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Paranormal Activity

Jeepers Creepers

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DressThe Main dress in this trailer is for all the victims and the main actors in the trailer are they are all wearing everyday clothing comfortable clothing or work clothes. So this includes, shirts, tops then jeans or trousers. However all of the clothing is ripped blooded and looks very untidy. The enemy and the monster it looks like is dressed in a black cloth cape sort of thing and not a human face it is a clown sort of face which is white and plastic with bold red marks as the features of it’s face however we can’t see in detail as it is just the trailer.

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GestureGesture codes in the trailer are all very worried and shaking. Such as trying to protect them whilst screaming. They are all covered up and trying to escape everything they do is at high pace. Everything they do is done with great amount of effort as they seem to be suffering weather they are dragging themselves along the floor or they are hiding in a corner trying to cover themselves up. We understand narrative that it is all a very extreme game so some shots in this are showing the characters trying to work out what to do or escaping from great pieces of machinery.

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Narrative So what we can understand about the story of Saw from the trailer is that their is a game. The character have to do something wrong or annoy the enemy and then they play this game. They then find out the reason why the are there and then they die but they can all survive if they play the game right. However this game isn’t easy we can gather that it involves death if they loose and so the game involves machinery and heavy objects. The words that appear on the trailer are directed to the audience as if they were talking to them it says it is your move. Which makes the audience want to watch the full movie to find out how the characters get on in the game and whether they die or not.

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TechnicalThis trailer as constant cuts from scene to scene flashing to the next. They have diagetic soundtrack making it more tense as well as dialogue and screams form the movie. They start off with a image of a n newspaper saying doctor questioned in jigsaw case telling the audience he is the enemy and then they show the game. Quite often they will have a fast paced moving image of a extract from a scene then a blank screen but with tense dialogue and sound effect then a burst and a loud noise then some text appears talking directly to the audience which builds the tension and makes it more terrifying. Something that is quite stereotypical and conventional o its genre is with the “horror trailer” is that it builds up the whole way and makes it really terrifying and uncomfortable then for the last 3 seconds of the trailer would be the title of the film and some daunting sounds.

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VisualWe can see throughout that the game is taking place in short bursts. We see text talking directly to the audience and luring them in to make them want to watch it in full. We see high paced action scenes attempting to beat the enemy or hide from the enemy. It all builds up and then has no climax so that it makes the audience want to go and find out more.

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DressThe main dress code is the 2 main character Tucker and dale they are wearing country style farmer style clothing dungarees and chequered shirts so not very stereotypical to the horror enemy style. The others the collage kids on their vacation are wearing very stereotypical clothes to that short skirts tops t shirts and jeans but as the trailer progresses and more blood is used the clothes get more untidy and messy and stained.

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GestureWe see many conventional; gesture codes form the kids such as running being scared on their faces and planning attacks on the killers so they think. However this film flips the genre of horror on it’s head so their gesture codes are quite other opposite they have very dim like poses and slapstick style. Such as weeping and helping each other out like popping spots and laughing together. On the other hand the kids see Tucker and Dale as the opposite so when it’s their point of view the camera shows them being very stereotypical to a enemy in a horror film with big weapons and angry poses and gestures trying to get at them when really they are not.

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Narrative What we consume from the trailer and this poster is that the kids and tucker and dale are on vacation separately and a mix up happens. So they think they are evil when they are not they are very clown like people. So they do a spin of a very typical horror film. They do use throughout most of the film, horror themed things everywhere with weapons set and story of the kids point of view but tucker and dale spin it of their point of view making it funny. They want to get their friends back so it makes the audience want to watch it to see what ends up happening and what is the result for each other.

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TechnicalThe trailer is set and shot in a very typical horror genre way. Quick cuts high energy and then a build up no climax and then the titles. The shots in this vary from tacking shots, birds eye of the set and low angle action shots. They do the low angle shots to make tucker and dale look evil and big when they are not. The colours are all very typical to horror genre in the editing with the dull brown background and big bold red text.

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VisualThroughout the trailer we consume what the main story is and what the director has done to change a conventional horror film. There are some gags in the trailer. For example when the girl thinks she has been held hostage and screams and then tucker says” Oh sorry you don't like pancakes” this is what in a normal horror film would happen with the screams but then they flip it around and make it comical. We understand the collage kids are trying to find their friend who they think is missing but tucker and dale are just looking after her as she fell and rescued her. There is lots of special effects and blood and high paced action that we can see and it makes me and others probably want to see what the outcome is for tucker and dale and the kids.

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DressAs this is a horror film but also a documentary to make it seem real to the audience the characters in it are wearing their usual day to day clothes and night ware. They do this so it seems as real as possible to the audience as we don't see the monster as the film and trailer progresses the women gets possessed and her crystal white it turns into stains of dirt and blood which draws the audience in to find out more.

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GestureThis trailer is different to most of horror trailers as this film was tested in a cinema in California before it went global so they use the night vision footage of the audience as well as the film trailer it self in the trailer so you can see the audience reactions and how scared they get to make you as a different audience member feel even more uncomfortable and scared. As this is a documentary horror the gestures are very real to life with it being a horror though it is high paced and screaming with running around and slipping and falling over as they are petrified. So it makes you want to watch more to find out the result and more of the film.

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We understand from the trailer that this is a documentary style horror film and that it seems fairly realistic compared to other horror films. We understand that it did hugely well after it's first screening to then go global. Narrative wise we understand that their is a couple who seem to think their home is paranormal and that this spirit possesses the women. It seems to be the scariest film of all time according to reviewers and audiences which makes the audience want to see it and judge for them self.

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TechnicalTheir is constant cuts between the audience footage and the film footage. Throughout the trailer they have had the audience at the bottom of the screen with the film on top just to give the audience of the trailer the “Scaryness”of the actual audience viewing the film. Most sound is diagetic from the film but the screaming of the audience is non diagetic. There are close ups of the audience and of the feature film to get close emotions. We don’t see much of the film to analyse because at the time of the trailer it hadn’t gone global so they didn’t want to give too much away but having the audience in the trailer makes you as a different audience member want to watch it yourself to see if it really is so scary.

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VisualWe consume from the trailer that this film is a realistic horror documentary and that this girlfriend of the cameraman is becoming possessed by a demon/spirit. We see from the audience reaction and chosen shots of the film how dramatic and high energy the film is which makes us want to view it as I said before. You can see as the film suggests paranormal activity experiences from a very real scenario and scene which the audience can relate to which makes it more horrifying experience to view and makes you want to watch more to see how it invades the realistic life of a normal informative documentary.

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DressAs this is a fairly old horror movie the clothing is old fashioned too nowadays but then it would have been modern. The monster is a scarecrow so it wears a costume to suit that a big cowboy hat and a cape black colour stereotyped to an enemy/monster. The monster can fly so you see the cape flapping with all the frails on it. The victims are the students who are coming back from a trip through the countryside and they are wearing normal clothes that students in America would have worn then jeans tracksuits and tops.

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GestureThe gestures we understand from the trailer are stereotypical to horror films. So we see frightened high pace students running around worried screaming and planning how to escape. The monster doesn’t have many gestures which I think makes him more scary and iconic. He has the stance of a scarecrow and fly's around eating people so he has a natural fear going around about him. He has fearsome facial expression we see at a flash at the end with it’s wings out about to eat someone.

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Narrative So from the trailer we don’t get much from the narrative we understand that their is a monster of a scare crow figure and that it is always watching and waiting to feed on humans. We also see that their are students on their way back from a trip so we instantly think they will be the victim as they see strange things on their way back. From watching the whole of this film I understand that this monster feeds every 24 years and after that day he rests for the next 24 years as a scarecrow which is why he has a scary reputation. The film shows these students driving in it’s areas on it’s feeding time.

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TechnicalWe see a variety of camera shots of the birds eye view of the church and tunnel. We also see close up shots of the characters and tracking shots making it more tense to view. The editing is high paced also which rises the fear and tension they make it very stereotypical to the horror trailers I have seen as they build it up making it really petrifying then they don't have a climax making you want to watch it yourself to find out what will happen. At the end it says the title Jeepers Creepers in a scary yellow dripping font and dark background and a narrator says the name making it memorable. They use text for example “It’s watching and “It’s waiting” using direct speech making it more uncomfortable to view and understand.

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VisualWe see different sides to the story of the evil character and trying to feats upon it’s victims and we also see the students looking confused and worried. The use of the direct speech in the text makes you feel involved and interacted in the trailer making you want to watch more. It makes you an active audience member. We see it all build up with more high paced action starting from something quite quiet and subtle then making it really fast dangerous and action paced with no ending making you want to watch more and feel even more uncomfortable.

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• To conclude I want to involve all aspects of each film in my film trailer using small amounts of comedy, realism, stereotypical horror action, audience interaction. Using all these aspects will make a great bundle to view and it will make the audience want to watch more.


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