doubt that he will succeed.

He doubts everything.

There is no doubt that he will arrive on time.

我毫不怀疑他会获得成功 .


毫无疑问他会按时到达的 .




Translate the sentences

Page 15: Hold Your Head Up High Fei Xiajing From Chunxiao Middle School

A. 通读全文、抓准主旨。

B. 利用自己的语言基础知识,结合选项、综合考虑。1. 上下文逻辑关系,如转折,因果,比较等

2. 动词和介词搭配

3. 词组辨析


如第 1 题

如第 2 题,第 5 题

如第 3 题,第 6 题,第 7 题

Page 16: Hold Your Head Up High Fei Xiajing From Chunxiao Middle School

C. 瞻前顾后、先易后难、各个击破。对比较明显直接的、自己最有把握的答案先做,一下子不能确定答案的,先跳过这一空格,继续往下做,很有可能你可以再下文中找到相应的答案

D. 复读全文、逐空验证、弥补疏漏。

E. 排除干扰,大胆猜测答案,排除法。 exclusive method

如第 8 题,第 10 题

如第 2 题,第 5 题 , 第 12 题

Page 17: Hold Your Head Up High Fei Xiajing From Chunxiao Middle School

I was cute, active, happy…until that day when I was 15 months old. I had a bad fall. I landed on a  stone and it cut my eye badly enough to blind it. The doctor said that if the eye was taken out, my face would become out of order, so my scarred,blind and grey eye lived on with me. People often asked uncomfortable questions about my eye or even played jokes on me. When the kids played games, I was always the “ bad guy."I always imaged that everyone looked down on me. Yet every time Mom noticed I was unhappy, she would say to me, "Hold your head up high and face the world. "It helped me move on in life. As a child, I thought Mom meant, "Be careful or you will fall down or knock into something because you are not looking ."As a teenager ,I always looked down to hide my shame, but I found that people liked me when sometimes I held my head up high. In high school I was even made monitor, but outside I still felt like a freak ,All I really wanted was to look like everyone else. When things got really bad, I would cry to my mom and she would look at me with loving eyes and say, "Hold your head up high and face the world .Let them see the love that is inside." That is how mom taught me pride. Mom's love and encouragement gave me the confidence to remove my own doubt. Finally I was able to look people in the eye. I learned not only to appreciate myself but to have deep love for others. "Hold your head up high" has been heard many times in my home. Each of my children has felt its power.The gift she gave me lives on in my children.

Page 18: Hold Your Head Up High Fei Xiajing From Chunxiao Middle School

How is the story organized?

A. By using famous people’s words.

B. By giving reasons only.

C. By showing a topic and giving solutions.

D. By telling stories.

Page 19: Hold Your Head Up High Fei Xiajing From Chunxiao Middle School

What can you infer from the passage?

A. Everyone looked down on the writer.

B. The writer is good at his schoolwork.

C. The writer is a student now.

D. The writer’s mother asked him to be careful when he was walking.

P 4. “In high school I was even made monitor, but outside I still felt like a freak ,All I really wanted was to look like everyone else…”

Last paragraph “….. Each of my children has felt its power. The gift she

gave me lives on in my children.”

Page 20: Hold Your Head Up High Fei Xiajing From Chunxiao Middle School

How many times can you see the phrase “ Hold one’ s head up high” in the passage?

A. Twice B. Three times C. Four times D. Five times

P 3 “… Yet every time Mom noticed I was unhappy, she would say to me, "Hold your head up high and face the world.”

P4 “…As a teenager ,I always looked down to hide my shame,but I found that people liked me when sometimes I held my head up high”

P5 “ …When things got really bad, I would cry to my mom and she would look at me with loving eyes and say, "Hold your head up high and face the world .”P7 "Hold your head up high" has been heard many times in my home

Page 21: Hold Your Head Up High Fei Xiajing From Chunxiao Middle School

What made the writer feel confident?

A. The writer was made monitor.

B. The love and encouragement of writer’s mother.

C. Other people liked the writer when he held his head up high.

D. The writer appreciated himself.

P 6 Mon's love and encouragement gave me the confidence to remove my own doubt…

Page 22: Hold Your Head Up High Fei Xiajing From Chunxiao Middle School

What’s the best title of this passage?

A. Hold your head up high.

B. A great mother’s love.

C. Don’t hide your shame.

D. Deep love inside.

Page 23: Hold Your Head Up High Fei Xiajing From Chunxiao Middle School

Once upon a time, there was a ________man. Because he couldn’t see anything, he _______everything that other people told him. He always said, “I don’t think so.” or “I don’t agree with you.” He was so _______of himself that everyone liked to play ______ on him.

One day, while he was walking on the street, he heard someone say, “Look out! There is a deep hole in front of you.” But he didn’t believe it and still went on walking. At last, he _____ into the hole, of course.

blind confidence doubt joke fall






Page 24: Hold Your Head Up High Fei Xiajing From Chunxiao Middle School

What can make students confident?

A.The encourgement

from others

B. Good looks

C. Good grades

D. Beautiful clothes

E. Be good at sports

F. Have a lot of friends

G. A lot of money

H. Can get on well with others

I …

Page 25: Hold Your Head Up High Fei Xiajing From Chunxiao Middle School



What can give people confidence


The encourgement from others


Good looks 更容易得到他人的喜爱Good grades 可以进入自己理想的学校… …

What can make students confident?

Today we had a discussion of confidence in our class. Some students think the encourgement from others can make people confident because they think____________________________


Page 26: Hold Your Head Up High Fei Xiajing From Chunxiao Middle School

1.You have to be first, best or different. —— Loretta Lynn 你必须是第一 , 或者最好的 , 或者与众不同。 ——洛莱特 · 林恩  2.Confidence doesn't need any specific reason. If you're alive , you should feel 100 percent confident.  自信不需要理由 , 生活应该保持 100 分的自信

3.Be confident, not arrogant.   自信 但是别骄傲

Page 27: Hold Your Head Up High Fei Xiajing From Chunxiao Middle School
Page 28: Hold Your Head Up High Fei Xiajing From Chunxiao Middle School

Thank you for listening!

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