Page 1: Htike Htike , Equal Harmony Together (EHT) Htike , Equal Harmony Together (EHT) Arakan/Rakhine State Located in western Burma/Myanmar •Different ethnic groups, –Buddhist groups:

“Migration and Ethnicity and Rohingyas in Southeast Asia”

(13 October 2015)

Htike Htike ,

Equal Harmony Together (EHT)

Page 2: Htike Htike , Equal Harmony Together (EHT) Htike , Equal Harmony Together (EHT) Arakan/Rakhine State Located in western Burma/Myanmar •Different ethnic groups, –Buddhist groups:

Arakan/Rakhine State

Located in western Burma/Myanmar •Different ethnic groups,

– Buddhist groups: Rakhines/Arakan Buddhists Thet, Khami, Mro, Dynets,

Ma Ya Ma Gyi – Muslim groups: Rohingyas, Kaman Muslims,

Arakanese Muslims

Page 3: Htike Htike , Equal Harmony Together (EHT) Htike , Equal Harmony Together (EHT) Arakan/Rakhine State Located in western Burma/Myanmar •Different ethnic groups, –Buddhist groups:

Status of “Stateless, Rohingya Muslims” in Arakan/Rakhine, Burma/Myanmar

• The military-drafted 1982 citizenship law denied legal status to Rohingya Muslims.

It creates: • Restrictions of movement, • Restrictions of educational access, • Restrictions on employment access, • Marriage permission, • Restrictions on right to family life • No birth registration for newborns

Page 4: Htike Htike , Equal Harmony Together (EHT) Htike , Equal Harmony Together (EHT) Arakan/Rakhine State Located in western Burma/Myanmar •Different ethnic groups, –Buddhist groups:

2012 Arakan violences ,forced displacement in Arakan

• at least 150,000 Rohingya and Kaman are forced to leave home and displace in IDPs camps.

• Movement restriction has been extended

• Students are forced to drop from the School/University

• No access to the Hospital and City Market. • Humanitarian aid workers continue to face an hostile


Page 5: Htike Htike , Equal Harmony Together (EHT) Htike , Equal Harmony Together (EHT) Arakan/Rakhine State Located in western Burma/Myanmar •Different ethnic groups, –Buddhist groups:

violence in 2012 and forced displacement

Page 6: Htike Htike , Equal Harmony Together (EHT) Htike , Equal Harmony Together (EHT) Arakan/Rakhine State Located in western Burma/Myanmar •Different ethnic groups, –Buddhist groups:


Page 7: Htike Htike , Equal Harmony Together (EHT) Htike , Equal Harmony Together (EHT) Arakan/Rakhine State Located in western Burma/Myanmar •Different ethnic groups, –Buddhist groups:

Evacuation: Muslims from Kyauk Pyu township in 2012

Page 8: Htike Htike , Equal Harmony Together (EHT) Htike , Equal Harmony Together (EHT) Arakan/Rakhine State Located in western Burma/Myanmar •Different ethnic groups, –Buddhist groups:

Fleeing from Desperate situation to Dangerous Journey and uncertain future

The Rohingya from different part of Arakan are leaving by boats taking risk of their lives and aiming to reach to Malaysia

• number of Women and children joining the trip increased double since 2012 (35-40% are women and children). The latest Rohingya stat in Aceh -354 Women and Children out of 957.

Page 9: Htike Htike , Equal Harmony Together (EHT) Htike , Equal Harmony Together (EHT) Arakan/Rakhine State Located in western Burma/Myanmar •Different ethnic groups, –Buddhist groups:

Secret Jungle Camp/Off shore camp between Thailand and Malaysia

• Rohinya transiting to Malaysia are held in secret Jungle camp/ off shore camp where they are asked to pay ransom 1000-2000 USD

• Some Rohingya, including women and children, end up in secret camps run by brokers (people smugglers) in jungle areas

• They speak of "terrible conditions” such as insufficient drinking water and food.

• Some Rohingya suffered “Beri Beri”, which is caused for severe malnutrition.

• Women are reportedly raped by brokers in these camps.

Page 10: Htike Htike , Equal Harmony Together (EHT) Htike , Equal Harmony Together (EHT) Arakan/Rakhine State Located in western Burma/Myanmar •Different ethnic groups, –Buddhist groups:

Indefinite detention in Thailand

• Rohingya are being arrested in police stations and detained in various Immigration Detention Centers where they face indefinite detention.

• “soft deportation” or “escape” is the only option to be out of this prolong detention.

• Some groups have been charged as illegal migrants and sent to prison.

• They have to stay in overcrowded cells. Food and access to health care are very limited.

• they are not given any means to communicate with their families whether in Burma or in other countries.

Page 11: Htike Htike , Equal Harmony Together (EHT) Htike , Equal Harmony Together (EHT) Arakan/Rakhine State Located in western Burma/Myanmar •Different ethnic groups, –Buddhist groups:

Rohingya Women and Children in Thailand

• Women and children are kept in separate shelters run by the Thai Ministry of Social Development.

• generally better condition, though the connection to their families is still uncertain as per shelter regulations.

• Most of them suffer psychological problems due to their uncertain future, family separation, and lack of family connection.

Page 12: Htike Htike , Equal Harmony Together (EHT) Htike , Equal Harmony Together (EHT) Arakan/Rakhine State Located in western Burma/Myanmar •Different ethnic groups, –Buddhist groups:

Boat Crisis in May

• Thailand cracked down human trafficking/sumggling rings.

• Boats are abounded by traffickers/smugglers in the international water.

• boats are “rejected” to disembarked inThailand, Malaysia, Indonesia.

• After weeks of strand in the international waters, – Around 1000 landed in Langkawi – three boats/ 1744 refugee and migrants reached

to Aceh, where SAR was done by fishermen.

Page 13: Htike Htike , Equal Harmony Together (EHT) Htike , Equal Harmony Together (EHT) Arakan/Rakhine State Located in western Burma/Myanmar •Different ethnic groups, –Buddhist groups:

Around 600 Rohingya refugees & Bangladeshi migrants arrived at the coast of North Aceh with this “green boat/Dragon” boat

in early May.

Page 14: Htike Htike , Equal Harmony Together (EHT) Htike , Equal Harmony Together (EHT) Arakan/Rakhine State Located in western Burma/Myanmar •Different ethnic groups, –Buddhist groups:


Immediate solution • Access to Humanitarian Assistance ( including health and education) and

livelihood projects in Arakan State.

• Freedom of movement

• Call upon ASEAN governments to ensure that Rohingya refugees are granted access to adequate humanitarian assistance

Long Term solution • Myanmar government to end the statelessness of the Rohingya.

• Education for peaceful co-existence

• ASEAN governments to ratify the 1951Refugee Convention and develop regional and domestic legislation and systems for protecting refugees;

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