  • rrarri


    Warlpiri yirdi-wati ra ri ru-kurlu

    Warlpiri Phonics Step Two Book Eleven




  • Yimi yirrarnu manu kuruwarri kujurnuluWendy Baarda manu Literacy Worker-paturlu

    © Bilingual Resource Development Unit, Yuendumu

    First Edition 1975 Second Edition 2008

    ISBN 978-1-921350-67-2

    j/n 08-35

    rra rri rru

    Warlpiri Phonics Book Eleven

  • rariru







  • a i u


    ngu nga ngi

    ti tu

    ru ri



  • tu ra kituraki

    ngi pi ringipiri

    ma rumaru

    nga pi ringapiri

    pi rapira


  • ra pi tirapiti

    wiriwi ri

    rama-ramara ma - ra ma

    ri mirimi

    yi riyiri


  • nga pa - pu rungapa-puru

    ku tu ka rikutukari

    ya pa - ka riyapa-kari

    ya ru juyaruju ki ri



  • ka ri jakarija

    ju ku rujukuru

    ja wu rujawuru ja ra


    ku tu rukuturu ja ru


    ma rimari

    ngu runguru


  • 9

  • Lata Warlpiri-kirlangu

    Warlpa linpa. Jinta-lata-kurlu. Warlpa linpa. Jirrama lata-kurlu.

    a i u a a i i u u

    Jalanypa manu winirrpi-kirli warlpa linpa. Jinta-lata-kurlu.

    j J k K l L m M n N p P r R t T w W y Y

    Nyampu-ngurlu kalu jarti-jarri yirdi-wati.

    ng Ng ny Ny rd Rd

    Nyampu kalu karri kulkurru-mipa yirdingka.

    rr rl rn rt ly

  • Tel: (08) 8946 6876 [email protected]

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