  • 7/31/2019 How Will God Provide for My Needs


    How Will God Provide For My Needs?

    Written by:

    Jocelyn Soriano

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  • 7/31/2019 How Will God Provide for My Needs


    How Will God Provide For My Needs?

    And dont be concerned about what to eat and what to

    drink. Dont worry about such things...your Father alreadyknows your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else,

    and he will give you everything you need. Luke 12:29-30

    Sigh...if only it were that easy. For many of us however, we see

    ourselves as exceptions to that we deserve to worry, dont

    we?! After all, weve just been fired from our low-paying job,

    the rent hasnt been paid yet, there is no food at the fridge, and

    our money is only enough for this weeks groceries. How can

    we not worry?

    Look at the ravens. They dont plant or harvest or store food

    in barns, for God feeds them. And you are far more valuable to

    him than any birds! Luke 12:24

    But were not like birds, are we? We need gasoline for our cars,gas for the kitchen, insurance for our health, mortgage payments

    for the house, tuition for the kids, and a little extra money just in

    case something else goes wrong!

    Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?

    And if worry cant accomplish a little thing like that, whats

    the use of worrying over bigger things? Luke 12:25-26

    Well, yeah. Youve got a point in there. Worrying does lead us

    nowhere. But what else can we do?

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    Good question, isnt it? What ELSE can we do? Well, it seems

    God has given us a lot of options in there. We can do

    ANYTHING we can do to help solve the situation EXCEPT to


    Thats right. No one ever said we should do nothing. After all,

    were not like birds, are we? We have a far more advanced

    mind that can think deeper and wider, that can explore various

    solutions available for us. Thats the more practical thing we

    SHOULD be doing.

    But what if we couldnt think of any solution? we ask. Wellthen, if we cant think of any, why worry? Worry isnt ever

    going to be a part of the solution anyways. But trust can. Faith

    can. Resting in Gods wisdom and providence can. And I

    believe thats the point Jesus wanted to make. Let us try to do

    everything within our powers, and then leave the rest to God, a

    Higher Power that can definitely see us through!

    But then we continue to ask, Weve only got enough for a

    weeks budget, or for a few days food. What if no help arrives

    after that?

    God understands our fears, and He knows that many times, we

    mistake those fears for a real need. Whats the difference

    anyways? A fear is something that may or may not happen. A

    need is something we have to address at the very moment wherewe are. So youve got a budget for a weeks groceries. That

    means God has given you the means to survive today and for the

    rest of the week as well. Whats bothering you is not that your

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    current need could not be met, but a future need, a fear that may

    or may not come into reality.

    Lets take a look at the story of ELIJAH:

    Now Elijah, who was from Tishbe in Gilead, told King Ahab,

    As surely as the Lord, the God of Israel, livesthe God I

    servethere will be no dew or rain during the next few years

    until I give the word!

    Then the Lord said to Elijah, Go to the east and hide by Kerith

    Brook, near where it enters the Jordan River. Drink from thebrook and eat what the ravens bring you, for I have commanded

    them to bring you food.

    So Elijah did as the Lord told him and camped beside Kerith

    Brook, east of the Jordan. The ravens brought him bread and

    meat each morning and evening, and he drank from the brook.

    But after a while the brook dried up, for there was no rainfall

    anywhere in the land.

    Then the Lord said to Elijah, Go and live in the village of

    Zarephath, near the city of Sidon. I have instructed a widow

    there to feed you.

    1 Kings 17:1-8

    Since there was to be no rain for the next few years, God

    provided for Elijahs needs by pointing him towards the Kerith

    Brook. And when the brook dried up, God instructed him to go

    to Zarephath, where his needs shall continue to be provided for.

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    Notice that the brook dried up first! There was no word

    beforehand from the Lord saying something like, Elijah, you

    shouldnt worry about your needs. Look! Ive found this

    brook for you. Sometime soon, this will also dry up, butdont you worry. I will then send you to a widow who will

    feed you.

    There was no assurance like that. In fact, it was only after the

    brook dried up that God provided for him another way by which

    to survive.

    This is very different from the way we want to be provided for.Weve been used to having a lot of surplus in our hands, or some

    kind of insurance that will see us through in case some

    unexpected things happen. If we dont have a big allowance like

    that, we become fearful because we dont know where were

    going to find the things to address our needs.

    It isnt wrong to think logically. God has indeed given us a

    mind to plan wisely and to take care of our finances. Whats

    wrong is when we LIMIT ourselves to our plans. And when our

    plans dont work one way or the other, we PANIC! We lose

    heart, and we forget from where all good things really come

    fromfrom GOD.

    Our confidence and peace should not be anchored with the

    material things that can get stolen away from us. It should beanchored in GOD alone. Thats Gods point in wanting us to

    trust Him, to save us from unnecessary worries that give us so

    much stress and even affects our health.

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    Let us continue with ELIJAHs STORY:

    So he went to Zarephath. As he arrived at the gates of the

    village, he saw a widow gathering sticks, and he asked her,

    Would you please bring me a little water in a cup? As she was

    going to get it, he called to her, Bring me a bite of bread, too.

    But she said, I swear by the Lord your God that I dont have a

    single piece of bread in the house. And I have only a handful

    of flour left in the jar and a little cooking oil in the bottom of

    the jug. I was just gathering a few sticks to cook this last meal,

    and then my son and I will die.

    But Elijah said to her, Dont be afraid! Go ahead and do just

    what youve said, but make a little bread for me first. Then use

    whats left to prepare a meal for yourself and your son. For this

    is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: There will always be

    flour and olive oil left in your containers until the time when the

    Lord sends rain and the crops grow again!

    So she did as Elijah said, and she and Elijah and her son

    continued to eat for many days. There was always enough flour

    and olive oil left in the containers, just as the Lord had promised

    through Elijah.

    1 Kings 17:10-16

    The widow only had enough for one last meal! Note what she

    said: I was just gathering a few sticks to cook this last meal,

    and then my son and I will die.

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    The widow thought she and her son were already going to starve

    to death! And why not? All that she had was only enough for

    ONE LAST MEAL. But even that doesnt say that they werent

    being provided for. They had enough for that meal. And afterusing everything she had, it was time for Gods providence to

    manifest itself: ...she and Elijah and her son continued to eat

    for many days. There was always enough flour and olive oil

    left in the containers, just as the Lord had promised through


    God provides JUST IN TIME, and not a minute late. And He

    provides for ALL our NEEDS, not just for food, for our Fatherknows everything we lack.

    One real concern God is well aware of is our concern for our

    health. He knows how much money we need in case any of our

    loved ones get sick. He knows how great our fear is, especially

    when we dont have enough savings or insurance for it.

    In the story of Elijah and the widow, one of our most

    dreadful fears happened, when a loved ones get sick and we

    have no money or any kind of means to help them in their


    Some time later thewomans son became sick. He grew worseand worse, and finally he died.Then she said to Elijah, O man

    of God, what have you done to me? Have you come here topoint out my sins and kill my son?

    But Elijah replied, Give me your son. And he took the childs

    body from her arms, carried him up the stairs to the room where

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    he was staying, and laid the body on his bed. Then Elijah cried

    out to the Lord, O Lord my God, why have you brought

    tragedy to this widow who has opened her home to me, causing

    her son to die?

    And he stretched himself out over the child three times and cried

    out to the Lord, O Lord my God, please let this childs life

    return to him. The Lord heard Elijahs prayer, and the life of

    the child returned, and he revived! Then Elijah brought him

    down from the upper room and gave him to his mother. Look!

    he said. Your son is alive!

    Then the woman told Elijah, Now I know for sure that you are

    a man of God, and that the Lord truly speaks through you.

    1 Kings 17:17-24

    Indeed, our TRUE ASSURANCE is in GOD, not in material

    wealth, not even in the imperfect people we often depend upon!

    Lets take a look at what happens when we have all the material

    wealth we think we need but forget from whom all such gifts

    came from:

    The Parable of the Rich Fool

    Then he told them a story: A rich man had a fertile farm thatproduced fine crops. He said to himself, What should I do? I

    dont have room for all my crops. Then he said, I know! Ill

    tear down my barns and build bigger ones. Then Ill have room

    enough to store all my wheat and other goods. And Ill sit back

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    and say to myself, My friend, you have enough stored away for

    years to come. Now take it easy! Eat, drink, and be merry!

    But God said to him, You fool! You will die this very night.

    Then who will get everything you worked for?

    Yes, a person is a fool to store up earthly wealth but not have a

    rich relationship with God.

    -Luke 12:16-21

    So dont be afraid, little flock. For it gives your Father great

    happiness to give you the Kingdom.- Luke 12:32

    Note: You can FREELY share this to your family and friends by e-mail, facebook,

    twitter or other means or even include it as a free giveaway in your website or

    newsletter subscribers as long as no revision is made with the contents of this

    book. You may not sell it for a profit. Freely was it given, freely also it should be

    shared. ;-)

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