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    Sahih Iman Publication

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    BELIEF IN ALLAH ( َّ5 (َعزَّ َوَجل


    BELIEF IN PROPHET MOHAMMAD (8 (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم




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    بِسم هللا الرحمِن الرحيم

    الحمد هلل رب العالمين، والصالة والسالم على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين

    It is in the natural disposition of human beings that they will try to find the right way of living in the world so that they could live a comfortable and secured life. Like the parents make sure that their children get good education, develop good habits, with which they are expected to be successful in their lives.

    The people who believe in the life after death, try to spend time in helping others and in charitable activities so that they may be rewarded in the life after death.

    However, to work in life with an aim and dedication is not an easy task. People struggle to tide over difficulties and roadblocks. Like the rich and the corrupt in the society suppress the poor and the needy and the poor struggles to come up in life. Similarly, in matters of faith, the people in power try to impose their faith on people by force and in the process, they subject them to persecution and tyranny. In addition, there are some corrupt scholars and godmen who influence people by their jugglery and rhetoric in order amass wealth in the name of charity.

    There are other factors that must be taken into consideration if an individual wants to follow the way of his choice. He must avoid the influences of his relatives, neighborhood, and sometimes the majority community in society. Thus, a debate goes on in his mind and often he suppresses his wishes to remain part of the crowd rather than separate himself from them and pay the consequences.

    We have focused the moralistic and religious aspect of people in this book because we believe that an honest and sincere person is an asset to his family and society. Being an honest person, whatever he does, it is for the welfare of his family, society, and the country of his residence.

    This book is broad based keeping all the people in mind irrespective of their religious or ethnic background. Reading this book people will be able to take right decisions in their lives which will help in their development, both physically and spiritually. This book encourages people to make sacrifices in life for the benefit of others. And if all individuals in a society start thinking in this way, we will be able to transform this world into a living Paradise.

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    Some people who read translations of Quran independently realize the goodness and morality preached in it. They get inclined to follow the teachings of Quran to improve morality in society. To achieve this objective, they approach the Dawa Centers to learn more about Islamic teachings. They do not know that there are sharks in this field who take advantage of these innocent souls. Mostly these centers are run by Salafis, Wahhabis, Deobandis and likeminded groups who catch these innocent souls and brainwash them in the name of Islam. These Dawa centers are funded by individuals and institutions who are propagating their groups deviant faith in the name of Islam. By joining these groups, these innocent souls start believing the group’s beliefs as Islamic faith. These groups often cultist and teach militancy to their followers in the name of Islam. Similar is the case with other religions like Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, and others.

    We preach peaceful coexistence of people belonging to all faiths and sects. It is our sincere desire to spread affection and compassion among the people of the world by following the legacy of Sahabah, Awliya Allah and Sufi Shyookh of Ihsan.


    The Quran is a wonder from whichever way you look at it. It is the book of guidance which covers all facets of human life, and it is the greatest literary masterpiece in the world that cannot be imitated by any human or Jinn. It is the book which has not been altered/edited a bit ever since it was revealed. It is the book which has been memorized by hundreds of millions of people all over the world for the past 1400 years. No other books equal it in this context. These and hundreds of other facts are accepted even by non-Muslims and they are completely overwhelmed and intrigued by its majestic power. These undeniable facts compel them to accept Quran's origin to be the word of God.

    I have written a comprehensive Tafseer of Quran titled ‘Tafseer-e-Asedi’ in English explaining every single issue described in it. Some of the features of ‘Tafseer-e-Asedi’ are described below.

    (i) The English language used is quite simple and understandable even for the first-time readers.

    (ii) The most important aspect of Tafseer-e-Asedi is the explanation of the requirement of Sahih Iman. Sahih Iman is the basic and essential requirement for

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    salvation in Hereafter. Tafseer-e-Asedi identifies the wrongful beliefs of deviated sects and leaves no room for doubt in the mind of the people about correct Islamic faith.

    (iii) Sometimes, a verse of Quran looks ambiguous, but the same issue is explained in detail at another place in the Quran. Similarly, a few Quranic verses appearing at different places need to be read complementing each other to understand an issue fully. Sometimes, the explanations from the Prophet's ( صلى Ahadith or sayings of the companions need to be read to (هللا عليه و آله وسلم understand a verse. Sometimes, an interpretation (taweel) is necessary to reach to the correct meanings. But the interpretation essentially depends upon other Quranic verses and Ahadith in related issues. All these have been kept in mind to explain these verses.

    Understanding and explaining the Quran is not an easy task. Only with the help of Allah ( ََّعز one can comprehend the meanings of the ,(صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) and His Apostle Mohammad (َوَجلَّ Quranic verses and explain them to the people.


    We teach people that they do not need to join any group/organization in the world to learn Islam. The faith is a matter of individual choice, and in it, there is no compulsion. We have designed our online teachings in such a way that all issues related to Islam are covered and answers to all questions related to Islamic faith are answered based on Quran and Sunnah.

    Our campaign is aimed at instilling the love of Prophet (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) and Sahih Iman in the hearts of the people. It is not aimed at promoting an organization or the name of a Shaikh in the world.

    If anyone likes the teaching of Islam and wants to become Muslim, he does not need to

    approach anyone in the world. The faith is the matter between him, and his Lord and it is a

    good idea to keep it that way. Following the faith of your choice is the fundamental right of

    people in many countries of the world, however, it is a good idea if you consult a legal expert to

    guide you in the light of the laws of the country of your resident.

    Muslim means one who submits to his creator. Anyone irrespective of his race, ethnic

    background and geographical location can submit himself to God. To become Muslim, you do

    not have to go to any place or organization in the world.

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    For becoming a Muslim all that a person needs to do is to proclaim Islamic Testimony of Faith

    (Shahada) in his heart and from his mouth, which is saying ‘I testify ‘La ilaha illa Allah,

    Mohammad Rasoolu Allah - ِ ٌد َرُسُول ّللاا ُ ُمَحمَّ There is no god but Allah and Mohammad ] آل اِلَهَ اِّلا ّللاا

    .[is the Apostle of Allah (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم)

    Generic reading or understanding is not sufficient to become Muslim. One should understand

    the true meanings of the Testimony (Shahadah - شهادة).


    (i) Once a person comes into the fold of Islam you are in direct relationship with

    your God and Apostle Mohammad ( صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم). The person starts

    feeling that God is aware of everything and is there to assist him in all issues of


    (ii) The person realizes the true purpose of his life to recognize his God and

    follow his instructions.

    (iii) The Quran is a guidance to mankind in every walk of life. You will find

    answers to all question and situations in your life and will be able to proceed in

    the right direction.

    (iv) All person who accepted Islam felt true happiness, tranquility, and inner


    (v) The moment a person accepts Islam, all his previous sins are forgiven by God

    and he starts a fresh life on Earth. If a mistake is committed after joining the fold

    of Islam, there is always a chance to repent and seek God’s forgiveness. It is

    expected that all your sins will be forgiven provided you try not to repeat

    mistakes again and again.

    (vi) A true Muslim achieve salvation in the life after death on the mediation of

    Prophet Mohammad (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم). Read the Quran to know the happy life

    of Paradise.

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    BELIEF IN ALLAH ( ََّعزَّ َوَجل)

    There are two aspects of Islamic Testimony/Shahadah (شهاده) - (a) belief in Allah - َّهَ إِّل ُ َّل إِلََٰ ّللاه[There is no god except Allah], and (b) belief in Prophet - ِ ٌد َرُسوُل ّللاه صلى هللا عليه ) Mohammad] ُمَحمَّ [.is the Apostle of Allah (و آله وسلم

    The word god is used by different people in different meanings. A Muslim must believe in Allah ( ََّعزَّ َوَجل) as the creator of this Cosmos and only He can be worshiped. Allah ( ََّعزَّ َوَجل) is free from the considerations of body, form, shape, etc. Everything in this cosmos is His creation. Allah’s ( ََّعزَّ َوَجل) creations are appearing in the cosmos in specific shapes/forms/characteristics as per their facts.

    It is in Quran - هَُو الظَّاِهُر َواْلبَاِطُن ۖ َوهَُو بُِكِلِّ َشْيٍء َعِليم [He is the Manifest (apparent) and

    the Immanent (hidden - but actually present throughout the material world) and

    He is the knower of all things ’] (Al-Hadeed – 3).

    It is in Quran - ُاْلَوِريدُِ َحْبلُِ ِمنُْ إِلَْيهُِ أَْقَربُ َوَنْحن [And We are nearer to him than his

    jugular vein.] (Qaf - 16)

    It is in Quran - ََوفِي أَنفُِسُكْم ۚ أَفَََل تُْبِصُرون [ And His signs are in your own self, will you

    not then see. ] (Adh-Dhariyat - 21)

    It is in Quran - َُك نت مُْ َما أَْينَُ َمعَك مُْ َوه و [ Wherever you are, He is with you.] (Al-Hadid -


    It is in Quran - َوْجه ُ فَثَمُ ت َولُّوا فَأَْينََما ُِ ّللا [ Whichever side you turn, you will find Allah.

    ] (Al-Baqara - 115)

    It is in Hadith - Abdullah ( عنہ تعالی ہللا رضئ ) narrated that the Prophet ( و عليه ہللا صلُى

    وسلم آله ) said: 'Allah ( َوَجلُ َعزُ ) is not hidden from you'. (Bukhari)

    It is in Hadith - Allah's Apostle ( وسلم آلُه ُو عليُه ہللا صلى ) was asked 'What is Ihsan?'

    He (the Prophet ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) replied, 'Ihsan is to pray seeing Allah ( َوَجلُ َعزُ ), and if you are

    unable to see Him (unable to focus your attention towards Him because of your

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    focus on worldly things), know it well that He is seeing you.' (Bukhari, Muslim

    and others, part of the Hadith).

    How can we realize Allah ( َوَجلُ َعزُ ) is everywhere, in our physical World, in heavens, and all

    other worlds, and not sitting as a big Idol in his physical body over the sky as Salafis,

    Deobandis and other groups believe?

    One who considers the Unity of Allah ( الہى ذاتُِ ) as the source of all manifestation, and considers

    the real source to be the Unity of Allah ( الہى ذاتُِ ) and gains Allah’s ( َوَجلُ َعزُ ) visualization in such

    a way that he considers himself a place of manifestation/bestowal of the Being and sees the

    reflection of His Being ( الہى وجودُِ ) on the facts of creatures; certainly he recognizes his Sustainer

    ) The one who recognizes Allah .(رُب) َوَجلُ َعزُ ), his physical eyes get suspended, and the eyes of

    his heart get activated and he sees and realizes his Lord all the time. Read more.


    The beliefs contrary to Islamic monotheism ( التوحيد اإلسالمي) are as follows.

    (a) Some people associate divinity (اُلوہيت) with some human beings and call them Godmen or Avataar. Some people believe different gods for different works in this cosmos and make pictures and mud/metallic idols of these gods and worship them. Some people believe that god has a son and angels are god’s daughters. All these beliefs are contrary to the Islamic belief of Monotheism. (التوحيد اإلسالمي)

    (b) Some Muslim groups (Wahhabis/Salafis/Deobandis/Ahle Hadith and their likeminded groups) believe that their God is a planetary size God, with a huge body human like physical features (face, hands, legs, fingers, etc). He is sitting over the skies separated from his creatures. He cannot come near his creatures and only watches them from his eyes. This belief is polytheism ( شرک). They have created a huge planetary size like idol of a sky God in their minds and worship this idol claiming it to be Allah. Why do they call it Allah? Because God is translated in Arabic as Allah. When you question them about this believe, they misinterpret certain Quranic verses and Ahadith to support their claim.

    (c) Some Muslim groups (Devbandis and their likeminded) believe that God can commit sinful acts. They believe that Allah ( ََّعزَّ َوَجل) can lie, and to lie is within His powers. They argue that when people can lie and it is in their power to lie,

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    then to deny this power for Allah ( ََّعزَّ َوَجل) is apostasy. They claim that there is a difference between saying - ‘Allah ( ََّعزَّ َوَجل) lies’ or Allah ( ََّعزَّ َوَجل) can lie, and they believe that Allah ( َوَجلَّ َعزَّ ) can lie.

    The above belief is Kufr because it sows the seed of suspicion about Allah's ( ََّعزہی) omnipotence (َعزَّ َوَجلَّ ) perfection. Allah’s (َوَجلَّ is relevant to His (قدرِت اِلَٰknowledge. Allah’s ( ََّعزَّ َوَجل) ‘will’ is the result of His wisdom, which in turn is dependent upon His knowledge. A thing which is contrary to his ‘Wisdom’ will not appear. To believe Allah ( ََّعزَّ َوَجل) can perform unwise/sinful acts is equal to not believing Him Wise. (Astaghfirullahal Azeem)

    The omnipotence ( قدرت) of insane and mad is not subordinated to knowledge and wisdom. The omnipotence of sensible, intelligent, and wise is subordinated to 'knowledge and wisdom'.

    The irrelevance of 'omnipotence' of Allah ( ََّعزَّ َوَجل)' to baseless things (ُمستحيالت) and forbidden things (ُممتنعات) does not indicate Allah’s ( ََّعزَّ َوَجل) powerlessness. The powerlessness is indicated when the thing was possible in the first place.

    Can Allah create a 'resemble alike'? This question is meaningless as a look-alike God is impossible and has no relevance to omnipotence. Can Allah commit suicide the way human beings do? This question is also meaningless. Divine non-existence is impossible. Can Allah ( ََّعزَّ َوَجل) create deficiency in Himself? No, never. Can Allah ( َوَجلَّ َعزَّ ) lie? No. Never.

    The creatures are subordinated to His omnipotence. Allah’s omnipotence is related to His creatures. Allah’s unity (ہی is not subjected to His ,(ذاِت الَٰomnipotence. His being is so essential and so exalted that He is beyond His own omnipotence.

    (d) Polytheism and Idol worship in any format is contrary to Islamic monotheism .(التوحيد اإلسالمي)

    If a person recites Kalima Tayyiba orally/publicly and claims himself to be a Muslim, but at the same time visits Hindu temples, Sikh Gurduwaras, Jew Synagogues, Christian Churches and participates in their functions and does not mind standing along with them in their worship in the name of Inter-faith, is a Muslim just for the namesake. There is a difference between the person who is a real Muslim and a person who is claiming to be a Muslims. The person who claims to be a Muslim but acts like non-Muslims, is surely a hypocrite. Since these claimants of Islam are involved in or participate/join in worship other than Allah ( ََّعزَّ َوَجل), their Islamic faith is only a lip service that will neither benefit them in this world, nor will be helpful in Hereafter. Rather they will be regarded as hypocrites.

    When these people are questioned about their actions, they say that they are doing it for peace and harmony among different sections of society. Indeed, it is

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    a deception on their part. They are fooling people for the sake of some political/material gains.

    It is in Quran - َّل تَْعتَِذُروا قَْد َكفَْرتُم بَْعَد إِيَمانُِكْم[Make no excuse; you have done Kufr after your Iman.] (At-Tauba - 66).

    As far as working for peace and harmony in a multi-cultural society is concerned, this can be achieved in hundreds of other ways, without sacrificing your Iman.

    We are discussing the essential requirement of Islamic faith. It is important to note that we cannot hate people based on their sect, faith, or ethnicity. Faith is a choice of every individual on this planet. They can choose any faith. To keep good relations with everyone is part of Islamic teachings.

    It is in Hadith – Ibn Abbas ( رضئ هللا تعالى عنه) reported, the Prophet ( صلى هللا عليه و آله said ‘He is not a believer whose stomach is filled while the neighbor to his (وسلمside is hungry’ ( Baihaqi, Sunan al-Kubra).

    In the above Hadith there is no mention that your neighbor should be a true Muslim in order to help him/her in any manner needed. He/She can be anyone, belonging to any sect, faith and ethnicity.

    BELIEF IN PROPHET MOHAMMAD (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم )

    A Muslim must believe in Prophet Mohammad ( صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) as the Servant and Apostle of Allah and seal of Prophet-hood. Meaning, he is the last and final Prophet to humanity. After him no one will come as a Prophet. Claim of Prophet-hood by anyone after Mohammad ( صلى هللا .is Apostasy (عليه و آله وسلم

    Prophet Mohammad’s ( صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم), respect in the Cosmos is next only to Allah ( ََّعزَّ َوَجل). He has a special status awarded to him by Allah ( ََّعزَّ َوَجل). He cannot be equated or treated as a normal (sinful) human being under any circumstance.

    It is in Quran - َ َ َواْلَيْوَم اآْلِخَر َوذََكَر ّللاَّ ِ أُْسَوةٌ َحَسَنةٌ ِلَمْن َكاَن َيْرُجو ّللاَّ َكِثيًرالَقَْد َكاَن لَكُْم فِي َرُسوِل ّللاَّ [ Indeed, in the Apostle of Allah (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) you have an excellent example for whoever has hope in Allah and the Last Day, and remembers Allah often.] (Al-Ahzab – 21)

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    It is in Quran - ُسوَل َواْحذَُروا َ َوأَِطيعُوا الرَّ And obey Allah and obey the apostle] َوأَِطيعُوا ّللاَّ and be cautious (about his status and respect in this (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم )cosmos)]. (Al-Maaida – 92).

    It is in Hadith – Narrated by Ibn Omer and Abu Huraira (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہما), the Prophet (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) told his companions, 'I am not like you. I live with my Sustainer (رب) who feeds and provides me with drink. (Bukhari and Muslim).



    Disrespect of Prophet Mohammad (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) and his blasphemy in any form takes a person out of the fold of Islam. The entire Muslim Ummah has consensus in this regard.

    In this context, some of the Salafi/Deobandi blasphemous beliefs about Prophet Mohammad taken from their books which are continuously been printed, distributed ,(صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم )and taught by them even today in their schools, colleges, Jama’at gatherings and online, are provided below which are against the teachings of Islam. When you question them about it, they will try to mislead people by trivial explanations.

    (i) "To accept Khaatimun Nabiyeen (the last and final Prophet) to mean that Mohammad (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) is the final Apostle and Prophet is wrong. Rather it means that he is the original and permanent Prophet and all others are temporary. Thus, if another Prophet appears after the Apostle ( صلى هللا عليه و آله still there will be no difference in him being the final Prophet." (Tahzeerun ,(وسلمNaas, Pg. 18 and 34 by Qasim Nanautwi)

    The above Deobandi belief is wrong. "Khaatimun-Nabiyeen" means the Prophet is the Final Prophet. It is impossible for a person to become a (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم)Prophet either during the time of Prophet Mohammad (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) or after it. This is the meaning upon which the entire Muslim Ummah has agreed upon and is also the meaning explained in various Ahadith. Those who reject it, and deviate from it, surely have gone astray.

    (ii) "If knowledge of the Unseen refers to partial knowledge, then what specialty is there in Nabi ( صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم). Such knowledge is possessed by Zayd and Amr (Tom, Dick and Harry), every child, insane people and all types of animals. The type of knowledge of Unseen given by Allah to Prophet Mohammad ( صلى هللا

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    ليه و آله وسلمع ) is also given to animals, lunatic humans and kids." Reference - Ashraf Ali Thanvi - Hifzul Iman, Page 7, published by Shaikh Jan Mohammad Publication, Allah Baksh, Uloom-e-Mashriqiya, Kashmir Bazar, Lahore, Pakistan.

    The above Deobandi belief is unpardonable blasphemy. When you compare something with a respectable thing, you mean respect. When you compare something with derogatory things, it is obvious that you mean to humiliate and bring disgrace to the person. There cannot be two opinions in this context. Like when you say a person, ‘you are tiger’, you mean to respect him for his bravery. If you say to a person ‘you are dog’, it means that you mean to disgrace him for his greediness. Comparing the Prophet’s (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) knowledge with the knowledge of lunatic person and animals, you mean to disgrace the noble Apostle (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم). You cannot mislead people with your evil rhetoric.

    (iii) "The word ‘Rahmatul-lil-Aalameen’ is not a specialty of the Apostle ( صلى هللا But other Prophets, great Ulema and saints are also the cause of .(عليه و آله وسلم mercy unto the worlds, even though Apostle ( صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) is the highest of them all. Therefore, to use this word Rahmatul lil Aalameen for others is permissible and is not exclusive attribute of the Apostle (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم)." (Fatawa Rasheediya, page 12, Volume 2, 1352 H, Raheemiya Kutub Khana, Sunehri Masjid, Delhi, Publication.)

    The scholars and followers of these sects should know that the title of 'Rahmatul lil Aalameen' has been given to Prophet Mohammad (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) by Allah ( ََّعزَّ َوَجل ).

    It is in Quran – ََوَما أَْرَسْلنَاَك إِّلَّ َرْحَمةً ِلاْلعَالَِمين [ (O’ Prophet ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) ‘We have not sent you except for the Mercy upon all worlds (in the cosmos).] (Al-Anbiya – 107).

    You cannot address others with the same title. It will be blasphemy of the Prophet ( صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) and everyone knows the punishment for the blasphemy of the Prophet (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) in Hereafter.

    (iv) "If Allah wishes billions of people will be born equal to Prophet Mohammad Ismail Dehelwi in Taqwiatul Iman, page 16 & 30, Faize) ".(صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم)Aam, Sadar Bazar Delhi Publication.)

    (v) "The status of a Prophet in his Ummah (nation) is equal to the status of a Landlord in a village." (Ismail Dehelwi, Taqviatul Iman, page 61)

    (vi) "Prophets are superior to their followers only in knowledge, but in good deeds, followers sometimes seem equal and occasionally become superior to them." (Qasim Nanotvi, Book 'Tahzeerannas, page 5, published in Maktaba Fayz Nazd Jami Masjid, Deoband and also published from Kutub Khana Qasimi, Deoband publication.)

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    (vii) Deobandis claim that even if a person says all Sahabah were Kafir, he remains a Muslim. Similarly, Wahhabis/Ahle Hadith/Salalfis claim that all Sahabah were Biddatees/innovators because they prayed 20 Raka' Taraweeh. Shias claim that after Prophet Mohammad (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم), most of the Sahabah deviated from the path of Islam. (استغفُرهللا العظيم). Ammanis claim that followers of all Muslims sects and their subgroups are Muslims. They also claim that anyone who believes in one god, irrespective of his perception, is believer like Muslims. With this logic they claim, Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus and everyone else who beliefs in one god is believer like Muslims. All these are misleading beliefs that take the person to only one place after death which is known to everyone.

    (viii) If a person who claims that he is Muslim, but he keeps blasphemous beliefs of the deviant groups, Allah’s appointed angels watching him will surely write him a non-Muslim.

    It is in Quran - ُِدور َ َعِليٌم بِذَاِت الصُّ Allah is aware of the secrets ] إِنَّ ّللاَّof the hearts.] (Aal -i-Imran – 119)

    There are hundreds of such beliefs of deviant groups which can be read from the books of their well-known scholars. Read more.

    (ix) To impose all Quranic verses meant for the Mushrikeen on Prophet Mohammad ( صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم), Sahabah and Awliya Allah is the Hallmark of Kharijis and their likeminded groups in our times. They equate the Prophet ( صلى with unbelievers and claim that both cannot hear, see and talk (هللا عليه و آله وسلمafter death. With this logic, Wahhabis/Salafis have destroyed all pious graves of Sahabah, Ahle Bait-e-At-haar in Hijaz and attempted to destroy the pious dome and grave of Prophet Mohammad ( صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) in Madina several times during their rule. They claim that the pious graves of the dignitaries of Islam are places of polytheism. Deobandis support these actions of Wahhabis, in letter and spirit. Astaghfirullahal Azeem.

    It is in Hadith - طلقوا إلى آيات وقال إنهم ان يراهم شرار خلق هللا ابن عمر وكان (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ ) Ibn Umar - نزلت في الكفار فجعلوها على المؤمنينconsidered the Khawarij (and their likeminded groups) and the heretics as the worst beings in creation, and he said : 'They went to verses which were revealed about the disbelievers (the pagans of Makka) and applied them to the Believers (Prophets, Sahabah, Awliya Allah and Muslims). (Bukhari)

    Why the scholars of deviant sect resort to blasphemy of Prophet Mohammad ( صلى هللا عليه و آله


  • 12

    The answer is obvious. Blasphemy of the Prophet (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) by Salafis, Deobandi and

    likeminded scholars is to downgrade the respect of Prophet Mohammad ( صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم)

    among Muslims so that their respect over the Prophet ( عليه و آله وسلم صلى هللا ) is established. They

    spend their lifetime in searching Islamic literature which can be misinterpreted to down grade

    the Prophet (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) and other dignitaries of Islam. This can be understood from the

    following example.

    Mohammad Ilyas is the founder of Tabhlighee Jamaat. It is written in his book

    Malfoozat-e-Ilyas as follows.

    “Once Maulvi Ilyas said that the exegeses (Tafseer) of the verse of Quran [ ُكنتُْم َخْيَر

    ٍة أُْخِرَجْت ِللنَّاِس تَأُْمُروَن ِ أُمَّ بِاْلَمْعُروِف َوتَْنَهْوَن َعِن اْلُمنَكِر َوتُْؤِمنُوَن بِاّللَّ - You are the best nation

    produced (as an example) for mankind. You enjoin what is right, and forbid

    what is wrong, and believe in Allah.] (Aal-e-Imrah - 110) ] was disclosed to him

    in a dream, saying that - You have come to your people like a Prophet”.

    Mohammad Ilyas also wrote, “no one understood my aim. People think that this

    Tableeghi Jama'at is a movement for 'Namaz' (Salah). I swear that this is not the

    movement for 'Namaz' (Salah). I want to create a new nation (Ummah)”. (Deeni

    Dawa, Page 234, written by Mohammad Ilyas)


    Other basic beliefs of Islam are as follows.

    (i) Belief in Angels

    (ii) Belief in holy books

    (iii) Belief in Prophets

    (iv) Belief in the Last day (of Judgment)

    (v) Belief in Destiny and Fate

    (vi) Belief in virtue and evil

    To know details in this context, read my book titled ‘Basic Islamic Beliefs’.

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    The Hadith of Ihsan has categorized different groups among Muslims, as follows.

    Hadith of Ihsan - Abu Huraira ( عنه تعالى ہللا رضئ ) narrated - One day while the

    Prophet ( وسلم آله و عليه ہللُا صلى ) was sitting in the company of some people, (angel)

    Jibreel ( السالُم عليه ) came and sat, folding his knees (like a student sits in front of a

    teacher) and asked, "What is faith?" Allah's Apostle ( وسلُم آلُه ُو عليُه ہللا صلى ) replied,

    ‘Faith is to believe in Allah ( َوَجلُ َعزُ ), His angels, (the) meeting with Him (on the

    day of judgment), His Apostles, and to believe in Resurrection.’ Then he asked,

    "What is Islam?" Allah's Apostle ( وسلم آله و عليه ہللُا صلى ) replied, "To worship Allah

    ( َوَجلُ َعزُ ) alone and none else, to offer prayers perfectly, to pay the compulsory

    charity ‘Zakat’ and to observe fasts during the month of Ramadan." Then he

    asked, "What is Ihsan?" Allah's Apostle ( وسلم آله و عليه ہللا صلى ) replied, "To pray as if

    you see Him, and if you cannot see him then you must consider that He is

    looking at you." (Bukhari – part of the Hadith).

    As per the above Hadith, there are three categories of people in Muslim Ummah.

    (i) People of (Sahih) Iman - They truthfully believe in Allah ( َجلُ وَُ َعزُ ) and His

    Apostle Mohammad ( وسلم آله و عليه ہللا صلى ). People of Sahih Iman will eventually

    get salvation.

    (ii) People of Islam - There are two types of Muslims under this

    category, (a) People of Sahih Iman, and (b) People of wrong Iman or Faithless

    Muslims, the followers of deviant sects.

    The followers of deviant sects who come under the purview of apostasy /

    polytheism / hypocrisy / blasphemy are faithless Muslims even though they

    recite Kalima Tayyiba verbally, claim themselves to be Muslims and act upon

    certain Islamic deeds.

  • 14

    It is in Hadith - Abu Said Al-Khudri ( عنہ تعالی ہللا رضُئ ) narrated -

    Allah’s Apostle ( وسلم آله و عليه ہللا صلى ) said ‘there will appear some

    people among you whose prayer will make you look down upon

    yours, and whose fasting will make you look down upon yours,

    and they will recite Qur'an (in melodious voices and memorize it)

    but Quran will not go down their throats (they will

    misunderstand and misinterpret the meanings of Quran) and will

    go out of Islam as the arrow goes out of the bow. (Bukhari)

    Some people consider that people belonging to all Sects will get salvation on the

    day of Judgment. Some will get instant salvation; the others will get salvation

    after they are punished for wrong Iman. This is not a correct understanding

    because the first and foremost requirement is Sahih Iman. A person who dies

    without the light of Iman in his heart, lived in darkness in this world, will remain

    in darkness in Hereafter as well. His Islamic deeds will not be useful for him for

    his salvation.

    It is in Bukhari - ِمْفتَاُح اْلَجنَِّة قَاَل بَلَى، َولَِكْن ُ َوقِيَل ِلَوْهِب ْبِن ُمَنِباٍه أَلَْيَس ّلَ إِلَهَ إِّلَّ ّللاَّاٌح إِّلَّ لَهُ أَْسنَاٌن، فَإِْن ِجْئَت بِِمْفتَاحٍ لَهُ أَْسنَاٌن فُتَِح لََك، َوإِّلَّ لَْم يُْفتَْح لَكَ لَْيَس ِمْفتَ [Wahab bin

    Munabbih ( عنہ تعالی ہللُا رضئ ) was asked, ‘isn't the saying: 'La ilaha illallah (there is no god but Allah)', the key of Paradise?’ He replied in the affirmative, and said, ‘there is no key without teeth, and if you have the key which has teeth, it will open it for you, and if it is without teeth, then it will not open it for you.] (Bukhari, Book 23, Chapter 1)

    What is the meaning of ‘key with teeth’ and ‘key without teeth’ or there cannot

    be a key without teeth?

    From time immemorial the lock and the key are designed in such a way that

    when you put the key inside a lock, it fits with the levers inside the lock and

    helps in unlocking it. A certain lock can only be unlocked from a specific key.

    In our times, the computer technology has changed the makeup of lock and the

    keys, but the fact remains that a specific software match between the lock and

    key only opens the computer lock which is described as ‘password’. Previously

    it was metal lock and key, currently it is computer lock and key. However, the

    fact remains that the lock cannot be opened without a specific key.

    To describe the shape of the key, earlier people used to say that the levers of the

    key are like shape of our teeth, or the key has specific teeth.

  • 15

    Some people consider that people belonging to all Sects will get salvation on the

    day of Judgment. Some will get instant salvation; the others will get salvation

    after they are punished for wrong Iman. This is not a correct understanding

    because the first and foremost requirement for salvation is Sahih Iman. A person

    who dies without the light of Iman in his heart, lived in darkness in this world,

    will remain in darkness in Hereafter as well. His Islamic deeds will not be useful

    for him for his salvation.

    It is in Hadith - Abu Hurairah ( عنہ تعالی ہللا رضئ ) narrated that the

    Apostle of Allah ( وسلم آله و عليه ہللا صلى ) said, 'Allah ( َوَجلُ َعزُ ) does not

    look at your figures, nor at your (Muslim) attire but He looks at

    your hearts.(Muslim)

    The above Hadith testifies that Allah ( َوَجلُ َعزُ ) looks at your Iman and intentions

    because all your outward deeds are dependent upon your Sahih Iman. If you do

    not have Sahih Iman (correct Islamic faith) in your heart, all your good deeds go

    in vain.

    It is in Quran - ا َهبَاءُ فََجعَْلنَاه ُ َعَملُ ِمنُْ َعِمل وا َما إِلَى َوقَِدْمنَا َمْنث ور [Then We will

    turn to whatever (good) deeds they did, reducing them (the

    deeds) into scattered dust.] (Al-Furqaan - 23)

    One who does not have correct knowledge, he neither has Islam nor Iman. When

    you have the right knowledge, you will act upon it and perform good deeds. The

    effects of your actions will reflect the soundness of your knowledge. What is

    illiteracy? It is a kind of darkness and obliteration.

    The one who does not have correct knowledge ( ايمان صحيح ) here in this world, will

    not be relieved of eternal torment in Hereafter. If you do not have the light of

    knowledge today, tomorrow (after death), it will be the darkness of illiteracy

    which is permanent torment.

    It is in Quran - ِذِهُۦ فِى َكانَُ َوَمن ـٰ أَۡعَمىُٰ ٱۡۡلَِخَرةُِ فِى فَه وَُ أَۡعَمىُٰ َه [The one who is

    blind (about Sahih Iman) in this world, will be blind in

    Hereafter] (Al-Isra - 72).

    It is in Hadith - Thawban ( عنہ تعالی ہللا رضئ ) reported that the

    Apostle of Allah ( وسلم آله و عليه ہللا صلى ) said, there will always

    remain a group of people from my Ummah who will be

    triumphant on truth (حق) (They will be on the straight path of

    Islam). Those who will oppose them or abandon them, will not be

    able to harm them. This will continue until the Command of Allah

    (Qiyamah) arrives. (Bukhari, Muslim)

  • 16

    The above Hadith describes that among the innumerable groups who claim

    themselves Muslims, only one is on the right path, and the rest have lost the path

    of Islam.

    It is in Hadith - Ibn Mas’ud ( عنُہ تعالی ہللا رضُئ ) reported that the

    Apostle of Allah ( وسلُم آلُه ُو عليه ہللُا صلى ) drew a line with his hand

    and said, 'This is the straight path of Allah.' Then the Prophet ( صلى

    وسلم آله و عليه ہللا ) drew lines to the right and left, and said, 'These are

    other paths, and there is no path among them but that a devil is

    upon it calling to its way.' Then the Prophet ( آله و عليه ہللا صلى

    ذَا َوأَنُ ,recited this verse (وسلم ـٰ ا ِصَراِطي َه ْستَِقيم قَُ السُّب لَُ تَت بِع وا َوَلُ ۖ ُ فَات بِع وه ُ م فَتَفَر

    ُ َسِبيِلهُِ َعن بِك مُْ اك م ِلك مُُْٰذَُ ۖ تَت ق ونَُ لَعَل ك مُْ ِبهُِ َوص [Verily, this is My path, which is

    straight, so follow it; and do not follow (other) ways, for you will

    be separated from His way. This is what Allah has commanded

    you so that you will be conscious (about Him).] (Al-An'aam - 153).

    (Musnad Ahmad)

    The success in the World of Resurrection and welfare in this world depends

    upon the rightful knowledge (correct Islamic faith) and Allah's gnosis. If there is

    a defect in a person's faith (Sahih Iman), he has lost everything in this world as

    well as in Hereafter - ََُواْْلِخَرةَُ الدُّْنيَا َخِسر [He has lost (this) World and the Hereafter.]

    (Al-Hajj - 11)

    (iii) People of Ihsan - Those who have Sahih Iman (correct Islamic faith) and

    good Islamic deeds. These are the people who are successful in both the worlds.

    They are the ones who will get innumerable bounties of Allah ( َوَجلُ َعزُ ) in


    It is in Quran - ُإِن َُ ال ِذينَُ ات قَوا ال ِذينَُ َمعَُ ّللا ْحِسن ونَُ ه م و مُّ [Allah is with those

    who are righteous and practice Ihsan.] (An-Nahl - 128).

    It is in Quran - - ُإِن َُ ْحِسِنينَُ ي ِحبُُّ ّللا اْلم [Allah loves those who practice

    Ihsan.] (Al-Baqara - 195; Aale-Imraan - 134, 148; Al-Maidah - 13,


    Who are the people of Ihsan? People of Ihsan are the friends of Allah ( َوَجلُ َعزُ ).

    It is in Quran - ُأَْوِلَياءَُ إِنُ أََل ُِ َوَكان وا آَمن وا ال ِذينَُ - َيْحَزن ونَُ ه مُْ َوَلُ َعلَْيِهمُْ َخْوفُ َلُ ّللا

    مُ - َيت ق ونَُ ُ اْْلِخَرةُِ َوفِي الدُّْنَيا اْلَحيَاةُِ فِي اْلب ْشَرىُٰ لَه ُِ ِلَكِلَماتُِ تَْبِديلَُ َلُ ۖ ُ ّللا اْلعَِظيمُ اْلفَْوزُ ه وَُ ِلكَُُٰذَُ ۖ

    [Behold the friends of Allah. On them shall come no fear, nor shall

    they grieve. These are they, who have believed in Allah and are

    mindful of Him and are righteous (abstain from everything evil).

  • 17

    To them good tidings come. This in itself is a great

    felicity. (Younus 62-64).

    Followers of Salafi/Wahhabi/Ahle Hadith sects and their likeminded groups do

    not believe in Awliya Allah and consider their pious graves as places of

    polytheism. The Muslims who visit their graves for barakah are called by these

    sects as ‘Grave worshipers’. Deobandis support them in this claim. They do not

    realize that it is the practice of Prophet ( وسلُم آله و عليه ہللا صلى ) and Sahabah who

    used to visit the graves of Muslims frequently. There are many Ahadith in this

    context in almost all authentic Ahadith books. By doing blasphemy of Awliya

    Allah, followers of these sects surely invite the wrath of Allah ( َوَجلُ َعزُ ).

    It is in Quran - ُالش فَاَعةَُ د وِنهُِ ِمنُْ يَدْع ونَُ ال ِذينَُ يَْمِلكُ َوَل ُ َوه مُْ بِاْلَحق ُِ َشِهدَُ َمنُْ إِل

    ونَُ And those whom they worship besides Allah do not have] يَْعلَم

    the right of intercession. The right of intercession is only for those

    who testify to the Truth and have knowledge. (Az-Zukhruf - 86)

    The above verse clarifies the difference between Prophets, Islamic dignitaries,

    Awliya Allah and that of Idols worshiped by idolators.

    The idols, deities and false gods worshiped by idol worshipers expecting these

    idols to intercede for them in front of Allah ( َوَجلُ َعزُ ) is a wrong belief.

    But, the prophets, Awliya Allah and Islamic dignitaries are the ones who are

    assigned with the responsibility of intercession of people before Allah ( َجلُ وَُ َعزُ ) in

    this world in and Hereafter.

    It is in Quran - ونَُ ال ِذينَُ آَمن وا َوال ِذينَُ َوَرس ول ه ُ ّللا ُ َوِليُّك مُ إِن َما اَلةَُ ي ِقيم َكاةَُ َوي ْؤت ونَُ الص الز

    َراِكع ونَُ َوه مُْ [Your guardian (or solver of grievances) can only be

    Allah ( َوَجلُ َعزُ ) and His Apostle ( وسلم آله و عليه ہللا صلى ) and those who

    believe, who establish Salah, and pay Zakat and bow down (in

    prayer.] (Al-Maida - 55)

    It is in Quran - ات ق وا آَمن وا ال ِذينَُ أَيَُّها يَا َُ لَعَل ك مُْ َسِبيِلهُِ فُِي َوَجاِهد وا اْلَوِسيلَةَُ إِلَْيهُِ َواْبتَغ وا ّللا

    ونَُ O' You who belief, be mindful of Allah and fear the] ت ْفِلح

    consequence of disobeying Him and seek the means of approach

    to Him and strive earnestly in His path that you may

    succeed] (Al-Ma'ida - 35).

    Kharijis, Wahhabis, Salafies, Deobandis and their likeminded groups impose

    Quranic verses meant for idol worshipers on prophets and Awliya Allah and

    misguide Muslims and take them away from Islam.

  • 18

    It is in Hadith - Abdullah bin Umar ( عنہ تعالی ہللُا رضئ ) considered

    the Khawarij (and likeminded groups in our times) the worst of

    Allah's creation, and said, 'Verily they take the verses that were

    revealed about unbelievers and use them against the


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