Page 1: HPL Values Attitudes Attributes

Values, Attitudes and AttributesCollaborative

Concerned for Society



Creative and Enterprising



Risk taking

Seeking out opportunities to receive responses to their work; presenting their own views and ideas clearly and concisely; listening to the views of others; willing and able to work in teams; taking a variety of roles and being able to evaluate their own ideas and contributions.

Having a strong sense of the contribution they can make to society to the benefit of those less fortunate; demonstrating citizenship and a sense of community ethos and recognising di�erences as well as similarities between people and peoples; awareness of their own and others’ cultural heritage and sensitivity to the ethical and moral issues raised by their studies.

Developing a belief in their knowledge, understanding and actions. Recognising when they need to change these beliefs based upon additional information or the arguments of others. Dealing with new challenges and situations including when these place them under stress.

Willing to work on their own. Being proactive and keen to learn. Showing enterprise and independent thought. Challenging assumptions and requiring evidence for assertions. Actively controlling their own learning. Moving on from the absorption of knowledge and procedures to developing their own views and solutions.

Being open minded and flexible in their thought processes. Demonstrating a willingness to innovate and invent new and multiple solutions to a problem or situation. Being able to adapt their approach according to need. Surprising others by showing originality in their work. Developing their own personal style. Being resourceful when presented with challenging tasks and problems, using their initiative to find solutions.

Taking an objective view of di�erent ideas and beliefs. Becoming more receptive to other ideas and beliefs based on the arguments of others. Prepared to change their ideas should there be compelling evidence to do so.

Encountering obstacles and di�culties but never giving up. Persisting in their e�orts. Showing diligence and working systematically. Not being satisfied until high quality, appropriate precision and the desired outcomes are achieved.

Demonstrating confidence. Experimenting with novel ideas and e�ects. Being willing to speculate. Being comfortable working in unfamiliar contexts. Delaying coming to premature conclusions and being tolerant of uncertainty.

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