Page 1: How domestic animals would have to adapt in Antarctica. By Olivia Jowett

How domestic animals would have to adapt in Antarctica.

By Olivia Jowett

Page 2: How domestic animals would have to adapt in Antarctica. By Olivia Jowett


Hamster Dog Lion Cat Rabbit Thinking time

Page 3: How domestic animals would have to adapt in Antarctica. By Olivia Jowett


A hamster is a nocturnal omnivore that lives in a warm cage.What a hamster would have to eat.A hamster would usually eat muesli and the occasional piece of meat and fruit. If they lived in Antarctica they would probably have to eat shrimps, zooplankton, krill, fish or small birds. What climate a hamster would have to put up with.A hamster would usually live in a warm house inside a clean warm cage. If they lived in Antarctica they would have to put up with extremely cold situations like fast paced winds, snow and very unlikely rain.Habitat A hamster usually has sawdust or newspaper shredding's. If they lived in Antarctica they would probably live in the snow or ice.Threats Hamsters are small so they would have a lot of threats like the leopard seal, Weddell seal, southern elephant seals, killer whales, sperm whales and penguins. Another horrible threat would be falling glaciers falling on top of them.

Page 4: How domestic animals would have to adapt in Antarctica. By Olivia Jowett


A dog is a diurnal omnivore and lives in a warm house.What a dog would have to eat.A dog would usually eat dog food with meat and vegetables in. But if a dog lived in Antarctica they would have to eat penguins, baby seals, krill, fish, squid, shrimps.What climate they would have to put up with.A dog would usually get cold and wet when they go for a walk so they would have a tiny bit of experience with harsh weathers. They would have to put up with -21 down to -75 (which is the lowest ever recorded temperature for Antarctica.)HabitatA dog would usually live in the comfort of there home. If they lived in Antarctica then they would probably have to live under the snow or ice. But dogs dig a lot so they could probably build a den for them to live in.Threats They haven't got as many threats as hamsters but they still have killer whales, sperm whales, adult seals and southern elephant seals. back

Page 5: How domestic animals would have to adapt in Antarctica. By Olivia Jowett

Cat A cat is a diurnal omnivore that’s would usually live in a warm house.What a cat would have to eat.A cat would usually eat fish and cat food. But if a cat lived in Antarctica they would have to eat fish(like at home), krill, small penguins, baby seals, squid and shrimp.What climate a cat would have to put up with.A cat would usually put up with the warmth of its home. If a cat lived in Antarctica they would have to put up with cold icy temperatures and have to try and keep warm.HabitatA cat would usually sleep in a warm bed and be warm. If they lived in Antarctica they would have to dig and make a home out of snow and ice. Threats A cat would have seals, southern elephant seals, sperm whale, killer whale and falling glaciers.back

Page 6: How domestic animals would have to adapt in Antarctica. By Olivia Jowett

Rabbit A rabbit is a nocturnal omnivore that would usually live in a cage.What a rabbit would have to eat.A rabbit would usually eat muesli and vegetables. But if they lived in Antarctica they would have to eat shrimp, krill, fish, zooplankton and a very small baby seal.What climate they would have to put up with.A rabbit would usually live in a cage outside(so it depends on the weather if there warm or not) or inside(so it would be warm). If they lived in Antarctica they would have to put up with ice, snow and blustering winds.HabitatA rabbit would usually live in a cage that had sawdust and newspaper shredding's. But if they lived in Antarctica they would have to build out of snow or ice.Threats A rabbit would have lots of threats like seals, southern elephant seal, sperm whales, killer whales and penguins. Falling glaciers would be a threat to these small animals. back

Page 7: How domestic animals would have to adapt in Antarctica. By Olivia Jowett

Thinking time

If you were an animal would you live in Antarctica and why?

If you could be any

domestic animal which

one would you be and why

would you be that on to

survive in Antarctica?

What would you build your habitat out of and why?

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