
After researching into different institutions I realised no institutions fit what my magazine wanted to represent. Therefore, I created my own institution. SB productions is an institution that aims to publish media pieces within the genre of Hip-Hop and RnB. Prestige magazine is a Hip-Hop and RnB magazine. The institution emphasises on unisex products, supporting a lifestyle of equality, SB productions brings a break to peoples lives, making them forget about the problems and difficulties they may be going through, they make the audiences escape that world and come into a world that they enjoy, MUSIC. The lifestyle my media institution promotes is a lively one, one that is positive, making people want to live their life to the fullest. Music is a gateway for the people to help them achieve and get through whatever they are going through. They try to break the usual daily routine, they encourage people to be go getters and aim for the best in everything they do, but making them not forget in the importance of having fun and creating memories. The promotion of this lifestyle is important; the audience have to live by this lifestyle, as the magazine promotes this through the articles and features that are within the issues.

The name prestige means ‘widespread respect and admiration felt for someone or something on the basis of a perception of their achievements or quality’, this in itself helps abide by what SB productions believes in etc. For example this shows that Prestige fits SB’s expectations as SB Productions believes that everyone is equal and that they should all be the best that they can be due to hard work. Therefore, the name of the magazine embodies everything that the institution believes in.

In general the institution promotes the idea of everyone being equal therefore, the artists that are portrayed in this magazine do not fully fit the stereotypes of the men and women within this genre. Therefore, the males on my front cover represents this as even though he is not covered in tattoos and topless, he is still apart of this genre.

This quote represents SB productions ideology of how everyone is equal, as the quote shows how this female artist is powerful and very strong and does not fit by the stereotype of woman being co-dependent on a make. Also as she is the ‘Queen of this industry’ it again challenges the ideology of how the Hip-Hop genre is very masculine, as she obviously challenges that by being in this magazine and being apart of this genre

In general the institution promotes the idea of everyone being equal therefore, the artists that are portrayed in this magazine do not fully fit the stereotypes of the men and women within this genre. Therefore, the contents page shows this as the woman is not sexualized like the stereotypical Hip-Hop magazine

The image reinforces the idea that everyone is equal as this artist is not promoting violence or tattoos the stereotypical rappers image.

The article too promotes a positive lifestyle, and shows that a small time person can make it big. The article reinforces the dominant stereotypes associated with artists in this genre however it too represents a positive lifestyle, not one with violence.

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