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3801 Shore Rd. P.O. Box 95, Acme MI 49610 August 1, 2021

Pastoral Administrator:

Fr. Christopher Jarvis

[email protected]


Kevin Endres

[email protected]

Director of Faith Formation:

Susan Noble

[email protected]

Business Manager:

Karen Burdick

[email protected]


Jim LaFond

[email protected]


Curt Wolf

[email protected]

Parish Life:

[email protected]

Weekday Mass Schedule

Monday 5:30 pm

Tuesday 5:30 pm

Wednesday 5:30 pm

Thursday 12:15 pm

Friday 12:15 pm

First Saturday 9:00 am

Weekend Mass Schedule

Saturday 5:00 pm

Sunday 8:30 and 11:00 am

Adoration & Confession

Tuesday 4:00-5:00 pm

Thurs & Fri 11:00 am-12:00 pm

Confession only

Saturday 4:00—4:45 pm

Christ the King Catholic Parish

3801 Shore Rd. Williamsburg

P.O. Box 95, Acme 49610

Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 am– 4:00 pm

Parish Office: (231) 938-9214

Page 2: hrist the King atholic Parish

3801 Shore Rd. P.O. Box 95, Acme MI 49610 August 1, 2021



Tuesdays at 11:00 am

“A Father That Keeps His Promises”

By Scott Hahn


Contact Mary Apczynski 264-0104

[email protected]

Week At A Glance

Monday, August 2 5:30 pm—MASS for Sheila Klein by Paul & Patrick Klein

Tuesday, August 3 11:00 am—Bible Study 4:00 pm—Adoration & Confessions 5:30 pm—MASS for Charles Sanders by the K of C 6:30 pm—Stewardship Council Meeting 7:00 pm—Cursillo Ultreya

Wednesday, August 4 10:00 am– Visitation for Neal Breaugh 10:30 am—Rosary 11:00 am—Funeral for Neal Breaugh 4:00 pm—Women’s 4th Day 5:30 pm—MASS for Garrett Zamarron by Fr. Jarvis 6:30 pm—Pickleball Tournament

Thursday, August 5 10:00 am—Icon Painting 11:00 am—Adoration & Confession 12:15 pm—MASS for Nicole Noble by Susan Noble

Friday, August 6 7:00 am—SMILE Retreat (Continues through Saturday) 11:00 am—12:00 pm Adoration and Confessions 12:15 pm—MASS for Kayle, David and Jinny Taylor by Susan Noble

Saturday, August 7 9:00 am First Saturday MASS for Josh Harris by the Piche Family 4:00 pm—Confessions 5:00 pm—MASS for Teresa Armstrong by Susan Noble

Sunday, August 8 8:30 am—MASS for Evelyn Tenbusch by the K of C 11:00 am—MASS for All Parishioners 1:00 pm—Baptism: Heather Jaworski

Together let us pray for:

Ann Marie Alpin Bev Cox Tricia Bak

Pat Beckwith Kendall Travis Dave & Susan Burke

Fran Courtade Theresa Bak Barb Taylor

Irene Kilcherman Alice McGahey Polly Martin

Lauren & Marjorie Brown Raymond Purvis

Fred McAvoy Dave Winans Mary & John Quast

Phyllis Jarvis Nel Leaming Jan Mannor

John Sandula Vivian Olson

For those who suffer from chronic health issues/

mental health challenges.

For the safety of all our service personnel.

The Agape Prayer Line is a group of parishioners who pray

for these intentions as well as many private requests for


Marilyn Niesen is seeking someone to take the lead of this

important ministry. If you are interested in hearing more

about our Agape Prayer Line, please call:

Marilyn Niesen (231-938-9057)

Plan Ahead!! Sunday, October 2, 2021 2:30—3:30 pm

Traverse Area Life Chain along

Grandview Pkwy & Front Street

Christ the King has the corner of Front & Garfield

231-883-5491 for


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3801 Shore Rd. P.O. Box 95, Acme MI 49610 August 1, 2021

From the desk of Fr. Jarvis

Dear Parish Family,

We all need to eat. And in our current culture, food is, in many ways, the center of our lives, whether

we eat to live or live to eat. Food will determine our health and is a huge factor in our quality of life.

Whether we enjoy food to excess or find the most healthy ways to foster healthy living, eating is some-

thing which occupies a lot of our thoughts and much of our time. This is right, because we need to sus-

tain our energy in order to continue this journey of life. This idea of a journey was held strong among

the ancient Greeks in their custom of giving a supper to those setting out on a journey. They provided

the things necessary for such a journey: Food, money, clothes, utensils and expense. This was called

ephodion. The Latin equivalent is viaticus, “of or pertaining to a road or journey.” Therefore, viaticum

became the word used by many as a metaphor meaning provision for the journey on the road of life. This is why the Church

adopted this term for the last reception of Holy Communion by a member of the faithful before death. It refers to the food they

need to make the passage from this life to the next. This is the food that sustains us so that we can enter into a place where we

will never hunger and never thirst. Jesus tells the people in the Gospel today, “Amen, amen, I say to you, it was not Moses who

gave the bread from heaven; my Father gives you the true bread from heaven. For the bread of God is that which comes down

from heaven and gives life to the world” (John 6). The people then said to Jesus, “Sir, give us this bread always.” And Jesus pro-

nounced to them the great truth of who He is, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever be-

lieves in me will never thirst.”

Are we asking the question that the people in the Gospel asked? Do we ask our Lord to give us this bread—always? How do we

approach the altar of the Bread of Life? Do we give it as much thought and time as we do to our everyday food? This Bread of

Life is necessary for us to have life within as Jesus will tell us in the weeks to come. How do we prepare? With hearts made pure

through the Sacrament of Mercy in confession? Do we then open our hearts to the union and friendship that our Lord longs to

have with us? Are we willfully distracted as we listen to the readings of the word of God so that we then can approach the Holy

of Holies with hearts made pure as we are fed with the life giving bread from heaven? My answer to these questions is often a

lack of time. I make a regular confession but I often am distracted as the Holy Spirit knocks at the door of my heart in order to

invite me to open up to the Heart of Christ truly present in the Eucharist. But, with His help, and a simple ‘yes’, miracles can be

seen. Grace allows for eyes to see and ears to hear. When we commit to making the effort to think often of the mysteries of the

faith, when our day is saturated with the written word of God, when our heart is open to the Lord Jesus who is truly present in

the Blessed Sacrament, we can then begin to enter into what St. Paul speaks of in the Second reading by putting away “the old

self of [our] former way of life, corrupted through deceitful desires, and be renewed in the spirit of [our] minds, and put on the

new self, created in God’s way in righteousness and holiness of truth” (Ephesians 4: 23-24). This is the purification from worldly

things to the things of above. We need the gifts of God for this purification to come about and we need sustenance for the ener-

gy to persevere. This sustenance is viaticum. Not in the liturgical sense of Holy Communion at the time of death (although that

is so important) but rather, viaticum in the sense of food for the journey from this world to the next world, which raises our eyes

from this present life to the next. It is the lifting of our hearts to the mystery of life in Christ. And He offers the things necessary

for this journey: Family, Friendship, Mercy, Faith, Hope and Love which is the summit of all, His very Self in the Blessed Sacra-

ment. What a gift we have in this truth, Jesus gives us Himself, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the little Host. This is a reality to

live by because this is the food that will give a quality of life which is unmatched. May we keep our heart open to Him who is the

Bread from Heaven.

Viva Cristo Rey!

Fr. Jarvis

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3801 Shore Rd. P.O. Box 95, Acme MI 49610 August 1, 2021

Christ the King—FY 20-21 June Financials (Year End)

Normal Operations

2021 Actual Budget Variance 2020 Actual Variance

June Revenue $ 50,129 $ 46,140 $ 3,989 $ 46,974 $ 3,155

June Expenses $ 48,835 $ 40,124 $ (8,711) $ 44,823 $ (4,012)

June Net Income $ 1,295 $ 6,016 $ (4,721) $ 2,151 $ (856)

YTD Revenue $603,982 $512,518 $ 91,464 $520,656 $ 83,326

YTD Expenses $529,459 $516,677 $(12,782) $552,090 $ 22,631

YTD Net Income $ 74,523 $ ( 4,159) $ 78,682 $(31,434) $105,957

GTACS Assessment Paid YTD $ 213,492

NOTE: Christ the King was blessed with Special Collections, Target Donations and one-time Government

Grants that allowed us to show the following additional Net Income beyond our Normal Operations:

Revenue: $ 87,374

Expenses: $(13,714)

Net Income: $ 73,660 Thank you for your continued support of Christ the King.

Christ the King Pickleball Tournament

CTK Pickleball Courts

Wednesday, August 4th from 6:30—9:30 pm

Come and cheer on your favorite team!

Team 1: Lilly Bobrowski & Fr. Jarvis

Team 2: Steve Weldon & Pete Cesere

Team 3: Jeff Granger & Dave Kjeldgaard

Team 4: Becky Granger & Cindy Price

Time 5: James Thuente & Luke Gorman

Team 6: Luke & Chris Bobrowski

Bring a lawn chair *** Lemonade will be served

Donations welcome to support our Youth

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3801 Shore Rd. P.O. Box 95, Acme MI 49610 August 1, 2021

Next weekend, August 7/8, Dr. Kieran McNulty will briefly speak before each Mass. Dr. McNulty is an anthropologist who works in Kenya, and, with his siblings, has named a small school there to honor his parents' fiftieth wedding anniversary five years ago. The Kathy and Mike McNulty Academy educates the poor children on Rusinga Island who can-not afford even the meager fee required there for a public education. Families have been devastated by the HIV virus, so all of the children served at the school have lost at least one parent. Many are being raised by siblings! What began for 38 children, now serves 140! The Ministry of Education has issued a new requirement that provides a challenge: all early elementary schools must have a fourth grade (currently KMMA has grades pre-school through third). We ask for your prayers as we continue to work to provide school-ing, sanitation, and health services for these children. There will be a basket for dona-tions outside the back of the sanctuary. Our family will be there to answer any questions or to give you any literature you would like to peruse.

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3801 Shore Rd. P.O. Box 95, Acme MI 49610 August 1, 2021

It is estimated that over 2.4 million children are alive to-

day because of a federal policy called the Hyde Amend-

ment, which for 45 years has protected taxpayers from

funding elective abortions. Sadly, this amendment is now

In great danger of being repealed; your help is urgently


Pleases sign the petition today to call for the Hyde

Amendment’s passage. Together, we can send a unified

message to Congress that every person has dignity and

the right to life, and we strongly oppose use of taxpayer

dollars for funding abortion.

To learn more and sign the petition, visit:


Fall registration is open! The next Men’s WELCOME expe-

rience will take place on Saturday, October 9, 2021; and

the Women’s will take place on Saturday, October 23!

These one-day events will be held from approximately 7:30am through 10:00pm at Christ the

King, Acme. Participants, please plan to stay for the entire day.

WELCOME is an incredible experience that will add meaning to your life, help you develop lasting

friendships, and fill you with newfound energy and purpose. And WELCOME events are FREE!

WELCOME is open to adults, 18 years and older, who are no longer in high school, and reside

within the boundaries of the five Traverse City parishes.

Space is limited. Register today!

Registrations will be accepted through the Friday one week prior to the WELCOME experience!



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Please patronize the sponsors and

thank them for their kind generosity. Dan Brady Advertiser of

the Week!

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Christ the King is excited to announce our new Prayer Shawl Ministry!!!

This is a very powerful ministry for the maker of a prayer shawl and equally powerful for the recipient of a prayer. shawl. Just a beginner level is needed.

We also would be ever so grateful for any "free will" offerings to this new ministry. If you are able to help with a free will gift, just note that in your "memo" line on your cheek.

That would so helpful to us. Then we can purchase and resupply materials needed in the making of these beautiful prayer shawls. A prayer shawl can be crocheted, knitted, quilted, made with polar fleece....

For more information Please: Contact: Kathy White @: [email protected] C#: 231-632-8005

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