Page 1: Humanidades Digitales: día 2, primera parte

Humanidades Digitales

Bárbara Bordalejo@TextualScholar @bordalejoUniversity of Saskatchewan

University of [email protected]

Page 2: Humanidades Digitales: día 2, primera parte

Las Humanidades Digitales (HD) son un área de investigación, creación y enseñanza que se ocupa de la intersección entre las disciplinas humanísticas y las tecnologías de computación. Abarca una amplia gama de temas, desde desarrollar una colección digital, libros electrónicos, archivos y museos digitales, hasta minería de datos de bases de datos culturales, visualización y herramientas digitales destinadas a la lingüística, literatura, historia, arqueología, antropología, entre otras, incorporando materiales digitalizados y nacidos digitales. Nuestra propuesta de qué es un humanista digital pretende ser lo más inclusiva posible así que no hay restricciones.

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¿Qué es la codificación de textos?

¿Cómo funciona?


Textual Encoding Initiative

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¿Qué son los lenguages de marcado?

Se trata de una serie de instrucciones en un documento para componer un texto.

De Wikipedia: son “sistemas para anotar documentos en formas que se pueden distinguir sintácticamente del texto.”

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Tipos de codificación

De presentación

De procedimiento


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Lenguajes de marcado

SGML Standard Generalized Markup Language

HTML HyperText Markup Language

XML eXtensible Markup Language

XHTML eXtensible HyperText Markup Language

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Document Type Declaration DOCTYPE

Elements Los elementos básicos que se usan en HTML

Empty elements

No tienen contenido


Modificadores que alteran los elementos

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""><!DOCTYPE html>

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HTMLElements Los elementos básicos que se usan en HTML

<h1>Título</h1><p>Lo que sea que quieras decir sobre cualquier cosa que puedas pensar.</p><p>Todavía más cosas que quieras decir sobre lo mismo.</p>

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HTMLElements Los elementos básicos que se usan en HTML

<h1>Título</h1><p>Lo que sea que quieras decir sobre cualquier cosa que puedas pensar.</p><p>Todavía más cosas que quieras decir sobre lo mismo.</p>

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Modificadores que alteran los elementos

Un hiperenlace se codifica <a> </a>

Pero para completar el hiperenlace se requiere un atributo que defina la referencia: <a href=“”></a>

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Modificadores que alteran los elementos

Un hiperenlace se codifica <a> </a>

Pero para completar el hiperenlace se requiere un atributo que defina la referencia: <a href=“”></a>

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HTMLEmpty elements

No tienen contenido


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The Machine Us/ing Us

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TEI header simple

TEI header complejo

Descripción de códices

Codificación de texto

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<title> Título</title></titleStmt><publicationStmt>

<p>Obra en preparación</p>


<p>Fuente del texto.</p>



<body><div type="chapter">


<p>El primer párrafo.</p>

<p>El segundo párrafo. </p>



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<title>Título</title><principal>Nombre del investigador


<publisher>Cambridge University Press</publisher>

<date>1995</date><availability status="restricted"><p>Prohibida su


<bibl>Fuente del texto.</bibl></sourceDesc>


<projectDesc><p>Tu proyecto.</p>


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<editorialDecl><correction status="low">

<p>Light</p></correction><normalization method="silent">



<langUsage><language id="EN">English</language>


<change n="2"><date>2/3/95</date><respStmt>

<name>You </name><resp>Editor</resp>

</respStmt><item>Second check</item>


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<change n="1"><date>1/3/95</date><respStmt>

<name>Me </name><resp>Drudge</resp>

</respStmt><item>First check</item>



<body><div type="chapter">

<head>The title</head><p>The first paragraph</p><p>The second paragraph</p>



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<msDesc xml:id="CTPDHg" n="Hg"><msIdentifier>

<settlement><name type="place">Aberystwyth</name></settlement>

<repository>National Library of Wales</repository><idno> Peniarth 392 D </idno><altIdentifier><idno>Hengwrt MS 154</idno></altIdentifier>


<p><title rend="ital">Canterbury Tales</title> (mutilated: missing <rs type="CTPD-F">VIII 554-1481</rs> [probably never included in Hg] and <rs type="CTPD-F">X 1180-end</rs>; <ref target="NIMEV"><hi rend="ital">NIMEV</hi></ref> 4019/45)</p>

<note type="taleorder"><p>Present order: <rs type="CTPD-F">I III VII<hi

rend="sup">ef</hi> IX II V<hi rend="sup">a</hi> IV<hi rend="sup">b</hi> V<hi rend="sup">b</hi> VIII<hi rend="sup">a</hi> IV<hi rend="sup">a</hi> VI VII<hi rend="sup">abcd</hi> X (to 1180)</rs></p>

<p>There are good reasons to believe that <rs type="CTPD-F">VII<hi rend="sup">ef</hi> IX</rs> (Section II) were intended to follow <rs type="CTPD-F">II V<hi rend="sup">a</hi> IV<hi rend="sup">b</hi> V<hi rend="sup">b</hi> VIII<hi rend="sup">a</hi> IV<hi rend="sup">a</hi> VI VII<hi rend="sup">abcd</hi></rs> (Section IV): Section II begins with the <rs type="CTPD-T">Mel-Mk link</rs>, and Section V, in its first line (fol. <figure n="Hg-235r"><figDesc>235<hi rend="sup">r</hi></figDesc></figure>), signals that the <rs type="CTPD-T">MancT</rs> was the previous text (and the reading has been altered to make that link).</p>

</note><note type="copying"><p>The presence of catchwords at the ends of most

quires (absent at the end of the anomalous Q [6]), excepting those that come at the ends of structural sections, most probably indicates that the exemplars were acquired in the form of booklets (see <ref target="doyla79">Doyle and Parkes 1979</ref>, pp. xxvi; <ref target="hannr89b">Hanna 1989b</ref>). Although <ref target="MR40">Manly-Rickert</ref> (1:267) argue that Q [6] results from the scribe&rsquo;s having continued to copy from the verso of the first leaf of the new quire directly to its conjugate, rather than the recto of a new leaf, <ref target="doyla79">Doyle and Parkes</ref> caution that &ldquo;Manly and Rickert did not notice that there is some difference of the membrane, frame, and ink between quires 6 and 7 and those on either side&rdquo; (1979, pp. xxvii). The ink in Qq [6-7] is a flatter, more faded shade of grayish-brown as compared with the ink in neighboring quires. Following on this point, <ref target="hannr89">Hanna</ref> describes the parchment as being of a &ldquo;greyish tinge quite unlike any other sheets in the vicinity.&rdquo;<note type="editorial">My re-examination of the MS in July 1995 did not discover this greyish tinge. There may be a slight reddish hue in this section, but the parchment is greyish throughout the MS.</note> He conjectures that the single bifolium that constitutes Q [6] is indicative of the scribe&rsquo;s having failed to receive all of the copytext for <rs type="CTPD-F">Fragment I</rs> at one time, and that the copytext for Qq [7-8] arrived later. Thus Q [6] represents a temporary &ldquo;booklet boundary, later superseded.... But this momentary hesitation indicates that even continuous units of Chaucer&rsquo;s text were not always available in their continuous wholes to the scribe or to his director&rdquo; (1989: pp. 68-9).</p><p>Structural section II is written in a lighter shade of yellowish-brown ink, the same shade that appends the note &ldquo;Of this Cokes tale | maked Chaucer na | moore&rdquo; to fol. 57<hi rend="sup">v</hi>, suggesting that the exemplar for <rs type="CTPD-F">Fragment III</rs> was obtained separately and that the text was inserted between two other structural sections where it could most easily be accommodated.</p> <p>In Section III, <rs type="CTPD-T">McT</rs> follows <rs type="CTPD-T">NPT</rs> without any sign of hesitation (fol. <figure n="Hg-107r"><figDesc>107<hi rend="sup">r</hi></figDesc></figure>); no thought seems to have been given to the possibility that Fragment <rs type="CTPD-F">VIII</rs> might intervene. </p><p>Section IV presents a number of textual and physical anomalies. <rs type="CTPD-T">MLT</rs> ends at the bottom of fol. 128<hi rend="sup">r</hi> (the first folio of Q [18]), with the verso left blank (now filled with the <name type="person">Brereton</name> family records). Presumably, the scribe hoped to find a link to the following (fol. 129<hi rend="sup">r</hi>) <rs type="CTPD-T">SqT</rs>. At the &ldquo;end&rdquo; of <rs type="CTPD-T">SqT</rs> (<rs type="CTPD-F">V 672</rs>), at the top of fol. 137<hi rend="sup">v</hi>, the scribe at first left the rest of that page blank and proceeded to copy <rs type="CTPD-T">MerT</rs> from the top of fol. 138<hi rend="sup">r</hi> (judging from the varying shades of ink). Later, the scribe inserted <rs type="CTPD-T">Fk Headlink</rs>, altered at <rs type="CTPD-F">V 675</rs> to read &ldquo;Marchant,&rdquo; in a yellowish ink (as in Section III).</p>

<p>On fol. 151<hi rend="sup">r</hi>, at <rs type="CTPD-F">IV2319</rs>, there is a distinct change from dark brown to grayish ink. It is at just this point (<rs type="CTPD-F">IV 2318</rs>: see <ref target="MR40">Manly-Rickert</ref> 2:281-3; <ref target="dempg48a">Dempster 1946</ref>) that several MS groups apparently change their affiliations. The plausible explanation is that while Hg was able to acquire text for the rest of the tale, the apparent early fragmentation of the exemplar was problematic for many other MSS. At the end of <rs type="CTPD-T">MerT</rs> (fol. 152<hi rend="sup">v</hi>), the scribe left the rest of that page blank. (The lower half of 152<hi rend="sup">v</hi> is now filled with a memorandum of <name type="person">Andrew Brereton</name>). Having anticipated that a link/prologue and the first twelve lines of the tale would not fit on the space remaining on fol. 152<hi rend="sup">v</hi> (or perhaps lacking those lines in the copytext), the scribe apparently continued copying from <rs type="CTPD-F">V 721</rs> at the top of the present fol. 154<hi rend="sup">r</hi>, leaving the join for a later date&mdash;in fact, it would appear, the very last bits that <name type="scribe">Adam Pinkhurst</name> produced for the Hengwrt project&mdash;at which time the <rs type="CTPD-T">Sq-Fk Link</rs> was adapted for the purpose and it, along with the first lines of <rs type="CTPD-T">FkT</rs>, were copied on an inserted singleton, fol. 153, with an ample amount of casting off to fill out the folio (<ref target="doyla79">Doyle and Parkes 1979</ref>, pp. xxxi; <ref target="MR40">Manly-Rickert</ref> 1:271-2).</p><p>Quire [22] is also problematic and seems to provide evidence of the late arrival of <rs type="CTPD-T">SNT</rs>. The quire is double the usual length, the scribe apparently having become aware in the midst of the quire that copytext for <rs type="CTPD-T">SNT</rs> was to be made available. The fact that the ink changes color (to a darker shade) for the text of <rs type="CTPD-T">SNT</rs>, while it is the same shade in the texts preceding and following (<rs type="CTPD-T">FkT</rs> and <rs type="CTPD-T">CLPro & T</rs>), suggests that although provision was made for <rs type="CTPD-T">SNT</rs> through the expansion of the quire, the scribe did not in fact copy that text until some time later (<ref target="doyla79">Doyle and Parkes</ref> surmise that it was not until after work on Section IV was complete that the scribe returned to <rs type="CTPD-T">SNT</rs> [1979, pp. xxxi]). It must have been too late to restructure the quire so that it would contain only the end of <rs type="CTPD-T">FkT</rs>, allowing <rs type="CTPD-T">SNT</rs> and <rs type="CTPD-T">ClT</rs> to be copied on a separate gatherings of appropriate size. Instead, the scribe completed <rs type="CTPD-T">FkT</rs> on the first added recto (fol. 165<hi rend="sup">r</hi>) and left the rest of that page blank (which the <name type="person">Banestar</name> family later filled with their records). The color of ink indicates that the scribe then began to copy <rs type="CTPD-T">ClPro</rs> at the top of what was originally the fifth verso (fol. 173<hi rend="sup">v</hi>). As <ref target="doyla79">Doyle and Parkes</ref> observe, the explicit for <rs type="CTPD-T">FkT</rs> is added by someone other than the scribe, probably the same hand as that of the running heads and the glosses in <rs type="CTPD-T">PsT</rs> (1979, pp. cccii, xliii).</p>

<p>Blank space was left by the scribe in <rs type="CTPD-T">Mel</rs> (VII 1777, fol. <figure n="Hg-233r"><figDesc>233<hi rend="sup">r</hi></figDesc></figure>). <ref type="wholedoc" target="CTPDEl">El</ref> is OUT at this same point in the text. It would seem that his copytext (Chaucer&rsquo;s &ldquo;foul papers&rdquo;?) was illegible at this point and he responded by leaving exactly the same space as the unreadable text in his exemplar.</p> <p>Section V, although currently ordered to follow <rs type="CTPD-T">Mel</rs>, signals that <rs type="CTPD-T">MancT</rs> should have been the previous text. This was accomplished through an <figure n="Hg-235r"><figDesc>erasure</figDesc></figure> in <rs type="CTPD-F">X 1</rs>, with &ldquo;Mau[n]ciple&rdquo; being substituted for whatever underlay it originally.<note type="editorial">Several attempts to recover the underlying reading have been made with UV light, all unsuccessful. On 15 July, 1997, Ceridwen Lloyd-Morgan, of the National Library of Wales, and I tried again with the Video Spectral Comparator, again with unhappy results.</note></p>




<p>Parchment: &ldquo;more probably sheep than calf...of middling thickness and quality, with a good mat (velvety) finish&rdquo; (<ref target="doyla79">Doyle and Parkes 1979</ref>, pp. xxi), trimmed and very stained. Portions eroded (gnawed by rats?) have been replaced with blank parchment (1956).</p>


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El manuscrito Hegwrt

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<pb n="2r" facs="2R.JPG"/><div n="GP" type="G"><lb/><l n="IRE">Here bygynneth the Book of the tales of Caunt<am> ̉</am><ex>er</ex>bury.</l><lb/><l n="1">WHan that Aueryll w<am>ᵗ</am><ex>ith</ex> his shoures soote</l><lb/><l n="2">The droghte of March / hath <am> </am><ex>per</ex>ced to the ꝑroote</l><lb/><l n="3">And bathed euery veyne in swich lycour</l><lb/><l n="4">Of which v<am> ̉</am><ex>er</ex>tu engendred is the flour</l><lb/><l n="5">Whan zephirus eek w<am>ᵗ</am><ex>ith</ex> his sweete breeth</l><lb/><l n="6">Inspired hath in euery holt and heeth</l><lb/><l n="7">The tendre croppes / and the yonge sonne</l><lb/><l n="8">Hath in the Ram / his half cours yronne</l><lb/><l n="9">And smale foweles / maken melodye</l><lb/><l n="10">That slepen al the nyght with open Iye</l><lb/><l n="11">So priketh hem nature / in hir corages</l><lb/><l n="12">Thanne longen folk to goon on pilgrymages</l><lb/><l n="13">And Palmeres for to seeken straunge strondes</l><lb/><l n="14">To ferne halwes / kouthe in sondry londes</l>



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Límites y posibilidades

Con la flexibilidad del TEI también vienen problemas de compatibilidad.Esa misma flexibilidad permite

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Consideraciones teóricas

Consideraciones para transcripciones

1. ¿Qué transcribir?

2. ¿Con qué finalidad?

3. ¿Cómo transcribir?

4. Grado de complejidad de la transcripción

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Now if we could<app>

<rdg type="orig">but get</rdg><rdg type="c1">get</rdg><rdg type="lit">

<seg type="rp”><seg type="overwritten" rend="pencil" >but</seg><seg type="overwrite" rend="ink" >get</seg>

</seg > <seg type="strike" rend="ink" ><seg


</app>a young Heiress

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Now if we could<app>

<rdg type="orig">but get</rdg><rdg type="c1">get</rdg><rdg type="lit">

<seg type="rp”><seg type="overwritten" rend="pencil" >but</seg><seg type="overwrite" rend="ink" >get</seg>

</seg > <seg type="strike" rend="ink" ><seg


</app>a young Heiress

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Now if we could<app>

<rdg type="orig">but get</rdg><rdg type="c1">get</rdg><rdg type="lit">

<seg type="rp”><seg type="overwritten" rend="pencil" >but</seg><seg type="overwrite" rend="ink" >get</seg>

</seg > <seg type="strike" rend="ink" ><seg


</app>a young Heiress

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