
How not to use linkedin A guide for people wanting to fail at growing their professional network

How not to use linkedin Tip 1: Dont complete your profileThe best way to make sure you cant be found on LinkedIn is to make sure your profile is incomplete. Everyone knows that LinkedIn is a great place to showcase your professional talent, grow your network and get headhunted, so if you want to avoid this at all costs, make sure you DO NOT:Optimise your headline. After looking at your name and photo, people will read your headline. If you dont want to sell yourself, make sure you leave this set to the default which is your current job title, instead of using key words to advertise how fantastic you are and make sure you come up in search results. Fill in your summary. If you dont want others to realise the benefit of connecting with you, then leave these 2000 characters blank. Complete the past and previous experience and education sections. Why would your networks be interested in what youve achieved, especially if youre looking to further your career? Provide contact details. You dont actually want anyone to get in touch with you, right?

Aim for the bottom!

How not to use linkedin Tip 2: choose an inappropriate profile pictureChoosing an inappropriate photo like one of these is a sure-fire way to make the wrong impression on the hundreds of professionals that will come across your profile every day:The selfie at a wedding- OK so your hair and makeup look fab but you rarely get this dressed up for the office. LinkedIn is a place for working and your picture should reflect that.Your pet pooch - yes you love him but a pic of your pet isnt helpful when LinkedIn-ners are searching for people they know. The same goes for company logos- the only acceptable photo for you, should be of you!The one from your hols - holidays are usually great fun but a picture of you in a bikini on the beach is a big no-no.The silly pose - this is you pulling a funny face and doesnt really shout Im serious about my career. The same goes for silly poses (which usually fail to make anyone other than you laugh), and you up to daft antics.

A pic of your dog on LinkedIn? Surely not.

How not to use linkedin tip 3: never post any updatesIf you want to remain anonymous in LinkedIn, and NOT network with your connections, then I advise you to never post any updates of your own. With over 225 million users, LinkedIn is a pretty big place for conversation. So if you want to remain uninvolved and ignored, stay silent. If you ARE going to post updates, make sure they:Are really boringInclude moans about your working day/ how evil your boss isAre always self-promotional.

Think before you post...

How not to use linkedin tip 4: never comment or Like within your network LinkedIn exists to connect professionals to each other. A great way to waste time on LinkedIn is to collect connections and never interact with them.Why bother endorsing or patting your connections on the back with a Like or a Comment? And if you are going to waste your time doing this, make sure you pay no attention to who youre talking to like in this example on the right:

Try and concentrate when youre commenting on a status update...

How not to use linkedin tip 5: do not engage in groups LinkedIn Groups are forums where likeminded professionals discuss industry topics, seek advice and share best practice. The majority of LinkedIn users are in 10 or more Groups- thats a lot of group chat where you could, if you wanted to, pitch yourself as an expert in your field. Why not be part of the minority that ARE NOT Group members? Or better still, join lots of Groups but never read the content or join in the discussions.

So many LinkedIn Groups for you to ignore.

How not to use linkedinFINAL TIP: dont be sarcasticWell, not all the time anyway...

Want to find out how to use LinkedIn properly? Go to my blog and use the LinkedIn tag to find more tips. You can also find me on LinkedIn.

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