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Our Mission:The Hope Movement is a 501 (c) (3) Christian non-prof it. Our mission is to shake the comfort zone of God?s people to renew our minds, uniting us as one to impact l ives through evangelistic, holistic and transformative methods to bring nations closer to Jesus Christ, breaking the cycle of spiritual and physical poverty and loosening the chains of bondage.

The Hope Movement is not an organization, or a one man show. It is a movement of destined individuals united as one, dedicating our lives to the rescue and care of children and adults l iving in desperate need. A new day has arrived and the Hope Movement is the formation of a generation of transformation.

Method to the Mission:Under the guidance and direction of Jesus Christ The Hope Movement develops strategic, evangelistic and holistic programs within existing churches and ministry-based facilit ies to be excellent f inancial stewards while empowering the local church to step outside of their comfort zone to fulf il l its calling to serve those inside and outside of its four walls. We plant and nurture Bible-based Churches, innovative outreach programs to transform communities into havens of hope and loving homes for the abandoned and abused providing hope for a brighter future. The Hope Movement practices what we preach and go out into darken places united as one conducting holistic missionary work to il luminate the light of Jesus Christ.

The Hope Movement confronts human suffering: spiritual poverty that paralyses the soul, physical poverty that drains families of hope, family dysfunction that causes a generational repetit ion of parental contamination, hunger that consumes lives with inner pain, addiction that pollutes the body, abuse that rips innocence from a child and robs of them a peaceful future and slavery that steals dignity and health from children and adults denying them freedom and security.

Suffering of the poor is not driven by the overwhelming power of the perpetrators ? it is driven by the vulnerability of the victims, and the lack of unity and passionate individuals who will step out of their comfort zone, unite, and reach those who are longing for hope. This suffering can be stopped when God?s people step outside of their comfort zone to unite. One unites with another becoming a ripple, building into movement, forming a f lood of hope, f lowing through the streets like a mighty river transforming all that is in its path with the power of unif ied actions of love.


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excuses for your inact ion. For a day has ar r ived for the chur ch to stop t r ying to please man and under stand the pur pose for their existence which is to glor i fy God. Glor i fy H im not only w ith wor ds but act ion. Take on the bur den of H is hear t and go into al l of wor ld and pr each the Gospel. Rise up and get back to the basics, the foundat ion of our fai th. U t i l ize your t ime and f inances to advance the Kingdom of God. In the name of Jesus Chr ist I pr ay for each one r eading these wor ds and ask you to touch their hear ts, heal their wounds, st r engthen their fai th, and shake them to answer the cal l and be The H ope M ovement .

to shout their cr ies to your people to st i r their hear ts to be a cheer ful giver to help those r eaching out to us. I r ise to stand f i r m, unashamed of your Gospel and pr oclaim your message of r epentance and salvat ion to the nat ions. I r ise up, and i f I stumble, I w i l l take a stand again. I f I fai l , I again r ise up. For gr eater is he who is in me then he who is in the wor ld.

I cr y out thr ough these pages, my pen, my songs, my music, mission wor k and w ith my voice to al l ar ound me to answer the cal l and r ise up. Rise up people of God and step outside of your comfor t zone, change your pr ior i t ies, thr ow your agendas of ego out the w indow and take a stand. Go to the places wher e no one w i l l go even in your own back yar d, but wher e many ar e in need of you to show love. compassion and hope. Stop making

my being. I am in awe how last year we l ived 100 per cent on fai th, not know ing how we wer e going to pay expenses but you never fai led us and always pr ovided.

I have lost i t al l for the cause of spir i tual development so that I can under stand what i t feels l ike to be poor, lonely, br oken, abandoned, depr essed, have a br oken home and have no place to go. I under stand and r ise fr om the ashes to develop into the man you have cal led

me to be. For I can dr own, I can hunger, per secuted, pul led asunder, nothing can separ ate my love fr om you, nor stop me fr om I am cal l to do.

I r ise up to be the voice of the voiceless

am t r ying to f ind the wor ds to expr ess to you

my Lor d how I feel about my love for you, the honor I feel to be cal led by you and the love I feel for those whom we ser ve and those who help us ser ve them. I long to be a r adiance of your pr esence, that when they look at me, they don't see but you. I hunger to be close to you and br ing other s closer to you.

I cr y for those in need and feel their pain as i f i t wer e happening to me. I feel your anguish for your hear t is connected to my hear t . I am consumed by my awe of you and the r esponsibi l i t y that you have cal led me to do. I don't want to fai l you or other s but r ather long to make you pr oud of me, not for ego, but because I love you so much that I want to make you smile and br ing joy to other s. I t r ust you w ith ever y f iber of


Jon at h an M . Roi zThe H ope M ovement

Founder / Pr esident


" I can d r own , I can h u n g er , p er secu t ed ,

p u l l ed asu n d er , n ot h i n g can sep ar at e

m y l ove f r om you , n or st op m e f r om I

am cal l t o d o."

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We consider it a great joy to partner with you in this work that is so close to the heart of God ? a work that we know could not be done without your generosity.

We also know that we have a great responsibil ity to be good stewards over the funds that are entrusted to us for the benefit of the children and families we serve. Good stewardship, one of our core values, compels us to strive to achieve the highest industry standards of integrity and accountability.

We work dil igently to limit our overhead costs, while maximizing quality child and family focused program activit ies. As a result, less than 4 percent of funds are used for administration and fundraising.

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fed and evangel ized to M usl im and H indu communit ies in Bangladesh, pr ovided tens of thousands of meals in Guatemala, t r ansfor med the l ives of chi ldr en w ith clef l ip, or ganized medical missions pr oviding fr ee health car e, instal led a water wel l for an indigenous community, evangel ized in near ly ever y cont inent , pr eached the Gospel in publ ic schools in developing count r ies and saw many come to Chr ist , star ted a Bible Inst i tute in Guatemala r aising up the next gener at ion of leader s, r escued women and chi ldr en fr om abuse, pr ovided educat ion and counsel ing to hundr eds, pr ovided wheelchair s to chi ldr en and adults, visi ted homes and pr ayed w ith the people and w itnessed mir acles fr om God, conducted st r eet out r eaches thr oughout Guatemala, t r ansfor med vacant lots in Balt imor e City into H aven of H ope Community Gar dens in connect ion w ith a mentor ship and out r each pr ogr am and shook the comfor t zone of the chur ch to for m a l i ter al movement of hope.

This is your impact , your eter nal legacy of r eaching those in need. They come to us physical ly, emot ional ly and spir i tual br oken, God gave us al l the cal l , you gave to us the r esour ces and we r esponded w ith act ions of compassion, t r ansfor ming l ives for ever.

You r I m p act H as B een Gr eat !

our impact has been gr eat . When you invest in the wor k of Jesus Chr ist you ar e invest ing in something not just for a

moment , but something that is eter nal .

Pr over bs 19:17 says, The one who is gr acious to the poor lends to the LORD, and the LORD w i l l r epay him for his good deed.

When you ar e gr acious to the poor you ar e giving to the Lor d. In other wor ds what you do for the least of these you do i t for Jesus. I f you ignor e them, you ignor e H im. I f you give to them, you ar e giving H im.

When I star ted The H ope M ovement 11 year s ago I was a k id w ith a dr eam. N o money, no connect ions, only a pain in my hear t for those in need and a cal l ing fr om God to help them. A few fr iends, fami ly member s and even st r anger s hear d the cr y of my hear t and took a chance in bel ieving in me and gave, opening the door to star t The H ope M ovement . Since then because of your f inancial suppor t we have bui l t a home for a fami ly in El Salvador, a r oof of a chur ch in Costa Rica which now has hundr eds of member s and suppor ts feeding pr ogr ams in H ait i , found the family of a chi ld being depor ted fr om the U.S. to M exico, r aised awar eness about human t r aff ick ing, fed the hungr y in the amazons of Iqui tos, Per u, fed chi ldr en in the Phi l ippines, pr ovided mosquito nets in Afr ica to pr event malar ia,



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he H ope M ovement has been wor k ing Guatemala since Jonathan, our Founder and Pr esident was a chi ld in 1994. In 2007 and 2008 we conducted st r eet out r eaches w ith pr eaching and wor ship, medical missions, and smal l feeding pr ogr ams. Jonathan Roiz and the minist r y had

l i t t le funding and Jonathan was f inancing major i t y of the mission wor k in Guatemala al though he has never r eceived a salar y fr om The H ope M ovement and was not making much wor k ing at another non-pr of i t . Over the year s he conducted mission act ivi t ies and in 2011 opened the H aven of H ope in Escuint la, soon after we fel t God leading us to teach the chur ch to help those in need by opening a feeding/ out r each center s in their chur ches and ut i l izing volunteer s fr om their chur ches. N ow we have over 6 center s and a Bible Inst i tute and we ar e gr ow ing, expanding thr oughout the nat ion. In 2015 we star ted the pr ocess to r egister as a Guatemalan non-pr of i t which w i l l al low us to r aise funds in Guatemala and oper ate or phanages.



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At the end of 2014 Pastor N er i Flor es not i f ied Jonathan Roiz that a chi ld in our center in N uevo Amanecer Guatemala City needed sur ger y for his cleft l ip. A cleft l ip happens i f the t issue that makes up the l ip does not join completely befor e bir th. This r esul t s in an opening in the upper l ip. The opening in the l ip can be a smal l sl i t or i t can be a lar ge opening that goes thr ough the l ip into the nose. Compl icat ions can r esul t in feeding di f f icul t ies, ear infect ions or hear ing loss, dental pr oblems, speech pr oblems and other medical and psychological condit ions. Within a day Jonathan was able to f ind a Chr ist ian medical center in Guatemala. H e was malnour ished and so we wor ked w ith his mother to incr ease his weight so he could be r eady for sur ger y. Thanks to the team effor t of Pastor David, Pastor N er i , the Doctor s, Jonathan and many other s a futur e was made br ighter.

Since the sur ger y he and his tw in br other cont inue to at tend our center, his mother is volunteer ing w ith us and their fami ly is for ever t r ansfor med.



The H ope M ovement was appr oved by Feed M y Star ving Chi ldr en to r eceive in a pal let of 8,000 meals thr ough Convoy of H ope.

Jonathan appl ied for a par tner ship w ith Feed M y Star ving Chi ldr en but ther e was no or ganizat ion who r eceives food shipments avai lable in Guatemala. H e r eappl ied 90 days later and we was appr oved. Convoy of H ope r eceives food fr om Feed M y Star ving Chi ldr en and Convoy of H ope pays for the shipping of the food to var ious nat ions including Guatemala. They agr eed to for m a par tner ship w ith The H ope M ovement and w i l l shar e food fr om their stock fr ee of char ge and we have now r eceived 15,000 meals which al lowed us to expand our feeding pr ogr am to 5 days a week.

Jonathan also met w ith Kids Against H unger who have a simi lar food pack as Feed M y Star ving Chi ldr en and they w i l l donate thousands of meals as wel l , they also said we could become a satel l i t e in the U.S. and could pack one mi l l ion meals annual ly to dist r ibute to our pr ojects and minist r ies uni ted in The H ope M ovement ar ound the wor ld, but we would be in char ge of shipping costs w ith Kids Against H unger.

In our center in N uevo Amanecer in Guatemala City, Pr oject 003 we wer e using a donated space, but had no r oom for the over 70 chi ldr en at tending our center. We wer e able to f ind a bui lding near by for about $70 monthly which has space for over 80 chi ldr en and w i l l be our center and futur e community chur ch. Volunteer s and our chi ldr en assisted in paint ing the bui lding.



CARI N G F OR TH E EL D ERLYA for got ten populat ion in many nat ions ar e the elder ly. They l ive in ext r eme pover ty, l ive alone and often ar e abandoned by family and society, but The H ope M ovement is car ing for them pr oviding them w ith physical , spir i tual and emot ional nour ishment .

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Thanks to the company Toms, Quesada Sol idar ia and Recycled L ives The H ope M ovement was blessed w ith boxes of new shoes. We wer e able to dist r ibute them to chi ldr en in need. M any chi ldr en had holes in their shoes and this donat ion was a huge blessing. Recycled L ives wer e also k ind enough to donate musical inst r uments and we plan to star t music classes.



Ger ar do is one of our chi ldr en who at tends our center in San Juan Sacatepequez an indigenous community in the mountains. We took this photo when we del iver ed M annaPack to our center, and the chi ldr en cr ied w ith joy.

Ever y day Ger ar do goes to col lect empty aluminum cans in the st r eets...H e then sel ls them and they give him 2 quetzales which is about 2 US cents. With that he pur chases tor t i l las to give his 8 br other s. These ar e the stor ies of thousands of chi ldr en in need in Guatemala, these ar e the ones that The H ope M ovement is cal led to ser ve.

In N uevo Amanecer in Guatemala City a slum plagued by chi ld abandonment , violence and addict ion a l i t t le gir l escaped her abusive home. H er mother is an alcohol ic and is physical ly and ver bal ly abusive. The young gir l left her home t i r ed of the abuse and ar r ived at our feeding/ educat ion center at 6 p.m. wher e she is cur r ent ly r esiding unt i l a per manent home can be found. This is just one of many cases why we need to open our new home for chi ldr en.



I COM E TO YOU PROVI D I N G CL EAN WATERIn count r ies such as Guatemala clean dr ink ing water is a luxur y. M any have no r unning water in their homes and have to walk for mi les to col lect water which is contaminated causing disease. Thanks to our boar d member Claudia H ur tar te, a local chur ch in Guatemala donated water pur i f icat ion systems for each of our center s. This helps us to pr ovide clean dr ink ing water to the famil ies who at tend our center s, potent ial ly saving l ives.

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On Apr i l 20th whi le walk ing thr ough the set t lement San Fel ipe, next to the H aven of H ope in Escuint la, We found the sad case of CRUZ PACH ECO VEGA, an elder ly man, 82 year s old, w idowed, single l iving w ith two older sons. The pr oblem is only one of them wor k and r eceive l i t t le pay and is just enough to cover their dai ly meals. Since chi ldhood he has suffer ed fr om a st r ange disease, and because of abuse that he suffer ed as a chi ld to this day never leaves the house and hides when someone visi t s and has not r eceived assistance fr om anyone and is also affected by Par k inson. H e suffer s fr om insomnia and in or der to go to the stor e depends on a cane, but didn't have one so he has impr ovised a piece of wood so that he can move. Thr ough another minist r y who pr ovides medical equipment we wer e able to get a new cane and wheelchair for him and w i l l be wor k ing w ith him by pr oviding food, home visi tat ion, counsel ing and pr ayer.



The H ope M ovement t r aveled to an ar ea near the t r ain t r acks wher e hundr eds of fami l ies l ive in ext r eme pover ty. We pr epar ed and ser ved food to malnour ished chi ldr en using M annaPack donated by Convoy of H ope and Feed M y Star ving Chi ldr en. We also minister ed to the people by visi t ing homes, pr oviding educat ion and counsel ing, pr ayer and ar ms of love. This is The H ope M ovement in Act ion.

We pr ovided thousands of meals of M annaPack to other minist r ies who wer e st r uggl ing to feed the chi ldr en in their feeding pr ogr ams thr oughout Guatemala. This food supply donated by The H ope M ovement helped pr ovide meals to star ving chi ldr en and encour aged these minist r ies to car r y on as they found they ar e not alone for they ar e The H ope M ovement .



B I B L E I N STI TU TEThe H ope M ovement Seeds of H ope Pr ogr am for Leader ship Studies offer s pastor s and leader s the oppor tuni t y to study the Bible in a systemat ic, contextual ized, pr act ical and cr eat ive way whi le at the same t ime teaching them how to shar e the Wor d of God in a comfor table yet power ful atmospher e.

Students w i l l be gr aduat ing in 2016 and ar e alr eady for ming their own chur ches.

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In Febr uar y Jonathan Roiz t r aveled to Guatemala. H e t r aveled w ith our team to San Juan Sacatepequez to visi t our H aven of H ope out r each center located in the mountains of an indigenous community. A woman ar r ived at the center w ith her chi ldr en br oken, afr aid and feel ing hopeless. She shar ed that her husband is an alcohol ic and is ver bal ly and physical ly abusive. We spoke to her about mar r iage, what she needs to do for the good of her sel f and her chi ldr en and pr ayed w ith her and the k ids. The Pastor who r uns our center shar ed his test imony of how he was in his mar r iage befor e accept ing Jesus in his hear t and changing his ways. We pr ayed together and she decided to stay for the chur ch ser vice. Jonathan sang a song he wr ote whi le playing the piano and spontaneously added a new ver se which spoke about this woman's si tuat ion. The song was a message fr om God "H er e I am w ith ar ms open w ide". In August our team r etur ned to visi t our center and found that not only this woman is at tending our center and chur ch but her husband is also at tending and the chains of alcohol ism and abuse ar e being br oken. God is st i l l in the r estor at ion business and is moving among the people.


We go outside of the four wal ls of our H aven of H ope center wher e we pr ovide over a thousand of meals monthly, counsel ing and educat ion. As we jour ney thr ough the st r eets God often leads us to those cr ying out for help. We met this pr ecious elder ly man and pr ovided him w ith a new wheelchair, clothing, food and most impor tant ly love.

In our main center in Escuint la, we ar e pr oviding over 1,200 meals monthly, teaching chi ldr en and adults to r ead and wr i te, teaching Bibl ical pr inciples and values, assist ing fami l ies and elder ly and have seen posi t ive changes in the chi ldr en's behavior as wel l as change in at t i tude in the par ents. Our goal is that they come in for food and leave w ith Jesus.



A M I N I STRY TH AT PRAYSJonathan Roiz the founder and pr esident fel t we needed to spend mor e t ime as a minist r y in pr ayer. Ever y f i r st Thur sday of the month donor s, boar d member s, staff and minist r y par tner s join by confer ence cal l and Skype to pr ay together. We have people fr om the U.S., Afr ica, Asia and Lat in Amer ica in at tendance as we uni te in pr ayer for one another.

I N SPI RI N G VOLU N TEERI SMWe ar e seeing a t r ansfor mat ion in the par ents as they ar e inspir ed to give not just r eceive.



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H ead er




25,000 M eals Served Hundreds Educated Nationw ide Evangel ism

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Bangladesh is the 8th most populous nat ion in the wor ld. The nat ion is 86.6% Islam, 12.1% H induism, 0.6% Buddhism and 0.4% Chr ist iani t y. Jonathan Roiz, Founder / Pr esident of The H ope M ovement became fr iends w ith Pastor Suku Ranjon Sikder in Bangladesh. Jonathan fel t God giving him a bur den for this nat ion and was inspir ed by this pastor who has dedicated ever ything to feeding the hungr y, clothing the naked, helping the sick, helping or phans and w idows of var ious r el igions in danger ous condit ions whi le also shar ing the Jesus Fi lm to evangel ize to those who don't know Jesus Chr ist .

Pastor Suku founder of M ighty300 M inist r ies Welfar e Tr ust Bangladesh also r ents a smal l bui lding which is a safe place for Chr ist ians as wel l as people of other r el igions to come and f ind l i ter atur e about Jesus Chr ist , a place to gr ow spir i tual ly in the Bible and disciple new Chr ist ians.

The H ope M ovement was able to supply Pastor Suku w ith donated digi tal camer as, evangel ism mater ials, food packs to assist him in his effor ts to t r ansfor m Bangladesh. We also wer e able to supply funds to feed the hungr y and ar e wor k ing together to expand this minist r y in the coming year s.


" For I am n ot ash am ed of t h e g osp el ,

b ecau se i t i s t h e p ower of

God t h at b r i n g s

sal vat i on t o ever yon e wh o

b el i eves." Rom an s 1 :1 4 -1 6

The H ope M ovement a 501 (c)(3) non-pr of i t foundat ion based in the United States is r aising funds for this minist r y in Bangladesh. Your f inancial investment w i l l ...

1. Fund Out r each Pr ogr ams such as the Jesus Fi lm car r y the Gospel to unr eached communit ies.

2. Fund a Vi l lage to vi l lage pr ogr am.

3. Fund M onthly Pr ayer M eet ing.

4. Fund a l i ter atur e center wher e people can lear n mor e about the Bible.

5. Fund Basic Spir i tual Leader ship Tr aining.

6. Fund M onthly Tr aining Ret r eats.

7. Cover Per sonal Staff Suppor.t

8. Fund Or phans Chi ldr en Pr ogr am (Includes school ing, food, medicine, etc).

9. Fund Widows M other Car e by pr oviding food and medicine.



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H ead er



Feeding The Hungry M ak ing Disciples Nationw ide Evangel ism

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In Kenya, Afr ica ther e is a wonder ful man named Pastor Fr edr ick M anhanu. H e pastor s a smal l chur ch of over 100 people and has a hear t for the poor. For the last 5 year s Pastor Fr edr ick has been wor k ing w ith 33 or phans who lost their par ents because of H IV/AIDS, M alar ia or abandonment . N ot having an or phanage he did something cr eat ive, he cal led upon the chur ch to be the hands of God and open their homes to these pr ecious chi ldr en. The chur ch member s r esponded and that bir thed a foster pr ogr am wher e chur ch member s ar e car etaker s of these 33 or phans.

In 2015 the chi ldr en needed assistance to cover their expenses to go to school to r eceive a qual i t y educat ion so they can have hope for a br ighter futur e, br eaking the cycle of pover ty. They also wer e in need of basic assistance as ther e car etaker s ar e not wealthy w ith mater ial goods, but r ich in love, so they needed help to pur chase bedding suppl ies, clothing and shoes, cover medical expenses and mosquito nets for their beds to pr otect them fr om malar ia.

The H ope M ovement is a 501 (c)(3) non-pr of i t foundat ion based in the United States w ith a passion to uni te w ith loving individuals such as Pastor Fr edr ick to help igni te a movement a hope impact ing communit ies and t r ansfor ming them into havens of hope.

In 2015 we wer e able to to pr ovide funding for food, clothing and mosquito nets which pr event malar ia. At the end of 2015 because of the heavy r ains in Kenya, one of the foster homes housing 7 or phans col lapsed. Two chi ldr en M oses and Faith along w ith the guar dian Chr ist ine was sent to the hospital but passed away. 5 addit ional chi ldr en had to r ecover in the hospital . The H ope M ovement is commitment to this pr oject in Kenya as wel l as a few other pr ojects in Afr ica and w i l l be wor k ing w ith Pastor Fr eder ick to r ebui ld the home also pr ovide for al l of the needs of the or phans so that they may have hope for a br ighter futur e.


" Rel i g i on t h at God ou r Fat h er

accep t s as p u r e an d

f au l t l ess i s t h i s: t o l ook

af t er or p h an s an d w i d ows i n t h ei r d i st r ess an d t o k eep on esel f f r om

b ei n g p o l l u t ed b y t h e wor l d ."

Jam es 1 :2 7

Th e Ch i l d r enDebor ah N afula

Tabitha N afula

Glassim Omendo

Faith N anjala

N iva N asimiyu

Emmanuel Wafula

Sophie N ekesa

David Wanyonyi

Kar r en N afula

Amos Simiyu

Abr aham Juma

N el ly Khasandi

David Wekesa

Joshua Wekesa

Emmanuel Wafula

H i lk ia Walekhwa

M ichael Wanyonyi

N eema Wafula

Sammy Walekhwa

Eugene Wetosi

Randy N al ianya

Elsie M ikangi

Emmanuel M ikangi

Samson Simiyu

Sar ah N asimiyu

Sylvester Waswa

M ar y N yongesa

Zippor ah N ekesa

N aomi N yongesa

Br ian M echumo

Aggr ey Wanyama



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H ead er



Helping Orphans M ak ing Disciples Nationw ide Evangel ism

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Th ey w i l l r eb u i l d t h e an ci en t r u i n s, r ep ai r i n g c i t i es d est r oyed l on g ag o. Th ey w i l l r evi ve t h em , t h ou g h t h ey h ave b een d eser t ed f or m an y g en er at i on s. - I sai ah 6 1 :4

In the inner ci t y near N or th Avenue the f i r st thing you w i l l not ice ar e the abandoned homes, no par ks, no r ecr eat ional center s, no place for youth to go but hang out in the st r eets. Jonathan Roiz, Founder / Pr esident of The H ope M ovement gr ew up in Balt imor e and never for got his r oots. H e faced violence, pover ty; he w itnessed the hur t of the people and walked in their shoes. The H ope M ovement wor k ing along w ith local chur ches, community leader s and the community i t sel f has a vision to develop a st r ategic plan of act ion to t r ansfor m the most impover ished communit ies in Balt imor e City into havens of hope.

Balt imor e City has developed an agr eement w ith The H ope M ovement to adopt and manage vacant lots wher e gangs, pover ty, dr ugs, alcohol ism, violence and family dysfunct ion ar e consuming the people. The H ope M ovement mobi l izes a local movement of people fr om chur ches, businesses and individuals fr om the community to uni te and volunteer their t ime to develop these lots into community gar dens, safe par ks for fami l ies and locat ions for out r each pr ogr ams.

As Ephesians 6:12 says "For we do not w r est le against f lesh and blood, but against the r uler s, against the author i t ies, against the cosmic power s over this pr esent dar kness, against the spir i tual for ces of evi l in the heavenly places". The H ope M ovement is shaking the comfor t zone and uni t ing us as one to r each out in the mission f ield in our back yar d, changing the atmospher e, opening the eyes of bl ind, r eleasing them fr om their bondage's, for ming a gener at ion of t r ansfor mat ion.

Pr oj ect Pr og r am s:

- H aven of H ope Community Gar dens- Community Out r each- M entor ship- After -School Pr ogr ams- M ovement M obi l izat ion

Cu r r en t H aven of H op e L ot Pr o j ect s:

- 2322 - 2332 E N ORTH AVE


Th ey w i l l r eb u i l d t h e

an ci en t r u i n s, r ep ai r i n g

c i t i es d est r oyed l on g ag o. Th ey w i l l

r evi ve t h em , t h ou g h t h ey

h ave b een d eser t ed f or

m an y g en er at i on s. I sai ah 6 1 :4

L i sa Rob i n son f r om W B AL N B C con d u ct ed a TV w i t h Jon at h an Roi z

In N ovember 2015, L isa Robinson fr om WBAL N BC conducted a TV inter view w ith Jonathan Roiz, Founder / Pr esident of The H ope M ovement to discuss the development of a H ope M ovement in Balt imor e and the t r ansfor mat ion of vacant lots into H aven of H ope Community Gar dens in connect ion w ith M entor ship and Out r each Pr ogr ams.



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H ead er



Communi ty Development M entorship Street Evangel ism5 Vacant Lot Transformed in 2015

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H ead er


Communi ty Development M entorship Street Evangel ism5 Vacant Lots Transformed in 2015


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You ar e The H ope M ovement , we ar e a team in the wor k of God, we can not ful f i l l our cal l ing w ithout you. Just as our cal l ing is to go and wor k in the mission f ield to t r ansfor m l ives, you have a pr ofound cal l ing to give to help sustain the wor k being accompl ished.

As the wor d of God has dir ected us in 2 Cor inthians 9, "Remember this: Whoever sows spar ingly w i l l also r eap spar ingly, and whoever sows gener ously w i l l also r eap gener ously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your hear t to give, not r eluctant ly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheer ful giver. And God is able to bless you abundant ly, so that in al l things at al l t imes, having al l that you need, you w i l l abound in ever y good wor k. As i t is w r i t ten:

?They have fr eely scat ter ed their gi f t s to the poor ;

their r ighteousness endur es for ever.?

N ow he who suppl ies seed to the sower and br ead for food w i l l also supply and incr ease your stor e of seed and w i l l enlar ge the har vest of your r ighteousness. You w i l l be enr iched in ever y way so that you can be gener ous on ever y occasion, and thr ough us your gener osi t y w i l l r esul t in thanksgiving to God.

This ser vice that you per for m is not only supplying the needs of the Lor d?s people but is also over f low ing in many expr essions of thanks to God. Because of the ser vice by which you have pr oved your selves, other s w i l l pr aise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Chr ist , and for your gener osi t y in shar ing w ith them and w ith ever yone else. And in their pr ayer s for you their hear ts w i l l go out to you, because of the sur passing gr ace God has given you. Thanks be to God for his indescr ibable gi f t !

We pr ay God speaks to your hear t and that you feel a connect ion w ith The H ope M ovement , that you feel t r uly par t of this minist r y and passionate about ser ving those in need ar ound the wor ld, know ing that your gi f t s ar e impact ing l ives and is an act of wor ship to God.

B ecom e A Ch eer f u l Gi ver

" Tr u l y, I say t o you , as you d i d i t t o on e

of t h e l east o f t h ese m y

b r ot h er s, you d i d i t t o m e."

M at t h ew 2 5 :4 0

And so Jesus also suffer ed outside the ci t y gate to make the people holy thr ough his own blood. Let us, then, go to him outside the camp, bear ing the disgr ace he bor e. For her e we do not have an endur ing ci t y, but we ar e looking for the ci t y that is to come.

Thr ough Jesus, ther efor e, let us cont inual ly offer to God a sacr i f ice of pr aise? the fr ui t of l ips that openly pr ofess his name. And do not for get to do good and to shar e w ith other s, for w i th such sacr i f ices God is pleased.

H ebr ews 13:12-16


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Ad op t -A-Pr og r amAdopt -A-Pr ogr am is one of the foundat ions upon which The H ope M ovement bui lds i t s community pr ogr ams and impr oves individual l ives of chi ldr en and adults. When you become an Angel and adopt a pr ogr am you ar e mor e than just a par tner, you become a family member of The H ope M ovement . We ar e your eyes, ear s, and hands wor k ing in the f ields. Without you our wor k would be non-existent . With educat ion, spir i tual i t y and counsel ing as the pr incipal goal of our pr ogr ams, we focus on the cor e developmental stages and needs of l ives chi ldr en and adults.

Ch i l d Sp on sor sh i p Sponsor ship is a per fect avenue for shar ing God' love w ith chi ldr en and elder ly in need. Once a chi ld or elder ly under stands the love and sacr i f ice given to them by their sponsor, they ar e bet ter able to gr asp just how valuable they ar e to God.

M eal s-A-M on t h Cl u bWe ar e al l cal led to make a di f fer ence in the wor ld, and the M eal(s)-A-M onth Club is an inspir at ional oppor tuni t y for you to be a par t of a movement For as l i t t le as $2 monthly you can feed the hungr y and br ing hope to the hopeless.

Ways To B e A Ch eer f u l Gi verU n i q u e Ways To Gi ve

Good sear ch / Good sh op :The H ope M ovement is a par tner w ith GoodSear ch.or g and Sear ch the web w ith Yahoo-power ed and they?l l donate to our wor k each t ime you sear ch or shop!

D on at e Cel l Ph on es:The H ope M ovement has par tner ed w ith Shelter Al l iance a Flor ida based r ecycl ing company. Shelter Al l iance gives a donat ion for ever y cel l phone col lected to the wor k of The H ope M ovement .

Cof f ee f or A Cau seThis is a gr eat oppor tuni t y to make a di f fer ence in the l ives of other s whi le not spending addit ional money, just decide to pur chase your coffee or tea thr ough our campaign and not only enjoy a high qual i t y cup of coffee or tea but also enjoy the sat isfact ion that you br ought hope to someone in need. Simply Visi t Our Campaign, Instead of Buying Fr om The Stor e, Add Bags of Coffee or Tea To Your Shopping Car t and We'l l Ship You Your Or der and Whi le You Ar e Enjoying A Cup of H igh Qual i t y Coffee or Tea, Chi ldr en, Famil ies and Elder ly Wil l Find H ope.


www.h op em ovem en t .com

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To Give A Donat ion or Communicate With Us:

The Hope Movement

5623 North Lane

Baltimore, MD 21206

Phone: (305) 528-5214

Email : [email protected]



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