
How Does Psychology

A�ect the Design of

your Landing Page?

What separates high

converting landing pages

from low-performing ones

may not be complex

design secrets.

1. Less is More

3. Minimize anxiety

2. Don't make people work too hard to understand your landing pages

Here are some considerations for the

psychological aspects of your Landing Page:

Less is More

1. Less is MoreAccording to a 2012 study from Google,

users think simpler sites are more visually

appealing than complicated ones.

1. Less is More There are two psychological reasons:

Cognitive fluency

Visual information processing



1. Less is More

Cognitive fluency

People are able to make strong associations with certain colors because the

brain establishes cognitive fluency. It's easier to quickly process information

on a Landing Page that acts as a prototype because it's familiar. Cognitive

fluency occurs when you're exposed to something similar repeatedly.

The brain tends to prefer the familiar. Many Landing Pages share the same

elements, and stepping outside of this can confuse users and lead to

lower conversion rates.

1. Less is More

Visual information processing

To evoke cognitive fluency in your visitors, your Landing Page needs

to be easy to process visually. The article cited a study from Harvard,

which revealed di�erent demographics have varied opinions on

aesthetically appealing Web design, but one factor remained the same:

The more visually complicated a Landing Page was, the less people found

it visually appealing. A simpler layout allows you to impress a wider

audience instead of one specific demographic.

1. Less is More

Why is simple, so much easier to process?

It comes down to the science of how the eye transmits information to

the brain. The retina transforms visual information into electrical impulses

and sends them to the brain, which translates them to perceptions of

colors and light.

1. Less is MoreIf there are more color and light variations on a

landing page, the eyes have to work harder to

turn it into impulses. The brain also has to work

harder to process this information and store

it in the short-term memory.

1. Less is MoreWithout even realizing it, conflicting elements

on your page can cause visitors to reject your

page. Every part of the Landing Page sends

a signal to viewers, so it's important to

understand the basic psychology that goes into

Landing Page design.

“The real trick to conversion rate optimization is communicating the most information with the smallest number of elements”.

Don't Make People Work Too Hard to Understand Your

Landing Pages

2. Don't Make People Work Too Hardto Understand Your Landing Pages

Visitors shouldn't have to play a guessing game

on your Landing Page. It should be immediately

obvious that they are on a landing page,

according to Marketing Land.

2. Don't Make People Work Too Hardto Understand Your Landing Pages

People should be able to quickly to determine

the purpose of the page and the o�er. To

achieve that you need to:

• Quickly communicate the benefits

• Have a specific call to action.

• Use design elements to point visitors in the right direction.

• Make headlines bold.

• Call attention to the most important points in the text.

• Make sure the headline contains strong, clear language.

2. Don't Make People Work Too Hardto Understand Your Landing Pages

People click on a call to action because they

have a desire to learn more or purchase

something. This action is motivated by desire,

and people are curious about what happens

when they follow the CTA.

“The real trick to conversion rate optimization is communicating the most information with the smallest number of elements”.

2. Don't Make People Work Too Hardto Understand Your Landing Pages

To maximize CRO, you need to provide

enough information to compel visitors to click

on the CTA without giving away too much.

Tell them the nature of the o�er, but don't go

into more detail.

2. Don't Make People Work Too Hardto Understand Your Landing Pages

Your landing page needs to speak to customers'

emotions. Use the copy to remind visitors of

their specific pain points. This will make them

want to find a solution to this issue. The most

e�ective landing pages remind visitors that this

pain point exists and o�er a solution.

2. Don't Make People Work Too Hardto Understand Your Landing Pages

“Don't focus too much on how consuming the

problem is because it can be a source of

anxiety, which harms conversion rates.”

Minimize anxiety

3. Minimize anxiety

Anyone with a basic knowledge of psychology

understands anxiety is meant to be avoided.

In Landing Page design, anxiety emerges

when an element in the conversion process

causes a visitor to pause in concern.

3. Minimize anxiety

Anxiety won't make customers rush to the

call to action any faster. In fact, this can be as

harmful as friction, which is when readability

issues on the page interrupt the flow to the CTA.

If you want to maximize conversion rate, you

need to minimize anxiety.

3. Minimize anxiety

Anxiety can come from the layout of the page,

a conflicting color scheme or too much text.

Anything that interferes with the user's

experience can be a source of stress.

3. Minimize anxiety

However, this Landing Page problem is tricky

to understand because approaching it rationally

isn't always the best course of action. Although

anxiety can arise from glaring issues in the

design and layout of your page, it often stems

from less rational elements.

3. Minimize anxiety

Specificity is a great way to combat anxiety.

Leaving room for ambiguity can stress visitors out and cause them not to

convert. You need to consider the message you want the landing page to

convey and include some elements that send this message.

3. Minimize anxiety

For example, if you want to highlight the

quality of your product, include a satisfaction

guarantee. If you want to portray a sense of

reliability, utilize customer testimonials.

However, these features need to be placed

near elements on the page that have the

potential to provoke anxiety

3. Minimize anxiety

All the aspects of your landing pages interact

with each other and send a di�erent message

to visitors. You need to have understand what

subtle signals your pages may be conveying

to improve CRO.

What other elements of

psychology go into

e�ective Web design?

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