Page 1: How to Choose the Right Copywriter For You

How to Choose the Right Copywriter For You

Page 2: How to Choose the Right Copywriter For You


How to Choose the Right Copywriter For You

For More Information On Copywriting And Increase Your Productivity Levels

Table of Contents

Page 3: How to Choose the Right Copywriter For You

I hope you have enjoyed the first two series on the copywriter’s job description.

I’ve already given you four types and there are still more for you.

Keep reading and following the series to complete your list of different types of copywriter’s work depending on your needs.

How to Choose the Right Copywriter For You

Page 4: How to Choose the Right Copywriter For You

Commercial Copywriter

This type also falls under advertising copywriter which I already discussed in series 1.

They are the back end of tv and radio commercials.

How to Choose the Right Copywriter For You

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They are the back end of TV and radio commercials.

They are writing scripts for commercial models to read out.

How to Choose the Right Copywriter For You

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They also work together with graphic artists for the layout of the commercials.

It is indeed much easier to create copy for radio because you only have to create a script that the voice talent will just read and give emphasis on.

How to Choose the Right Copywriter For You

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In creating copy for commercials, you have to work with a team.

A plot and sequencing is needed to be designed before shooting the commercial.

How to Choose the Right Copywriter For You

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A lot of time and effort is needed in creating a script because it has to work along with the whole concept.

Delivery of each line should marry with the whole outlay that has been designed.

Copy should also be short but precise.

How to Choose the Right Copywriter For You

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Creative Copywriter

This is a typical type of writer who creates copy based on personal thoughts, feelings and emotions.

The copy is not based on technical aspects but rather more on personal.

How to Choose the Right Copywriter For You

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They go beyond the professional horizons and fall under novels and poetry.

This is also a way of writing wherein writers can express deeply how they feel about certain subjects.

How to Choose the Right Copywriter For You

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Most likely, it somehow creates constructive criticisms on subjects.

Usually, these fall under personal blog creations.

Experiences, challenges and personal opinions are expressed with the thought that readers will benefit from.

How to Choose the Right Copywriter For You

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Contents is precise and direct.

The stories somehow are unique in the sense that they are delivering their personal interaction about certain things and not dwell much on sympathy.

How to Choose the Right Copywriter For You

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But creative copywriter should be very careful in creating copy especially in expressing thoughts and opinion about products.

Others may find it helpful, but the company that they are pertaining to may find it harmful.

How to Choose the Right Copywriter For You

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Sometimes, companies hire creative copywriter to write about their product.

This is another way of marketing.

How to Choose the Right Copywriter For You

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It is commonly found in restaurants and coffee shops.

For example, they will hire a creative copywriter to taste their coffee and from there, he will create a blog regarding that product.

How to Choose the Right Copywriter For You

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He will explain further how good it tastes, the top ingredients, nutritional facts and so on.

That way, people will have an idea of what this restaurant/café is offering.

It’s a way of creating interest to the reader that eventually converts to sale when they visit the named place.

How to Choose the Right Copywriter For You

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