

WORD DEFINITION630 a lot many622 abacus counting device710 abandon leave behind808 abashed make somebody ashamed601 abbreviating shortening of a word620 abbreviation reduced form of a word629 abdicate resign position; neglect duty807 abdominal stomach area of body717 abducted snatch somebody away830 Abednego thrown into fiery furnace604 abilities natural gift for something814 abjure formally renounce something609 abnormal unusual828 abracadabra magic word813 absolute complete; outright:614 absolutely that's right; unconditonally626 absorption soaking up821 abstention not doing something707 academic scholarly; conventional707 academy specialized school817 accede come to power; sign treaty817 accelerate go faster625 accentuate draw attention to something627 accept take something offered703 accepted take something offered703 accepting uncomplaining603 access entry; opportunity for use726 accessory fashion article617 accidentally incidental; unplanned725 acclaim praise somebody highly725 acclamation approval; vocal vote801 acclimate change because of environment801 accolade sign of praise705 accommodate allow for something817 accommodations anything that supplies a need703 accompanied provided musical backing602 accompaniment parts enriching or supporting the leading part828 accompanist backing musician703 accompanying be present with somebody714 accomplice somebody helping wrongdoer602 accomplish achieve something705 accomplishment achieve something801 accord agree; grant something

602 according agree; grant something818 accordingly in consequence607 accordion air-driven musical instrument801 accosted approach and stop somebody718 accountant somebody who checks finances621 accountants somebody who checks finances621 accounts report; explanation; money in bank825 accreditation give official recognition to somebody817 accumulate collect or gather817 accuracy ability to avoid errors801 accurately correct; free from errors818 accursed horrible; doomed801 accusations allegation807 achievement success; finishing well812 acknowledging admit something; show awareness807 acknowledgment acceptance of facts805 acne skin condition812 acoustics sound-carrying ability624 acquaintance somebody known812 acquainted familiar; known728 acquiesce agree to something passively710 acquittal not-guilty verdict617 acquitted declare somebody innocent821 acreage land measured in large rectangles811 acrimonious resentful and angry718 acropolis Athenian fortress821 acrylic a paint used in painting pictures629 activate make something capable of action611 actor's performer in plays621 actuality everything that really happens719 adapt change to meet requirements705 adaptation change to suit environment708 addiction drug dependence705 additional extra606 address physcial location of a place; formal talk617 adequate enough823 adhesive glue; stick827 adiaphora doing neither good nor harm618 adjacent neighboring; sharing edges721 adjourn suspend procreedings610 adjusted change something slightly608 administration management of a business or staff606 admire to regard with wonder and delight728 adolescence time befor adulthood612 adolescent before adulthood811 advantageous giving superior position719 adverse unfavorable714 advertise publicly announce a need611 advertiser's person selling a product

719 advice recommendation about action722 advisable worth doing719 advise recommend something716 advisory warning of something to come827 advocate recommend or support something812 aerial in air711 aerobics fitness exercises826 aeronautics science of flight819 aesthetic appreciating beauty809 affability easygoing827 affable easygoing711 affection fondness; feelings629 affectionate loving816 affectionately loving719 affective of emotional expression711 affiliate combine organizations821 affirm declare something to be true705 affirmative indicating agreement711 affliction cause of distress602 afford able to buy something616 afghan blanket; carpet613 Africa a continent S of Europe 623 afterthought something added later624 aggravate annoy somebody824 aghast horriifed628 agitated make somebody anxious627 agitation anxiety; shaking802 agrarian pro-farmer812 agricultural the science of farming land711 agriculture farming712 aircraft flying vehicle620 airmail sending information by plane607 airport place where planes land and take off706 aisle passageway between seats729 algebra math using letters as symbols826 algorithms problem-solving computer program827 alleluia used to express praise to God804 allergies hypersensitivity to substance701 allergy senstivive to substance609 alligator large reptile with broad snout812 allotted give as share; earmark603 allude mention indirectly; to hint at724 alphabetical put in order from A to Z812 altercation heated argument722 alternate follow in an every other pattern722 alternative other possibliites605 altogether with everyone included; totally724 aluminum metallic element for pop cans712 alumni graduate of a educational place

724 amateur somebody doing something for pleasure724 amazement astonishment616 ambassador official representative for a group819 ambiguous having more than one meaning725 ambitious having strong desire for success621 ambulance vehicle for carrying to hospital715 amendment change to legal document812 amorous expressing or feeling love815 amphibians land animal that breeds in water719 amphibious living on land and in water710 ample more than enough601 amused keep someboyd happily occupied712 analyses close examination; assessment725 analysis close examination826 analyze study something closely826 anarchy chaotic situation with no government725 anatomy study of structure of body710 ancestor distant relation624 ancient old; of distant past812 anecdote somebody's account of something801 anemia blood deficiency715 anemometer instrument measuring wind force823 anesthesia loss of sensation through medication612 anguish extreme pain or anxiety812 angular sharply defined610 animation computer-generated graphics704 anniversary annual observation of past event826 annotation adding of notes602 announce tell something publicly725 anonymous unnamed to prevent identification601 answering responding to a question611 Antarctica the continent surrounding the South Pole726 antecedent word that a pronoun replaces713 anthology collection of written works713 anthropology study of humankind701 antibiotic agent that destroys bacteria628 anticipated expect something812 anticipation expectant waiting617 antidote substance that counteracts poison727 antique collectable old item630 antiseptic used to control infection809 antisocial no conforming to accepted behavioral standards708 anxiety feeling of worry706 anybody every person623 anywhere to one or many places814 aperture narrow opening613 apiece for each827 apocalyptic predicting disaster; involving destruction619 apologize express remorse for something

827 apostolic relating to the Disciples727 apparatus equipment717 appendage projecting body part812 appetite desire for food616 appetizer food served before main meal711 appetizing stimulate desire for food727 applaud clap hands812 application formal request for something605 applying formally request something; work hard730 appointment arrangement to meet somebody729 appreciable readily perceived or estimated626 appreciated value highly729 appreciation gratefulness629 appreciative grateful or approving826 apprehend become aware of something714 apprentice trainee; inexperienced person705 approximately nearly; close614 aptitude quickness in learning625 aquarium container for fish607 aquatic living in water717 aqueduct channel for water720 aquifer water-bearing rock709 Arabia's a peninsula in SW Asia, including Saudi Arabia730 Arabic language used in Middle East615 archaeologist stud of ancient cultures812 architect building designer813 architecture building design or style817 ardent passionate; enthusiastic611 Argentina a republic in S South America.729 argumentative inclined to disagree822 aristocracy people of highest social class826 arithmetic use of numbers827 armageddon all-destroying war608 armor protection for soldiers807 arrangement pleasing display in good order601 arrested take somebody into custody618 arrogance proud attitude729 arthritis painful joint condition609 artichoke flower bud eaten as vegetable802 artifact object made by human826 artificial made by humans828 Ascension Jesus rising to heaven603 ascent upward movement; climb613 ascertain determine something614 Asia a continent bounded by Europe and the Pacific605 asparagus plant grown from edible shoots826 asphalt material used for surfacing roads617 aspirin pain reliever826 assassinate murder somebody

603 assent agree to something826 assimilation act of becoming part of something629 associate connect things in mind709 association group; connecton803 assumption something taken for granted603 assure make somebody confident or certain713 asterisk star-shaped symbol713 asteroid rocky object orbiting Sun728 asthma respiratory disease713 astrology study of planets and human behavior713 astronaut spae traveler713 astronomer person who studies the universe713 astronomical immeasurably great713 astronomy scientific study of universe628 athletic good at sports826 athletics sports actitivies614 Atlantic Ocean located North and South America Europe, and Africa625 atmosphere gases surrounding a planet626 atrocious very bad; ugly to look at826 atrocity shockingly cruel act804 atrophy wasting away624 attempt try to do something718 attendant somebody serving in public place608 attention concentration; interest; appropriate treatment614 attitude personal view of something605 attorney somebody given legal power626 attraction appealing quality or feature629 attractive good-looking; interesting813 attribute a quality of a person724 audible able to be heard; call for new plan724 audience people watching performance704 audition test performance by candidate701 auditor somebody checking accounts or systems724 auditorium hall or lecture room822 auditory relating to hearing817 augment to make larger811 auspicious promising well for future614 Australia a continent SE of Asia605 authorities holder of power; right to command609 authority right to command; holder of power714 authorize confirm power or permission629 authorship relating to the writer of books607 autobiography life story written by self614 autocrat ruler with absolute authority607 autograph someboyd's signature607 automatic done without thought or prior arrangement607 automobile passenger-carrying road vehicle616 autonomy self-government612 autumn season after summer and before winter

704 auxiliary giving support; held in reserve823 avalanche downhill fall of snow617 average typical amount of a group719 averse opposed to something803 aversion strong dislike826 aviator pilot622 avocados green-fleshed edible fruit626 avocation occupation; hobby630 awhile for a brief or long period628 awkward lack coordination821 axiom generally accepted truth611 babies' very young child729 bachelor unmarried man620 backbone central support pard of body630 backwards move in opposite direction630 bacteria microscopic life form704 badminton game with net and rackets721 bagel ring-shaped roll604 bakeries store selling bread and cakes609 ballet form of dance718 balloonist pilot of a large floating machine609 banana long curved yellow fruit701 bandage cloth strip for covering injury717 bankrupt unable to pay debts825 bankruptcy legal inability to pay debts622 bannisters handrail on staircase817 banquet ceremonial meal710 barbarian uncivilized, aggressive person824 barbaric cruel; uncivilized609 barbecue outdoor party with food cooked outdoors728 barnacle clingin sea creature715 barometer instrument measuring pressure721 barracuda predatory sea fish602 barricade fence to block something825 battery power source721 bayou marshland701 beauteous pleasing to senses610 beautician a person who does hair styling623 bedside located near where you sleep830 begetting to cause; produce as an effect818 beggar poor person701 beguiling charming818 behavior observable activity in a human or animal810 behemoth something huge; huge animal701 beige very pale brown610 belief acceptance of truth of something; trust705 belligerent hostile; aggressive830 Benediction blessing at the end of a worship service822 benefactor financial supporter

716 beneficiary legal recipient of money618 benefit advantage; assistance808 benefited get advantage; extra compensation827 bereavement a period of mourning after a loss807 betrayal go against promise723 biannual twice in a year830 bickering argue723 bicultural with two shared beliefs and values723 bicycle two-wheeled vehicle723 biennial flowering in second year701 bifocals with two focal lenses702 bilingual speaking two languages711 binoculars linked pair of small telescopes813 binomial expression with two terms809 biographical accounting of somebody's life721 biologist studies the science of life701 biscuit small round piece of bread723 biweekly coming out twice every seven days812 blasphemous disrespectful of sacred things808 blighted destructive force; ruined state811 boisterous noisy; energetic; rowdy627 bombard attack somebody repeatedly817 bombast dignified language630 bona fide authentic; honest623 bookkeeper keeper of financial transactions712 bookshelves place for holding reading materials730 boomerangs curved missile that returns to location610 boredom state of being restless601 borrowed used or received someone's elses property601 borrowing act of getting something on loan611 boss's somebody in charge809 botanical plants610 boulevard wide street730 boundaries borders720 boundary border813 bountiful generous; abundant611 boys' young male person823 brachiate with arms703 bragged talk with too much pride703 bragging boastful remark716 bravery great courage618 brazen bold and unashamed611 Brazil a republic in South America603 breadth distance from side to side603 breath air inhaled or exhaled619 brethren members of the same group821 brevity use of few words614 brewery place for making beer716 bribery offer of persuasion

613 brief not lasting long701 briefcase small area for carrying papers602 broccoli green plant with edible flower head702 brochure promotional booklet802 bronze copper and tin alloy611 brother's male sibling730 Buddhism Eastern religion622 buffaloes type of horned cattle; bison705 buffoon bumbling person; clown610 building walled roofed structure815 bulbous rounded711 bulletin news broadcast; announcement; newsletter609 bungalow one-story house819 buoyancy tendency to float705 bureau government department708 bureaucratic administrative716 burglary illegal entry of building702 bushwhackers somebody traveling or living in woods619 business line of work; commercial organization707 businesses line of work; commercial organization606 butterflies insect with big colorful wings611 buyer's somebody purchasing something717 byre bulding for cattle617 cabinet piece of furniture817 cachet official mark616 cacophony unpleasant noise714 cactus spiky desert plant709 Caesar's title of Roman emperor630 calamine lotion used to help skin809 calamity disaster distress701 calculator device for doing math803 calligraphy skill of handwriting815 callus patch of thickened skin703 calories unit of energy806 camaraderie friendship818 camouflage concealment of things728 campaign vote-seeking activities611 Canada's country north of USA730 Canberra a city in and the capital of Australia620 cancellation stopping sometihng from happening720 candidate applicant for job or office617 canning putting in metal containers612 canopy covering for shelter619 cantaloupe orange-fleshed melon809 capacity maximum volume706 capital seat of government628 capitalization use uppercae letters for something706 capitol building for law-making body

817 cappuccino frothy milky coffee806 captivating enchanting; irresistible704 carbohydrates energy component of diet704 carcinogen cancer-causing substance or agent712 cargoes goods carried as freight705 Caribbean area south of the USA721 caribou large deer610 carnivore flesh-eathing animal606 carrying to support and take from one place to another801 cartilage stron elastic tissue in body730 cartographers map makers704 casually indifferent; relaxed; comfortable820 catastrophe disaster; total failure723 catchment collecting of rainwater704 category division609 catsup tasty red sauce723 cauliflower flower head eaten as vegetable620 caused what makes something happen; reason603 causing what makes something happen; reason824 caustic curve formed by reflections711 cemetery burial place622 centipede many-legged arthropod807 centripetal toward center624 cereal breakfast food811 certificate document providing official evidence710 chameleon lizard that changes color611 champion's supreme victor in a contest629 championship final game of a tournament702 chandelier hanging light with branches824 characteristic defining feature714 characterize describe something or somebody714 chastise punish609 chauffeur hired driver624 cheapest costing or charging little630 checkpoint place where review is carried out630 cheeseburger ground beef in a bun611 chef's professional cook718 chemist scientist specializing in substances825 chemistry study of transformation of matter625 Chicago city in Illinois622 chiefs most mportant; highest in authority721 chimpanzee intelligent ape603 choose make a decision

630 chop suey dish with bean sprouts and meat616 chopped cut sometihng up with sharp tool630 chopstick Chinese eating utensil718 chopsticks Chinese eating instrument603 chose made a decision822 Christian believing in the teachings of Jesus Christ802 Christianity religion that teaches salvation through Jesus619 chrome hard metallic compound820 chromosome structure carrying genes824 chronic long-lasting; alsways present829 Chronicles books of the Old Testament826 Cincinnati a city in SW Ohio, on the Ohio River705 cinnamon spice obtained from bark806 cipher written code628 circling shape of perfect hollow ring822 circulation movement of blood around body702 circulatory flow of blood824 circumcision Jewish religious ceremony719 circumnavigate go around something618 circumstance way something happens817 circumvent outwit somebody625 cistern water tank616 citizen legal resident of company616 civilian non-soldier603 civilization highly developed society620 civilize improve social behavior801 classification organization into groups606 classified secret or sensitive; grouped by type620 classmate in same group at school828 claustrophobia fear of being in tight spaces627 cleanliness degree of not being dirty627 cleanse make something free from unpleasantness702 cliche a phrase that is overused and lacks original thought606 cloudier full of or covered with a visible mass of water606 clumsy moving awkward727 coagulate group together in larger mass609 cobra venomous snake721 cocoa brown powder for making chocolate721 coconut hard-shelled fruit containing sweet juice806 cocoon covering for caterpillar803 coincident happening at the same time630 collarbone bone at front of human shoulder815 collateral property as security against a loan

806 colleague fellow worker602 collect get or gather together608 collection group of things or people616 collector somebody who saves objects'602 college place of higher learning725 collide crash into something725 collision crash728 cologne scented liquid814 colossal very large829 Colossians an Epistle written by Paul612 columns round pillars; vertical arrangements707 combination mixture707 combine join or mix together718 comedian amusing person606 comedy funny play, movie, or book602 command order; control806 commerce trade in goods and services626 commercial paid ofor with advertising726 commissariat army supply department806 commissioner government official; sport executive830 commissioning fee paid to agent; authority to act as agent705 commitment responsibility; loyalty602 committed to carry through as a process to completion814 committee group chosen to do task715 commonplace everyday; dull626 commotion ruckus; confusion814 communal shared625 communicate exchange information626 communication exchange of information629 communicative talkative709 communities people in an area729 community people in area806 commuter regular traveler from home to work620 compact disc used for playing music710 companion somebody to be with815 comparatively the considering of two things601 compared examined for similarities601 comparing examining things for similiarities710 comparison find similarities and differences618 compartment small space allotted for something730 compass direction finder825 compassionate showing sympathy806 compel force something to happen

830 compelling holding attention815 compensation money in payment for loss806 competent able; adequate711 competition contest to beat others710 competitive involving attempt to win701 completely thoroughly; done814 complexion skin type618 component part of something823 comprehensive including all608 compression reduction in size; phase in engine714 compromise agreement; something accepted rather than wanted613 conceivable believable806 conceived become pregnant; think or imagine something722 concentrating thinking intensely about something608 concentration focus of mind or resources806 conception broad understanding; beginning726 concession something unwillingly admitted602 concessionaire the holder of a concession granted by a government815 concocted mix ingredients to make something new705 concussion mild brain injury612 condemn consider somebody not guilty708 condemnation consider somebody guilty804 conditioner product for improving hair texture713 condominium individually owned apartment717 conductor director of choir; railroad employee716 confectionery candy-making705 confetti colored paper pieces for throwing725 confidence belief in own abilities818 configuration arrangement of parts722 confiscation take something away813 congenial agreeable; friendly818 conglomerate business organizaton involved in many areas823 congregate assemble people or animals806 congruent with same shape721 conifer cone-bearing tree717 conjecture something guessed602 connect link two things together705 Connecticut state in Northeast USA819 connoisseur expert616 conquer defeat somebody or something719 conquistadors Spanish warriors618 conscience sense of right and wrong728 consciousness awareness of surroundings

818 consecutive following one another in uninterrupted order725 consequence result; logical conclusion806 consequences relation between cause and effect815 consequently because of this719 conservation protection of valued resource828 conservatism disposed to preserve existing conditions627 conservative tradiional; cautious627 conserve use sparingly806 consider reflect on something629 considerate respectful708 consideration careful thought618 consistent reliable; with common solutions814 conspicuously easily visible705 constellation group of stars forming shape709 consternation shocked alarm822 constituent resident of a certain political area626 Constitution statement of US fundamental laws629 constructive useful729 consumable able to be used803 consumer buyer; animal that feeds on others722 contamination make dirty or unfit for use820 contemplate consider something806 contemporary modern in style815 contiguous adjoining; neighboring719 continual occurring very frequently820 continuity consistency between parts719 continuous unchanged; uninterrupted628 contradict disagree with; shown to be wrong724 contradictory inconsistent; opposing617 controlling manage, restrain, or limit something625 controversy dispute about a topic814 conundrum something confusing806 convene gather for meeting806 convenience somebody's personal comfort624 convenient making life easier608 convention people attending a formal meeting628 conveyance moving of something628 convince make certain; persuade to do something809 convoluted very twisted623 cookware utensils for bakind621 cooperate work together621 cooperation working together621 cooperative willing to help

702 coordination movement of parts together809 cordial hospitable; nice to others806 cordially deeply felt; hospitable630 corkscrew device for removing something630 cornfield large farm area for crops720 coronation ceremony of crowning726 corporation group regarded as individual by law807 corral place for livestock629 corrective fix something815 correspondent somebody providing special reports821 corroborate make certain; confirm705 corrosion destruction by chemical action608 corrugated cardboard with ridges717 corruption dishonesty for personal gain614 costume clothes for particular activity726 cotyledon first leaf701 coughing expel air from lungs noisily624 counsel court lawyer; somebody who gives advice815 counseled somebody who gives advice617 counterfeit forged; false; fake709 counties local government area706 countryside rural land714 cowardice lack of bravery609 coyote North American canine mammal604 cranberries small red fruit821 cranium skull629 creative new and original708 credibility willingness to believe728 crescent arc-shaped thing827 crevice a crack forming an opening707 crimes illegal act707 criminals somebody acting ilegally621 critic somebody judging something621 criticize express diapproval of somebody820 critique review of somebody's work609 crocodile large reptile with strong jaws618 croissant arc-shaped bread roll813 crucial essential as resolving a crisis 708 cruelty condition of being mean725 crystallize make or become well-defined823 cubicle partioned work area in room630 cuckoo clock used to tell time716 cuneiform wedge-shaped ancient writing

617 cunning skillful performanc; craftiness603 curable able to be treated medically712 curricula subjects taught 608 cursor marker on computer screen718 custodian janitor825 customary usual; long-continued practice824 cyclic in recurrent themes705 cyclone large-scale storm system705 cylinder object shaped like tube707 cymbals percussion instrument624 dalmatian spotted dog620 daybreak beginning part of day818 debonair showing elegance613 debrief make report to somebody817 deceitful deliberately misleading613 deceive intentionally trick; fool yourself708 deception practice of misleading somebody601 decided obvious; firm; certain601 deciding settling on a result827 deciduous trees that lose leaves730 decimal system method of counting in tens701 decision something somebody has chosen823 decisive able to make definite decisions727 decompose break down into pieces624 decorator somebody who works on home décor619 decrease diminish; reduce something614 deduce reach conclusion717 deductions subtraction of amount629 defective faulty; does not work718 defendant accused party807 deferential showing respect624 deficient lacking; inadequate625 definite clear; fixed; definite720 definitely certainly; exactly722 deforestation removal of trees from an area727 dehydrated lose body fluids717 dejected very unhappy704 Delaware state in Northeast USA811 delicate fragile; frail619 delicatessen specialized food store814 demure looking shy827 denomination religious grouping806 denominator bottom half of fraction

822 denunciation public condemnation618 deodorant prevents body odor; disguise smells707 depart leave a place727 departing leave a place707 departure change from usual course718 dependent family member607 deportation removal from a country708 deposition witness's testimony626 depreciation drop in value707 deprivation taking away707 deprive not allow to have601 derived get or come from something805 dermatologist skin specialty723 desalination removal of salt619 descend go down nearer to the ground612 descendant somebody related to an ancestor719 descent going down; decline608 designation a naming for an office; post; or duty815 desirous wanting something811 desolate empyt; alone617 desperate as a last resort; in great need805 despicable worthy of disgust 714 despise regard with anger or frustration711 despondent discouraged608 destination intended end of a trip608 destruction the act of ruining completely 722 detection perception of something's existence605 determine decide or find out something823 dethrone remove from power829 Deuteronomy fifth book of the Bible712 devastation damage severely628 develop change and grow714 devise think something up821 devitalize make weak803 diagnose identify cause of something812 diagnosis identification of illness or problem807 diagonal slanted line817 dialect regional variety of language806 dialogue conversation; discussion704 diamond hard colorless mineral702 dichotomy separation of different things626 dictate speak aloud words to be written724 dictator powerful ruler

815 dictionaries book of word meanings625 dictionary book of word meanings613 diesel vehicle with special engine703 dietary relating to controlled intake of food811 difficulties something not easily done626 digestion processing of food in body801 digestive relating to the processin of food into body601 dignified showed honor or distinction601 dignifying showing honor or distinction602 dilemma one has to choose between two or more choices624 diligent constant in effort to accomplish something822 dimension measurement of size of something730 dingo Australian wild dog608 dinosaurs large extinct reptile716 directory book of names727 disability medical condition restricting activities710 disagreeable unpleasant; rude; quarrelsome804 disappeared vanish804 disapproval negative attitude or response713 disastrous completely unsuccessful804 discernible see or notice something unclear728 disciple follower of person or idea612 discipline calm controlled behavior804 discontinues stop making something727 discourage try to deter somebody804 discrepancy failure to match629 discrimination treating people differently through prejudice716 discriminatory usfairly treated614 disdain look down on somebody727 disenchanted cause somebody to lose interest727 disgraceful very bad or unacceptable804 disgruntled irritate or dissatisfy somebody612 disguised change appearance704 disgusted strong disapproval or revulsion804 disingenuous withholding information; not sincere719 disinterested impartial; lack of care or concern807 dismal depressing; hopeless726 dismissed send somebody away618 disobedience refusal to follow rules618 disobedient refusal to follow rules804 disoblige be unwilling to help somebody727 disorganized not efficient or prepared804 disparaged criticize

804 disparity lack of equality804 disposition personality; behavioral tendency727 disrepute disgrace727 disrespect show no thoughtfulness602 disrespectful rudeness; contempt717 disrupting interrupt; destroy order727 dissection cutting and examining602 disseminate to cause to be known over a considerable area719 dissent disagree713 dissenter somebody who disagrees602 dissipate cause something to disappear804 dissociate separate off areas of mind606 distance length between two things722 distinction difference; high quality629 distinctive different from others702 distinguished recognized for excellence730 distortion misleading alteration804 distress mental suffering; hardship804 distribution giving out605 disturb upset or interrupt somebody618 disturbance commotion; interference813 diurnal active in daytime730 diversity variety827 divination seeking knowledge by prophecy820 divinity quality of being God630 doctors somebody medically qualified827 doctrine ideas taught as truth825 documentation reference papers824 domestic relating to home; not foreign811 domesticate tame animal; accustom to household life827 dominance power exerted over others801 dominant in control; more important622 dominoes game with rectangle pieces and dots716 dormitory building where college students live624 doubtless certainly; probably620 doughnut round cake with hole or filling830 Doxology hymn of praise to God815 drachmas unit of former Greek currency720 dramatically in an attention-grabbing way628 drawer storage compartment in furniture729 drowning die by immersion in water807 dual having two similar elements606 dungeon prison cell

811 duplicate copy something712 dynamos energetic person814 dystrophy slow degeneration of tissue630 each other especially two621 eager enthusiastic and excited about doing something605 earning make money by working621 ease lack of difficulty624 easily without difficulty720 Easter celebration of Jesus' resurrection801 eccentric unconventional; different829 Ecclesiastes book of the Old Testament801 ecclesiastic member of the clergy713 ecology study of organisms and the environment722 economy financial affairs805 ecosystem organisms and their environment825 ecstasy intense delight807 ecumenism Church unity820 eczema skin condition826 Eden Prairie a suburb of Minneapolis 709 Eden's Adam and Eve's garden626 edict decree; authoritative command808 editorial opinion piece in newspaper719 effective producing results808 efficiency prodcutive use of resources618 efficient well organized709 Egypt's a republic in NE Africa720 eighths one of 8 parts of something613 eighty grooup of 80708 ejection pusch something out with force823 elaborate marked by intricate and often excessive detail722 elasticity ability to return to shape621 electric energy created by moving charged particles621 electrician works with wiring708 electricity energy created by moving charged particles625 elegance style and good taste619 elementary simple to do or understand730 elevations height above location603 eliminate get rid of something804 elixir sweetened drug811 elucidate explain something603 elude escape or avoid622 embargoes restriction on trade705 embarrass make or become self-conscious

808 embarrassment something that causes self-consciousness602 embassy official headquarters or residence of an ambassador809 embellished add false details to something808 embroidery act of making decorative needlework813 embroil involve somebody in conflict710 emergency sudden crisis requiring acion603 emigrant somebody who moves to another country817 eminent high in rank; distinguished726 emotion heightenend feeling725 emphatic definite606 empties containing nothing; meaningless606 emptiness contianing nothing726 enclosure boundary fence812 encompass include many things616 encounter meet somebody709 encyclopedia comprehensive reference work710 endeavor try hard to do something609 endorse approve or support something formally610 enemy unfriendly opponent714 enfranchise give somebody right to vote; set free616 enlighten give informaton to somebody605 enormous unusually large618 enrollment number of people registered711 ensure make something certain823 entangle put somebody in difficult situation619 enterprise commercial business830 enterprising ready to undertake projects of importance807 enthusiastic showing excited interest720 enthusiastically showing extied interest713 entomology study of insects811 enunciated speak clearly603 envelop wrap or hide something617 environmental of the natural world801 environments surrounding influences811 enzyme protein controlling chemical reactions807 epicycloid math curve824 epidemic fast-spreading disease711 episode significant incident827 epistle letter from the apostle Paul or others727 epizootic disease affecting many 627 equaled identical; with the same rights627 equate reduce something to the same level605 equator imaginary circle around Earth

808 equilibrium bodily balance; emotional stability808 equipped provide somebody with necessities722 equitable fair625 equivalent of same size or solution814 erasure removal721 eroding wear away land720 errands short trips undertaken808 erroneous incorrect601 error unintentional mistake717 eruption violent release of material709 Esau's brother of Jacob827 escapade brash adventure729 escaped break free from captivity729 escort social partner624 escrow money held for something626 especially particularly;exceptionally602 essential necessary; basic807 establishment people in power; business premises808 esteem value something in particular way808 etched make something clearly visible824 ethnic group sharing cultural charateristics713 etymology study of word origins802 eucalyptus tall aromatic tree of Australia820 eulogy spoken or written tribute821 euphemism use of inoffensive words613 Europe continent above Africa710 European somebody from Europe722 evaluation assessment of value825 evangelical relating to Christian Gospels825 evangelism spreading of Christianity605 evaporate change liquid to vapor719 evaporation becoming gas711 eventually in the end; ultimately611 everyone's all people614 ewe female sheep628 exactly precisely; fully713 exaggeration make more noticeable825 exaltation feeling of extreme happiness812 examinations inspection; tests702 exasperate make angry; worsen725 excellence outstanding result707 exception keep something out707 exceptional outstanding; unusual

603 excess go beyond the usual limit; extra808 excessive more than is acceptable710 excitable easily stimulated615 exclaim cry out loudly and suddenly716 exclamatory allow to say something loudly615 exclude keep somebody out830 excruciating hard to bear728 excursion short trip711 excusable overlook something615 excuse allow somebody to leave702 executive senior manager702 exempt not subject to something808 exercises physical movement601 exercising physical activity (present tense)702 exertion strenuous effort or action615 exhale breathe out702 exhausted tire somebody out626 exhaustion extremely tired or weak state702 exhibit display art to show to others808 exhibition public display of works of art702 exhilaration make somebody feel happy and alive702 exotic strikingly different725 expand make or become larger811 expatiate speak or write at length808 expectation expected standard601 expected wait for anticipated thing717 expeditions organized trip by group722 expendable not worth preserving717 expenditure money spent618 expensive costing a lot828 experiment scientific test701 experimental relating to something new and untried605 expert somebody skilled or full of knowledge716 explanatory give details about something729 explode blow up or burst608 exploration travel for discovery; investigation629 explosive likely to generate violient action607 export send goods to another country715 expository detailed description or discussion608 expression look on somebody's face; a word or phrase808 expulsion dismissal from a place; force somebody out830 expunging get rid of something completely628 exquisite finely beautiful; excellent

823 extemporaneous prepared but said without notes725 extending open out into space608 extension additional period of time725 extensive large in amount605 exterior on the outside702 extinguish put out fire630 extraordinary unusually excellent811 extrapolate estimate value808 extraterrestrial outside Earth808 extravagant beyond what is reasonable720 extremely to a very large degree809 extremity farthest point; highest point823 extricate free from difficulty623 eyesight ability to see818 facilitator meeting organizer607 facilities a building made or used for a particular activity815 facsimiles copy of something625 factories building where goods are made621 factual truthful619 Fahrenheit a temperature scale709 families' group of relatives (poss)805 fantastic excellent; incredible709 farmer's somebody who works in fields (sing. poss)709 farmers' somebody who works in fields (pl. poss.)612 fascinate captivate; amaze830 fascinating of great interest or attraction612 fatigue mental or physical exhaustion616 fattest excess amount of tissue704 favorites most liked625 favoritism unfairly preferring a specific person624 fearless courageous625 feasible possible629 fellowship sharing of experiences627 female woman629 feminine attributed to women626 ferocious fierce; extreme730 festivals program of cultural events626 fictitious false; assumed to be true613 fierceness aggressive; violent716 fiery glowing hot626 financial connected with money730 fireworks bright exploding object617 fishhook used for catching water animals

622 flamingos large pink wading bird607 flavor a crertain taste830 fledgling somebody inexperienced708 flexibility able to bend without breaking718 florist somebody who sell plants817 floundering make uncontrolled movements803 flourishes be healthy or grow well728 fluorescent dazzling in color726 foliage leaves820 folklore traditional local stories630 food processor appliance for preparing something825 forbearance refrain from action; patience617 forbidden not permitted820 forcible using strength830 foreboding strong feeling of a future evil728 foreign of another country630 foresee predict630 forever for all time817 forfeit give something up813 forfeiture giving something update630 forget not remember; leave something behind616 forgetting leave something behind608 forgive stop being angry about something616 forgotten not remember719 formal official 603 formally of or according to prescribed or fixed customs or rules719 former having been something; previous603 formerly in the past608 forming variey of something; basic structure or shape810 fortieth one of 40 parts of something629 fortunate bringing luck816 fortunately luckily; happily608 forty group of 40; a tennis point626 fraction number that is part of whole612 France a republic in W Europe827 franchise business operated under license723 frankfurter hot dog706 frays wear away and hang in threads706 frees not restricted in rights706 freeze turn liquid to solid through cold722 freighter carrier of goods and shipments824 frenetic happening quickly; chaotic808 frenzied wildly excited or out of control

807 frequently on many occasions708 friendlier affectionate; trusting; helpful720 frightened make or become afraid815 frivolous not worth taking seriously805 frostbite injury by freezing822 frostbitten injury by freezing807 frugal careful with money and resources715 fuel injection internal combustion without carburetor614 fugitive somebody who runs away825 fulfillment achieve something628 function purpose; role720 funeral ceremony for somebody who has died712 fungi spore-producing organism810 furlough leave from duty605 furthermore in addition709 Gabriel's archangel825 galaxy assembly of stars, gas, and dust809 galvanized stimulate somebody to act625 garage bulding for motor vehicles625 gasoline fuel for engines708 gauge calculate or evaluate something721 gazelle small fast antelope720 genealogist study of history of families725 generosity kindness725 generous kind; noble; giving729 genes basic unit of heredity805 genetic relating to the basic unit of heredity707 genius somebody with outstanding talent820 genuine real; sincerely felt713 geology study of rocks and minerals612 Germany a republic in central Europe816 ghastly horrifying; terrible805 gigantic very big; great705 gimmick something grabbing attention705 giraffe animal with very long neck810 girth distance around something626 glacier ice mass828 glaucoma eye disorder808 gnarled knotted and twisted808 gnawed chew at something830 gnawing persistent and troubling830 Gomorrah OT city God destroyed815 gorgeous beautiful; pleasing

706 gorilla large ape711 governor US state executive815 gradually happening or changing slowly624 graduate somebody who has completed studies728 graham cracker sweet plain cracker611 grandma's parent's mother709 grandparent's parent's parent828 granola oat breakfast cereal808 grappled struggle with somebody or something704 gratitude thanks715 gravestones stone marking at cemetery613 grief intense sorrow819 grievance reason for complaint607 grizzlies American bear613 groceries food at a supermarket820 grotesque distorted; odd in shape723 groundwater rainy liquid under the surface827 gruesome horrifying702 guacamole mashed avocado612 guardian legally responsible person706 guerilla type of sneak-attack war strategy612 guiding show somebody the way612 guilty responsible for wrongdoing630 guinea pig rodent kept as pet730 gunpowder explosives to firearms708 gymnasium large exercise room829 Habakkuk prophet of the Old Testament729 habitat home environment829 Haggai prophet of the Old Testament804 halitosis bad breath827 hallelujah used to express praise to God804 hallucinogen chemical involving false perception620 hallway area between rooms622 handcuffs wrist restraints808 handicapped physically or mentally challenged820 handsome good-looking808 haphazard lacking any obvious principle of organization616 happened occur; do something by chance715 happenstance chance occurrence607 harmonious showing agreement; blending815 harness straps for an animal627 haste great speed627 hastened do something immediately

607 hastily done in a hurry809 haughty snobby817 haunt appear to somebody as ghost815 hazardous potential danger623 headlights aids night vision in a hehicle607 headphones listening device for ears815 headquarters commander's operational base625 heavily with great weight718 Hebrew official language of Israel613 heifer young cow708 heights length upward627 heir legal receiver of something728 heirloom something handed down623 helicopter aircraft with rotors730 helicopter aircraft with rotors819 hemorrhage excessive bleeding820 hemorrhage excessive bleeding801 herbivore animal that eats plants611 here's refers to a certain place and time801 heredity passing on of genetic factors823 heresy holding of unorthodox religious belief618 hesitant not quick or confident701 heterogeneous not from same body727 hibiscus bush with large flowers817 hiccupped sudden gulping sound609 hickory North American nut tree623 highbred from good stock706 higher above something618 hilarious very funny618 hindrance something in the way; obstruction of progress706 hire give somebody work621 historians recorder of events621 historical formerly existing or happening604 hobbies enjoyable activity611 Holland the Netherlands823 homage respect or reverence paid715 homemade made at a house620 homemaker household manager620 homeowner somebody who pays for a house623 homestead house and land606 honesty moral uprightness; truthfulness622 hooves animal's foot730 hopscotch game of jumping over squares

803 hormones chemical in body703 horrified dismayed or scared703 horrifying dismay or scare somebody611 horses' four-legged riding animal728 horticulture simple agriculture without many tools708 hospitality kindness to visitors706 hostel cheap inn706 hostile very unfriendly623 household people who live together722 huggable put your arms around something609 hula Polynesian dance627 humane compassionate821 humanism concern for people627 humanity human race; kindness821 humdrum dull724 humidity moisture level in the air824 humiliation lessening of somebody's dignity617 humming sing with lips closed817 humorist funny person606 hundredth one of 100 parts of something721 hurricane severe storm with high wind828 hydrangea flowering bush824 hydraulic driven by fluid613 hygiene cleanliness822 hypertension high blood pressure822 hypnotize put somebody into different state of mind708 hypocrisy pretend high principles712 hypotheses theory needing investigation820 hypothesis theory needing investigation711 hypothesis needing investigation620 ice skate boot fitted with blade620 iceberg mass of cool water611 iceberg's mass of floating cold water612 Iceland a large island in the N Atlantic Ocean729 icicles hanging rod of frozen water716 iconoclasm challenge to tradition710 identical alike in every way720 identity used to recognize somebody713 ideology system of social beliefs709 idiosyncrasy quirk; unusual response to something706 idle not working or in use706 idol object worshiped as god811 ignominious shameful; despicable

604 illegal against the law or rules604 illegible hard to read604 illiterate unable to read or write604 illogical unreasonable; not following rules820 illuminant sourc of light603 illuminate shine light on something625 illustrate accompany something with pictures716 imaginary in your mind; not real707 imitate follow example of somebody707 imitation copy someone604 immaterial does not matter604 immature not fully developed; childish602 immediate happening right away604 immerse cover something completely603 immigrant somebody settling in a country822 immigration arrival of settlers in new country710 immoral defying moral principles816 immorally defying moral principles813 immortal never dying726 immovable of fixed opinion702 immunity resistance to disease814 immure shut somebody away710 impartial not taking any side827 impassable impossible to use or overcome819 impasse block to progress820 impatience annoyed at waiting604 impatient annoyed at waiting; eager801 impeccable perfect717 impending imminent; about to happen604 imperfect not complete; faulty810 impersonal not persoanalized; anonymous827 impinge interfere; strike805 implacable impossible to appease707 implicate show connection of somebody with something707 implication logical relation604 impolite not nice; rude607 import goods brought into a country626 impose enforce something809 impractical not workable604 improper unsuitable; irregular714 improvise make something up on the spot604 inability lack of means or power604 inaccurate not correct

823 inanimate not alive724 inaudible impossible to hear808 inaugurated swear somebody formally into office810 inauguration ceremonial opening of something610 inborn implanted by nature720 incandescent glowing with heat604 incapable not good enough824 incarnation God as Jesus Christ618 incident event with consequences720 incidentally by way or chance804 incision act of cutting601 included contained within a group601 including part of a group823 inconclusive not decisive604 inconsiderate without regard for others805 inconsolable too upset to be comforted810 inconvenience annoyance604 inconvenient causing difficulties816 incredulously unwilling to believe718 incumbent somebody in public office805 indefatigable untiring604 indefinitely an unknown length of time820 indelible impossible to remove or alter725 independence freedom from control614 India a republic in S Asia707 indicate point to something707 indicative indicating existence or truth720 indictment accusation before grand jury625 indifferent without care or interest817 indignant angry at unfairness809 indignity humiliation621 individual specific person621 individuality or or for one person717 induction formally give somebody a positon810 industrial with many developed factories808 ineffectual incapable of generating desired outcome810 ineptitude unable to handle job825 inerrancy incapable of mistakes604 inexpensive cheap805 inexplicable unable to give details822 infallible incapable of failing806 infatuation temporary passion608 infection disease

825 inflammatory to arouse anger618 influential able to sway somebody704 influenza widespread viral illness608 inform tell somebody; give information604 informal unofficial; casual605 informative adding to one's knowledge; educational704 ingenious inventive; clever; effective810 inhabitant someody living in place615 inhale breathe in627 inherit receive something when somebody dies722 initiate make something start722 initiative ability to act on your own717 injection introduction of fluid with needle606 injury physical damage; wound810 innocence absence of guilt; harmlessness712 innuendoes hint of something improper805 innumerable too many to count804 inoculate protect somebody against disease810 inquiries act of asking726 inquisitive inquiriing; too curious611 insect's small six-legged animal810 insecticide insect poison801 insinuate imply something807 insistent demanding attention827 insoluble impossible to find answer810 insomnia difficulty in sleeping724 inspecting look at something critically601 inspection take a close look at724 inspector official examiner707 inspiration stimulation to do creative work809 inspirational ability to stimulate action in others707 inspire stimulate somebody to do something625 instance give something as example712 instantaneous happening immediately805 instinct strong natural impulse711 instinctively involuntary; natural814 institute organization with specialized goal610 instrument tool; object that produces music614 insulation material that protects from heat and cold809 integrity firm principles; completeness810 intellectual relating to thought process 618 intelligence ability to think and learn629 intelligent mentally able

825 intensify make or become greater621 intention aim or objective807 intentions aim or objective726 intercede plead for somebody825 intercession pleading for somebody619 interested curious; wanting something715 interface common boundary; linking software601 interfered get in the way601 interfering getting in the way710 interior inside of building or room717 interjection exclamation expressing emotion726 intermittent irregular810 interrogative used to ask questions602 interrupt cause something to stop810 interrupted halt speaker's words and actions705 interruption break in regular activity614 interview meeting for asking questions810 intimate close; private and personal612 intrigue interest somebody807 introduction explanatory secton at beginning620 investigation examination of somebody629 invincible unbeatable; too difficult to overcome711 invitation offer; written note810 invoiced request for payment613 Iraq a republic in SW Asia820 irksome annoying604 irrational lacking in reason or logical thought805 irreconcilable unresolvable604 irregular occurring at odd intervals604 irrelevant not having anything to do with the matter being talked about.604 irreplaceable impossible to substitute604 irresistible overpowering; very desirable604 irresponsible not caring805 irrevocable impossile to canel725 irrigation supply area with water709 Isaac's a son of Abraham and Sarah730 Islam Muslim religion and world706 isle land surround by water730 isolated remote; alone or lonely709 Israel's a republic in SW Asia; home of Jewish nation716 itinerary list of places to be visited721 jaguar big wildcat815 jamborees big celebration

809 janitorial cleaning and maintenance808 jaundiced illness causing yellow skin712 jewelry ornaments for body709 Jordan's a river in SW Asia822 jubilant expressing great delight730 Judaism religion of Israel729 judgmental tending to criticize626 judicial enforced by law or court629 judicious sensible and wise825 jurisdiction range of legal authority714 justice fairness; system of law805 justifiable able to make something seem reasonable824 justification declacre not guilty704 juvenile youthful; immature802 kangaroos marsupial with powerful back legs715 keepsake memento802 kimonos traditional Japanese garment618 kindergarten class before official start of school730 kingdom area ruled by a monarch629 kinship human relationship616 knitting clothed created by hand by sewing609 koala gray furry marsupial in Australia803 kookaburra large Australian bird with laughing call709 laboratory's plae for scientific research810 labyrinth something very complicated709 ladies' title for woman721 lagoon parlty-enclosed area of seawater829 Lamentations book of the Old Testament820 landslide sudden collapse of an area702 language communication with words727 laniary for tearing food729 lantern portable lamp712 lariat rope for restricting animal819 laryngitis inflammation of vocal cords624 lasagna pasta dish with meat and sauce622 lassoes rope with sliding noose603 later after something712 latitude degree of tolerance of error603 latter second of two805 laudable praiseworthy619 laughter act of making sounds expressing amusement820 laureate award winner805 lawyer somebody qualified to practice law

612 league group of sports clubs619 legendary containing an old story or myth822 legislation making of laws811 legitimate well-founded; legal613 leisure free time606 lemonade tasty fruit drink816 leniently not harsh804 lesion wound829 lethargic tired804 leukemia blood cancer624 levee natural bank beside river829 Leviticus third book of the Bible822 liaison coordinator828 liberalism policial theory stressing individualism610 license permit to do something701 lieutenant deputy; navy officer805 lifeguard beach attendant703 lighted energy producing brightness703 lighting equipment for providing artificial sight803 limitation setting of limits821 linguist speaker of several languages816 linguistically of or belonging to language711 literal following basic meaning825 literary pertaining to the nature of books and writings828 liturgy form of worship service630 livestock animals kept for sale721 llama shaggy-coated long necked mammal809 locality particular place726 locomotion movement 812 logarithm raisin of base number710 logical sensible and based on facts712 longitude angular distance from prime meridian728 longitudinal running lengthwise630 longtime existing for years826 Louisiana a state in the S United States818 lunar relating to moon822 luncheon midday gathering with food625 luxurious comfortable and expensive712 luxury great comfort609 macaroni small pasta tubes716 machinery mechanical parts718 machinist somebody who operates something621 magician person who performs tricks

823 magistrate lower court judge801 magnanimous noble-spirited715 magnetic field region of space that shows atttraction624 magnificent beautiful; exceptional606 magnify increase actual size of something630 main idea main part of story or paragraph725 maintains make something continue618 maintenance repair work627 majestic impressive; dignified627 majesty royal title; power829 Malachi prophet of the Old Testament821 malaria illness transmitted by mosquitoes611 man's adult male human703 managed administer or run something703 managing coping with difficult situation716 mandatory order to do something701 maneuver skilled movement826 Manhattan burough of New York City823 manifestation visible form fo divine being818 manipulator operation or control something628 marriage legal relationship between man and woman603 married having a spouse803 marsupials animal with pouch624 martial warlike619 Maryland a state in the E United States (Baltimore)826 Massachusetts a state in the NE United States (Boston)711 material something used in making items601 maternal caring; of or like a mother710 mathematical accurate; worked out with numbers822 mathematician person who works with numbers704 mathematics study or relationships using numbers815 mattress pad for sleeping on706 maximum greatest possible amount821 mayhem chaow705 mayonnaise creamy sauce made from egg yolk611 mayor's head of city government706 meant express opinion622 measles contagious viral disease622 mechanic somebody who repairs things813 mechanical machine-operated603 median middle point620 mediator somebody helping end a dispute813 medicinal capable of treating illness

619 medicine drug for treating illness628 medieval old-fashioned; Middle Ages610 mediocre average810 megalith large standing stone607 megaphone funnel shaped device to amplify voice815 melancholy feeling or causing sadness606 melodies main musical tune of a song818 memoir biography or historical account821 memorandum brief diplomatic communication604 memories recalling what is learned or experienced714 memorize learn and remember something704 memory ability to retain knowledge611 men's adult male humans626 mention say or write something807 mentioned say or write something714 merchandise goods at a store803 merchants people who sell products720 meringue whipped egg whites830 Meshach thrown into fiery furnace820 mesmerize absorb somebody's attention619 messenger somebody carrying a form of communication725 metamorphic change of physical form818 meteor fiery mass of rock from space713 meteorology weather science830 Methuselah a patriarch who lived 969 years711 meticulous precise803 metropolis large city710 metropolitan forming large city619 Michigan a state in the N central United States713 microbe tiny organism713 microbiology branch of study physical science713 microchip small piece of computer technology713 microfilm tiny photographs806 micrometer device for measuring small distances713 microorganism tiny organism607 microphone device for converting sounds713 microscope device for viewing small objects720 microscopic very small713 microwave oven using radiation821 millennium 1,000 years703 mimicking mock somebody through imitation704 minerals inorganic substance in nature704 miniature smaller version

706 minimum lowest possible degree826 Minneapolis one of the Twin Cities609 minor not legally an adult; low in rank; secondary828 minutia precise details810 mirth laughter712 miscalculation make wrong assessment711 misdemeanor less serious crime722 miserable very unhappy; unpleasant821 misnomer calling something by wrong name726 missile rocket-propelled weapon726 missionary someobyd doing church work abroad602 Mississippi state in Deep South on the Gulf of Mexico726 mobile moving easily726 mobilize prepare forces for action817 moccasins leather shoe606 modern present day; lastest kind821 modicum small amount815 molecules smallest part of chemical compound605 monarchy total rule by one person824 monolithic large and unchanging612 monologue long speech by one actor718 monotheistic belief in a single God721 monsoon rainy season with wind826 Montpelier capital of Vermont609 moose large animal with flat antlers719 moral involving right and wrong719 morale how somebody feels emotionally804 mortician funeral director605 mortified shame somebody824 mosaic picture made with smalle colored pieces712 mosquitos small slender biting fly626 motion act of moving726 motioning act of moving726 motivation giving of reason to act; enthusiasm712 motives reason718 motorist driver of a vehicle712 mottoes rule to live by616 multiple involving several things813 multitude large number; majority710 murmur something said quietly701 muscle body tissue producing movement821 museum place where important things are preserved718 musician works with instruments

609 mustard spicy yellow condiment611 mustn't must not726 mutant something that has changed813 mutual felt by each; with same feelings820 mystique mysterious quality807 mythological imaginary, ancient stories713 mythology study of ancient stories627 naturalist somebody studying natural history627 naturally as expected; in normal way828 nausea sickness of stomach810 nautical relating to seafaring606 necessary required809 necessity something essential629 negative having a bad attitude820 negligence condition of being careless829 Nehemiah prophet of the Old Testament610 neighborhood people living near each other613 neighborly friendly or kind613 neither excludes both813 neutral taking no sides621 neutrality taking no sides630 nevertheless in spite of that614 New York a state in the NE United States (Albany)715 newsroom where information is prepared715 newsstand stall selling magazines826 Niagara Falls a city in W New York near Canada610 niece daughter of sibling805 nightmare bad dream; terrible event709 Ninevah's the ancient capital of Assyria; visited by Jonah606 noisiest full of loud sounds730 nomadic wanderer715 nomination proposal; appointment702 nonchalant indifferent710 noncommunicable not easily explained727 nonessential not necessary727 nonexistent not living or real727 nonpoisonous not a toxic substance727 nonrewable likely ot run out711 nonsensical meaningless; laughable727 nonviolent refrain from physical force722 normality regular happenings615 North America continent consisting of Canada and the USA805 noticeable easily seen

809 notoriety questionable fame822 notorioius famous for something703 nourished give food to somebody703 nourishing providing good sustenance718 novelist writer of books714 novice beginner628 noxious physically harmful; disgusting729 nuclear of or relating to the control center of an atom729 nucleus central region of cell628 nuisance something irritating806 numerator top half of fraction605 numerous many830 Nunc Dimittis Song of Simeon716 nursery place growing plants; child's room702 nutrition processing of food822 nylon women's stockings722 nymph insect larva611 o'clock particular hour in telling time712 oases fertile field in desert829 Obadiah prophet of the Old Testament624 obedient doing as told819 obese overweight716 obituary announcement of death717 objective free of preference629 obligate compel somebody legally819 obligation something which a person obliged to do819 obligations duty; binding agreement716 obligatory legally, morally required819 oblige do favor for somebody; be helpful819 oblique not parallel or perpendicular818 oblivion state of forgetting825 observatory place for looking at view818 obsess never stop thinking about something819 obsolete not used any more811 obstinate stubborn; refusing to change819 obtuse greater than 90 derees801 occasionally sometimes608 occupation job; activity819 occupying fill space; take over place725 occurrence happening720 oceanography scientific study of salt water plants and animals726 ocelot small wildcat resembling a leopard822 odyssey long series of travels

627 officers somebody of rank in armed forces722 official somebody holding office819 officious meddlesom and interfering810 oilcloth grease treated rag601 omitting leaving out823 omnipotent all-powerful823 omnipresent alwayst present everywhere823 omniscient all-knowing716 onager ancient war machine819 onomatopoeia imitation of sound in words820 onslaught overwhelming assault 720 onyx fine-grained mineral used as gemstone605 operations something done; surgical intervention707 operatives skilled worker707 operator somebody running equipment721 opossum American and Australian marsupial819 oppose be against something619 opposite totally different819 opposition sports opponent818 oppressive dominating harshly819 optometry eye examining 629 oral spoken communication721 orangutan large reddish-brown ape607 orchard area of fruit or nut trees823 ordinance law; something given716 ordinary common; usual819 oregano herb609 organ main body part; large keyboard instrument730 organism living thing714 organize form or coordinate something; arrange608 orientation introductory session for a group621 origin source; intersection of axes621 original first; new; source for copies819 originally at first819 orthopedics branch of medicine 828 osmosis gradual absorption818 ostracize exclude from society702 ostrich frightless bird622 ourselves belonging to us819 outlandish very peculiar819 outrageous excessive; highly unusual818 ovation loud and long applause623 overdue late; delayed

615 overflow spread beyond limits of something615 overgrown too much for the space615 overlook miss something703 overlooked miss or ignore something811 overrate value something more than necessary617 overrule decide against somebody615 overweight too heavy for good health702 overwhelmed provide somebody with huge amount818 overwrought very upset; too elaborate619 oxygen element essential for breathing614 Pacific Ocean largest body of wate in the world716 pacifist believer in peaceful resolution of conflicts612 pageant elaborate and colorful procession613 Pakistan a republic in S Asia, between India and Afghanistan814 pamphlet infromational leaflet822 pandemic having widespread effect812 pandemonium chaos830 pang sharp pain; intense emotion703 panicking overpowering fear or anxiety828 panorama picture with wide view828 papaya tropical tree with oblong fruit623 paperback softcover book715 papoose bag for carrying baby605 parachute canopy for slowing fall from aircraft714 paradise place of perfect happiness; heaven705 parallel always same distance apart804 paralyzed deprive of voluntary movement824 paraphernalia items needed for an activity805 paraphrasable able to be summarized611 parent's a mother or a father619 parentheses upright curved mark in punctuation619 Parliament United Kingdom legislative body828 parsonage home for a clergy member718 participant somebody taking part in something711 participate take part816 particularly to an exceptional degree813 particulars one out of several; details628 partner somebody who shares activity805 passable acceptable623 passageway way through an area706 passed overtake; hand something over607 passport identification document for travel714 pasteurize treat something for sterilization

628 pastime agreeable activity814 pastoral of clergy624 patience capacity for waiting714 patriot supporter of own country824 patriotic support for own country601 patrolling regular tour made by guards809 paucity lacking; fewness729 pavilion outdoor structure818 peculiar unusual; unique718 pedestrian somebody walking718 pediatrician children's doctor628 penalty punishment for crime717 pendant hanging ornament or jewelry717 pendulum rod controlling clock702 penguin seabird that cannot fly705 penicillin antibiotic derived from mold714 peninsula land projecting into water704 penitentiary prison826 Pennsylvania a state in the E United States. (Harrisburg)807 pentahedron five-faced figure827 Pentateuch first five books of the Bible718 pentathlon track and field contest828 Pentecost Christian celebraton of the coming of the Holy Spirit823 penultimate second to last801 pepper seasoning613 perceivable notice using senses; understand828 percussion musical instruments that are hit610 perform present artistic work701 perfume fragrant liquid618 permanent everlasting; unchanging725 permissible allow something705 permission authorization to do something725 permitted make something possible717 perpendicular at right angles808 perpetual lasting forever811 perpetuate make something last or be remembered719 persecution suffering of people for a reason814 perseverance determined continuation with something606 personalities somebody's set of characeristics708 personality somebody's set of characteristics724 perspective certain evaluation of something823 perspire release of sweat805 persuade get somebody to do something

827 persuasive able to get somebody to do something821 pertinent relvant611 Peru a republic in W South America625 pessimism tendency to expect the worst812 pessimistic very negative person712 petroleum oil found in rock616 petting touching an animal for pleasure814 petunia tropical plant with bright flowers614 pewter dark grayish color830 Pharaoh ancient Egyptian ruler830 Pharisees Jewish religious group704 pharmaceutical relating to drugs718 pharmacist somebody who dispenses drugs721 phenomena something experienced814 phenomenon extraordinary experience826 Philadelphia a city in SE Pennsylvania, on the Delaware River830 Philemon an Epistle written by Paul829 Philippians an Epistle written by Paul830 Philistines enemies of the Israelites825 philosophy set of beliefs814 phlegm thick mucus607 phonics reading method involving letter recognition814 phonograph record player806 photographer person who takes pictures706 phrase words spoken as group801 phylum major group in classification718 physician medical doctor622 pianos musical instrument with keyboard818 piccolo small flute814 picnicking meal taken and eaten outdoors715 pictograph chart with symbols814 picturesque visually attractive623 pieces part taken from larger whole701 piercing penetrating; intensely cold628 pigeon bird living in cities806 pilgrimage religious journey814 pirouette body spin when dancing605 pitied feeling of sympathy826 Pittsburgh a port in SW Pennsylvania by three rivers814 pivotal vitally important609 pizza baked dough topped with cheese826 plagiarized copy something from other person's work805 plague epidemic disease

814 plaintiff somebody who brings civil action609 platypus small aquatic animal having a broad bill and webbed feet623 playwright writer of dramas and comedies707 pleasurable enjoyable to someone630 pneumonia inflammation of lung627 poems piece written in verse610 poetic sensitive or insightful610 poetry literature in verses and rhymes825 poignancy causing sadness or pity814 poignant sharply perceptive630 polar bear large white arctic animal804 politely well mannered; elegant730 political map show cities and states718 politician government member717 pollster somebod conducting a survey805 pollution act of contminating something812 pompous self-important721 poncho cloak; raincoat803 porcelain ceramic material811 porous allowing substances through625 porpoise dolphin722 portable easily moved around712 portfolios flat case for documents612 Portugal European country west of Spain626 position location; place in order815 positively definitely813 possessed controlled; owned705 possession ownership818 possessor own something809 possibility something likely to happen615 postdate happen later than something809 posterity people in future615 posthumous published after death615 postman somebody who delivers mail615 postponement delay615 postwar after a series of major battles807 potential expressing possibility819 potpourri collection of fragrant dried flowers825 poultry domestic fowl627 practical useful; suitable for everyday use627 practically almost615 prearrange establish ahead of time812 precarious not securely held or in position

703 precaution protection against possible event719 preceded come or go before something603 preceding coming before812 precept general rule intended to regulate behavior819 precipitate make something happen quickly608 precipitation rain, snow, or hail610 precipitous very steep or sudden; rising or dropping abruptly816 precisely exactly; accurately711 precision exactness; accuracy in calculation615 precursor something that comes earlier726 predecessor previous holder of job824 predestination advance decision by God about events821 predominant most common or important615 prefabricated produce something in sections610 prefer like somebody or something better701 preferably selection of something; right to express choice714 prejudice opinion from beforehand703 preliminary coming before something814 premium cost of insurance615 premonition warning about the future818 preoccupied having attention taken up with something627 preposition word used before a noun615 preposterous outrageous; absurd610 preschool grade before kindergarten703 prescription written order for medicine618 presence attendance in a place701 preserve make sure something lasts812 presiding be officially in charge813 prestigious having high status626 pretentious self-important; made to look important721 pretzel salted snack biscuit615 prevailed be stronger; win615 preventable stop something from happening614 preview opportuntity to see in advance816 previously coming or occurring before something else715 prime meridian zero degrees longitude line707 primitive first; very simple in design706 principal school administrator814 principles basic assumption; way of working821 pristine immaculate; unspoiled729 privilege special honor or right813 privileged enjoying special advantages809 probability math likelihood of event

722 probable likely722 proboscis elephant's trunk726 procedure established method621 proceed continue with action719 proceeded continue action; go in particular direction726 procession group of people moving forward814 prodigal wasting parental money621 production making of something629 productive worthwhile contribution621 productivity ability to make something717 products something made or created813 professional following occupation as paid job717 projectile something flying forward802 projection something that sticks out; cast something on surface625 prominent well-known726 promotion advancement in positon725 pronounce utter sounds or words725 pronunciation making of sounds of speech616 propeller revolving shaft on ship or aircraft809 propensity tendency; movement toward something606 property something owned703 prophesied predict with divine authority703 prophesying. predicting with divine authority828 prophetic correctly predicting625 propose make suggestion; state intentio719 proposition agreement; statement812 proprietor owner of business719 prosecution pursuit of legal action724 prospect vision of future; outlook 724 prospective likely to happen or be something813 prospectus official advance information about something730 prosperity success702 protein complex natural compound624 protractor instrument for measuring angles724 provision action taken to prepare for something814 provisions supplying of something804 prudence careful in providing for the future821 Psalms biblical book of 150 poems728 pseudonym false name722 pseudopod temporary cell that juts out728 psychological of the human mind728 psychology study of human mind721 ptarmigan bird found in cold regions

813 publications communication of something708 publicity activity stimulating public interest626 punctuation marks used to organize writing812 pungent strong smelling or tasting614 pursue chase somebody or something805 pursuit act of chasing after something619 puzzlement confusing somebody815 pyramids solid triangular shape809 quadrilateral four-sided figure727 quadruped four-footed animal703 qualified be or make somebody suitable703 qualifying win first round of competition821 qualm feeling of unease; sick feeling828 quandary dilemma720 quantity measurable amount626 question written or spoken inquiry817 questionable open to dispute or doubt705 questionnaire list of things for someone to answer824 quixotic impractical; impulsive622 quizzes test of knowledge828 quota maximum permitted number or amount830 quoting repeat somebody's exact words715 racquetball indoor sport using short-handle715 rain gauge measures precipitation811 rapacious grasping; destructive vicious720 rapport freiendly relationship728 raspberry small cup-shaped fruit813 rational able to think clearly and sensibly811 raucous unpleasantly loud803 raucously unpleasantly loud; noisy711 ravioli filled pasta shapes608 reaction emotional response to something624 readjust change something slightly again630 realistic practial; reasonable708 reality all that exists or happens704 realm scope of something; area of interest711 reasonably rational; not expecting more than is possible801 reasoning logical thinking; argument602 rebuttal a statement that is intended to disprove or confute another.726 receding go back; become less613 receipt acknowledge of payment622 received generally accepted613 receiver device for picking up something

703 receiving get something603 recent happened not long ago803 recently having happened not long ago608 reception formal party812 reciprocal given by each side807 recital solo performance by students702 recitation reading aloud; oral response724 reclamation the act of getting back708 recognition appreciation; token of acknowledgement704 recognize identify somebody seen before705 recommend suggest something as good idea608 recommendation suggestion to do something803 recommending suggest something as good idea606 reconcile put back on friendly terms824 reconciliation put peple back on friendly terms710 reconsider reflect on something again605 records lasting account of court records or history701 recruit enroll somebody710 rectangle figure with four right angles821 rectify correct something827 recuperate regain health801 recyclable able to be used again824 redemption buying back of person's sins708 reduction amount by which something gets smaller803 redundancy duplication of message or duty803 references process of mentioning803 reflection careful thought; see exact image of something828 Reformation religious movement started by Martin Luther628 refrigerator atrificially cooled storage space824 regeneration form again610 region area of land625 register official list722 regrettable causing shame or sorrow803 regretting feel sorry for something707 regulate control something; adjust output707 regulation government order with force of law807 rehearsal practice performance728 reign period or rule623 reinforcement added support to increase strength622 released let something go803 relevant having current significance623 relieve stop something unpleasant606 reluctant not eager; hesitate

624 remedy treatment for disease612 reminiscent recalling memories of past802 remittance act of paying729 remnants small parts still left610 remodel renovate something605 remorseful guilt; sorrow828 rendezvous meeting618 repellent resistant to something815 repertoire range of resources somebody has725 repetition doing something again828 replica faithful copy of something605 replies respond to what is said; answer820 repository place for storage816 reprehend to find fault619 representative somebody who speaks for others803 Republican conservative political party803 repulse disgust somebody822 requiem service for the dead803 requirements need something to do something else603 resent to feel anger or bitterness721 reservoir lake or tank for storing water619 residents somebody living in a place719 resin substance from plants608 resolution decision; solution; expresson of collective opinion806 resources source of help719 respectfully with thoughtfulness or admiration719 respectively consistently or similarly701 respiration process of supplying oxygen to cells803 responsibility accountability824 restitution giving or paying back622 restoration return to original state722 restore give something back628 resurrect raise somebody 628 Resurrection Jesus rising from death824 retribution something given or inflicted613 retrieval recovery of something820 retroactive applying to the past614 reunion gathering; a coming together again621 reveal make something known614 reviewer look at something again724 revise rethink something; alter text601 revisited go to place again803 revive flourish again

728 rhapsody enthusiastic talk610 rhetoric persuasive speech or writing807 rhetorical of effective use of language709 rheumatism stiffness in joints or muscles728 rhinestone small fake gem728 rhinoceros massive horned mammal803 rhubarb stalks cooked as fruit728 rhymes words sounding same as another602 ridicule to make fun of; to mock620 ridiculous unreasonable; completely silly706 rights having correct opinion826 Rochester a town in SE Minnesota624 Rome city in Italy623 roommate somebody who shares an apartment or house623 rosebush group of beautiflu flowers616 rotting decomposing723 runoff water not absorbed by soil717 rupture broken state; torn tissue615 Russia country located in Europe and Asia810 Sabbath religious worship day802 sacred devoted to God714 sacrifice giving up of something valued830 Sadducees Jewish religious group708 safety freedom from danger720 salinity containing salts622 salutation sign of greeting802 samurai Japanese warrior824 sanctification make something holy823 sanctuary most sacred part of church830 Sanhedrin highest court of the Jewish people803 sarcophagus stone coffin716 satisfactory adequate; average601 satisfied fulfilled a need601 satisfying fulfilling a need624 sauerkraut pickled cabbage salad607 saxophone metal wind instrument723 scaffolding framework to support workers823 scarce insufficient; rare815 scarcely hardly at all622 scarfs cloth worn around neck712 scarves cloth worn around neck716 scenery surrounding; theatrical backdrop612 scenic beautiful view of nature

628 scepter staff used as royal emblem617 schedule list of activities; work plan820 schism division in religious groups715 schock absorber helps vehicle over bumps818 scholarship financial help for student623 schoolmaster leader of a school818 schooner sailing vessel612 science study of physical world806 scientist expert in the study of the physical world712 scrumptious delightful; delicious624 seasons traditional division of the year716 secondary not primary or major709 secretaries clerical worker704 secretary clerical worker708 security something giving assurance or safety602 sediment matter that settles to the bottom of a liquid603 sedimentary forming in liquid822 sedition rebellion720 seismograph device for detecting earthquake623 seized take hole of something622 selves one person818 semester period when students are in school723 semicircle curved line723 semicolon punctuation mark723 semiconscious partially awake723 semiformal suitable for fairly official occasions825 seminary school for clergy723 semiprofessional paid but not full-time723 semisweet slightly tasting of sugar730 senatorial consisting of a group of government leaders602 senators legislator; politician; statesman620 senior high in rank; belonging to an earlier generation626 sensational outstanding; extraordinary619 sensitive thoughtful and sympathetic625 sentence complete thought807 sentimental appealing to tender feeling617 separate move or keep something apart627 serve work for somebody605 service work done for somebody else822 session period of meeting; teaching period810 seventeenth one of 17 parts of something614 sewer drain for waste830 Shadrach thrown into fiery furnace

607 shakiness trembling; not sturdy826 Shakopee a suburb of Minneapolis 728 shepherd somebody providing guidane729 sherbet frozen dessert627 sheriff head police officer613 shield piece of armor carried on arm616 shopping activity of purchasing goods at stores617 shredded tear something into strips701 shrieking make shrill sound623 siege military operation827 sieve meshed utensil813 signature a person's name, or a mark representing it618 significance importance; meaning; value819 silhouette shadowed contour628 similar alike; with same shape or angles811 simultaneous at the same time720 sincerely honestly and openly708 sincerity honesty and genuineness709 sisters' female sibling (poss.)620 skateboard wheeled machine for riding729 skeletons bones of person or animal809 skeptical showing doubt617 skiing sliding across snow715 sledgehammer large powerful drill701 sleigh horse-drawn carriage used on snow810 sleuth somebody who investigates wrongdoing616 slippery hard to hold firmly; difficult to walk602 sloppiness a lack of order and tidiness607 sneakiest marked by deception; underhanded617 snobbish look down on others; fell superior715 snowmobile small vehicle for travel on land708 society customs of a community724 sociology student of society717 sojourn brief visit610 soldier somebody serving in the army818 solemn sober; humorless716 solitary done alone718 soloist somebody performing alone622 solos music performed by one person714 solstice longest or shortest day623 someday at time in future615 South America a continent in the S part of the Western Hemisphere729 sovereign monarch; with complete power

623 spacesuit special outfit for astronauts612 Spain kingdom in SW Europe628 sparkling reflecting glitterly light829 spasm involuntary muscle contraction610 speak express thoughts and opinions; talk718 specialist somebody in a particular job714 specialize devote time to activity729 specialized devote time to activity829 specializing devote time to activity708 specialty something somebody does well730 species type of something720 specific precise; distinct620 spectacle something remarkable that can be seen724 spectacles something remarkable that can be seen620 spectacular visually impressive; remarkable620 spectator somebody who watches a game819 spectroscopy study of colored light829 speculation opinion based on incomplete information829 speculative using incomplete information715 speedometer instrument showing vehicle movement829 spendthrift enjoys buying many things617 spinning rotate something quickly808 spiritual relating to religion and soul829 spleen organ in abdomen829 splendid magnificent; radiant829 splinter thin sharp fragment710 sponsor somebody responsible for another811 spontaneous arising from impulse824 sporadic occurring irregularly829 spouted discharge air from something829 sprawled sit or lie awkwardly829 spunky energetic and courageous829 spurn reject somebody with disdain709 St. Patrick's Day Irish celebraton on March 17622 staffs people who worker for a group816 staggered alternating or zigzag811 stagnate stop flowing; become inactive725 stalagmite pillar rising from cave floor804 stamina continuous energy and strength816 stampede rush of animals816 standardize make to the level of accepted quality 816 starvation lack of food629 statesmanship relating to a leading politician

706 stationary not moving706 stationery things used for writing813 statute established rule825 statutory subject to penalty823 steadfastness fixed in direction810 stealth action to avoid detection816 steered direct a vehicle816 stenciled plate with cutout design709 Stephen's first Christian martyr622 stereos device producing sound829 stethoscope medical instrument to hear heartbeat828 stigma sign of social unacceptability816 stipulate specify something728 stomach invertebrates' digestive organ715 stomachache abdominal pain712 stories fact or fiction narrative816 straddle extend to the other side of something706 straight not curved; level816 straightened make or become not curved706 strait channel joining large bodies of water816 stratus flat cloud formation622 strengthen become more muscular816 strengthened make something more powerful619 strenuous taxing; forceful606 strict severe in maintaining discipline605 stubbornness unreasonably determined; hard to remove616 stunned shock somebody816 stupefying make somebody unable to think clearly816 stupendous impressively great816 stymie hinder progress of something822 subconscious existing unknown in mind614 subjected somebody treated or acted upon618 submitting yielding; agreeing; deferring806 subordinate somebody in junior position708 subscription advance payment for something816 substantial considerable; sturdy711 substitute replace somebody612 subtle slight; understated601 suburban residential area bordering a big city817 subvert overthrow something621 succeed gain fame, wealth, or power; prosper817 succession series in time; following801 successor next occupant of positon

801 succotash bean and corn dish801 succulent juicy and tasty817 succumbed give in; die from something807 sufficiently enough821 suggestible easily influenced626 suggestion idea or proposal710 sulfur yellow non-metallic element623 summertime warm season of the year623 sunbathing lie outside to get a tan810 superficial without depth of character718 superintendent somebody in charge710 superior higher in quality; better than others717 superlative excellent; highest in degree of comparison824 superscription something written above something else825 superstitious based on irrational belief714 supervise oversee activity or people724 supervision oversee activity or people629 supplement addition823 supplication appeal made to somebody in authority720 supposed accepted as true but doubtful806 surgeon specialized doctor601 surprising making somebody amazed; catching somebody unaware612 susceptible easily affected724 suspect believe somebody is guilty717 suspended hang something from above625 suspicion feeling of something wrong620 sweatshirt warm cotton pullover 624 sweeping on large scale; act of using a brush830 sweltering feeling very hot606 swimmer move through water613 Switzerland country in central Europe (Bern)805 syllables unit of spoken language802 symbiosis close association of animals or plants802 symbolic representing something else802 symbolism use of signs that represent something else816 symbolize represent something802 symmetrical balanced706 symmetry balanced on both sides816 sympathetic feeling or showing shared feelings714 sympathize feel or show feelings; loyalty802 sympathized be of same opinion607 symphony complex piece of music by an orchestra802 symposium formal meeting for discussion of subject

816 symptoms indication of illness felt by patient802 synagogue house of worship for Jewish congregation802 synchronize make things work at same time802 syncopation placing of accent on weak beat802 syndicate group of businesses that sell materials802 syndrome things that form a pattern802 synonym word meaning same as another802 synonymous having similar meaning802 synopsis summary of text816 syntheses combine various compounds into whole802 synthesis combining of various components into whole802 synthetic made by chemical process615 Syria a republic in SW Asia802 systematic well organized; methodical823 tabernacle Jewish temple824 tactic means to a goal826 Tallahassee a city in and the capital of Florida820 tangible able to be touched710 tangible able to be touched or realized729 tantamount the same as828 tarantula large hairy American spider830 Te Deum an ancient Latin psalm of praise to God623 teammate member of the same group of athletes718 technician somebody highly skilled813 technological application of tools and methods713 technology method of applying technical knowledge620 teenager young person 13 to 19616 telecommunication electronic means of interaction607 telegraph long-distance communication through wires607 telescope device for loooking at distant objects607 televise broadcast on TV825 temperate mild; without extremes617 temperature degree of heat716 temporary having limited duration; not needed for long621 temptation desire to do something bad620 tenant renter of a property620 tendency movement toward something822 tenderloin fillet steak602 Tennessee state in east central USA725 tentacle long flexible organ609 tepee Native American tent dwelling813 terrestrial relating to Earth602 terrify to fill with terror or great fear

609 terror intense fear827 thematic relating to a discussion or composition821 theocracy government by God828 theological study of religious theory704 therapist somebody trained in therapy715 thermometer an instrument for measuring temperature829 Thessalonians an Epistle written by Paul701 thirtieth one of 30 parts of something605 thorough extremely careful; done fully610 thoroughbred breed of racehorse720 threatening expressing a threat617 throbbed beat rapidly and forcefully610 through passing or traveling across606 thunderstorm heary rain storm with lightning628 tickling make somebody laugh and twitch817 tobacco dried leaves processed for smoking616 toboggan long narrow sled609 tomato red fruit611 tomorrow's in the future610 tongue fleshy organ inside mouth730 topographic map describes the surface of an area709 tornadoes column of swirling wind712 torpedoes self-propelled underwater weapon704 tournaments series of games619 toward in a particular direction729 tragedy very sad event717 trajectory path of flying object822 transaction instance of doing business711 transcontinental across the country617 transferred move from one place to another828 transfiguration radiant appearance of Jesus Christ807 transient short in duration622 translators turns words into different languages614 translucent letting light through715 transmission radio or TV broadcast; set of gears726 transmitter part of a broadcasting equipment822 transmutation change of one element into another726 transmuted change from one element to another607 transport carry somebody or something703 traveled experienced in going places703 traveling going to different places825 treasury store of money628 trembling shake slightly

610 tremendous very good723 trillion large number of something (12 zeros)723 trilogy set of three related works617 trimming cut something to required size606 triple having three parts723 triplet group of three723 triplicate something with three identical parts712 trivia quesitons about many things606 trudge walk wearily; long walk721 tundra Arctic plain616 tunnel passageway under something813 turmoil event causing confusion623 turnovers change in employees; loss of possession620 turtleneck high turned over collar605 tutor teacher617 twelfth one of 12 parts810 twentieth one of 20 parts of something721 typhoon tropical storm825 tyranny cruel use of power714 ukulele small stringed instrument803 umbrellas collapsible canopy that protects from weather818 unacceptable not pleasing to somebody709 unanimous agreed on by everyone727 unappetizing not edible727 unbreakable not fragile; study727 unbusinesslike not efficient and practical603 unceasing never stopping713 uncontrollable too strong to stop727 uncovered with nothing over it805 undecipherable unable to analyze727 undefeated never lost in an activity727 undeniable beyond question625 underdog expected loser615 underline put below something to emphasize615 understudy substitute actor615 underwater below the surface615 underweight not heavy enough714 undisciplinable unable to control612 undoubtedly beyond dispute621 unfaithful untrue to commitments712 unfaithfulness untrue to commitments723 unicellualr one basic unit723 unicycle single-wheeled vehicle

614 uniform complete outfit for a job719 uninterested showing no concern or feeling for something723 unique only one; special723 unison at the same time as somebody else627 unite bring together614 United States our country627 unity conditon of being one723 universal relating to the whole world614 universe all matter and energy in space708 university educational institution after high school602 unnecessary not needed or required817 unpleasant not friendly724 unpredictable difficult to know what will happen729 unruly difficult to control713 untrustworthy not realiable830 unveiling act of presenting, displaying, or revealing613 unwieldy not easy to handle617 unwritten accepted through traditon701 unyielding stubborn; inflexible809 upheaval disturbance616 upsetting angering somebody619 usually typical or normal827 utilize make use of something828 utopia perfect state801 vaccinate immunize somebody801 vaccine protect somebody against disease728 vacuole cavity in tissue704 vacuum space empty of matter612 vague not clearly seen in mind822 valedictorian best student at school724 valedictory farewell speech; saying goodbye609 vanilla a flavor made from beans722 variable able to change625 variety collection of specific types704 vaudeville popular entertainment627 vegetable edible plant811 vehement done forcefully728 vehicle means of land transportation813 veil face covering worn by women613 vein carries blood to heart809 velocity rate of change in position827 vengeance seeking revenge in an intense manner829 ventriloquist speaking with little lip movement

821 verbatim using identical words724 verdict decision or opinion608 version account of something728 vertebrae bone in spinal column710 vertical upright; at right angle to horizon718 vice president second person in charge of a company715 vice versa conversely; opposite809 vicinity surrounding region; neighboring704 victim somebody hurt or tricked614 viewpoint a certaing perspective or location817 vigilant watchful820 virtue good quality730 viruses disease-causing parasite724 visibility ability to be seen; clear view724 vision eyesight724 visitors somebody going to see a place724 vista scenic view821 vitality full of energy703 vitamins organic substance essential to nutrition716 vocabulary words of language802 volcanic sudden and violent explosions721 volcano opening in Earth's crust815 volumes space inside object811 voluptuous permisive; kind811 voracious especially eager818 voucher substitute for money when buying something609 waltz dance for couple in triple time715 warehouse storage building; big store609 warned tell someboy of risk729 Washington first president of the USA722 water vapor in the form of gas721 watershed region draining into river or ocean826 Wayzata a suburb of Minneapolis 707 weatherman meteorologist620 weekend Saturday and Sunday701 weirdest odd; supernatural817 welterweight weight category in boxing623 westward moving toward Pacific Ocean723 wetland swamply land802 wheelbarrow container with handles and large bucket616 whiffle behave erratically; whistle702 whimsical fanciful; amusing812 whimsical extravagant humor

702 whirlpool spiraling current of water611 who's introductory question613 wield have something721 wildebeest large antelope723 wilderness natural uncultivated land715 windshield motor vehicle's front window616 winning victorious812 wintriness relating ot the cold season; bleak723 withdrawal take something away709 witnesses' public statement of Christian beliefs (poss)622 wives men's spouses622 wolves carnivore that hunts in packs617 wondering speculate about something811 wondrous exciting amazement and marvel608 worm long cylindrical invertebrate605 worst least good605 worth value in money601 wrapped cover something up828 wretchedness very unfortunate in condition or circumstances706 writes put words on paper607 xylophone percussion instrument611 yesterday's in the past613 yield let another pass; produce something721 yogurt fermented mild product620 yourselves somebody being addressed619 zealous full of enthusiasm 829 Zechariah prophet of the Old Testament829 Zephaniah prophet of the Old Testament804 zephyr mild wind801 zucchini small summer squash

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