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Honolulu Dental Practice

Our Address1811 S. King St.Honolulu, HI 96826

Phone : (808) 347-9147 Email:[email protected]

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Kenneth Woo DDS

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Cosmetic Dentistry

Restorative Care

Periodontal Care

Preventive Care

Dental Care for infants

Sedation Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry:-

Porcelain Veneers



Tooth Colored Filling

Porcelain Inlays/Onlays

Tooth Whitening

All Porcelain Crowns

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Restorative Care:-

Crowns and Bridges

Tooth Colored Filling


Dental Implants


Periodontal Care:-

The Stages of Gum Disease

The Surgery


Arestin Therapy

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Preventive Care:-

Regular Dental Checkup

Dental Sealants

Space Maintainers

Fluoride Treatments

Dental Care for infants:-

When should dental care begin?

Birth to 6 months of age

Six to 12 months of age

Twelve to 24 months of age

Facts about deciduous teeth

Thumb-Sucking and Dental Health

Diet and dental care for children

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Sedation Dentistry:-

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Cosmetic Dentistry:-

In a study completed by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, researchers found that 9 out of 10 patients agree that an attractive smile is an important asset. They also found that 75% of Americans agree that an unattractive smile can hurt an applicant’s chance for career success. Having a smile you love can increase your confidence and boost your self-image. If you are unhappy with your smile, you may be surprised to know that modern cosmetic dentistry offers many solutions to common aesthetic problems. Our office provides the full spectrum of cosmetic dentistry to our patients. Whether you are seeking simple tooth whitening or to repair crooked or damaged teeth, we can help you to achieve a more attractive smile.

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Porcelain Veneers:-

Porcelain Veneers are artistically designed custom thin porcelain layers that are bonded on to teeth to create straight, healthy looking teeth without the use of orthodontics. It is usually a 2 visit procedure. During the first visit the dentist removes a small amount of the enamel & takes an impression, which is sent to our highly qualified technicians who design the Custom Veneers. It usually takes 7-10 days for the Veneers to be back. During this period the patient wears temporary Veneers that are custom crafted by the dentist.


Invisalign® is a revolutionary way to help you get even, straight teeth without noticeable, painful metal braces. Virtually undetectable, Invisalign® aligners are made of strong, clear plastic that gradually guides your teeth into perfect alignment. Unlike metal braces, they have no wires or brackets on which your lips or gums can snag. During your first evaluation, our dentists will help you determine if Invisalign® is a good option for you. We’ll then design a treatment plan and take tooth impressions, from which Invisalign® will develop accurate, personalized tooth-straightening devices, called aligners. Aligners slide directly over your teeth and are replaced every two weeks as your teeth shift into place. Depending on your case, you will wear them full-time (except when eating or drinking) for 12 to 24 months—no longer than you would wear traditional metal braces—and see your dentist about every six weeks for check-ups.


Lumineers (trademark)are porcelain veneers made with patented Cerinate (trademark)porcelain technology. They are the painless alternative to traditional veneers and crowns. They can permanently change the color of your teeth and align them in two dental visits. Lumineers are the permanent cosmetic solution for stained ,chipped , discolored and maligned teeth.In most cases the procedure can be done with no shots and little or no preparation of the tooth. They can be fabricated to be contact lens thin. This protects and prevents the unnecessary removal of sensitive tooth structure. Lumineers can even be placed over existing crown or bridgework without having to replace them.

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Tooth Colored Filling:-

In the past, cavities could only be treated with unsightly metal fillings that are alloys for silver and mercury. These fillings, especially when close to the front of the mouth, are highly noticeable and unaesthetic. Sometimes, the filling is so large that it causes discoloration of the entire tooth. These fillings (or restorations) often weaken teeth due to the large amount of the original tooth that has to be removed. Also there is a risk of Mercury poisoning that is used in the filling. Modern dentistry has increasingly turned to Tooth colored or composite fillings as a strong, safe and more natural looking alternative. Composite fillings utilize a soft white plastic substance that is hardened with a blue light.

Porcelain Inlays/Onlays:-

Replacing large fillings in back teeth often requires stronger, more precisely contoured restorations. These are called inlays or onlays depending on whether they are being placed inside the tooth or on its outer surface. These restorations need to be custom-made at an off-site dental lab; therefore, two visits may be required. Once the dental office receives the custom inlay or onlay, the patient returns to the dentist’s office, where the restorations are bonded into place.

Tooth Whitening:-

As we age, our teeth lose the brilliant whiteness that implies good dental health and youth. The unsightly stains associated with tobacco, dark liquids, and other factors can leave us feeling less-than-confident about our smiles. Fortunately, there is a simple solution to this dental problem: cosmetic tooth whitening. Our practice provides convenient, take-home tooth-whitening programs and in-office ZOOM! tooth whitening to our patients.

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All Porcelain Crowns:-

If you ever had the notion that dental crowns are conspicuous and unattractive, then you’ve never noticed a beautifully crafted all-porcelain crown.

Compared to older porcelain fused to metal crowns, all-porcelain crowns have a natural appearance in terms of color and contour. When done properly, crowns should be extremely difficult to distinguish from natural teeth. With all-porcelain crowns, no dark lines are apparent at the gum line.

Our office commonly replaces unsightly crowns with beautiful new porcelain crowns.

There are different kinds of  Porcelain Crowns. Your Dentist will decide which is right for you depending on the color of your tooth.

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Restorative Care:-

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Crowns and Bridges:-

When a tooth is fractured, has a large old filling, or is severely damaged by decay, your dentist may recommend the placement of a crown. Crowns strengthen and protect the remaining tooth structure and can improve the appearance of your smile.

Types of crowns include the full porcelain crown, the porcelain-fused-to-metal crown (precious & non-

precious) and the all-metal crown.

Tooth Colored Filling:-

In the past, cavities could only be treated with unsightly metal fillings that are alloys for silver and mercury. These fillings, especially when close to the front of the mouth, are highly noticeable and unaesthetic. Sometimes, the filling is so large that it causes discoloration of the entire tooth. These fillings (or restorations) often weaken teeth due to the large amount of the original tooth that has to be removed. Also there is a risk of Mercury poisoning that is used in the filling. Modern dentistry has increasingly turned to Tooth colored or composite fillings as a strong, safe and more natural looking alternative. Composite fillings utilize a soft white plastic substance that is hardened with a blue light.


It is a field of dentistry that treats the root canal system. When decay extends to the pulp or the nerve inside the tooth, the person almost always experiences spontaneous throbbing pain. The pain increases at night and is aggravated with cold & sweet foods. The Dentist relieves the pain and pressure symptoms by treating the root canal system which houses the tooth nerve or pulp.

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Dental Implants:-

When a tooth is lost the specialized bony process that houses the tooth begins to resorb due to lack of stimulation. This causes a decrease in width and height of the bone in the area the tooth is lost. Neighboring teeth and opposing teeth begin to move into the space. This causes food lodgment, subsequent decay, gum disease and abnormal forces being transmitted to teeth leading to fracture of cusps which may necessitate root canal treatment or extraction. Loss of teeth can also cause the cheek and lips to collapse giving an aged look.


Over time, people’s teeth tend to naturally deteriorate. When a tooth has deteriorated substantially, it often needs to be extracted; and when multiple teeth are extracted, dentures may be the most appropriate solution. Dentures can create a natural and healthy looking set of teeth. In addition, a properly fitting set of dentures can greatly enhance your smile and sense of self-esteem.

Periodonatl Care:-

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For Americans in their 30s and beyond, the threat of gum disease (periodontal disease) is a very real and potentially dangerous condition. Gum disease is particularly dangerous because the progression of the disease is often painless, going undetected until it creates serious problems.Although genetics may play a small role in its development, doctors agree that gum disease is most often directly related to how well people care for their teeth and gums.

The Stages of Gum Disease

Periodontal disease is a gradual infection of the gums and the supporting bone. It is caused when the build up of plaque on and around the teeth calcifies into tartar. This tartar is covered with plaque that contains micro- organisms which release toxins causing the first stage of gum disease known as gingivitis. Gingivitis is characterized by swelling, inflammation, and bleeding of the gums. In the advanced stage of gum disease (referred to as periodontitis), the toxins cause the bone to resorb or dissolve. The teeth having lost a part of their bone support begin to move & eventually with more bone loss there is tooth loss.

The Surgery

Treatments to alleviate the effects of gum disease include deep cleaning, localized delivery of antibiotics, home care & regular follow up care. The periodontist / Dentist begin by removing the diseased tissue, tartar, and plaque from the tooth’s surface and below the gum line. The root of the tooth may need to be planed and smoothed in order to allow gum tissue to heal properly. The periodontist may also advise bone grafts depending on the amount of bone that is lost due to gum disease.


The ravages of gum disease are best prevented by early detection and proper dental hygiene. Brushing your teeth twice a day helps to remove the thin layer of bacteria that release dangerous toxins into your mouth. Flossing or other interdental cleansing is also important to keep your mouth free from residual food and bacteria. Also, using a mouth rinse, prescription or over the counter considerably reduces the microbial count in your saliva. Finally, maintaining a balanced diet and scheduling regular dental appointments help stem the advance of gum disease and keep you healthy and smiling.

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Arestin Therapy

This is a non-surgical treatment of periodontal disease. As the name suggests it arrests the progression of periodontal disease when used in conjunction with scaling and root planing (deep cleaning).

ArestinTM is a locally delivered antimicrobial agent which consists of minocycline HCL microspheres. ArestinTM is intended to be used in pockets with a depth of 5 millimeters or greater. It can be used in one or any number of pockets in one or several visits. It is dispensed as a 1 mg powder and is placed directly into a cleaned periodontal pocket using a specialized delivery system. Following placement over the next several hours or days it will harden and stay within the pocket releasing Minocycline over a prescribed period of time (usually about 18 – 20 days), thereby providing the appropriate dose of antibiotic to the site and reducing the bacterial count in the pocket.

Preventive Care:-

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Regular Dental Checkup

In order to avoid lengthy procedures & maintain a healthy disease free mouth we recommend recare every 6 months. This allows us to detect early signs of disease & provide appropriate treatment, leading to a favorable prognosis.

Dental Sealants

Sealants protect the occlusal surfaces, inhibiting bacterial growth and providing a smooth surface that increases the probability that the surface will stay clean. The ultimate goal of sealants is penetrating into the pit and fissures of the tooth and sealing them from bacteria.

Space Maintainers

Space maintainers are appliances made to custom fit your child’s mouth to maintain the space intended for the permanent tooth when it decides to come in. They do this by “holding open” the empty space left by a lost tooth by preventing movement in the remaining teeth until the permanent tooth takes its natural position in the child’s mouth. This treatment is much more affordable and much easier on your child than to move them back later with orthodontic procedures. Think of space maintainers as insurance against braces.

Fluoride Treatments

The fluoride ion comes from the element fluorine. Fluoride, either applied topically to erupted teeth, or ingested orally (called systemic fluoride) during tooth development, helps to prevent tooth decay, strengthen tooth enamel, and reduce the harmful effects of plaque. Fluoride also makes the entire tooth structure more resistant to decay and promotes remineralization, which aids in repairing early decay before the damage is even visible.

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Dental Care for Infants:-

When should dental care begin?

Most pediatric dentists will agree that regular dental care should begin by one year of age, with a dental check-up at least twice each consecutive year for most children. Some children may need more frequent evaluations and care. In accordance with this recommendation, the following dental checklist for infants and toddlers has been provided by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry:

Birth to 6 months of age

Clean the infant’s mouth with gauze after feedings and at bedtime. Consult your child’s pediatrician regarding fluoride supplements. Regulate feeding habits (bottle feeding and breastfeeding)

Six to 12 months of age

During this time, the first tooth should appear. Consult the Pediatric dentist for an examination. Brush teeth after each feeding and at bedtime with a small, soft-bristled brush. As the child begins to walk, stay alert of potential dental and/or facial injuries. Wean the child from breast or bottle by his/her first birthday.

Twelve to 24 months of age

Follow the schedule of dental examinations and cleanings, as recommended by your child’s pediatric dentist. Generally, dental examinations and cleanings are recommended every 6 months for children and adults.

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Sedation Dentistry:-

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Through the modern miracle of sedation dentistry, dentists can treat anxious patients and often accomplish dental work in one or two visits that may have required many more visits without it. Nitrous oxide and intravenous (I.V.) sedation are the two conscious sedation techniques most commonly used to help patients relax.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Sedation with nitrous oxide, more commonly known as laughing gas, decreases anxiety and promotes relaxation while you remain conscious. Nitrous oxide and oxygen are mixed together and then inhaled through a mask that covers the nose and mouth prior to having a dental procedure performed to produce sensations of lightheadedness, relaxation, and a comfortable, warm-all-over feeling. Safe, effective, and non-invasive, nitrous oxide is the sedation method of choice for anxious or fearful patients.

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