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How to Lose

Weight and

keep It Off

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4 Benefits Of Losing Weight There are many benefits to losing weight. If you have been considering this idea, or your doctor has mentioned losing weight to you, you know it will be a lot of hard work. However, the benefits of losing weight are definitely worth the effort. As you consider your decision to lose weight, take a look at the list of benefits below. 1. A Positive Body Image: Many overweight people struggle with their body image on a daily basis. If you are unhappy with your figure, and want to end those negative mirror sessions, losing weight may be a good option for you. Imagine feeling positive each and every time you see a photo of yourself! That’s definite motivation to lose the weight and keep it off. 2. Increased Self Confidence: If you struggle with self-confidence issues due to your appearance, weight loss can be a good way to come to terms with your body. As you become strong and healthy, you’ll become confident in your abilities and strength. This is a great feeling! 3. Increased Health and Strength: As you lose weight, your body will become stronger. Exercise and weight training will help your body grow stronger – you may be able to do activities you never had the strength or stamina to before. You’ll breathe easier, and

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be able to run and walk for longer periods of time without discomfort. You’ll be able to play actively with your children or grandchildren without having to take breaks to catch your breath. Losing weight can truly be a life altering experience! 4. Decreased Health Problems: Many health issues such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, sleep apnea, and diabetes are all triggered or irritated by obesity. This means that if you experience or have a family history of any of these diseases, losing weight can help you to feel better. Diet and exercise can improve your health be decreasing your risk of heart disease, as well. By altering your fitness habits and your eating habits, you just may be lengthening your life! The benefits of weight loss definitely outweigh the risks. After all, what do you have to lose? Sleepless nights, lack of energy, shortness of breath, fatigue – you’ll be able to kick all these symptoms to the curb by investing time and energy into your fitness regime. Take the time to develop a healthy diet and exercise program today – your body will thank you for years to come. This article is for informational purposes only. It is not medical advice, nor should it be interpreted or substituted as medical advice. Prior to making changes to your physical exercise routine and your diet, you should always consult your personal physician. Better safe than sorry.

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Calorie Intake To Lose Weight Keep Your Metabolism Burning Hot When it comes time to seriously commit to losing weight the vast majority of the population will immediately think in terms of cutting calories. We all know that in order to lose weight we will need to burn more calories than we take in. I guess many people start with calorie intake to lose weight because with all the diet plans and supplements available it just make this method, as opposed to exercise, seem easier. The truth is though that calorie cutting alone probably won't be enough to lose all the weight you want to lose. And here's why. One pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories. That means in order to lose just one pound of fat we will need to decrease our caloric intake by 3500 calories. Most people should be taking in between 1,500 and 2,500 calories daily. That means you would need to go without food for days just to lose one pound of fat! Impossible, and unhealthy. If you keep in mind that your body works kind of like a furnace, you will understand why you need to continuously supply it with fuel. Even if you could cut way back on the calories you take in daily, it still wouldn't work. Your body was designed to keep itself alive, at all costs. It's hardwired to protect itself from starvation. If you cut way back on the calories you take in, your body will think it's starving and will shut down as much as it can to preserve resources. That means your metabolism will slow way, way down and you won't lose any weight. The one thing you want to do when trying to lose weight is to keep your metabolism burning nice and hot so you can burn as many calories as possible. In order to keep your metabolism burning

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hot you will need to constantly provide it with a sufficient amount of fuel. Keeping your metabolism burning hot is another reason why restricting your caloric intake alone is not the optimum way to lose weight. If you combine some form of exercise, particularly weight training, you will really ramp up your metabolism. Why? Simple, muscle burns hotter than fat. For every bit of muscle you add to your body you are permanently ramping up your metabolism. One word of caution for all of you women out there: you do not have to worry about 'bulking up' if you lift weights. You would only be able to get bulky, if you wanted to, by basically becoming a full time weight lifter. The women you see who are all bulked up work out for hours every single day, they eat perfectly, and sometimes they are even taking supplements. You can lift weights a few times a week and you won't bulk up. What you will do is tone up which will make you look 'tighter' which means you will look slimmer no matter what your actual weight is. If you and your best friend both weigh 120 lbs but you are toned and she isn't you will look a lot slimmer. So start lifting those weights. If you took two people of the exact same weight, age, and gender, the only difference is that one had more muscle mass than the other, and compared their metabolic rate you would see that the one with the higher muscle mass would have a much higher metabolism all the time, even while they were sleeping or watching television. When you keep these facts in mind you will see that calorie intake to lose weight is a very important element, but it is only part of the equation. To truly optimize your weight loss efforts, combine diet

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with some form of exercise program. Not only will you more quickly achieve your weight loss goals, you will also have a healthier, better looking body.


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5 Day Diet Like Magic Your Slim And Trim With all the diet plans, advice, and supplements on the market nowadays, it can be virtually impossible to figure out what works and what is all hype. One option that has gotten a lot of buzz lately is the 5 day diet. This diet will provide you with very quick results, which is pretty much required in our society these days. The idea behind this program is that it will give people a kick start on their diet. If they are able to see results quickly it may give them more of a push to continue on and lose all the weight they need to lose. This diet is very restrictive, it has to be if you are going to lose weight in just 5 days! Here is an idea of what it's all about: 1. Right after you get up in the morning, don't wait longer than 30 minutes, eat a small amount of a starchy food like toast or eggs. 2. Eat lunch no later than 1 p.m. Include some lean protein like beans or a steak and a lot of vegetables. A mix of vegetables is the best way to go. 3. Dinner must be eaten before 8p.m. and should be the same things you had for lunch. 4. Snacks will be any type of 'hard' vegetable. Things like carrots, or celery are good choices. These will slowly release sugar over a period of time which will keep your metabolism boosted. There are many opinions as to whether or not this type of diet actually works. Most of us know that if we want to lose weight we can't starve our bodies since that will only send it into 'starvation mode' and slow the metabolism way down.

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When you take this fact into account it sounds like this diet won't work, and many people say that is the case. Any weight you lose will only be water weight and the weight loss won't be permanent. That may not be a problem if you just want to lose a few pounds so that you look great in that new dress you just bought. For a quick weight loss a few pounds of water weight may be all you are looking to accomplish. Another way of looking at it is even if you have a lot of weight to lose, it might still help you get some much needed motivation by losing weight in just 5 days. If you can accomplish that it might make your longer term goal to lose, 20,50,or even 100lbs seem more achievable and might just be the kick start you need. Others will say that if you cycle this extremely restrictive eating plan with a more reasonable plan you can actually 'trick' your metabolism into burning hot the whole time. Your body will take time to react to the restricted calorie intake. If you only do it for 5 days and then immediately go back to a more normal caloric intake you may be able to prevent it from going into starvation mode in the first place. No matter what approach you choose for losing weight, whether it's the 5 day diet or something else, just remember that permanent weight loss is achievable and it will make your health, and life, better and more fulfilling.

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A Simple Way To Lose Weight And Keep It Off Funny how those few extra pounds seem to creep onto our bodies without notice. Then, one day, it's almost as though they have all been added at once. Perhaps it a glance in the mirror, or worse, a comment from a friend you haven' t seen in a while. Whatever it is, you are ready to lose weight. You want to look and feel better. At the same time, there's so much conflicting information about the best way to lose weight. What's a person to do? What follows may not be at the top of everybody's list for ways to lose weight quickly, but it works. At the very least it should be added to your bag of tricks for dropping those extra pounds. Some of the tips may sound a little silly, but you can't argue with results. So, what is this method? Portion control. And it can actually be a lot fun! For starters, when you focus on your portions, there's no need to carry along a bulky calories counter guide when you go out to eat. I used to hate trying to be "casual" when using those, because I just knew all of the other diners were watching me; thinking to themselves how fat I was. The most basic way of controlling your portions is...get ready...this is good...putting less on your plate. See? Easy. Not so fast! If it was that easy we would all be at our ideal weight. Yes, by all means, make an effort to put less on your plate. Here are a few more tricks to keep portions limited so you can lose extra weight. Don't worry about cleaning your plate. In fact, make it a habit to always leave a few bites on your plate. Speaking of your plate, using smaller dishes will give the illusion that there is more food on them. You can even eat on a saucer instead of a large dinner

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plate. Granted, you may have to fill it a second time, but all in all, it's an easy way to limit the amount of food you're eating. A big problem for a lot of people is that they eat so fast that they are technically full long before they feel full. Slow down the speed with which you normally eat. Doing so will give your stomach more time to signal the brain that it's full. The beauty of doing it this way is that you can eat the same foods you enjoy now. You should still add healthier foods, but you don't have to give up any foods if you can keep the portion sizes under control. Once you get used to it, it's as close to automatic weight loss as you can get. There are many other things you can do, too. Imagine looking good in the mirror, or being complimented by a friend the next time you see them.


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Can I Lose Pounds - You Bet You Can If you have been over weight for most of your life than you have more than likely asked yourself, can I lose pounds? Will I ever lose pounds? You’re not alone; people who have or had weight problems ask themselves this every day. There are millions of people around the world that are overweight and feel like there is no end in sight, and they are stuck like this forever. Well I am here to tell you that you can lose pounds! You can lose weight! One more time for good measure; You will lose those pounds. First things first, you have to stop asking yourself if you can lose weight and start telling yourself you will lose weight, you will beat this, you will overcome. We are often our own worst enemy and to overcome our on weakness is our greatest battle. However, to win your battle over your weight issue, you have to win the battle against yourself first. Once you have done this, then there is not much standing in your way of accomplishing and conquering your goals. Next step is to get the people around you that are for you and not against you. It may be hard to believe, but there are people close to you that may not want you to do this. You have to recognizes the signs of that and eliminate those people from this process. Once you have done this, you get the people around you that you know they would kick you in the butt when you needed to be kicked in the butt. You know there are going to be days when you

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are not at your strongest, and you are going to need support to get you through that rough spot. Even though you are the one who makes the ultimate decision on rather you win this battle or not. You have to have a good team around you to do this. No great champion has ever won any battle alone; he or she has always had a great team around them. This is no different than any other competition. Except the stakes higher: your peace of mind and your life. Now that you have your mind right and your team around you, now is the time to put in an exercise program to go along with your diet. That’s right I said exercise, dieting alone just doesn’t get it done, you have to be ready to work your butt off. Cutting back on your calorie intake and fat intake is great, and you can lose plenty of weight doing those things. However, if you had an exercise program where you were burning those calories, as well as your diet, then you will be where you want to be in no time at all. It’s up to you, you have the plan, you have the right frame of mind, and you have the team around you. Now it’s time to go get what you deserve and get what you want, just keep your eye on the prize and let nothing stand in your way and you will come out on top.

Can You Lose Pounds In A Week Can you lose pounds in a week? Sure you can, as long as the weight is reasonable and you are following a program that is safe

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for you. However, the program needs to be safe for you now and in the future. That is very important for a person to pick the right program. There are so many programs and ads that are so misleading. Some ads or programs will say anything to get you to buy their product. Many ads just want that dollar and then they could care less if their product works or not. Those programs could care less what happens to you or what kind of danger you put your health in. It’s a fact people, it happens. Now there are good programs that are out there that will let you lose weight in a week, however, those programs are not going to promise you an astonishing amount of weight loss in a week. If they do, then you need to stay away. There are a few things to remember when it comes to losing weight in a short period of time. You have to follow a strict diet and exercise. Some people debate which is tougher to do, the diet or the exercising. Either way, dieting and exercise have to be put together in your plan if you want to lose weight. Just make sure you do not put too much stress on yourself when doing this. Many people have been taken to the hospital for over doing it. With that said, you have to work hard. There is no way around it. It’s not going to be easy, and if you want easy then go try something else, because this isn’t going to happen without some toughness.

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There is something else you got to have besides a strong will. You need a strong support system with you as well. You cannot expect to go through this by yourself; you need people there for you. The reason being, is that you are not going to be gung ho every day. There are going to be days where you just want to stay in bed and not move. You need someone there to get you kick started and on your way. You will definitely need someone there when you decide you want to break your diet. There are going to be days where you are going to miss that certain food you use to eat and you’re going to give in. Make sure you have that person there to help you get back on that wagon. So here’s the deal people, you can lose weight in a week, however you have to be smart about it. Choose the right program for you, don’t get scammed, and have a great support system. After that, you’ll be on your way.


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